Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 28, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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(Uopyrujni, is. v, vj !nu5 otars Keg. I
MiTT 4iVD JEFF Mat figured he wouldn't have a chance. By Bud Fisher.
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'HuRah! MS craw. jvjTSI TsrM. JovvsTTf W wt (Go ouR to BguJ , fu.u? Lf': 11 J ' " ""TTTI
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2.a. I I 1 1 f
Freshmen Nearly
Nose Juniors Out
of Track Honors
The Willamette freshmen came
near winning from the Juniors by tak
ing three of the postponed events of
the Interelaa track meet, but when
Jarkson won the 220 in the fast time
uf 24 J-6 seconds the meet whh cinch
ed for the Juniors, at well Hi the cup
fop Intercity competition for the year.
Jackson and Gaiuans, winner of the
hurdle race and second In the polo
vault, tied for Individual honors with
II point each. The final clung seores
were: Junior 62, freshmen 4!, sopho
more 28.
Javelin throw Lawnon (F), Lyman
(J), McKlttrlck (J). Distance 132 ft.
1 in.
220 yard dashJackson (J), Zeller
tr. NotHon (K). Time, 24 3-5 Bee.
120 high hurdles (humans (I"'),
Ilarey J), Haines (8). Time lit wo.
220 low hurdle tSaaxani (f),
' Karey (J), Lyman (S). Time, 30 see.
No Inquest will be held over the
bodies of Oecur l'arrlsh. engineer; C.
I Sohults, fireman, and C. W. Meach-
iii, brakemaji, on the . Ilooth-Kelly
logging train, who wa killed nB the
result of the explosion of a locomotive
near Wetidllng last wek.
MUS. M. E. PIlOCTOll, who
my slic Is so grateful for
Mlmt TanliK' lias dune for her lluit
slit; Hauls the whole world to
know iiIhiuI II.'IKtIiiiv her com
'plelp roeovory tiflcr ho nuiiiy ycurs
of suffering wwms loo good lo he
I i i
"I nm so (trateful for what Tiluluc
has done for ni that I want to tell
the whole world about It." Mild Mr.
, M. K. Proctor, of 717 V. Klrat HI.,
I.os AnKeles. Cal., when speaking of
the splendid results she had obtained
from the medicine, "To think that I
should have Buffered for so many
years, and spent hundreds of diSllar
In vain efforts to act relief and then
find complete relief after taking only
four bottle of Tanlao, eem too good
to be. true."
"Ye, Indeed; for year find years
. I suffered terribly from stomach
trouble, Kverything I ate seemed to
form gas and so affeeled my heart
and breathing that I would have pal
pitation gild would turn purple In the
fac In my efforts to get my bn-ath
These attacks caused me Intense suf
fering and were so bad that 1 was
frequently confined to my bed and
would have to be attended by some
member of the family for fear I should
succumb during one of ths attacks.
"I got awfully thin and was so weak
that I had to give up all housidiold
duties. I often went for two weeks
at time without getting a good
nlfht's sleep and as a consequence
became very nervous and low spirit
ed. In fact, I was a confirmed Inva
lid and my friends did not expect me
1o live very long.
"I sat reading the paper one eve
ning when my eve ratght ths stale
merit of 4 lady who had suffered with
aliiiiltir trouble to my ewn and Iclliini
how she had been wonderfully helped
by T.inlae. I sent for a bottle and
BtnrU'd taking it and the results have
been most surprising.
"Afy appetite Is Kplendld now slid 1
ran eat most anything without nuy
distress afterward. The g;m h:i.
stopped forming and f no longer have
)i.ln!t.itl,n or that smothering feel
ing. I ulecp sound a! til;ht lueg ami!
14 ! up feeling tt'.iti d. I am hi belter
h:ibh today than 1 have b"ii for
f t v vsr and 1 feel -ar yonnwr.
Coast League Scores
At Los Angeles R. It. K.
Salt Lake 5 10 3
Vernon 3 V 3
Bromley and Byler; E. Mitchell
and Devernier.
At Portland
Sun Francisco 6 6 0
Portland 1 6 J
Seaton and Agnew; Durnlng, Juncy
and Baker..
At Seattle
Los Angeles 2 7 4
Seattle . 4 8 3
Thomas and Bassler; Ourdner, Sei'
bold and Adams.Kohrer.
At San Francisco
Sacramento 11 16 2
Oakland :. 4 6 3
Fitlery and Cady; Itugan, Oarjn
and Mitze, Herman.
Student Quota In
Willamette Drive h
Placed At $3000
The students' quota, of the $100,000
which Willamette university Is asking
for the completion of LauFanne hull
and the rebuilding of Waller hall was
placed at 8:1000 In a challenge read by
the senior class and. accepted by the
presidents of the other cUuiaes at the
chapel meeting yesterday, opening a
contest between the classes for the
highest per capita subscriptions.
Several members of the faculty
have ben out organising the campaign
In various towns throughout the stnte
and report encouraging progress' whor
ever they have been. President Doney,
Beoretar Kicharils. Deiin ai
Professors Von Eschea and Shermnn
have all been engaged In this organ
isation work and are greatly encour
aged by the prospects.
Sulcm People Have- Found That This
la Necessary
A cold, n slralp, a sudden wrench,
A little cause may hurt the kidneys
Spoils of backache often follow,
Or some Irregularity of the urine.
A splendid remedy for such attacks
A medicine that has satisfied thou
sands . Is Uoan's Kidney Pills, a sneclnl
kidney remedy,
Many Salem people rely on It.
Here Is Salem proof.
Mrs. O. H. lteacon, 14 8 Mission
St., snysi "It has been a long time
sluco I have taken Dean's Kidney
Pills, but speaking from past exoerl-
ence, I can say they are a medicine
of merit. 1 had a dull pain' aei 'oss my
kidneys and at times It was very se
vere. After I had taken I loan's. Kid
ney Pills n few day, that disaiiree-
able ache disappeared. My buck and
kidneys have caused me but very lit
tle trouble since."
Price 60o. at all dealers. li.m'i
simply ask for a' kidney remedy get
loair Kidney Pills the snme ihnt
Mrs. I ten eon had. Foster-Atllburu Co.
Mfr Buffalo, N. Y. nr.tvi
Tell Planks
Bellingham, Wash., April 28.--The
report submitted to the republican
state convention here this afternoon
by the platform committee opposes
ratification of the league uf nations
Covenant "unless reservations and dec
larations are Included which will ful
ly protect American sovereignty, In
dependence and Ideuls."
The report also demands that "Am lawfully in Mexico shall le
protected la their lives and property
and their every right and that Mexi
can offenses against them shall not
go unredressed as has been the case
under a weak, timid, ineffective poli
cy of a so called 'watchful wafting.'
A government that falls to protect the
Jives and welfare of Us citizens has
miserably fulled In the first requisite
of government."
The committee expresses itself as
being "uncompromisingly against so
cialism," believes the heart of Amer
ican labor to be sound, commends the
spirit of American ism shown by all
labor during the war, and declares
against "autocracy of either capital
or labor, favoring a real democracy
In both characterized by a spirit oC
cooperation and helpfulness."
Budget System l avoivd
Adoption of ft scientific national
budget system, the granting of ade
quate salaries for teachers, reclama
tion of the arid lands of the west, par
ticularly of the Columbia basin pro
ject, repeul of the I'nderiyood rev
enue law and enactment of a protect
ive tariff lnw, adoption of universal
military training, passage of lawe le
qulrlng aliens to register at least once
a year, approval of national highway
legislation and approval of the nmrk
inayof the Old Oregon Trail from the
MtsslsHippI viilloy to the Pacific coast
are among other recommendations.'
"We condemn mob violence," says
the report la demanding industrial
and economic equality for all eltljiena.
The legislature is commended for
giving the people an opportunity to
pass upon the soldiers compensation
bill and for systematizing the state
school system.
"We recommend that the repub
lican purty heartily favors enactment
by congress of a law providing for a
generous compensation to soldiers.
sailors, marines and nurse," says the
Dtniioiiiy One Plank
Business like retrenchment of na
tional expenditures, thrift and Indus
try, and vigorous legislation to pre
vent profiteering, are recommended
to effect a reduction in the high cost
of living.
A constitutional amendment provld
lug that no children of persons In
eligible to naturalisation shall ever
become citizens and laws to exclude
all Immigrants ineligible to naturali
zation are favored.
Enactment of a civil administration
code, providing for the consolidation
of boards and commissions and the
iddltion of a penalty clause to the
present budget law for not furnish
ng records are recommended.
Other recommendations Include the
submission of constitutional amend
ments to the people of the state pro
viding for just compensation for elec
tive state officials and authorizing the
right of eminent domain In the re
clamation of waste lands; the enact
ment of a national law giving Amur
lean coastwise shipping 'free passage
through the Panama canal; adequate
naval protection for the Pacific coast
and the upbuilding of the Puget
Sound navy yard.
A supplementary resolution recom
mends that the convention pledge the
delegates to the national convention
to support the candidacy of Miles
Polndexter for president.
Permission for the sale of $106,000
worth of common stock in this state
was granted Tuesday to the Sprouse
Reitz company, Inc., Portland whole
salers, by H. J. Schulderman, corpor
ation commissioner.
Articles of Incorporation were fllea
Tuesday by the Oregon Knitting Mills
of Portland, capitalized at $20,000.
Max Green, Adolph Phillips and Philip
Phillips are the incorporators.
The Famous Players-Lasky corpora
tion of New York filed copies of sup
plementary articles of incorporation
here Tuesday showing an increase in
their capitalization from $1,000,000 to
Papeete, T. H. The series of earth
quakes which have shaken the Islands
of Tahiti, Moores and Mehetia, since
1318 still continue and""Uuring Febru
ary increased in intensity. Scarcely a
day has passed without several ea'rth
tremors. The center of these distur
bances Bcems to be under the Islands.
We have engaged one of the
best men in this line on the
west coast and have equipped a
hop for magneto repairs. Also
a line of parts. If your magneto
needs overhauling, ship it to us
or call. (
279 N. Commercial St.
Valley Motor Co.
An auxiliary o the AmriTT
14. j
glon post in Ontario 1 now beia f
formed by the women of the towi
Thomson's remnant
For Genuine Bargains Beginalaj
Good Year
Tire Accessories
Will be found at
Lloyd E. Ramsden
387 Court St.
Marion and Polk
Residents and tax payers take NOTICE you are hereby
notified to meet
May 11920
and the following 15 days, to do your duty in bringing down
high prices and eliminating all profiteers. Full particulars
will be announced in Thursday evening issue of this paper.
People's Cash Store
lSfi-10-l North Commercial Street
Smaller Gars -and the World's
' Most Popular Tires
No tires bearing the Gooayear name,not even
the famous Goodyear Cords which equip the
world's highest-piked cars, embody a higher
relative value than do Goodyear Tires in
ike 30x3-, 30x3., and 31x4-inch sizesi
In these tires owners cf Ford, Chevrolet,
Dort, Maxwell and other cars taking the
above sizes are afforded a measure of per
formance and service such as only the
world's largest tire factory devoted to these
sizes can supply.
All that this company s experience and
methods have accomplished in these tires is
available to you now at the nearest Goodyear
Service Station.
Go to this Service Station Dealer for these
tires, and for Goodyear Heavy TouristTubes.
He has them
30 J Vi Good ver Double-Cure tcn
Fabric, All. Weather Tread. Z3
30 3Vi Goodyear Sicgte-Cure - t cs
f abric. Anti-Ski J Tread. 'Zl
' I :. I i.v
jf.iiel n nicille
Tll !;' iff
? ever T a1
as T iii! u "
e:n lv i ir -it
. i
i ,
6 4j -rr