1 Bible Institute ForWoodburn to Citizens THE CATITAL JOURNAL Up E. G Ma'rt of Boise, Idah0' committee to select the lo- ,....v, nf find bible In- 7. was W the city Saturday and aay&iid while here held a confer- rommittee from the ik the M, ,itvclub appointed to meet dW""""".. . inne conference was held "" " ,,, deoend not r. financial aid promlaed.but ,l,ly f T the enthusiasm displayed by fir Wherever the Institute la it expected to have ; It n n for business next fall. At " tlne of the community club . . . .in ho rierided what proposition can be extended ? "L citiiens of Woodburn. A com- 'L.ine of John P. Hunt. J. .lit "-"-.. Thftmfl. rSrltammer. Dr. Thomas Sims, W. I sroyles and H. L. Gill, U busy in rfew n the business men to see. 'Jwt "an be done to set the Institute Wed at this point. Fred Gniren Buried. nnrran died at his home f '.htodW Monday morning. He was the ..', and Mrs. John Oarran of Hubbard- He was 33 years of age and a wife and two children, two Iter, andtwo brothers. The funeral 1 "eld this morning at Hubbard, Jterrocnt being in the Hubbard Cath olic cemetery. Claxtar Claxtar, April 28. Jesse Wold ' ridge left Thursday evening over the Shesta limited for Susanville, Lassen county, Cal., to spend the summer. Mr and Mrs- hn Westley will re turn 'home on May 1st, after several months spent at' Long Beach, Cal. Mr and Mrs. Newton Aldennan nd family motored down from Spring valley, Polk county, and spent Blos som day with relatives here. . Earl Holtzclaw of Portland spent Sunday here. Thos. Larson of Quinaby spent Ci.nifcv here. ovarvhriiiv is busy here. Farmers art plowing and planting, strawber ries are being worked, spraying is be ing done, gardens are being planted and everything points to the biggest, most prosperous year that Oregon has ever known. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wykoff and son, Lowell, visited relatives here last week. The AVykoffs live at Sil verton. The meetings being held here every Sunday afternoon at Hayesville church at 3 o'clock are being con ducted by the Nazarene church, and everybody Is welcome. . Mrs. F. 0. McMlllen and son have returned home to Corvallls, after vis iting relatives here. Mrs. Ida Denny accompanied her sister home. Corporal Claude Stanton, well known here, was married April 4th to Miss Rosa G. Whelen of Washing ton, 1). C. Mr. and Mr Stanton, will remain in Washington during the jrescnt summer. Mt. Angel ' ML Angel, April 28. Joe Bigot Bpent Sunday with his parents t lortland. A. Warren Gould left Thursday on i business trip to Seattle. Rbi; Father. IJomlnlc Hoffman, brother of Father Martin O. Ef. B., and bto mother, accompanied by her friend Mrs. Philips from Canada, are In the city visiting relatives. . Joe Downer, truck driver for the 'county rock crusher, was compelled to leave for Portland on account of an attack of appendicitis. During' his absence Leo Kronherg will drive his truck. Mr. Lannlng, the contractor of the brlclt work for the new school, spent Uunday with home folks at Portland. Mrs. La Doux of Pprtland was here visiting her husband, who is contract or for the new St. Mary's school in this city. C. J. Johnson spent Sunday with home folks In Portland. Mr, . Stupfal returned home last week from St. Vincents hospital where he has been receiving medical treat ment. ' Roy Ellison spent .Sunday veith home folks at Portland. Geo. Gearing spent Sunday m Portland visiting friends. Edmund Butsch motored to ' Port land last week, returning Sunday. page Tffitra Rosedale Cloverdale, April 28. Mrs. Zlmmcr man and Mrs. Craig were visiting In Salem Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. V. Massey of Salem spent the week end here with rela tives. Leonard Hamilton and f amily of Springmteld motored down here Sun day to the home of J. M. Hamilton, returning home Monday. W. J. Hadley has been on the sick list for the past few days. Louis Hcmiis has gone to work for O. Staples. - Mrs. Gus Drager returned ; home Monday evening from a few days vis it in Portland with her daughters. Mr, and Mrs. W. Jones of Salem spent last week here with relatives. Miss Elisabeth Morris was shopping in Salem Monday. Mrs. Arthur Kunke spent a part of last week in Salem visiting her sis ter, Mrs. W. Massey, Stayton Youth Weds Salem Girl At Vancouver Stayton, April 28. Wednesday the 21st, at Vancouver, Wash., occurred the marriage of Kenneth Thomas of this place, to Miss Ethel Brailen of Salem. The marriage ceremony was witnessed by the parents of the groom Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Greenburg and Mrs. Sadie Smallman of Portland. The newly weds spent several days in Portland. They were met Sunday by Mr. and Mrs, Thomas in Salem, and Sunday evening a small party of iiitlmutw friends were entertained in their hon or at the Thomas home. The groom Is a well known and enterprising young man and the brido is a popular young lady quite well known here, and both have a large number of friends who will unite In wishing thorn all tho best in wedded life. route between Stayton and the C & E train at Kingston was ordered discon tinued by the post office department last week, and now mail for the towns up the Santiam valley has to travel In a roundabout way to reach its des tination. A petition, stnerouslv sinn ed, was sent to the Kroner dPMrt. ment head Friday last, and it Is ex pected th.-4 the route will be reestab lished, as it i necessary to the busi ness interest!) of Stayton merchants, and of considerable benefit to the residents of the towns up the valley. Mrs. J. W. Mayo Is home from a very pleasant trip to Los Angeles and otner California cities. It is reported that Jonas Shcard, now at Long Beach, Cal., will return to Sfcjyton to make his home. The rural carriers on the routes out of Stayton are. now running then au tos, but report roads very rough. ' We learn that Emzy Thomas, a quite well known Stayton boy. who has been In eastern Oregon for some time, was married there recently and expects to return to this section to reside, v j O. R. Munkers came up from Tort land Sunday to deliver a new Acason truck that he had sold to H. J. Mar king. Mr. Marking found his Ford delivery car too light to handle mail and express-and was obliged to pur chase something more substantial. Mr, and Mrs, James Ashe, recent ly married in Oregon City, arrived home Saturday after spending sever al days in Portland. They will make their home in the H. J. Mutschler house, on Water street. Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Lebanon spent Sunday visiting Mra. Jones' mother, Mrs. Mclntyre, east of town. Giles, son of Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Brown, left last week for Alaska, where he will work for the Columbia River Packing Co. He expects to be gone until September, His mother went as far as Astoria, to see him on his way. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bateman and Jim Bateman of Washington, Ind., are visiting at the home of I. O. Alsman south of town. They expect to locate in this vicinity. J. W. Mayo, cashier of the Farm ers & Merchants bank, Is still confin ed to his home with stomach trou ble. He is considering going te Port land to consult a specialist. Several Stayton people have been subpoenued to appear in Portland Thursday as witnesses in a caso brought by the backers of tha pro posed railroad into Stayton against M. Lynott? the promoter who had charge of the survey and securing the right of way. It is claimed by the company that the charges of . Mr. Buena Vista Man, 7ft Yearn Of A op Weds Woman, 36 Dallas, Or.. Apr. 28. A man who looked about 50 years old, dignified in appearance, hair slightly grey, quick of step, about six feet tal walked into the county clerk's office and demand ed a marriage license. The usual ques tions were propounded by County Clerk Moore to ascertain whether or not he was duly qualified. Investiga tions proved that he was, then came the questions of age the reply was Immediate and with a proud accent, 18. Number of marriages, three. The gentleman was then asked for Information upon the bride to Be. no at once disappeared through the door returning In a few seconds escorting a slender lady who seemed timid and bashful. To the question of age she answered in a meek tone, "36." "How many marriages, madam?" She answered,. "Three." The etork was then asked to get a minister and supply the witnesses, so, in a few minutes W. R. Carroll, 01 Buena Vista, 7S years old, was unites' to Ber.lah Hirelson, 3$ years of age,' and they left the cotirt house sniil-j tag. ' Oregon Looks Good After Blizzards Seen In Colorado East Stayton, April IS. Mrs. A. P. Kirsch returned Saturday evening from -Colorado, where- she had been called by the serious illness of her lit tle grandson, whom she left much ; improved in health; she says "Oregon forever" for her, as the part of Colo- j io she was in was visited by three terrible bliijards while she r.s there; and the roads were nearly impass- ' able on account of the deep snow when she left. j Mr. and Mtsl Harry Davis of Port-j land motored up and spent the week' end at the home of her mother, Mrs.1 M. A. St!ytoi. . Entza Thomas and nrule came Thursday from eastern Oregon tor a short visit In the home of his uncle, T. J. Yaro, Jeavim; Sunday. lrs. Arch Kinsey and children were recint visitors at tha home of , her father, Jim l-'rame, near Ciooch. Mrs. L. M. Kinm-y Is visiting friends In Stayton and Jordan for a few days. Mrs. T. J. Ware went to Summit a week aga Saturday to visit in the family of her sister, Mrs. John Carter she was' accompanied home by her Shipley's AFTER MVY lT Wli.1. BK KNOWN AS THE PAY YOU JO STORIi Continued on page Six) Fly Mrs. J. J. Blum, Jr., was here from Lynott for work done by persons here Mehama Thursday last, visiting were higher than the amounts he friends and trading with Stayton mer paid for tho work. ' chants. s For s6me unknown cause the mall 1 , JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY. lecirk esiroyer Electrocutes Flies f Mice , Rats and Insects Warehouse, factory and restaurant owners should investigate this safe and sure way of exterminating vermin. ELECTRIC FLY DESTROYER ' v 211 S. High Street Spread the News 'Again we are spreading the news of one more of the many great specials which will prevail throughout the entire stores Wait Until SATURDAY It will be YOUR DAY C0TT0LENE 'SPECIALS No. 2 65c No. 4 ........$125 No. 8 $2.45 Peoples Cash Store THINK of the many ways you can use Mazola! It is richer than butter and "better than lard for shorten ing. For deep frying you can use the same Mazqla again and again. Mazola comet in a con venient can and you don't have to keepvit in the ice box. It never turns rancid regardless of hot weather. Reduced prices on all size cant at your ' grocers. Buy today. Don't delay. Cora Product! Refining Co. P. 0,BH1 NswYerkCHr ii JLLT X JX S II SI DISEASES Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat ing, Antiseptic Liquid It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, tauwl at any drug store for 35c, or JLQO lor extra large bottle, and prompt W applwd will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and withes the skin and heals quickly and eaecuvety most skin diseases. Zemo is, a wonderful, penetrating, "appearing liquid and is soothing to wemostdeliciteskin. It is not greasy, !J applied and costs little. Get oay and save all further distress. -,t&W.RtCo,Cltvell,0. . . , SUFFERING OF : YOUNG WOMEN Letter Tells How it May "wercome-all Mothers jnteretted. 1 Fott ru.i.' , ""Wis, i. irom t in timn m 10. she mtflered so badly ;aeh month. ttut Houictinirs I hid to call in the doctor. Nip had headaches, Lackachc, and nucl Jiaiiw and cramps that flip would have to stay in bed two or three days. She became terriblj run down in health and at labt a friend who !r,Ci ,",a,,,e Compound told l,,t; lnd "he has used aixten ' si. 7. ,,w"? ,lavt ' in t,ie '" imL ''ath """'lb- We al (JffU . ' and advi ny '"'"d 'iv Te y"r WBderful med" l!U u MMe Maxdfxko, 1005 'Hmw, 1(Hh Avenue, Fort "'Y .tmu,lW ' Mi Man t,r' U, ,i in"Be'ately seek res- ! Itc E- " t . j?,-""!! P"! tdviee may . 6l!::la,E J'iiikham Mliei ' i, I'1'- In, Man. T C. "P""'. read and n- ' aa I. Id in atria I II I KM First in Flavor Unsurpassed ' in Qualify and Economy The Thrifty Housewife Buys iinnUITLTo "The Quality Coffee of America" in the Five Pound Vacuum Can You take no chance. Our worth while guarantee protects you. " Your grocer will refund the full price vou paid for M'JB Coffee, it it does not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can." ' Also sold in the one and three pound vacuum packed cans. t3 . t-j u uju Period Dining Sets When you think of furnishing your din ing room, donH fail to look over the different styles of dining room furniture which we have on display. This William and Mary set is a very popular style just now and will be just the thing for your new dining room. We have these sets in Jacobean Oak or American Walnut and among the many numbers you will be sure to find some to fill your wants. They are priced right, too. BEAUTIFUL IVORY ENAMEL Bed Room Sets Furnish your bedroom with the newest styles. These ivory enamel sets in William much in demand. . We can also give you in- HM40i ,:;. ' See our Sweeper Vac electric cleaner. It is the cleaner for your home easy to operate, inex pensive and it leaves no dirt. Come in and hear our new Cheney Phono graph. Let us demon strate its mellow tone. 1 1 correctly interprets the piece and it plays all records. Consult with our ef ficient salesman before definitely deciding on the draperies for your home. He is competent and can give many ideas which will be of value to you. HAMILTON THE FURNITURE MAN, 340 Court Street SALEM, OREGON 990