laigsf fjfltucnuprintf f.pntrat uiiffamgttejijjeyby Capital Journal Special Corresponds FVE GENERATIONS MEET j m : ' 'it '- " Worn Wl to rlKht Mrs. Edna Wintermantio of Jefferson, m-andiuiugh-ter; It. P. Xje, cf Mdnrjr, suit; Mr Mury E. Nye, Mrs. I. E. Bllnmon, , raU-rraiuMaithter, and liUJe Miss Irene Hliiurton, KK-al-irrvat-Kraiiu- i daughter of Jefferson. When Mrs. Mary K. Nye of 1441 Saginaw street. Salem, celebrated her ninetieth birthday, Tuesday, she en joyed the unique distinction of wel coming to her home not only her chil dren, but her grandchildren, great grandchildren and one great-greatgrandchild, little Miss Irene Blinston of Jefferson representing the fifth living generation of the Nye family. Although past the ninetieth mile stone, Great-Great-Grandmother Nye , is still hale and hearty, doing her own housework from choice, and devot ing the day following her birthday an niversary to putting out the week's washing and piling wood, beside the regular routine duties about the house Mary K. Chllders (Mrs. .Nye) was born in Clrandvlew, Inwa, April 20, 1830. Klie was marrlpd to J. B. Nye in 1S47, crossing the plains in 1850 and locating on a donation land claim near Sidney In the Bantlam valley, where thejr made their home for B2 years. Following the death of her husband. Mrs. Nye moved to Salem 12 years ago, where she now lives, occupying & cottage adjoining tnat of her daugh ter, Mrs. Effie Hensley, where she Insists on doing her own work in spite cf her advanced age. Mrs. Nye is the mother of nine chil dren, five of whom R. P. Nye of Sidney, J. M. Nye of Jefferson, B. F. Nye of Independence, 0. A. Nye and Mm, Elsie Hensley of Snlem ure liv ing. There are also 24 grandchildren living, as well as five great-grandchildren and one grent-great-grandohtld. Courtesy of Oregon Journal. Dentists Score Victory' Against Woodburn Team Woodburn, Or., Ayr. 26. A large crowd attended the opening baseball game of the season here Sunday when the Woodburn team met defeat at the hands of the North Taclfic Dental col-iy detail hus been completed for the lege team of Portland, the score being1 nuccessful operation of the Dallas Ma les of the decision of the county court, and it is possible that it will go to the supreme court before the end is reached. Both parties, it is said, are determined to fight to the end. Dallas Cannery To Open Despite High Berry Price Dallag, Or., Apr. 27. The high price quoted in last evening's Capital Jour nal for berries as established by the Salem loganberry pool, has not hln dered the progress of the new cannery now being completed by Leslie J. New ton and H. M. Schubert, proprietor ot the Dallas Canning company, and they are buying in large quantities in the vicinity of Dallu preparatory to be ginning operation as soon as the straw berry season opens. They wil( have the factory completed by that time and expect to have a big season's work. This Is a new enterprise for Dallas, and It la one that Is highly appreciated by the berry growers of Dallus. TheJ expect to employ 150 helpers when th season opens and the factory will ba run at is minimum capacity which ii conceded to be 1000 cases of berrlej per day. The company Is contracting fot strawberries at the present Ime and many hundreds of pounds have al ready been secured so that the factorj will be ready for operation as soon at the first berries are ripe. Machine Shop At Dallas Is Opened Dallas, Or., Apr. 27. Practically ev J to 8. Lack of practice lost the game for Woodburn. The game was score less until the seventh, when AVood nurn'a infield blew up, letting In a run, and two more In the eighth, all on errors. "Know ball" Lane pitched a beautiful game, allowing only four hits and all ot them imly singles. Qulircen berry, for the visitors, allowed seven hits. More practice will be indulged (ln this coming week. ' Clark Estate Case Reviewed In Polk Court Once More Dallas, Or., April 27. The county court wus busy most of the time yes terday hearing evidence in a caso whlt'h has been tried out In court several times before, and It appears that the end is not In sight. The liti gation la over the estate of P. .F. Clark, situated near Independence. i. V- Clark of Oregon City is admin istrator. Mrs. KUzubeth Clark, the defendant In t'lie case, Is a step mother of the plaintiff. The attor ney for the administrator, It Is said, undertook to deprive the widow of her portion of the property left by her Ueoeaeed hii-bund, una the uo tion wan instituted in the I'olk coun ty court some time a no, but the court decided in her favor. The matter wus rarried up to the circuit court and the emmty court's decision was sustained. Subsequently the county court, surveyor and appraisers went to the property and placed a fixed value upon It, Yesterday the survey the appraisement was contested 'In Judge Hoimon' court. It Is probable that the matter wilt bk car ried up to the circuit court regard- chine A Locomotive Works, a new en terprise for this community establish ed by Carl F. Oerlinger and W. K, Hullantyne. Mr. Oerlinger is president of the compnny and Mr. Bullantyne, secretary and treasurer. It is said to be one of the best equipped machine shops in the state and they are prepared to do all kinds of machine and foundry work, At present the company is rebuilding a locomotive engine for the Spauldlng Lumber company to be used In con nection with the Newberg mill. Highway Board Asked to Change West Side Route Independence, Or, Apr. 27. In an effort o get the west side Pacific high way built from Rickreall to Inde pendence and on south to Corvallis by way ofthis city, H. Hischber went to Portland yesterday to consult with members of the state highway com mission. The -original plan is maped out by way of Monmouth from Rick reall. Farmers south of Independence and in the vicinity of Parker and Sti ver hare offered to contribute approx imately (4000 and do the necessarj work if the plan can be changed' to Include these points on the improved road. Other Inducements, it is said, will likely be made to have the road built hrough Independence and it is believed that the commission will av cept the liberal offer that has been suggested. A paved road has already. been built from Independence to Monmouth and" north part way to Bicreall. By way ot Monmouth is a shorter route from Portland and way points, but from Salem the more direct route is by way of Independence. Inasmuch as most of the traffic will be on the east side of the river to Salem it is con tended that the best route to southern Oregon is through this city. The re sult of the conference Is looked for with much hope on the part of Inde pendence people. lis survived by two sons livins in this i city. ftome time ago ar.J the county judge ! officers' books. They; were coucratu- md county coii!u:ts.onet were un.tbiv , iard bv the 'auditors upon having ae- ired Registration In Polk Shows 6,534 Qualified Voters Dallas, Or.. April 27 The regis tration completed a few days ago by County Clerk Floyd D. Moore shows 6534 registered voters in Polk coun ty, with a Republican majority of more than tws thousand. There are 4300 Republican voters registered in the county and 2234 Democrats. This is said to be a slight Increase over the previous registration. to agree upon a man to fill tae va- c ,ished ,his rf,,uit anJ dc cancy, consequently the office has been , . vacant since his death. Had he lived that it was sometmng unusual, there nrulab!v would have been no1 opposition lo ine iiLKei m .,1. j Mrs. ' Waiter Burnett, of s-aleni. visutJ her sister, Mrs. Floyd D. Moore, who has been quite ill. Mi's. Burnett! and Mrs. Mourts ift Sunday to .visit hheir parents. Sir. and Mi s. Bliven, i:i i ih Kixer school district south of g-m i Independence. Or., Apr. 27. Mark John WiOrr. sheriff of Polk county.' E. Hibbard, a pioneer citizen of this was called to McMinnvllle yesterday ! city, died at he Beaver hotel here lute as a witness in a cae on in Yamhill Sunday night after an illness of more 'Mark E. Hibbard, Of Independence, . Summoned To Rest m the 1 j'.ni nusJ tery. Mark E., was commonly ca;u,j New York 6 9 ears ;,i la this city UuiiDi years or more. He Mr. Hibbard was h,,- wen Knaa out this part of the st.-e. "sunn than a year. He overworked last fall FORMKR 1XDEPKNDENCE RESIDENT LAID TO REST Independence, Or., April 27. Mrs. Louisa Jane South, ninety years old and a resident of this vicinity for many years, died at the home of her son In Oregon City Friday and was burled In Providence cemetery in eastern Linn county yesterday. She Competition For Polk County Jobs Confined to One Dallas, Or., Apr. 27 Candidates who have filed for county office In Polk county are s follows: County clerk, Floyd D. Moore; treasurer, A. V. R. Snyder; corner, Robert L. Chap man; assessor, Fred J. Holman; super intendent of schools, Joseph Wills; sheriff, John W. Orr; all Republican candidates and present incumbents, and they will have no opposition at the primary election this year. The only office which seems to be contested for this year is that of county commis sioner, and there are five candidates in the field, namely: Otis Wolverton mayor of Monmouth; Albert Teal, mayor of Falls City, and Ezra Hart, farmer of Salt Creek; Republicans, Wm. White of Dallas, and Chester Gardner of Bridge Creek, Democratic candidates. Coincidentally every one has for his slogan, "Good roads and fairness to all the county. Morris Morston, the commissioner chosen at the last county election, died countv. Roy Chute and wife are" proud par- while engaged on a hop ranch near ents of a 7i pound boy born at the 'town and has gradually been failing Dallas hospital, Sunday. j since. He had but one relative in this Auditors Crandall and Roberts were i country, Mrs. C. L. ritcnard. A niece here the latter part of last week and : resides in New York. Funeral arrange- audited the books of the county clerk, ments have been detained pending in sheriff and treasurer, and found the j structions from the niece. It is be- accountings absolutely correct, there lieved, however, that he funeral will being no discrepancy whatever in the1 be held here this afternoon and inter- Ship Us Your Wool e do cleaning and cari '"8 iUI tumiorters wnj mattresses. - Mamifacturr of pure wool batts. CRYSTAL SPRlXGg WOOLEN MILLS Portland, Oregon ' " Mills- -' 760 Umatilla Avenue Spalding Bldg. Gain Strength Rapidly on Vinol Vinol is successful because it is a non-secret remedy , which contains Beef and Cod Liver Peptones, Iron ,and Manganese Peptonates and Hypophosphites ' but no oil the very elements needed to build up strength and robustness. Children love to take it The Wonderful Efficiency of Vinol is proves by these letters & Aiken, B.C. "My little girl five year of age had been delicate all her life. She was weak, run-down, no appetite, and ahe could not keep (till aminute. Wewereverymuchworried about her. Our druggist, who is a doctor, said Vinol was the best tonic he knew tor her. We tried it and you ought to see how she has improved by its use. "Mrs. Leonard W. Georqb Belvidere. III. "Mv little rirl twelve years old had Whooping Cough, and Scarlet Fever one right after tha other and she was to weak and run down that she had fainting spells and headaches. My druggist recom mended Vinol and the result was that her health and strength were built op yery quickly by its use. " Mrs. John lewis. ' Hj -m ruu-uuwn, nnmn, wuMwt nuwiwu, ram w DU nnway umm vinol . Your money will fee rtturnmd if Vinol fails I K r Wm mm H -WB M UK 'iiViXl' Emil A. Schaefer THE NEWEST IN SEPARATE SKIRTS THOMSON'S REMNANT STORE For Oenulne lUrxnln Beginning Veilneily SHIPLEY'S After May 1st will be known as the pay as you go store. MAGNETOS We have engaged one of the bent men HV this line on the weet coast and have equipped a ahop for umg-neto repairs. A Inn a line of parts. If your magneto ncda overhauling, ship It to us or call. W.H.Hildebrandt & Co, 7 N. Commercial Bt. SALEM THE EVER POPULAR CLOTH SKIRTS Come in plaida, plain serges, novelty skirtings, box pleats, ' accordian pleats and porta models. ' ' . . . These were bought at a special price. We are offering them to you for an equally -special price. As ever, we give you the benefit of our good fortune in buying mer chandise and so are glad to offer you these skirts at $9.75, $12.50 $14.75 $19.75, $24.75 , EXQUISITE SILK SKIRTS Every kind of skirt is here for your choice; sports models, pleated models, semi-' dress models in fact, just the skirt that you want for early summer wear. Your new blouse will be the lovelier for being worn with one of the skirts that are now in display here. Trices are 816.48, $19.75 $24.75 . 1. o. 143 Liberty Street Quality Merchandise Popular Prices May 1st, 1920, this store will be known as "The Pay As You Go Store". A cash basis only TomorrowThursday ROBERT lI WARW i eW - ' W IN L H U 1 W et , ICK The Rollicking Farce Jack Stra w The celebrated comedy by W. Somerset Mauerham .Jj screened in a gale of fun. The tale of an iceman- waiier wno posea as an arcnauKe to win the pretty daughter of newly rich snobs and got her! Major Warwick in a dashing role and a score of stirring adventures. Chas.W.Hawley,Jr. In Concert (1) Blood And Thunder March Arranged by Mr. Hawley (2) "Sparklets" Miles (3) "I Wonder" Irving Berlin (4) "Love's Old Sweet Song"..! .' Bingham-Mulloy (5) "A Trip to Coontown" Arranged By .Mr. Hawley " CONCERT 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. :01E00M Positively No one Seated During Organ Numbers 1 15 ri J Spring Styles in Fashionable Footwear W e are Showing the Smartest Styles in Footwear for all Occasions Brogue Oxfords for Smart Street Wear; We have them in the new lasts in Fashionable Shades and Moderately Priced The season's latest in dressy pumps for even ing and day-time wear at uster rown 125 North Commercial Street "Your Home Town First11 Shoe Store