Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 29, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    . - V '" ' r 1
-rjrS'wrdEaeh insertion oi
B1 r'r-t,in 5 cent, one moti
1r,rTAa. li tenia, on year, per
"wiT nt Minimum per ad 25
(ij.1, tewrtloii only In New Today.
Jd. cash in advance and not tak-
, phone, unless advertiser has
M.sUuy account No allowanc for
iSTiALEFrSh cows. M"
"TL'KNIH1"" roolU8 or rent. 7oS I
l l- nmmercinl. 1105!
t i-
SfrvtF trees tor sale. 25c each. -Pear
hM- ami
-TirLElo head goats. V.
f,l Phone 100F32.
U Me
e!05 --rpj;i)Se,-onilhainl 14-iuch sul
pVphin 1305M. 110!
r.Xa RENT - front bedrooms to
'iien. SM N. Commercial. J10S
saIaV dish uasner wJMited. Apply
r"'ts. i; s. Com'i. ciQ5
vTb ULK Second hand drag saw,
cheap. K- " ' '
1.7 cl4
iadinir varieties now on hand. Call
today at 5S State St. Phone 400.
TaKES H1 "e bay gelding, wt.
about -1200. at my place near Prin-
,tle school house. Owner can have
Bime bv paving for ad. J. M. Co
inrn. -Phone 5SP22." "- ' - k!05
j75i PER luO for White Leghorh
- baby chicks. Now "ready for deliv
ery' C. N. N'eedham, 550 State St.
Phone 40". fill
SKCONO hand lumber and trailer.
Call R A. Blevins, phone 30F2.
VaNTEU An elderly woman to care
for and read to an aged gentleman.
A goed country home and some
ages. Enquire at Horton Tire and
Rim Co.. rJi fourt si. gum
FOR SALE TO cords white and red
fir on ground: would consider small
car in trade. See Roy Coffey, Rt. 3,
hix 19 eel05
Best in town. You will say o when
you see it. almost new. Everything
is absolutely modern and the best,
with the exception of no basement.
The entire furnishings of the house
are for sale, are the best. Price is
below the construction cost. Price
J2500 cash, or Vi will handle it. S.(
R, Pearson & Peed, 405 Orvgon
Md(f. Phone 4 a. a
FOR SALE Ford touring car, late
model, little used, cheap; also Chev
rolet 5 passenger, used only one
season. 556 Union St. ql05
KOl'NU Jersey cow with heifer calf.
Mostly pure blood. Fine prospect
for valuable cow. Phone 95F2. 104
i ACRES for sale or exchange; all
ia cultivation, family orchard and
some berries; mail and creamery
route; rock road; 15 cents car fare
buildings ready to move in. Owner
box 33;l. Salem. 103
A SCON A eggs from Shepherd's fam
ous heavy winter laying strain,
$1.30 setting. James Fry, Rt. S.
. Phone evenings 7HF13. 103
WANTED .Man for general farm
work; can furnish house to man
i with family. C. M. Ruggles,Rt. 3,
box 172. gl04
STRAYED One bay horse with U.
S. brand on left shoulcler, weight
about 1200 lhs. Had halter on. Left
Tuesday night between 9 and 10
o'clock. Please notify Liberty store
WILSON strawberry plants, trim
med. Will engage to prepare ground
and set plants in city limits at hour
ly wage. C. 0. Hartwell, 774 S. 18rh
. mlOB
FOR RENT Furnished rooms at the
Baker apartments. 645 Ferry St.
'FOR SALE Farm nf 9afi admc, 1
cated south of Dallas, fair improve
ments, on good road, wetl fen,aiV,
ome choice prune and berry land,
some good timber; $85 per acre,
small payment down, balance long
term at 6 percent. Thone 1043VV.
STOP! LOOK! 10 n ,'.,., f., i.
owner, good soil, all tillable, lays
rvri, joins city limits, 10 minutes
walk to car line; 7 room plastered
house In good condition, some built
tn features, good barn, machine
shed, granary and sho-p, wood shed
and chicken houses, two wells, some
fruit, 2 acres tn hay, some garden
"u ijuiuiors planted, 3 acres In
one field Just right for logans or any
tnmg. balance pasture at present;
l horse, harness and buggy, new
Plow and harrow, 1 fine Jersey cow
and calf, fresh only short time; 2
nands of bees, 3 dozen hens about
'00 young chickens 2 inoubato!.
lou can t beat this at $4800. This
a real snap; $2800 will handle it.
terms on balance. Phone 80F3 and
Kenate to look at It.' nl08
L ,last PPrtunlty In Central
ia a.nd Sask"chewan are rich
ihl 1.ands open prairie ready for
Hi I .: fnt"rspersed with trees,
SSIJ1 ord "ce'lent shelter for
bu aT RTain 8row'ne. dairy
Zl d stock raiainS are be
?,, 0(1 on "ucqessfully. The
. eountry l8 l(leal for mi d farmin(?
offeMn"alan Paciti0 railway is
"tiering a large area of these fer-
Battliflll3, ',1 Lloydminster and
hnd I n 1 dl9trlcts- Thi Grille
tend. lbecome the home of thou
ilmn!. , Prosperous farmers. On
'he wl?"11 S,raRer Wheeler growb
Wnpr Prlze wheat; Near L1yd
"dnsterthe world's priZe oats have
E. fwn. and butter of the
JMUty ta mate A-mail can
tZ t T,e 'noepenaent on a
Jtfns about $18 a nacre. "You-pay
Sdrreent lf land Pr
o funh "der 8Iement conditions
. til end f PayTnt of Principal an
anm,al w tourth 'ear- then sixteen
ntUal,Pa- Interest is per
Station r..nton'upi- of Co1-
ukrtl 8t ?treU E, Calgary.
Wl'ENTvT) :
kind repair. work of all
I oTi80?,'8 an,e. 3 unfurn
rwt It La" hou8e- 86- Center
op at7nhlrd the hoe' repair
"repantd . ,8,ate treet and am
""ing and'J10 firSt cla8s Bho
ink rantee aU my work'
TElDir- : ml7
x-uritj- "rrow 250 on good
pay ne t0 three J years,
-iowt Vent. -VIV A. Lteton,
iivig-gggi:"- 'Hies
'tm)UuiUinS lone. Box L ' J
'jH-t-- : f
digging i.' B QM1 ,plow,n
heavy m work.
VjLn Phone -199 Mn7
"'ry fT.U K Tick Co.
?' G0odllmovln8!- w"a tor
SSpeW.rS'- Stand "1 North
lM .rr --lne (34.
S' "wwneiV n g001 farm
-"'"Dh n "on? '15 or see fl V.
T-y bidg. r:
eu"-en. 179 N. ComX m
For Sale Houses
hnv i o :i ... i .
bungalow, close in. Want a,n .
reet wan owner. Box R i; nii
W ANTE 1) Til hnv mll ... i ... -
. -- "ivuriu BUn .
.uo, large lot, improved street '
rhone I97iM. no4' j
FOR SALE-Attracuve 5 room housi !
semi-modern. Price $1350. See!
owner Rayford T. Goode, lug I
Jefferson St. citv. alft,i
-3 good house buys,
.a"0U- V100- Hart & duller,
"'3 Oregon oiqg. a
WE have legitimate buyers for good
five and six room bungalows, and
for well Improved suburban prop
erties. W. A. Liston. agent, 484
Court street.
WANTED A six room house. Jiust
be all on one floor and fully mod
ern; north or east front, and situ
ated west nf Piftaanti. .
Marlon and north of Ferry streets.
inis must ne a bargain for spot
cash. Phone 1092 between and
8:30 p. m. .
tOK SALE A dandy five room him.-
galow with fireplace and bearing
fruit trees. $2500. F. L. Wood: 341
State street. nl03
PHONE 951, 329 OREGON bldg. a
SEVERAL houses for sale, amoni;
mem a room bungalow. Inquire
w. vociage, pnone 1186. alll
CLOSE in residence property consist-
ii8 oi nve room house, nearly mod
ern and basement, lot 60x132 feet,
several bearing; fruit trees and small
walnut trees and good garden spot,
one block to pavement. Price $3200
or will exchange with owner of
Tstnalt improved farm and assume
difference, if any; preferably north
of Salem, but will consider other
location. Owner, P. O. box 261, Sa
'em. Or. ai03
FOR SALE Eight . room strictly
modern home. Paved- streets and
. garage. East front. Five blocks from
supreme court building. Price $6000
with $2000 or more cash, balance
on monthly payments. W. A. Lls-
ton. 484 Court street. nl05
WHO has lots or residence property
for 40 or 60 acres wood proposition
in Washington; will pay difference.
D Journal. bl03
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, bath,
toilet, 3 blocks from post office on
. N. Church street. Price $2250. Hart
. A Muller, -298 Oregon bWg. a
FOR SALE 5 room house all furn
, ished', lot 50x170. 325 S. 16th Sa
1 lem, Or. 103
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE About 7 acres located tn
Aumsville, fair buildings; a good
beny or chicken ranch. $2500. Will
exchange for Salem property. Will
Myers, Aumsville, Or. bl03
FOR SALE 169 acres in the Waldo
Hills at $65 per aere, See J. A.
Jones, owner, Macleay, Or. bl07
FOR SALE 18 acres seeded, to okv
. er and grain, small house and barn
4H miles east of Salem. Price $4.
600. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. - n
FOR SALE 120 acres 6 miles from
Salem, 20 acres cultivated, old
house, barn, orchard; estimated 3,
000 cords of oak grub timber.
Price $45 per acre. Hart & Mul
ler. 208 Oregon bldg. - '' n
FOR SALE By owner 20 acres, 15
in high state of cultivation, 6 acres
prunes, 3 Vi strawberries, 4 acres
gooseberries; fair buildings, on good
road 4 miles out; rone team, and
harness,, qow. ' I buggy and har-
, ness, 1 farm and 1 fruit wagon, all
farm Implements; Immediate pos-
session. Price $8500. Write box 122,
Rt. 2, Salem, Or. ' n
CHOICE close In berry land, 10 acros
"located Just outside, city limits, U
blocks from Center St. carline on
, asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. .8(11 acres adjoining the
above land, black loam, all ready
for -planting. .Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. . b'
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Wilcox &, Gibbs chain
stitch 'sewing machine, porcelain
clock, child's porch swing. Phone
36. cl04
FOR SALE One good range, 690
Union, 84 Phone 1853. ci3
FOR SALE Or trade for horse, mo
torcycle; also cylinder phonograph
Box Trade Capital Journal. c!03
FOR SALE Cheap 9 pairs of cur
tains, like new. Call 1340 Ferry St.
mornings. 106'
SALE 2 lots, house and household
goods, at 975 S. 22d St. c!03
REED baby buggy for sale cheap. 460
S. Cottage. cl03
ALL -kinds of cut flowers, potted
plants and ferns. Greenhouse 1298
8. 3th street. Phone 1250W. d!17
For Sale Wood.
WOOD FOR SALE First class 1ft-
inch and 4-loot ciry cora woon,
strictly cash. Office at 305 South
'Church. St., phone 1642. Fred E.
f Weils " ee
FOR SALE Second growth fir Wood
$9.60-per-ord; old fir $10.50. Call
1953 ee!26
WOOD for sale, 16-inch and
old fir. Phone 98 1M. -
4 foot
For Sale Poultry
HIGH grade. Rhode Island Red eggs
-for hatching, $1 per dozen. 1402 N.
' lth. mi
FOR "SALE--Btack Minorca eggs $1
'. pecaetting.haicbUig fine. 454 Hood
, street. e!U3
WANTED 100 three to five weeks
., aid chicks of the larger breed; no
fancy Mocki-'flius be cheap - for
.cssh. Bring to 2.515.N. 6th St. cl07
..For mate -Nursery Stock.
WANTED 15u0... loganberry
- Phone 60F3 after 5 p. m.
STRAWBERRY plants in any quan
, tity Etterberg 121, Gold Dollar,
' Progressive Everbearing, Trebla,
Lady Goshwell. ..Wilson. . Thrifty,
well rooted plants. Low quantity
: prices, also loganberry. Mammoth
and Himalaya -blackberry plants,
fresh garden seeds. City delivery
" Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front.
. Pho'tm" 494. ' d
FOR SALE 50 ' Franquet
walnut trees. Phone 906.
THE .famous Etterburg 121 straw
berry plants, best canner and ship
per. A very heavy producer when
not exhausted raising plants. Vlg-
orous healthy plants. Quantity
' prices. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
Front St d
ETTERBERG 121 strawberry plants
$7.S per 1000; Wilson $6. P. O.
box 214. Salem, Or,
FOR SALE Individual lettuce plants
xsiThara and cauliflower. Rt 7,
hov 3 Phone I786WJ. W. H.
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SALE Horses sun
work and heavy hauling. Address
Vi.,,' rsun Uervais, R FD Phone
"'1. i,i-
Ir.Ar, l. . . rT- 1 -
3 is teams, 2 big wa-
eons, 8 set of harness, 1 brood sow,
p'ill - ili - Sl
R fcALE Good 2-year old mare
S'1'- or trade for young cattle.
K- s- Grettie, Rt, 3. Phone S4F11.
FOR SALE-Or Made a good team of
oiacK horses, will trade for cow,
sheep, hogs or anything I can use. j
v hat have youT Phone 1073. el03!
L'll Tl . . , , . . ... .
V, "V "tra good pigs 8 weeks !
old. Phone S8F5. mil
WANTED Milk cow for feed and
-ij. r-none atrzz. ii7
YES, I can use more young calves.. C
C. RllSOell Phn.. IP, . .1
SALE One span Percheron (
mares, weignt about ' 3080
lbs. G. E. Thomas, Stayton., Rt. 2.
SALE 31 younar ewe wttw
early- lambs. Hawkins 4 Roberta,
Oregon PKlg.
FOR SALE Fine driving horse, rub
ber tired buggy and fine harness,
S?rt)i M00, prte ' ,78 'none 3 9
F3, H. W. gowden; ,-c
i OR SALE passenger touring car,
has run . less than 30,000-miles, Is
in first class condition. Price $450.
ruuue isa or call at 164 S. Com'l
EXCEPTIONAL buys in used.. oarsiland Partly plowed. Good room plas
with liberal terms at Salem Velie
company this week, 162 N. Com
mercial, in
ruK BAi.K 1917 Ford roadster in
good condition, good tires; 1914
Ford touring car, overhauled, new
top; a classy bug type Mollne "road
ster cheap; one light trailer. 170
S. 12th St. Cherry City garage.
fOR SALE 2 1-ton Foru trucks,
worm drives, 5-lnch solids in rear,
and mechanically perfect These
trucks go at a sacrifice. For further
information phone 867 ask for Mr
1 8-4 TON REO truck for sale, bar
gain If taken at once. Inquire 355
Chemeketa street. Salem. Or. q!08
For 'bargains in used cars call Ad
, ams, 361, or come to 156 S. Com
mercial St. al06
FOR SALE Almost new. 2W-ton
Bethlehem truck, good body, lights,
all complete to go. Party must have
moneyi terms. See at Salem Velie
Co.. 162 N. Commercial. ql06
FOUR neatly furnished housekeeping
rooms close in; 2 housekeeping
rooms. 437 s. Cora l. J106
FOR RENT S fnrniuheri h..,,uoU.,
ing rooms, on first floor. 574 North
-15th near Marion. Call evenings
'and mornings. -
OFFICE .rooms for. rent, steam heat,
splendid Janitor service. 205 Ore
gon bldg. Phone 1427. .
FOR PENT . Furnished downtown
- sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
' heat, by the month. Phone 1427.
205 Oregon bldg.
Wanted Help.
WANTED Experienced' lady presser.
"Standard Cleaners & Dyers. 103
WANTED Men to dig loganberry
, plants. Will give transportation to
and from the field. Phone 100F3.
- ; giQ7
WANTED Lady cook, good wages,
-no Sunday work. 128 S. Liberty St.
; , ; - ' g!04
WANTEIVhi raait for Marion and
Polk counties for the Automatic
Windo-Rol Screen, requires a small
Investment. This is . splendid op
portunity for the right man. Ask
for Mr. Woods, Hotel Bllgh. 103
SITUATION wanted by married man,
32 years old, 10 "years experience
In R. R. work, engineering dept.
storekeeper, clerical, cost data, time
keeper and inspector of construc
tion and equipment. W. A. Card
well, 160 Court St., Salem, Or. hl05
WANTED Position as chauffeur, ex
perlenced. Box R Capital Journal.
WANTED Farm hnud. Must know
something about loganberries and
be good worker. Must batch," or lf
wife isn't' too particular, can use
married man. AH year job. Wages as
good as man. W. Ii. McDougal, Rt.
No. 3, box 186. , gl04
WANTED Several men and women
to set strawberry plants. Indian
Hill farm, T. L. Davidson, 8- blocks
end of 12th street car line. gl03
Chambermaid. Marlon
WANTED Married man for ranch.
Permanent Job for right party.
Write or call don't phone. Geo. L.
Rose, Independence, Or. g!05
60 salespeople for all departments.
Apply at once, manager of Peoples
Cash store. gl03
WANTED Boy over 16 years old to
carry Capital Journal route paying
between $35 and $40 a month. Ap
ply circulation manager.
Wanted Miscellaneous.
W. BEAVER well driller, one mils
east of fairground. Phone 10F6. '
- ma
FOR SALE Furniture for eight room
house complete, Idea place far
boarding house, six boarders wHI
remain; good opportunity for some
one to run boarding house; rent of
house $35 per month. Inquire 263
S. High St -C103
WATEDDining room help at Ore
gon state ii tuberculosis hospital.
- Phone 433. V glO5
FOR SALE Two and one half lots,
six room "house, several fruit trees,
1924 N. Water and Academy, close
to Kurts plant and Kings Co. Will
include household goods for $1800.
Phone 1178.' - 00
Corner lot Falrmount hill, pave
ment paid. $950; terms.
Two splendid lots, a High St $850
and $750; terms.
Lease and furnishings; 18 rpom
apartment bouse, - centrally located
with fine, stock of -groceries. $2650.
8 Roem plastered house, south, lot
100x150. Snap, $3000.
7 Room plastered house, modern
every way, very cjose in., $5250.
10 acres. Polk county. In 3-year old
cherries; small building, $3000. Best
of soil, 300 down, anfl $300 per year
16 acres, 8 acres creek bottom or
beaverdam land, i acres In bearing
fruit mostly prunes; goad -buildings
on good road. Price $5000.
6S acres. 60 acres in grain, balance
pasture and timber, good comfortable
house, good outbuildings; 3 milk
.nm-a 2 hp ifers. 3 horses, farm Imple
ments. $1090. Best of deep black soil .
25 acres near Lioerty. i acif-s in
bearing prunes,- some timber, balance
cultivated; tine house, water system,
barn, drier. $15,000.
Walter McLaren.
; Room 21, 180 N. Com. St n
30 ACRES of river bottom land at
H what it is worth. & miles or Sa-i
40 acre ranch. 16 acres in prunes. 3
acres logangerries and family or-1
- ,
2t-ton truck runs like new, must
be sold. I
-Howard & SattprloA !
Phone 1177 44 Ferrv t v, n,,
329 Oregon bldg. Phone 951. a
Real Investments.
40 acres, 38 cultivated, 3 In bearing
prunes, partly seeded, close to town,
good buildings. $5250. Terms.
160 acres, JO cultivated, "dandy
stock ranch, lots of out range. $4800.
Good $4000 buy on State street :
428 "Oregon Bldg. Salem. "'
Portland office, Chamber of Com
It Is right in the edge of Salem all
under cultivation and level just the
place to raise loganberries and chick
ens, has family orchard and berries?
tered house, dutch kitchen, pantrv.'
large barn, chicken house, garage.
This is a big bargain. You will buy
it when you see it Price $3150 and
$1000 will handle it with immediate
S. R. Pearson & Peed
405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. n
Best Buys.
5 room house in good condition. 3
lots, fruit. $2250, terms.
6 room house, In good condition. 1
lot, fruit. $2250, $1250 cash, balance
6 room modern bungalow, garage.
1 lot. $3250, $1900 cash, balance
7 room modern house, good condi
tion, close in, basement, fruit; all
furnishings including a fine piano,
only $4000.
7' room bungalow, fine condition,
east front, well furnished. $6500; will
sell unfurnished.
9 room modern house, good condi
tion, lot 50x150 ft, fruit, paved street
only $4500.
6 room house, lot 70x140. $1100,
$200 cash balance easy terms.
5 acres. 2 cleared. 3 timber, $850.
o acres, all cultivated. 3 room
house, barn, coops, good road. $1750
5 acres in logans, shack, 3 ft miles
south. $3500.
6 acres, 4 acres.ln prunes, cherries,
apples, moslTly prunes, in bearing and
in finest condition; 4 room house,
barn, crops,- well fenced. $3600, $2,
600 cash, balance 6 percent.
20 acres, 8-4 mile from Salem on
good macadamized road, all cultivat
ed, fine logan land; will sell part or
all, $7600, easy terms.
25 acres all cultivated, 'best of
Howell Prairie, house, barn, all fenc
ed, 8 miles out, only $600.
40 acres, 84 cultivated, 8 timber,
on main road, best of valley loam, 8
miles from Salem, $8000, H cash.
Have several cheap tracts from 30
to 100 acres, easy terms.
Socolofsky. :
841 State street. n
FOR SALE 160 acres; one of the
finest improved farms in the Wil
lamette valley, 135 acres seeded to
.fall wheat and.': red clover, balance
pasture with sdme" timber; all fenc
ed with woven.. wire. The soil Is the
very best. Price with crop, for . a
-short time, $112 H per acre, V, cash
balance 5 years at 6 percent.
Hart & Muller
208 Oregon bldg. n
$2100, $500 down, balance like rent.
A 4 room , shingle bungalow 4 years-!
old, east front, paved street, base
ment, near carline, good lot
$1600, $1000 down, will take an
other neat newly painted 4 room
bungalow with sleeping porch, paved
street, walks In, wood shed, a few
nice young fruit trees, east front, 3
blocks from street ear, east Salem.
$3500, $1000 will let you enter this
home as your own. "You can park
your car In front of the house on a
paved street or drive it Into the gar
age as you like, and. have 6 nice rooms
to use for your happiness and com
fort, not far out.
$1500, $500 down and easy terms
on the balance, will buy a 7 room
plastered house and -3 lots In West
Salem. Good location. '
$3500, $1500 down, or a small cheap
house valued to $1000 and $500 cash
will handle a 5 room modern bunga
low, double basement, ,bn paved
street, near car line, . .
$5500 will buy one of the nicest 8
room bungalows ,wlth several good
lotB orl -pave dstrieet. 'This has furn
ace, fireplace and; Is thoroughly mod
ern. .
A.- L-. Seamster Realty Co.
Phone 353. " .' ' " ' ' n
10 acres on Garden road, 8 H acres
best logans In-vicinity, 1?4' acres black
berries, about 2 Mr acres choice apples
and Royal Anne Cherries, about 12 t J
16 years old; balance seeded to grain.
House, barn and good 'well. A money
making -Investment Price $6250.
4 acres close in on Garden road, 2
acres full bearing ortmard, some ber
ries and truck garden. Good house,
barn and chicken houses. Price $5500.
80 acres, about 45 acres river bot
tom, .1 acre peaches, 7 years old ;
good 6 room house and . large barn
(12 stanchions for cows), fine silo
and tnilk house, 2 good wells, about
or 9 acres oak. timber and pasture.
ID .acres growinggraln, about 7' acres
alfalfa, balance ready for planting.
Price'tSOOO, $3000 cash.
5 acres close in on paved and grav
eled road, 2 acres bearing family or
chard, Vi acre strawberries, balance
ready for planting. Good new 6 room
house and barn. A home like subur
ban home. $3800.
' Lot 80x150 opposite Bush on Mis
sion street. A good lot close In. Price
$700 -
Good lot 48x148 on best street West
Salem. $300.
List your property with us at reas
onable value and we will Investigate
and sell It
Oregon Land Co. 5
,442 State street. ' n
' 2S acre fruit tract 1 miles from
town, 18 bearing prunes, 5 bearing
cherries; good bungalow, good barn,
eood drver. Snap. $10,500.
6 acres hi mile from city llmlts.large
house, barn, orchard; only $4200.
40 acres 7 miles from Salem, roek
road, 17 acres bearing prunes, also
other fruits, good buildings and dry
er. $15,000, terms.
24 acres ( miles from Salem, half
in cultivation; bargain. $2400.
840 acre farm southern Oregon, on
Pacific hiehway, Z set buildings; 200
in cultivation. $40 per acre, will ex-
change for-property near 8alem.
If yoo want to buy or sell see us.
Perrine & Marsters.
t)1-U Com. elub bM "
"WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no eooklng. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Com'L J a
n j t
10 acres of good dark bottom soil,
jsome fruit, small buildings. Price t'l,-
J Tl iJ, rU."e a"d ?f.rry
... f ,un ni , t . iu oru i riue
56 acre farm located S miles from
Salem, all cultivated and in ctod. S
troom house and barn, good dark pral-!
i ' buii. riiuc tua per acre. I
1 acre located close in. small house.
well, some fruit. Price $1000.
105 acres located on the Garden
road, this side of Swegle school; near
ly all in crop. Price $300 per acre.
4.81 acres located south of Salem,
close to highway. Price $1350.
5 acres bearing cherry orchard,
hard road, good location. Price $2200.
6.47 aore tract. C acres t-year eld
prunes, house and barn. Price $3500.
-9 $-4 acre tract, 8 room modern
house, barn, bearing walnuts, chert
ries. . apples, pears. Located close to
carline, sightly location. Price $14,
800.' . .
10 acres of first class -land located
east of Salem on main road, all culti
vated and in crop. Prlee $2800. .,
19 acres of bearing Italian prunes,
7 and 9 years old. Price $6000. i -
10 seres prunes, -cherries and pears
located on main Pacific highway. 4
miles south of Salem. Price $5500.
. 108 acre farm. lOO acres cultivated
and mostly tn crop, good buildings,
good road.- Price 12.00.
10 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated.
chouse, and barn, stook. Price $16,000
: 320 acre farm, 150 acres cultivat
ed. located li.. miles from Salem.
buildings. Price $60 per acre. -
20 acres located close in. t acres
prunes. 8 acres apples, cherries. (
room house, electric lights, barn.
sightly location, good street. Price
S room bungalow, good location.
Price $2600.
8 room house at 1010 Oak street
Price $2800.
room bungalow on paved street,
east front, large lot. Pripe $6000.
3-4 acre located close to carline,
good 7 room plastered house. Price
$3250, $750 down, balance terms,
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
27S State street.
This is positively the biggest sac
riflce near Salem, today. 22 Vt acres
of good, dark, productive soil locat
ed only 4 miles from the state house,
on good gravel road. 18 acres In cul
tivation and the balance Is pasture.
Family orchard. Woven wire fenc
ing. Fair 4 room house and new barn
36 bl 60 nearing completion. Good
hen house, garage and necessary out
buildings. 6 fine cows, mostly Jerseys,
good team, driving horse, good wa
gon, buggy, plow, cultivator, cream
separator, about 30 chickens, calf
heater and telephone. Everything ia
included with this farm at $4500. Ex
elusive sale. A change to make some
easy money lf you act at once.
135 acres of excellent soil located
on main highway being paved. About
7 miles from Salem and Is only
mile from station. 65 acres of river
bottom with about half In cultiva
tion. A total of 105 acres of the farm
is cultivated and Is mostly in fine
crop. Neat 5 room house built about
4 years, and barn 40 by 60. This is a
fine place and you get 2 horses,
good cows, mower, rake, about 80
chickens, seed, feed, etc., with the
farm at . $19,000. ;. . ,.
Kinney &. Smith. ,
201 Bank of Commerce bldg.
R. B. DORNEY,. . - ;
Offers this distinctive .-home' for
sale: .. ---. -.-v, -,.
$52507 spacious Tpoms with all
modern conveniences including built
in buffets and bookcases, dutch kitch
en, light airy sleeping rooms, fire
place, furnace, full cement basement,
garage; one block to car; beautiful
view lot A real home. Terms.
$42007 room modern home on
paved street, - cement sidewalks, 24
fruit trees on this large 100x100 lot.
If you are looklng'for a home that Is
priced right let us show you this.
Terms. : ,
. $3000 6 room modern, two story
home with a number' of attractive
built In features, built only 4 years.
Large 60x1-23. foot lot and has five
bearing fruit trees. Party will con
sider a small house arid a few acres
close In to Salem as part or all trade.
$2600 Here Is a practically new 6
room bungalow 2 blocks to carline on
S. Commercial'. 60x15,6 foot lot Terms
$3200 8 room house,' modern, on
paved street close in, two' blocks to
car line, four" blocks to schoor; 6'0x
100 foot lot, several bearing fruit
tree$. Terms.
We have several other good bays,
R. B. ,DORNB,Y ..... .
329 Oregon bldg. Phone .951. 108
your hauling and moving. Phone
1608J. 129
DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo
MS. phone 884. -
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathl.
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 68F5. 10'
FARM LOANS Any amount. Lo
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about out
20-year loans at 8 per cent Haw
kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg
' Salem, Or. .
MARION-POLK .NaUonal Farm Loat
Ass'n. Government money to lost
at 614 percent 803 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Money to Loan. '
' On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Ore
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Bts
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 87.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time.
Itt and i percent Interest
City building loans
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 'Masonlo Temple, Salem. Oresw
OR. ALBERT R. MILLklK Optometrist-optician,
syes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted
610-12 U. H. bank. Phone, 341.
Safety Razor Blades.
4AFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
rt Repair Shoo. 847 Court St
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34c double roll. Max O
Buren,17$ N. Com'! n
Stove Repairing.
sTOVES rebuilt and . repaired It
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 28 to 6f
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc, loganberry and hoi
hooka 6alem Fence and Stovt
Works 250 Court street Phone 114
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for youi
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you soil. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
msrclai street Phone 714.
Lodge Directory.
S AC CHEMEKETA 1 dge No, 1
- meets every 'Wednesday
leTenlng at 1:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
1 KNIGHTS OF PTTHIA3 meet at Me-
CornacK hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. I Tucker. C. C; P. . Kuntt
K. R. i 8.
"'J "fa , . j " " j
8 p. m. In I. O. O.
F. hall. P. An-
dresen, M. A. A.
Gueffroy, -
retary, Salem, Or.
TEAM. Auto Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No, J10 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple. 8 o'clock. -
Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening 'In McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle.
' Mrs. Carrie E. Burnt. (48 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 731 Norte
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at t o'clock In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St Visiting Woodmen weloome
C D. Ross, C. C. ; L. S. Geor, clerk
SALEM SCAVAr3ER Garbage ana
refuse of all kinds removed os
monthly . contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Daad ani
mals removed. Offios phone Mala
Market Reports
Grain: ftbeat No. 1 $2.00; feed
oats 85c; mining oats 85c; cheat hay
$22623; oat hat $3425; clover hay
8 2 5 2 6 : mill run $4$.
Butterfat: Butterfat-62; creamery
butter 62 63c.
Pork, vl and muttoa: Pork foei
16 He; veal fancy 21c; steers llo;
spring Iambs 16 He; cows 79o; ewes
8c; sheep, yearling 12c.
Dressed pork llo.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 33a;
Ught hens, 28 80c; heavy hens lie
old roosters 15 16c; broilers 40c.
Vegetables: Onions per pound 8o;
celery 4ov $1.76; potatoes, Yaklms
8c Oregon 6 He; strawberries $5.00;
beets per sack $2; turnips per saok
$3.75; carrot per sack $3.50; parsnips
per sack $3.60; spinach 10a lb.; rad
ishes 40c doz.; asparagus 15c.
Fruit: Orange $5.BO7.00; lemonl
$5.60 6; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage to
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45o; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower $1.75 dot.;
red peppers 25o lb; rhubarb 6c;
peas 16o lb. . ,
Retail prices; Eggs dozen 38c;
creamery butter 68 70c; country but
ter 60c; flour hard wheat $3.26 01.46
soft wheat $2.90.
Portland, April .29. Cattle weak;
receipts none; grain and pulp fed
steers $12.60 13.60; choice $11.60
13.50; good to choice $10.60 11.60 ;
medium to good $9.50 10.60; fair td
good, $8.75 9.60; common to fair
$7.60 8.50; choice eoWs and heifers
1111.60; good to choice $10.26
11.00; medium to good $8.75 10.25;
fair to medium $7.50 8.75 ; canners
$5.507.50; bulls $6.009.00; prime
light calves $15.00 17.00; medium
light $10.0015.00; .heavy $7,000
10.00; Blockers and. feeders $7,509
$.60. . '.. ;
"Hogs weak; receipts, 178; prime
mixed $16. 5Q ..75 medium $16.00
16.60 rough? heavy- $12.00 15.50;
plgs $J.2.6016. . i .
Sheep weak; receipts i51; prime
lambs $17.00 18.00; light valley
$16.7517.00; heavy $14.25 16.7
oommon to medium $U14.60; year
lings $15.00 16.00; wethers $14.50
15.25; ewes $1014.
: Butter
Portland, Or., April 29, Cubes ex
tra 56c; parchment wrapped box
lots 60c; cartons 61c; half boxes c
more, less than Vi boxes lo more;
butterfat 59 60c f. o. b. station; (1
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or. April 2 9. Eggs sell
ing price case count 88 39c; buying
price case count 38c; selling price
candled 40c; selected candled in car
tons 42o.
Poultry: Hens 34 38c; broilers 40
46c; roosters 18c; turkeys dressed
63c; -geese 22 25c; ducks 40
$65.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $74
Wheat $2.20; barley, tolled $70
71; . oats $64.50; .corn No. 3 yel
low $6769.50; soft wheat 60o premium,-hard
70c premium.
Hay: Buying price, timothy f. o. b
Portland $30; alfalfa $33; grain $2f
. Millstuffs: Prices to 0. mill, sit)
artage $2 extra, . Mill run, car lots e
mixed cars $43 ton; rolled barley $?
rolled oats $66.60; ground barley 7
cratch feed $80.
. Corn whole $66; oraeked $68.
Ohio Will Have
Five Systems of
Time After May 1
Columbus, Ohio. After May 1 five
recognized tlmeh ' will govern the
habits of the peple of Ohio.
Never In the history of the stae has
there beetv such an occasion for con
fusion In time In the state. When It Is
2 p. m. at StetihenvUle. residents of
Cincinnati will say It Is but 12 o'ctocs
noon. In Columbus It will be 1 p. m.
and tr the farmer who still regulates
his timepiece by- the sun time It will
be 12:30 p. rt.
This gre.t difference in time Is due
to the" fact that Ohio-Is the dividing
llni between Eastern and Central time
nd the efforts of towns and cities to
"save an' hour of daylight"
Spokane, Wash. Percentage of union-made
and labelled wearing appar
el will deterrnln acceptance of dele
gates elected by unions of this city to
the central labor council, according to
a plan adopted by the council and re
ferred to the loonl unions for their ap
Hllo, T. H. Six suspects were ar
rested here recently and 100 gallons
of okolehao, a native liquor, seized, to
gether with a 300-gallon capacity still
in what is said by federal officials to
be the most Important liquor raid on
the Island since national prohibition
went Into effect.
Manila, P. I. Resolutions Instruct
ing the Philippine resident commis
sioners at Washington to oppose the
bill pending In congress, extending the
coastwise shipping laws of the United
States to the Philippine Islands, were
adopted by the Philippine legislature
at Its regular session here.
Governor Urges
People to Aid
Salvation Army
The people of the state of Oregott
are urged, in an open letter issued by
Governor Ben W, Olcott, to "give as
sistance where assistance ia needed"
and to aid the Salvation Army in their
campaign in the slate for funds which
begins May 1. The Salvation Army
has also received several other letters
from prominent men-In the state en
dorsing the movement The governor's
le-tter follows:
"To the People of Oregon:
It has been called to my attention
that the Salvation Army contemplates
setting aside the period from May I
to May 10, Inclusive, for its home
service campaign, at which time it will
seek to secure funds from the people
of the state for the purposes of ad
vancing .its home service work.
. The. salvation Army has outlined a
very comprehensive home service pro
gram for 1920. We are all familiar
with the magnificent services which
the Salvation Army gave during the
late war. Io a. general way we are
familiar with "the work which that
splendid organization is doing at home
among the down-fallen and the needy.
The concrete results of this great work
are not eo well known to our people
as the Army in thousands of cases ex
tends Its helping hand quietly una
without ostentation. The ' Salvation
Army has entered a field which no
other-organization touches,-with un
told results for good.'
I am certain the people of Oregon,
who have always responded liberally
to 'worthy causes," will not "be lax in
this respect. I can conceive of no
more, wopthy cause than genuine
whole-hearted and well planned or
ganization to give assistance where as
sistance is actually needetl.
- Very sincerely yours,
Lewis Bucks Efforts.
Another letter from C. I. Lewis, or
ganization manager, Oregon Growers
Co-operatlv association of Salem
summarizes the program In a brief
territory which is here quoted.
, "I believe you are certainly on tho
right track In organizing county advis
ory boards. The Salvation Army has
a great opportunity. The great world
was brought the organization In a new
light before the American people. The
organization Is being more and more
recognized as a body doing a practical,
rtelpful work that no other body Is un
dertaking. The army is practicing a
real Christianity, Is helping those who
need and must be helped. The work
should tend to keep down .unrest and
counteract some of the radical tenden
cies of the times. The work should
tend to bring all christian bodies In
your undertaking."
Another letter Is from Henry L.
Benson, associate Justice supreme
court, state of Oregon, which follows:
"I have your letter of recent date
in which you ask for an expression of
my views In relation to your home
service program.
. "I have read your public announce
ment with some care, and am pleased
to say that it meetB with my cordial
approval. Tho history of the Salvation
Army for the past forty years has
demonstrated beyond question its pe
culiar qualifications and adaptability
for the work which It has undertaken
to accomplish in the uplifting of hu
manity, and it has proven its merit by
doing successfully a work In which
the efforts of other agencies have
been too largely Ineffective. Your new
plan Is big and wise and It is to bo,
hoped that the public generally will
grant you an enthusiastic co-operation."
' '
Hundreds of letters have been re
celved from men all over the state
who offer their help and give their
endorsement to the program, It was
said at campaign headquarters today.
California Plans
For Education of
'All Immigrants
Han Francisco. John Collier, New
York City's immigrant education ex
pert, has been uppolnted director of
community organization In California
for the newly appointed state commit
teo of Public agencies for Americaniz
ation, the first statement of the com
mittee's plans and activities Issued
here today announced.
The committee, appointed by Gov
ernor Stephens, combines the state
commission of Immigration and hous
ing, the State board of education and
the University of California extension
division Into oho unit for the purpose
of supervising the- work of immigrant
California Is said to be the first
state to place the Americanization
problem under a unified directing
body. This is Bald to be the first en
deavor In tho United States to work
out on a statewide basis the communi
ty organization plan, hitherto estab
lished In only three cities.
Salvage Crews To
Attempt to Save
- Cargoes of Ships
Vancouver, B. C. To delve Into the
unknown depths' of tho sea off the
west coast of Vancouver Island and
wrest herefrom the treasures hidden
for many years is the object of 8. Mad
dlson and Ms party of salvagers who
will begin operations early In May.
Last autumn Muddlsim made sub
marine cruises along the crags which
line the const of the Inland and located
four large wrecks besides a number of
small ones. -
Two of the larger he Identified as
the Pass-of-Melford and 'he Valencia,
and one of the others he thinks Is the
Ion lost H.M.R. Condor which disap
peared In 1903 and has not been heard
of since.
Some of the boats which mot their
fate on the perilous coast carried car
goes which at the time of sinking did
not make It worth while salvaging, but
under present day conditions It is
thought here Is freight aboard the ves
sels worth almost Its weight In gold.
Edmonton, Alberta. What Is thot
to be a record price for a team pur-
'chased at a farm auction In the pro
vinces was paid recently when a fine
team of registered percheron mares at .
Beaver Kails sold for $1975.
' Dodge.