Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 26, 1920, Image 1

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0regon: Tonight and Tuesday fair.
2 -ort'rlr wmd"-
ial Min. temperature S5, max.
.,nean 59. No rainfall. River 4.S
tot. falling.
Average for Sis ' Months ending
March 81. 1!9
Member of Audit Bureau f Circulation
Associated Press Full Leased Wlrs
Capital &w Journal. .
.u., yj.fcxuyjwAy i'iu.LA a , rtruiij go, iazu.
Labor Board
Refuses Plea
For Hearing
. Washington. Apr. 26. The railroad
hhor board today refused to hear the
. jflmnds of the Kansas City
,,rdmen i association on the ground
tne application did not conform
provisions of the law. Hearings
t Amanda of strikers In other dis
tricts previously had been refused.
Replying to telegrams from cham
bers of commerce in various parts of
the country asking a speedy settlement
of the whole railway wage dispute the
board announced it was proceeding
ith all diligence to make an early ad
justment V 1 :
Developments are Few
Chicago, April 26. Developments
In the strike of insurgent railroad
workers In the Chicago district today
were confined to issuance of state
ments by the railroad managers and
itrikers. The managers asserted 1892
men were at work yesterday, and that
freight traffic was 90 percent of nor
mal. The strikers asserted the num
ber of men the railroads said were at
work was less than one fifth the nor
mal number, that the industrial sit
uation rapidly was growing worse,
with l number of plants facing shut
downs because of lack of Tjoal, and
that a compromise would be forced
sooner or later.
Elsewhere in the central and far
west a gradual' return to normal
freight movement was reported.
"Blaekllstuig" Feared.
New York. Apr. 26. Fear of a
blacklist which would bar them per
manently from employment appeared
to be one of the driving forces today
behind the steady break of the rail
road workers strike reported by rail
road officials. .
No hint of such a plan has come
from the managers.
Officials of the lines continued today
their optimistic statements of last
week that traffic was fast returning to
normal and that the effect of the
strike would soonvholly disappear.
Johnson Not To
Be Candidate In
'.,., , ... s
Springfield, Mass., Apr. 26. In a
rtatement given out here today at the
request of Angus McSween, manager
of the Johnson eastern headquarters
in New York, announcement is made
that Senator Johnson will not enter the
primary contest in Massachusetts. The
statement defining the senator's atti
tude in the bay state primary cam
Ngn is as follows:
"Senator Johnson after careful con
sideration of the stiuatlon in Massa
chusetts decided not to enter the pri
mary contest there. He has not au
thored nor has any person author
ed jii his, behalf the indorsement of
any candidate in that contest.' Senator
Johnson recognizes that the men who
,are being voted for are in many In
stances of national prominence and
hat their views upon public questions
W understood by the citizens of the
He does not desire to take part
the contest nor to have persons who
i. m "I" r0usly formed organizations
hit, behalf attempt to Influence the
Action of delegates who have not ex
Z.?d Dr,frence for his nomlna-
Hoover Supporters To
Invade Covention of
Washington Delegates
ueiungnam. Wash.. April 26.
About 250 delegates. Including or
ganization .officers, who will attend
the state republican convention here
tomorrow, had arrived in the cltv
thia morning. Senator Miles Poindex
ter, who is expected to obtain the In
dorsement of the convention for pres-
jaent, was expected this afternoon
and probably will address the con
vention tomorrow.
Caucuses of leaders from various
parta of the state were held last night
in the hope of ironing out pre-con-
vention differences. S. A. Perkins of
Taooma, announced this morning that
he would not be a candidate for re
election as national committeeman.
One of the active candidates for the
place Is Guy E. Kelly ot Taooma."
It had been announced that head
quarters of supporters of Herbert
Hoover for president would be open
ed today or tomorrow. Delegates In
favor of . the candidacy of General
Leonard Wood also were active-, to
day. Supporters of Hiram Johnson
-announced that they would back
Senator Poindexter for the presiden
cy, anticipating that It Poindexter
failed of nomination, in Chicago his
support would be thrown to the Cal
ifornia candidate.
Judge C. W. Howard of Belling
ham was considered today to be the
most likely candidate- for the office
of temporary chairman of the con
vention. Captain E. K. Brown of El
lensburg and Judge W. P. Bell of Ev
erett, were discussed for the perma
nent chairmanship.
Rare View of Orchards of Salem and .
Vicinity and Odor of Blossoms Form
Features of Flight of Blossom Plane
rim?.V,April 28Pblic schools
his morning after a week's
Si !! '?rCecl by ,he trlke ot ni
"Wool engineers.
Af'er BearpMn . '
dTJ ot mso sPry. a l-year old
ty. who
m been
was drowned in Lake Union,
By Will Carver
Perfumes from Arcady! How many
Salem' and Marion county residents
are aware that not only do they dwell
for a portion of each year In a flow
ery fairyland, but also that far over
head in upper stratas of purest ozone.
there' is found an aroma beyond com
pounding in the best equipped labo
ratories? And yet this is true and Is
vouched for by the many persons
who celebrated Salem's first official
Blossom day by taking a cruise Sun
day in the hydroplane "Sea Gull."
Plane Carries Flowers '
As a special ceremony of the day,
George F. Emery of the Oregon,
Washington, Idaho Airplane com
pany had made arrangements with
the Salem community bodies for a
flight at noonday when many variet
ies of blossoms from Salem's floral
resources were to be showered oyer
the city. .
As emissary special from Blossom
land, P. E. Fullerton, bearing a bask
et overflowing with choice blossoms;
took his place in the flying boat at
the appointed hour. Another guest of
Pilot Walter E. Lees, was the Capi
tal Journal reporter, who had been
given the pleasurable assignment for
the purpose of giving Journal readers
a sketch of the Cherry city.
Flying by air route has progressed
so much during recent years that to
devote much time to descriptions of
the "sensations" Is not necessary.
There is a sensation however, and a
very agreeable one of safety and sta
bility as the plane leaves the brief
starting glide down the Willamette
and mounts by Its own wings. Both
passengers on this trip considered
themselves veterans, having made
flights previously, In land machines.
However they became converts of
this flight system when the Sea Gull
demonstrated that the hydroplane
glide obviated the jolting and oft
times distressing earth contact.
Once in the air, and away from the
water there is really no sensation of
movement. Although the, plane forges
ahead. It is not noticeable to the pas
sengers, who are only aware of a
brisk gale that is sweeping across
the wings of the air craft. The sound
Of the motor is reassuring although
it interferes with communication. One
lookgover the side of the craft with
out any feeling of distress due to the
altitude. The landscape below sways
gently and glides by as if of its own
Rlnom Soent Prevails -The
sun's warm rays had raised
the temperature of the upper atmos
pheric heights, and when flying alti
tude had been attained one could set
tle back and survey Salem and the
two counties, Marion and Polk. From
the Polk county orchards the upper
General Seward,
Civil War Veteran,
Answers To "Taps"
Auburn. N. Y.. Apr. 26. General
William H. Seward son of the late Sec
retary Seward, died today after a long
illness aged 81. He was resident in
Washington much of the period of the
Civil war and knew Lincoln intimate
ly. He lead the 138th New York vol
unteers and later it became the Ninth
heavy artillery.
After the Civil war General Seward
entered the banking business. He was
a director in many large corporations
including the American Express com
pany. . .
Russ Bolsheviki
Trade Delegates
Granted H earing
London, Apr. 2. Decision to give
a hearing to members of a Russian bol
shevik commercial delegation has been
reached by the supreme allied council,
according to a semi-official announce
ment at San Remo. says a dispatch to
the Exchange Telegraph - company.
This delegation is headed by Maxim
Lltbinoff, assistant bolshevik
Blossom Day
is Successful;
While pretty blooms rained from
the heavens .when scattered over the
city from a giant seaplane, and the
sun smile! .happily down on the Cap- sarr of f, .r 1
LLT. obcts,o"rece,vVgUhimo;the
, '" " "tr " ' ' ""'"f ground ne had taken advantage of
. uriMIW,ntluimjt f, nrhH BnJ .
(Continued on page five)
Loganberry Growers
Hold Crop at 14 Cents;
Butlers J Mnrhot
Paris Threatened
With Industrial
Tie-Up by Strike
Paris, .Apr.. M-r-Thls city faces an al
most complete- paralysis of business
Saturday, May 1, as a result of a large
number of Unions voting a general
strike: Publio utility employes and all
unionized workers on the payrolls of
the municipality, with the exception of
health officers and a large number of
less Important branches of labor will
participate. Work in most lines will
be resumed after 24 hours but the
walkout of telephone and .telegraph
employes wilt Interrupt communica
tion. - - ' ". .. '.,
Decision of the congress of French
railway workers to call a strike to en
force demands threatens a new danger,
if the men lay down their tools before
The government's policy, as regards
the May day demonstration would in
clude an immediate mobilization of the
railroad men to break the strike as
was the case in February. As to the
May day demonstrations, It is under
stood that the government's plans call
for even more vigorous action than last
year. At that time the efforts to clear
the streets ended with troops charging
the crowd and firing on the strikers.
meMln ..
Sen km lne srrowpr nd
Con,, lgb,mi- l the 8a-
tathh "MQ ror tt Pool grow
"Wr lio ' represen""g approx-
But th ' pUced
"Kwal , riCe afrrea "pen for
U beiLh,Ki UP Pro'ion,
three f price established
In,", W-fourtls cent bonus.
nLTT " cents
Wim i. e Wlth a commlttM n.
- r grower. ... '
Hiranmtee of
"ol. hut .V per Pound for
n ... '. ",e otrer
was rejected,
at considerable length and there seem
ed to be doubt In the minds of several
growers about the advisability of hold
ing the berries at that price. In years
paet the local processing plants have
handled all the berries that have been
grown in this vicinity but a change In
the market headquarters seems Inevit
able unless the growers reconsider the
action taken at the meeting.
Labor Prices High.
Some of the growers contend that
the high price of labor and supplies are
e bu Wa made t0 compro-1 primary reasons for the demand of 14
'ti th r? in8i8t that they have ' cents per pound for the product. Can-
that nigh cost
other than the
them from paying
price asked and it seemed to be
the peneral opinion of all buyers and
some growers that the price charged
'Presentati W prlce Possib',1 er ana Processors claim
nfnd k of the phex com-1 of labor and material c
refiiLa m KinW Product I berries will prevent
dain,,r'a t0 be Included In this : the price asked an
' " th.
- l j
M U cem, e would not buv
Present represented
Washington Will
Back Poindexter
Leaders Predict
Seattle, Wash., Apr. 26. As a result
Of pre-convention caucuses of repub
lican leaders gathered In Bellingham
for the Washington state convention
tomorrow, it is believed Guy E. Kelly
of Tacoma will be elected national
committeeman. For delegates at largt
to the national convention, George H.
Walker of Seattle; C. C. Barnett, An
acortes; Thaddeus D. Lane, Spokane,
and Richard W. Condon of Port Gam
ble are the apparent favorites. C. C.
Howard of Bellingham is favored for
temporary chairman and Howard Lu
cas of Yakima for permanent chair
man. The convention Is expected to
Indorse the candidacy of Untied States
Miles Poindexter for presidential nom
Chile Will Buy
Five Warcraft
From British
Santiago, Chile, Apr. 26. Five war
hiDS will be added to the Chilean
navy as a -result of negotiations be
tween the Chilean and British govern
ments, Chile has decided to accept the
offer of Great Britain of one dread
nausrht. three topedo boat destroyers
of 1800 tons each and a transp6rt
Previous dispatches have indicated
that the dreadnaught In question is the
Canada, one of two battleships orig
inally built for Chile in Englanc. ootn
of which the British requisitioned for
he war. The other vessels are taken
for the pool will result seriously to thejby Chile to replace me seconu ureau
industry and temporarily put some oi naught.
f tmainpfls. " -"
Ottawa. 111.. April 26. Sheriff C. S.
Ayers announced today that the Ot
tawa Jail will be turned into a hotel
because prohibition has emptied it of
JT'"! plant 'aree cannerie and the local enterprises out of business.
curnk:- . ul lne northw-oa o mi ' Knnt.-!iir nf tha hein nuegtlon Sam
1 "4ltIerPated !"dance was larger H. Brown, of Gervais, said he expect
,? '"Hed. Th " ,b meet'ng was edto be obliged to pay five cents for
T " an ' not m"ch possl- picking. From what was said by sev-
fr w,d tUyeetment te'ween ne era! growers the help problem is going
, -, . ' a"d if the former to be a serious one this season. Grow
ls n( oo-T,aSked U wi" have to, era In other parts of the county, it is
!'le comuanv u k n,.,,- t,.r nirkine than
15 4 " " meeting, hi. 'the oric establUhed here Saturday, ; was acicdentally killed at Seattle re-
Tl ,,.. , I. hkm mirlrantlv. left I1J.509 In
'm nr n!.. ' . - .
of the
bowed at the shrine of Queen Blos
som here Sunday. Successful far . be
yond the expectations of leaders of
the movement In he Commercial club,
Blossom day first occasion of its
kind aver held in Salem and Marlon
county marksd the Inauguration of
a celebration here that if followed out
in successive years will transform the
beautiful .Willamette valleys in the
eyes of the world, into a paradise that
will vie with the bloom covered hills
of Arcadie. ,
Alt. Success .
' Not " a single feature entered Into
the day to mar the success of the oc
casion. -Responding as only thorough
public spirited citizens can hundreds
of Salemites were on hand with their
cars ready to do the bidding of the
city's guests.
; The delay of the Southern Pacific
train from the north, that bore sever
al hundred. visitors, caused some confusion-among
auto drivers, who de
parted without guests when the 'train
failed to come at the right time. The
visitors 'were picked up by drivers
later, however, and it was believed
today that no one who came to the
city to see' the blossoms went away
disappointed. -
Citizens Respond Nobly
Many citizens, anxious to do their
part and further the popularity of the
city and county as perhaps no other
means could have made more than
their quota of trips, some making as
high as eight tours with passengers
through the orchard areas. -'Although
blooms were not out as
fully as they miajht have been had
weather conditions earlier In the week
permitted, those ; tree mat were
cloaked in their sheens of pink, white!
and gray shall linger as a nleasant
picture in the memories of those who
saw. Trees on higher sections were not
so fully in bloom as those In the 'low
lands, but the rotite laid advantage
ously through the lower sectionsrere
atlng a pretty dnveway as may be
had at this time of the year in any
other port of the coast country.
In spite of the fact that there were
more than 10,000 machines moving
through the city .and, t the outskirts
pot one accident or . collision was
brought to the attention of police.
Seaplane is Feature
At noon the seaplane, bearing Will
Carver, reporter of the Capital Jour
nal; and P. E. Fullerton, secretary
treasurer of the Webfoot Aircraft
company of Salem, soared over - the
city dropping a halo, of flowers and
blossoms. This was followed by num
erous other flights over the blossom
ing vales and hills around the city.
Signs placed along "Blossom way"
marked the route and the actual tour
of the cars through the county south
of Salem was made without confusion
or delay. After returning from the
trip many of the visitors visited state
More than 6000 persons from all
parts of the state, making more than
500 automobile loads of persons, aside
from the 100 or more automobiles
that were furnished by local citizens,
thronged to Salem during the day to
make the tour through JPhezland and
the vales of blooming orchard. The
coming of the trains did not repre
sent the majority of visitors for more
persons came to the city in automo
biles from Portland, Eugene, Hood
River, Vancouver, Wash., and towns
surrounding Salem than came in on
trains and were taken through the
orchard districts by local motorists.
State House Visited
Fifteen hundred persons visited at
the state house during the day, and
615 curious sightseers climbed to the
top of the building and gazed over
the city and surrounding country
from the capitol dome.
Government Wins In Suit
To Divorce Railroad From
Controlof Coal Companie
political propaganda while In England.
Hospital Ship Is
Bringing Body of
Brittain to U. S.
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Apr. 26.
The body of Read Admiral Carlo B.
Brittain, chief of staff to the com-
hnander in chief of the Atlantic fleet.
who committed suicide by shooting
Thursday last is due to arrive at Wash
ington tomorrow on the hospital ship
Rear Admiral Brittain was in poor
health and was confined to his bed
when the flagship of the fleet left New
York January 7 and until after it ar
rival In Cuba. He was an indefatig
able worker, and it is believed his ill
ness brought his mental strain to the
breaking point.
On the evening of April 21 Rear Ad
miral Britain attended . a reception
aboard the flagship. Apparently . he
was In good spirits. At four o'clock
the next morning a shot was heard in
his cabin.; The officer of the deck
round Kear Admiral Brittain in the
bathroom with a bullet hole through
the heart. His service pistol was in
the wash basin. Funeral services were
held aboard the flagship,
Ensign Thomas B. Brittain, son of
the dead officer, who -was with the
fleet at the time of his father's death,
is accompanying the body to Washing
Captain Thomas R. Kurtx, assistant
chief of staff Is now acting as chief of
Census Figures
Washington, Apr. 28. Sac
ramento, Cal., 65,857, increase
21,161 or 47.3 per cent.
Shawnee, Okla., 15,348, In
crease 2874 or 23 per cent.
Hibbing. Minn., 15,089, In
crease 6257 or 70.8 per cent.
Virginia, Minn., 14,022, In
crease 3549 or 83.9 per cent.
East Youngstown, Ohio, 11,
237, increase 6265 or 126 per
Dixon, 111., 8191, Increase
975 or 13.5 per cent.
Portsmouth, N. H., 13,569
increase 2300 or 20.4 per cent
Marion, Ohio, 28,591, in
crease 10,359 or 66.8 per cent.
Crookston, Minn., 6650, de
crease 909. or 12 per cent.
. Santa Monica, Cal., 15,252,
increase 7405 or 94.5 per cent.
Evanston, III:, 37,215, In
crease 12.237 or 49 per cent.
Covington, Ky., 57,121, in
crease 3851 or7,2 per eent.
Wlnthrop, Mast., 15,446, In
crease 5314 or 52.4 per cent.
Irvlngton. N. 5., 26,466, In
crease 13,589 or 114.4 per cent.
West New York. N. J., 29.
926, In crease 16,366 or 120.7
per cent. '
700 Robberies
Are Traced to
r Slain Bandit
Chioago, Apr. 26. Seven hundred
robberies, whose loot Is believed to to
tal more than $500,000 were cleared
today when police evamlned the effects
of Harry J. James, "silk mask burglar"
who was killed last night after shoot
ing up the Town Hall police station,
wounding two policemen.
In James' private warehouse, where
truckloads of rare art works, oriental
rugs. Jewels, typewriters, , adding ma
chines and dozen of other articles were
found, police uncovered a card Index
In which the 700 robberies were Hated,
with the loot obtained.
In a secret chamber In the basement
of the warehouse were 150 oriental
rugs appraised by an expert at $40,
000. When James was killed he was
found to be wearing a suit belonging
to former United States Senator Lori
mer. The suit was one 6f forty stolen
from a tailor shop.
Jugo-Slavs And
Italy To Settle
Adriatic Puzzk
Washington", Apr. 26. The federal government today won
its anti-trust suit against the Reading company and affiliated coal
companies in one of the so-called anthracite coal cases. By a vote
of four to three the supreme court sustained the government's
charges that the companies violated the "commodities clause" of
the inter-state commerce act and ordered the dissolution of the
companies. . " '
The Reading and Central of H'i
.TamAV rfllli-nAriiL the rjiurt decided. '
must dispose ot stock ownership, re
spectively, of the Philadelphia Coal
and Iron company ana tne Leigh and
Wllkes-Barre Coal company.
Justice Clarke rendered the decis
ion for the majority, while Chief Jus
tice Whits in a minority opinion in
which Associate Justices Holmes and
Van De Vander joined, said .the mi
nority was in favor of the opinion Of
the lower' court dismissing the gov
ernment's suit should be sustained,
Associate Justices McReynoida and
Brandeis did not participate in the
decision. Justice McReynoida was at
torney general during the time the
government prosecuted the - suit,
which was instituted in 1913.
Another of the so called anthra
cite coal cases, ..that against the Le
high valley railroad oempany . and
affiliated rail, coal , production and
sales companies la pending and
when Justice Clarke read his decision
In the Reading case today it was at
first assumed that this case also had
been decided. Examination ot the
written opinion, "however,' disclosed
that confusion had been bright about
by reference In the opinion to the
Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal, com
pany, one of the companies attacked
In the reading case.;
Chi none Merchants Convene
New York, Apr. 26. Absence of
'queques and oriental costumes and the
presence In their midst of a woman
delegate were some of the evidences
of Americanization apparent
r. oiovatnr nnerator. who ! annual convention of the
d. i ,
Lives Endangered
On Overburdened
Bridge Yesterday
Lives of hundreds of persons who
gathered on the lnter-county bridge
at the foot of Center street during the
day yesterday to watch the seaplane
was endangered when the crowd of
persons and the weight of the many
machines there became so weighty
that girders on the structure were
heard to creak and groan under the
strain. Machines were packed In on
the bridge so thick that It was ut
terly Impossible to drive through. Of
ficers Morelock and Moffitt hurried
to the bridge and directed traffic thru
the congestion.
Authority of the officers was ques
tioned by motorists who declared that
the bridge was not in the city limits.
Chief of Police Welsh said this morn
ing that the city limits extend thru
the center of the river, and that he
is determined to keep machines from
parking on the bridge. lie said that
he will take up the matter with the
police committee and endeavor to get
an ordinance making this unlawful.
lrmoflli I aim inn
u' selling was discussed be hard
to procure.
merchants association
Liberty bonds a three weeks session
'and $100 In cash In Yakima banks. today.
Kozer Sends Out
Supplies For May
Elections Today
Supplies to be used In the primary
and special election May 21 are now
being forwarded by Sam A. Kozer, dep
uty secretary of state, to the county
clerks of the various voting precincts
in their respective counties. The sup
plies, the quantity for each county be
ing based on the number of precinct
In the county, Include the following
articles: Tally sheets, republican and
democratic, three of each for each
precinct; statement of tally sheets, two
of each party for each precinct; ab
stract of votes for delegates to naiional
conventions, national, state and district
offices: package of official seals for
each orecinct: brass clips, needles, in-
at the delible lead pencils, copies or election
Chinese ' laws, receipt books, tally sheets for re-
which opened ferred measures, statement of tally
in Chinatown sheets and abstract of votes on meas
ure i
Chamber Would
Direct Work Of
Atlantic City, N. J., Apr. 2. The
board of directors ot the United States
chamber of commerce in convention
here today proposed the chamber as
sume supreme control of Americaniza
tion work In the United States, co
ordlnattng and directing the efforts of
organizations now engaged in phllan
throplc and patriotic activities. To n
posed adequate collections of money
nance this .undertaking it was propos
ed adequate collections cf money be
niede and disbursed by a "standing
committee on American Ideals," under
rules prescribed by the board of dl
rectors. '
Proposal To Make
Change In Highway
Route To Be Heard
Advocates of a change In the route
of the Pacific highway between Hal
sey In Linn county to Eugene in Lane
county will be given a hearing before
the state highway commission In Port
land in room 620 Multnomah county
court house, Portland, Tuesday af
ternoon, according to Roy E. Klein,
secretary to the commission.
The highway as now routed extends
from Halsey through Harrlsburg and
across the Willamette river to a junc
tion with the West Bide highway at
Junction City. Advocates of the new
route propose" to extend the highway
straight southward from Halsey thru
Coburg, crossing the Willamette river
for a junction with the West Side
highway at Eugene.
San Remo, Apr. 26. The council ot
premiers, at .the request ot Premier
Nittl of Italy and - Foreign Minister
Trumbltch of Jugo-Slavia, will allow
the Adriatic question to remain in ne
gotiation between the . Italian anil
Jugo-Slavia government, It was learn
ed today.
Reports that the Ofrlattc question.
including the disposition of Fiume, '
would be . settled by the San Remo
council in accordance with President
Wilson's program, appeared from San
Remo advices last night to be at least
premature. It was stated thut the
settlement proposed by Premier Nittl
varied from President Wilson's pro
posal by Including a constitution for
the buffer state of Flume, to whUfe
both the French and British premiers
objected. . Premier Nittl, it was said,
was oonfirmed by both the French anf
British delegations that Italy sl.ould
either accept President Wilson's plan.
or abide by'the Pact of London, which
gave Flume to the Jugo-Slavia.
, Sun Remo, Apr. 26. The supreme
council today adopted the Frand-Krlt-Uh
declaration with regard to Ger
many after Insert a clause declaring its
readiness to take all measures, even
the occupation of addtlional Germany
territory. If necessaryto assure the car
rying out of the treaty of VersallleK.
The adoption' of this clause cauaeil
some discussion. Premier Nittl ot Ita
ly opposed military measures. Pre
miers Millorand. and . Lloyd-George,
however, showed' him the necessity ot
considering such ah eventuality. For
eign Minister Hymans ot Belgium tA
Baron MatsuU the Japanese ambassa
dor to Franoft,. Joined i.hem In this
point of view, which -was adopted.
. It was annouuueu .mui itjjikjiim
tlves ot the allies will meet the Oer
man Chancellor Mueller, ht Spa, Bel
gium, May 25. . , '., '".', . . . . '
Boston Player To
n i i i i ri ' .J
ESiaousn tiecoru
For Games Played
Boston, Apr. 26. Everett Scott,
shortstop ot the Uoston American
will break all major league records for
playing In consecutive games when he
takes the field against he Athletics at
Philadelphia today. With today's gam.
Scot will have participated In 534 con
secutive league contests. Scott start
ed his ' continuous playing June 29,
1916, with the Red Sox, and he has not
missed a game since. .
Turk Nationalists
Overthrow Rule Of
Albania In Tirana
Londorl, Apr. 26. -Supporters of
Essad, Pasha, Turkish nationalist lead
er and former provisional president of
Albania, have occupied Tirana, Alba
nia and overthrown the Albanian gov
ernment, according to a-meseage from
Florida transmitted by the Exchange
Telegraph correspondent at Athens.
The members of the overthrown gov
ernment have been dispersed, the mes
sage adds.
Vicks Start Work
On New Building
Vlck Brothers have Just started
a crew of men 'at work on the exca
vating for their new building on the
corner of Trade and High streets.
They are trying out something new
for this line of work by using a fleet
of Samson tractors instead of horses.
They first got a very close estimate
of what the Job ot excavating would
cost with horses and then set about
to beat that figure by the use ot trac
tors. The work will be completed In
about ten days and they will then
know whether the tractor is practic
al for this Job. At any rate the Sam
sons are doing good work and lota of
It. No less than five hundred persons
have been Interested spectators.
Irish Mob Storms
Police Barracks
Clonroche, County Wexford, Leln
ster, Ireland, Apr. 26. Three hundred
men attacked the police barracks hers
early today and rifle and revolver fir
ing was incessant for two hours. The
five policemen who occupied the build
ing successfully repulsed the raiders
without casualties. The latter had a
large supply of bombs, but did not nsa
Germans Announce
Troops Withdrawn
Paris, April 26. Dr. Ooeppert, head
of the German delegation In Paris, to
day handed the foreign office a nots
addressed to Premier Mlllorand stat
ing that the additional troops which
had entered the Ruhr district had all
evacuated this district April 21.
Committee Will
Hear Hu nOfficers
'Berlin, Apr. 24. Preliminary Inves
tigation committee number one w'hich
la studying pre-war diplomatic history,
has decided not to give an 'oral hear
ing between the close of the parlia
ment session and the elections to for
mer Chancellor Von Bethmann-Holl-weg
and former Foreign Mlnlrters Von
Jagow and Zimmerman on their share
In responsibility for the war. Such
action. It was said, would unduly In
flame the passions of the electoral
Butte Strikers
Still Out; Union
Refuses Sanction
Butte, Mont., April 26. In spite of
the fact that the unions Included In
the metal trades have refused to en
dorse the strike of the metal mine
workers union number S00 I. W. W..
miners did not return to work thl
morning in great numbers. Less than
one third of he normal crews are
reported at the various properties,
o picketing was attempted this morn
ing and the night passed without dis
turbances of any kind. United State
soldiers again patrolled the avenue
leading to the mines. Police report
that many members of the I. W. W.
are leaving the city.
I Conferences called for today lead
jto the belief that ttie end of tn
J cooks and waiters strike which ha
been under way for four weeks, I
near an end. The restaurants and.
j cafes Included In the associated In
dustries still remain closed, but ther
' Is some prospect that the differences
'involving them will be adjusted thi
! week. The situation In respect to th
strike of the building trades remain
,'the same. .f