Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 01, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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;jn a communication to the Capital Journal Chairman C. F.
i'uuii,ej evry evening xcept t Stone of the state game commission calls attention to the imper-
Ei cn V3 ,ieeu 01 CimmS me spring months for trout fishing if we
hlra'Td 1,:, ar o have any trout left. Says Mr. Stone:
ww office. i; EdiioHai rooms. 88. : "The angling season opens in Oregon right at the height of
o. putnam. Editor and Publisher, i the spawning season. The fish are in a weakened condition from
intered as second cUs mail mat. Which they do not reCUDerate for ahont. twn mnntha nnrl rnna
Mrl Kalim nn. V...A t. , , , . " . 7 . . r" , """v
inn v5irimtr cntin,i tionw fu j . i -t-. ,
j . e i v. w uora iui iwu uuiing &uun ume. xsui
Advertising representatives W. D.
Ward, Tribune Bldg., New York; W.
H. Stockwell, Peoples Gas bldg..
By carrier 6o cents a month. r i ordinarily, the angler does not'eonfine his operations to the small
2iiAiBto 'iiSoS'iIS tro' e thing i9 certain' 8hould the Present destructive policy
rear in Marion and Polk counties, i COntMUG OT ten years longer, there willl be no more quarreling
ord'er'of Vkargover,met all ' ft' 2? tTOUt fishin in B thing of
shall subscriptions are payable In ad- , .
rracucany ail tne. trout caught this spring about Salem and
proudly exhibited in the windows of sporting goods stores as
trophies of the anglers skill, are either srjawnino-fish nr fah
i spent from spawning. Such fish have not the vital.
EJJirSrSJ2E m.ak.e a"glinf aportin? Wfarttoi have they the flavor
ntitied to the use for publication of 'ciiuisiic 10 mane mem a laDie delicacy. . '
& "MST cre"teCdrer.d1,,,0piaperr r.J'l.8 th '?SUlt J the SPff 8 Constantly
ad also local new published herein. "g usn population.
"If Jasper Jay," Rusty Wren cried,
aa noon aa ne and nis wife heard the
noarse cry outside their house. "He's
piayiag one f his tricks on u& And
NOT Can restokincr snlvo iha nmU
.cm, iiCn ntny every nsn caught - means the destruction of
several hundred fish for next year. '
It is true, as Mr. Stone sava. that a snnrtsm
ashamed of himself if he slaughtered does at the time they were
having fawns, or grouse with little chicks, but without compunc
tion he slaughters the spawning fish, due principally to ignorance
of their condition.
It is up to the sportsmen to remedy this situation and aid!
in stocking our streams by creating a public sentiment that will!
force the legislature to place a Droner closed
trout. If they do not wake-up until it is too late, there will be no
iish to protect. The angler must be snortsman
- it. i . ... , 7 o"
Trials, Judges
And Police Make
- Fun at Artisans
Will W. A. DiilxU'l, sliiie fU r of
wWtflita and incnsni-cs, ui'tlng an
JtiilKe, and tilen C. Nlles, ast imiHter
Arlimin, jiOHinw a guarilinn of the
to,Btikrrnmpiint wuhi.i thV'ronfi"'c! his sPrin8T outing for the sake of future sport
of the Odd Kellow'a hull hint nluhl 1 '
when Iho IimIkh held an open nieel-i IS IT ANY WONDER'
tJ-rriii .. Abraham of Roseburg Beeks the republican nominna-
wearing good ciothe to the meeting' 1 " dM -"ieu states senator on a platform "absolutely" ooDosinir
...,ru inw ii.un. ih.i; ucaijr aiiu nie league oi .nations. , '
ti TU" .5berliN- St!nfield, of Port,and on a platform deClar
iiiWiehi wMnt Kimer l. Ten-ill, j In Ior preservation of American constitutional government and
v'he nun u. Martin, attorney fr, American institutions ; for recognition of American rights in all
ro,.;:y(r agreement," which can be construed a! J opposed
me gniuniiH cunHtlliiting cruel unit In
human treatment, which Bhf alleged.
"Juilue". lNtlalel waa plainly biased,
iu) evidoticed by the fact that he per
mitted the plaintiff to xit nit the
arrrn of hla chair behind "the bench"
hlle he acowlcd nrgrily down upon
"the defendant while her complaint
' rend. The "court" . granted the
decree of divorce to the plaintiff..
Mlws liniHRfleld and Mr. Terrlli were
wiaineu in u mock ceremony nt the
lodge nevernl monlhrt uro by Clov
rnor Kloott.
Clothing worn by aevernl of the
membera at the pnrly would have
rivalled the garb of the Algninnted
Order of Hoboes, overalls being far
too ityllah for wear on mich an ocmb
lon. following the "triul," and dur
ing we evening th member and
tneir inenas partook of luncheon.
to the peace treaty and league of nations, or for it, which ever
you chose, but doesn't really mean anvthino- definite '
Abraham, who has nothing to lose and everything to gain, i,
taking a gambler's chance by aDDealino-
izinjr the hyphen vote, for he thereby secures a positive following.
Otherwise he wouldn't have anv sunnort worth th
Stanfield evidently has no Jonvictions on the subject and is
awaiting the dictum of the party bosses in the eomino- rnnws,
If the party platform is for a league, Stanfield will presumably be
tor it U opposed to the league, Stanfield wj)l presumably oppose
it. It is not of such stuff that statesmen are made
Republicans of Oregon are therefor offered their choice be
tween a candidate who is hostile to th
,who is Without the courage of his convictions, if he has any. So
; , "c Ui lIIC uesinng a league, wi have no
Candidate to carrv out di . no
t T if onv urnrtAw ,. r i i. - '
Bau.rday about 8s member, of 'the!'i;ba n JZl:.. "ePUD lcans Preter a Democrat
.. wuo nas positive convictions and is not afraid
to express them, even when antagonistic to his own party and
administration, and who stands for the expressed wishes of his
constituents, and who is at least politically sincere, to the trim
ming politicians and four-flushing demagogues of their own
ft SJ
"PCrhais you will like this better!"
ne Mioutea. , g
I'm going out and tell him exactly
iiima or nim. '
" , xorgei to tell him what I
think of him, too!" Mrs. Rusty said,
as he let go of ..her husband s coat-
Then Ruaty hurrieil through the lit
tle doorway. And there was Jasper,
sitting on a limb above the house, with
a cherry hi his bill, which he let fall
with a e!y smile.
The cherry struck the roof of Rua
ty's house with a loud bang. And
then came the same clatter, to which
the Wo-en family had been listening.
"Here! Stop that!" Rusty cried.
JasperjJiy shriekej with laughter.
"Go away!" said Rusty.
.-"Go away yourself;" retorted Jasper.
, This is my home," Rusty Wren
told him hotly. "And you've no right
to come here and frighten my wife
and children like this."
How shall I frighten them, then?"
jasper Jay asked him. "Perhaps you
like this way better!" he shouted. And
with that he flew- straight at Rusty
v ren. He was so big and he looked
jso cruel that Rusty turned tail and
uasnea into nis house again. And he
was glad that his doorway Was not
much bigger than a twenty-five-cent
piece, because he knew that Jasper
Jay could never squeeze through so
small an opening.'
Jasper alighted on top of the hou.e
and jumped up and down on the -roof,
striking it with his bill and screaming
"Don t be afraid;" Rusty said to hi
wife. "He can't do any harm. And
after a while he'll grow tired of stay
ing here and hell go away."
Well, Rusty was half right, at least
For Jasper Jay went away at last; but
he didn't wait untu be had grown
weary of his rowdyish sport.
Now. Johnnie Green happened to
Jasper's harsh cries. And, looking out
of the window, he say Jasper's Strang
"That blue jay Is teasing my little
wrens! Johnnie Green cried Indig
nantly. And, catching up a porato
from the kitchen table he hurried to
the door and and hurled it as hard as
he could at the blue-coated trouble
maker. . ,
The potato missed Jasper Jay by
less than an Inch, bringing up ker
plunk! against the trunk of the old
cherry tree, and breaking Into, several
And then it was Jasper Jay's turn to
be alarmed, He jumped off the roof
of Rusty wren house as if h had
been shot and dashed off as fast u his
handsome wings could carry him. He
knew of no way to tease . Johnnie
Green; so there was really no sense in
his staying In Farmer' Green's yard
any longer.
Johnnie jeered at Jasper as the
frightened bully hurried away.
"You'd better not come skulking
around here again!" he shouted.
Although the cherries hung red and
juicy upon the old tree for at least a
week longer, just begging to be picked
as one might say Jasper Jay did
not come back to enjoy them. He told
Jolly Robin that he; was entirely too
busy to waste his time In an old cherry
tree. -
4-tm 1 '
i u me juaii
When the Bisn&
T .
are aoughy, the pk
crust soft and ih.
Sunday roast enh
half done, what do
Complain to wr
wife! : 1
What does she do
vault? I do not believe you have ever
cared very much for it. Suppose you
'" Key ana I will have it re-t
As usual John had spoiled it all. He
knew that I had sold that nln tn ah
ana ne was taking this way to find out
,now mat I had money, I was going
... ana buy the pin back
from Alice?
(Monday A Momentous Decision.) J
local lodge, Including the Artisan
Clils Drill Team will go to Kugene
and aid In conferring Initiation there
in the evening.
Willamette Not
Discussing Dance
Declares Doney
"The (mention of ilnnclnt Is not
uncter UiHcuMslon by Wlllnmcite unl
Tilt,v" whm (he statement made by
I'reHliimiit Honey In correcting a news
paper version of the dlHCiiMnn re
cently held by the college V. M. C. A.
on the subject of amusements. Aside
from the fact that the Methodist
church prohibits- dancing, he fmpha
led the fact that
lamt'ttB fire ex. ((. tt trjittuiniu nt.A
Rippling Rhymes
TiT.T-k.TPM n a
thJjS&VVZ1 Pubi8her weep; and prices,
q...u mgiic! eacn weeK. The nublisherV Wo-ino-around
,n the mart; the publisher's begging! with whes i?hU
heart: for minor imni.!,. w : Sb , 11,1 acnes in nis
are soaring like kites inThVbVeeT And Uncle" S&M
use paper as junk; through summers and wmters torLS!
punk that no one confesses to reading? I wot, come for h from
ii. l . ... . .:: urt.icinenis are crnwnori
into it- hlKl.ost terms, and tha, if thh, T J?.' WItPl.'"teCl "tuff shrouded in Cobwebs Mid
wre done, dancing have mlUuHt' R.ePrts and such litter are there bv thp tnX. .T":
v i a a -wv .v f t l inaaca
Fair Association
Is Incorporated
vcmrai uregon Fair oasoevt-
on organized at Bend, Deschutes I
tlL Vu 01 incorporation
with the state corporation department
here Friday.' The association i
tallied at 3S,000 with the following
m K"'"1"- A. Ward, C. L.
""" ana Wallace B. Birdsall
Articles Were also filed Friday by
the Pacific Baking company, Inc., of
capuanzed at 130,000.' Gus
rmer j. uostas, Ziss Alex and oKas are the Incorporators
Resolutions of dissolution .....i
o? ii'g"ho"!f Can"ln "Pany
" '"""y f oundry com
pany. Portland,' and. the Valley Motor
Mlk Prices
To Take Ef fed May 1, 1920
One pint per day per month ....$2.10
One quart per day per month .-. ..2... 4.00
3 pints per day per month , " 5 90
2 quarts per day per month : 7J5
5 pints per day per month Z.Z.Z.." 940
3 quarts per day per month Z....... 10.75
4 quarts per day per month .ZZZZ"Zl3!50
1 quart per day per month in pmt bottles ...'.....Jt....Z. 4.10
1 quart per day per month, delivered 1 pint a. m
and 1 pint p. m. 4 20
CREAM TABLE 1-2 pint Z.ZZ ' 15c
Whipping Cream 1-2 pint .... , ZZZ 20c
All deliveries made to residences bears the'retaii'ratT
....... . ..""In Tiiun VUfo J . . . V "
yy 1111 r mt 1 inr " ! wuiu. ncnua iiiin4 iin nia rrn r n j "
hv her 1.0 wiievej .I,.,,,.,,,, Wmng to tl.m every day-big tomerthat rl -i? . are fdded
imrt from the fhrlstlnn s standpoint, whey. His DreVse nr 5itJ2 li Padd2d W1,th bncomb and
gve hi. opinion that the conn,,. A- ae creak"i?. they groan and complain with
on reached by some of the students' Publers shrieking for paper n vain. . "'l""n, wnn
place In their
.i Tne recent meeting, that the dan
mini 00 retornieil, was doomed
The dlxeiiMNlnn of dancing entered
iin uy tne v. m, p, a.
night was not fur the
lavorinif tin
as i luirlea left ni I
caught sight,
Piiiiioue of
1 11 ( r oil 11 1 1 Ion ,if
"' Hiiiatiieue, but was merely lol
five the utmlent nn opportunlt'v tnl
t'xpress their ideas nn ii,- .i.i..
rn and eon. A large niunher of liiose Lfnm ,h ,v,n'10"'. nt a messenger boy
ipo considered dancing n ben- 14 a 01 10'18' This time 1
cfli'lKl form of amusement, nnd fhot ' " I wondered If John was go.
thnt the rhiirches should remove the' t0 r,n"'t H over again. It was
mn, and among those who held this! rt'"M' 1,0 'nly that I did not ask my
v ew were a number who are prem-i ",f " were my money he was eourt-
... .Miivrisny ntraus nnd 111 tlul"'
k- in r niiiiiiu loiiseii at me ntth n,.,.i...
ii.l,vn.l...l . .t. .... . l-l-."rniuil
' " "IBj seemed to be afraid that I
By the Noted Author
Two Applications
Fbr Grade Crossings
Passed By Board
, wo oraers involving permission to
construct-grade crossings were issued
oy the public service commission Fri-
One gAnts permission for the con
struction of a crossing over the tracks
I. V..1US uav Branch nt the a....
m Pacific railroad near ReedsportJ
"""B'oo coumy.
The other order trants
L!,hB c"nstructi"n of permanent!
cross ng at the end of Fourth street in
"c uny oi myrtle Creek.
Proper Glasses
, A defect of the eye is
not a disease but by ne
glect and abuse it may
lead to disease. Proper
glasses are the only "
remedy that will over
come an eye defect and -afford
permanent relief.
Probably tell yQ1l
again the same old
story about ivearing
her life out on that
old. range, that '7
simply, can't Jceep
clean, and that can't
possibly bake."
And then you for
get all about it until
the next meal
Mi '.Man -of -th-
House she needs a
new -range, now!
Comedown togeth
er, and let us show
you the range thai
can't rust out. The
range that cleans
like a dish. The world
greatest range. "The
ne university was
part of any of them
, ixkh iu'y rnorriiTV
Rattle, Wash., Apr, SO Senlllo
I-odw No. Dj. ltenevolen, ,.,.,,,.
t ve order of Klks. today purchased
the site of the Lincoln hotel, reeenllv
,,, ,.u iy !,.,, KMvh
Kmiiiul now oeoupleil
ouitmiig ndjoniiig.
ontlre half block, mi
pa rills' t
In the
"' lrge llinu-kiieil.
..,.. 1.1 ruiiT. The
KKitin.t. I2u ,v u
t ioa.000, it was unnoiinced
with the
P.v the Klks
'"' tne lottge an
"r up tne uiossoms us I had
""ne with the first ones John
st lit.
naif block, nil which It Is pre-!,, '
to build ,h finest Mks temple
1'nlted States, according to a 1 , , Ma
iMi, i nm going to be good," I said
i loiiK out one of the largest bio
"ins aim men I gave an Involuntary
" prieaeq myself on a thorn
'id I found my hand bleeding pro
rusi'ly, I suUl nothlnir in cv,.l.,,i
1, ... . " '
... M-Killl cnreiUHV. Mr nn n
om the stems.
r: ; ', ' til t
... . ;' mr
mm ;
Vou ddii't hiivc tn 1. if. f,.
!::-:! Iii, - If j; tt. f,-,. ('.,1,1
n EOnil I. Inn mnt.t til... -
Rl " " " m Alice us
-! . 'nl vase to put my
newly aooiilred
feet. POSt the Imhre Holh lliHiamc Sibul
1 '"ink so,' 'and then we both
were silent. I knew that h, both were
thinking that perhaps it was nlwavs a
woman place to atrin tha th,.,.
"in ner rws instead of allowing her.
e ne nurt oy them. She knows
there and by using car she
'ri nvoiu them, therefore she should
f'"t m. fault if through thoughtless
new or lack of care her hands are
"Then you do not feel well onmiirh
said Alice, as she thrust the last rose
1M n the vftse, "t0 ga aiul R,h .
'lay?" , .
"1 feel well enough, but I do not fei
up to nskiiig her to allow the children I
to gn and visit Helen and Bobby,"
ci i, you it a not have to do It rlirht
on the Jump."
No. I don't suppose I dt. hut I
xhoul.l be thinking of u nil the time,
i would probably make me very un-
omrurtiilile and posrlbly give ituth an
pressmn that I was not Interested In
n children or that I
Bloves In' back of one of the cushions."
Alice Shows Scorn.
"Oh that woman, that woman." said
Alice, -r wish she would become in
;2N ,,eo.e,!e,nd ,eave
"Now, look here, my dear v',.
i .... ' "
"""" s"e is no more In
V.. A
vu uu ikh oeneve any
than, John is.
: ' . t,,at he would ' tn my
uiuess John invited her,
, ' ,urse nit. but you know as
-ivumenne. that a clever wo
man can make a man invite her to do
mind thnt she' wants to do it "
"rerhaps, but I still thtmti,...
hould consider you a little. What"
TtZr w" l8Kbet0'- carriage is his
ffalr, but whatever he is after his
marriage is not onlv hi "
Mr of his wife." lnB
"Every woman who to ,.,ti.j
flirtatious or even a thonifhtle
"f fWh dlssrace f trouble
gv into, i kow. toAnv ,.
among our friends I am pitied and by
some of them looked upon with con
tompt because they know that John is
..vsirvuui ni mors or 1.11. ...
the time he Is playing around with
Elisabeth Moreland."
I don't think he will d i ...
more," said Alice as she Indicated the
roses by the turn of her head and then
she turned and picked op the beg care
lessly m which they had come. "Why"
she said, "her Is a ant -htk
evidently have not read."
Glances at the xm
This was true. ft t tki. ,
thought John had sent the rose.
mously, but I hurriedly glanced . th.
aote. . 1
Gravel For County
xoads Not Exempt
From. Taxation
Contractors taking sand and gravel
from the beds of navigable streams
for use on county road work will not
be exempt from the payment of roy-
?afna?P,r?Vlded unkr a act of the
mo legislature. This decision was
maue at a meeting of the state land
""y nd was Vased on an ap.
ur lne Marion county court
wmt mis exemption be granted
to contractors excavating sand and
gravel for use on the roads in this
iiiis in mis county.
i..iutn as the money derived
from the royalty charge is credited to
...v. ineuuciDie school fund ne
ie iana poard holds that no com
pany ,flrm or comoratlon u nmu
to exemption from th. provisions of
wmch s expected to bring t
s ow.uoo a year Into the coffers of
mo sciiooi mild. Prini- tn Ih.
of the act the state was not realising
extensive resources.
Phone 341
Dr. Albert R. Miller
Eyesight Specialist
510-12 U. S. Bank X
Autos Are Needed
To Take Aged Over
nlossom Driveways
nmT in another home. There
" -vit oeauiltul hntis nn (K. ji...
grown liar-1 that i ......... , ... .
lil.rly stunld since .. eri.-i: , I" L 1 naa
... however. I will go 7a mo... 1 1.. ., "f "Tf Jh' Mor" W. ,
fact I would like to m,v a I Z 'J? "1! ? l
r v.. 1 ' 1 ll.IlVt T t !, . .
s mverai doien persont
"micaiea their desire to be tak-
u ln tP Sunday over "blossom
route, no persona have volunteered
the use of their ear
a the Commercial cluh oav rt t.
atimated that at least a dosen autos
'" ""oi tor about two hours Sun-
T iMternoon.
At least three auto will be requlr
edto take th persons from the Old
Peoples home who wish to view the
blosjsom covered hills surrounding Sa
lem. Numerous other aged and trip
pled persons residing in nrtom
of the city have utaii tv. r- .
r ,un"y 1 ben without c,uo M that they ars taken,
toil how lonely I hav. Persons who will mmi.h f. .
mind to come to me very soon. I ha'Mk"1 ,0 ommunicat with the Com- '
been wondering all day If 30a would n,"Tl"1 cIuh offlc register their
tanens, i ney win then be assigned to j
a Quota of passengers.
"Darling," It read, "you can not
Protection Against
The "Electric Fly Destroyer'
Is insurance against the fly pestulence. The purchase price
only expenditure, as electric currenontmpn
for one year's operation is practically nothing.
Electric Fly Destroyer
211 South High Street
445 Court SI
Pr 998
Htit- 679 J.
i-ldp, in
"h. g
dnes," s,'Ut!
l..r " imwtjf what TMf wena4ay in th. Mn.t. w
A bill giving the secretary of state
right to license all cable lines landing
on American shores was introduced
Alice. "hOWithllllr nhnttt It . . ...
vnu i. W W ,, ih., ... . .. ... . ' " " w y "O I Will
1" l'l IA II II- II IV Tllrt ), .a
luerut . .1... . . . . ' " f""" "rr
" " ', ".'" i ieu stTii ta .ii. mi : ,!...,. ii.i .1..
.... " - .,...
lur your 1
"1 "r.Vr
"ll .
evs-r en).
. f Ki
i.l I'.ir si.
ih M lCi.,h
t m.dfi a
UM' flRil 1 rhlnlr 11
' i ahout time ihit 1011 lad a ,(!,.
piwit Vv ti n-iy u th.!t ,V .id
i ...1 I ,t j..., !( it,.. ... ., . ...
mneta. who saii Ameri
ran csnle rommunicatl-s wl'.h S.vith
Amei trail were lietnii hnmppi-e.l by a nint of erlcive '-.;:!i t,.
! ' '..'.-h etmHllv I.-- r.i.--: m'.-4
4-i t ii 'r'torv.
. L0CAL: AMD LONG DlSTAnrT M.m ...
3? otractor mm :
Established 18C3
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. D.
Of course there are
other ranges, b u t
only one "Copper
Clad" malleable, and
they can only be pur
chased in Salem at
our store. If you
have never examin
ed a "Copper-Clad"f
you certainly should
before you buy a
range, r
No, they are not
lowjpriced-who ever.
heard of a high grade
article at a low price,
but they are not one
cent higher in price
than many other
ranges. That do not
compare in quality
in any way. Put in
your home, coilea
ready to start the fire
Reservoir style....$t&
4G7 Court Street