Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 28, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    :,Y APRIL 28. 1920-
'high school, has offices in ihe Rodger for nearly an hour.
"Everything is j the highest potentiality f ttie
': f IT -kt47At S'VeS P , a,n,J, eVer" Kirt in &! j amount of fue! consumed
-I nrU" vw on soutn nigo. Biuret uizpiaja tna ny-""'" w mere Xo enjoy the fun," in- Financing the unprecedented
'Ait Here
destroy.' ! " ""c mana8?ait, of the Buster (quirements which conditions have
"This is the time of the year when th . 6 store' wh are bringing ' thrust upon the 5,800 electric gener
f!y protection should be installed." the; 1? Vf- to Saini- - jating companies of America, - brimjs
salesman observes. "In restaurants, ,? ' n t0 lhe Pleasure of meet-1 the banking interests of the country
r.'.e-.t markets, bakeries, hotels, gro-! ' Bk f' , 008 eaon character, in very close touch with the electric
stores end
canvases seivesto be idea!. poison to fc;m-; ne """Nation concludes.
No messy paper to inure.
the 'Destroyers"
... h
V , ;, the sw'e fair per with.
Mitenes, notels, en-! h r:,, ur cnaracters, in very close touch with the electric
other public places, V1" JJ Parent will receive a gift 'man who will ieur-nt the National
have proven tii- 'm Bwn. "Ke there on (association at the eonventi-jn here. ao
f -n in- 'fc-'ara! 7ia mti
expenses, and ruffle tempers. Several
of Suieiu' leading business firms,
Steuloffe. Boyal Bakery, Sehindler's
dairy, the No-Vary grocery, Jiave used
this device successfully for over a
ires 1
Public Schools
In City To Shut '
Doors On June 11
of work C ( puWC schools in Salem will close
"""" 01',MTl
V' .. - h.-s the
,h, depicting
i K .
a that type v....
of Oregon City June n
. ..monc vn-sti-in
i -
Action to his effect was taken last
m purine in the hieh school.
jjcHM 1 1 The question of raising' salaries.
sinies uy ln 1 ' ,,'that was discussed lust night, will be
Haivaiian Public I
Lands Bottled Up
Because of Japs
Honolulu, T. h! Robert W. Shingle
territorial senator and member of the
legislative commission which recently
returned from Washington. U. C. in an
open letter to the Pacific Commercial
Advertiser published here today de
clared that many congressmen oppos
ed opening of public lands in Hawaii
to homeoteadin- because of increasing
numbers of Japanese in the territory
Obtaining American citizenship.
"The United States congress- is al
most unanimously averse to the grant
cording to R. H. Ballard, president ot
the organisation. jHe said today that
he expected to Very large ettendanc
of bankers and their representatives.
He estimates that about 4.0x0 promi
nent financial and electrical men will
come to this city next month.'
John B. Miller head of one of the
largest electrical generating -companies
of the West will be convention
Students Propose j
Dormitory Plans
Stanford 1'nlveraity, Cal Sprml.ieii
here have submitted to lrl. Rav" I-y-1
man Wilbur, president of Stanford, ;m
alternative proposal to his pln forj
abolition to the present sororitv hous-
! t to uld Mulu' Blore thoroughly investigated at a spe-iinS of homestead privileges on highly ling system.
and al unu "'cial meeting of the board called for 1 developed public lands in the terri-l Dr. Wilbur and the dean of women j
e"iuM and Crafts soc'-,iijt Tuesday evening. J tory of Hawaii, because it is by no hold that separate living groups' a it-;
pja. Three of his pic- children living in the Ricketts di- ; "leans satisfied of the complete sincere I an undemocratic influence and pro-i
, in tne hi i "
at the Panama
trict will be admitted to Salem's pub-' ity of Americanization In the growing J pose that all women shall live in lai e .
lie schools at the regular tuition rate,
Hi. Ainoi ti, . , thg b0ard decided after reading a petl
er o' Fon'; ' tion from residents in that district ask
Wortinun ivhv.
r .
.i. m firm. W'
and Dr. (Jcrtruile Lui tl
WW W Show
f many others will be
... .shiMtors, incluil-
class citisenship in these islands," the dormitories.
letter said. The sororities now suggest that the
"I allude to Hawaiian-born Japan-! university build or permit the sorii-
iing that their chiidren'be permitted , se '"ousanns of whom annually are I ties to buna on uniform plans a grr;:
to intend schools in the city. ! coming Into the sacred inheritance of I of houses near the main women a a
Paving of Meyers street in front of j American citizenship.
the Lincoln school was settled for
"Neither congress nor I has any in-
when the board voted to pay a bill 0ftentlon of calling into quertion ithe
costs amounting to $987. It was de-!lova,ty of Hawaiian-born Japanese' in
elded to give Highland school
,io (iilbert of Sa-liaiK-n uorary next season.
AUllvv I
the only local artist to ; -
st lhe recent exhibi- JQ flQj-
.Mgnil from out of :
Disbarred Lawyer
ials of the Ai ls leagu-
ai effort to locate the , Dismissal of the disbarpient pr.o
city, that are by fain- ceedings Instituted against tieorge A.i
nmre of these, thus far , Hall, Portland attorney, was asked
nrtmely gractiius In tne by Oval Pirkey of Portland, who ap-
iing aie painiias peareo Defore tne Uregon eupreme
iich. when they are eoi-;court today to show cause why Itill
kf an imposing exhibit i should not be disbarred froni the pKac
tice of law. In Oregon. The plea for
dismissal of the proceedings wag bas
ed on technicalities,
j Disbarment proceedings were ' in
j stituted against Hall and J. M. Seiv-
ers, an Oregon City attorney, several
weeks ago by the Oregon state bar
the attorneys
a 1 1 h is territory. However, America loar
j ed a bitter lcsspn of nationalization
during the past five years, one of
which cost dear in blood and Ideals."
The problems involved in efforts to
obtain a hontegteading law were based
upon a desire of the territorial legis
lature ta provide some means for res
toration of public lands to Hawaiians.
Public lands have been leased and
control obtained by others than Ha
waiians. To secure a return of these
ns expiration of leases, to Hawaiians
a rehabilitation bill was submitted to
congress and urged by the commis
pn Against
n j rj" 'weeks ago py the Or
Wd&lCffl tirm association, charging
make a better mouse trap
with unprofessional conduct in con
urhbor, ihe world will mv'ls " roi4Hi of money irom
laten path to his door." rl,",:m" " 3 : ,"vu""
attributed this trite """ 'J'" "euig ueu
Vhtrt n - A TP Iknl 1J rf-fc H n d mm w
hfraon, hut regardless of " " a"eB-
,k. .t nf the itm ea '" la '.vrers nouseKeeper ana
Ly projeeui. embodied , common 1"w11wi1- "'
quoted sentence. ,.ru w n niiprar-
U High street there is a a"cp t0 J1 day on whlch lhe
and here, according to w TL "I
li lalesman, a better - w.aranwu.
In awaits the Interested ' - : ' '"
thii is a flytrap, why Hiister A 11 A Tiff T n
' the Electric Fly De-;
Htf! the beat aid to a
eampalgD," states Mr. 1
he deflces; properly in-,
frtaln protection against- Thursday is the date of an "event of
'. And, as to lnstalla-; special interest to Satem .school h41-
Lr HA illflXlltloO !m.n1,.A lt.nn n.l. C.nA Tl 3. mi
lo an electric light socket 'arrive in Salem nd will stage a ZZTtl niZZ
waiter Is set to work on cial reception at the Grand theater at"- . T; , ATL
rtay shift." o'clock in the afternoon. " ' ' i f. T: '"T'
a The famous little bov and his more , . ' ' ... " j.V'.
the 1916 eta of Salem famous dog will .entertain the kiddies "" ' '-TT'..
Entertain Children
Af Qratidi April 29
. - . i economicallv d
Convention Willy
Discuss Juice1
As Fuel Solution
Pasadena, Cal. Solution of the fuel
problem confronting A merlea - thra
the use of electricity, will be the dom
inating aote ,pf the convention of the
ilH,tioniil Jjlectric Ught association.
hlch hold its annual session in
this city from Jfay iS to U.
Foremost among questions rhloi
lhe association is endeavoring t,9 work
ojjt are thp electrification of Meam
raUroads; tit Inter -con necWop. of tlie
liflfes yf power generating compap.i
eo .thait tlifilr production jcapaclty can
be. onliuaily Jtcpt at the maximum)
tlie sliif ting of the ttlectt ical load ao
niost-jKiaptificauy and
economically devoted to meet the .de
mands af the time of the greatest re
quirement:' Uie development of Jlhe ay
flO! MUM!
.2m ..1 i .. . I I 'i .,;, V -'""Jti .
' TO
ei me Boys and Girls Together and Meet us at
Thursday, April 29, 1920, 4 p.m.
Admission Free!
mitory, that the sororities sell thii
present homes for use as men's dormi
tories 'and take possession of house
in the proposed group.
Development Is
To Be Discussed
Pasadena, Cal. Plans for financing
the development of the hydro-electric
resources of the west will be discussed
here May IS to 20 at the convention of
the National Electric Liyht assuci t
tion. Efforts will be made at this conven
tion to extend nationally the scope of
co-operative newspaper advertising In
which all factors in tho electrical In
dustry Join. Such advertising, U- is
said, has been carried forward success
fully for two years in California.
R. H. Ballard, vice-president of the
Southern California Edison company,
in president of the National Edison
company,'" is president of the National
Sleetr.ic Ljght' association and Empry
G. Wishon of the San Joaquin Light
and Power company, president of the
Pacific coast section of the organiza
tion, is assisting him in planning for
the convention.
A group of eastern bankers will be
brought to California at the
time pt the convention to Investigate
th,e power development situation, if
present plans are realized.
Regular airplane service between
Porttapd ami alem will start May 1,
According to (Officials of the Oregon,
lVtth'tto ' & Idaho Airplane com
pany. - u -
C H A N- D L E
Famous For Its Marvelous Motor
V - E '
naff i
Everybody LiRes The
Chandler Dispatch
THE popularity of the Chandler Dispatch, which
has grown by leaps and bounds and reaches to
every corner of the world, is based not only on the
grace of its trim design and its beautiful Rainbow
Bine finish, but is due quite as much to the .standard
. Chandler .chassis upon which it is mounted.
l ' The Dispatch attracts young folks asjd .older ones alike.
;' It h a great favorite with young women. All Love to drive it,
and the charm of its beauty gives them additional satisfaction
jn its ownership. ( ' '-
The Chandler Dispatch seats four persons' with utmost
comfort. The driver's position is restful. The cushions are
deep, well tilted and trimmed in the best of genuine hand
buffed leather!
Withits wonderful flexibility of power, its ?ase of driving
and realwrnifort, characteristic of all Chandler models, every
body likes the Dispatch. - j
Seven-PotsenSfirTottrinsCar.tim Four-Pastmger Roadster, fmf
Four-Passenter Dispatch Car, 12075 .
Seyen-Patsfinger Sedan, $2995 Four-Passenger Coupe, S2S9S , limousine, f3M5
I A II Pticuf. . . CtmUni. Oki.)
Oleson Motor Car Company
' 349 North Commercial St?, Salem. '
I Ill
Money Saved Is M
oney Earned
With the H. C. L.,it is necessary to practice every economy and
the easiest and most effective economy that can be practiced
without a curtailment of either comforts or necessities is CAR
ECONOMY. ......
ford Products Permit this Saving
It is acknowledged by all that FORD CARS have the LOWEST UPKEEP of any car made. Think
of the present advances in GAS, OIL and TIRES. Gas is now 28c. Oil has advanced 20c a gallon
and tires 15 to 20 per cent. It is not the first cost of a car that counts, it's the "UPKEEP." Why
drive big, heavy cars that are GAS and OIL EATERS, and carry BIG, HIGH-PRICED TIRES,
when you can drive a FORD and minimize your car expense? Ask a Ford owner. ' ;
Insist On Genuine Ford Parts
;JR . , . . : .- . ... - ,
Prt D nnl 1 nt A JJ sin act-in m finnd H AS