Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 01, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Pythian Sisters
Honor Member
Upon Birthday
(Continued from Paire Two.)
eraton for appendicitis. He is recover
ing as well as could be expected.
sea troops, which founht durin? the
i great war In the German army, are
engaged in ih advance.
Three Successive i
Summers Lined Up
For Salem Tourist
Hoppes, manager of the Capital City
Cooperative Creamery, arrived In Sa
lem Wednesday from a five months
tour on the Australian circuit of the
Ellison-White Chautauqua system.
Mr. Hoppes left for Sidney last Oe-
traded his residence In verton for
property at Dallas and will move hU
family to that city in the near future,
8. Ames will move into his new
house the first of neit week. The old,tob and bv returnin to North Am-
building will be moved to another lot erJca ,t thl8 g(.a8on f the year Is!
and new and modern building Is to be scheduled for his third successive
erected where the old home now ,ummer period without experiencing
stands. When this Is finished the fan. th. three other seasons, fall, winter. .
ily will make another move.
Flouring Mills
Much Improved
Seotts Mills, Or.. May 1
the past few months Charles Scott has
neon making many improvements In
his flouring mill in nn effort to fill the
orders for flour which have been con
tracted for In advance. New machin
ery has been Ini'talled, a new ware
house erected and the mill has been
the busiest season that the mill has
hfcd for neveral years. He hug con
tracted so far ahead for his flour that
It oettlns to look as If he will be un
alile to complete them this season.
Mr. Hoppes, who Is a member of
the business staff of the Ellison
whira onninnnv will snend a few
days In visiting his mother and broth-
er at their residence, 2031 Center
raring,' street and will then leave for duties
Wlin lue iul-uii; iiviumrBi vuuiiiici
Red Flag Raised
On School House
Chicago. Hay 1. police were called
to a school house in the thickly popu
lated West Side Ghetto early this
morning when It was discovered that
a red flag had been raised above the
building during the night.
Lieutenant John Dixon, an ex-soldier,
climbed the 80 foot pole and cut
down the banner, which bore the le
gend, inscribed in yellow chalk "Hur
rah for the soviet. Death for capital
ists." Russian workers gathered early in
the day at Humbodlt Park for
open air meeting. There was no disorder.
Postmaster At
Scotts Mills To
Be Relieved Soon
H.otts Mills. Or.. May 1. John k
Jtlehey, the pioneer postmaster of th:f
dty, has about completed iirmngo
meiitH whereby he will be relieve !.
Mr. Klehey sent In his resignation to
the government several weeks ago,
but up to the present time his success
or has not been nppolnted. Tho plan
he is working on now is to get Jew
Fire Survey Of
Coos Bay Region
To Be Made Soon
The field force of the state fire mar
shal's office will leave Monday for the
Coos Bay country where they will put
in two weeks making surveys of the
fire hazards at Marshfield, North;
liend, Cooullle, Itandtm and
State Fire Marshal Harber plans to
send H. H. Pomeroy of the field staff
to Koseburg next week to investigate
the Mercy hospital which lust week
experienced Its fourth fire.
Ukrainians And
Poles Gain Ground
Warsaw, April 29. (Py Associated
Press) Polish anil Ukrainian, troops,
Co-eds Again Take
:' Debate Decisions
Willamette co-eds debaters again
won on both sides of the question ;asi
night, this time from McMinnvi'lie
college. The negative won at home
2-1, and the affirmative won unani
mously at Mc.Minnville. This defeat
for the Baptists was decisive, the vis
itors having the best of both argument
and delivery.
The debate in the First M. E. ehure..
was a heated affair, the affirmative
side of the question showing up well,
but the clever stand taken by the Wil
lamette debaters was too much for the
visitors. Misses Barnhard and Steele
constituted the Pacific team, and
Misses Moore and Hoover defended
the cardinal and gold. ,
Hiirkhurst appointed deputy until driving toward Kiev, have oc
ninth time as Mr. (lldley c:m take the' eupled the town of Mnlin, about six.
exirnlnutlun and receive his appoint-! ty miles northwest of Kiev. The art
nietit. Mr. dlilley will buy the build- vance Is continuing towar.V. tho lmie
Intr, it is said, as soon as ho receives per river, except on t lie southern see
the Hppointaietit uh postmaster.
Srolts Mills is likely to have a new
bank within a few months, according
to reports current hers today. A pui'ly
Is in (he city now looking over the
field with that lde In view, and It is
n.'ild he Is very niueh .Impressed, wtli
the possibility.
tor of. the front, where the Itusslan
volshevik forces are-making u stub
born stand iklong the right bank of the
Bug river.
In on action which resulted lit the
occupation of the village of Kozatla,
southwest of Zhitomir, Polish etival
rv enntured 2000 prisoners, ten can-
.1. A. Taylor has returned from ., noli, one fault and the colors of (he
Portland where he underwent an op- Fifty Eighth bolshevik division. Po-
Rome, Apr. 30. Pope Benedict to
day received in solemn audience the
new German ambassador to the Vati
can, Diego Von Bergen, who presented
his credentials. .
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat No. 1 12.00; feed
bats 85c; .milling oats 85c; cheat hay
$2223: o9t hat 2425;' clover hay
125 20; ml!! run $48.
Butterfat;'' Butterfat 5!)c; creamery
butter 62 63c.
Pork. ! anil tnnttna; Por fne
10 Ho; veal fancy ISo; steers 11c;
spring lambs lHHc; cows 79c; ewer
8o;sheap, yearling 13c.
rwflsM nork tie
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 34c;
light hens, 2830c; heavy hens 82c
old roosters 15 10c; Broilers 40c.
In which to purchase these beautiful rugs at a great reduc
tion in price. If you are going to need a rug it will pay you
to see these
Reg. $197.50 0x12 Wilton Velvet rug, now 49 5
Reg. $165.00 9x12 Wilton Velvet rug, now 12380
Reg. $80.00 9x12 Axminster rug, special, now
Reg. $G5.00 9x12 Body Brussels rug, now g
Reg. $18.00 9x12 Tapestry Brussels rug, now $34 g
t " Reg. $35.00 9x12 Tapestry Brussles rug, now 2 J Q
Reg. $21.50 9x12 Wool Fiber rug, special, now jjy gtj
Reg. $19.75 9x12 Grass rug, special, now $1480
Reg. $15.75 9x12 Grass Rug, special, now J.flJ1 1 f?K
Record Supremacy
Veg-'-bles: Onions per'pound $o:
celery do.; potatoes Taklnn
8c Oregon SHc; strawberries $5.00.
beets per sack $1: turnips per sac
I3.T5; carrots per sack $2 50; parsnips
per sack $1.50: splotch 10c lb.; rad
ishes 40c dot: asparagus 15c
Fruit: Oranges $5.1(6 7.00; lemon
(5.5606; banana 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c: cabbage
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 46e; as
paragus lc; cauliflower $1.75 dot:
red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb to:
peas lie lb.
Retail prices; Eggs dozen 88c;
creamery butter 6847t)c: country but
ter sOcx flour hard wheat $3.250i.45
oft wheat -62.M.
Portland, May t. Cattle weak;
receipts S: grain and pulp fed
steers $12.50013.50; choice $11,509
12.50; good to choice $10.50 11.50;
medium to food $9.5010.50; fair to
good $8.75 . 50; common to fair
$7.508.50; choice cows and heifen
$11911.50; good to choice $10,259
11.00; medium to good $8.75610.25;
fair to medium $7.5008.75: canner
$5.50 7. 50; bulls $6.06-9.00; prime
light calves $15.00 917.00; medium
light $10.00015.00; heavy $7,000
10.00; stocksrs and feeders 1X14
8 t .
Hogs weak; receipts 160; prime
mixed $16.00316.50; medium $15.50
16.00; rough heavy $11.5015.0:
pigs $ 12 14.50.
Sheep yeak; receipts none; prime
lambs $13.00 16.00; light valley
$14.75 16.00; heavy $13.25 P 14.75;
common to medium $10.5013.50;
yearlings $14.00 15.00; wethers
$13.5014.25; ewes $8g l2.
Portland. Or. May 1. Cubes ex
tra 53 54c; parchment wrapped box
lots 58c; cartons 59c; half boxes He
more, less than H boxes lc more;
butterfat 66 57c f. o. b. station; 58c
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland Or., May 1. Eggs sell
ing price case count 38939c; buying
price case count 39c; selling price
candled 40c; selected candled in car
tons 42c.
Poultry: Hens 34 938c; broilers 4C
45c; roosters 16c; turkeys dressed
53c; geese 22025c; ducks 400
$65.00 bid: corn No. 3 yellow $740
Wheat $2.20; barley, rolled $700
71; oats $64.50; corn No. 3 yel
low $67969.50: soft wheat 50c pre
mium, hard 70c premium.
Hay: Buying price, timothy f. o. b.
Portland $30; alfalfa $33; grain $2$
Millstufta: Prices f.o.D. mill, eltt
artsre $2 extra: Mill run. car lota
mixed cars $47 48 ton; rolled barley
$75: rolled oata $66.50; rgound bar
ley $70; scAtch feed $80.
Corn whole $66: cracked (g.
Tires and Red
:nner tubes made ring shaped. Fit all casings naturally
The best tube for the best tire. "MICHELIN!"
Your next tire ought to be the well known MICHELW
Phone 74 " .
Clark's Tire House
319 N. Cmomercial St.
Salem, Oregon.
The Mile
. When? Where? How?
Raising the Questions: Will the World Be Converted?
Will Men Be Given a Second Chance? Will the Nation
Ever Fight Again.7 " ;
Tomorrow Evenings 7:30
S. D. A. CHURCH, North Fifth and Gaines Avenue,
COME! Take North Commercial Car
8&r 32277
fc wm-
8Gc 22237
8 be
85e 22239
85 c
.r.e Sm
Carry Me Hack to Old Vlrglnny Song Quartette
Hen Holt
Mighty Like a Hose
Homew here a Voice Is Calling
-Along tho Way to Walklkl
l.lly of the Valley
-I've tint My Oaptalu Working for Me Now
1 want a I
Violin, Flute and Piano
Violin, Flute and Flute
Violin, Flute and Piano
- Slow and Kaay
You Ain't Heard Nothing Vet
-Tell Me
On Alia nil Khore
-Wonderful pal
On the Trail to Santa Fe
-What Killed the Dog
Cohen on Prohibition
-In Slim
Ting l.lng Toy
-WnUana Walts '
e"t l.ri
Fox Trot
Cornet Solo
Cornet Solo
, Hawaiian
4 -1. : S'vSC---'
- 0
r i
l oo Busy to
Look for Big Specials in
Monday Evening Paper
Stote Street
Commercial Street
vw-wm Dgtssmmnr--:' - " t 1B iirii-rrmiiriiTirriiiii -in ihuujjjw,.