Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 28, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Desert Horsemenship Shown on Screen
5 rT
Arabian, are noted as the finest They were used by Browning In
Norsemen In the world. Scattered the formation of the famous Black
through the I'nlted State army are Horse Troop, the band of Arabian
many former Rons of the desert who ( cavalrymen that plays such an I ra
ised to gallop wiilly over the broad portant part in the picture. Each
sands mounted on the great black Arabian was mounted upon a black
horses that have made Arabia I h,,,u. ,.,.,i,i
I vt"i"b ., j- an juo-
iHlble, the Arabian style of horseflesh
When Tod Crow'nliiK started to ill
rcct the filming- of "The Virgin off Remarkable scenes of the Itlack
Ktamboul," I'riscllla Dean's new play, .Horse Troop churgintr over the sands
no auvertiscu oroacicast lor Araman and j encounters with Syrian liunil-
ww.n f..-- , 1 1 .....I -
ipnnded, arriving In I'niverslty City,
Cul., from all parts of the United
Its, are nhown in the picture which
will be shown at the Liberty theater
next Sunday.
Oregon Looks Good
After Blizzards
Seen In Colorado
(Continued from page 3)
mother, Mrs. J. W. Thomas, who had
been making an extended visit there
und In Lebanon.
Sir. and .Mrs. John k'apllnger from
near Salem visited with her mother,
Mrs. S. M. lake. Sunday.
St Paul Tossers
Defeat Newberg
St. Paul, April 2S. The lmHellu
tame between Newberu and St. I'mil
played on the lncul grounds resulted
Jn the score of 1 to 2 hi favor of si.
.'nul. Kdwai'd 1'lllelte and Claude
tiiiitli were able b.iltery for the St.
Paul nine.
The May Festival -to he held here,
May 10 is progressing favorably. All
the chances on the pig and chicken
have been sold, and many chances
have also been taken on other valu
able articles. The' Newberff baseball
players have decided to try their luck
at the pig and chicken, and they hope
to be more successful than in the
hall game.
Hanna Bros. May
'Appeal Decision
Pallas, Or., Opr. 2S. Hanna liros.
of Independence was in Dallas, Tues
day, seiirchliiK r,,,,,.,M ut the (1(urt
house. It U understand lm,v wln u().
t'"ii to the iui,reme court from ver
dict given In Dallas circuit court carl-
ter In 4he month wherein John Wood
got a verdict for I1703.S5 against
Hanna Jlros. It was coutended by the
pla'ntiff that Hanna Dros. sold them
a second hand, worn out tractor for a
new one.
Lew A. Cates, formerly the ownet
of Folk County Observer, was in Dal
las, Tui-sduy. shaking bands with nn
many frien'ls. Mr. Cates Is now an
auto dealer of Salem.
Finley Whitney, Janitor at Italian
court house. Just returned from Port'
land where he and Mrs. Whitney vis
ited all the baby hdrrTes for the pur
pose of adopting a baby. They brought
back a baby girl three days old which
was procured at the Salvation Army
home. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney say the
Salvation Army people had the most
satisfactory conditions in their organ
ization that they have ever seen.
strau -berries enouffh for the ear
aon's run.
Mr. Hartley started a cannery here
kite in the season last year. He put
in a small equipment for the iKirin
ninir. It proed to be a successful
ujidertaking and this year he pur
chased a larger building, added more
equipment and the factory is novr
ready for a
Hut there are better arguments for
good roads thaji thos.- which apply
merely to the pleasure car. There is
probably no more serious prohlem be
fore the farmer today than the mat
ter of reducing the cost of getting the
products of the farm to the table of
ihe consumer, tine step, at least, in
renter volume of busi-t:i miution is plain better roads.
i A nn instrument of economy the
An Infant child of .lr.-anr Mrs.j
Solicitor Refuses
To Leave House;
Woman Cracks Him
Dallas, Or., Apr. 2D. The sheriff.
omce rat notified Tuesday, to go at
once to the home of Mr. Castcei where
a man s life was threatened. I'pon ar
rival Deputy Sheriff Hooker found a
collector ur a magazine had beornno
saucy and refused to leave the place
when Mrs. CasU el ordered hi... ,.ir .
she hit him over the head with a rifle.
The man's head was badlv cut and 1.1-
clothes covered with blood. H at
tempted to have a warrant sworn out
for her arrest, but was informed by
officers he had no grounds and h
would be better off to leave town be
fore Mr. Casteel got his hands on him. I
Silverton Berry
O rowers Holding
For Higher Price
Silverton. Or., Apr. 2S. Whllo
effort has been made bv the logan
berry grower of Silverton to pool
the crops now growing. It I. n,
derstnmllng of buyers who have been
looking nround the varrta h,. .,...
the growers are Inclined to hold their
...... c, iH'.ieving that they will sell
for fourteen or fifteen cents when the
Sanson opens. C. A. Hartley, manager
of the Silverton Cannery, declares that
..- win not at a price which will
cause him to fix a price on the canned
tood, sn hljfh that they cannot be sold
He says no processor can pay fourteen
cents fr loganbcrri and make a
profit on the manufactured goods if
ihe growers f silverton purpose to
follow the example of Salem he In
tends to become a grower himself and
will manufacture only what berries he
can g,.ow. lie 1ib already secured
i motor truck has not yet come into its
;h. Kfi'icieiit servant, i s it is, in een
wus buried in the M..-erton cemetery ;aill ,Csirict.d renins it tu.w awaltt
today. lithe, f u rtJier dfevloon.ei.t of interna
Jlrs. Kdith Wolfurd Coolcy U here J
from Tacoma, Was!... visiting reln-J
lives and friends. j
K. It. Ekman went to Salem yes
terd .y with W. S. Jack's hearse and '
assist. d in conducting two funerals,
held there under the direction of .Mr. i
Clough. . . : !
Excelsior Mill
tiunal and country highuavs to reach
the measure of its full attainment. It
has power and SM'ed that put it out
side the class of hors:'-drwn vehicle
and a nimbleness and flexibility which
gives it a certain advantage over th
railways. It is expected to assume
Jinore and more the function of the
i "short-haul" as it own peculiar prov
ince: in part relieving the railways of
1 these duties which thev are least able
fA t Q-fnvinn CfoA to Perform, and in part expanding the
Al" wi'Vi unon iei qf our national transportation
.Stayton, Or, Apr. '28. The excel- system. Therefore, all speed to the
sior mil owned and operated by A. D. j good roads movement should le the
l.ardner for sonic time past, was clos-' sentiment in this and every other
ed permanently Saturday night and states. It will cheapen our methods of
the machinery will be moved to Call- distribution and help to bring the peo
fornia within a few days by IVterson pie of our country closer to each oth
& Angelo, who purchased It several er. The common sense and practical
weeks ago."1 Mr. Oardner disposed of j wisdom of the movement will in time
the proMTty for the reason that his merit the commendation of all classes.
Ime is wholly occupied in other dirct- J It may be less spectacular than some
Hons. jof our other national issues, but It
strikes dPep into the roots of funda-
mental progress. If every voter in
in Oregon could be privileged to tra-
S NKF.X THKU THF. vol for twenty miles out of Salem in
JOIHXAI, ;iI)W any direction sometime between now
tl'.y Hrownie.) A and the time to vote onihe road mens.
breai1 makin, J?' I
Jt to prove UT-
" or our Bir H
"it -j
tried it
State St'
The motor age Is hailed as the link
. ; ... - j
Finish your walls and ceilinss with a hpnutif.d i,t.. ,
equal in appearance to the soft velvety effects of
x.v .jmoiiib uuiouiuLjf vi an on paintori
AfflIF fin i m
A pplication For fiWMM. kfUU I J
j JVM,idM;i8 offered in delicate or rfph nlrtVa ... ,,,, L .
ures, there would be no doubt as to
the passage, of the Imnortant bills
which is removing the lines between which are intended ultimately to bring
town and country and bringing mu- good roads to the entire count rr.
i luai unuerstanuingand reclproe'ty. Lut
before the full beefits of the automo
bile may be enjoyed good roads for
automobilo traffic must be provided.
People who have made okscrvations
for two decades have seen wonderous
changes resulting
automobile. Once
Jilv and toe con nil-
Today they seem to merge into one
another. The city man knows the Sherwood Telephone company for In- and estimate COSt
country as never liefore fh.,1 . , . . . . uu rauuwie lust.
. crcuw i it rates.
have access to it and live in it when . Npwbe,g, May lrt-Applic.,t.,. of
possible. Tho country man knows the Newberg Telephone co.npanv for In
city and frequents it often. Small crease in rates
towns of yesterday have become the Silverton. May ll-Applicalion f
.u.. uuu one Hiius lure nterurban Teleol.
there, everywhere. That is all crease In .ale
axe seen wonoerous , HeUri1)gs i four applications for Hch thC f irnl.l, ,7 . n10nui
from the use of the increase in telephone rates were set i lUHUhhingS of any room. Dust and dirt do Hot
ute , ay the by thp pui.iio service commission Tues! . 8mo?th. surface. Easily kept bright and clean bv J
.y w.,s the c;unt.y. Uay as foHows: lamp cloth. Far more beautiful and sanitarv hLl
UKAn.n.l 1 ,rt .....! ...- . ' C t 1 11 1 in I n 1 1 V u n
., .Ml.eauo.i oi i oi,uv mcc wim germ-Dreeamg paste. Letusshowvi
aim esumaie cost. i
Salem Hardware I
company for in
gom, rorit is wen mat the nation be Lebanon. May 12 Appllcat ,f
luKi-uier ... tne spun or miitua. Lebanon Mutual Telephone
..Ur,mig u.iu a reciprocity or ait- for increase In rates.
120 North Commercial St.
for every
1 v r -
, : - , I, ,. ,,t IMJ'L1m'1
Reducing the Household Cost
You are wWng to rcducr the high cost o living when
j-ou buy &fir ItLEXD FLOUR.
You may pay a few cents more for a sack of BLEND
than you do for most other flours, hut from it you get MORE
$0$' BLF.N1') may cost you mort per sack hut it cost
Made of Choicest Eastern ITard Wheat and the choicest ot
(Western wheats BLEND is a perfect flour for everj
purpose, as good for cakes and pastry u for bread.
Kanufa ctmrtd h "America's Finmt Flouring Mills" by
Fisher Flouring Mills Company
Think what Labor owes to Him!
Portland ,
Mt Vtrnon
TpjTIL His .thirtieth year the Master
J was the Carpenter of Nazareth.
Could He possibly forget those carpen
, ter years when the years of His ministry
began? Could the men who labor with
their hands ever be far from His thought
and prayers?
To such men, oppressed and driven
men bent by ton, with hopeless hearts He
spoke a phrase that flamed with power.
" You are sons of God, " He told them.
Sons of God-brothers o. their rulers
an equal right to
PPmess, to comfort and opportunity.
All the hopes of Labor in all the centuries
ghr bB8tontaB Splendid
The Chnrrhpc
the Interchurch World Movement offer the pro
gram of the Master; and His Golden Rule. (
"Whatsoever ye woull that men should do fo
you, do ye even so to them."
By that rule the industry of the future must
be directed. Its products must be not merely
goods, tut good; not merely wealth but happi
ness and character and joy.
If you believe these things, you believe in one
of the fundamental purposes of the Churches and
of their agent, the Interchurch World Movement
A7And you liave mnh your chance to help.
Whether you labor with hand or brain, whether
you are inside the Church or out, you are a sharer
m the benefits of the influence of Jesus Christ
Help to make that influence the ruling spirit
of the modern world. Help to make industry
spiritual enterprise, where men shall work to
gether not in envy but in mutual respect
brothers all. and "sons of God."
I i--mmmmmmmmmmmm '. j
MERCHURCH World Movement
J of Worth America
the cooperation of thirty denomination j
nr. i-i.,tn ii.,-ri,!'.t Via i:IU cm! ml tb chiMrru.
1,;.. iMti-:ii. . ruurt gavtS. tlwiii ti RfitH ami in
enitorsfdlhe Utisibisi pfr.iarmx eve? a
V I vi ft cc iv. Avciti lit ,'. . i.-cu.