Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 01, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    .11 A I A,
wordEa11 insertion
insertions 5 cents, one mo
?f nx Minimum per ad 2S
n;t Insertion only ta New Today,
fust m. advance aad not tak-
C3?er Pbon. unles advertiser baa
B over . vj tiinvanist for
No allowance tori
m .
r vtkli louns v..u
!..,n v twodays each week.
Call room
Blish hole! Sunday
,HJL to at the BliKh hotel; teleone
L for demonstration engagement
-rTcvLK 1 bay team. weight
.Liit 140 e.ioh. wo
ti -,fh irill work either
i-e or double and Ao.
pikers. C. F. I-ansing.
I fast
-rr;jl plastered bungalow, base
ment, fine condition, good lot, north
aiem 3U00, terms. Brown, room
J4l' Slat.'. n!06
TIckKS for rent, close; 6 room
house. large lot ar line- ci,y wa
,er terms. Price $950. Brown, room
8 341 State. b105
TTOLK COUNT aOO acres, a No.
1 firm, no better in Polk county;
house and barn, all in cultivation-except
40 acres. Finely locat
ed, at station four miles from town,
uood roads. Price $125 per acre.
Good terms. J. H. Morau, Mon
mouth, Ore. 15
dp it. SALESMEN, with car prefer
red, in your locality. $59 to $200
eekly, selling that wonderful Co
raja" patch not an "all rubber" or
khaki back it's different patent
, ed nothing else lise it on the mar-
' let. No competition. You can make
a clean up best in the world, for
automobile inner tubes territory
free (You can start with a $6 or
der.) "Coraja" Rubber Mfg. Co.,
Dallas, Texas. P. S: Have several
openings for state managers with
$500 to f 1000 capital. Should easily
make $500 to $2000 per month. Be
miick, or the other fellow will get
TPANTED To hear from owner of
mod ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush
Minneapolis, Minn.
IP1RBLLA corsets sold by Mrs. Alice
A Miles. 461 N. 21st. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Home Thursday
afternoon. Phone muzj.
WANTED Lady or gentleman agent
wanted in Salem for Watkins Fa
mous Products. Watkins goods
known everywhere. Big- profits-.
Write today. Watkins company, 61
Winona, Minn.
(10 INVESTED in oil leases may
make $10,000; $2 acre. Oil leases m
Texas Rainbow's End. Opening new
field may make your lease worth
$1008 acre. This has happened In
Texas. Many drilling wells near
my holdings. Buy low; sell high.
That way makes fortune, for lease
owners. Remit $10 for 6 -acres.
Write free information oil maps.
Pecos Valley Co., 114 N. Robin
son St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
MaKRY FOR wealth, happiness.
Hundreds rich, attractive, congen
ial, willing to wed. Photos free.
Mra. Wain, 221(114 Temple St., Los
Ansele.i. Cal.
PKETTr photos and descriptions of
ladies anxious to marry, rich to the
working girl; strictly confidential.
Box 8li, Sta. C, Los Angeles, Cal.
TOUR future foretold; Send dime,
blrthdate for truthful reliable con-1
vfnciriig trial reading. Hazel Hause,
oox Zli, Los Angeles, Cal.
aAKKr if lonely; for results, try
me; Dest and most successful
"Home Maker;" hundred, rich. wish
marriage soon; strictly confiden
tial; most reliable; years ' experi
ence; descriptions, free. "The 'Suc
cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, bor B5,
Oakland, Calif. . 277
$10 buys five acres Texas field.
Desdiamonia lenses sold at 75c now
worth $10,000 per acre. Carter
paid 75c per acre and sold for $8,
000 per acre. Texas-Rainbows Hnd
now opening up shows game geo
logical formation as proven terri
tory. Leases here may Jump any
Price with first well coming in. It s
speculation, but the kind of spec
ulation that has made many small
wvestors rich. The Fortuna Oil Co.
fA ? '? by 8evernI men Pooimg
w in leases sold out recently
lor- a million dollars. If you don't
onderstand lease business, we wUl
Bdly explain all details. Remit $10
. for five acres. We send you legal
lease form and keep you in touch
with developments. Send name for
tree map and full information.
Rainbow's End Co., 417 Herskow
-J!i!dg-. Oklahoma Cltv. Okla. 81
WjuESJiEN-A're you desirous of in':
creasing your income? We need a
Seek w" m lUvi(1''nd p"yi," "
estieat dn a-..u.. , , ....
Wm r t. """ ior paritcuiars.
j. J'unn, 1
23-31 West 43d
Sivd '""Oa-l'PPer Sacramento
WmeV r uy S'avlty from Sac
L,u .1 rlv,er' abundant, perpetual
en. ir 0 i,l un(. Pears, peach
folf ra" buries,, al-
in IV, : L.ana now sell-
U-ito' . . H0 for uPPf lev
d .'.".5 ' $200 for rlvei- bnttnm
Wyntent. I"? ,0 Vm ncre- Time
, r'nientl'- Send for riUQr.rin.
of ?warem Swetary. Chamber
Anderson, California
" A NT K
: 1 ir.., :
lite ln or ,wo Ku reliable
'"'soodnii ,flesmfn 'tor Salem
v eonV'f old Un company. A dan
mission contract to offer- it
. ' can L0,, ! l00k int0 thi8
Ven-him T lJ'lsura"ce- Superior
"" ""is-. Portland, Or,
" 50 ,'""er '".vine; "train.
ji1" r ,ne" t. ,
lam.. -wut an
acre Of fine
frJ "ind
!Jk ,tr,et.
corner 22d and
Owner, phone
'11lH .
REvr" x -
ished rooms
''Typp11- R""evu St. 106
?1'th, Wnt"iti,0.:!l the-feest book
son" v l" lnp
ioiiists "u anm ' I'ronioiTionli
!2? 5 ; at, 4 '3 N. Cotta
woman 1 for
T 'CgsCcana"y a"ernoons
L "S3- C W H care Journ-
'jK8aT?- . 10
"arlint t ' U aa tor " Boo.
1 tin I1, Plg" or toy
W "ne-norse woeon.
M ,2.0r toil , U
woeon. good
tySLJIPm- 15
ly rotmi" D"a'.n, 'rl one
ilr or f'fpPnft- Porch
r tak. T"" "snt house
t " "xxie durin. r boy ln t"8'"
t V t. or ! day- Cal1 t 44
V" d Z Thor"' "OM between
-rm, j' or call a, nnT T!f !i
' Wrs- Ioddridge, 108
Prfferj . "'tast;
AVi7--Tl-iJLnl''-ch St. J108
ort rr."man lor liirht
TCil.W'';1 lMhr top rubber
r-2J"0M """'"J lurnished.
EJrsfr 1 0 5
Tet,K?"ne to take or. f
UWA i. ,
Full SALK lo
cords ouk wood, new i
pole. F.
ster body for 5 ni,sn v.'",a -
model; new 44 rahhpf
good shotgun or rifi L.. " r Ior !
i - .w. os par
tlul"! Look! 10 u aeif. f,,-"
. . :. !' "awe. lavs
e. lava
. -'
10 minutes
: . i suuie mil t
and chi,k toVelstie
iruit, . acres In hay. some garden
and potatoes planted. 3 acres in
one field just right for logins or
enr; 1 horse, harness and buWv
new Plow and harrow. I fine j"
cow and calf, fresh onlv short tim?
1 stand, of bees, a dose", hen.' alou.
20 young chickens. 2 ineBbaors
You en't beat this at $4So This
is a real snap; $2S00 will handle it!
terms on balance. Phone 60Fs and
make date to look at It
tAKut, modern sleeping room
:m. . unerty St.
APARTMJS.NT house fUrL.hi ......
buS1,ess for sale, close to State St
?hi!f P f,r.i8 d0ing 8 bi business,
this will be sold before Tuesday
5rBu. m- Geo- Parks. 365
IN. ritn St. t ak
- - j- m iiontru moa-
. ent'en'an- Phone
1152 after six p. m. or call at i02
vrl"rr t. Bunaays. in
tOH SALfc Nearly new mak, flat
top business desk, dining room set
dresser, stoves, curtains, rugs and
draperies-. Phone 1688W. i05
I want a small place close to Sa
lem. Address Arthur Chase, Ma
rion hotel. ,s
LOOANBEKKK. tips for sale. Phone
. HI
FOR SALE Six room house. 971
I'nion St.
YOUNG pigs, for, sale.
Phone 44F14.
run. Kt,m furnished room and
nome cooked meals at 771 N Cot
tage St. Phone 1003: ' in
FOil SALE White Plymouth Rn-U
hens. Phone 8F3. finx
bOtt KhiT Good pasture close In.
good water. Phone 1548,1. io
FOR SALE Some second growth 4-
iooi nr wood, 2-3 dry. Phone 1565
i' uti oALh 1 good farm wagon and
wood rack, 1 one-ton Maxwell
- truck in good repair. Will sell cheap
See F. K. Loose, 226 State St, Sa
lo". - cl07
ortuci fertilizer in large or
smull quantities. Phone 933. Cnpi-
ihi my iransrer Co. cl07"
FOR RENT Furnished or
ifhed rooms. Phone 1360.
CLASSY Ford bug to trade for Ford
touring or roadster. 187 S. Liberty
. street. 105.
FOR SALE Ford, 1918 model, A-l
condition, good rubber $450. 187
S. Liberty St. 105
C. C. KAYS roof repairing, reshingl
ing and tarring. Phone Cherry
City hotel. mllO
FOR SALE Team young small hors
es, well broken, cheap. Phone 1264
R. 903 I'nlon. 105
FOR RENT Apartment at The Mil
ler. Quiet couple. ji 0 7
-Potatoes. Phone 1205M.
FOR SALE Oregon Burbank
potatoes. Phone 62F11.
FOR SALE Cheap, or trade for Sa-
lem property, a 7 room house and
good lot on paved street, in East
Albany, near good stores and school
and ne wcannery. Phone 1616R
noon, or evenings after 6 o'clock.
FOR SALK At a sacrifice, model 10
mahonagy vicirola, with automatic
stop. Price including over 40 rec
ords, 4 albums, needle cutter, etc.,
$85. 1360 N. 18th St. Phone 1574J.
FOR SALE 10 acres, 9 logans,
bearing, contract crop at 13 today.
Box 10 Capital Journal. n
WAwTE I) A chambermaid at the
Rex hotel, 462, State. Phone 1748.
' ' ' gl06
For Sale Houses.
WANTED To buy email modern
bungalow, close in. Want to deal di
rect with owner. Box R G Capital
Journal. 1110
FOR SALE 5 rootn plastered house
' with bath and pantry, on paved
street, 3 blocks from car. Fruit
trees and garden. Price $2000 with
$1300 cash. See owner 335 N. 24th
St. , ' " 105
LEAVING city soon. I am offering
my 7 room bungalow for sale, six
blocks from O. E. depot, paved
street; has white enamel bath, pan
try, basement, furnace, large screen
ed porch, roomy garage, some fruit
kit 50x150. All rooms large and in
good condition. Immediate posses
sion can be given. Phone 1620W.
FOR SALE 6 room modern house,
. located at 332 N. 24th. Phone 1450
M. a!07
FOR SALE Attractive 5 room house
semi-modern. Price $1350. ' See
owner Rayford T. Goode, 1136
Jefferson St. city. a!05
FOR SAM5 3 good house buys, $1,
600, 1850, $2100. Hart & Muller,
208 Oregon bldg. a
WE have legitimate buyers for good
five and six room, bungalows, and
for well Improved suburban prop
erties. W. A. Liston, agent, 484
Court street. I
WANTED A six room house. Must
be all on one, floor and fully mod
ern; north or east front, and situ
ated west of Fifteenth, south of
Marion and north of Ferry street
This must be a bargain for ' spot
cash. Phone 1092 between t and
8:30 p. m. ' 1
Best in town. You-will say so when
you see it, almost new. Everything
is absolutely modern and the best,
with the exception of no basement.
The entire furnishings of the house
are for sale, are the best. Price is
below the construction cost Price
$2500 cash, or will handle it. S.
R. Pearson A Peed, 405 Oregon
bldg.' Phone 43. a'
PHONR 951. 329 OREGON bldg. S
SEVERAL houses for sale, among
them a t room bungalow. Inquire
492 N. Cottaa-e. ohone 1186. alll
FOR SALE Eight room strictly
modern home. Paved streets and
garage. East front. Five blocks from
supreme court building. Price $6000
with $2000 or more cash, balanee
on monthly payments. W. A. Lis
ton. 484 Chort street. nl".
tuH SALE 6 room cottage. Dam.
toilet 8 blocks from post office on
N. Church street Price $2260. Hart
Muller, 29$ Oregon bldg.
1 ica;e farms,
1 j .. - - . . .
Bin. ui tn mo
v per acre. Se
J. C.
- owner Made:
MO i
ffs! ot soil with varietv
of fmi k .I"-" ."-"J orcnard
- iiiig uuit trees: some
ho h Pl8C: 6 room Postered
L?' a f?w blck from city
XL?"- Place. "Lk at
nee s x r :
Peed 4t rtarsonn ft
4 u ,Bram' 8lna11 house d barn
6o m',e,1ea8t ot Salem. Price $4.
600 Hart & Muner 208 j
iJTi20- miles "from"
i;i , v :res cu Uvated, old
m Lrn-.rehar,: taie 3.
Pric' f 0ak srub- t""ber.
. v vir'n Diag.
."6 Biaie or cultivation, i acre,
prunes. 3 strawberries. 4 acres
gooseberries; fair buildings, on good
road 4 miles out; one team and
harness, 1 cow. 1 buggy and har
nes 1 farm and 1 fruit wagon, all
farm Implements; Immediate pos
session. Price $8500. Write box 132
m. a, saiem Or
CHfllOH i . . '. .
located Just-outside city limits, i
blocks from Center St earlin on
asylum road, all eultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3506. good
term 8. a acres adjoining the
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2S00. Haw
king and Roberts, 205 Oregon bids
Phone 1427. h.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FO RSALE 3 ranee Kan humor rn
forenoons at 295 N. Summer. c!05
WE HAVE for sale two very fine
used Chickering pianos. Call today
if you ever want a piano they are
,barsains. The Wiley B. Allen Co.,
FOR SALE Cheap 9 pairs of cur
tains, like new. Call ft 40 Ferry St
mornings. 1fte
ALL kinds of cut flowers. Dotted
plant, and ferns. Greenhouse 1298
8. 13th street. Phone 1250W. dll7
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SALE Fresh cows. Pho
ne 96
FOR SALE 16 head goats. W. L. Mc-
miiney. i-none 100F32. el05
DOR SALE 2 big teams,- 2 big wa
gons, 2 set of harness, 1 brood sow,
l8tockhog;975 S, 22d St. e!04
WANTED Milk cow for feed and
keep. Phone 37F22. hot
FOR SALE A irnrfl ,.. "
plete outfit to haul wood and an
all summer's Job with it. Phone
nzz arter 7 p. m. K
YES, I can use more young calves. C.
v,. xusen. fnone MK.l. it
SALE r One SDan Parchernr,
black mares, weight about 3000
lbs. O. E. Thomas, Stayton, Rt. 2.
FOR SALE 31 young ewes with 39
rany mums. nawKins & Roberts,
205 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE Fine driving horse, rub
ber tired buggy and fine harness,
worth $400, price $175. Phone 29
F3. H. W. Bowden. e
FOR SALE 2 fresh cows, 2015 N.
Commercial. ei06
For Sale W 00a.
WOOD FOR SALE First class 16-
incn ana 4-foot dry cord wood,
strictly cash. Office at 805 South
Church St., phone 1542. Fred E.
Wells. Prompt delivery. ee
WOOD for - sale, second growth fir.
$ a cord delivered. Empey Traus
fer. Phone 998, night 879J. ee!06
FOR BALE-p-70 cords white and red
fir on ground; would consider mall
car in trade. See Roy Coffey, lit. 3,
box 192. eelOS
FOR SALE Second growth fir wood
$9.60 per cord, sawed; old fir
$10.50. Call 1953. eel26
WOOD for sale, 16-inch and 4 foot
old fir. Phone 981M. 105
For SalePoultry
HIGH grade Rhode Island Red eggs
for hatching, $1 per dozen. 1402 N.
16th. ' fm
Leading varieties now on hand. Call
today at 568 State St. Phone 400.
$1860 PER 1U0 for White Leghorn
baby chicks. Now ready for deliv
ery. C. N. Needham, 650 State St.
Phone 400. , fill
WANTED 100 three to five weeks
old chicks- of the larger breed, no
fancy stock; must be cheap for
cash. Bring to 2515 N. 5th St. cl07
-A real automobile; driven less than
1000 miles. Cord' tires. In perfect
condition, and carries a guarantee
of a new car. See It. The B. & C.
Motor Co.. 178 S. Commercial ql05
FOR SALE Ford touring car, late
model, -little used, cheap; also Chev
rolet 5 passenger, used only one
season. 558 Union St. q!05
FOR SALE 1918 6 passenger Ford,
in first class shape, must be sold at
once. Inquire at 441 N. 24th St. or
phono 1952W. ql09
This little 4 cylinder roadster has
' been overhauled and repainted, 4
good 30x3 tires. Will go 26 miles
to the gallon. $270 down, balance
easy terms. Phone Adams, 361, 158
H. Commercial St. qlOS
This car has only been used a few
weeks, lias 4 oversize tires and is
Just as good as a new car. You can
gave $226 by buying this. Will give
easy terms. Phone Adams, 361. 156
S. Commercial St. ql05
FOR SALE Avery tractor, . mower
and rake, plow and motorcycle. A.
Kilian, Rt. 6, asylum -farm road.
Motor thoroughly overhauled; new
paint; equipped with cords, one
spare. A bargain at the price ask
ed. The B. & C. Motor Co, 178 8.
Commercial q!05
FOR SALE 2 1-ton Porn - trucks,
worm drive S-inch solid, in rear,
and mechanically perfect These
truck, go at a sacrifice. For further
information phone 897 ask for Mr
1 3-4 TON REO truck for sale, bar
gain iftakeriatonee;In(rulre855
Chemeketa street, Halem, Or. ql08
Fnr hu rc-a I nil in used cars call Ad
am 361. or come to 156 8. Com
mercial St. ql06
FOR SALE Almost new 2 hi -ton
Bethlehem truck, good body, lights,
all complete to go. Party must have
money; terms. See at Salem Velle
Co., 162 N. Commercial. qlOS
FOR SALrJ Second hand Cleveland
tractor cheap for cash, no trade. B.
Cunningham, phone 21F2. q!09
In fine mechanical condition; five
new cord tires; must be sold at
some price name it. The B. C.
Motor Co.. 178 8. Com'l. ql05
"WALLBOARD" can be used
lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren. 17f N. Com'L
Ti.T; CAl'lTAf. TAT pvt
For Sale Nursery Stock.
WUl'r Tl i
W BUWmSv E Prol;
rV wale PC C Har we nT I
. - -
ri.-vji I 1 , ! . .. vim., 1V1U fc, H V t T HVC 1 i V 1 Uf I HIT,
PhnilJ an'1,P,ri?en "klns.;cf "d other late feature Has! 38 acre farm, nearly all cultivat-i-none.
1324 or call n4.. Center ! water and sewer sonnection. close tojed. some timber, 5 room house barn
street. ii; iirift'&rade s'hioT: Ir vnnr in-.ptifiti- rt nr.-i j c ,,
TiL-t-v. . ' -
. r vii oay gelding, wt
.wu, at my place near Prin-
gi school house.. Owner can havel'er'' 'n Saleni. See
same by paying for ad. J. JI. Co
burn. Phone53F22. . klOSl
I HAVE purchased the shoe repair
oiiui ai ijo oiaie street and am
prepared to do first class shoe re
pairing and guarantee all my work.
Frank Tanier. mlT
SEE J. W. Manley, garden plowing.
"f u'Bsi'is. neavy- team work.
vnerry city parns. Phone 199. 1197
TRANSFKR L. A. . Barrick Co.
Country trips, moving. Wood for
ale. Good service. Stand jji North
Commercial. Phone TS4.
$899 or $190 TO LOAN on good farm
security. Phone 8U or see G. E.
Unrnh, Gray bldg. " - j
FOUR neatly furnished housekeeping
ivj in, t nousekeemng
rooms. 437 S. Com'l. , U08
FOR RENT 2 front bedrooms tn
gentlemen. 854 N. Commercial. 1105
UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. 758
1. commercial. iis
"FF1CE rooms for rent, .team hest
splendid Janitor service. 205 Ore-
gon oing. jnone 1427.
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat by the- month. Phone 1427.
28 Or-gon bldg.
WALLPASTir. perfect for papei
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Com'l. s.
Wanted Help.
WANTED Men to dig loganberry
plants. Will give transportation to
and from the field. Phone 100F3.
WANTED Position as housekeeper
by lady with small child. Place
with no other children preferred.
Address Box 62 Journal. 105
A MARRIED man wanted to live on
a rarm ana naul wood; all ium
mer's Job. Phone 622 after 7 p. m.
LABORERS -.Wanted p,-,0i'
positions. Good chance for advance
ment. Manufacturing plant employ
ing 1400 men. See Mr. Newman,
Hotel Bligh, Salem, Saturday and
Sunday. 106
WOMAN wanted te repair sacks.
Steinboch Junk Co., 320 N. Com'l,
Phone 305. irl06
ANTED -rlS Or.fu; hop trainers, tak
en out mornings and brought back
evenings by truck. Apply T. A.
Livesley office, Salem Bank of Com
merce bldg. gl05
WOMAN dish washer wanted. Apply
good eats. 129 S. Com'l. gl05
WANTED An elderly woman to care
for and read to an aged gentleman.
A good country home, and some
wages. Enquire at Horton Tire and
Kim co., 37 Court St. gl05
SITUATION wanted by married man
32 years old, 10 years experience
in R. R. work, engineering dept,
storekeeper, clerical, cost data, tims
keeper and inspector of construc
tion anrl enninmetot- W A rn-t
well, 160 Court St., Salem, Or. h!05
WANTED Position as chauffeur, ex
perienced. Box- R Capital Journal.
f ' : hl07
WANTELVt-SevenU men and women
to set strawberrjr - plants. Indian
Hill farm, T. L. Davidson, 8 blocks
end or 12th street car line. gl03
WANTED Chambermaid,
WANTED Married man for ranch.
Permanent Job for right party.
Write or call don't phone. Geo. L.
Rose, Independence, Or. gl06
Wanted Miscellaneous.
W. BEAVER well driller, one mils
east of fairground. Phone 10F5.
WANTED Secondhand 14-inch
ky plow. Phone 1205M.
1105 WANTED-2dhand lumber and trailer
Call R. A, Blevlni, phone 30F2.
' cl05
WANTEDTo borrow $2500 on good
security, for one to three years.
Will pay 8 percent W. A. Liston,
484 Conrt street. nl05
WALL paper 25c double roll and up.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. . m
FOR SALE Two and one half lots,
six room house, several fruit trees,
1924 N. Water and Academy, close
to Kurtz plant and Kings Co. Will
include household goods for $1800.
Phone 1178. H.106
this distinctive home
$5250 7 spacious rooms with all
modern conveniences including built
m buffets and bookcases, dutch kitch
en, light airy sleeping rooms, fire
place, furnace, full cement basement,
garage; one block to car; beautiful
view lot. A real home. Terms.
4200 7 room modern home on
paved street, cement sidewalks, 24
fruit trees on this large 100x100 lot.
If you are looking for a home that'Js
priced right let u. show you this.
$3000 6 room modern, two story
home with a number of attractive
built ln features, built only years.
Large 60x123 foot lot and has five
bearing fruit tree Party will con
sider a small house and a few acre,
close In to Salem as part or all trade.
$2500 Here is practically new t
room bungalow 2 blocks to carline on
S. Commercial. 60x150 foot lot. Terms
$3200 8 room house, modern, on
paved street closs in, two blocks to
car line, four block, to school; 60x
10O foot lot, several bearing fruit
trees. Term '
We have several other good buys.
Open evenings.
329 Oregon bldg. Phone 951. h
Corner lot Fairmount hill, pave
ment paid. $950; terms. 1
Two splendid lota, S. High St. $850
and $750; terms.
Lease and furnishings; 18 room
apartment house, centrally located
with fine stock of groceries. $2650.
8 Room plastered house, south, lot
100x150. Snap. $3900.
7 Room plastered 'house,- modern
every way, very close in. $5250.
10 acre Polk county, in 3-year old
cherries; small building, $3000. Best
of soil, $300 down, and $300 per year
16 acre 8 acre, creek bottom or
beaverdam land, 6 acres in bearing
fruit, mostly prunes; good buildings
on good road. Price $5000.
103 acre. ( miles out ln Polk coun
ty. 10 acre, in cultivation, balance in
pasture and brush, on main rock road.
1-3 of crop goes. No buildings. Fine
bottom land. $9500.
25 acres near Liberty, IS acre. In
bearing prunes, some timber, balance
cultivated; fine house, water system,
barn, drier. ls,o.
Walter McLaren.
Room 21, 180 N. Com. St
.$uuO iOW.N
Am just completing new modern 5
TrW . ln ingwood add.
i .jiia v-a iitiiM ii (mi ije i-irnuii ann
j plastered, has combination living! 15 arret located on the Garden
room and dining, two airy bedrooms, road, buildinrt and noarly all in
I kitoht. nnrfni hath tili K.r - 'stm. T--;.v, ,
, ; beat the high rental, and own yourilem. Price 175ftiv
ow n non,e OB terms never before of-
329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings.
Phone Sol.
$29 Oregon bldg. Phone 951. n
. Best Buys.
5 room house in good condition, S
lots, fruit. $2250, terms.
$ room house, in good conditio. 1
lot, fruit $2250, 41250 cash, balance
terms. . ' - . .i f : ;
$ room modern bungalow, garage.
1 lot. $3250, $1900 .. cash, balance
terms. . '
7 room modern house, good condi
tion, close In, basement, fruit; all
furnishings including a fine uiano.
only $4000.
7 room bungalow, fine condition.
east front well furnished. $6500; will
sell unfurnished. . .
9 room modern house, good condi
tion, lot 50x150 ft, fruit paved street
only $4600.
5 room house, lot 70x149. $1100,
$200 cash balance easy term
5 acres, 2 cleared, S timber; $850.
5 acres, all cultivated. 3 room
house, barn, coops, good road. $1750.
- 5 acres in logans, shack, 3 miles
south. $3500. . "
S acre 4 acres in prunes, cherries.
apple mostly prunes, in bearing and
in finest condition; 4 room house,
barn, crops, well fenced. $3600, $2,
500 cash, balance 6 percent.
20 acres, 3-4 mile from Salem on
good macadamized road, all cultivat
ed, fine logan land; will sell part or
all, $7500, easy terms.
25 acres all cultivated, best of
Howell Prairie, house, barn, all fenc
ed, 8 miles out, only $6000.
40 acres, 34 cultivated, 6 timber,
on main road, best of valley loam,- 8
miles from Salem, $8000, V, cash.
Have several cheap tracts from 80
to 100 acre easy terms.
341 State street. n
FOR SALE 160 acres; one of the
finest improved farms in the Wil
lamette valley, 136 acres seeded to
fall wheat and red clover, balance
pasture with some timber; all fenc
ed with woven wire. The soil Is the
very best. Price with crop, for -a
short time, $112 Si per acre, 4 cash
balance 5 years at 6 percent.
Hart & Muller
208 Oregon bldg. n
$2100, $500 down, balance like rent.
A 4 room shingle bungalow 4 years
old, east front, paved street base
ment, near carline, good lot.
$1900; $1000 down, will take an
other neat newly painted 4 room
bungalow with sleeping porch, paved
street, walks in, wood shed, a few
nice young fruit trees,. east front 8
blocks from street car, east Salem.
$3500, $1000 will let you enter this
home as your own. You can park
your car in 'front ot the house on a
paved street or drive, it into the gar
age asyou like, and save 9 nice rooms
to use for your happiness and com
fort not far out.
$1500, $500 down and easy terms
on the balance, will buy a 7 room
plastered house and $ lot. In West
Salem. Good location. - . '
$3600, $1500 down, or a small cheap
house valued to $1000 and $500 cash
will handle a 5 room modern bunga
low, double basement, on . paved
street, near car line.
$5500 will buy one of the nicest 8
room bungalows with several good
lots on pave dstreet. This has turn
ace, fireplace and is thoroughly mod
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
Phone 363. n
10 acre, on Garden road, 8 tt acres
best logans ln vicinity, 1 acres black
berries, about 2 "4 acres choice apples
and Royal Anne cherrle about 12 13
16 year, eld; balance seeded to grain.
House, barn and good well, A money
making Investment 'Price $6250.
4 acres close ln on Garden road, Z
acre, full bearing orchard, some ber
ries and truck garden. Good house,
barn and chicken house Price $5600.
80 acres, about 45 acres river bot
tom, 1 acre peaches, 7 year, old;
good $ room house and large barn
(12 stanchions for cows), fine silo
and milk house, 2 good wells, about
8 or 9 acre, oak timber and pasture,
10 acre, growing grain, about 7 acres
alfalfa, balance ready for planting.
Price $9000. $3000 cash.
5 acres close in on paved and grav
eled road, 1 acres bearing family or
chard, acre strawberries, balance
ready for planting. Good new 5 room
hoiwe and barn. A home like subur
ban home. $3800.
Lot 80x160 opposite Bush on Mis
sion street. A good lot close in. Price
Good lot 48x148 on best street West
Salem. $300.
List your property with us at reas
onable value and we will investigate
and sell It . -
Oregon Land Co.
442 State street. . v n
80 acres, 15 in cultivation, 20 ln
pasture and brush, balance in valu
able timber, Old shack on place, nb
other Improvements. 11 miles out. A
big snap. $50 per acre.
30 acres, all ln cultivation and crop
ped. 1-3 of crop goes with sale. 6 Mi
mile, out. No improvements, A snap.
80 acres of valuable timber, near
Pacific highway. 10 miles out. If sold
soon. 09.
29 acres, good little house, barn
and ehleken-.houee, Nice orchard, aim
1 acres strawberries, some valuable
timber and pasture. 12 acres under
plow. $3500, easy terms.
10 acres,- modern i room nouse.
good family orchard, 1 acre straw
berries. 2 acres timber. This is a fine
property. $350.'-
John li. Scott Keaity uo.
228 Oregon Mdg. h10
room cottage, new, plastered, bath
nice closet electric lights large lot
with, improved streets, good location
on 6th street, north., $4200.
t room plastered and papered,
bath, toilet electric light large lot,
nice fruit, concrete walk and gravel
street $2500.
8 room house, modern, improved
street, two baths, close in. $5540.
7 room strictly modern, restricted
district. One of the best in the city.
4 room plastered house with sum
mer kitchen and 1 acre, on paved
road, 1 mile out. A snap. $1400.
Two bouse, close in on improved
street, electric lights, bath and toi
lets. $1200, $250 cash, balance $15
per month.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregw bldg al06
' , "
1 15 acre, of first class prune. loga-
berry and strawberry soil, all plowed
and readj- to set; Prioe 0. .cash.
tin (ii ni'u hirma
54 acres of first - class m-airte anil.
all cultivated, close to Salem, on good
roaa. trice -0 per acre.
270 acre farm, nearly all cultivated
and in crop, good road, buildings.
Price $125 per acre. Terms.
224 acre farm, 120 acres cultivat
ed, balance timber, house, barn, good
prairie sou. Price frla per acre
' 10 acres located on main Pacific
highway, S acres Italian prune
10 acres bearing Italian prunes,
good road. 4 H miles out Price $500
- 18 acres of bearina cherrle moil.
ly Royal Anne. Team and tools goes.
Locatea on paved road close to Sa
lem. Price $12,600.
S acres bearing cherries, good road
4 miles out. Price- $2200.
1 acre, small house, good ' soil.
Price $1600. '
200 acre farm, 100 acre, cultivated,
balance good timber and pasture land,
buildings, lse to Salem. Price $100
per acre. . ,
7 room house and 8-4 cr of land
located close to carline. Price i.l?5n
Term ,
5 room piodern bungalow located
ln South Salem. Price $2600.
Flne4 block on Fan-mount Hill.
150 by 150 feet, beautiful view, street
paved. Price- $2700.
8 room modern bungalow located
in South Salem on paved street Price
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street. n
This is positively the biggest sac
rifice near Salem, today. 2214 acres
of good, dark, productive soil locat
ed only 4 miles from the state house,
on good gravel road. 18 acres in cul
tivation and the balance Is pasture.
Family orchard. Woven wire fenc
ing. Fair 4 room ho'ise and new barn
36 bl 60 nearlng completion. Good
hen house, garage and necessary out
buildings. 6 fine cows, mostly Jerseys,
good team, driving horse, good wa
gon, buggy, plow, cultivator, cream
separator, about 30 chickens, calf,
heater and telephone. Everything is
included with this farm at $4600. Ex
clusive Kile. A change to make somo
easy money If you act at once.
135 acres of excellent soil located
on main highway being paved. About
7 miles from Salem and la only 1
mile from station. 55 acre, of river
bottom with about half ln cultiva
tion. A total of 105 acre, of the farm
is cultivated and is mostly in fine
crop. Neat 6 room house built about
4 years, and barn 40 by 60. This is a
fine place and you get 8 horses, 4
good cows, mower, rake, about 80
chickens, seed, feed, etc., with the
farm at $19,000.
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
Handsome 6 room bungalow with
every modern convenience, fireplace,
furnace, all built in features, nice
garage, eaBt front and on paved St.
Nice big lot with garden and fruit
and not far out. A home you would
be proud of. If sold sooa $6500.
6 acres of good land nearly all set
to prunes, close in on paved road.
$2100... i
.8 room modern" home on paved
mreet anu canine, Dig lot, east front;
good terms. $2500.
6 acre no buildings, 1 mile out. A
regular bargain. $1250. .
t room modern bungalow with fur
nace, paved street, not far out $8000
100 acres, nearly all ii cultivation.
good buildings, lots of fruit, close tc
electric station. A real farm. $22,000.
Good Income property in Portland
paying 10 per cent to trade for Sa
lem property. $8000.
25 acres all in crop, about 60 cher
ry and apple trees; good 6 room house
big barn, on paved road. Will take
some trade. $8000.
Good $700 lot to trade for light car
5 room cottage, good lot, close to
King Products Co. $1600.
Insurance, Loans, Bonds.
Laflar & Laflar
406-7 Oregon bldg. a!05
Have client waiting for house ln
south Stilem. What have you for
around this price?
R. B. Dorney
329 Oregon bldg. Open evenings.
Phone 951. n
FOR SALE 90 acres of land located
Vi miles from Salem, 70 acres in
cultivation, 20 acres good pasture,
8 room plastered house, hot and
cold water, dutch kitchen, station
ary wash trays, ceinont base
ment; a large barn, sheds, shop
building and others; place well
fenced With Urnvnn nrlfn. Q
springs; 14 acre, of Italian prunes
o years Old; 13 acres cherrle., 7
years old: 1 acre loirnnff anine uiruu.
berries, apples and pears; 46 acres
ui grain, i acre potatoes, garden,
with immediate possession; school
mile .telephone, all for $16,000.
v,uii i db oeai, v casn and terms.
S. R. Pearson & Peed
405 Oregon hldg. Phone 43. n
25 acre fruit tract IK miles from
town, 18 bearing prunes, 6 bearing
cnernes; good bungalow, good barn,
good dryer. Snap. $10,500.
acres hi mile from city llmlts.lnree
house, barn, orchard; only $4200.
40 acres 7 miles from Salom, rock
road, 17 acres bearing prunes, also
other fruit good, building, and dry
er. $15,908.. term
24 acres 9 miles from Salem, half
in cultivation; bargain. $2400.
640 acre farm southern Oregon, on
racirie htshway; 2 set buildings; 200
In cultivation. $40 per acre, will ex
change for property near Halem.
If you wafit to buy or sell see us.
Perrine & Marsters.
lil-ll Com, club bldg. n
your hauling and moving. Phone
1608 J. 129
DRS. WHITE and Marshall, o.teo
r) phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 401-4 Or
gon bldg. Res, phone 88F5. 104
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rate Full repayment privilege
. V ery prompt service. Ask about out
20-year loan, at per cent Haw
kins ft Robert 205 Oregon bldg
Salem, Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loaa
at 6 percent 801 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
SALEM SCAVA:: 3ER Garbage and
refuse of all kind, removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rate Cess pool, cleaned. Dead ani
mal, removed. Office phone Main
Water Compar-y.
comer Commercial and Trade St.
Fills r&yabis monthly In adv&oca.
Phone 67.
Money to Loan.
Oa good real estate security
Over Ladd Bush Bank, Salem. Or
Money to Loan.
- Federal Farm Loans
. - Any amount Long tlm
tH and 9 percent Interest.
City building loan
A. C Bohrnstedt
" 401 Masonle Temple, Salem. Oregon1
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
aye thoroughly ex
amined, glasses mads and fitted.
510-U TJ. a bank. Phone $41.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY rasor blade sharpening m
chin first installed at A. B. Stew
art Rsoalr Shop. 847 Court St
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, nut
pedal, 14c double roll. Max O.
Buren, 179 N: Com'l.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 6
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sixes 18 to 88
Inches high. Paint oil and Tm
Ishes, etc.. loganberry ' and hot
book Salem Fenc and Btov
Work $50 Conrt street. Phone 18
Why Sell for Less.
WIS will pay you more cash for your
household good Get our bid De
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 171 N. Com
mercial street. Phona 784.
Lodge Directory.
Cw CHEMEKETA 1-dga No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:80 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, C C; P. J. Kuntsv
K. R.'A a
There are 369 cases of measles, 78!
of smallpox and 73 of whooping coutrhi
in SnntlflnA . !'Sl!;
Notice is hereby given, that front
and after the 2d day of June, 1920,
at the hour.of 2 o'clock in the after
noon of Said day, the undersigned
will offer for sale and will sell at pri
vate sale, at the office of Guy Smith,
attorney at law, ln Salem, Marion
county, Oregon," to the highest and
best bidder for cash in hand, tha
fallowing described real property In
Marlon county, Oregon, towit:
The east 110 feet ot lots 1, 2, and
3, in block 2, in WandU addition to
tha city of Salem, Marion county, Ore
gon. .
Said sale Is made to and ty virtun
of an order of sale made by the coun
ty court of the couunty of Benton-;
state of Oregon, on the 17tH day of
April, 1920, in the matter of the es
tate of William Leadbottejli deceased,
licensing and directing the under
signed, as executor, to sell the above
described real property.
Executor of the estate of William
Lead better, deceased.
To all whom It fnay concern; No
.tlce in hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore conducted at' 357
State street? Salem, Oregon, under the
firm name and style of Paris Broth-'
ers, owned and operated by A. J. Par
is and N. A. Paris, shoe dealer has,
by mutual agreement, been dissolved;
N. A. Paris retiring from said busi
ness: A. 3, Paris will continue said
business and all out standing ac
counts are payable to him, and ha as
sume, and will pay all out standing
account, against said firm,
Dated t Sulem., Oregorl, April 80,
1820. . . ,
-,. A, J. Paris.
106 ' N. A. Paris.
L. M. HUM,
Cars of
Shines Medicine and Tea Co.
Ha medicine which will cor
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a, m.'
until 8 p. m.
158 South High Street .
Salem, Oregon. Phon Ml
For Genuine Bargains Beginning
Wednesday I
House Furnisher
home or THE YICTitOLA
You get more for your
Money at Moore's. -
We have engaged one ot the
best men In this line on the
west coast and have equipped a
shop for magneto repairs. Alto
a line of part If your magneto
needs overhauling, ship It to us
or call.
lit N. Commercial St.
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
114 North Commercial