Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 01, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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t ii uni.. uvii i i.,,h.' iii lend ini,rnie-i William, siinerintendcnt: 11:00 a. in.. News is received at of the
i diate lea cue in Epworth hall; junior ! public worship, with sermon 4y the death of Alfred
I CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL i league uiwt iirs. 7:3 . ni. rmoi., ; .,... .h,,m,, ..The lSiwer of the l"P- cident in Kansas recently. Pierce was year'
.raing fee t..l
ierce by an auto tc- tional forest m . 1
(Corner south U'.h and Ferry streets, ' "The world s greater literature." Dr.'
! H. C. Stover, minister. A combined E- E- Gilbert, our. district superin-J
i service of the Sunday school and l'l'ch both morning.
;mormng worship at 19 a. m. inns-;- '." " , "Vh "'" 1 Miss Maude Stapleton; S p.
1 1 it ii n vi i v ai n m , n i n " . . -, -. . . i-... . . . . . - -
. . . : .. , c .. ... rnoir wiin nine orcein
rKinnins lumorrvw, ouuud;, jmj wurm welcome. I'uunc worsnip 11 a.. i ki. ...nin. n,l ....nine , v v.w . .
J. all protestant churches In the city m. Subject: 'The church's self con-' vmrr rrr,-n itn v-r.ivv!Thursday 7:3 p. in. the mid-week ! """"o" 10 charged, hut a silver,
will chango the hours of evening ser-.'dciiinniioii." Class meeting at the close Yew l"urk. Ilible school at 10. The !ervice will be in charge of the moth-
le Tnutii? nennlio meeilnv which of ih rrW ,.- m . -.i,.i, t.. ' usual service at 11. Christian eniienv-for class. Mrs. Chas. A. Uowen.
liet.-d Cross": l- ni, devotional meet returned soldier and
ins of the Epworth League, topic, 'resident of Lebanon. '
"How to Show Kynnmthy," leader.
ni.. thirty;
.. i i young ladies wih present a .nay iwy;
to j
"' I'maim ' -
! pervisor of
has been held ut : will begin at 7 , wr "ague at J p. i
ier supWntendcnt.
o'clock, and regular services will be
held at
league t:39. Young people
i. Miss Grace Ty- or 01 ' anu Preacning at s. jnu-weeK .
-., -.v. I prayer meeting on Wednesday eve- having been a successful juistor's
offering will lie received.
is invited.
The public
lorrsts. i
" I
I. Mead of 7: JO as hereto- dially invited to this meeting. A warm
are COr- v 'i juh in uuiumii
;vited. c. w. coroy, pastor.
at :4j a. m. Karl 1'ruitt 8upt. Claus
es for all pgen. Morning worship and
prwchlng 11. C. K. Meeting at :40
ana evangel nsiic preacning at I p. m.
Prayer meeting on Thursday at 8 p.
. in. If you are enjoying salvation, come
and help ua in our Work. If you want
salvation, come and let us help you.
I. G. Lee and wife pastors.
Corner N. Seventeenth a nd Court
streets. Everybody reiiicnilier next
Lord's day Is "Mother's day and our
nint is 100 In the lilbln school. A spe
cial program is to be rendered. Come
this week and get the full informa
tion. What a fine attendance we hart
last time. Wonder how many will he
there on time this week for tin- l!i
uie school? Remember 10 n. in sharp
The pastor will continue his tarn lo
tho children. Our morning service
will be given over in sermon to a pre
sentation of the Americanization nmt
vangcllstlc problems confronting the
church in America. Conio find .hear
the stirring fucts uml bring a good of
fering for Homo missions. Junior anil
intermediate endeavor 6:30 p. ni.
Note change or time of evening serv
ices, y. P. 8. C. 1. 1 p. m. Song serv
ive and sermon 8 p. in. Subject: "The
Revelation." Monday 7:45 p. m. meet
ing of officiul board. Every member of
board urged to bo present. Thnraday
an all day meeting nt tho church
oullding of Christian woman's board
of missions auxiliaries of tho county.
Those uttendlng are asked to bring a
pot luck lunch an hot coffee will be
served at tho church. In the evening
nt 7:4S the mid-week prayer s'-rvlcc
will b held. Tho pastor will give a
Bible study on tho Holy Spirit pro
vided he is present und not In uttend
' snce at tho stuto S. 8, convention.
Friday evening regular business meet
ing nnd social of young peoples' so
ciety of Christian endeavor. Yon are
Invited to any of these services. You
will find a ready welcoinn at all
times, li. L. rutnnin, pastor.
jn. wire Tor n,any years, and n mission
ary in China during the Boxer upris
ing. We thall have a pleasant 'and
UNITED EVANGELICAL North ! profitable hour. Come.
Cottage street. Ainday services.
Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. I S. 1. A.-CIH'Rcll North 5th street
Sunday school 10 a. m.. S. I Mc-Ind Gaines avenue. Tomorrow cve-
grcetlng awaits you. Evening service
7:30. Subject: "The responsibility of
brotherhood." This service will be
evangelistic. We have a message for
b7r7nZ;7 by the idToir Thicken, superintendent. KeVstone' 7:30 A. K. Bell, pas-jy at Portland. East Sixth and Mar
leadership of Prof. Clark both morn leKue of Christian endeavor. :45.tor, subject: "The millenium Satan ket streets.
tnw nj . r, . I Miss Pauline Remlmrtnn. nresident. A . bound 1600 years When? Where?
enth and Chcmeketa streets. F. W.
Laiuicr imstor. Sunday school 10 a. m.
Sermon 11 u. m. subj't-t "The Lord's
Services." Y. P. A. 7 p. ni.'AHa Zinn,
deader. Senuon 7:45. This is our last
Sunday before opr amiLul c.nif : iiicc,
which will lie hold this week beginning
ing and evening. Come preparea to iligs P"nHne Remlitston, president, k.
help moke Sunday a great day of up
life and inspiration. We most cordi
ally Invite the public to come and
enjoy these services with us. Do not
forget prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at 7:30.
erty and Center streets. W. Ct Kant
ner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday school
with classes for all. W. I. Staley, su
perintendent. 11 a. m. "God's Palm
Trees." 7:30 p. m. Christian endeav
or, Mrs. liayne leader, g p. ni. "The
Sea of Glass." 50 beautiful colored
pictures of Scotland will be shown at
tho evening service.
church. S. 8. 10 a in. Preaching at
11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. C. II.
Purcell will fill the pulpit morning
and evening. Prayer meeting Thurs
day 7:30 p. ni. Annual conference to
begin May 12. Bishop I). R. AVarner
of Chicago presiding. W. J. Jolni.don
pastor; Uinninah J. illusion, deacon
SCIENTIST Sunday service Is held
at 440 Chemeketa street at 11 a. m.
subject Blblo lesson "Everlasting
Punishment." Sunday school at 9:4D
a. ni. Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at R o'clock. Reading room
208 Masonic Temple open every day
except Sunday and holidays, from
11:45 to 5 p. m. All are cordially In
vited to our services and to our read
ing room,
cordial invitation to all the services, How 1" The evangelist will answer the
to you. S, 8. Aluiney, pastor. ! questions, will me worm do convert-
led? Will men be given a second
CATHOLIC Masses nt T:30 and'cnn? Will the nations ever fight
10:30. The last mass will be sung bylsen'n? Everybody welcome.
Rev. Francis Lelpsig, who was recent
ly ordained, and he will also preach
the sermon. After the lust mass, rath
er Lelpsig will give his blessing to all
Benediction Sunday evening at 7:30.
Rev. Father Buck will speak on some
doctrinal subject. A cordial invitation
is extended to everyone for all serv
ices. ST.. I'AFL'S Corner Chemeketa
and Church streets, the Rev. Chas. H.
Powell, H. 1)., rector. Services for the
fourth Sunday after Easter: 7:30 a.
m. holy communion; 9:45 n. m.
church school; H n. m. choral cele
bration and sermon, "Keldemrtion of
the lost;" 7:30 p. in, evening prayer
and sermon, "How to be poor." Mrs.
W. If. Bennett will sing an offertory
solo at the morning service. Every
body welcome.
at the state institutions Sunday will
be held as follows: 9 a. m. state hos
pital by II. E. Pomberton; 2:30 p. m.
Cottage farm by G. F. Lelnlng: 3 p.
in. girl's training school by Thos.
Aeheson; 8:15 p. m. tuberculosis hos
pital by E. S. Hammond.
-Corner South Commercial nnd Mey
ers streets, Horace N. Aldrich, pastor:
9:45 a. m., Sunday school, E. A. Rho-
ten, superintendent; primary depart
ment meets In Leslie hall, Miss Suo
Corner Center and High streets. Bible
school 9:45 a. m. Dr. II. C. Epley sup
erintendent, line orchestra. A Special
invitation to all. Sermon at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. by C. F. Swander of
Portland, corresponding secretary of
Oregon Christian Missionary conven
tion. C. E. society 6:30 p. in. Midweek
prayermeeting 7:30 p. m. Thursday cv
ening. Leland W. Porter, pastor.
should not be "dosed"'
for colds- apply th
. "autside" treatment
LUTHERAN East State nmUHgh
teenth streets. Sunday school at 10 a.
m. Preaching service at 10:30 a. in.
Subject: "How Jesus deals with n man
Hint seeks lllm." Visitors are wel
come, Thorn will be no evening serv
ice. George Koehler, pastor,
AVInter und Jefferson streets, Thomas
Aeheson, pustor. Sunday school 9:45
Chas. llauenian In charge, ('lassos for
nil ages under the care of capable
teachers. A hearty invitation is extend
ed lo strangers and the promise of a
derson minister. Joseph H. Albert, su
perintendent of the church school.
Services, public worship at 11 and
7:45 o'clock. School at 8:45, classes
for all. Intermediate endeavor at 5
land young peoples meeting at 0:30.
memo of morning sermon: "The
worl. I looking for a true man." Eve
ning service theme: "The salt or the
enrlli." Everybody welcome.
NASSAU EN K Sunday school at
8:45 a.' in. Preaching at li a. in. and
Rl. 1n. Young peoples Bible study
at 6:30 p. m, and at 7.30 song and
praise service.. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday at 8. The monthly missionary
Corner Thirteenth and Center streets.
Geo. S. Boeder, minister. Sabbath j
school 10 a. in. English nnd German;
classes. 11 a. ni. sermon by Rev. J.:
W. Beckley. 7 p. ni. Father Roeder'
will conduct the Epworth league de-
votional meeting. The pastor will
preach at 7:30. The ladies aid will;
meet Thursday afternoon to sew at;
the Salem Deaconess hospital. All
who wish to help art! Invited.
Church street, pastor J. J. Gillispie.
I Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. Aiola
'Jackson in charge. Preaching servic
,es at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Pray
er meeting AV'ediiesday evening at
7:30 p. in. A cordial invitation is giv
en to all to a'tend the services.
Dr. Richard N. Avlson, minister.
Corner Church and Stato streets. 9:15
old time class meeting, room 4 down
stairs, AV. L. Cummings leader. 9:45
S. S Prof. Alpheus J. Gillette, Supt.
Hobbln Fisher assisting. 1 1 a. m. ser
mon, "The Kingship of Jesus." 3 p.
ni. Kro. W. AV. RoseliiaiiKh will con
duct services nt the Old Peoples home
J2th and Ferry streets. 8:30 p. m.
society will meet at the parsonage senior Epworth league, Ramon Dim- j
mursiiny in p, m. Tho subject lek leader. There will also be lnstal-
Arinenln, Strangers welcome latlon of officers, Dr. Gilbert presid-
"The Lady of Lyons"
Presented by
Junior Class Willamette University
Directed by t
- Miss Elizabeth Barns
"May 7th, 8:15 p. m.
Seat Reservations at Opera House
Pharmacy May 6 and 7
Preliminary tickets can be had from Opera House Pharmacy
or any Junior student. Price 50c, ,75c and $1.00.
Mack Trucks
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Compute the Aveight of the loads car
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Capacities ! 1-2 to 7 1-2 tons
A. T. Stciner
will lie Armenia, Strangers welcome at on of officers. Dr. Gilbert nresid- 1 i ill 1 . r M II
ioiLase Jlraps and fTrucks
" a man will write a better book, paint a
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make a better mouse-trap than his neigh
bor, though he build his shop in the woods
the world will tread a beaten path to his
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"If a man will write a better book, paint a
better picture, sculp a better statue, or even
make a better truck than his neighbor
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famous quotation literally. He vent to a small village in Michigan called Alma, and started to build theZZul 7 ' u
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Buenos Aires, Nome, etc., etc., and to 1057 owners in Oregon. The "Yellow Chassis" is known wherever h 1- CV
Ruggles' latest endeavors displayed to their best advantage on our salesroom floor "' Ym can $ee aU
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Marion County
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