Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 01, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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MAY 1,1920.
m roood Town
,Rupert-Salem base
Oa :30-
M S-C0"ncl1 meetin,t'
WVj-AnDual Oregon
'future by Miss
KB Pj American Legion
W rd
?, eck end. Willamette.
- Banquet Jersey
-Smatory ' con
JJIounty schools. Armory
' $t.-Vomen'a repub11"
-5-County school.
fWet Shetland field.
fily 26-2T-APP0110 Club
- t. nrand theater. .
"convention of As
M . r. ........ numbers.
surface. Was a business visitor here
today and Friday. Head office of the
Oregon Mastic Floor company are lo
cated at Portland.
$18.69 per 10 for White Leghorn
baby chicks. Now ready for delivery.
C. N. Needham. 558 State street.
iione uu. t m
Dr. Cnalmer Lee George, dentist,
114 Masonic bldg.
M. W. Marken of Oakland, Califor
nia, was a Salem visitor Friday morn
ing. .
Some lady receives a prize at the
armory Saturday night. - m
Cantata, "The Crowning of Love,"
Leslie Methodist church, Sunday, S
o'clock. Come. , x05
May. Day cantata, Leslie Method
ist church Sunday .evening. Thirty
young women. Come. 105
touri House Netvs,
probate Court.
, matter of the guardianship
,nn k S "Uer, minor. Order.
ian,hiP 0f Cuba S. Nosr, a
Movriase License
f Hnttter. 27, of Gastbn,
d silverton.
: Daily Statistics.
SN'YDER Adam Snyder, 74 Friday
7,emnf?. at HCO Gaines avenue.
Sat chapel Bkdon & Son
company at WO p.m. Sunday. Bur
M Vity View cemetery.
FERGUSON To Mr. and Mrs. Roy
C Ferguson, at a local hospital,
April 21, a baby daughter. She has
been naved Carol Denise.
Danchig tonight, Moose hall "Kev
tlaUun" harmony. Ladies free. 105
' The regular weekly luncheon of
ksinew men will be held at the Com
miclal club Monday noon. Up to a
late hour today no announcement of
tl speaker of the day had been made
it the offices of the club.
Friday night, declamatory contests
in the county inter-district series were
held at Salem Heights, . Woodburn,
Silverton and other county points.
The contests were on the group plan
and the winner, the names of whom
have not been received by Suaerirt
tendent Smith, will compete in . the
final event to be held in Salem, May
A decree of divorce was granted
Thursday In department No. 2 to O. L.
Burson from Fannie Burson. The cou
ple were married at Yreka, Califor
nia, July 3, 1912. The complaint
charged that Mrs. Burson. deserted her
husband June 13, 1916. y;
George Wagner and Dtck Gage of
Falls City were Salem, visitors Friday
topping at the Bligh hotel;''-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Yates of Alberta,
Canada, are Salem visitors, having ar
rived In this city, Friday.
C. M. Coffey of McMinnvllle spent a
fewTiours in Salem, Friday'.
G. S. Harris, claiming Wenatchee,
Wash., as his home, stopped at the
iiligh hotel, Friday night.
I Nay day dance armory tonight. La
jfoifree. W. L. Bryant, Mgr. .. 105
Kohbeea received in -Salem,
that Krs. J. C. Reed, of Oakland,
formerly of this city, who has been
ertomly 111 in the California city, is
recovering. Mrs. Keed's mother, Mrs.
W. W. Fawk, of Salem, is with her
daughter in Oakland.
Bay day danco armory tonight. La
dies free. W. L. Bryant, Mgr. 105
Salem high school plays the Esta
taSa undefeated team Monday after
Momt Oxford park. Admission 35c.
Fred Steusloff, prominent butcher
tod packer, was reported at police
headquarters this afternoon for vio
lating the traffic ordinance by driv
ing past a standing streetcar while it
accepting and discharging pas-
DK6n. John Rirnn wna atu rptlort-
!d for cutting a corner at the inter-
Say day dance armory tonight. La
diei free. W. L. Bryant, Mgr. 105
Stnsing, "Revelation" music and
facing at Moose hall tonight. -105
Having come to the city a week ago
tor a brief visit with his brother, Louis
Tanaer, night watchman of the Ore
gon Packing company, Frank Tanzer
has become so attached to the city
that he has decided to locate here
and has purchased a shoe repairing
shop at Thirteenth and State streets.
-" ' .-
, A meeting of the Salem automo
bile dealers will be held here May 7,
according to Robert E. Magner, field
secretary of the National Dealers' as
sociation, who was In Salem Friday.
Mr. Magner will address the dealers,
and it is expected that a large crowd
will attend.
Miss Helen Moore,- daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. ;A. M.-Moore, : MHO Leslie
street, has returned to Salem from1
O. A. C. at Corvallls to spend the week
end with her parents. r
Floyd D. Moores, county clerk for
Polk county, visited with CJerk U. G.
Boyer, Friday.
J." A. Churchill, state superintend
ent of school, spoke in favor of the
school millage measures at the Rose
dale school, district No. 6, Friday
3 W. ft, Fawk. tl OrnnA TTawlf nnri
" aiganott spent last week in
"ruand as the guests of the Herbert
rt family. Mr. Walganott leaves
"first of the week for California
he will spend the summer.
"Revelation" music, dancing and
""ft tonight, Moose hall. 105
"wee Auburn hall tonight. Hunt's
"land. 105.
J"a M. John H. Farrar, ac
d by the former's mother
J""", are in Champoeg today, at
tl, ,he Funder's anniversary
Wrttlon being held there.
Jw money hack lf yQU gQ tQ th(j
wounday and say the-show is not
ever ln Saiem
A. N. Arnold, supervisor of schools
for southern Marion county was pres
ent Friday night at a meeting at the.
McAlpin school, ditsrict No. 64. ine
two mill tax amendment for element-
iary schools and other measures were
discussed. ..
A plumbing permit was Issued yes
terday evening to C. L. Derringer,
790 north Commercial street, by the
city recorder's office. (
Accused of driving past a standing
street car, Harvey Stege, driver for
Lebold & Company, was arrested yes
terday evening by cniei or rouce
Welsh. Stege Is to appear before
Municipal Judge Race Monday morn
ing at 10 to plead. i
The funerol for Charles W. Wester
will be held at the chapel of the Rig
don & Son company, 252 North High
Street, at 1 0a. m. Sunday. Burial is
to be ln Salt Creek cemetery, near
be the principal speaker at the lunch
eon Wednesday noon in Hotel Marion
of the Salem Rotary club. Arrange
ments to have the bishop attend the
meeting were completed today by the
committee. Bishop Sumner will talk
vi! ine American boy question, and
point out to the Rotarisn. ho. ih.v
can aid the future young American.
According to Night Patrolman Vic
tor's monthly report. J35 hoboes and
transients Visited Sfelem nHnin.ii..
at the local railroad yards, durini
"f- ne visitors were bade by the
officer to leave at once on the "next
John Coneer. vhn ..nrwi,,...- -
printing establishment on North Com
mercial street, will leave Saturday
evening to spend the week end in
Among the guests at the Ambassa
dor hotel in Santa Barbara, Califor
nia, is Miss Eliza Nolan of this city.
Andrew Olson, who, while visiting
at the home of his brother-in-law,
Alex Harold, at Quinaby, was attack
ed by a bull and suffered the frac
ture of three ribs, is about his' work
again, having recovered from his in
juries. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bush are guests
at the Ambassador hotel at Santa
Barbara, California.
em Pacifffc railroad at Juno In Tilla-ragistering at the Hotel Marion,
mook county, in an order issued by I - '
the public service commission today. G G, Snirhy McMinnvlHe
. . . . (spent Friday in this city.
A. H. Lea, secretary of the state j
fair board left last night for Anhursty 1 ,
on receipt of word of the death of ,.Arthor Chase' hailing from Helena
his mother. Mrs. Mary Lea, at the M,omana. "Bed at the , Marion.
family home there. (..-j ou, wmre .iui.K irienua m
It is expected that the Marlon:
eeunty grand jury will recess from its j
labors in the state treasury probe this :
afternoon until Monday morning, j
Henry Hansen, roruand newspaper
nan, was the only witness summoned
to appear before the jury today. It is
believed that this practically con
cludes the taking of testimony in the
probe and that the report will be
ready for presentation some time next
Mrs. Joseph Robertson and child
ren, accompanied by Miss Belle Fol
som, left Salem, Thursday for New
Tork, after visiting friends here for
a short time.
In an order signed by County Judge
W. M. Bushey, Josephine AppSegate
is appointed guardian of Lucinda
Chrisman. an incompetent, person,
and Mary A. Moorman, Max Gehlhar
and Haxelie Gearhart are named as
appraisers of the small estate.
Coming as far as Salem with her
brother, Walter Mockett, who sailed
Friday evening for China on a three
years trip, Mrs. Florence T. Kirby of
London, England, and her small son.
arrived in the capital city and are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ja
cobs. Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs. Kirby are
admitted the charge, but claimed that
"two armed men" had forced him to
write and puss the spurious paper, was
i returned to California, Friday. Dep
j my Sheriff J. D. Cornwall, of Kern
! county, secured extradition papers that
; day and departed for the south late
' In the evening,;
Jess Halsell, the colored youth who
was arrested ji this city recently on a
charge of pausing forged cheeks at
Bakersfeld. California, and who later
i In the estate of Mary O'Connor,
' Minnie Murphy has ben appointed ex
i ecutrlx of the will, which was recent
j ly admitfed to "probate by County
j Judge W. M. BuKhey. Real and per-
son al property valued at $500 Is in
; eluded in the property holdings. Three
' nieces are named as heirs: Minnie
i Murhy, Caroline Murphy and Susan
I Murphy, all residents ot Portland.
Miss Ethel Sawyer-will speak at the
regular meeting of the Arts League at
the Library, Tuesday evennig.
Announcement has been made that
the May clinic, to be held under the
auspices 'of the Marion county child
ren's bureau, will be held at the Com
mercial club, May 27.
The state highway commission is
granted permission to construct a
crossing over the tracks of the South-
The case of Fred J. Ttav nninot
Lenora Day was being reviewed in De-i
partment No. 2, of circuit court. Sat-1
urday. Judge Bingham heard th
testimony in the case. Mr. Day, in,
his complaint alleges that his wife
had been guilty of cruel and inhuman j
treatment of himself, finally com- j
pelling him seek refuge with hisi
mother. Mrs. Day contested her hus-l
band's charges, submitting evidence!
to show that he had been in the com-!
pany of other women. The case was
continued Saturday afternoon.
A special meeting of the Middle j
Grove Parent Teachers' Association '
will be held at the school house, Wed-
nesday. May 5, 1920 at 8 p. m. Ai
good program is planned. Delegates
will be elected to attend the county
meeting at Salem, May 8.
ffiaessBaBaBaBsesaBasas Meet Me at Miners
A. P. Estabrook who for the past
few months has been employed at the
Reel Cross Pharmacy left yesterday
for the east. ' .
Mrs. M. 'C. . Young, of Wilsonville,
Was a Salem visitor Friday afternoon
mon, d pep playea by
Won tonighti at MooM haUj
W. T. Rigdon, pf tho firm of Rig
don & Son, undertakers, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Sellwood, 466 Uorth Front
street, motored to Champoeg today
to attend the memorial ceremony on
the anniversary of founding the State
of Oregon. Mr." Rigdon was one of the
speakers of the day at tne ceieora-
Bishop Sumner, of Portland, will
1st g.,"0" H- Uodd, secretary of
th home sen-ice section of
'k u r.v '' ls among the Salem
" Uampoeg today.
earlyThe greatest show in
tomorrow. Bllghs. 105
f-u!, Lee and Mrs. Frank W.
ni , .?. turned from a sev
Ws't ln Portland.
Iftnl"n!ap,,i" floor. "Revela-
haw 'l15'"'5 and dancing ut
8511 tonight. Tos.
ft? ,!!er ln Slem-Show
" "'Hr tomorrow.
- til p"' manager of the Ore-
BreZ;,mrn anufac-
of Bren
A n r.
wwKis MAY
J Dodge
New top, good condition taken
in on a LiDerxy..
1 Dodge
Newly painted, fine shape.
Taken in on Liberty
1 Buick
See this if you want a good car.
It was taken in on a Liberty
341 N. Commercial St.
. Salem, Oregon.
With motor driven brush. The best'
small cleaner for home use. It gets
all the dust, lint and thread with no
; ' III
effort on the part of the person op
erating the machine. Call and let
us demonstrate. Sold on a guaran
tee of satisfaction.
Ice Cream Easily Made
fectly Sanitary
The Store That Serves Is
the Store That Self s
This is true, but "SERVICE" means more than
merely wrapping up the purchase and making
It means "GOOD GOODS" coupled with a policy
COURTEOUS A TTENTIONand the many little
things that characterize "MILLERS" as the
constructed with a hollow wall, or air space, formed by
double-walled construction throughout, which prevents heat
from entering the freezing chamber, and cold from leaving
it. The chemical action of the salt and ice, protected by the
air space, produces a temperature below the freezing point,
resulting in a perfect refrigerating plant on a small scale.
divided into two separate compartments with an opening
at each end, one for the cream mixture, the other for ice and
salt. It is impossible for ice or salt to seep into the cream
compartment, as it so frequently does with old style ice
cream freezers.
""lt is absolutely sanitary and easy to clean. No paddles
or loose parts to adjust or fasten. Nothing to take apart.
Nothing to get out of order. No wooden parts to become
watersoaked and absorb all sorts of dirt and impurities.
Home Furnisher
340 Court Street
-, r.'
In the office; in the factory; in the store; in the home.
Good Vision is Absolutely Essential to Success.
If your eyes need glasses now, get them NOW.
Dr. A. McCulloch, Optometrist
201-5 Salem Bank of Commerce BWg.
Big Shopping Center
of Salem
We intend to remodel our already well equipped
1 store, and make it still better.
We shall be torn up some for the next 30 days, but
when we are finished Salem will have a
Bigger and Better
v "Good Goods" Store
We ask your patience and indulgence until we
get this remodeling over, and then you can with
pride and satisfaction say to your friends,
I'll Meet You at Miller's
We can
We can
YOU NEED This TRUCK in Your Business
The berry season will soon open in full blast, and you
should be prepared to get your share of the prices that will
Ford Trucks A re Not Experiments
They are always ready to go, and will go on a min-
irnum of expense with a maximum load.
We can make immediate deliveries on a few "MODEL T" ONE-TON TRUCKS, equip
ped with solid tires. v
'Act Now, and Be Assured of a Truck
When the berry season opens you will need( one, but then, maybe, we cannot deliver.
ldlley Motor Co.
IE m