Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 28, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Larest am covering Centra; Willamette Valley by Capilai Journal opecjai uuuFonasn
Corit"l fflKf f
, i 0 s
fturiu; ui -yi. au'I JUTS, noag lHit .MOIi-J
uay auu tuesuuy, returning to
.home at Walton Tuesday eve.
j liie fcunuy scfljol convent
the Jefferson district whs held here
last Sunday afternoon and was at
tended. Mrs. Millie Thompson and children
left last Monday to visit relatives at
! Ret-d:-!ort and Marshfleld. She ex-
Woodburn, Or., Apr. is. John F. Pect K b s"OIie about a month.
Steelhammer was elects r,ri,lnt f i Uoerfler is now substituting as
the community club at Its meeting
Friday night to take the place ol H.
Steelhammer to
Head Woodburn
Comrauity Club
1 r Stayton Will Be
ion fun
Connected With
Mt. Angel Soon
; operator In the S. P. office at Toledo.
F. Butterfield, resigned. The follow
ing directors were chosen: George
lion, publicity; E. E. Settlemler, agri
culture; C. F. Whitman, Industrial,
nd E. J. Standard, social. H. L. Gill,
Thomas Sims. Iter. R. W. Archor.
George Dorr and JL M. Austin were!
VQodburn, Or., Apr. 28. Eugene
Rofinot has leased the Smallmat.
House and will fit it up preparatory to
resuming business as a rooming house.
! ' i r. ; .. v. , . -.i .. a n i w. .
sniioi,.lH ,... . , . ""-. -eiB' "Bern
1 h. fhK e V-ZT """ here, returned Thursday night from
.site Church of God representative : f.
about the proposed church university.
. u I proposed to have a, large mem
bership and a live, paid secretary. The
fiext meeting Is on Friday night of this
two weeks visit to California points.
E. E. Settlemier began picking his
asparagus Monday morning and plac
ing It In the local markets, bringing
ZQ cents a pound.
Nineteen made their first holy com
munion at gt. Luke's Catholic church
J. F. Rlgdon recently sold the fol
lowing places: 80-acre ranch of Hal
lenback's to George Andres for $9600;
the Aaron Esoh farm of It acres to J.
IMIshler for 110.000, and the 2 -acre
Apr. 28. Guy Boyce, tract of J. Mlsher In Woodburn to
In Salem, and OladyBl Aaron Esch for 13000,
Salem Couple Is
Wedded At Marion
Home Of Bride
Marlon Or.
mall carrier
Barber, who Is employed in the States
man office, were married at the home Tillamook, where she will
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Jlrnjhome with her daughter, Mrs.
lilies Barber of this place last Satur
day at S p. m., Rev. Aldrich of Salem
r officiating. The bride was dressed In
v a dainty creation of white organdy
and carried a boquct of Orphelia
rosebuds, white sweet peas ani sy
"rlngla. After the ceremony a dainty
- lunch was served which consisted of
tee cream, cake and sandwiches. The
iut of town guests were as follows;
. Miss Llllie Wagner of Forest Grove;
Sirs. Hoyee, mother of the groom;
Mrs. Medler, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rho
- ten ani daughters, Lucille and Zeda,
Mrs. J. A. Barker and daughters, Mary
and b lorence, M, L. Barber and Bon,
Carroll, all of Salem. Mr. and Mrs.
"lioyce left on the 4:37 train for Al-
'bany, thence to Salera on the electric.
" They will muke their home In Bulem.
4 Mrs. George Burrs of Albuquerque,
.New Mexico, is visiting at the home of
Mrs. E. Thomas.
E. Wert had the misfortune to
. verely cut his hand on a bur saw while
working In a local sawmill. Ha was
- taken to Salem for surgical . assist
Vlra Lull of Bulem was the guest o
. her friend, Alta White for a few y.
V last week,
Mrs. D. A. Hoog spent the week-end
. hi Monmouth visiting her parents.
, Mrs. E. E. Benga and daughters,
Iris, Mildred and Thelma, spent the
"week-end with relatives in Salem.
Chester Leo, a former Marlon rest
' ent, Was married Inst Thursday In
'Eugene to Miss Mildred Douglas.
A birthday Burirls party was given
. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Peter
won last Saturduy in honor of Mae
Trcster, About thirty friends were
present and a Jolly time was had.
Elma Ensley Is quite 111 of pnou
D. W. Cushman and wife were eo
Neuralgic Pains
Give Way to Soothing Hamlin's
Wiaurd Oil
' Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and
effective treatment for headache and
neuralgia. Rubbed In where the pain
Is, It acts as a tonlo to the tortured
erves and almost Invariably brings
quick relief.
Its healing, antlseptlo qualities can
always be relied upon to prevont In
fection or other serious results, from
sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and
stings. Just as good, too, for sore
feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold sores
! and canker sores.
Get It from druggists for SO cents.
.It not satisfied return the bottle and
sict your money back.
Ever constlpnted or have sick head
ItcheT Just try Wizard Liver Whips,
pleasant little pink pills, 10 cents.
Guaranteed. . (Adv)
Mrs. Oscar Nendel left Friday for
make her
R. W.
Bennett. She will be Joined later bv
her husband and son.
Mrs. Kate Simpson has moved to
salera and will make that city her
J. J. Wood returned from Soap
Lake, Wash., last Thursday night feel
ing much Improved.
The baseball dances at the armory
on Thursday nights are very popular.
Dandy music Is furnished by the Bun
galowyforrhestra from Portland and
people are attending from miles
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Wen
genroth at their home at West Wood
burn, on Friday night a 7H pound
girl. Dr. W. A. Chapman was the at
tending physician.
Mr. and Mm. E. D. Johnson attend
ed the funeral Friday at Jefferson of
the former's grandfather, James El
liott. Some of the machinery In the Live
sny sawmill was 'purchased last Fri
day by C. L. Hutch, who has Installed
a big mill at Glendale.' While here
he visited his old friend, V. R. Put
nam. Clean-up day has been designated
by Mayor James J. Hull as next Tues
day, when citizens are requested to
have all their winter's tin cans on the
curbs In front of their residences.
Anything that can be burned will not
be taken.
The local baseball team will meet
the peninsula Grays at the city park
Hankow, China A group of Chine
se capitalists are arranging for the es-
Stayton, Or., Apr. 2S. H. F. Huson,
one of the promoters of the Portland
& Southeastern Railroad company,
was here from Portland a few days
ago and offered every encouragement
that the proposed road will be built
from Mt. Angel to Stayton during the
present season. The construction
work has been held up, be said, on ac
count of litigation, and as soon as this
Is settled the company will begin
work at once. The case will come up
in Multnomah circuit court next week.
It seems that money was put w
a sort of a promotion basis. Men of
lnnuence throughout the state put
money In the proposition to finance
the survey and secure the right of
way. . -
Mr. Lynott was delegated by the
promotion company to secure the nec
essary right of way, and some of the
promoters claim that he fradulently
organized the promotion company and
undertook to get control of the fran
chise, right of way and other matters
pertaining to the proJ-ct. . When New
York capitalists came out to Oregon
to investigate matters, Lynott Is said
to have attempted to sell out to them
for a large sum of money, but In this
he failed. Mr. Huson then commenced
action In Multnomah court asking for
the court to make an order directing
each Interested ' member of the pro
motion party to show to what extent'
he is interested. As a result the mat
ter was placed In the hands of a re
ceiver. The matter Is expected to be
adjusted In court next week, and as
eoon as this Is done, said Mr. Huson,
the company is ready to begin grad
ing. All necessary finances for the
construction of the railroad have been
obtained and will be furnished as soon
as the litigation is settled. Mr. Huson
said he Is firmly convinced that the
road will he built, and had it not been
for the unnecessary litigation the
grading would have been well along
by this time.
It had been reported at Mt. Angel
and other towns adjacent io the pro
posed road that the promoters Intend
ed to build the line to Stayton by way
of Lake Lablxh nnd Salem, hut this Is
a mistake, according to Mr. Huson.
He says the right of way has been se
cured by way of SIlveHon and the
W.tldo iiiiis route.
cruses have been secure! and when
the road is built it li conrn.'ct with
the Willamette Valley Southern at llt
Angel and extend south to Sta tiyi and
ultimately east to Btnd or some main
line point east of the mountains.
It is claimed that Lynott wanted to
be "if and when he learned that the
financiers of the project could not be
made to see the importance of his ua
deriaking he attempted to obstruct
progress until such time as he could
cause the delay or get the proposition
permanently abandoned.
Stayton people are highly pleased
over the encouragement given out this
week and there is strong hope that
the construction worn will be started
very soon. This seemed to be Stay
ton's last and' only hope of securing a
railroad, and work had been prolong
ed so long people had almost become
Woodburn Man
And The Dalles
Girl Are Married
' Woodburn, Or., Apr. 28. John H.
Becker of this city was married to
Miss Frances Brogan of The Dalles In
that city Saturday morning at 7:3o.
The ceremony was performed in the
Catholic church. Rev. Father J. Cant
well ofifclating. After the ceremony
the wedding party had breakfast at
The Dalles hotel. Edwm Becker and
Miss Kate Brogan, sister of the bride,
were attendants upon the bridal cou
ple. Among those present were the fam
ily -of the bride; her sister and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weiss and
cniiaren of Woodburn; the grooms
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Becker, and
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George
Becker, and Edwin Becker, of Wood
burn. The happy couple left for i
short trip to California.-
The bride comes from a prominent
family at The Dalles. She Is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Brogan, pioneers In that section. Mr.
Becker Is manager of the tire and vul
canizing department of N. Becker &
Son In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Becker
will occupy the O'Leary house on Har
rison street.
Uallas, Texas. Farm labor short-Sage
'a associuudii
ull be iv .luted
.Wcessary fran-ftioa with the E. E. Settlemier family.
ette valley was the orettivs, place he aSe whic"h is threatening to become ac-j la year, but the
had seen since leaving San Francisco. ' ute in Texas, has not caused farmers. Planting pioouoiy w be
Northbound Plane
Stops At Woodburn
Woodburn, Or., Apr, 28. An air
plane stopped near here Saturday to
take on oil and gas. In a conversa-
Doctor Issues Warning ,
And Tells How to Stop
Tobacco Habit
New York: Dr. Connor, formerly of
Johns Hopkins Hospital, says: I am
often asked If I know anything to stop
tabllHhnient of a streetcar system for. the tobacco habit and I always recom
the city, estimated to cost (4,000,000.
f5Dr.CR O'Neill
hdfl& Bank Buildind'
tVw02Sv - &ke0
After May 1st will be
known as the pay aa you
go store.
Perfect Hearing For The
The Little Gem Ear Phone
Received the GOID MEDAL, highest award for Ear
Phonea in competitifln with all hearing instruments at Panama-Pacific
Exposition. Look at it and you SEE the sim
plest and smallest device in the world; use it and you FEEL
that you have the most wonderful piece of mechanism yet
devised for suffering mankind.
Let us prove we have conquered your affliction
Free Demonstration
At Our Store, 115 South Commercial Street,
Wednesday and Thursday, April 28 and 29
THE LITTLE GEN EAR PHONE, the latest patented per
fect hearing device, enables you to hear under all conditions,
in the church, theatre and general conversation
The Auto Ear Massage Stops Head Noises and Makes the
Cure of Deafness Possible
Remember, we would not allow a demonstration in our
store unless we had investigated the instrument thoroughly.
An expert from New York City will be with us on above
days. We most earnestly request you to call, make a test
privately and receive expert advice without charge. Every
instrument guaranteed. Ask or write for booklet. "Cause
Thine Ear to Hear." Tell your deaf friends.
mend Nicotol, which I have prescrib
ed with great success, Nicotol con
tains no habit forming drugs. Is ab
solutely" harmless and i produces ' as
tonishing results In a very short time.
The use of tobacco saus the vitality,
vim, vigor and ambition of the slave
who it enthralled br Its seductive ef
fects. It undermines the health and
leaves the victim' an easy prey to
general debility, throat and lung trou
bles, nervousness, Insomnia, heart
trouble, headache, tongue and Up can
cer and even blindness. Physicians
the world over often trace the Btart
of the above diseases and many oth
ers to nicotine poisoning. ,
If you want to free yourself from.
tobacco go to any drug store and ask
for Nicotol tablets. Take one tablet
after each meal and In a short time
you will have no desire for tobacoo
the craving will have left you. WIthj
the nlcotjne poisoning out of your
system your general health will quick
ly Improve. - s, ' j - '
Note: When .njked about Nicotol
tablets, one of our leading druggists
said: "It lo truly a wonderful remedy
for the tobacco habit away ahead of
anything we have ever sold before. We
ire autlrbrlsed by the manufacturers
to refund the money to every dissat
isfied customer and we would not per
mlt the use of our name unless the
remedy possessed unusual merit."
Nicotol la sold in this city under an
iron clad money back guarantee by
all up to date druggists Including D.
J. Fry.' ' (adv)
All Show Cases, Safe, Cash Carrier and Other
Equipment for Sale
6 jOi'1 I
0 a v.trJ, Y
Oi' Irish Linen Embroidered
We always need them! Not in several seasons have you
seen such pretty handkerchiefs at these prices. Solve your
next Christmas giving problem right now and be money
ahead. ' - ' ; '.
All our Pure Linen, Irish Hand Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs reduced as follows:
i $1.45 to $1.85 lines, each $1.25
$1.00 to $1.15 lines, each 85c . i
65c to 75c lines, each .55c ',.
Linen and Batiste, scalloped and lace edge, with eyelet
embroidery: -!
40c to 50c lilies, each 35c
Crepe de Chine, Handkerchiefs, plain colors and printed X
also white with colored borders
25c to 35c lines, each 20c
All Children's fancy Handkerchiefs
10c to 15c lines, now, 2 for 15c
He was on his way to a Washington to reduce acreage planted to any ap
city with the plane, which was a pas ; preciable extent, according to S. D.
stnger carrying machine. Frazer. secretary ol the Texas Cotton
.said; and an
aua small grain.
The w-
f -
r3 r
77yI Yi
Dill!! IF!'. .
1 st
? etWHssssMBB iBBBBsmmmmmuammKmmaKBBBB
That You CanH Resist!
In Taffeta, Georgette
and Silk Combinations
These dresses are out of the ordin-'
ary in style, materials and workman
ship and will please the most fastid
ious woman. All the newest notes of.
fashiondom are in evidence making
this a most charming array of Spring
It was our good fortune
To purchase the entire spring stock of a manufacturer who had
to close out hi line at a price that was greatly below the normal.
In every detail these dresses are above the ordinary and the
piwes are surprisingly low. The good fortune
was ours
We make it yours
By offering you these dresses at reduced prices. It is seldom
that this early in the season you are able to get the best for less
so do not let this opportunity slip past you. '
k -..,( -
fl A-
i f t
4 ... ' 1
I. -- - J
Quality Merchandise
143 Liberty Street
Popular Prices
Beginning May 1st, This Store
will adopt ( Pay As You Go Plan1