Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 29, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    , iitu t.ii iiu ' -u, -i
atggfjei'jg: Covering Central WiKsffiette valley by Capital journal Special Correspond
If T C i ' Ca" " dfiBi,e1' dwer- achool building a week or more ago. her home in Amity arir a short visit, T f
till I rDTTln iTlVC Bn. xy the middle of June the, "en tearai died at Woodburn wi:h Jefferson relatives. Z-tlLCi.OtO J V If &-.
- - mj v
Orchard Injury
By Frost Varries
By S. H. Van Trump
(injury can he more definitely deter- school building a week or more ago. her home in Ami.v ,f?er a -short visit
mined. Iiv Ih mi.l.lta r,t Tiika ha Fred tjearin liif-rl uwhnpnMh T.. .- .
i tree if not injured bevond recovery : 1 an'J "as DUr"'(1 the Hub-'
j should be mating , rapid growth and ' T .
jwitii an abundant flow of rich sap. ago moved to Portland from Wood-
win De In the Oet "Contlitfr.n f,if Hum. died flt the Portland hiwniral
vere pruning, including the reniov-1 Sunday and Was buried here vminr.
1 of all dead and diseased branched day.
I he above suggestions with refer
vine to pruning hte
also to the prune a
" recent letter snt out by fro- , J
,, . "l 7 I scarcely necessary to note that these
feasor H. P. Ears, of the department j injured orchards will respond more
ilf lul. .. , 1 . . . . . i 111 . . . . . .
iwi piam pamoiogy, u. A.
- the writer says: "U'e may find
many anlooked for resulti from the
freeze. Many diseases may attack
"where they do not normally make
great headway. The damage from- ap
ple anthracnose may be extremely
severe, rtlnssoms blight may show up
m severity; wood decay and bacterial
readily to the best of cultivation
In- the matter of reclaiming frosen
peach orchards more positive and
radical methods may be employed
than would be safe In dealing with
any other tree fruit Th int.. .
the peach is mainly in the terminal
branches, decreasing downwards
to the snow line. We observe manv
nderry. TVF OTIUeT J elf eTSOTl
Resident Passes
now De dehorned" and ha win
send forth rank upright branches,
which will make a phenomenal
growth by midsummer. These
branches .should be tinned honk i
August, when they will send out lat
erals, which will set full of fruit buds
ana Dear a good cron n va t
these renewed trees are thoroughly
sprayed wun, Bordeaux mixture in
" ""). woou uecay and Bacterial ' snow line. We observe many
ffttnimosis trouhlpa ma ha vmbiii, old Beach, at ... - i
t e.ivu; i . una uuin viviiuiiig
lncreaaed Wa An ,. I. ..... . .. nut lwmn.. I. 1. 1. . l
... uv " Miuii wuai iu . . " u c itrrn int uuug on tne
expect, but we would appreciate In- main branches and from the trunks
formation and specimens whenever near the sn6w line. These trees may
Vita Ann Willi lhftn. r . , . 1 n w .' .1 .. I .,, .
- - - nail trfii wnai
appear to be other fungi than those
we usually expect attacking twigs and
Mosaoms this spring.
So it would Mem very likely that
we shall have a multitude of new
problems to deil with In our or
chards this season. Two yean ago
we tad a large amount of blossom
Wight followed bv severe rtl-l,,.L. i
- - ! . (i u. mixture in
, nneiner ine inij"i; au m control ought. an7 again in
Jor-lour effects were due to winter In- February with the same snray to
. ...Jul, picviuui aea-i cun tney will take on I
on or "nitrogen starvation", perhapsjnew lesse of life and be more vigor
IS nOt nnaitfVMlv Lnnmfn 11'. I. Inila nv.A I i I . 1 .
- j -ivrii, i' c uu allow
however that trees so effected where
well cultivated and properly pruned
have made good progress toward per
manent recovery.
Ixiuhtlens the methods necessary
to restore many of the Injured or
chards this season will be more rad
ical than those we have been com-
llelleil 1.1 Dhllllnlr In ....... .. n..
... , jtfrtrH. inern . .
H wide variation In the amount of' "un,)ar"' Anl Dr. E. Schoar,
flamage done different species of , WB" ,,erlou8ly injured a few
frees, and also in the damage done'? 8 DB when Paf'ng Southern
to the same kind of tree In different ' i'lf'"0 tral" atl uck automobile,
Soils flnrt WnKniiu frv.- t. i,i. . i killing Mrs. Schnar lnamnttv lu
. Hfc,v,.o. "V OHKI1SI1 wai- . . , " ni'in
But la Injured most of all trees where! y roover,n "t the Hubbard hosplt-
Scotts Mills To
Favor Tax Bills
Is Indication
Scotts Mills, Or.. Apr. 29. Present
indications In th'is vicinity are thit
Scotts Mills will give a large majority
I "r me iwo-miii tax measure to
AtVaV In rnrtlandl vo,ed "P0" the May electons.
. txwuy iii rur tia Superntendent A Cnurcnill was in
Jefferson, April 2t. James Elliott the citv last weok nnrt ilclivered an in.
ous and prolific than under any other
Hubbard Victim
Of Auto Wreck
Recovers Slowly
lini.,1 A-..II on .
al. That he will f ll ! I V rocfii'o- is tk
(opinion of the attending physician.
Mrs; Alexander Thoninann in,i
d down to the snow line, where theyuur,Be rttnt n- D,mlc kPoke here a
re top grafted on California blaflc'few nlK"t B" In behalf of the school
measures to be voted upon at the
coming election. Judge Dimlck, In his
grown lu the deep moist soils of the
lowlands. Where these trees are
crown grafted many of them are kill
are top grafted on California black
tock most of them are killed out-
. , .....!, ritrruun. judge untuck, in his
There are two msiti.4. j . 'address, told thn vm
, ....niw.ra pioiioaeu to . " nine
Bring back walnut trees that are tt l,not nt the "'hools. irfnk for the
crowncrown grafted and killed onlyiIeBltaKe ln the frglalntlon. See, he said
to the snow line. One of them is toilf thcre are m,t to many commls
aw the trees off at the crown, or a"lon" n5 gnine wardens, and the
loot above, and regi-aft to the orlgln-"ke' t0 c"u"e ,nl high taxation..
or other Mngllsh variety. JUBt now Huhhard sees the need of
Another plan which Is generally fav. more "chol ro". and something
Browers in this Soctlon """" uune netore another term to
U to leave the trees stand as they are tBke care ' th students and pupils.
nd wait for them to throw out Som definite action will be taken In
VUrnutS from th. U 11... ... Ith i.i.itt.. .u.
, wiiuy ctimoium " ie sunimer and
fceiow the snow line Injury. Whan ti. " " the opinion of manv that n.w
trees have thus sent out healthy vig-! bulling will be built here dur-
u sprouts rrom adventitious budsi1"" tnB summer.
an old -time resident of Jefferson.
died at tbe home of his daughter in
Portland Wednesday. Funeral serv
ices wens held at TBttaMAi. t.i, ,
- ...... trirauii XI lUAT
afternoon. , ;
Mrs. Joe Roheria r lD.
Roberts and Miss Flov v
from Albany were visiting relatives
in town Thirmitav
Henry Smith of Jefferann ..
Wlnnifred Hendrvx nf Tcnmh
married in Albany last week. They
intend to make their home in Jeffr.
C. C. Libby and ilium
well known younir nnis t '
son, were married SaturdayAfter a
Short honevmonn In pnrti...j .t
intend to reside in Jefferson where
-fi i . l.innv ta in t ha i 1 i
- ousv uuniiieHS.
The Albany high school hn
a concert Fridav niirht .v..
sonic hall, auspices Jefferson high
school. The concert was well attend
fine mUS' b6lnS excePt'onaIly
Mrs. A. F. Shu'lts from Portland is
here visitinar her ilimht
- -o'v., iU.O, X.
W. Curl.
Dr. ftnd Mrs. AUpti tmm xrni pu.,
spent Sunday with fn Aiin
- a i -
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Looney.
Mr. and Mrs ruin t
Albany were visitine riaiiv0. i
town Sunday. t
S. A. Pease is ln Pn
inees this week.
Mrs. Ii. II. Albert rutiipriArl T.,0-.-
- . ' a.u jt uroiiaj
irum roniana alter a visit of several
days with relatives.
Mrs. Wm. Bean left Wednesday for
structive address on the bills, to a rep
resentative body ,f citiiens. A live
committee Is at present working in the
interests of the measure.
The fund for the Armenian relief Is
Increasing, the solicitors having met
with spfendid co-operation in the
Scotts Mills district.
Reverend Edgar Sims gave an Inter
esting talk on natriotism before thn
student body at assembly hour recent
Among the school activities hnsehall
it leading in favor at nreaent the aaa.
son having opened with a fine spirit
oi merest among the students.
The agitation for house mo ma In
Warrenton to meet the demands of la
borers ln the Industries there has met
with response. Ten new houses were
started last week.
Average One Per I
Day At' Dallas
Dallas, Or., Apr. 2S. The day's!
work in the county clerk's fiice was
again started off bv the Issuing of a
marriage license. This is coincidemn.
with several days record. The appli
cants today were Eimer Chapin and
Ethel Carmack both from the south
side of the county.
Preparatory to completing the pave
ment between Monmouth and Hick
reall the commission lias covered the
roadbed with crushed rock which
makes travel by car slow.
500 Party" Enjoyed. -
Dr.' and Mrs. W. C. Schaefer enter
tained a number fit friends at their
country villa .neae Dallas last even
ing. Five Hundred was played during
the evening, John B. Eakin making
the highest score of 6370. A dainty
lunch was served to the smests In the
dining hall before the glowing fire
place about midnight. The guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Brown, Mr.
, and Mrs." Clare Tracy, Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Joselyn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stin
nett and Floyd D. Moore.
Jiormion Lodge No. 96, K. of P., w
to have a big meeting next Monday
night at which time several candl-
If you own an orchard you must have bees if
you would secure the largest crops of the most
perfect fruits, as proper pollination is essential
for best development and bees are the only
dependable pollenising agents.
You can keep bees anywhere that they can forage within
a mile they require but little attention and will often
render you splendid profit. We can start you right
and save you unnecessary work and expense.
Our Bee Supply Catalog lists weryth
necessary Cor the successful production of honey;
feiis how to care tor and hmndla fmoa. .
Ask for Catalog Numbef 263
Write u for
Queen Bees
IVVUllllUrU Ull JO.mX3 I
' I .
. u piannea to saw off the old
trunk and grow a new one from the
most promising sprout. The only
..i-mmi avaimuie In restoring an Kng
Ilsh walnut tree that is top grafted
i ne parent-teacher ananr- atlnn
conjunction with ihe school directors.
win give an entertainment anH h
soeiul at the White school house Frl
dny night to raise money with which
...... . ,,,,, ..-n...
-.. ,CR ,H io cut w, hack lo purennse a new phonograph to
IntOt healtllV Wood nf th. tnka tha nlnna r,f ,
" 1 ' " v iiu. - ' ' w u. uiiv atuieji iium me
.scran nvnp a i i. . , . i
- - nt.trsi place.
It Is a good plan to delay these
radical measures until as late In the
season as practicable, thereby giving
the Injured tree a chance to manifest
ny life thttay be left In Its trunk
er main bnmtTlies.
Pears are injured more where
strewing n deeu fiu-tlla anil, in t.....
Itustlons than they are In elevated,
ecUons of the red hills. The Burtlett
injured severely in both buds and
-branch. In many orchards most of
the fruit buds are killed. There is al
o In many cases severe, Hppurently
fatal. Injury to the H unk of the tree
bove the snow lino. The heat moth-
wein to b not t h" Pflrw''1'V' know, and ho can be trusted to
!!? t0 P,'Un Rt until tell you the full truth. D. J. Fry
late In the season, when the degree nf I . 'Hv
Want to Quit Tobacco?
If you want jlo quit tobacco or to
use less, get a package of Nicotol tab
lets from your druggist. You will he
surprised how easy It is to quit. Ni
cotol drives nicotine from your sys
tem and kills the craving for
oo, and lo! Ihe tobacco habit quits
you. All diuKglsIs 'are authorised ta
sell Nlootol undtr a steel hound mon
ey back guarantee, so it costs you lit
tle to quit and nothing If Nicotol falls
Note Atk your druggist what oth
ers say about the wonderful power of
Nicotol to break the tobacco hahtt
"'" ?,VtT,'!,,r '"."Jew
"I was In bed for lv innir mnniv,.
with stomach trouble mil rha.,m.ti...
and Tanlan olnnn .3 .. . ...
( " ucaci ves intt creait
or my recovery," said George Gre
goire, popular longshoreman of 2718
avenue, Seattle, Wash. "I have
gained twenty pounds and feel like I
was never sick a dav In mv iif
continued. '
"My trouble started a year ago.
My appetite left ma and .
ed myself to eat would cause a se
vere pain in my stomach and short
ness of breath. Meats were aimnai
like poison to my system; I got as
weak as a kitten and the rheumatism
laid hold of me so bad I could hard
ly drag myself about. My kidneys
seemed to give way, too, and my back
hurt so I couldn't stoop over. My head
ached like It would split and I would
get so dizzy I had to hold to some
tning to keep from falllna-. J. T l..t
sleep and weight and was complete
iy clown and out. '
"Tan lac heloed me mi ....nrh ttiut
I was out of bed In three weelca nnd
now I am like a different mtin Atl
my irouuies are entirely gone, I am
back at. work every day and do mv
own w6rk so easily I surprise the
men who work with me. I never felt
bettor in my life and I give Tanlac
all the credit for my splendid health"
xaniao is sold ln Salem by Tyler's
drug store and leading drnpiHui. ,
otner towns, (Advi
YOU who use
3S inch tires
constitute more
than half the
tire buyers of the
To build this spe
cial molded Z
in. tire, a $7,000,
C00 factory was
jbuilt and a spe
cial organization
brought together.
a ft rs
i J ''I ' W
in) & n )
Firestone Plant
No. 2, makini1
thiaonesize only,'
has a capacity1
of 16,000 tires a1
day. p I
This quantity
production means'
savings for the1
car own?r low-'
est costs and bet
ter tire values.
Buy Firestone.
3Gnt fo yd rid of Jhem
Skin specialists are tracing rewer and
fewer troubles to the blood. They say more
often, skin blemishes can be traced to the
bacteria and parasites that are carried into
the pores of the skin with dust, soot and
grime. To clear your skin of blemishes
caused by this insidious and persistent
enemy, use regularly the following special
treatment. .
Just before retiring, wash in your usual
way with warm water and Woodbury's
Facial Soap; then dry your face. Now dip
the tips of your fingers in warm water and
rub them on the cake of Woodbury Vuntil
they are covered with a heavy cream-like
lather. Cover each blemish with a thick
coat of this soap cream and leave it on for
m "is
aw jr mws.fv
"ten minutes. Rinse very carefully with
clear, hot water; then with cold.
In addition to this special treatment, use'
Woodbury's regularly in your daily toilet.
This will make your skin firm and active.
It will help the new skin to resist the fre
quent cause of blemishes. Before long your
complexion will talce on a new clearness and
freshness. v
Get a cake of Woodbury's Facial Soap and begin
tonight the treatment your skin needs. You will
find Woodbury's on sale at any drug store or toilet
goods counter in the United States or Canada. A
25 cent cake will last a month or six weeks.
The Andrew Jergens" Company, Cincinnati, New
York and Perth, Ontario.
We have engaged one of the
best men in this line on the
west coast and have equipped a
shop for magneto repairs. Also
a line of parls. If your magneto
needs overhauling, ship It to us
or call.
279 N. Commercial St
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
tU North Commercial "
Host mites ftr dollar is a ftreston pledge, to ihe big car
tvmtr as vtll as to the turners el tars. See Ms new '
SfanAarii XV.rf.-.. s- f !
, . ' c j i vrtm i. era.
Care of
YickSo Tong
Chinese Medicine aid Tea Co.
Haa ntdiclne which - will cure
any known disease. '
.. Open Sundays from m.
. until t p. m.
lit South High Street
alm. Oregon. Phone til
Ira I i U 4 rfi
That You CanH Resistli
In Taffetaf Georgette
and Silk Combinations
These dresses are out of the ordin- .,
ary in style, materials and workman-
ship and will please the most fastid- ;
ious woman. All the newest notes of ,
fashiondom are in evidence making -this
a most charming array of Spring .
twas our good fortune
To purchase the entire spring stock of a manufacturer who had
to close out his line at a price that was greatly below the normal.
In every detail these dresses are above, the ordinary and the
te burpnsingiy low. The good -fortune
was ours
For Genuine Bargains Beginning
House Furnisher
You get mors for your I
Money at Moore's.
We make it yours
By offering Vou these dresses at reduced prices. It is 8eldom
that this early in the season you are able to get the best for less"
so do not let this opportunityVslip past you.
a,..... .ail, - -.. I
!... i -'
I l I
, I t If i
r i :-
t t f
Quality Jlerchandise
145 Liberty Street
Popular Prices
Beginning May 1st, This Store
will adopt 'Pay As You Go Plan'