feairriiivif i i riiiin THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN fCRBE-VT EVX.VT9 cntarlan lunch- I April - - Hotel Mario"- boo. :s.Eik. sco ,,tS'!:8Bt' 'Ci -Dairymen'. convn- JTcocial club. .-. w 5-Benefit Dance. Com- M. Armory. . ru., 7 Declamatory - cowtr school Armory Coarf Hobs News A: r'liiirt. IdevsEvaH.Ide.Com- "V Cornell vs Louis L. Leadbet-TotouiaUldbet-w Affitartt for Replevin Order of 'Cornell w Louis il Leadbet-'S-vs Ha,eH.Mum Ctord'v. Ha.eMumford. ITc Mumford vs Hale H. Mum- wuh Odenthal et al vs Martha OdeMhal Glover and George Glover, w husband. Complaint. Coral Jennings vs David Francis Jennings. Demurrer Probate Court. Oliver Thlbaudau, estate . accotmi- Oliver Thibaudau. estate. Order filing time for hearing final account. Daily Statistics. Born jjRVJE To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larue of the .Marion apartments, April 25, a son. . the Washington I'miona r.ranr. HilUboro Wednesday, and before the musboro commercial club in th ; evening. Arthur Foster, the anti-Non-Par-tisan league sneaker loft jsim t Ducklings and baby chicks for sale. m. today for Dallas, with Senator J-eedham, US State St. Phone Walter Pierce, where they will talk 1J ! ntgnt C. N 400 ceeding way. south on the Pacific State Inclusion To Be Observed Honoring the anniversary of the signing of the '.document that placed tonight Wednesday night the, wUi;Z " J" " T "rong - throughout address n audience at Corrallis, con-.t "h A.?.. "rwf ! " as it is considered a tinuing their rmni ...J Cnta' the annual Founders- Day ,..,,, .v. Paul Sldke. who resides o route ,:Unuin8 heir campaign against thi!lwZ' . . .uiiui tu enuctb i UPS-1 ..i nwrn ;nrn ui me -Norm day. - , pucklings and baby chicks for sate. C. N. Needham, SS8 State St Phone 400. i0j Dakota insurgents. Mrs. Paul Kuennel, of Salem route- , was the guest of friends in the Capitar city Tuesday, while transact ing business. See what Sari saw in the desert 4 . - , 101" Bee what Sari saw In the harem. " 101' ill be held at Cham- poeg. May 1. Owing to the fact that I no boats will "be running that dav. , wujtn is suany made by Former Senator HvVon der Hellen j water, will have to be made by train W ellen, Jackson rmmtv mni -f" 4 W (IwtVIIIVUIIV, r Tuesday visiting old friends in Salem., P. H. D'Arcy. of this citv. past re- ..,ajrfle wm attend the regents sident of the Oregon Pioneer associa meet,ng at th a A. C. at Corrallia. tion. will .preside. W. T. Rigdo, .So wm L. Finley, former state bioln-lof Salem a.-iii rA , . - - w. W1IKUUU 1M mil 1 High- the Shriners convention in Portland: during the last week in June. j It the growers are successful iai their efforts, Salem will be on the route of inspection, as they will visit the gladioli farm of Frankln and Dibble on the Wallace road, one of the most beautiful in the state. Sentiment in favor of the visit is the state, splendid ad vertisement for the flower industry of Oregon. Phone Company Asks Higher Rate with increases on other v!ass.s of sev ice in proportion. of JOCRNAIV WANT ADS PAT The body ot a man found in a ni'll Application for an increase in rates! pond at Spokane was idi-ntifiml as was filed with the public service coro-jthst Hjahner Johnson. aitHl , miner, it la tnougnt he lell rrom a bridge. mission by the UcMinnville Local & Long Distance Telephone Company, Monday. The application aaks far an Increase la the rate on one party busi ness phone from $2.25 to 13 per month and one one party residence phones, from 11.75 to 2 per month feet of earth. Caught in the bottom ot an 85 foot well which he was digging wm-n tne walls caved in,' Robert Schneider of Richmond Beach was buried upd-r no icttou; reiuroea rrom a lecture oor of the eastern cities, leaves about May 1 for" the. Gulf Coast -of Texas to make movie pic tures of bird colonies in that part of the country for the National Geoog raphlc Society.. ; ' and the veteran quartette, composed of W. M. Morse, Dr, J. R Hall. A. W. j Mills and Prof, Z. M:, Parvin will' Sing. . Mr. D'Arcy will call upon num ber of pioneers for five-minute talks. A. J. Egan, a prominent ciitsen of Gervais, paid a business and social' visit to friends in Salem Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Ear! Fisher had i tneir guests over Sunday. Mr. and I Mrs. J. R, Martin, of Albany. Orchestra night. music, Te Liberty to-101 The' special committee of the . Elks named to arrange activities for Wed nesday night when the lodge will be Big Brothers to. all ot the boy. scouts I in the city, is to meet at the club to night and complete arrangements for the evening's entertainment The j committee meeting begins at 7:30 p. m., according to Fred Erixson, chair man in charge of the evening. Final Baby chicks. 558 State, ill Phone Dr. Chalmer Lee George, dentist 111 Masonic bldg. 105 IV. Parrttth, returned home Mon day after spending the week end in Lebanon. . - Baby chicks, 658 State. Phone 400. 101 All good shows at the Oregon this week. . 13 Mra N. T. Robinson and daughter, of this city, are at Newport enjoy ing a visit. They left here Mohday. "Revelation" orchestra Wednes day night, Moose hall, dancing and staging. Harley C. Pugh. 101 Good black dirt free for the haul hg. at Trade and High streets-. Ca.ll Tick Bros, and make arrangements If Interested. 102 Among the out-of-town visitors in Balera for Blossom Day were Mr. and Bra. C. 0. Budlong, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daly, ot Albany. The party made the trip by automobile. Love, jeweler, watchmaker, Salerii. Dancing, Wednesday night, MooBe nail. "Revelation" music and slng . tog. Harley C. Pugh. ltl Miss Violet MvLean, western repre sentative for the Ellison-White Ly ceum company, was a Salem, visitor Tuesday, , -Judge George G. Bingham heard two1 divorce cases Tuesday morning m department No. 2 granting divorces in both after . considering the evidence submitted. Roy T. Huffman was granted a decree from Edna Huffman. The couple were married at Silom, February 22, 1910, and according, to Mr. Huffman's complaint, his wife de serted him over a year ago. He Is also given the custody of their son, aged 5' years. Mildred Schrunk was given a divorce from James F. Schrunk on grounds of cruel and" inhuman treat ment. She is also awarded the cus tody of their 3 year old son, $25 sup port and maintenance allowance and alimony of $500. A .phoned warning from - Portland police .headquarters Tuesday morning gave Sheriff W. I. Needham notifica tion" that three boys and a Ford car were headed Salem-ward. The mes sage Btated that the youngsters had acted strangely and that the car was minus license tags. Deputy Sheriff Bert Smith patroled the northern ap proach of the Pacific highway in an ticipation of the arrival of the "mys tery" car In Salem, but . the vehicle failed evidently to make the circuit to this city as no further trace of it has been reported. v Dr. J. 0. Matthis has returned, of fice in Bank of Commerce, rooms M10. Telephone 573. 103 i Fred Ts,nzer jecentfy from Ohio, has"' purchased d shoe repair shop at 12S0 State street and will establish hit. home In this city. . A divorce suit was filed Tuesday by Truman H. Ide against Eva H. Ide. They were married at Salem, August 22, 19918, and the complaint alleges that Mrs. Ide left their home April 17, 1919 "failing and refusing" to return. , Eugenie Dupuis, administratrix in the estate of Oliver Thibaudau, has filed final account of the estate's af fairs. County Judge W. M. Bushey has set May 3, 1920, as date for hearing of final report. , . " Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurrav and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hawkins had as their week end guests the parents of the two - women, Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, of Albany. Mr. Haw kins and Mr. McMurray are both con nected with the firm of Hawkins & Roberts, owners of the Oregon build ing here. Gladioli Here j May Be Inspected A movement is on foot among tie gladioli growers of the state, to in- I duce the officers of the national so ciety to visit Oregon at the time of Senator H. Van der Hellen, regis tered at the Marion Hotel, Tuesday, from Medford, Oregon. Mr. Von de Hellen transacted business In Salem, Tuesday afternoon and then left for CorvalHs. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ditter, Sub limity, were Tuesday visitors to this city. . Aubrey G. Smith, of Roseburg, at tended to business, affairs in Salem, Tuesday. George E. Gibson from The Dalles, registered Tuesday at the Marion. Miss Clara Blum, Detroit,, and Mrs. Katherine Blub, Mrs. T. H. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jaiger of Portland formed a party that motored o this city Tuesday morning, stopping for lupch at the Marion and then pro- Perfect hearing for the deaf, the Little Gem Ear Phpne received, vne gold medal, highest award for ear phones in competition with all hear ing instruments at Panama-Pacific exposition. Look at it and you see the simplest and smallest device In the world; use it and you feel that you have the most wonderful piece ot me chanism yet devised for suffering mankind. Let us prove we have con quered your affliction. Free demon stration at our store. South Commer cial, Wednesday and Thursday April 28 and 29. The Little Gem Ear Phone the latest patented perfect hearing de vice, enables you to hear under all conditions, in the church, theater and general conversation. The Auto Ear Massage stops head noises, and Makes the cure of deafness possible. Remem ber, we would not allow a demonstra tion invour- store unless we had in vestigated the. instrument thoroughly An expert from New York city, will be witlt us on above days. 'We tnost earnestly request you to call, make a test privately and receive expert ad vice without charge. Every instru ment guaranteed. Ask. or write for booklet, "Cause Thine Ear to Hear." Tell your deaf friends. Perry's Drug Store Attorney Willi kai been attending to professional j business In Salem, returned to his wine In Albany Monday evening. Notice to amo mechanics and ma "Innista, meeting nights changed from Brat and third Wednesdays to second nd fourth Wednesdays of each month. Next meeting Vpril 28. Morris B. Race, recording sec. No. 28. 102 Winnfng both games of biff andi volley ball Captain Sechler's players at j the Y. M. C. A. business men's tourna-1 ments last evening claimed all points of the present series. The next games i will be held Wednesday evening, when Captain Rlgdon shall endeavor to have more of-his men out to meet his op ponents. A worthy entertainment for a wor thy cause. r,anoe recital by pUpi,. 0( ri Ralph White, Grand theater, 'nday night April 30th, and mati- Saturday p. m. May 1st. . 101 Ifim Ruth Smith, a student at Wil , University, returned to Salem nUy after a short visit with rela- 19 Da"as. Miss Smith, before ttLg to the University, was city utrUn in the Polk county town." Rightful, dancing dollies in "The wutening of Spring," dance recital lnr ' Ulealer next Friday eve ' 101 tw ... "' tne Women's Relief k.. Present the Lady Macca VJ- fla- The Daughters of The n Vited by botn or(,er8 wt, 1 prSTam and refresh " The public is cordially Invit- - 10 lL l rMi t0 that city Monday uTsai weekend wlth reIa" Jenm0ILey f0r Sale!l ' ladle8 or 2 ho can hustle. See Mr. Hotel Bligh. id. airy fairie, , The Awak. w Spring," Grana theater Tevtnin8- 101 Ubn! Toun' an employe In h i i.mem of Wi,,iam Ga"'- Temnie f1nesday evening a 102 Chas. W. Niemeyer .prominent renl estate dealer in the Masonic building, returned this morning from Portland where he has ben transacting busi ness for two days. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Grimes have re turned to their home in Albany-Cor- vallis after a few days visit with; friends In Salem. Mrs. Frank Robinson of CorvalHs Is in Salem on a combined business and pleasure visit. Mrs. R. E. Cook and daughter, Lois, are hare from Roseburg on a brief visit wth friends. Mr. and Mis. R. W. Marsters of Roseburg are the guests for a few days of the former's brother, H. L. Marsters. ' WHEN VOIR HAIR TURNS CAY Outwit the Dassine years ! Let Co-Lo restore the youth ful beauty natural color, life and luster to your hair in a manner nature approves. Co-Lo a scientific process per fected by Prof. . John H. Austin, over 40 years a bacteriologist, hair and scalp specialist. i ' I 'MOXFX BARRTMORE jf I1 I1 Two sacks of feed were stolen from his auto while it was keft standing on ; the streets downtown, A. Ohler, 1390 1 North Winter street told police yes- terday. . . ' - j The funeral for John Lansing I Oliver, who died at his home In Michigan City, Polk county, Sunday nlirht. will be held at the chapel of, the Rigdon & Son company Wednes-j day. 'Burial will be in City View' cemetery. The body of Mrs. Clara Siegner, : 49, who died at a local hospital Mon-, day, was sent, in company of her; husband, Theodore Siegner, to Port-; land, last night by the Webb &i Clough company, where funeral and burial will be held. , ,. . .V ! , - I A purse containing money and per-: sonal effects was found last night near the Oregon Building by R. C. Tapley, who brought it to police head quarters. It is being held there pend ing Us identification by ownerT r ; . 1 '. Loss of two bills aggregating $15 from a school book his daughter was .earning, while enroute to school yes terday, was reported to police by W. B. Hardy, 1675 Ferry street. Mr. j Hardy said that be believed his i daughter loft the money somewhere on the streets. 1 pi CSg Hair tW: THE TEN CO-LO SECRETS Co-Lo is a wonderful liquid. Clear, odorless, greaseless. Without lead or sulphur. Hasn't a particle of sediment Will not wash or rub off. Will tot injure hair' or scalp. Pleasing and simple to apply. Cannot be detected like the or dinary hair tints and dyes. Will not cause the hair to split or break off. ' , Co-Lo can be had for every natural shade of hair, jftfor Black and Dark Shades of Brown. A7 Extra Strong, for Jet Black Ilair only. A8 tor all Medium Brown Shades A for all Very Light Brown, Drah and Auburn shades. CO-LO HAIR RESTORER AT PERRY'S DRUG STORE, (adv) Ij OUR The sustenance to be found in our bread will give you vim and build uo your bodily vigo Didn't you ever try our bread? If not it is about time you started. Order a loaf of It today. Be KM to Your Eyes PHILIP WINTERS, Prop. 170 N. Com'!. St Phone I4T Draperies HADE TO ORDER TO TTt TOUB WINDOWS CS. Hamilton 140 Court Street W.W.MOORE House Furnisher HOME OF THE VICTHOLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. Buy Remnants AT f HB Remnant Store . ' J54 North Commercial ' Many people, after being fitted for glasses, think that it is then safe to use their eyes as much as they please. But this is not good judgment. Eyes need rest. Some of the most delicate muscles of the body are in the eyes and they cannot bear overstrain either with or without glasses. Be fair to them and the efficiency of your eyesight will be retained longer. That is, in a word, our service to you to keep the efficiency of your eyesight up to the best it can possibly be. In order to realize this it is just as important to be careful how you use your eyes as it is that you be fitted correctly with glasses. . Long experience and ample facilities enable us to render this service to you. As optical specialists we can fit you with whatever glasses your eyes need. ' Henry E. Morris & Co. Eyesight Specialists ,305 State Street gsesesKeffiseses&KBassMeet Me at L.M.HUM - Care ''of, YickSotong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Ha medicine which will our any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. 16S South High Street Jalem, Oregon. Phone 18S and SACKS WANTED ' Also Junk of All Kinds Best Prices Guaranteed ' CALL SOS 'Capital Junk Co. The Square Deal House 171 Chemeketa St Phone Stl Gingham Dresses What is neater, cleaner and more practical for children than a well made Gingham Dress ? We show the prettiest line imaginable, made up in the Best Quality of Gingham, in those attractive plaids and stripes so popular this season. The weather is now favor able to adopting the Gingham Dresses and help reduce the H. C. L. Our lines are complete and every garment hon estly marked from $2,00 VP. M Our mission here is to give to- the beet of our ability . the . service entitled our patrons. Wa allow nothing to come be tween us and the attaining of this mission. New Fabric GLOVES This glove is one of the newly designed gauntlets, b r o u ght out to reduce the high prices of kid gloves. They are a most wonderful imitation of kid, in both color and texture. Two colors, brown and beaver, trimmed .in white, with white wrist strap. They will wear to the entire satisfaction of the customer, and are priced reasonable. Novelty Ribbons Direct from the greatest ribbon factory in America. These ribbons are decidedly new. The very last word in artistic weaving. In the shipment will be round unique rio bons for lacing sweaters and neck chains; also the wide widths for girdles, vestees and bags. ' UJ V- O'Neill DtX.B. 0PT0I1ETR1ST-0PTICIAN James R. Stewart, familiarly known throughout the state as Oregon's good roads disciple, was in Salem todaj. Mr. Stewart" has completed a tour of the county when he "stump sTWEsffittT m Barf &.!$ o u Tom Sawyer Wash Wear ; r for Real Boy a .. The Tom Sawyer Suits leave nothing to be desired. Made from materials that give the best wear and service for real boys. Fully Guaranteed Cut in nifty designs in Norfolk and Middies, specially priced S5.95oS6.45 Middy Wash Suits These are made in lighter materials than the TOM SAWYER SUITS, intended for lighter dressy wear. Plain white; plain tan; and white with blue trimmings. The quality of material and the workmanship are excellent. S3.95 to S4.95 42jrf?M Slate w$ amp -" nmm T"J f WilILL if - ILxfl , J i i (r f Gcacfa. er for th goods nrrt nwaxure anu i