Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 27, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    .-.i j. .n-n liiaerua utie
par , o month I
st,,1i 17 "cent ocfl yeto, per
VL tnw-t'on only In New Today.
flrt5. rash'in advance and not Uk
phone. a!e8S drtlr ha.
done. Box
pgfTbal.y busT tor salt- cm-ap. 4ou
s. r-'"'1 -'e-
ev. - : .
rTTLE 130 ion. iieu ciover seeu
I0".S- Ainu. 101
IvUf SAL" '-tic S"v.. -
i-ntnn c '
Vt)R ova.... . ...
Work and heavy hauling. Address
j Egaii. CrtrvaU, R FU Phone
, i2
r-T7TsALfc or trade, lor cow. small
,mid. horses. 48 S. 16lh. after 6 p.
1 Sunday. el02
tTkF Pocket bouK containing (14
gnd t-o railroad tickets near Ore
eon Electric depot. Reward to find
r box Lost Capital Journal, ktOS
Tor" SALE 5 room bungalow In S.
Salem one block from car line, lot
mm feet, garage. Price $2606.
Cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
ctt." street. " ' a102
TjrjNTi To share reception room
'ith some doctor In Salem. X Y
ni Journal. 102
pOl'R neatly furnished housekeeping
focms close in; 2 housekeeping
rnoms 437 S. Ooni'l. J10S
RANTED Six men to plant logan
berries. One may for tractor, one
for team; BO cents an hour. Phone
1078. gioa
FOR SALK One small five passcn
eer auto. $100. 1824 N. 4th St. q102
FOR SALK 5 room bungalow, mod
ern except basement, lot 50x150.
price Si'laO; terms. Call 796 N
14th. 101
KOR SALE A dandy five room bun
KaJiow with fireplace and bearing
fruit trees. $2500. F. L. Wood. 341
State sirfet ' nl03
J'(IK SALK Almost new 2)4 -ton
, Bethlehem truck, good body, lights,
all complete to go. Party must have
money; terms. See -at Salem Velie
Co., jf'2 N'. Conimercial. qlO(,
gl'PER-SIX Hl'DSONS ,. '
Both are 1917 models In splendid
mechanical condition, cord tires
and spares; one newly painted.
Hutlsuns are hard to get, even used
Hudson are at a premium. See
these. They're bargains at the. price
178 S. Commercial 101
WANTKL) A six room house. Must
be all on one floor and fully mod
ern; north or east front, and situ
ated west of Fifteenth, south 'of
Ilarion and north of Ferry streets.
This must be a bargain fof spot
ensh. Phone 1092 between 6 and
0:30 p. m. l
AVE have legitimate buyers for good
fir and six room bungalows, and
" for well improved suburban prop
erties. W. A. Liston, agent. 484
Court street.
1'OR SAIjE 60 acres of good timber
east of Salem. Price $;600d. Cash.
V. H. Grabenhorst & Co.. 27S State
street. b!02
FOR SALK Good 7 room house
large barn, 5 lots, close in. good
street, east front. Price $6500.
Terms. V. H. Grabenhorst & Co..
275 State street. al02
t ROOM plastered cottage, almost
iii-n wan a gooii lots. line soil, fruit
KHi-den in. When you see It you will
like it. Price very cheap. J2000. S.
R. Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon
hid?. Phone '43.
FOR SALK Two fine lots.' corner
Shipping and Capitol streets, sue
100x114. Price $1000. Will give
terms. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 1175
State St. Tel 515. iQt
SALK 7 room house four
blocks from State and Commercial
streets, house is old style but has
fireplace, electric lights and bath.
Lot 41x1(53, east front and fine
trees. Price $3500.
7 room strictly modern house three
blocks from State and Commercial
'treets, lot 50x165, east front. Has
hot water furnace, sleeping pore'
sarage and is In fine condition.
Price ISWn T,t.. uni r......
i , v. . mine -euy.
Win, 27a State street. Tel 515. 101
AKM fr s:,u, i. '
,, . , iog acres,
ail In cultivation; bearing orchard
ot prunes and walnuts. Fine build
"isn; on main road, 1ft miles to
county sea-. m5 ,)er acre Aul)re8a
"ox !. Silverton. Or. bl02
HANK teller and office man. 8 years
experience, 37, married. First "clnJ
references, wants position. Address
":roy, 17S6 State. hl02
too, x,m,.house' wveral fruit trees.
N. Water and Academv. close
lnr.1,,1 l"'"nt an', Klna Co- W-IH
'"dude household goods for $1800.
- nnw 1178. ulna
til'ARANTPl'I. l l, . ,
!' bH?li" used cars call Ad
mlt: , 0r come to 156 S. Com-
iYllTDT ; . .
- .nr.L, 'lot KING - '
con'difV nanclle car in very good
condition, 5 good tire Adams 361
torcvelt' , r "'a',e for hor8e- n,
BoTtI,',8'!!? cXn Phonograph
L?I?j1e Capital Journal. noa
orsa7Tv r,....:
houw urnuure for eight room
Krtln?Il!Plrt' l,eal PIace for
remail hiT"' Bix boarders will
n7tn ;,g00K l,P,tunlty for some
hoUrU-n b0''ling house; rent of
S. mJ-i"01" month. Inquire 263
VTTt C103
.""" room help at Ore
Sion, ? tuii hospital.
roiTTr-- 111
rni t new' Ca "40 Ferry St.
rTX------ - 106
iihoiiz01; trika" by owi,,r-1
r tl Jth St' Take -Chemeketa
Tr-"" nth St. 101
' m.ra"18 ,m,"Hin 2 cook for
WviK'on a.' rT?m bualow at 160
" nh0rst Co., 275 State St.
Hfr J,? r ce'"er. 654' Ferry St.
Pasn S Kord 25
C?;rs?;85;.9 25 -
I iJ 18 frd $475
1 Ch7i,r r bu A"l 275
Aufc.troit $375
1 Fol.L ,rUf'k 50
IfyoVhm" n trade.
der,a rar double try our
fn?i'!rn.en'- Time and moner
Th. r V- 8- GARAGE,
- 454 Berry gt. 101
M-nei ring ftiih
UUU:i K i
101 f
L. Purvme. 109 5rh u
1 V "
1 ' llve w seven!
acres, barden road soil. Call 4J7M !
YKS. I can use more young cves. C. i
WAXTKU-Two men to work at ware !
house, short job. Apply -at Fry's
" . .: . 101
DUCivLLXUS and baby chicks for sale
.m. ivoecnam, 555 State St. Phone
W OOD Inspect our. .offering. 4 ft
Slab, stove eiie, 4,2 inches long1,
kindling sie trimmings, consider-
. able dry wood mixed wit- heach.
All kinds at. $4.60 per load. no. de-
livery. Oregon Wood Products Co.,
, West Salem. Phone 977. ioi
FOR SALE Modern ten room house
, 'furnished or unfurnished, suitable
for apartments -pf - single " room
, large basement; two blocks trom
- post office near high- and Garfield
; schools, Reasonable terms. Owner
."'"-18M 8. Liberty St. corner Wilson.
: ioi
DUCKLINGS and baby chicks for sale
C. N. Necdham. 558 State St. Phone
'400, ' . f102
For Salfr Houses.
Nicely located, modern, gome fruit
on place. Improved street, one
block from car line. $3000, $500
cash, balance terms. See John H.
Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE 5 room plastered house,
full basement. 365 N. 20th St. 101
WANTED To buy small . modern
bungalow, close in. Want to deal di
rect with owner. Box R G Capital
Journal. 1110
ONE of the best buys in Salem is a
6 room bungalow which -must be
sold in the next 20 days; 2 fine lots
and fruit. Phone 1812 or call at 744
N. Cottage. 101
B'OR SALE Attractive S room house
semi-modern. Price $1350. See
( owner Rayford T. Goode, 1136
Jefferson St. city. al05
FOR SALE 3 good house buys. $1,
500, 1850, $2100. Hart & Muller,
208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE Three room house and
one acre of land one mile out from
business center. $650. F. L. Wood,
84t State St. n!01
PHONE 951, 329 OREGON bldg. a
Late, strictly modern bungalow
type residence of 7 rooms, features
all home conveniences in construc
tion. Exclusive restricted district.
- For appointment call at our otnee.
John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Ore
gon bldg. alul
FOR SALE 5 room house, 1542
, Bellevuo St. $1200; good plumbing.
F. L. Wood, 341 State St. nl01
SEVERAL houses for sale, anions;
them a 5 room bungalow. 'Inquire
492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. all!
CLOSE in residence property consist
ing of five room house, nearly mod
ern and basement, lot 50x132 feet,
several bearing fruit trees and small
walnut trees and good garden spot,
one block to pavement. Price $3200
or will exchange with owner of
small improved farm and assume
difference. If any; preferably north
of Salem, but will consider other
location. Owner, P. O. box 261, Sa
lem, Or. al03
FOR SALE 6 room cottage, bach,
toilet, 3 blocks from post office on
N. Church street Price $2250. Hart
& Muller. 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE 6 room house all furn
ished, lot 50x170. 325 S. 16th Sa
lem, Or. al08
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE About 7 acres located in
Aumsvlllei fair buildings; a good
berry or chicken ranch. $2500. Will
exchange for Salem property. Will
Myers. AumHville, Or. b103
FOR SALE 18 acres seeded to clov
er and grain, small house and barn
y piiles east of Salem. Price $4,-,
500. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. n
120 acres with good buildings, all
in crops, on Howell Prairie. The
best farm land in Marion county.
See us about this. It's worth your
while. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228
. Oregon bldg. . " - -nlOl
FOR SALE 120 acres 6 miles from
Salem, 20 acres cultivated, old
house, barri, orchard;, estimated 3,
000 cords of oak grub timber.
Price $45 per acre. Hart & Mul
ler. 208 Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE Choice 20 acres close
in, good improvements, bearing or
chard; a snap at $7000. F. L. Wood
.341 State St. nl01
FOR SALE By owner 20 acres. 16
in high state of cultivation, S acres
prunes, 8 strawberries, 4 acres
gooseberries; fair buildings, on good
road 4 miles out; one team and
harness, 1 cow, 1 buggy and har
ness, 1 farm and 1 fruit wagon, all
farm implements;, immediate pos
session. Price $8500. Write box 122,
Rt. 2, Salem, Or. ' n
CHOICE close In berry land, 10 acres
located Just outside city limit !
blocks from Center St. carline on
asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 105 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
SALE t lots, house and household
goods, at 975 8. 22d Bt, C103
FOR SALE Violin Stradicarius mod
el. over 55 years old. Call 1567. C
11 1H hai.R 122S N. 19th sC, b
PRIVATE SALE Going out of busi
ness, will sell all In a lump, or piece
my new and secondhand goods,
walnut hall tree ranges, bicycle
harnes office desk and chairs,
couches, talking machine sewing
machine Taber organ walnut ease,
many other thing Come early. 395
a . at 102
ALL kinds of cut flower pottef
plants and ferns. Greenhouse 1298
a iiih .inul Phniw 1250VV. dll7
FOR SALE Cash and carry grocery
store doing (rood business in good
locality; living rooms in building.
v T.nmi elO
WALiBOARD" can be used over
lath and papered or tinted. Max a
Buren. 17 N. Com'L .
t oaie- iNurserv Stock.
5 !- TIT
one to FS aft.
tips, j
V A v tl i , 7T : : :
rirsi Class
4!4. -30 N. Front. ri.
STRAWBKKRY plants. Wilson. Eurr
,Zl I"1 &niGoll Dollar. $1.50 per
" " " I' rnone 47F13. 102
FOR SALE 15 or 20 thousand vigtir-
x- -"ueiry plants of Etterberg
Jo. 121 -arieiy, easy t dis. $2 50
Per 1000; dig them yourself. Harry
Pearson 12F5. -
1-NE loganberry tips. Box 17A. Jef-i'
teraon way. dio2,FOR SALE Lata model Ford, looks
STRAWBEKHi plants In any ouaii
tity. Etterberg 121, Gold' Dollar,
Progressive Everbearing, - Trebla,
Lady Goshwell, Wilson. Thriftv.
well rooted plants. ; Ldw' Quantity
Jr,6'8? Bnberry. Mammoth
and Himalaya blackberry plant
fresh garden seed City delivery.
J"4 Richardson. 23S5 Front
Phone. 494. . a
THE famous Etterhi
berry elan, w " " JL"'."
per.. A veryheaw Droduri -Pi'OR SALE Trailer. 688 S. 2th. qlOa
not exhausted raising plants. Vig
orous healthy plants. Quantity
price Ward K. Richardson, 2395
Front at - ' "
ETTERBERiJ- 121 strawberry-plants
$7.50 per 1000; Wilson $. P, O.
box 214. Salem, Or. a
FOR SALE Individual lettuce plants
cabbage and cauliflower, Rt 7
box 38. Phone 1786W3. W. H. H.
DPflg- - - - dl$
For Sale Livestock.
NEW Zealand Red rabbits for sale.
gooa stocx, prices reasonable. 2199
Fairgrounds road. el03
GOOD -Milk cow now -milking 3ft
solium) uay. oi k. commercial.
HEAVY work horse for sale.
SALE Yearling Holstein heif
er; also 15-gallon swing churn for
$5. J. C, Mattson, Rt. 7, box 48. Sa-lem-
FOR SALE Chester White pigs, $6
a piece; they're huskies; also 12
choice White Leghorn hens, $1.75
a piece, including cockerel, from
heavy laying strain, and a 500-gal-lon
wooden tank $7. John Bailey,
Phone 44F32. eioi
FOR SALE One span Percheron
black mare weight about 3000
lbs. Q. E. Thoma Stayton, Rt. 2.
MILK cows for sale. Phone
mornings and evenings.
FOR SALE 7-year old mare, weight
1000 lbs., good saddle or driving
horse. Phone 2026W. el02
WANTED Horse that will work in
plow, single or double. Call 36F
24. noo
FOR SALE 31 young ewes with 39
early lambs. Hawkins & Roberts,
205 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE Fine driving horse, rub
ber tired buggy and fine harness,
worth $400, price $175. Phone 29
F3. H. W. Bowden. . c
For Sale Wood.
WOOD FOR SALE First class 16-
lncn and 4-root wood, strictly cash.
Office at 305 S. Church St., phone
1642. Fred E. Wells. ee
FOR SALE Second growth fir wood
. $9.50 per cord; old fir $10.80. Call
1953. eel26
FOR SALE A few cords 2d growth
2-3 dry. Phone 1665M. 101
WOOD for sale, 16 -Inch and 4 foot
old fir. Phone 98lM. 105
For SalePoultry
HIGH grade Rhode Island Red eggs
for hatching, $1 per dozen. 1402 N.
16th. ; - fill
EGGS Rhode Island . Reds, large
dark red, stock- secured from best
pens In loui" states;;, settings $1.50,
hundred $7.50. Phone 1788W2, C.
A. Ratcliff, Rt. 5. flOl
FOR RENT Large, pleasant rooms
by day. Mrs. L. K. Page, phone
1186, 492 N. Cottage St. J101
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms to rent,
no children. 480 N. 18th St. J101
WANTED To rent 3 or 4 room
house or apartment, unfurnished.
Address box 275 Journal or phone
455. 1101
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeep
ing rooms, on first floor. No. 674
N. 15th St. near Marion St Call
evenings and mornings. 3101
FOR RENT Four rooms partly furn
ished. 705 N. High 'St. , J102
FOR RENT Nice apartment at The
Miller. J101
FOR RENT My home at 1258 S.
Commercial, for board and room.
WANTED To rent modern 6 or t
room house. Phone 1477. 1101
OFFICE rooms for rent, steam heat
splendid Janitor service. 205 Ore
gon bldg. Phone 1427.
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. ' Phone 1427.
205 Oregon bldg.
Lost and Found.
LOST Present address of Charles
Fanlkner,' was band master. Reward
H. Wyatt. Longbranch. Wash. k!02
LOST Signet ring, initials F T. Call
H72R. Reward.
JOST Pair of shell rim glasses be
tween Church and High streets on
State, Last Sunday. Phone 627. Re
ward. HOI
Wanted Help.
of the Peoples Cash store who are
not now engaged are invited to
assist us during our sale. Please
apply Tuesday and , Wednesday
manager Peoples Cash store. glOl
GIRL wanted for housework; no
washlnsr nor ironing. Apply fore
noons, 975 Chemeketa St. 102
TEACHER wanted for rural district
No. 124 for 1920-21; state salary
wanted, experience, references to
accompany petition. About 10 pu
pils to teach. Rt. 3, Turner, Or.,
Harvey WHson. gl02
WANTED Several men and women
to set strawberry plant Indian
Hill farm, T. L. Davidson, S blocks
. end of 12th street car line. g!03
WANTED Chambermaid,
WANTED Married man for ranch.
Permanent Job for right party.
Write or call don't phone. Oeo. L.
Rose, Independence. Or. g!05
' 50 salespeople for all department
Apply at once, manager, of Peoples
Cash store. ' gl03
WANTED Lady help for kitchen. 223
N. Com. St gll
WANTED Boy over IS years old to
carry Capital Journal route paying
between $36 and $40 a month. Ap
ply clrcnlatlon manager.
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Bicycle. secondhand,
good condition, reasonable price.
Box 2 Journal. 1101
w. HEAVER well driller.
one mil
. . ... , i iv. A tatrc
earn oi laa'm Oregon bldg.
; F'.'R iALt! 7 pa
has run less than 5tf W nuies. U :
in first class condition. Price $450 i
Phono 1SS or call s Co, '
St. - . v 'Ui
FOR SALE 117 Ford roadster in!
good condition.-pond tire- imi!
Ford touring car. overhauled, new U.
top; a classy bug type Moline road-! k
-nil illtinlav at iV,
B- Liberty St. about May 1. 101
ana runs line new; must sell. 2180
N. 6th street. ini
FOR SALE 2 l-ton Ford trucks,
worm drive 5-inch solids In rear,
and mechanically perfect These
trucks go at a sacrifice. For further
Information phone $67 ask' lot Mr
Burdick. . ...
t J-4 TON REO truck for sale, bar
gaia If taken at once. Inquire S55
'.. """'"
vnemegm sireet. Salem, Or. qHHi
FOR SALEriFordaon tractor 4nd
plow, first class .condition, used
very little, $200 off, term Leslie
Stephens, Independence. clOl
FOR plumbing and general repair
work phone 1536W. il04
WANTED To lease 5 room furnish
ed house for 1 year. Address P. O.
box 152. 1101
SEE J. W. Manley, garden plowing,
cellar digging, heavy team work.
Cherry City barns. Phone 199. 1107
TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co.
Country trip moving. Wood for
sale. Good service. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 734.
$800 or $1000 TO LOAN on good farm
security. Phone 816 or see G. E.
Unruh. Gray bldg. i
30 ACRES of river bottom land at
what it is worth, 5 miles or Sa
lem. 40 acre ranch, 16 acres In prunes, 2
acfes logangerries and family or
chard, $12,000.
6 room house, $800.
2V4-ton truck runs like new, must
be sold. '
Howard & Satterlee
Phone 1177, 404 Ferry St. b!02
tor ' '
210 OREGON BLDG. bl02
Real Investments. -
40 acres, 38 cultivated, 3 In bearing
prunes, partly seeded, close to town,
good buildings. $5250. Terms.
160 acres, 30 cultivated, dandy
stock ranch, lots of put range. $4800.
, .Good $4000 buy on State street.
Estes & Magee.
428 Oregon Bldg. Salem.
Portland office, Chamber of Com
It is right in the edge of Salem all
under cultivation and level Just the
place to raise loganberries and chick
ens, has family orchard and berries;
land partly plowed. Good 6' room plas
tered house, dutch kitchen, pantry,
large . barn, chicken house, garage.
This is a big bargain. You will buy
It when you see it. Price $3150 and
$1000 will handle it with immediate
S. R. Pearson & Peed
405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. n
Best Buys.
6 room house in good condition, 3
lots, fruit. $2250, terms.
6 room house, in good condition, 1
lot, fruit. $2250, $1250 cash, balance
terms. 1
8 rooni modem bungalow, garage.
1 lot. $3250, $1900 cash, balance
7 room modern house, good condi
tion, close in, basement, fruit; all
furnishings including a fine piano,
only $4000.
7 room bungalow, fine condition,
east front, well furnished. $6500; will
sell unfurnished.
9 room modern housegood condi
tion, lot 50x150 ft., fruit, paved street
only $4500. '
6 room house, lot 70x140. $1100,
$200 cash balance easy terms.
5 acre 2 cleared, 3 timber, $85.
5 acres, all cultivated. 3 room
house, barn, coop good road. $1750.
5 acres in logans, shack, 3 ft miles
south. $3500. -
6 acres, 4 acres in prunes, cherries,
apples, mosTly prune in bearing and
in finest condition: 4 room house.
barn, crops, well fenced. $3600, $2,-,
500 cash, balance 6 percent.
20 acre, 3-4 mile from Salem on
good macadamized road, all cultivat
ed, filter logan land; will sell part or
all, $7500, easy terms.
25 seres all cultivated, best of
Howell Prairie, house, barn, all fenc
ed, 8 miles out, only $600.
40 acres, 34 cultivated, 6 timber,
on main road, best of valley loam, 8
miles from Salem. $8000. cash.
Have several cheap tracts from 30
to 100 acres, easy terms.
341 State irtret. n
FOR SALE 10 acres; one of the
finest improved farms in the Wil
lamette valley, 135 acres seeded to
fall wheat and red clover, balance
pasture with some timberi all fenc
ed with woven wire. The soil is the
very best. Price with crop, for a
short time, $11 2 14 per acre, cash
balance i years at ( percent
Hart & Muller
sier cneap; one light trailer. 170
S. 12th Sv.Cierry City garaee ;',-". WJO',f""e cnerries, aoout li to otner iruns, good buildings and
SEE the Johnsons e1m.... i "P "I0"6? I . .?. half
hila iirniihf,,.. i;,,: ----v....v.-p.o...e lu, mwm. rricn tia. in cuiti-ation; oarg-ain. $2400.
o -vmo VUJU K, Till! Ill" I Ht-TVt 1 1 n tw ' ' w. I . 1 mi CIA ..
V" -.. fca,
tabllfshed "- hva good buys
- J" hoT Md f:lrms- Se' us totoy
1 r reIlabl Properties, prices right
Z. . ,u t,ariien wad. H acris ,
loBanha in Y,icinity-- acres black
. x.' - a.'" muiw i' u iea
acres full bearing orchard, some ber
ries and truck garden. Good house,
barn and chicken house Price $5500.
80 acre about 45 acres river bot
tom, 1 acre peaches, t years old;
good ( room bouse and large: barn
(13 stanchions for cows), fine silo
and milk house, 1 good well about
or acres oaK timber and pasture,
oin4 ; " oaiance seeaea to grain, er. J1S.00O, term
i. - ... v. ... vita iwiu, i d.u aero Litriu kw
10 acres growing grain, about 7 acres r IcIkt land, some fruit, new tarn and
alfalfa, - balance ready for planting, j chicken house. $3250.
Price $9009, $3000 cash. l ift acres, good 8 room . plastered
: 6 acres close In on paved and. grav- house, new barn and chicken house,
eled road,- 1 acres bearing family or- Some logans and other berrie f ami
chard, Hacre strawberries, balance ty fruit in good condition. $3250.
ready for planting. Good new 5 room f
or planting. Good new t mom t
house and bam. A homa like- subur-
ban home. $3800.
Lot 80x150 oDDoslta Bush, on Mis
sion street A good lot close In. Price
1190. .
Good lot 48x148 on best street Wesf
Salem. $300. ' . '
List your property with us at reas
onable value and wa will Investigate
and sell it
Oregon Land Co. "
'442 State street - " n
2 nice bungalow strictly modern
with furnace, paed street, near state
house. $00.eivch with term
Good 6 room house on paved street,
4 blocks from post office. $1800.
- f room modern house, paved street
and carlice, ready to occupy; big lot,
$2500. ...
5 room house and 3 lots, good ce
ment basement; terms. $1600.
Elegant 8 room home, fine view, 2
fine lor corrw location. 2 fireplaces,
close to car line- and paved street. A
rare bargain. $4250.
6 room modern bungalow with fur
nace, sightly location on car line. 5.
500. Elegant strictly modern bungalow
in choice location. $7000.
275 acres of rich black soil, best of
hop land. 100 acres in crop, 6 miles
from Salem and a bargain. $125 per
acre. . .
Fine lot In Fairmount addition, to
trade for light car. ; ,
26 acres all in crop, new house, nth
er buildings good, close to Salem.
W ill take some trade. '
6 acres nearly all In prunes and
other fruit, paved road, close In; if
sold soon $2100.- ,
. Insurance, loans., bonds.
Laflar & Laflar
407 Oregon bldg. al02
5 room modern cottage $1200.
4 room modern bungalow $1800
5 room cottage, 2 good lots $2001)
8 room modern close in, $2000
6 room modern bungalow $2500
T rooms, sightly location, $2600
6 room excellent modern bunga
low $3000
7 room modern, Church St. $3200
7 room strictly modern, close $6000
10 acres Improved bearing orchard
Terms given on all these.
See us for orchards, farms, large
and small.'
We are in business to stay and are
In a position to show you the right
kind for the right price; 2 cars at
your service. List it with us.
S. R. Pearson & Peed
406 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. n
Good Buys.
10 acres of good dark bottom soil,
some fruit, small buildings. Price $2,-
200, . ., 4 .... .., -.,
6 acres of good prune and berry
soil, all plowed ready to set. price
$850. .
66 acre farm located 5 rulles from
Salem, all cultivated and in crop, 6
room house and barn, good dark prai
rie soil. Price $175 per acre.
1 acre located close in, small house,
well, some fruit Price $1000.
105 acres located on the Garden
road, this side of Swegle school; near
ly all In crop. Price $300 per acre.
4.81 acres located south of Salem
close to highway. Price $1350.
5 acres bearing cherry orchard,
hard road, good location. Price $2200.
6.67 acre tract, 6 acres 6-year eld
prunes, house and barn. Price $3500.
9 3-4 acre tract 8 room modern
house, barn, bearing walnuts, cher
ries, apples, pears. Located close to
carline, sightly location. Price $14,
000. 10 acres of first class land located
east of Salem on main road, all culti
vated and In crop. Price $2800.
10 acres of bearing Italian prunes,
7 and 9 years old. Price $6000.
10 acres prunes, cherries and pears
located on main Pacific highway, 4
miles south of Salem. Price $5500.
108 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated
and mostly In crop, good building
good road. Price $12,000.
160 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated,
house and barn, stock. Price $18,000
320 acre farm, 150 acres cultivat
ed, located 12 miles from Salem,
buildings. Price $60 per acre.
20 acres located close in, 6 acres
prunes 8 acres apples, cherries, 6
room , house, electric lights, barn,
sightly location, good street. Price
$11,600. '
5 room bungalow, good location.
Price $2600.
8 room house at 1010 Oak street,
Price $2800.
8 room bungalow on paved street,
east front, large lot. Price $6000.
8-4 acre located close to carline,
good 7 (onm plastered house. Price
$3250, $750 down, balance terms.
W. II. Grabenhorst & Co.
27S State street.
This is positively the biggest sac
rifice near Halem, today. 22 Vi acres
of good, dark, productive soil local
ed only 4 miles from the state house.
on good gravel road. 18 acres In cul
tivation and the balance is pasture.
Family orchard. Woven wtre fenc
ing. Fair 4 room house and new barn'
36 bl 60 nearing completion. Good
hen house, garage and necessary out
building 6 fine cows, mostly Jersey
good team, driving horse, good wa
gon, buggy, plow, cultivator, cream
separator, about 30 chickens, calf,
heater and telephone. Everything is
included with this farm at $4500. Ex
clusive sale. A change to make some
easy money If you act at once.
136 acres of excellent soil locattd
on main highway being paved. About
7 miles trom Salem and is only 1
mile from station. 55 acres of river
bottom with about half in cultlva
tlon. A total of 105 acres of the farm
is cultivated and Is mostly in tine
crop. Neat t room house built about
4 years, and barn -40 by 50. This is a
fine plrfce and you get t horses, 4
good cow mower, rake, about 30
chickens, seed. feed, etc., with the
farm at $19,000.
Kinney & Smith.
$01 Bank of Commerce bldg. B
SALEM 8CA VA-" 3 E R Garbage and
refuse of all kind removed os
monthly contracts at reasonable
rate Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mal removed. Office phone Malr
25 acre fruit tract 1H miles from
town. 16 bearing prunes, 5 bearing
cherries; good bung-alow, good barn,
good dryer. 'Snap. $10,500.
5 acres mile from eity limits,large
house, barn, orchard: only $4200.
40 acres 7 miles from Salem, rock
i I'rtu. ii acres Bearing prunes, also
utheru Oregon, on
Pacific highway, S set buildings; 200
in cultivation. $40 per acre, will ex
change for property near Salem.
If you want to buy or sell see us.
x- Perrine & Marsters.' ,
. 811-1$ Com, club bldg. b
.On Garden road, 6 acres of exoel-
Hi acres all cleared. 1 acres In
cheat, some prune apples and cher-
ie good hog house, and ' well. No
other building Price (1500.
- t acres close in, Ah cleared, shack
16x16, small barn; 1 McCormack
mower, hay rake harrow, 1 Oliver
plow, wagon, heifer with calf, with
crop on 5 acres adjoining goes for
$2500. This is some snap. $1000 cash.
S acre 85 fruit trees, soma berries
and lumber enough to -build a 4 room
house. $2000. - -
40 acres near Marion, $1400.
Will give good terms on all prop
erties listed.
John IL Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg. nlOl
$29 Oregon bldg. Phone 951. n
$2100, $500 down, balance like rent.
A 4 room shingle bungalow 4 years
old, east front, paved street, base
ment, near carline, good lot.
$1600, $1000 down, will take an
other neat newly painted 4 room
bungalow with sleeping porch, paved
street, walks in, wood shed, a tew
nice young fruit tree east front, 8
blocks from .street car, east Salem.
$3500, $1000 will let you enter 'his
home as your own. You can park
your car in front of the house on a
paved street or drive it into the gar
age as you like, and have 8 nice rooms
to use for your happiness and com
fort, not far out.
$1500, $500 down and easy terms
on the balance, will buy a T room
plastered house and S lots In West
Salem. Good location.
$3500, $1500 down, or a small cheap
house valued to $1000 and $600 cash
will handle a 6 room modern bunga
low, double basement, on paved
street, near car line.
$6500 will, buy one of the nicest 8
room bungalows with several good
lots on pava dstreet. This has furn
ace, fireplace and is thoroughly mod
ern. A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
Phone 353. n
DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo-
rds. phone 884.
DR. JOHN L LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 408-4 Ore-,
gon bldg. Res. phone 58F6. 164
FARM LOANS Any amount Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at ( per cent Haw
kins & Robert 205 Oregon bldg
Balom, Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 6 H percent 803 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Ovsr Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or
Water Company.
comer Commercial and Trade 8ts.
Bills payable monthly In advano
Phons 67.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loan
Any amount Long time.
64 and 6 percent Interest
City building loan
A. C. Bohrnstcdt.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Orevn
. trlst-optician, eyea thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted
610-12 U. 8. bank. Phone 841.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Renatr Shop. 847 Court 8t
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 84c double roll. Max O.
Buren. J7 N. Com'l.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. SI
years experience; Depot NaUonal
and American fence, sizes 26 to (8
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
. hook Salem Fence and Store
Works. 250 Court street. Phone t
Why Sell for Leas.
WE will pay you more cash tor youi
household good Oet our bid be
fore you sell.' People Furnltur
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 784.
Lodge Directory.
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday ai
8. J. L Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunta
K ft A 8.
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A; A. A. Oueffroy. sec
retary Salem, Or.
TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No. 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, 8 o'clock.
Oregon Grage camp No. 136 meets
very Thursday evening In McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mr Carrie E. Bunn, $48 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 728 North
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
very Friday night at 8 o'clock Is
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lis
rty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D. Ron, C C. ; L. S. Oeer, clerk
"WALLPASTE" perfect for papef
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 178 N. Com'l.
WALL paper 26c double roll and up.
Max O.' Buren, 178 N. Com'l. m
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat o. 1 $2.C8; t-ei
oats Sac; nulling eats Soe; cheat hay
K2S 23; o.u hat $24 g 25; clover hay
$25 26; mil! run $43.
Butterfat: Butterfat 62; creamery
butter 82 63c.
Pork, -veal anil muttom: park fot
16 He; veal fancy 21c; steers lie;
spring lambs lVc; cows 7 si 9c; ewes
8c; sheep, yearling 13c.
Dressed pork 21
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash S3c;
light hen 28 30c; heavy hens tlo
old rooster II $ Ma; springs Ha.'
Vegetables:- Onions per pound $c;
celery dov $ 1. 7 5 ; potatoes, Yakima
So Oregon $tte; strawberries $5.(8;
beets pr sacs; $3; turnips per aaejt
$3.75; carrots per sack $2.50; parsnips
per sack $3:88; spinach lOo lb.; rat
ishes 40c di, ; asparagus 15c.
Fruit: Oranges $ 5.88 7. 00; lemon
$5.80 96; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage te;
head lettuce: $1.25; carrots 45e;
paragus" 18c; cauliflower $1.75 do;
red peppers 25a lb; rhubarb $c;
peas l(o tb.
Retail prices; Eggs dozen S8c;
creamery butter 68 70c; country but
ter $9c; flour hard Wheat $3.25 J.45
oft wheat $!..
Portland, April 27. Cattle steady;
receipts 674; grain and pulp fed
steers $12. 5Q 13.50; choice $lt.50
12.20; good to choice $19.50 11.50;
medium to good $9.5010.50; fair to
good $8.73 6 9.50; common to fair
$7.608.50; choice cows and heifers
$1111.60; good to choice $10.25
11.00; medium to good $8.75310.25;
fair to medium $7.60 8.75; can nam
$5.5O7.50; bulls $.00S.60; prima
light calves $15.00917.00; medium
light $10.0015.00; heavy $7.004
10.00; stockers and feeders $7,809
8.50. -
Hogs steady; receipts 118; prime
mixed $16.25916.75; medium $15.75
16.25; rough heavy $14.25 14.75;
pigs $12.50915.
Sheep weak; receipts none; spring
lambs $17.0019.00; light valley
$15.75 917.00; heavy $14.25 916.78.
common to medium $11914.50; year
lings $16.0016.00; wethers $14,509
15.26; ewes $10 91'
Portland, Or. April 27. Eggs sell
tra 66c; parchment wrapped box
lota 60c; cartons 61c; half boxes Ho
more, less than H boxes lo more;
butterfat 59 960a f. o. b. station; 81
Poultry and Egg
Portland, Or., April 26. Eggs sell
ing price case count 389 39c; buying
price case count 38c; selling price
candled 40c; selected candled in car
tons 42o.
Poultry; Hens 34938c; broilers 40
946c; roosters 16c; turkeys dressed
63c; gees 22925c; ducks 409
$65.00 bid; corn No. $ yellow $74 9
Wheat $2.20; barley, rolled $709
71; oats $64.50; corn No. $ yel
low $67 969.50; mill run $46947.
Portland $30; alfalfa $34; grain $27; -clover
$30; soft wheat 50 premium,
hard 70c premium.
Hay: Buying price, timothy f. o. b.
Portland $30; alfalfa $33; grain 828
Wheat and Hill Stuff.
Wheat: $2.20; barley $70; oar
$28.00; alfalfa $33; grain $30.00;
76 bid.
Hay: Buying price, valley timothy
mixed cars $42 ton; rolled barley 87
cheat $22; clover $30; oats and vetch
Mlllstuffs: Pries f.o.D. mill, oltj
artace $1 extra. Mill ruu, car lota
mixed cars $43 ton; rolled barley 87)
roUed oat $86.50; ground barley $71
scratch teed $80.
Corn whole $66; oraeked $88.
J R and Clara O Fouch to W
W Powell Jr, It 11 bl 7 High
land add .
Pauline Looney to Clarence D
McCoy, 13 A in B 3W
Thomas A and Mabel Roberts
to O B Durdall It 8 bl 9 Fair
mount Park add
J J and Electa E McDonald
to Miranda McDonald It 8 bl
B Simpsons add Salem
Maud B and W rf Holt to G H
Roblson 10 A Bit sec 12 in 83
8W - -
H M and Lucille A Baker to ,
George R Conn, 37.70 A sit
sec 18 In 8S 8W , -.
O and Effle Ireton to C J and
Helen Carlton It 31-34-38 Ire
ton fiult farms .
R L and Margaret R Lewis to
Andrew J Feilen, fr It 3 bl
6 Willamette add
Fred and Mary H Brietzke to
J 3 and Electa McDonald It 8
b B Simpsons add Salem
W L and May C Blackwell to
8 N Strubhar, 1.81 A, Ell C
Cooley D L C Woodburn $1000
Carle and Myrtle Abrams, R J
and Emelle HondrlcKa to c w
and Lela,- E Logan It 17 andlS
bl 1 sub to bl 3 to 7 Nob Hill
annex 2600
John O Stelnhrenner to Max
and Eva Honig, It 5 Waldo
Hills fruit farm No 2 5009
S H and Augusta to Jacob Ur
ban, SW V4 of sec 11 in 4S
Frank and Mary Smith to W A
and Bertha Sampson It 17
and 18 bl 1 State street annex
Salem .
Hazel M Newson to John T Roos
fr bl 2 Mlnto add 6000
John and Dorothy Kopers to
Curl and Marls Wanner, 40 A
sit sec 6 In S IE 6500
Frank and Maria Murk to
Aaron and Rachel Each It 17
sub Mrs Remlngtou's add
Woodburn - 1200
J W Magee to Henry J Thoma
fruit It 87 Oregon Friemls
Englebert Gicr to Matt and An
na Kopfer 1280O s ft Mt An
gel 1850
William Edward and Joe Leta
Pulse to Albert and Edna
Hudnall 6.75 A in 7S 3V -
Harry and Orpha Desare to B
H Behrenda and Lewis Plett
It 13 Harry Desart add Silver
Henry and Rose Wenger to W
C. Wlnslow and H H Van
dervort It 9 and 10 prt it 8
Bunnyslde fruit farms .
Englebert Gler to Emit Roos 1
A sec 10 in 63 1VV 8000
L F and Alwildn J Mascher to
Robert 8 Cooke 18.88 A seo
1 78 1W 1886
Lulu M Lankford to Herman
Sprold 17.12 A sec 14 ia 8S
4W ' 1009
oJhn and Rose Slattry, to James
and May Nash It 7 bl 5 Reed
Charles L Pomeroy to W T
Stolz It 1 bl 76
Rena Lawson to Emma Ohler
It 8 bl 74 N Salem 1009
E and Mary Hartley, J B and
Ora D Craig, R W and Edna
A Craig to George and Daisy
Vlck It 22 Grabenhorst fruit
farms - -
C W Armstrong, E E and Leah
Armstrong to Lee M and
Grace Cnruh It 2 bl 9 N Salem