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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1920)
PAGE SIX. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Well Received Recital Given - At St. Joseph's ' : I-it'Tully filling St. Joncph's ball the v1arpest audience that ever attended an ' affair of thhr kind waa prenont lit the ' premutation of a Utivg recital given by the pupils of Sacred Heart academy Friday eveninfr. Kach Individual num ber met with enthusiastic applause, the Peer Gynt liulte being especially well received. The music department of the school, which has as it object the cultivation of classical music, is plan ning a series of such recitals to be netd before the close of the school term. The program: To tfpring. Op. 43. No. J, OreiR, Mario Kleber; Utile Birds, Op. 43, No. 4, (irleir, Catherine Havnge; lierceuse. Selected, violin solo, JIary lleenan; I'd Like to Be Like Grandma, Kong. Minims; ta Butterfly, Selected, lb) Folk Song, Op. 88. No. 2, (Irleg, Harp Solo, Mary Lebold; (a) That's What I'd Like to Do, Vocal Duct. Winifred Albrich, Josephine linrr; tb) Bome tlnie, Vocal Solo, Winifred Albrich: i'eer (iynt Hulte, Grieg; Introductory Heading: Ingrid's Complaint, I'iano Solo, Mary Lebold; Heading; In the Hall of the Mountain King, I'iano Solo, dimly Kmery; Heading; Ahc'h Death. I'iano Solo, Marie Fiebcr; Heading: Arabian Dance, 1'lano Solo, Mary Lebold; Anitra's Dance, I'iano Solo. Gladys Emery; Heading; (a) Morning, lb) Storm, I'iano Solo, Lena HuckeMleln, (c) SolveJg'B Cradle Song; Olaf Trygvarnn, 4 part chorus, Grieg, Choral Class: At the I'iano, Margaret M. Hacicot, U-na Huckesteln j Famous Mounted Police Of North Pass Into Beyond Dawsnn, N. V. T. Hod Jacketed coiiHlables of the famous Hoyal North went Mounted Police no longer do pat rol duty, for their organization has U-en replaced by the Koyal Canadian Mounted police. Moft of the men of the old order have been taken over In to the, new organization. ''Thus pass the famous Royal Northwest Mounted Police the pride of Canada and the peer of the world frontier organizations for enforcement uf law and order." The Dawson News said editorially. "Hugged and romantic characters, men of iron nerve and ini- j tiiitlve pervaded the force. The oldi force held a wonderful record and much will lie expected of the new." ! Tobacco Supply Is as it goe? in Austria and probably con sisted of not more than two-thirds lea- Oienaer In AUStna ul to first class American cigarettes 'such as usually served in duos. Vienna. Tobacco smokers of this Weather Changes Tahitd 's Leper Colony Becomes Thriving Town Papeete, T. H. Tahiti's leper colo ny, established In a beautiful valley In 11113, has the appearance of a pleasant and prosperous native village. The visitor's first impression is of neatness and order. All of the houses are built of concrete with Iron roofs, the open sides set In with slendor bam boo cane, native style, to afford venti lation. There Is water piped to each house from a spring and suitable sani tary arrangements. The inhabitants appear contented anil they have plant ed flower gardens about each of the houses. Means are provided whereby the family and friends of each patient can visit without coming In actual eon tact. Leprosy does not possess the ter rors wilh which It has been Invested by the popular mind. Investigation is salillo have demonstrated that lepro sy Is one of the least contagious of diseases. city Jocular declare that the great Vi-j ennu forest is being gradually smoked CfVl I-ZTC In 11 (JOT up in cigarettes. This is intended as OH WVC Oil OWgWI satire on the quality of materia! usedi r U. RontpTl Rv in the manufacture of Austrian cigar-I i XtittO UVUt-CIt LJ y ettes. I Tobacco products are a government monnoiy and regulated in quantity' 'and issue. The allowance to each ln-i Honolulu T. If. Hcccnt heavy rains dividual is very small, equal possibly j throughout the Island of Ouhu meant to six cigarettes a day. Smuggling is to millions of dollars saved to the rugar much practiced, however, that It is on- planters, according to reports from the ly necessary tg pass the word in the ' cane fields. right quarter to obtain cigarettes in Handicapped bv the laborers' strike, quantity. One thousand recently pur- wh'ch bc;;ln in January, manv of the chased by the Associated Press corres available workers had to be rmplnved pondent were of fair quality in tobacco on irrigation. The abundant rain re leased the-c for work in the fields and GAIN WEIGHT AND STRENGTH With Bitro-Phosphate on $309 Guarantee ' New York. If you are, feeling run down, weak, nervous, tired in Hie munilng, mid generally ailing, these, are the symptoms that should wain you to lake cure of your heallh. Four person In every ten lire need liiK.inoi-e phosphorus in their bodies. When you see llilu nnd fretful people or those who are anaemic, pule, frail, oft despondent or lacking In energy, you may look for Ilie need of certain elements that make for a strong eou slllullun. Home people, nfier relying upon prepurulionH cuinpoHed chiefly of suits, itl In Itio, drastic drugs, Iron, cal omel, cod liver oil, etc., wonder why they find no benefit. That is easily explained by the fact that such per sons need the phosphoric element, which Is n most potent essential to heallh, nml contained in UlTltO PIIOSI'IIATK, the famous health prep u rn I Ion. Now obtainable everywhere. The rightthlng for you to do Is luuke a trial of IIITHO-PIIOSI'UATM beginning nt mire. It Is not n patent medicine; the formula Is prescribed by many physicians fur the ailments nnd weaknesses mentioned above. With every box of HITHO-riloS-I'HATK. Hie n few simple health rules and a $;I00 guarantee. Buy a box of lUTHO-PHOSI'llATK. It is sold and recommended by nil good drugulsts everywhere. (udv While I.. JI. Canfleld was absent from his 40 acre ranch near llermls- ton, unknown persons tore down and hauled away a dwelling house, a good barn and chicken house. Girls! Buttermilk Creates Beauty Overnight fey m it ates beauty al most like magic, but the most wonderful thin-f bout it is the fact that whilst turns the dull est and most lifeless complexion radiant beauty and makes red or rough arms snowy white, yet there is not the slightest sign of its use after application. It actually vanishes from sight and the most heated atmosphere will not produce the least Hhinlneus or grensiness of the skin. It Is absolutely hurniless nnd will neither produce or stimulate th" growth j the. miU, -4ile -Ihe heavy downpour provided a reserve of water for irriga i tion purposes which will last a number of weeks. The first app:i Hawaiian i'ngnr Planters association cation of How-j records show that more than seven ard's Buttermilk hundred Filipinos have arrived since Cream will astoni the first of iliu year from the I'hilip ish you. It crc-fpine Islands to work on the planta tions. I'pwards of four hundred more are rxicr!ed within the next i:rce weeks. The great majority of the ori ginal imi striking Filipinos have ro-iu-neil the fields, while about 2000 strikebreakers also are on the Job. it is rt-orted. I The Japanese Federation of Labor headquarters reiterates its assertion that it will hold out for the higher wage demanded and that its members ; will not return to their posts until the demand is granted. Island of Maui . branch of the federation recently vot ed to continue its contributions to the I ' BETTER DEAD ' r ;r. a hurden when the uody is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victfm becomes despondent and downhearted To bring back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL exchequer of the Island of Ouhu stri kers one month-longer. No announce ments on the subject of contributions have been received from the islands of Kauai or Ouhu. Plantation managers say that res ponsible positions formerly held by the Japanese have been permanently fill ed with Americans, Kawaaians. Portu guese and Spaniards. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY. fa Sahoni 'ami ..... U!S.4 ; tne horn lay, is closed. 1 - The national remedy of Holland for ovei 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re sulting from Mdney. liver and uric acid troubles. Alt druggists, three sizes. Uok for tl urn CU Madal oa wr u4 Kcapt MiauUliM .if hlilr Wilhln ....... I 9M t-C . SSiT- 1 ! hours this wonderful combination i - I 1 I ItolL0:"".... " . I Bake-Rite Bakery w Manufactured at Buffalo,. N. Y.. I.yj ' " ' ' 4 -.7 tofp Cf Phnnp 9RR J ThfAA Howard Pros. Chemical t;o. (Adv) ! 40f btate bt. FflOIie , jpmum m , "Gcls-Il" Stops Pain Immedliitcly 0?? 1 ft Anil Corns Go Quick. ffl W&j W&'S III IrUM AlCJrli - ft t ' The way to handle corns Is the O f tf YMW I JPfi PI lt fMMWl 3rJL , tried and proved "Gets-It" way-thc E f f Jpl&fy 4f? S-J T)i. U ' MWiM' I iW2fiOT way that millions have found quick- J4f Wlj sW ' X VY x&k mi'9m 1 i &3 i5,s!iljS U.1 est, easiest safest nnd most reliable. f4i'' L. yjfl MiiA . JjMAll, WMmWlMniMll i-A"- 'HLC! !L-fS OUR -BREAD MAN Is one of the most skillful in the bust ness. AVhat he doesn't i now about bread making isn't worth knowing. Just to prove to yourself how foolish it is to swelter over a hot oven, try n loaf of our BAKK-R1TK bread. Our electric ovens bake Just right. Once tried It is always a favorite. THE NFIV United States Disc Senam "Works lihm n r"UL Gets all the cream."' Because it jj First n...i t. New perfected Disc C&l the high priced h.,tt tL 1 Second; Q, . . j.pj iorjT1) i permmuteforthekrgerUJ feet oiling system. 'S Third; Simple to wash-K ! arid fewer djcs Apatented2 fer is aa added L Wsaving k$ . Fourth; Most durable- piece sanitary frame vithf geara, automatically oiled, will WJ er.require little attention and Q! Dairymen are invited to r i 1 tile suDerior nimlilL ,.f ik xi n r! Disc Senior. "Un,W Come and See MARION CREAMERY & i COMPANY, SALEM, OR. i ! 214 A few drops of "Clets-lt" knocks the hin t out of any corn at once and goon loosens It so it lifts rlslit off without any fueling. Oh, what com fort! How grand to walk and dunce and Jump without a single twinge! Why not? "Uets-It" the never fullinff, guaran teed money-back corn remover, costs but a trifle at any drug store. Hold In Salem and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by J. C. Perry, 1). J. Fry, Capitol nrug Store, Win. Neimeyer, Prunk S. Ward, Cry stal l)ru Store. Adv pread the New MAKE VOI R PLANS NOW TO ATTEND THIS GREAT MERCHANDISING EVENT. NEVER BEFORE HAVE SITU PREPARATIONS BEEN MADE TO GIVE SUCH VALVKS FOR YOUR MONEY AS WE ARE NOW MAKING. This great value is only one of the hundreds of such bargains Saturday Silver Priinesy Petite Prunes and Bulk Rais ins Sat u r day the pound. 11c i n if tnJ iiiA 1 I lmW '' yAi . A; '-ft ,f.7,M, '", rn J ui fit 'a k MfM " . Ngg A WORLD REBUILT By the Golden Rule not by the Rule of Gold WHAT ARE the most precious elements in American Life ? ' SSera t?cLlTZ fTd wuomenslves; He made them companions. Down tnrougn the ages His Church has been the champion of women's rights and aspirations. taSS cWte e'SnTA Wr ?,S ,Was the CarPnter of Nazareth who gave labor its great charter. You are sons of God," He said. In that sentence Democracy was born. pSS shlZyrn br?S 'll Cfedit; and credit is charter. All thatmakes property sale in the world s bound up m the reverence for law that religion breeds. XmeS fn? iTelST ZrtL Chu's par, inthehugetaskofAmericanizatiofl. them restsonthefoundationsonheChnSchnth rV u CfPuS and (4) hosP supported by the nnstian Church. Churches, (5) the religious training of the young, and Thirty denominations of that Church are r,,n Provide living wage for the Church't now in a simultaneous campaign 8 ministers. They are uniting because the task hc-fr , ct, T!le ,aPPeal is to every lover of America, to yoa must oe no aupncation of effort; no waste .Va r . u 18 a sPrnuaj ' waste task- Faith must be the cornerstone They have had the courage to survev th ." whlch the "ew foundations are .task.andtoaskforabudgefkrgeenS Lrue; the asuring rod by (1) the work abroad, (2) SShSSS hf Mlders Give when th. tt ',."', ... . '" ro rnoi v .' ' 1 lit' United Finnncial Cimpiign April 25tb to Ma; 2nd INTE.xCHURCH World Movemetf Qf Jforth America Tb puifi'c.oofl of thii idvrt,aK0t i,