Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 28, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    - viDAY, AFKIL 23, 1320.
ZZ-rfZrtEi; iasariion one
Jion S cents. ono month
B- .Inn. XI C"'9- 0!,a y'aI'' Pef
II inf r, ceota. Minunuai per ad 2a
frL, Msertion only In New Toaay.
In advance and not tak- !
W!S3Sns. unless advertiser has
pWtWJ Account. No allowance ror
rSTPTTviAX wautea at once to
f.,rm and haul wood, all
rm;r iob. Phone 622. 102'
--rrrgunhased the shoe repair
' 5.... ai i:9 State street and am
Lred to J clas8 shoe re
-5Tt E50 Franquet English
'oB.A: Phone 906. Cl03
i set of harness. 1 brood sow.
f.l hocjTS S. 22 St. e!04
'fK55LE;:-Dandy niodel 10 Vk-tro-i.
mice including over forty rec
ipe four albums, needle cutter.
2? $95 1360 N. 18th St., Phone
TTs.U.E-Esks, It. i. eus. i
v iPtl color, vtrv la
Br in. w .-.
rood layers,, none better, 15
u id- glso incubator settings.
ntih 4onth of 12th St. carline
box 40. Mode Reedy. Salem,
ToK SALE Wilcox & Gibbs chain
sUtch sewing machine, porcelain
clock, child's porch swing. Phpne
el 04
5'ASTED 100 three to five weeks
old tn "v.. "v
fancy stock; must be cheap for
cash. Bring to zaia . inn ei. ciui
:jfACTET) To buy smaH modern bun
mlow large lot, improved street,
Winne 1979M". 1104
j)R SALE 159 aci-es in the Waldo
Hills at $05 per acre; See J. A.
irnip. owner. Macleay. Or. b!07
j'OB SALE Good 2-year old mare
' colt or will trade for young cattle.
R s Grettie, Kt. 3. Phone 84F11.
J?0R SALE 80 acre ranch in south
ern part of Tillamook county; 14
milk cows, registered Jersey bull,
2 yearling heifers, one team, farm
implements. 6 room house, barn
and other outbuildings, running wa-
. ter year thru, piped to house; one
half mile to cheese factory, church,
post office, school houseand beach
Price $8500, one half down, bal
. ance easy terms. For sale by own
,' er. Chris Winzent, Oretown, Or.,
Tillamook county. 102
WANTED Lady cook, good wages.
no Sunday work. 128 S. Liberty St.
i ACHES for saltv or cash rent, close
in. good road, family orchard, build
ings ready to move in. Owner box
333. Salem. 102
WANTED Men to dig loganberry
plants. Will give transportation to
and from the field. Phone 100F3.
CAKFENTKH repair work of., all
kind done. Call nt 305- S. Church
St. Arthur Wilson. hi 04
JPOR SALE Or trade a good team of
black horses, will trade for- cow,
sheep, hogs or anything I can. use,
wn:it have you 7 Phone 1073. el03
WANTKD a man for Marion and
Polk counties for the Automatic
Wlndo-Rol Screen, requires a small
Investment. This Is a splendid op
portunity for the right man. Ask
for Mr. Woods. Hotel Bllgh. 103
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeep
ing rooms, on first floor. 574 North
15th near Marion. Call eveningB
nr.fl mornings, imfi
KJKU 1318 muring, good tires, foot
throttle, large steering wheel; a
(hndy car; also a good Ford tour
ing for $300. See the clnssv Ford
bugs on exhibition, also bug bod
ies. The Auto Shop, 187 S. Liberty
WAMED Rooms wanted. 3 unfurn
ished or smnll house. 085 Center
. Ireet or phone 570. i!03i
i u l,u-vs in Uai cars
with liberal terms at Salem Velle
company this week, 162 N. Com-
mercinl. mom
WANTED-Fariu hand. Must know
something about loganberries and
t good worker. Must batch, or it
, Isn't too particular, can use
married man. All year Job. Wages as
Rood as man. W. L. McDougal, Rt.
jlWAL buys ln use(l carg
n liberal terms at Salem Velle
tomnany ,hi8 week u2
- "'rcial. i0o
Hu has lots or residence property
for 40 or 00 acres wood proposition
w Washington; will pay difference.
-JL,nninl. kia
" ' C104
Wni'':bTiJ"ai,ion as chauffeur, ex
Pet'ienced. Ilox R Capital Journal.
n,. '- niuv
LlliClenners l)ye,.a. i03
. rt-fSF'J-" i" used car.
ST ,hiS week "2- N.' Cora-
i v- -
SAl.k'u...... ' : :
SE?iaf4' Minorca eBK8 $i
:friettlng; hatching fine. 454 Hood
berri.. w ' lrl"1, saraen and
2 T"ms- Address S O care
FOR si, P ,
hi enort IT J?'y t"nl 16 WT
t 243 V 'A'""' 16 oz- dllck- Call
iW 40 in.uiBa - woot suits.
S'Fl',;'',t,'d by "'"rried ma"'
In R k 0,d', 10 ars xperi.nCe
orrteen.?' , enSineering dept.
?KSeh,erteaI' time
Son uin? ' '"ltor of construc
ell im p,,u,Pm"t- W. A. Cnrd-
tr-j-Hr.1 St- Salem. Or. hi 05
urltv J" borrow 2fi on good
4M c0,.t8 Percent. W. A. Liston,
"odern hn. el room strictly
eT Favp(i "tree,s and
"oriL rlm- Five bl0 from
bUtto halMin- $0000
' monthw0r mo,'e cash' balance
'-iw. 4M elf, '?a-mnts. W. A. LIs-
""I bam t,-."'06 5 room house
fS V-2:'0' dose in. Mrs. Ceo.
!"!. Bellevue St., Salem.
AATprrT- io2
. --"il O I h 7J f
;none 37P2'
MTgripT I V -
itl omV . receltion room
doctor in Salem: X Y
rnU'IUng done. Box LJ
TJRT-r- . 1103
J ana pajLr5-8 U8ed ove'
,.T. ?red or tinted w.- r.
" N. ComX tn
"IUII1P n ,1 1
rJPhone in,P. nenu repair
-SCfSV h' nfav7 tea" work.
"""T triT.1 A- Warrick Co.
ie. rjLirtM' moving. Wood
V'rnSr'- Stanl North
For Sale Houses!
WANTED-To buy .mall moaeru
bungalow, close in. Want to deal di
rect with owner. Box R G Canital
Journal. im
FOR SALE Attractive a ro.mi house
eenu-mouern. frice J1350. See
owner Rayford T. Goode, 1136
jencrson St. city. aio.
FOR SALE 3 good housd buys. $1;-
.iu. iart & Muller.
ma orfgun otog.
5 ROOM plastered cottage, almost
new with 2 good lots, fine soil, fruit,
garden in. When you see it vou will
like it. Price very cheap. $2000 s
S-, prsou p'. 405 Oregon
'"ci. I14Iip J. .
J: OK SALE Good 7 room house.
targe Darn, s lots, close in, good
street, east front. Price (6500
Terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co
875 State street. !
FOR SALE 1 room bungalow at 160
jjivuuon c rnce 1375. W H
Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St!
,WE have legitimate buyers for good
live ana six room bungalows, and
for well improved suburban prop
erties. W. A. Liston, agent, 484
Court street. -
WANTT9D A six room ruus. Hfn
be all en one floor and vfully mod
. em; north or east front, and situ
ated wrnit nf n .....
., . v. - ...L.U..1, ouum ui
Marion and north ot Ferry "streets.
mum utj oargain-lor -spot
ash. Phone 109a between S and
ojovp. m. . i
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow in S.
ouiem, one oiock from car line, lot
60x105 feet, garage. Price $2600.
Cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
State street. al02
FOR SALE A dandy five room bun-
Binuw witn nrepiace and bearing
fruit trees. J2500. F. L. Wood, 341
State street.- nl03
PHONE 951, 329 OREGON bldg. a
SEVERAL houses for sale, amont;
them a 5 room bungalow Inquire
z jw. nonage, pnone 11S6. alll
CLOSE in residence property consist
ing oi nve room nouse, nearly mod
ern and basement, lot 50x132 feet,
several bearing fruit trees and small
walnut trees and good garden spot,
one block to pavement. Price $3200
or will exchange with owner of
small improved farm and assume
difference, if any; preferably north
of Salem, but will consider- other
location. Owner, P. O. box 261, Sa
lem. Or. al03
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, bath.
toilet, 3 blocks from post office on
N. Church street Price $2250. Hart
& Muller, 208 Oregon bldg, a"
FOR SALE 5 room house all furn
ished, lot 50x170. 325 S. 16th Sa
lem, Or. al03
For Sale Farms. .
FOR SALE 60 acres of good timber
east of Salem. Price $6000. Cash.
, W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State
street, bl02
FOR SALE About 7 acres located in
Aumsville, fair buildings; a good
berry or chicken, ranch. $2600. Will
exchange for Salem property. Will
M vera, Aumsville, A Or. : , M0
FARM Tor sale by Owner, .160 acres,
all in cultivation; bearing orchard
ot prunes and walnuts. Fine build
ings; on main read, 1ft miles to
county seat. $175- per acre. Address
Box F, Silverton, Or. bl02
POTATO land for rent five to, seven
acres, Garden road soil. ColI'427M
FOR SALE 18 acres seeded to clov
er and grain, small house and barn
4 miles east of Salem. Price $4,
600. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. n
FOR SALE 120 acres 6 miles from
Salem, 20 acres cultivated, old
house, barn, orchard; .estimated 3,
000 cords of oak grub timber.
Price $45 per acre. Hart & Mul
ler. 20S Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE By owner 20 acres, IS
in high state of cultivation, 5 acres
prunes, 3 strawberries, 4 acres
gooseberries; fair buildings, on good
road 4 miles out; one team and
. harness, 1 cow, 1 buggy and har
ness, 1 farm and 1 fruit wagon, all
farm Implements; immediate pos-
" session. Price $8500. Write box 122,
Rt. 2. Salem, Or. n
CHOICE close in berry land, 10 acres
located just outside city limits, li
blocks from Center St. carline on
asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. -8.11 acres adjoining tho
' ; above land," black loam, all ready
: tor planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberta, 205 Oregon bldg.
' Phone 1427. b
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Or trade for cow, small
team horses, 448 S. 16th after 5 p.
in. or Sunday. e!02
FOR SALE One good range,
Union St. Phone 1853
FOR SALE Or trade for horse, mo
torcycle; also cylinder phonograph
Box Trade Capital Journal. c!03
FOR SALE Cheap 9 pairs of cur
tains, like hew. Call 1340 Ferry St.
mornings. 106
SALE 2 lots, house and household
goods, at 975 8. 22d St. C103
REED baby buggy for sale cheap. 460
8. Cottage. c!03
FOR SALE 1225 N. lth St.,
PRIVATE SALE Going out of busi
ness, will sell all in a lump, or piece
my new and secondhand goods,
walnut hall trees, ranges, bicycles,
harness, of free desk. and. chah-s,
couches, talking machines, sewing
machines, Taber organ -walnut case,
many other things. Come early. 895
S. 12th fit. 102
ALL kinds of cut flowers, potted
plants and ferns. Greenhouse 1298
S. 13th utreet. Phone 1250W. dl!7
FOR SALE Cash and carry grocery
store doing good business in good
locality; living rooms in building.
3-X Journal. rl0
J? or Baie Wood.
WOOD FOR SALE First class 1
fnch and. 4-foot dry cord wood,
strictly cash. Office at 305 South
Church St., phone 1542. Fred E.
FOR SALE Second growth fir wood
$9.59 per cord; old fir $10.50. Call
1953 eel2
WOOD for sale, 16 -inch and 4 foot
old fir. Phone 981M. I"5
For Sale Poultry -
DUCKLINGS and baby chicks for sale
C. N. Neodhara, 558 State St. Phone
4n fl02
HIOH grade Rhode Island Red eggs
for hatching, $1 per dozen. 1402 N.
ith - fill
DUCKLINGS and baby chicks for sale
C. N. Ncedham, 558 State St. Phone
400. . noJ
tott SALE.
or bale Nursery Stock.
.CHOICE dahlia bulbs fur sale. Mrs.
F. L. Purviue, 1003 Sth St r Phone
WANTED I5u0 loganberry
Phone S0F3 after 5 p. m.
FOR SALE Loganberry lips. Kam
gy. Rt. 7, box U. dl02
STRAWBERRY olanta. Wil
erg 121 and Gold Dollar. $1:50 per
1900 in patch. Phone 47F13. 101
FOR SALE 15 or 20 thousand vigor-J
vua sirawoerry plants of Etterberg
No:. 121 variety, easy to dig, $2.50
per 1000; dig them yourself. Harry
Pearson 12F5. - 0102
'INE loganberry tips. Box 17 A. Jef
lerson way. , hi2
STRAWBERRY plants ia any quan-
"ij. .uurDrg in, uold Dollar,
Progressive Everbearing-, - Trebla,
Lady Goshwell, WUson. Thrifty,
well rooted plants. Low quantity
prices, also loganberry, Mammoth
and Himalaya blackberry plants,
fresh garden seeds. Citv delivery.
Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front.
Phone 494.
THE famous Etterburg 121 straw
berry plants, best canner and shlp
. per. A very heavy producer when
not exhausted raising plants. Vig
orous T healthy plants. Quantity
prices.. Ward K." Richardson, 2-395
Front St. go
ETTERBERG 121 strawberry plants
per iuuu; Vinson . P. O.
box 214, Salem.' Or. d
FOR SALE Individual lettuce plants
cauuage ana. caunriower, Rt. 7,
box 38. Phone 1786W3. W. H. H.
Podge- J1I
For Sale Livestock.
NEW Zealand Red rabbits fer- sale,
- good stock, prices reasonable. 2199
Fairgrounds road. el03
FOR SALE Horses suitable for farm
work and heavy hauling. Address
, A. J. Egan, t3ervais, R FD Phone
8F11. ci03
GOOD milk cow now milking 3ft
gallons day. 891 N. Commercial.
HEAVY work horse for sale.
1'ES, I can use more young calves. C.
C. Russell. Phone 3F3. i
FOR SALE One span Percheron
black mares, weight about 3000
lbs. G. E. Thomas, Stayton, Rt. 2.
FOR SALE 7-year old mare, weight
1000 lbs., good saddle or driving
horse. Phone 2026W. el02
FOR SALE 31 young ewes with 89
early lambs. Hawkins & Roberts,
205 Oregon bldg. e
FOR SALE Fine driving horse, rub
ber tired buggy and fine harness,
worth $400. price $175. Phone 29
F3. H. W. Bowden. c
FOR SALE 7 passenger touring car,
has run less than 80,000 miles, is
in first class condition. Price $450.
Phone 192 or call at 164 8. Com'l
St. y!03
FOR SALE 1917 Ford roadster in
good condition, good tires; 1914
Ford touring car, overhauled, new
.top; a classy bug type Moline road
ster cheap; one light trailer. 170
S. 12th St. Cherry City garage.
$175 will handle car in very good
condition, 5 good tires. Adams, 361
FOR SALE 2 1-ton Fora trucks,
worrrt drives, 5-inch solids In rear,
and mechanically perfect. These
trucks go at a sacrifice. For further
Information phone 867 ask for Mr
1 3-4 TON REO truck, for- sale, bar
gain if taken at onoe. Inquire 355
Cftwmeketa' street, Salem, Or. q!08
For bargains in used cars call Ad
' ams, 361, or come to 156 S. Com
mercial St. ql06
FOR SALE Almost new 2 -ton
Bethlehem truck, good body, lights,
;, all complete to go. Party must have
money; terms. See at Salem Velie
Co., 162 N. Commercial. ql06
FOR SALE One small five passen
ger auto, $100. 1824 N. 4th St. ql02
FOR RENT Four rooms partly furn-
Ished. 705 N. High St. J102
FOUR neatly furnished housekeeping
rooms close in; 2 housekeeping
rooms. 437 S. Com'l. J106
OFFICE rooms for rent, steam heot,
splendid Janitor service. 205 Ore
gon bldg. Phone 1427. '
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steau
heat, by the month. Phone 1427
205 Oregon bldg.
Lost and Found.
LOST Present address of Charles
Faulkner, was band master. Reward
H. Wyatt. Longbranch. Wash. k!02
LOST Pocketbook containing $14
and two railroad tickets near Ore
gon Electric depot. Reward to find
er. Box Lost Capital Journal. k!02
Wanted Help,
BANK teller and office man, 8 years
experience, $7, married. First class
references, wants position. Address
' I. L. Darby. 1786 State. hl02
WOMAN wants position as cook for
few men. or bachelor. G Y care
Capital Journal. 102
GIRL wanted for housework; no
washing nor ironing. Apply fore
noons, 975 Chemeketa St. gl02
TEACHER wanted for rural district
No. 124 for 1920-21; state salary
wanted, experience, references to
accompany petition. About 10 pu
pils to teach. Kt. 3, Turner, ur.
Harvey Wilson. ; g!02'
WANTED Several men and women
,n et strawberry plants. Indian
Hill farm. T. L. Davidson, 3 blocks
' end of 12th street car line. gl03
WANTED Chambermaid. Marlon
hotel. " s
WANTED Married man for ranch.
Permanent o ior rigm yon,
nvito or call don't phone. Geo. L,
Ttnae Tndenendence. Or. g!05
en .oifunennle for all departments.
Apply at once, manager ot Peoples
r'. Bios'
y.HtilL BlUIC " .
WANTED Boy over 16 years old to
carry Capital Journal route paying
between $35 and $40 a raonth. Ap
ply circulation manager.
Wanted Miscellaneous.
W; BEAVER well driller, one mile
east of fairground. Phone 16F5.
FOR SALE Furniture for eight room
house complete, ideal place for
boarding house, six boarders will
remain; good opportunity for some
one to run boarding house; rent of
house $35 per monin. inquire
8. High St.
WATED Dining room help at Ore
gon state tuberculosis hospital.
Phn. 433.
WANTED Good medium sized fire
proof safe. - Aaaress "' --h
ital Journal.
"WALLPASTE" perfect for papor
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en, 17$ N. Com'l. ,
capital joclnal
ruR SALfa-io and one half lots.
..--.v, CT.t,ai auil UWS.'
1924 N. Water and Academy, close
'ds tor $1S0O. -
Phone 117S.
30 ACRES of river bottom land at!
H what it is worth, 5 miles or Sa
lem. 40 acre ranch, 16 acres in prunes. !
acres- logangerriea and family or
chard. 13,00, ... -C
room house. $S00.
2H-ton true runs like new, must
' be sold. ' .'
Howard & Satterlee
Phone 117T.-404 Ferry St.- M9?
110 OREGON BLDG. , fei02
. . Corner-lot Fairmomit hill, pave
ment paid. $950-, terms.
Two splendid lots, S. High St. $850
and $750;" terms.
Lease and furnishings; 18 rohm
apartment house, centrally located
with line stock of groceries. $2650.
8 Room plastered house, south, lot
14)0x156. Snap, $3000: - -
7 Room plastered house, modern
-every way, very close in. $5250.
10 acres, 1'olk county, in 3-year old
cherries; small building. $3000. Best
of soil, $,300 down, and $300 per year
i acres, s acres creek bottom or
beaverdam land, 6 acres in bearing
frnit. mostly prunes; good buildinirs
on,good road. Price $5000.
65 acres, 50 acres in grain, balance
pasture and timber, good comfortable
house, good outbuildings; S milk
cows, 3 heifers. 8 horses, farm Imple
ments. $1000. Best of deep black soil
25 acres near Liberty. 15 acres in
bearing prunes, some timber, balance
cultivated; tine house, water system,
barn, drier. $15,000.
Walter McLaren. r
Room II, 180 N. Com. St. n
Real Investments.
40 acres, 38 cultivated, 8 in bearing
prunes, partly seeded, close to town.
good buildings. $5250. Terms.
160 acres, 80- cultivated, dandy
stock ranch, lota of out range. $4800.
Good $4000 buy on State street "
Estes & Magee. .
428 Oregon Bldg. Salem.
Portland -office Chamber of Com
It is right bi the edge of Salem all
under cultivation- and level just the
place to raise loganberries and chick
ens, has family .orchard and berries;
land partly plowed. Good 6 room plas
tered house, dutch kitchen, pantry,
large barn, enicken house, garage.
This is a big bargain. You will buy
it when you see it. Price $3154 and
$1000 wHl handle it with Immediate
-possession. .
S. R. Pearson & Peed
405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. n
Best Buys.
5 room house in good condition,
lots, fruit. $2250,tterms.
( room house, in enod condition.
lot fruit. $2250,1250 cash, balance
6 room modern bungalow, garage,
1 lot. $3250, $1900 cash, balance
terms. .
7 room modern house, good "condi
tion, close in, basement fruit; all
furnishings including a fine piano,
only $4000. .
7 room bungalow, ' fihe condition,
east front, well furnished. $6500r will
sell unfurnished.
9 room modern house, good condi
tion, lot 50x150 ft., fruit, paved street
only $4500,
5 room house, lot 79x140. $1100,
$200 cash balance easy, terms.
,. f" ''' i
5 acres, 2 cleared, 3 timber, $85p.
5 acres, all cultivated, 3 room
house, barn, coops, good road. $1750.
5 acres in logans, shack, 3 miles
south. $3500.
5 acres, 4 acres in prune, cherries,
apples, mostly prunes, in bearing and
in finest condition; 4 room house,
barn, crops, well fenced. $3600, $2,
500 cash, balance 6 percent.
20 acres, 3-4 mile from Salem on
good macadamized road, all cultivat
ed, fine logan land; will sell part or
an, jyooo, easy terms.
25 acres all cultivated, best f
Howell Prairie, house, barn, all fenc
ed, 8 miles out, only $600.
40 acres, 84 cultivated, 6 timber,
on main road, best of valley loam, 8
miles from Salem, $8000, V, cash.
Have several cheap tracts from 30
to 100 acres, easy terms. - .
341 State street -n
FOR SALE 160 acres; one of the
finest improved farms in the Wil
lamette valley, 135 acres seeded to
fall wheat and red clover, balance
pasture with somS timber; all fenc
ed with woven wire. The soil is the
very best. Price with crop, for a
short time, $11214 per acre, V4 cash
balance 6 years at ( percent.
Hart & Muller
208 Oregon bldg n
$2100, $500 down, balance like rent.
A 4 room shingle bungalow 4 years
old, east front, paved street, base
ment near carline, good . lot
$1600, $1000 down, will take an
other neat newly painted 4 room
bungalow with sleeping porch, pved
street, walks In, wood shed, a; few
nice young fruit trees, east front, $
blocks from street car, east Salem.
$3500, $1000 will let you enter this
home as your own. Yon - can park
your car In front of the house on a
paved street or drive it into the .gar
age as you like, and have 6 nice rooms
to. use for your happiness and com
fort, not far out
'. $1500, $500 down and easy terms
on the balance, -will buy a 7 room
plastered house and I lots in West
Salem. Good location.
$3500, $1509 down, or a small cheap
house valued to $1000 and $500 cash
will handle a 5 room modern bunga
low, double basement,, ' on paved
street, near car line. ,
$5500 will buy one of the nicest 8
room bungalows with several good
lots on pave dstreet. This has furn
ace, fireplace and is thoroughly mod
ern. A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
Phone 35.1. n
2 miles- from Salem, best of soil
and all under cultivation, plowed
and partly planted to potatoes,
about H acre orchardf good six
room house, dutch skitrhen, with
water; good barn, chicken hunse
and pen, new garage. On good hard
surfaced road. The hens on this
place lay eggs by the crate. So dont
overlook this tine buy for $3500.
cash or less will handle. We
have others.
S. R. Pearson & Peed .
405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. ' n
tablished IS 9 3. We have good buys
19 acres on Garden road, IH acrs
best logans in vicinity. 1 li acres blank
berries, about 2 H acres choice apples
and Rsyal Anne cherries, about 12 u
16 years old; balance seeded to grain.
House, barn and good well. A money
making investment. Price $6250.
4 acres close in. on Garden road. 2
acres full bearing. orchard, some ber
ries and truck garden. Good house,
barn and chicken houses. Price $5500.
SO acres, a-but 4 acres river bot
tom, 1 acre peaches, 7 years old:
good I room housa and large barn
(12 stanchions for-cows), fine silo
and milk house, 1 good wells, about
s or 9 acres oak timber and pasture,
10 acres grownig grain, about T acres
alfalfa, balance ready for- planting.
Price $9000, $3000 cash.
t acres close in on paved and (rav
eled road, 2 acres bearing, family or-
cnard, acre strawberries, balance
ready for planting. Ooed new t room
hoose and barn. A home like subur
ban home. $3800.
"Lot 80x119 ODDOSlte Bush on Mis.
sion street A good lot close in. Price
Good lot 48x148 on best street West
Salem. $300. - - . ... -
List your" property with us at reas
onable value and we will investigate
and sell it. i ... ,
v Oregon Land Co. . .
449 Stare street. n
2 nice bungalows, strictly modern
with furnace, paved street, near state
house. $3000 each with terms.
Goed 6 room- house en -paved street,
4 blocks from post orflce. $1800.
6 room modern house, paved street
and carlire, ready .to occupy; big lot.
5 .room house and S lots, good ce
ment basement; terms, $1600.
Elegant 8 room home, fine view, 2
fine lots, corner location, 2 fireplaces,
close to car line and paved street. A
rare bargain. $4250.
I room modern bungalow with fur
nace, sightly location on car line. 5.
600. Elegant strictly modern bungalow
in choice location. 37000.
" 275 acres of rich black soil, best of
hop land, 100 acres in crop, 6 miles
from Salem and a bargain. $125 per
Fine lot in Fairmount addition, to
trade for light car.
26 acres all in crop, new house, oth
er buildings good, close to Salem
Will take some trade.
6 acres nearly all in prunes and
other fruit, paved road, close ln; if
sold soon $2100. -Insurance,
loans, bonds.
Laflar & Laflar
407 Oreeron bldg. s!02
25 acre fruit tract 1 miles from
town, 16 bearing prunes, 6 bearing
cherries; good bungalow, good barn,
good dryer. Snap. $10,600.
5 acres H mile from city limlts.large
house, barn, orchard; only. $4200.
40 acres 7 miles from Salem, rock
road, 17 acres bearing prunes, also
other fruits, good buildings and dry-
er. $15,000, terms.
24 acres 6 miles from Salem, hair
ln cultivation; bargain. $2400.
640 acre farm southern Oregon, on
Pacific hi eh way, 2 set buildings; 200
in cultivation. $40 per acre, will ex
change for property near Salem.
If you want to buy or sell see us.
Perrine & Marsters.
1 11-11 Com. club bldg. r.
Good Buys.
10 acres of good dark bottom soil,
some fruit, small buildings. Price $2,
200. - - , ;
5 acres of good prune and berry
soli, all plowed ready to set. I'rice
56 acre farm located 6 miles from
Salem, all cultivated and in crop, (
room house and barn, good dark prai
rie soil. Price $175 per acre.
1 acre located close ln, small house,
well, some fruit Prloe $1000.
105 acres located on the Garden
road, this side of Swegle school; near
ly all In crop. Price $300 per acre,
4.81 acres located south of Salem
close to highway. Price $1350.
5 acres bearing cherry orchard,
hard road, good location. Price $2200.
6.67 acre tract, 6 acres 6-year old
prunes, house and barn. Price $3500.
9 3-4 acre tract 8 room modern
house, barn, bearing walnuts, cher
ries, apples, pears. Located close to
carline, sightly location. Price $14,
000. 10 Rcres of first class land located
east of Salem on main road, all culti
vated and in crop. Price $2800.
10 acres of bearing Italian prunes,
7 and 9 years old. Price $6000.
10 acres prunes, cherries and pears
located on main Pacific highway, 44
miles south of Salem. Price $5500.
108 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated
and mostly In crop, good buildings,
good road. Price $12,000.
160 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated.
house and barn, stock. Price $16,000
320 acre farm, 150 acres cultivat
ed, located 12 miles from Salem,
buildings. Price $60 per acre.
20 acres located close in, 5 acres
prunes. 3 acres apples, cherries,
room house, electric lights, barn,
sightly location, . good street Price
5 room bungalow, good - location.
Price $2600.
8 room house at J010 Oak street.
Price $2800.
room bungalow on paved street
east front large lot. Price $6000.
8-4 acre located close to carline,
good 7 r.oom plastered house, Price
$3250. $750 down, balance terms.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street. n
This Is positively -the .biggest sac
rifice near Salem, today. 22 H acres
of goed, dark, productive soil locat
ed only 4 miles from the state house,
on good gravel road. 18 acres In cul
tivation and the balance is pasture.
Family orchard. Woven wire fenc
ing. Fair 4 roem house and new barn
86 bl 50 nearing completion. Good
hen house, garage and necessary out
buildings. 6 fine cows, mostly Jerseys,
good team, driving .horse, good wa
gon, buggy, plow, cultivator, cream
separator, about 30' chickens,- calf.
heater and telephone. Everything is
included with this farm at $4500. Ex
clusive sale. A change to make some
easy money if you act at once,
125 acres of excellent soil located
on main highway being paved. About
7 miles from Salem and is only 1
mile from station; 56 acres of river
bottom with about half In cultiva
tion. A total of 105 acres of the farm
is cultivated and Is mostly ln fine
crop. Neat 5 room house built about
4 years, and barn 40 by 60. This is a
fine place and you get z norges,
good cows, mower, rake, about $0
chickens, seed, feed, etc., with the
farm at $19,000.
Kinney '& Smith.
lot Bank of Commerce bldg.
SALEM SCAVAT"3ER Garbage and
refuse of all kinds removed os
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phons Mais
329 Oregon bldg. Phqne $51.. n
DRS. . WHITE and Marshall, oeteo-
rea. pnone 834. - "
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathl
physician and surgeon, 405-4 Ore
con bldg. Res. phone 58F5. - 104
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privilege
Very prompt service. Ask about our
ZO-year loans at ( per cent Haw
kins & Roberta, 105 Oregon bldg.
8alem, Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at BH percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. 8mith.
Money to Loan.
Oa good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem. Or
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Bta
Pills payable monthly tn advance.
s woney to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time,
ttt and I percent interest.
City building loans.
" A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonle Temple. Balera. Oresro
trlst-opucian, eyes thoroughly ex
amined", glasses made and fitted.
$10-11 U. 8. bank. Phone $41.
Safety Razor Blades.
8AFETT raxor blade sharpening ma-
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Reoalr Shop, 847 Court 8t
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, $4o double roll. Max O.
Buren, J 79 N. Com'L
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt . and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 2$ to. 68
inches high. Paints, oil and yarn,
ishes, etc, loganberry and hop
hooka Salem Fence and Stove
Works. $60 Court street Phons 114
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store. $71 N. Com
mercial street Phons" T34.
Lodge Directory.
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:80 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunta
K. R. Sk Si
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday a)
I p. m. in L O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A, Gueffroy, sec
retary, Salem, Or.
TEAM, Auto Truck and . Delivery
Drivers Union No. 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, g o clock.
Oregon Grage camp No. 1860 meets
every Thursday evening ln MoCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Otaola
' Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 783 North
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 MseU
every Friday night at 8 o'clook In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Ross, C. C; L. 8. Geer, olerk
Market Reports
Grain:' Wheat No. 1 $2.00; feed
oats 85c; milling oats 85o; cheat hay
$2223; oat hat $2425; clover hay
$25 26;- mill run $48.
Butterfat: Butterfat 62; creamery
butter 62 63c.
Pork, veal ind nrattom: Fork on fott
18 Ho; veal fancy 21c; ?eers He;
spring lambs 16 He; cows 79c; ewes
8c; sheep, yearling 13o. N
Dressed pork 210.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 23c;
light hens; 28 30c; heavy hens 32c
old roosters 1616c; springs 24c.
Vegetables: Onions per pound 8c;
oelory do. $1.76; potatoes, Yakima
8c Oregon 8 c; strawberries $5.00;
beets per sack $2; turnips per sank
$3.7.5; carrots per sack $2.60; parsnips
per sack $3.$0: spinach loo lb.; ra
ishes 40c doz.; asparagus 16c.
' Fruit: Oranges $5.Ot)37.00; lemont
$5.6006; bananas 11c; honey extraot
20c; bunch beets 46c; cabbage le
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45o; as-
paragus 18c; cauliflower $1.75 dm.;
red peppers 25c lb; rhubarb 6o;
peas 15e lb.
Retail prices; Eggs dozen 3Jc;
creamery butter 88t0c; country but
ter 60c; flour hard wheat $3.25 8.41
oft wheat $2.90. :
Portland, April 28. Cattle- weak;
receipts 78; grain and plup fed
steers $12.60 13.60; choice 111.60
12,50; good to choice $10.50 11.60;
medium to good $9.60 10.50; fair to
good $8.759.60; common to fair
$7.60 8.60; choice cows and heifers
$1111.60; good to choice $10,259
11.00; medium to good $8.7510.26;
fair to medium $7.60 8.75; cannsra
$5.5007.50; bulls $6.00900; prime
light calves $1.5.00 17.00; medium
light $10.00 16.00; heavy 47.000
10.00; stockers and feeder $7.t9
Hogs steady; receipts 164; prime
mixed $1(.E016.76; medium' $16.00
4916.60; rough heavy $ 12.00 15.50 ;
pigs $12.60 6 15,
Sheep weak; receipts 300; spring
lambs $17.00 18.00; light valley
$11.75017.00; heavy $14.26015.7
common to medium $11014.50; year
lings $15.00 16.00; wethers $14,609
15.26; ewe $10014.
Portland, Or., April 28. Cubes ex
tra 66c; parchment wrapped box
lots 60c; cartons (lc; half boxes t
more, less than hi boxes la more;
butterfat 59 060c f. o. b. station; 61
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland?; Or., April 28. Eggs sell
ing price case count 88039c; buying
price case count 38c; selling price
candled 40c; selected candled In car
tons 42a.
Poultry: Hens 34038c; broilers 41
046c; roosters 16c; turkeys dressed
58c; gees 12025c; ducks 400
$66.00 bid; corn No. I yellow $740
Wheat $2.20; barley, rolled $700
71; oats $84.60; corn No. 1 yel
low $67069.50; mill run $46047.
Portland $30; alfalfa $34; grain $27;
clover $30; soft wiiCut 50c premium,
hard 70o premium.
Hay: Buying price, timothy f. o. b.
Portland $30; aHaifa $33; grata $13
Wheat and Mill Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley $T0;. oats
$28.80; alfalfa $33; grain $30.00;
76 bid.
Hay: Buying price, valley timothy
mixed cars $42 ton; rolled barley $7$
cheat $22; clover $30; oats and votch
Mlllstuffs: Prices I.s.B. mill, eltj
artage $1 extra. Mill run. car lots
mixed cars $4S ton; rolled barley IT3
rolled oats $6.50; ground barley $11
cratch feed $80.
Corn whole $6S; c racked $61.
Thousand Reds
March Behind
Funeral Car
Butte, Mont, Apr. 28. One thou
sand men, some of them wearing the
red emblem of the I. W. Wr. marched
through the streets of Butte today be
hind the funeral car bearing the body
of Thomas Manning, one of the IS
men shot in the clash between strik
ers and officers near the Neversweat
mine entrance last Wednesday after
noon. Manning died Suday morning.
His funeral took place from St. Pat
rick's church and was made the occa
sion for a large gathering of strikers
and their sympathisers. No banners
were displayed by the marchers today
and the demonstration was orderly.
More men went to work ln the
mines this morning, but the various
companies are still short-handed. Not
much more than 60 per cent of the
normal'toi-os'ls at work, Jsfo pickets
were posted by the strikers this morn
ing. United States soldiers patrolled
'the avenues leading to the mines. Of
ficers are investigating reports that
shots were fired at men going back to
work, but have made no arrests ln this
connection. Industrial mine workers
union number 800 L W. W., which
called the strike against the mines, is
trying to bring about a general strike
in the state on May 1 as a "protest"
against the shooting ot strikers In tha
rioting of last Wednesday. None of
the international unions in Butte or
Anaconda has considered the proposal
as far as known here. Word came
from Great Falls that nom union men.
may go out on May 1 but no general
tleup is anticipated.
Cltisens of Oregon are urged, ln &
warning being sent out by H. J. Schul
derman, corporation commissioner, to
make careful investigations before
patronizing with certain foreign cor
porations operating under what H
known as "declarations of trust" or
"common law trusts." The state ia
being flooded with alluring literature
by these corporations, Schulderman
states, none of which have qualified to
do business ln this state.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, by an order of the county
court ot the state of Oregon for the
county of Marlon, duly made and en
tered on the 24th day of April, 1920,
was appointed administrator of the
estate of Lucy Johnson, deceased, and
that he has duly qualified as such ad
ministrator. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same, duly veri
fied as required by law, to him at
the city ot Salem, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 28th. day ot April 1920.
Administrator of the estate of Lucy
Johnson, deceased.
Max Gehlhar, Jas. G. Heltzel,
Attorneys for estate.
ot tho State of Oregon, for the
Comity of Murlon
In the matter of the estate of Dan
Tracy, deceased.
Daniel Tracy, James Tracy, Thomas
Tracy,. Mary Burke, Michael J. Tracy
Bridget Moran, Kathleen Tracy, Jean
Baker, , Tracy . Peterson, (formerly
Jean Baker Tracy,) alias Jean Tracy,
alias Jean Peterson, and Jean Peter
son, executrix ot the last will and
testament of James Danlol Tracy, de
ceased, petitioners and plaintiffs, v
Hazel Nutting Jones, . formerly Hazel
Nutting, alias Hazel Butting, and
Bessie B. Bennet, and all persons
unknown or unnamed having or claim
lng any interest in the estate of Dan
Tracy, deceased, and all whom it may
concern, defendants. Citation No.
To all persons unknown or unnam
ed having or claiming any interest in
the estate of Dan Tracy, deceased,
and to all whom it may concern, de
fendants: In the name of the state of Ore
gon: You and each of you are tiers
by notified that Daniel Tracy, James
Tracy, Thomas Tracy, Mary Burke,
Michael J. Tracy, Bridget Moran,
Kathleen Tracy, Jean Baker, Tracy
Peterson, formerly Jean Baker Tracy,
alias Jean Tracy, alias Jean Peterson,
and Jean Peterson, executrix of the
last will and testament of James Dan
iel Tracy, deceased, did, on the 20th
day ot January, 1920, file in the
above entitled cause and court a pe
tition and complaint to ascertain and
declare the heirship, ownership and
interest of all persons in and to the
property of Dan Tracy, deceased. In
which said petition and complaint
you and each of you are named a de
fendants; and .
You are further notified that tha
above entitled court did, on the 20th
day of January, 1920, make an order
setting the said petition and com
plaint down for hearing on the 81st
day of May, 1920, at the hour of 10
o'clock in the forenoon, and directing
the issuance and service of citation
in said matter, and you are hereby
commanded to appear before the
honorable county court of the stats
of Oregon in and for ths county of
Marlon, at the court house In the city
of Salem, on th said 81st day of
May, 1920, at the hour ot 10 o'clook
In the forenoon, to show cause, if
any exist, why the facts should not
be found and the right of heirship
and distribution of said estate de
creed, as set forth and prayed for In
the petition of tha petitioners and
plaintiffs now on file herein; and you
are further commanded to appear be
fore the honorable county court of
the state ot Oregon In and for ths
county of Marlon, at the time and
place above specified, and file ans
wers setting up your respective claim
of heirship, ownership, or Interest in
said estate.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court affixed, this the 20th day of
January, 1920.
Clerk of the county court Marion
county, Oregon