THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE FIVE 0fjEFThere9ssome difference between SO Volts and 10,000 Volts. I thnk T possesses 1 1 kj - " - - . - j jwfA.ct, amy FveWefe- BeTreFi. THAT'S vwHX fTmtvre , - .. i . I "DOM'T WANT To f ! sk't1dHuTT' iwwTE L wish Yflv"&J v AfHiMKon? Tf v THe ... I TtU- a . I r LL Tift V J f Llcrcic cY D,r-. I I : f :if - ' ' ... ' ' ' l tCopyright, 1920. by H. C. Fisher. Trade Murk Keg. U. & Tat. Otfiea. Voo Nee&M'r Be so CrXeVTf ABOUT t'. I cu'.e MoT THt 1 .'!'vi. " : - - I cats Drub son, Courtney l'ieinlch. New York, Ayr. 30 Zachnry, Sehacht and i A in .Score: . . ' K. Huston . 4 New 'York 2 . A.S SEKX THllf THK ' .lOlilNAJi WIXOOW 1 1 V . (I'.y the C.iuntry lCditor.) . 0, Ball Exhibition ;0 university M Il a i,'t'' ,( jie Willamette Iiva iitiimon U to 4 in iKisi'b.ill team , defeat Hoyt and Walters; Mays and Ruel. A-iisue. . ! vinit clime or country on tlv rnnmit'ipiim, f)r. iio. uaiiea ond half sixth, rain. Score: R. II. New York 2 8 K. u me l'Uilade!Jtiia : 4 tf ats yes ! Benton and Snyder, .McCarthy; Call ix inning : sey and Wheat, sec- , of the glohe can fcrmsh a peer to the!aiHj tniylit .May (.ay.-s o our own Oregon and the Willamette, valley? Whut i continent, or tiand .of the sea in the i Orient can surpa.-s the transcendent later, when it will be easy to detenu::. c What th ,..tlt i.l i .. jlhe firesient time, however, and thi srowers, universally, nre. highly pleas ed over the outlook. Iint,anVri ies. it is claimed,, were , uninjured hy the cold in this country besides a bountiful crop of n.'tines there will lie an ibundance of. liej-: ies. vill be opened at the Opera House and ii-arniaey next Thursday morning at 1 a. m. ! face j Wrestlers And Boxers Will Try Out In Portland a wieid mutest, with all Ifrrak plays to break the nio- oiie-siueit cuaiesi. 'kit freely, but the lienrcnio Apr. 30. Score: Huston, Brooklyn LtOKUlil ... 1'feffer and Elliott; beautiy of our flowered hills casting ... i.. ,1... PI, .1,1 ,,.ut n'Mill jirtigm imii ' " lime, aim ran me in""" 'out fragrance and sweet perfumes 0 2 Prose and poetry, eloquence and or 3 6 ; tory, the painters brush and the chisel .McQuillan and : of the sculptor have exhauted their ; powers of mayic to make historic the ! skies of old and crystal, the Korseous .ningaway with most anything ; J pna.1p Cr' imagery of fleecy clouds, and the rav-a-hdp of the slow delivery ofl VUHOl LtCUgUO UUUf ishiiitc beauty of l;ke and landscape of nd Stanley, the I'acific pitch-1 At Los Anseles R. H. E. ' the western hemisphere. But pause d the ftenerjl nervousness oi;s:ilt IJU;e 4 7 Oifor a moment and gaze upon the sum- Vernon " 11 is i ! mer slopes of our own hills and moun- irtond unci tnira innings were ,U.. ii.jifln lu.ini with ;::in7..,e pan .l...o.t tool'1" al,l?vrmer. the scurers to Keep iracK. n, talki'd in the second, Wolfe Cittrick witti a ntcnea nan, ami tame through with a double scored both tif them. Caton j Leverenz, Kelger, ISaum and liyler; At 8 tn 1'rancisco- l Sacramento R. H. E. 5 I) j Oakland .....t 0 3 2 I'enner and Cook; Kruusg and Spellmuii. At Seattle R. H. E. 9 13 2 Junior Players Put Professional Touch on Play Equal to any professional pany. is the verdict of till who com- liave I'ihilicid. Or., .May . v. .Morrii--Im.uie, in charge of the Olympic trp out in the Pacific northwest amateur Kis-iatisn for the A. A. r. today received word from V. A. Ru- """ wecrvuM ui vne ortsanuutuon. i xv st9)ll(.s Hl( . unu rtiinaim nau ueen selected, not itiily for the wrestling:, but also for the 'boxing troyouts to be held on the I'a cific coast. - This .means, according to Dunne. that all wrestlers and boxers who wish Manufacture of agricultural prod- j w uets and farm supplies, the Lincoln' County farmers Co-operative Waie h.iuse a.HMieiati'in of Toledo filed arti cles of incorporation with the state cor poratlon here Thursday. The corpor atlon is capitalized at S2S0rt. The in orpoiators are Clau-i Christiamu'ti,. K. H. Snuniway and .1. W. Carris'.i, .Otiier articles were filed Thursday h."-' follows: 1 Oregon Diamond T Truck company, I'.H'tliind, ?ao.t'UO; It. (l.ddberg, .!,. t!',)iimier and It. 1.. l'liilllps. Uerdspori Clothing eompnny port. $10.00(1; Lsaau E. Staph for everyone that he should mn i aell. The "two .verletis e:teh Slliw day" custom, they say. i nptis-'s a great strain en the clergy a strain nn.uti.tly if nt more heavily felt hy the laiety. hi, by a pitched ball and Da-1 f " L Hut was out trying to f . - W la the third Page I V" " .. """u ' " H.n hit after R. Dimick I , il out; II. Dimick walked and ! , ' " "y . "',', J' " ny 01111 in me linn inning spoiled wnat km h. tins hit l.v the nltcher "ttu u-r" Zi 4 . - twren Hei'lfllll liilie. tains and contemplate the radlent beau ty of the teeming valleys. The eye never tires in its admiration of the griissy meadows and the blossomed hills In the spring time. No poet's motnhne ejm rln thorn tudtlno Vn orator's imagery or eloquence otjlhysique and voice for this exacting '.i, , m.i ,i0t 'role, but also the histrionic . anility oeen priviiegcit to watch tile prawllce ; 10 compete lor me cnauce iu enier uie t v of ortjuntx. of the junior play ot Willauietto unl-1 final tryouts for the I'nlted States ' J ' versity, "The Iditly of Lyons." Linen Ueauis which will compete in the Olynv F.asler, taking the 10H1 of Claude j pic tournaments must enter the tor ilelnottc, . is u natural lead, who : oaments here. Winners ill these events would go tar 011 the road to success j ,vh!ch will bo held late ill June, will were he to choose the fodtlUftitx tot j oe sent to Now York and Boston to (1. Woodruff. '' A certificate showing an increase jcspitul stock from $25,000 to (1)0,000 i wa:i filed by the Monarch Motor ciun ! puny of Portland, Uesilutlons of dissolution were filed ; by the Mitchell Point Lumber com- 5200 Persons in Contest to Give Trade Mark Name What will the trade mark for the. Oregon Orowers Cooperative associa ltecds ti products lie? , (too. I fifty two hundred persons from all vocation. He has not only the compete in the finals early In July '!,l.'ittpl'k unit futon forced In en u goou piieners uuoi DC At this limphirp twren j eriie;t uuu oeiuoiu yesieruay, iiy" Irvine hit one that the third T . T . ,, , , . 1 Scotts Mills. Thev are whollv and en In shrakHiave handled, and a1 """ '. .(mrthmws allowed all four!'t,te nlm tn two', I'ihed a. tion of them. The most ornate and eloquent diction is Impotent in their presence. To lie appreciated they tnust be seen. All languages chant praises of the historic skies and ravishing sunsetR of Italy. Nevertheless they do not exiall the smile found upon the countenances of prune growers in the vicinity of tirely jubilant over the outlook' for the Jo (cure. tLiheup: ljii.ftio Irvine, nltcher; ' Da- iieher; Page, short; R. Dimick, : Brown, catcher; H. Dimick, I; McK'ittrick.; Powers, M; Caton. centerfield. Jte- k piicM two innings, Ific Stanley, second; Siler, left- E. Wi.'lfe. catcher: Kinder, short ft. pitcher; Kii-ke, centerfield; fiist: Ronii, rightfleld; Lena- iihl. Stanlev nltrhed three in. steady game, allowing but six hit.' - - 'At. Portland ' ; t. H. E. San Kranclaeo .....I..,., t- 10 2 Portland 3 6 2 Couch, Seaton and Agnew; Poison and Baker. 0 (I 2 11 0 0- Ite 1 4 (i 0 2 x- -1 :i R. H. E. 4 7 3 pUOll !,KA(;n.; KCOIil-'.S M inicrlniii heamie. " Apr. 30. Score; n. h. lyhia q Willamette Net , Game' Stars Off To Eugene Today Noble Moodhe and Hugh Donev, the Willamette men's tennis team, are In Eugene today playing the C. of O. fac ulty team, which if-: said to be as strong as the varsity team. The match was ararnge'd on short notice, but the Wil lamette men have ben training hard for tile meeting with IT. of O. varsitj men next wek. and are tirennred to give the Eugen profs a battle. War Mothers Of Salem Endorse Boy Scout Drive i. Perry anil r erkins: E. 1 7 5 I'mk- Abuer Riddle, aged 05. a pioneer who had lived near Kiddle practically all his life, died at his home there last week. 1 . (St W ot liresent season, nnd with the hills cov- ut ; ered with flowered benuty ?they have J; every reason t rejoice. One of the critcb. I weeks-in the prun season has j passed. With ten days nrtire of favor i able weather the richest crop of prunes and cherries that have, been grown In the hills tributary to the lit tle Quaker town for several years will 4;a actors be assureu. ine niuiiui 01 niuy, me growers predict, is likely to bring the kind of weather desired for the pro 'ductlun of prunes, and thev are unani mous about one hundred of them, cultivating approximately one thous and ac:'es of prunes in the opinion that the scnr.on of 1920 bids fair to be a banner year in the history of the prune industry. There are two prune growers' asso ciations in the Scotts Mills territory. The Butte Falls association has been organized for ten or twelve years, and the now association, known as tne State association, has been organized less than a year. The last name asso ciatioji has just finished a big packing house, and 'they are branching out con siderably, planting numerous new or chards. Mot of the lftl!) crop has been dis posed of, it is said, only a few cars be inH held hy the associations. Some of thein here and some in New York. The increase price and favorable market will move these very rapidly. Only a small portion of the new crop has been u-Md on contract this year. It is said that sales will be slow and uncertain until about the first of June or a little and power of personality necessary to portray such a part to an audience. Miss Kay Peringer in thi- title . ole also takes to the part naturally, lend ing to it her own gracious and gtn- , i . . .1 Proving the active part that the inger has i played charac er parts, not- .ation is taking in civic affairs, ab y "Little Orphant Annie ,, the foowin(f Mtc,, aanres8ed to 8a Riley program last fall, but she is; mothers, and the public in iuuy ui ...... ... ... ma. ... ... ral , a HamI,e of Its endeavori aristocratic I'rench girl wh hn been , o ,. stripped of title and wealth by tin I revolution. Ralph Thomcs, who will toe remembered for the pleasing rc- eitiil which he cave several wefhit ago, is capable of taking any part? and is particularly good in the role of a French colonel. Edwin Socolofsky has always nei. recogniKed as one of the most talent-! in the university, . giving' his work a spirit and fire which many professionals might envy. Ay the villain in the play he has a good opportunity to display this abandon. Myrtle Mason, Paul Klegel. Russell Rarey and Frank Foster are till par ticularly good in the p.-vl: er'sigiied to them, and in fact the whole com pany is responding to the ii.Helll.'::crt tuition of Miss. Barnes, the gifted di rector. : Miss Barnes was at one time dra matic critic for the New York Times and will not be content Willi anything but the best production that can be staged. Siie is at present head ot I he Ellison-White school of drama al For Hand. As the play is to be given mit onre. Friday night In the opera house, the chief difficulty will be in finfllng room for all who want to see it. Prac tically all of the students as woll as tha five hundred visitors who nre coming to Willamette for May Day will want to see the play, as well as a large number of Salem people. Tick ets are now being sold by members of the junior class, and reservations along these lines: This Is to inform all War MotherR who are not In the habit of attending the regular meetings, that Salem chVi titer has gone on record as hearti ly approving the Boy Scout movement and has promised to aid it In every possible way.- When the collectors In the ficout drive come to you within the next few days, remember our promise and pledge all you can. "It Is undoubtedly a wonderful work, this of training anil disciplin ing our future men nnd lawmakers. Look out for a whirjwjnd drive dur ing the rest of this week, and get be hind it. ".Merchants are usked to leave their subscriptions at home, as the cam paign will riot fnciude the downtown districts." Signed, Mrs. John A. Car son, president Salem chapter, Amer ican War Mothers. No Sermon Better Than Poor Talk Churchmen Say London, Apr. 30. Are sermons in dispensable? This Is otie of the ques tions on which a decision may lie tak en by the bishops of the Angellcan church at their meeting in Lambeth In July. A section of churchmen art. dt'; clured to hold that If a limn hasnot the gift of preaching It would bo 1ott jl-iuts of the rnit?d States, and one. in 'in England have mailed surges; ions to the offices here of the :iHHoeiatl:n, In. participation In the contest hetsun ' several months ago. A prize of $100 was offewd for the acceptable trade mark. - Due to the largo volume oi t'ui.Ki in the contest It will require about a week or ten day to clocld upon the winner. C. 1. liewiH, hicliargo of or- ganlxallon and publicity for the as sociation, said today. Farmers Organize W arehouse Co. Organized for the purpose' - of co- SKINNER & WHITE nn vmi LABOR AGENCY 35 N. 2nd St., Portland We fumteti prawHy Farm Hrli, Milken. Woe4 CutUri, Mill, Cunp ud KIUhi.!klp. Phone Broadway 3205 WANT HELP? The llible Answer to Sir Oliver Lodge and Others Hear this illuminating discourse by C. ,T. LeliOY Lecturer for the International Bible Students SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2:30 P.M. The mystery of psychic phen omena and communication with the spirit world scripturally ex plained. The facts of ages con trasted with the deductions of science. . MOOSE HALL Gor. Court and High Sts. YOU ARE WELCOME Seats F ree No Collection Members of the fialem Women' club have donated their services for one week to iisbt 111 raisins funds for the const ruction of the proposed t-a- lem hospital. Popular farmer Seeks Office .ft . T. L. DAVIDSON Who seek to represent Marion county in the legislature. A successful farmer and business man. A law student, having liv ed all his life up to date in this county, he should stand well with the voters. Paid Adv. the Most Out of Lif you a lover of the Great Out doors? TtSf rrcf o tnnnroTrolp sidecar this year. , 2y-Van buy wil1 eive yM much m pleasure as a Harley-Davidson Wt otor.c3Tcle you are absolutely inde ktJ.s and time tables you never kgg ajt for strset carsyou never have to i crs you never worry about luggage. WnV1 travel by Harley-Davidson, you go U4S tna 2-reatRst Rtvirf in th world i-uureacn- &. i - "k a w i paymet plan makes it possible to tariev-rjav?c-rt , 4 cuu w LLiiv juu cug yja HARRY W. SCOTT ' l47 South Commercial Street TIRES Special Spring Prices New Stock Factory Firsts -30x3 Non-skid $11.35 30x3" Non-skid 14.95 32x3 Non-skid $16.95 31x4 Non-skid 23.75 32x4 Non-skid 24.25 33x4 Non-skid 24.85 34x4 Non-skd 25.45 Full Guarantee CORD TIRES 30x3 Non-sKiu 24.25 32x4 Non-sikd 41.75 32x3 Non-sKld 20.25 33x4 Non-sikd 43.00 34x4 Non-skid -- 4450 8000 Mile Guarantee Buy Early MALCOM TIRE CO Commercial ,and Court Sts. Salem, Ore. Be sure and see us before you buy CHEER UP AND SMILE 5 ipws'uppiw iff it HOME WAS NEVER THE WONDER SHOW OF THE SEASON I LIKE THIS The Only Chaperoned Chorus in , The Show World FUN, SONGS, WONDERFUL MUSIC FASCINATING GIRLJFS The Big Girlie Show that the United Slates Government Played in all the Big Army Camps and Has Played to Over a Million Soldier and Sailor Boys. 20 Dainty Singing and Dancing Girlies Under 20 "Two Other Headline Acts" Special 5 Piece Orchestra I . . ' COMING TUESDAY "SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS" BLIGHT THEATRE A HRAV w uu mm i -mw m w m m m It Cost $10,000 To Produce This Show Come And See Why