on 1020. b Marks lit In Drive Varsity Fund . ' u-iii iimute uni- r4P' ,x raise $100,000 M'.i.. business men i"' .,, Paul Jiii "f the building !?w"cr'' Greg? Doney ,sJW' K.inoss men . u.,Tf f the drive t At Mr. '"Im, of the men pre 'Llve. to f mheeaniiwien- . & nted at the f JN n that ''lt business and profrt-. raise Mtiftheaeople throuSh M i.i.Mtpl in the M will I 'looted to ,u and Lausanne hulls. . HMts Camiwisn. ', tears a? a campaign t,n to secure mn(,' 'or About t20.000 had hrt the war came on and jdrol'H Its c;imp:isn In :,'fnl,rry might be dcvided thp war. Since the , nr ahuut K'O.Ot'O more .jed, but it ha? nt seemcu l .til now to enir m ,i?n. Ihe need for more money .!.,. T-HiuiIUiP hall It'bf completed, hul V.ti- okH! buincnsi on me ..h is seriouslv (la mailed sristnias time, must lie en- . for some tune me uni tm greatly Imndlciippel proper facilities, and the jf these two builuings win tly tn increase lis effiel- prison were deferred by relatives of Foster. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Rare View Of Orchards of Salem (Continued from page one) Handle CnmiwlRii. , , campaign if under the di- ; lht laymen's association, wnfd headquarters In the ': In Portland. The entire' 5 orsanlied and a great ! 'st i being shown. Scv-1 ir o( Willamette are also r assistance. 1 Tge H. Alden has visited and has organize d the tall of the university. He fected organizations at e.Woudburn and Lebanon, i I, T. Matthews has been ; bay country arid hag or-1 active work friends of the it Marshfleld, Coquille, j k anil Bandon. Professor . kn Efchen hi-s also orgin- i in Roaeburg, Sutherlln, : loncalla, Drain, Cottage Swtrtt Dr. B. L. Steeves, ii Ronald Glover have also ; e Interest of the univer sal Carl 6. Doney will be j Sunday when the Inter-1 institution will be set forth ! Methodist church. air stratum in its easterly drift was bearing a delicious attar of blended blossoms that caused pilot and pas sensrers to "sit up and take nonce." North of the Cherry city, few bloom areas were visible, although further down the volley could be glimpsed the white and preen bordering of the Keixer and Mission Bottom dis tricts. Kastward. one viewed more hop fields and open cultivated stretch es, interspersed with scattered patch es of white, nirainst which vista, the distant mountain range form a faint ly etched backjfround. Despite the unohscured view through the valley. Mount Hood wits only dimly visible because of a shroud of purplish mist. Orchards Dominate View Southeast, south and southwest of Oregon's capitol, the fairy garlanded orchards of the Morningside, Liberty and Rosedale additions attracted the eye. The glistening crescent of the Willamette formed the western bor der of this flowery pattern, through which well "outlined highways streamed. As the hydroplane swerved to the west one was attracted by the far flung orchards belt on the eastern slope of the Poly county hills. Blossom land, in truth! east, west, nin th and south of Salem, those fruit ful sections combine to uphold the stnndard of prosperity for the many projects nnd industries dependent upon these prolific orchards. Mowers Fall On Pity Completing the tour of field nnd orchard. Captain Lees, who had care fully timed this feature of ttv flight, circled back over Ihe capitol building flying from this point across the busi ness district. On this circuit the signal was given and just as the clock in the courthouse, chimed the the hour of noon, Mr. Fullerton released the cornicopia of blossoms, which as th".v descended formed a brightly tinted streamer as they scattered down to fall Into the hands of chil dren who vied with each other in securing a floral souvenir of Salem's first Blossom Day. After twelve minutes of flight, the "Sea-Oull's" motor ceased its machine-gun-like explosions and the machine volplaned gently to the river at a point near Mlnto's Island. The most exciting feature of the trip is the landing, and as the flying boat nears the water's surface, the occu pants are made to realize the fact that they hnve been speeding through the air at not less than 90 miles per hour. As Captain Lees makes the deft landing there is. general regret that this mode of travel is not more common, so Unit It could be more frequently enjoyed by all of us. and unjust discriminatory" and fixed a schedule of tolls. Since the application for increased rates was filed with the commission the Union county telephone has dis- posed of its interest in tse Inion. Cove and La Grande exchanges to the Home Telephone company of La Grande and its Summerville lmhler anil changes to W. P. Ballard and Fred G. fiemng. The new rates, however, are' applicable to service to be rendered patrons of these exchanges under the! new ownership, PAGE FIVE and the developing fruits. They reach full size in about IS days. "The larvae drop to the soil in June and remain as larvae until early fall, when they transform into the pupae stage. They complete transformation to adults late in September. Miscible Oil Spray Advised As Means To Control Thrip Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallia, April 26. Pear thrips may be controlled by miscible jil sprays ap plied when the thrips start emerging from the ground in the spring during the pink blossom perior or calyx per iod, explains A. L. Lovett, professor of entomoldgy at the O. A. C. experi ment station. "The thrip has been doing a small amount of damage during the last two or three years," says Professor Lovett, "which varied In severity from light disorders when a fair per cent of fruit showed a. heavy drop to more serious disorders when winter buds on the trees failed to put out at all. "The adult thrips are a twentieth of an inch long and dark in color. They run with a gliding motion and may be seen in considerable numbers crowded down in the unfolded flower and leaf buds. ''They pass the winter under seven to nine inches of soil land on emerg ing in the spring swarm up the trees and attack the developing portions. "They begin depositing Iheir eggs in the leaf and fruit stems about the time the petals begin to fall. The larvae hatch in from four to five days and soon attack internally the under side of leaves, calyx of the blossoms Public Service Board Sets Time For Nine Hearings The controversy between the South ern Pacific company and the Standard Kox & Lumber company. Involving the payment of demurrage charges w::l be aired before the publie service com mission at a hearing in Salem Times day afternoon. Other hearings before the commission are scheduled as fal lows: ' Salem. April 29. Application of the Standard Oil company for permkfr:i to construct a spur track across the Turner road near Salem. Arlie. Polk county. May 5. Applica tion of Sunrise Telephone company for permission to discontinue service.. Independence, May 6. Application of Independence Telephone company for increase in rates. Dullas. May .6 Application of Dal las Telephone company for increase ... rates. St. Helens. May 7. Application of St. Helens Lumber company, for per mission to discontinue heating sen ice. St. Helens, May 7. Depot facllit ' Seaside, May 8. Application i. " Standaid Oil company for permissiu;. to construct n spur crossing. Ueurhurt, May 8. Application of city of Gearhart for permission to con struct undergrade crossing. . Attorney General Defines Meaning of Term "May" "May" as primarily and ordinarly used in a statute i pi-emissive and not prvemptorv. according to an opiaitn. prepared by Attorney Ceneral Drown for the information of the state irri gation securities commission. "The opinion was prepared in connection with the application ut the Kingman Colony drainage district in Maiheur county for state guarantee of interest payments on a $50,000 bond Issae. Some question was raised by.nienibers of the commission as to the legality of the issue which did not conform to the provisions of the state law which de clares tht "said bonds r.uiy be issued So as to mature serially in annua! unioiui;? so as to be approximately equal, principal and interest." This provision is entirely discretionary on the part of the directors of the drain age district, according to the attorney general who holds that failure to issue the bonds in conformity therewith in no wise Impairs the legality of the Is sue the bonds In continuity therewith is no wise impairs the legality of the issue. and who has placed forensics on aj KK.BKASK.l HAS SNOW strong basis in the university for the i Lincoln. Neb., April . li);ht first time in several years. Besides snowstorm prevailed in eastern Xe- the usual debates and oratorical con tests, he has introduced interclass oratory, interclass debate, inler-society oratory and debate, women's debates, the essay contest and a written or. tion contest which is still to be con ducted. Scientists Discuss Size Of Universe braska todav. The storm is moving toward the northeast, the weather bureau reported. Smcke Too Rluch? hi Niceio! Help YouQi.il" Washington. April 2o Do you sn.oke too Scientists ! nds of men do l:il'CATOIt PASSES Chicago. April 21i Dr. William Cleaver Wilkinson, 87, professor of poetry and criticism at the University of Chicago, died yesterday as the re sult of Injuries sustained two weeks ago In a fall. Freshman Wins Essay Contest Verne Bain, freshman, won the '"Irst prize in the Willamette unlversi 'y essay contest, receiving the five .1 i!lar prize offered by Attorney E. M. a .'. Miss Bertha Leitner. won the o : d prize of $2.50, given by Judge lisy. r n. The set. subject on which the : cm- were written was "Willamette as r. preparation for life." The other! contor ants were Pan: Wapato, Les-, lie Bailey and Jacob Nickel. In present i ing tho prizes o the winners, Presi dent Doney took occasion to praise the efforts jf forensic manager Fred McGrew, who conducted the contest. much? Thm nml k'.it-w . It. representing colleges and universities They want to smoke less or quit l- m every section of the country at- together but will not punish them tended the opening here today uf th- selves to endure the craving that ! annual meeting of the National Acad- follows leaving off. Such, men need lemy of Science. Tonight two Califor- 1 Nk-olol which kills the craving" and nia nsUpnomei-s will disc-.iss the si;-.e . makes cutting down the use of lol.ac jof the universe. Dr. Harlow Shapley,c or fitting iiliogdhir easy a.cl of the Mount Wilson observatory be-1 pleasant. Nicotol cures the crttvin;' lieves the sixe of the unhvr.ii- is many fr tobacco ,t nes up the nerves and times greater than held in the older keeps you feeling fine and fit. lo . theories. Dr. Heber D. Curtis of the ; any druggist for a package or Nicotol Lick Observatory, will defend tho old- tablets sold under a stel lound guar-' er view, that the dimensions suggest-; antee of satisfaction or money re "ed by Nucomb is correct. funded. Note Ask your druggist what oth-' Final decision Is expected soon n era say about the wonderful power cf the Klamath county court house suit." Nicotol to break the tobacco habit. ; Although the county has two new He knows and he can be trusted to ! court houses the old one Is still being tell you the full truth. I). 3. Fry. used. " ' i (aovl OUR BREAD MAN Is one of the most skillful In the bus! !i"K. What he doesn't ! now about bread making isn't worth knowing. Just to prove to yourse'f 'how foolish It Is to ,swelto,r over a hot oven, try a loaf of our BAKK-UITH bread. Our electric ovens bake Just right. Once tried it is always) a favorite. Bake-Rite Bakery : 457 State St. Phone 268 Murned h Prison Here r, who walked away from rcular santiarlum, March Place he had been trans treatment from thA state tonight back to the nenl- ; night Irom El PaRo, Tex., ai arreeted last ivwii "ring a sentence of from mem months for killing 11,! Portland hotel Mearnse. N of his return to the Phone Company Given Rate Equal To Competing Line An increase In rates of the' Union County Telephone company to a point comparable with the lowest rates charged by the Home Telephone com pany operating In the same territory, is granted In an order issued by the public service commission and effec tive May 1st. The new order affects all patrons of the La Grande, Cove, Union, Elgin and Summervllle-Imbler exchanges of the Union Telephone company. The order also abolishes, free ' interexchange p service between the various exchanges of the company, which practice Is characterized as "unjust, unreasonable c aSTHUL AND BOYS ANt) GIRLS AGRICULTURAL SCHGGl ' c-6u:ff.-f.;vii smmmaesmMmmniimim mm - 1 s a ' -.v,. ..;' yj." ;!1'-'.J' :jf;' 1 7 i " ' ' . ' .'.:.',.(...,.:. 1 ' V. -j..'Wi-Y?-" - r-r , , , , 4 na Ulvation Army boys being taught orchard ork .; uyiton school. '' 'st the ir, ' wrk the Salvation Army is doing in 'M,J 'di m baching and poverty and to strike at Jn ft , " ,ounfl !n the cities, is the training and care tfmy "wo-u t "eot the 1,em8 of the fcudget to be raised " Jj''Xonh V- son Prov'dea fr the purchase of the J ies wiit , ''j as an industrial and agricultural school 1 ""t into til ed,ucatel nd made efficient workers so f e.",11 fcn1B.tv'orii tBey ' asset to society and i-alnut e f "h,ch they win 06 members. The W ""ft hn . Mi otner orchards, and, under proper f 1? lh school 1 ,each the boys, its productivity will go 'W.11! iEti,', ,. "uPP"lng. The school is In no sense to ii V.-'01 tdneiTf . oa the otner hand 11 l lntsnle!i -Jrfhip. v Ulal'n for youngsters who, without it, are on REDUCED PR1 CESON MM In pints, quarts, full gallons, half gallons. Now Selling at all grocers Now is the time to buy. Buy in Quantities Once You Try Mazola You Will Never Co Back to Lard or Butter for Cooking or Olive Oil for Dressings 0 OF interest to every wide-awake housewife ai e these important facts about the general use, the quality and the unusual economy of P-Jazola. No fat excels Mazola for rleeo frvine. It is far better 1 - - t and a great deal more economical than lard or com pounds. Mazola is 100 pure vegetable at. j It , contains no moisture. Butter and Lard contain moisture. The same lot of Mazola can be used over and over again even after frying fish and onions. f Merely straining makes it perfectly fresh for use as a shortening. It carries no odors or flavors from the foods cooked in it and does not smoke up your kitchen. uP i: : VKING I Kl Oil I ii'iA mm A j The purity and richness of Mazola best demonstrates itself in the fact that toi less Mazola is required than that of butter or lard. This means that your cakes and pie crust will rot only be light, rich and easily digested but will cost you less to prepare. Being an oil, the tiresome " crcam-ing-in process " is diminated. Mazola is always ready for instant use. (a-dr ians. who certainly know olive oU, use Mazola. Not only because it costs about half that of the best olive oil, but because of its richness, quality and purity. ' For French Dressing, Mazola blends readily and mayonnaise made with Mazola will keep for weeks without separating. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY, 17 Battery Place, New York Selling Representative JOHNSON UEBER CO. Portland, Ore. Important to Housewives One of the most severe comparative tests ever used on a cooking fat gives unqualified FIRST HONORS to Mazola. Understand the remarkable economy and high quality of Mazola by these figures. FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 2 lbs. of Mazola fried 26 lbs. Potatoes 2 lbs. of Lard " 8 " " 2 lbs. of Compound lltf " " Note: Mazola goes over three- times far aa lard; is twice aa economical as compound. FISH 2 lbs. of Mazola fried , 25 lbs. Fish 2 lh. r,f Lard " 15 " " 2 lbs. of Compound " 20 " " Note: Compare the fifiutea yourself. Even with frying fish Mazola doom not emoke up your kitchen. DOUGHNUTS 2 lbs. of Mazola fried 216 Doughnut 2 lbs. of Lard " 144 2 lbs, of Compound " 168 " Note: All doughnuts were the tamo size. Mazola - made doughnuts are more easily digested. P. S. Reasons for these remarkable figures are plained in column to the left. Read it. f V