WEATHER FORECAST Tor.isht and Friday geu- warmer tonight east por eral'" ...wai westerly winds. loeai- Min. temperature, 41; max. (T nican. No rainfall. River i'feet. rising. Print Paper Shortage Is ProbeTopic Washington, Apr. 89. Lack of sat- 5hied year. NO. 103.- " . ' : : : ketory understanding between the Hoover, former national food admln u , .... rin n.r, ktrator; Frank AAVanderllp. New ..u on.! nrint naner manufac jHlOIUUI"" r ,rfrJ was held to be responsible In part for the present paper shortage kf Paul Patterson, one of the publlsh of the Baltimore Sun. In testimony tndaT before the senate manufactures wbcommittee investigating the paper ...... ttnn fie exuiuiiuru 1110.1 wmio ,hre would be no Increased produc-j"'" u" .. . . MHni.tlnn in 1091 tion Ull I' V'""" 1 uld be JOO.OOO tons over that for 1S2I. The present shortage, the witness told the committee resulted from in creased consumption beyond the ca pacity of the paper mills. Saying that increased prices for paper was neces sary about three years ago, he asserted that he producers failed to take the publishers into their confidence at that time with the result that an agi tation was started against increased prices and for public control of the paper industry. Also the manufactur ers, he said, failed w expand their plants due to the lack of understand ing between them and the publishers. As a result of this situation, Mr. Patterson said, when the publishers came to renew their paper contracts this year insufficient paper to meet demands was discovered so that they entered 1920 with a "shortage of pa per 0 nevery hand." Mr. Patterson expressed the belief that the "universal practice of cur-. tsilment in the use of paper" which he said was being observed by tne newspapers, would result in " a mar ked effect on the market by fall.". But nothing effective can be accom plished unless there is a definite cur tailment in the amount of advertise ments," he said, "and the only way that can be done is to Increase ad vertising rates not for the purpose of increasing revenues but to hold down the amount pf advertising." Housing Problem Shows New Angle; No Spooning Place London, Apr. 29. London's acute housing shortage pre sents another complication hundreds of young couples are declared to have not suitable courting places. This phase of the situation manifested, itself in a court proceeding at Wlllesden where a man living In a tenement house complained of courting couples sitting on the stairs. He was granted a summons against a suitor who, the com plainant said had assulted him when he fell over him. Yokohama Maid One Attraction Of May Day Fete Yokohama Maid, a Japanese comic operetta written and composed by Arthur A. Penn, will be given by mem wrs of the music department of Wll amelte university as one of the fea tures of the May Day festivities. The Pwtta will be staged on the eam M near the gymnasium where a Japanese garden will be represented 'tn hundreds of Japanese lanterns nd other oriental features. The cast, composed of some of the most talented members of the music . is Deing directed by Dr. John r Sites, head of the department, who "M for years an opera . singer In he fc V"5 has had much experience ' " ,,lmllar Productions. Besides the P 'Mlpals, there will be a large chor rirh i. a orchMtra- Frederic Ald an J?,'"anaer ot thB production, "a William Sherwood property man. Tne Cast: Taboo. tj- . .. 1JUWln Nocoiorsky Muvon Tu-John Lucker Ah No-Leon Jennison Uteddo-Fred McGrew Knoradi-Floyd Mclntlre o sTT Cor,cas Francis Cramer tog A Son Veona Williams Kwimee Sadie Pratt 2"W"ga-Loa Brum Hel'n MIntnrff lt"a-Margnret Bowen. Belir... - una 30 new sllns will be In 1: matilla county during the 'rain summer.' Federal Agents at Loss For Means of Curbing Portland Booze Sales ml".!1' 0r" APr- 29. Federal I '"""ties .dmiV, V Prosecuting au- " in i. toaay they were at lk "Socman in 8 to cope wltn t.n """'ntng and other n,,,.,,.. "hinw I "J f,ope w,ln Krii.- , now beinsr r-ondiintH in : rfM rw ICinlty and unles their4 "'was WrVg 0f. ""rests and prose- " f(u-naIt the moonshinenH M"h LUr? f."1 dog 's it. r l's character, ecent report the federal jury retUrno t 4. :" of ih. "ecu vio - hn iKi. uor la,, 8i"te Mon- 3' j port "a" submitted, '" li'iiu.. " 49 new moonshinlne: Capital Hoover To Be Speaker At National Association Mppftntio Spokane, Wash., Apr. 29. Sev,. men and women prominent In th. fairs of the mitlon Including Herbert York financier; Governor Frank 9. Lowdert of Illinois; Mrs. Carrie Chap man Catt, suffrage leader and former Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane will receive invitations within a fw days to address the annuaf con vention of the National Educational association at Salt Lake nitv jniv x I Th tontntlv.. - " K.s..,i m m- nouncefl here today by Mrs. Josephine Corliss Preston, state superintendent of schools of Washington and presi- Palmer Defends Fair Price Acts As Wholly Legal Washington, Apr. 29. Acceptance of "fair prices by the department of Justice was defended today by At torney General Palmer before the house Judiciary committee which is investigating his agreement with Louisiana sugar growers that 17 and 18 cents would not be considered an unfair maximum price for their pro duct. Mr. Palmer declared that the ac ceptance of the "fair"- prices was "not fixing a price but the exercis ing or tne lawrui discretion in an nouncing what the government would regard as a violation of the law." "For anyone to say such action was a violation of the law," said the at torney general, "show a lamentable Ignorance of the lilw. If I am guilty in- Louisiana then I am guilty else where throughout the country with respect to all necessaries and there is plenty of room from the records of the department of Justice to find me guilty." - . "Fair prices," he continued, "were determined by the fair price commit tees," organized last fall throughout the country. - The committees he de scribed as the "weapon of the public" for fighting rising living costs. Yankee Artists Win Places As Best In World Pittsburgh, Pa., Apr. 29. American painters ranked high in the Interna tional Art Exhibition, which was for mally opened In the galleries of the Carnegie Institute here today, the first since the outbreak of the world war Announcement of honors was made at the Founders Day exerecises as fol lows First Abbott . H. Thayer, Monan dock, N. C, "Young Woman In Olove Plush." fGold medal and $1500, ' Second Algernon Talmage, Lon don, England, "By the Cornish Sea." Silver medal and $1000. Third Walter Ufer, Chicago, III., "Suznnna and Her Sisters." Bro.i: medal and $500. . Honorable mention Robert Spen cer, New Hope, Pa., "The White Mill" Frederick Bosley, Boston, Mass., "Looking at Prints"; George J. Coates, London, England, "The Span ish Dancer." Theexhibltion contains 373 paint ings. Of this number America con tributed 198 while England sent 83 and-France B3. The remainder came from the studios of Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Norway, Russia, Bel gium, Switzerland and a few from Canada. " Record Made Of Voice Transmitted 40 Miles By Wire London, April 22. Experiments which have been carried out here have resulted In the making of a talking machine record on wax of a voice transmitted by . wireless tele phone forty miles away. While the voice was speaking in the county of Essex, wm?re there is a high power Instrument, the equip ment at the receiving plant in the Strand, London, was attached to a recorder, which engraved the mes sages in soft wax In the same way an ordinary disc is produced. The record was perfectly audible though a trifle "patchy." before the United States attorney by the revenue agents. One of the revenue agents who de- vote, nranticallv his entire time to ferretinsf out moonshiners and boot- lessors - aidt today that the illici manufacture of whiskey in Portland u Pnrtinnii in now greater than it ever has been since prohibition, eith- er state or national. - ; ! "We have seized at least 13 stins . . .. . ,1. nr,A lmv In d have in ? 1 iour possession evidence or ointrr, moonshifiins operations other stills which we win " - vMtiate as rapidly as possible, - Educational . , . .a. w t I y dent of the National Educational as sociation. Others wlu wilt be Invited to ad dress the convention, Mrs. Preston said, include Dr. Guy P. Benton, for mer state president of schools of Ver mont; Dr. Henry Sunallo, president of the University of Washington; Pay son Smith, commissioner of education of Massachusetts; Dr. E. O. Sissons, president of the 'University of Mon tana; - will Wood, commissioner of education of California and Dr. E. H. Lindley, president of the University of Idaho. The general topic of the session, Mrs. Preston announced, will be "pub lic education In the making of a great er America." French Troops Ambushed When Falling Back Paris, Apr. 28. Official accounts of the French retreat from Urfa, Asia Minor, confirm the reports that the retreating column was ambushed although the -French had an agree ment with" the Turks which they be lieved would Insure a safe retirement. The French left Urfa, only when food and. water were lacking, after a sustained siege of two months. The French losses in the siege are said;ig message to every individual who to have been small, while the admit- t. ln anv war Intended in hnv. Th ted Turkish casualties totalled BOO. Labor Party to Hold National Meet In July Chicago, Apr. 29.-The national labor party convention will be held inder 15 years of age, participated in Chicago July 11, 12 and 13 to noml-, nate candidates for president and vice president and draft a platform. It was' announcedtoday by Frank J. Esher,!"011' leaders describe the situation. national secretary. Every labor and farm organization fn the country will be Invited to Bend one delegate for each 500 members. Esper predicted that 5000 would attend. delegates The national labor party was form ed here last November by 12000 rep resentatives of farm and labor organ izations. Max S. Hayes of Cleveland is national ebnlrman. ; X -' The declaration of principles adopt ed at the convention Included thirty- two planks, a majorit yof which, ac- cordlg to Esper, will be repeated lnilzens are behind the boy scout move- the political platform to be adopted ln July. Among the planks are Nationalization of all essential In dustries. ' Nationalization of unused land. A league- of workers to "destroy autocracy, militarism and economic imperialism and bring about wide disarmament." world Repeal of the espionage law. ' ,Equal suffrage and equal pay for men and women In Industry. Abolition of the Injunction, power of judges in labor disputes. Indorsement of the Plumb plan for tri-partlte railroad control. Steeply graduated Income and in heritance taxes. A national budget system. Limitation of the power of the su preme court to "veto" legislation. Abolition of the United States sen ate. Alaska Selects Delegates And Office Seekers Juneau, Alaska, Apr. 29. With re turns from Tuesday's primary election 70 per cent complete, the election of John C McBride, republican candi date for national committeeman, is conceded, the vote standing McBride 2155; Herron, 1427; Chovin, 428. With the exception of Haines and Tanana, the vote from all incotforated towns in all districts has been received. For delegates to the republican na tional convention, George C. Hazelet, Cordova, and T. M. Reed, Nome, vi. leading Elmer Valentine by approxi mately 100 vote. John Rtistgnrd, re publican, for attorney general Is ap parently nominated. In the first division, the leading re publican candidates are: For senator, P. C. McCormack.Wrangell; for terri torial representatives, George Getchell H. T. Tripp, Cash Cole and E. L. Hunt er all of Juneau. E. A. Heath, Ketchikan, and Icaac Sowerby are running a close race for the democratic senatorial nomination in the flrct division. The leading democratic nominees for representa tive are W. W. Casey, Latimer Gray and Henry Roden of Juneau and N. R.Walker of Ketchikan. "Tackey Party' Is Plan Of Artisans With substantial fines awaiting any member who appears "drersed up." the "tackey party" to be given tonight -by the t'nited Artisans here promises to be a merry affair. The meeting will be held in Odd Fellows hall and begins at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to attend K.nd bring their friends. Busi n. win he d'soensed with, the even- . t h devoted entirely to fun. " that are sure to ' . . . 1 iiH hen nrranred. snd entertainment " " . ',. A banquet will ."""":" - t,M rnilowinsr the meeting of the , ij -- T - Mnh -is Boy Scouts Open Drive Here Today The immenae crowd that more than comfortably filled the armory Wed- nesday night wa. given a first hand , imroaucuon 10 me troy scouts of lem, and also a conception of what p n -! . - SALE1T, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1920. the boy . scout movement means in'country "eking and seething terms of Christian helpfulness and bolshevism." true citizenry. - j Referring to the recent miners The carefully prepared program strike at Butte, Mont., Senator My was thoroughly enjoyed, and after era said that aside from the govern -the rendition of "The- Star Spangled jment keeping temporary order by the RsnnAr" M'Dwnna H n n ... ; . v. i. . . . . . - . . ... . . Banner": everyone departed with the knowledge that Salem lodge J3, B. P. O. E.i can successfully carry out the role of .host to all of Salem should the occaslbn arise. Every number was presented by local talent and re ceived repeated encores. The sensation of the evening was the grand finale event, when Scout master Harold Cooke was introduced to the audience by Walter Denton, and whose word of command brought 200 scouts to the front of the audit orium. As each scout troop assembled in orderly ranks, a -buge American imaTrK.iv wkrn,,nrt Thi. a signal for tha darkening of the aud itorium and red flares were lighted as the band struck up the National Anthem. Problems Depicted "The boy scout's motion picture. "The KmmrA TrHIa " Holivnr-AH a niinnh picture depicts scenes, paralleled in stances of which can be found in ev ery community tn the United States, Salem not excepted. Were Salem cit izens interested three years ago when a band of "boy bandits" was un earthed In this city? Or a year later when the desire to "do It like the fellers say" led a number of Salem lads Into a bicycle stealing campaign that puzzled the authorities for sev eral weeks? Or even more recently when tour or lem lads, all un - tne "ystematic looting of a local siore7 Hlh Weals Appeal "Misdirected boyhood" is the way and it is certainly a prldeful achieve ment worth universal Interest when these leaders review the" growth and success of the scout movement. Boys whose only Interest yesterday was to ge( into mischief or be attracted by filthy stories are today coming into the organization with a working knowl edge of what Pug discovered in the "Square ' Table" ."It's sure more fun to help other folks.". Walter Denton, member of the Sa lem scouts council, spoke briefly but pointedly. "The Klks and all good clt- ment, because they know that the boy of today Is the man" of tomor row," said- Mr. Denton. "The scout motto of 'One good turn each day' is an Investment for good citizenship. During the past few years, scout en listment in Salem has grown from 35 to nearly 250. The logal scout troops need financial aid. If every family in Salem were living in a country vMlere they would have to pay a despotic ruler 500 per year or allow their sons to be drafted into a vicious en terprise that would warp them men tally, spiritually and physically, don't you think that the sum would be paid somehow?" Is one of Mr. Denton's ar guments. "Idleness and wrong doing, engendered by questionable associ ates, present pitfalls for your boy. Get behind the boy scout movement and realize that the few dollars re quired of you Is a sterling invest ment." - Must Have Aid Mr. Denton's talk to last night's audience was centered mainly on the activities of the scouts ln this city and in their plans for completion of their drive for $4000, needed in put ting the Salem organization ln a po sition to recruit 1000 more boys. Other features of the Elks Big Brother program were as follows: The Elks band, seven Interspersed numbers. The Elks quartet. (Something do ing every minute.) Whistling solos by Miss Bertha Clark. Solos by Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. A, A. Schramm accompanist. "Four Leaf Clover," Coombs, words by the Oregon writer, Ella fliggen son. Mrs. Smith's second number was "Dear Little Boy of Mine." E. Cooke Fatten and magic. (A winning number.) "Dad says so, anyhow," as clever ly presented by Miss Von Behren. was enjoyed by all. How the French boy scouts had been fouund to be Invaluable aids to their distressed country during thejWhel.eby the trains were supposed to world war was told by George Hal- vorsen. - . Dan Langenberg presented one of his pupils, Claud Stevenson, ln solo numbers that brought repeated cn- cores. Ten Willamette Girls Announce New Sorority A new sorority composed of Willamette university girls has ten lt peared, announcing its debut by th wearing of a neat pin with the Greek Letters, Delta Phi. The sorority was tentatively formed in October but was kept a perfect secret until this week. A constitution has been adopt - ed, stating the aim of the sorority as a 'desire to promote scholarship. friendship and the best interests of Willamette. The members are: Marie Corner president), Gladys Gilbert (vice pres Ident), Virginia Mason (secretary),' Fay Pratt (treasurer) and Dean Hat-; inn rwrnthv Lamb. Maud Hnlland. ' Fern Glelser. Mildred Wells and sa- ha" b"n die Pratt. Mrs. Gustav Ebsen elected an honorary member. J ou rnal r 1 r t naaicais rouna In High Places Myers Declares Washington. April 29. Declaring that sympathizers with radicals bent on the overthrow of the government are to be found even "In high plac es", Senator Myers, democrat, Mon tana, speaking in the senate, criticized th ffnyarnmttriT in 9unAHl i department of labor in particular for taUure to Uk adequate steps to prerent the spfead of radicalism. 1 "Tho r.tivlHna Af fthncH, whn. 1 J undermine and overthrow our gov- Sa-'ernment are undoubtedly Increas- lng" ne raid- "In my opinion. this the use ui iruops, ne aia not Know wnat would be done toward going to "the bottom of this nest ot anarchy and rooting out the moving force." Harding Winner But Campaign Manager Beaten Columbus, Ohio, April 29. Altho Senator Warren O. Harding, Ohio's "favorite son" received the presiden tial preference Indorsement at the hands of the states republican voters TuesdSy, his campaign manager, liar ry M. Daugherty, apparently has been defeated for delegate at larsra to the party's national convention at Chica-!!he go. On the face of unofficial returns from all but 103 of the 5882 precincts ln the state, the senator was leading Major General Leonard Wood by 15, 186 votes. The vote stood; Harding 125.003; Wood 109,817. , Daugherty apparently has been de feated by William H. Boyd, Cleveland attorney and a Wood candidate. Three Harding delegates at large apparently are elected. The vote In f but 272 of the D882 prescinds of the state showed: Galvln (Harding 114,097; Willis (Harding) 115,413; Herrlck (Hard ing) 125,596; Turner (Wood) 101,482 Indications were early today that at least 39 and possibly 42 of the state's 43 delegates to the republi can national convention will be pledg ed to Senator Harding, while the re mainder will be pledged to Wood. French Radicals Threaten General Strike For May 1 Paris, April 29. The General Fed eration of Labor In France today de cided to support the Railwaymen's Federation by ordering a general strike to begin at midnight of May 1. Paris,, Apr. 29. Extremists who have captured control of the railroad workers federation are attempting to make the May 1 strike a starting point for an unlimited general strike for the nationalization of public utilities. In the past plans for the day have con templated a mere demonstration by labor. Strike notices subject to the approval of the general labor federation have been Issued by the executive commit tee of the railroad federation. Railroaders delegates were closeted with the executive committee of the general federation until lute last night trying to obtain support of the revolu tionary plans. As far as can be as certained, no decision was reached. The walls of Paris are plastered with appeals and manifestos. One ap peal 'concluded with a bit of uncon scious humor, ; "Do not work, on May 1," It said, Vso that the maxim 'he who will eat must produce' may be applied." Five Killed and Twelve Hurt in Clash of Trains Lambertcn, Minn.. April '29. rive persons were killed and twelve In jured when two passenger trains on the Chicago Northwestern railroad met in a head-on collision near here early today. . The accident Is said to have been caused by misinterpretation of orders, pass at Sanborn instead of Lamber ton. Four cars were wrecked and both engines. The dead are: Ed Clark, conductor of train num ber 618, Winona. L, 8. Fuller, engineer of 518, Winona. E. C. Larson, fireman on 518, Winona. A. Feltz, car repairer, Tracy, Minn. E. W. Augustine, Pioneer, Ohio. Best Repudiates Alleged Confession Pontiac. Mich., April 29. Anson Best this morning ln the presence of i hi attorney, Prosecutor Glenn C Gillespie, and a number of newspaper ' man. repudiated the confession th prosecutor declares he made In the Vera Schneider murder case The prisoner maintained that his first story, told when he was stopped at the scene of the murder, Is the truth, and that his admissions made, aecordinK (o the prosecutor. In the prenc j f several offic :er ' oXr. and mJZ"JZ:l Mexican RebelLeaderGoss Over To Carranza's Aid; Nation Split For Defense Mexico City, Apr. 29: (By The Assocated Press) General Miguel Samaniego leading lieutenant of General P. Elias Calles, commander of the anti-government forces in northern Mexico has abandoned the Sonora revolutionists and proffered his services to the Carranza government according to an official statement issued last night by General Juan Barragan, chief of the presiden tial staff. . (The statement quotes a dispatch from General Pablo Quir ogo, hief of operations in Chihuahua stating the emissaries had been sent to him by General Sanamiego, who is commanding Sonora forces defending Pulpito Pass, the vital gateway from phihuahua, to Sonora. Announcement is made by the war department of two new departments for military operations. The first has been named the eastern department and Includes the states of Fuebla and Vera Cruz and" the Isthmus of Te huantepec, and has been placed un der the command of General Can dido Agullar. The other is called the valley of Mexico department! and General Francisco Murguia, whu has been recalled from Tamplco, has been placed In command. General Federlco Montes, who was ln charge of the presidential cam paign of Ygnaclo Bonillas, former Mexican ambassador to the United States and who has been under leave of absence as governor of the state of Guanajuato, is reported to have been named military commander for 'ate Guanajuato, .Agues Cal lentes and Mlchoncan, BonnlUg Muy Withdraw In connectionwith General Mostes' reported withdrawal from politics, the Heraldo de Mexico publishes a rumor which has been current sever al days that'Senor Bonillas is about to withdraw his candidacy and prof fer his services to the government. Leon Salinas, who recently resigned as minister or commerce and Indus try for the purpose of seeking elec tion as senator from the state of Mo rel os, retook the oath on Tuesday as a cabinet member and has resumed his former post. This is considered an indication that a postponement ot the presidential election, fixed for July 4, , is probable. AMERICAN CRITISRR8 DOCK AT MEXICAN COAST PORTS Washington, April 29. The Ameri can cruisers Salem and Sacramento were reported today to have reach ed their respective destinations at Ma zatlan and Tamplco. Commanding of ficers of the two Vessels had made no report today. . The state department announced to day that George T. Summerlln, Am erican charge at Mexico City, who has been in Washington conferring with department officials, left Laredo yes terday for the Mexican capital. Official dispatches from Mexico to day stated that 600 federal troops reached Vera Cruz Tuesday and were' sent to Alvarado, a few miles south of Vera Cruz, where the federal gar rlsos had revolted and looted the town. Railway and telegraph communica tions between Juarez and Chihuahua City remains Interrupted. Banditry Is reported near Guuuelir jara where the Mexican government yesterday reported General Dieguez had 8000 federal troops mobilized. Bandits seized the power plant out side the city. CARRANZA GOVERNMENT IS FAILVRE ex-coi;nsf:l SAYS Washington, April 29. The Car ranza government has been a "ghaut ly failure," 8. G. Hopkins, Washing ton attorney and formerly ;lcounsel for Carranza testified today before a senate committee Investigating Mexi can affairs. Mr. Hopkins said the Mex ican leader had "failed to keep all his promises and has neither pacified the country nor Inaugurated any of the reforms which he advocated be fore taking power." Praising General Obregon, one ot the leaders ln the new revolution in Mexico, the witness predicted success for him. The revolution, he said, was due to "the state of unrest developed in Mexico by the failure of the .Car ranza government to function in any way." Carranza was furnished arms and munitions by the United States In 1914 with the direct cognisance of the Am erican government," Mr. Hopkins said, "and In such quantity as to as sure him success ln his fight to dis place VlctorUno Huerta. "I was informed that the United States government would close its eyes to a procedure by which the muunltions woulud be taken out of Texas ports, on bills of lading indi cating the destination to be Cuba," Mr. Hopkins said. "After getting out to sea, the schooners would change their rout ing snd land the cargoes at ports available to Carranza forces. Under LATE BULLETINS Washington, Apr. 29. Capture of the city of Chihuahua by rebel forces, formerly officers and men of the federal garrison in that city, was reported today to the state department. Tokio, Apr. 24 The Japanese force on its way to relief of the Nikolaevsk district, in eastern Siberia, occupied the northern section of Saghalin Island (Russian territory unopposed, it wa announced in a war office communique today. Washington, Apr. 29. Proposals to license meat packers and create a commissio nto enforce laws affecting the industry, were rejected today by the house agriculture committee. With thes eliminations agreed upon, a sub-committee headed by Chairmaa Haugen was appointed to draft compromise legislation for the regulation of the packers. Newark, N. J., Apr. 29. Corrected returns today at 4 o'clock with A drlistrifta misinc. cave Maior General Leonard Wood a . lead of 590 over Senator Johnson in the New Jersey preferential primary. The vote stood: Wood, 51,809; Johnson, 51, 219. CIRCULATION - Average for Six Months ending March L 1S:0 5259 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Associated Prea Full Leue4 Wtz PRICE S (XNT& the arrangement, the vessels were to be fined nominally for violation ot neutrality laws. As It worked out, the vessels were fined, but the aecre tary ot the treasury remitted th fines." ' Wood Holds Safe Lead; Johnson May Ask Recount Now York, Apr. 2s. WIUi Major General Ieonard Wood leading Senator Johnson of Cal ifornia by only a few hundred ot"S In the Now Jomry prefer ential primary, Johnson's cm IHilxn manager announced today that b recount would be made In Essex, Morris, Ulouccste and Cnmdcn counties. Newark, N. J.. April 29. Major General Leonard Wood early today maintained a lead of 612 votes over Senator Hiram Johnson of California In New Jersey's preferential presiden- . tlal primary with eighty four election districts still missing. The vote was: Wood, 51,402; Johnson, 60,790. The complete vote probably will not be availabls until late today as tha missing districts are located In outly ing districts are located In outlying rural sections sections. Beventy-four of the mlHsing districts are ln counties which have returned .-majorities for Wood tn th incomplete returns. ; The republican "big four" delega tion to the Chicago f nventlon will be: Senators Waltur E. Edge and Joseph E. Frelingntij-Bpn, who are pledged to support the Vbters choice, as expressed at the prlrtjnry; Edward C. Stokes and William N. Runyon. pledgedto support Wood. Incomplete" returns indicate that Wood will have eleven district dele gates and Johimon ten. Three dele gates are unpledged. ' Campaign managers for both Wood and Johnson reiterated claims that their candidate would carry the state. William P. Verdon, a republican leader ln Hoboken and worker for Johnson would add nothing today to his charge yesterday that he Califor nia, senator had been "robbed" In at least three counties Camden, Morrla and Essex. Widespread reports that Senator Johnson's supporters would ask for a. recount could not be confirmed hero early today. ' Milk Record Held By Vive La France Broken Is Report New York, Apr. 29 A new cham pion Jersey cow will be proclaimed at the annual meeting of the American Jersey Cattle club here June 2, it was) announced today. The new champion fat producer Is "Plain Mary," whoso record of 1040 pounds of fat break the record held by "Vive La France." A new record also has been made in the yearling class by "Lulu Alphea ot Ashburn," producer of 800 pounds of fa,t ln a test begun at the age of 2S months. Borah To Head Idaho Delegates Coeur a'Alene, Idaho, April 29. United States Senator. William K. Borah, favoring United States Sena tor Hiram Johnson of California, for the presidential nomination .will head the four delegates at large from Iduho to the national convention t Chicago. It was Voted at the Idaho republican state convention here yes terday. The other three are Stats Chairman John Thomua of Gooding (non-committal); John P. Gray, Cojur d'Alene (Wood. snd Stanly A. East on, Kellogg (Wood.) w have been brought said.