a u l ti:n. THE CATITAL JOURNAL SATURDAY, MAY l Dme oi rroperty Is Considered By ito Sum A. Kozer. deuuty serrMrv of .stale, whu said it would be nmMiiry for Senator Poindexter to personally ; file affidavits of withdrawel. Growers' Session With a record attendance of Sa lem Fruit Union shareholder! pres ent, the meeting at the Cnion plant at Mill and High streets, was with u , dur ng the first hours of tb v orning session. Over two hundred members were la attendance while proxy vouchers Brought the voting strength up to aearly 800. After recall and routine reports by officers of the organiza tion, an e'ectlon of officers retained all members of the 1919-1920 person nel. Officers and several members of the Union advanced the matter of disponing of the Union's Mill-High Street property. The question was vot ed upon by the shareholders, but by three o'clock this afternoon, the re turns had not been completed. How ever, it Is believed that union mem bers will concur in the sale of the property, which is held to have out lived its Usefulness. While no statement could be elicited from officers of the co operative asso ciation, It Is generally believed that matters of Bpeclal Importance will be brought up during the afternoon and evening session. Straw Hats Found To Be Scarce Here "Straw Hat Day" Todays "straw hat day, but dlli front search on the streets downtown all day long failed to reveal ninny of the light skyplrccg. According to custom that's as old as the f lint base ball lenguo In America the rougher ex is supposed on May 1' to appear with his dome erowneu In a bonnet if some sort of hny. But only several four at the most were seen In Salem today. And they at sstrldb the blllowly thork of hair of farmers and were of tho vlntiige of perhaps 1908. Either the auspicious occasion was overlooked, or the wise deemed it best to wait until the weather man nays "fair and wanner" before they abandon their coronas of felt. Salem And Yamhill .Nines Will Meet At Oxford Park Today ' The golf team of the Kugone Coun try club will lie In frialom, .Sunday for the first inter-club mutch of the ye" The party which will be accompan ied b ya number of women golf en thusiasts from the Lune county city will arrive at Llveslcy station nt 9:30 a. m. Members of the Salem club with machines lire urged to meet the visitors and escort them to the mi lled club.. , ' The following; players tvlll repre sent Kugene: W. W, Mo'nick K O, Immel, R. W. Martin, C. D. Hover. A. 13. Ilapp, E. W. Hope, Frank Hiir rltt, P. X. Hehnefers, 0. B. Schaof ers. O, W. Oriffln, J. 1'eurson, J, L, Hesw llnnnld Young, L. W. Howling, W. W. Htarlmi'k, C. H. Dillon, L. 11. Swlmirt A. A. Rogers Hurry Ton-ell, J. A. McLean, l-'red F. Brown. ' The Sal.'m team has not been plck ' d but will bo composed of lowest handicaps men who put iu appear mice. . . The regular and Justly famous "Jr-"!!!!) Jones" dinner will be serv ed tor ull club members and their guest ' , 'TisNoUse! Old j H. C. Of L. Boosts 1 Overalls Prices Old II. C. of I would make a good first in a general Marathon. For no matter what Brullivr Cllixen does to heat his, pace Old It. C of 1,. "opciiH up" with the result: still higher prio . AH over the nation overalls clubs were forniod us a imvinn of. beating the high cost of living. For a time it looked like ltrothvr ('It lien had gain ed a start toward the goal of minimi rates. Hut look Local diygooda dealers are recelv. Jug warnings that tliu wholesalu price of overalls that now sell for $37 a donen. will be advanced soon two or three dollars a doscn "and th next advance, probably within n month, will be as much more," The manufacturers are using their ftrgu inent that ths coat of thread has ad vanced S00 percent in tho past three years therefore more" coin for over Mil;. . Adam Snyder, Once An Active Farmer Called By Death Adam Snyder, 74, for five years a resident of this city, died at his home 160 Games avenue, yesterday after noon. The funeral will be held at the chapel of the Iligdon & Son company Sunday at 1:30 p. m., with burial fol lowing In City View cemetery. Mr. Snyder was born in Sullivan county, I'enn., January 25, 1846. When he came west he became engaged In farming but at the time of his death wa retired from active work. He is survived by his wife. Sirs. Clara Snyder; three daughters, Mrs. Edna LaVelley, Mrs. Charles A. Glaze, and Mrs. John Eerter, all of Salem ; .wo sisters, Mrs. John Knights, Port land; Mrs. Mary McGeorge, Pacific Grove, Cal., and two brothers, Christ Snyder, Chico, Cal,, and Jacob Snyder, Fordsvllle, Penn. Five grandchildren also survive him. rfvw - t-'-t. II..:;.. y The funeral will by held ut the By. Charles Staliworth of ehri..i f h. Kipdnn a- Snn eomnniv covering the appropriation of water at 2:39 p. in, Sunday, with burial --3 IT. C Br Kerb?. from the east fork of Illinois river for following in Lee Mission cemetery. Logging Company Is Incorporated For $1,000,000 the Irrigation of 3U acres .n Josephine county. J And by W. F. Willson of Murphy. 'covering the appropriation of water from Williams creek for the irriga tion of a small tract in Josephine county. Bon. secretary-treasurer: Burton Dear dorff and Frank Hunter, directors. L. E. Throop and company, Dan ville. Grant county; J.UjOi); Lew.s E. Throop, Lillle C. Throop and Jas The Saddle Mountain Logging com pany of Portland, capitalized at $1, 000,04V filed articles oi incorporation with the statA corporation denartment here Wednesday. The incorporators Wyllie. n r Priehle M.rvln K Hot. I Certificates of decrease in cnpitali- land and Robert B. Kuykendull. ler. were arrested by Traffic Officer Moffitt and Fatrolman Rowe and boosed for disoroerly conuuet. ihe -jua.et were re.eased on their own recognizance to appear befo.e Police Judge Race at 10 a. m. Monday. Arrests were made upon corr.plaint of other tenants of the building who said that groups of young: men had been engaged on several occas.ons in disorderly activities in the room. A fifth member of the partw arrived on the scene later with five bottles of ton ics to be used to drink, and when In formed of the officers' visit he hasti ly departed. Dry Campaign ; Costs Big Sum Washington, April 2. The cam paign for ratification of the federal suffrage amendment has cost the Na tional Woman party f93.5D9.75. headquarters announced today. Most of the contributions came in small 'amounts from individual women, the (record sum for any one month being 1 J1S.362 in March, 1920. ..." -csiu,, p , u - today by the Interstate cvn-.-l " mission. . CANCER Other corporations filing articles Wednesday were: Wheeler United Lumber company, zatlon were filed by the Beck Invest ment company. Portland, f45,000 to f5000, and by the R. M. Hollingshead company, a New Jersey corporation. Former Salem Man Dies At Eugene E. C. Trice, for several years en gaged in the shoe sales business) in this city with his sons, Oscar A. Price and J. C. Price, but of late conducting a shoo establishment at Eugene with his son, J. C. Price, died ut Eugene Friday afternoon. The body is expected to ar Wheeler. -Tillamook county: I2G.000: m i h.uub to zain.tiuo. . C. L. Hodgen, A. M. Closke and E. f The Archer & Wiggins company. L. -McKinney. I Portland, filed a certificate showing Langell Lumber company. Portland aD Increase in capitalization from $50,000; S. H. Silworth. & J. Graham . 10n.n to I250.00O. and Bartlett Cole. . ! Resolutions of dissolution were fil- A. M. Conway and company; Port- d the Miniature Lumber corn land; 13000; A. M. Conway, C. V. P3" Portland, and the Wallowa BJornvall and R. M. McCalley. Mercantile company. Wallowa. Moro Building and Investment Permit to transact business in Ore company, Moro. Sherman county; SO" wa8 Rented to the Goodyear Tire $15,000; R. S. Goff. A. Rosu, F. E. and Rubber, company a California Fortner and C. E. Johnson. corporation capitalized at f20,000,- Suonyside Cemetery association, 00- N- D- 8imon 01 Portland is nam Sunnyside. Clackamas county: $200; ,ed aa attorney in fact for Oregon. Perry Hunter, president; L. S. John-' ' water permits i;$4i 6 Pnur ArroeloA Fnr Anntlenttona f.. ner.i.lt . nnnrnnrl.i1 ' VI ate water have been filed in the of fice Qt Percy A. Cupiwr, state en gineer, by Henry Deppe of Andrews, covering the appropriation of water Being Disorderly County's Efforts To Secure Gravel Free Are In Vain court to secure exemption from the payment of state royalties on sand and gravel taken fron pa-hl it-es for use on county highways, were in board yesterday it was decided that no ex-, pt.ons could be granted under 4he act of the 1920 legislature providing for this royalty. The fund derived from the rovltv payment is credited to the state's irre ducible school fund. It is estimated that approximately f 50,00 Oper year should be realized for the school children of the state from this source. MAIL RATE HEARING IEX1FJ Washington, Apr. 29. Petitions of the postmaster general and the West ern Association of Short Line Rail-v--ds for hearing and a revised find ing aa to fair and reasonable rates for To whom this may conrn , say that I was afflicted with' iD cerous growth in my ,e-np!e ' c annoyance of my self aa fa I advised with Dr. S C !, lorn. Oregon, who appiiedY"!" for five days and then a sim" ment an4 afte, a few davj tL r?v" CER came out entirely to n,v s,u.. UUin i van truly reonn. Dr. Stone's. mewi R. J. THOHP Seaside, Oregon, box jij. Found engaged in boisterous and noisy conduct in a room at the Hughes from Willow creek and Willow Springs building, North Commercial street, creek for the irrigation of 45 acres yesterday afternoon. S. Fielding. S. 8. Poindexter Will Withdraw From , Oregon Contest United States Senator Miles Pnln doxter of Washington, will withdraw his name 'from the Oregon primary ballot as a candidate for the repub lican presidential nomination, accord ing to word received hero today from J. C. Ilerbsman of Portland, poln dexler'a c.impalmi luitnuuer In ore nn. The Information was tclcphuiud 3 Pi1 it i m No matter what dif ficulties we may I ti ml ourselves in we it always make an earnest effort to n,k our work an example of beauty, grace and service. Draperies MADE TO ORDER TO FIT TOUR WINDOWS Every Woman Should Make a Will- You have the same right as a man to dictate hoy your property shall be dis tributed at your death. Without a will, the law arbitrarily decides who shall receive your prop erty, and who shall settle your estate. See your attorney and make a will that will distribute your property the way you want it distributed, and name an executor in whom you have con fidence. We offer our services as your Executor. Capital National Bank t ' "I ' ' - - TOUR WINDOWS t r r-- - ' CS. Hamilton i I I l t. P ' llA-j3 J Take, tha place of houaf LU UiFrf 111 : 411r7" " ' . . 'i ; III if SHIPLEY'S imirit - TUES 1 I ' '- " ' - a. - Iff I I " After May 1st will be known 1IjAH1 tS' k. : ITTrn I Pl'l M i ' SI it as the pay as.you go store. ,ir,:Tnr . "ttf. 4 :; -r i 1 ' I Wood ry's Stock (SITSS? I i ! .. .... . l.r : I" f of Funilture, Ranges, Heaters, 1)1 Q U Dl lT J Q U DJ Kvi' 1 4 II Refrigerators i - i t h Bu" ' MO" I 1 1 I Will keep your food fresh and clean, and will pay IT v ' ) J Jj Qj II I for. itself in a portion of one season. We have a k , . fll.jl II ( I I ill ' !S I if I 'FOR LONG DISTANCB I I J full display in our sonth window. ' ;j jj' . 4UT0 trucking 7HTPCTTiTP TP (S) j FIiaCLESS COOKERS I j nUlJLJLO) I ! Will help to keep your kitchen cool this summer. W j i n ' I I i Make your selection now, while our stock ia com- . " ; w. w. mgore i- v::: feSIM Ad Is Not To . ma?s Jk.:mm&0m w 1 ' Pi, S Attrart ' 1 I lstj j Your - I MITCHELL )y : -s - m : MM M S r Milii KN. tkSSV X ss s s i - V jii i -Wis. Vs I i I ' ! J 1 "FT? Tnr ! - ' 1 a !S M M i Inbuilt Values This new Mitchell is built with the idea that cars cannot be too good. That accounts for the many values, both visible and hidden. That accounts for the Mitchell being known as "The car that stays new." , This new Mitchell Six shows scores of supremacies over like-class cars. It fixes new standards, sets a new criterion. Every man who knows this car must concede it leader of its type. Come and see it today. Judge St by comparison. CbCAR B. GINGRICH SALEM MOTOR & TIRE CO. OREGON Attention It is to tell you that we have one of the most up-to-date shoe departments on the Pacific Coast. i - - The keen satisfaction that comes with being well dressed "from the ground up" is yours if in selecting your spring apparel you begin wtih a pairof" Just Wright" shoes. Price $7.50 to $16 M en don't fail to see our Oxfords. They are the neatest in the city. Price $14.00 You do not take a chance to lose if You purchase here! Salem Woolen Mills Store C. P. BISHOP, PROP. EVERY FAMILY IN MARION AND POLK COUNTIES A PATRON