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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1920)
A1, Pf'JirSni 6 cents, one month ) rtank 17 cents, one y?". P ; Minimum par ad 2 Une " No allowance for thly account i errors. SEW TODAY. -TrvKTo rent inoaern j or phone 14T7. 101 snjccows tot salt 1 34F2, elOl T. i ,,nn house with large A """"'," and sleeping? porch, on tZd street, Price $1600 Other 7i Cmith SiiS fin 1a m TJTTk county farm. j- FKn,iimrs, orchard; 10 acres young and pasture: all crops go timber Vw rm- near town and station ner acre, immediate posses " j II Moran, Moumouth, Or. rioU house lor sale; 5 roo mcol ' plastered. Pric. $1400. , Call AH5 Broadway. " tl rrrs" navueit 1-ton truck, twro 1917 una , , j mrds. good tires and in good con n; 1 u.sed Dodge. H. F Bone- Aioior v-o.. vmtv. phone 428 99 --rrvT1Jl) Hioycle, . aecowdhund, a condition, reasonable price. . Rni 28 Journal ilOl t-t: ... -j,i , .;!.... in eoo improvements, bearing or chard: a snap at 7000. F. I Wood vTjksLE 3 room bouse. 1542 Bellevue St. $1200; good plumbing, v r. Wood. 341 State St. " nl01 FOR SALE Three room house and one acre of land one mile out from business center. J65D. F. L. Wood. .11 state St. nl01 WANTED Lady help for kitchen. 223 if. Com.Pt. W1 VOR SALE 6 room modern bunga low located on Court street near state capitol. Has furnace, fire place, garage. First class in fcvery way and a bargain at $5800. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 275 State street Tel 515. nlOO FOR SALE Eggs. Ii. I. Reds, tfuih utriiin. dark red color, very large, good layers, none better,. 15 for $1.51); also incuDaior. sellings. vi mile south of 12th street carline, Rt. 5, box 40, Mode Reedy, Salem, nr. 99 HIGH grade Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, $1 per do'en. 1402 N. ith. - fill FOR SALE Ford touring car, in A-l condition. See the fireman at the heating plant school for the blind. 99 FOR SALE One 5 room house; one small house; barn; several other buildings, 2 nice large lots, nice garden, lots of fruit, also well and city water. 1395 N. .Cottage. See owner. 99 WANTED 1500 logunberry tips. Phone MV3 lifter 5 p. m. " 1104 FOR RENT .My home at 1208 S. Commercial, for board and room. ' jlOt HOP and loganberry wire for sale. . Immediate shipment from Portland, Or. E. F. Pearson, 385 Eleventh street, Portland, Or. Phone Main 6718. 99 SALESMEN (let ill right. Our prop osition, is a big money maker. Com plete line of Rnappy advertising signs, calendars and novelties all new different. Clinches quick sales. Act now. Address The Scioto Sign Company, Kenton, Ohio. 99 i ACRES for sale, nil in cultivation, family orchard and berries, house and out buildings', ready to move in, on rock road, mail nnd ipreatnery .. route. $2300, half, down, , Owner. Box 838. Salem. ' ' 9$ 1'OR SALE One span Percheron black mares, weight about 3000 lbs. C. E. Thomas, Stayton, Rt. 2. - e!05 DRESSMAKING, god style and fit excellent ideas for remnriennir Reasonable. Phone 1974, Mrs. Bauer lfcgi Fairground road. 99 FOR SALE-5 room plastered house full hawmonl.- 365 N. 20th St. .99 makky t OR wealth, happiness. Hundreds rich, attractive, congen ial, willing to wed. Photos free. Mra. Warn, 2216 ft Temple St., Los Angelesi, Cal. 1 INVESTED in oil leases -may make $10,000; $2 acre. Oil leases m Texas Rainbow's End. Opening new Iield may make your -lease Worth $10110 acre. This has happened in Texas. Many drilling wells near my holdings. Buy low; sell high. That way makes fortunes for lease owners Remit $10 for 5 acres., nrite free information oil maps. Pecos Valley Co., 114 ft N. Robin- on St., Oklahoma City, Qkla. WANTED Lady or gentleman agent wanted in Salem for Watkins Fa mous Products. , Watkins goods known everywhere. Big profits. Write today. Watkins company, 61 WnonaMinn. Real1alesmE!ij, wlth car prefer. red. n your locality. $50 to $200 weekly, selling that wonderful "Co wl, 1 . l"teh not an "all rubber" or .5 back it's different-patent-M-nothlng else lirce it on the mar ket. No competition. You can make 'f, un-best in the world, for fri ,v"6 lnner tubes territory ' der i -rU, stnrt wlth a " ' BaVl'as, TVie- Stg,,or stat0 managers with S.' Shou!d easi.y bui,.i, '"UVU JUUU "er month. Be quick, or the other fellow will get TvtF?t- : ?7 ..iiiU in hnn. t Jrtce 7,,nn f0r Bal' Sta,e Mi'. u", Par,culars. D. F. 'Bush, -ponslinn. - , . IObW,toeUfe fLretold; 'S',d ile' vnci,, J7 "'"f"1 reliable con t rciing. Hazel Hause, jzggy"i. cai. 4 -c,0r8et8 80la bv Mrs. Alice ,.T 451 N- SlBt. Measure, tak- guaranteed. Home Thursday sfS?5!2!!LHmne 1902J. mw't lone!,y: for re9uUs' ,ry "Hom. ?t , ana most successful urria aler:" hunnl rich wish tup Ton: "trlctlr confiden-nce- ,re""ble; years experi r?!uP,lon8 frW!- "The 811c 2!ulCIS,b: : . Mm. Ball, box 656, vaiit. 77 CHRricirt,;r W toS -lS WiU several abnn, K.ular.check Protectors at -i2d. 143 V hTv811 rU"y -V Hlrh street. . price- nil fnii .,.. 89 ' OWN YOUR OWN HOME E Wax BI'ILD YOU A HOME PAV . A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN GLANCE LIKE RENT . COi!E IN' AND TALK' WITH US 0FFICE OPEN EVENINGS ! R- B. DORNEY - ,; OREGON BLDG. thejKT-: . "'' signal i. . " '-Metric Automo- "5 8. LlL 'he CaP" Garage. 8t about May 1. 101 NEW TODAY. -.. apartment at The .Miller. ! Sun LEVATOR perator wanted. Sf I I nruh at I . S. Nat. bank. sia,tl FOR SALE Late model Ford, looks and runs like new must sell, 21S0 N. 5th street. qlU iOR SALE Sorrel mare I years old weight 12S0 lbs, good worker, sin gle and double; trial allowed. Club stables. FOR SALE Jersey cow, 5 years old and calf, gentle good family cow; will sell reasonable. Club stables. 99 uk bALE Jersey cow giving milk, will be fresh in October. Price $55. 1298 N. Commercial 99 FOR R EXT 3 furnished housekeep ing rooms, on first floor. No. 574 N. 15th St. near Marion St. Call evenings and mornings. jioi 'OR SALE Tei of ponies and har ness; can plow, do farm work or anything. Price $40. Frank Powell. cor. 25th St. and Turner road. 99 FOR SALE One grey horse i years nt-.ui itw ius, wunout naw; one bajr horse 8 years old, weight 1000, Both to be sold at once. Call "itt Kai.iKg. iimepenuence. ur. WANTED One or two good reliable life insurance salesman for Salem, for a. good old line company. A dandy commission contract' to of fer; it will pay you to look into this if you can sell insurance. Su 'perior Merchant Life Ins. Co.. '41$ Railway Exch. bldg, Portland, Or. tatKUbtii; stock salesmen, wise investors. 'CVe1 are offering stock in one of the most prosperous indus tries in the world. Will pay enorm ous profits and liberal dividends to those who have foresight and courage to invest their surplus funds. Correspondence, invited. El lis J. Oomex & Co., 1 West 34th St. New ork, N. Y. 99 .... n ' . . ...... j.... . u . . , - mous heavy winter laying strain, $1.50 setting. James Fry, Rt. 3, phone evenings 76F13. 99 PRETTY photos and descriptions of ladies anxious to marry, Tich to the working girl; strictly confidential. Box 86, Bta. C Los Angeles. Cal. HOSE! Hose Hose The time of your garden Bpringling is close. We of . fer to the public 60,000 feet of ft inch and 5-8 inch of the best gar den hose there is in the market, at a .saving of from 7 to 10c per foot. The same grade of hose that is hn lulled by any first class merchant Phone 398," Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa St. 99 WANTED A marriejl man with small family to live on farm and haul wood. Phone 254 or 622 after office hours. 99 $1200 cash will buy a good 5 room house (small), basement, bath, toilet, electric lights, one blo6k from car line and pavement. $1500, $500 down balance like rent will buy 7 room house, basement, . cement walks, electric lights, toilet and bath. Becke & Hendricks, 316 U. S. bank bldg. Telephone 161. 99 BEAUTIFUL HOME 4 SALE Late, strictly modern bungalow type residence of 7 rooms, features all home conveniences in construc tion. Exclusive restricted district. For appointment call at our omce. John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Ore gon bl d g. alol 6 ROOM BUNCiALOW Nicely located, modern, some fruit on place. Improved street, one block from car. line. $3000, $800 : cash, balance terms. See . John H. Scott Realty CcC, 228 Oregon bldg. al01 FARM .4 SALE .. - 120 ncres with good buildings, all in crops, 'qn Howell Prairie. The , best . farm lanji in Marion .county.. " 'See us .'about this. It's worth your while. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon bldg. nlOl FOR SALE Chester White pigs, $6 a piece: they're huskies; also- 12 choice White Leghorn hens, $1.75 a piece, including cockerel, from heavv Invinor strain: and a 500-gal- lon wooden tank $7. John Baffey., Phone 44F32. elOl FOR SALE 1917 Ford, roadster in good condifton, good tires; 1914 Ford touring car, overhauled, new top; a classy bug type Moline road ster cheap; one light trailer. 170 S. 12th St. Cherry City garage. . ' ql04 FOR SALE 8 room house, modern conveniences, plenty of fruit, gar den, close in. Price $3300., Phone 981. T. - -" 99 FOR SALE Beautiful residence and 4 acres, all kinds of fruit, well lo cated, near car line. Price $6500. Residence alone would cost to build now. above purchase price. Phone- 981.T. 99 THE PROOF. ; ... Only a, few years ngo In big cities as well as small cities, the demand was mostly for expensive automo biles; today rhen base their choree-on first coHt, upkeep and the small dis count they must consider when they wish to dispose of a used car. but not abused car. Most new cars will de-S preclato 25 to 60 percent in a year, when buying a used but not abused car, in a year's time the car. seldom depreciates more than 10 percent. About 50 used but not abused cars to' select from. Terms to suit. U. .S. Garage Phone. '1752. 654 Ferry St. , '. 99 FOR SALE. For Sale Houses. OOOD 7 room plastered house, also 4 room house with 4ft acres land, on paved street, terms. Call 981M. a99 SEVERAL houses for sale.- amoinj them a 6 room bungalow. Inquire 492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. alll 5 ROOM house and large lot on pav ed street, lots of fruit and garden In, 6 loads of wood and some furn iture goes with place, priced for quick sale at $2650. See Fred W. Ptirbfn fit 275 State St. ..n99 FOR SALE 5 room modern bunga low located on south Church street Price $2300. $1500 cash, terms on balance. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 2 7 5 State street. 5iiL FOR SALR 5 room plastered house pantrv and large. bath room, elec tric; lights and phone, on paved street, cement walk; garden all In, fruit trees set out last fall. Price $2000, $1300 cash, balance terms. ' See owner ' 335 N. 24th St or at r skating rink, W. Miller. a99 WOODS BARGAINS Good house, 8 lots, West Salem, $1600; one acre bearing cherries on car line, $850; 8 room house plas tered, corner lot paved street east Rnlem 12500: 2 room bungalow, $400. F. L. Wood. 341 mate, nw- CLOSE In residence property consist- Ing of five room house, nearly moa- a,wi luumpni. lot 50x132 feet. ne vera 1 bearing fruit trees and small . walnut ir.M and Kood garden spot, nn i,incb to navement. Price 43200;... airi.- 7 -year old mare, weight or will exchange with owner of small improved farm ana assume difference, if any; preferably north of Salem, but will consider other location. Owner, P. O. box 261. Sa lem Or - aiv wivn'n i Kir room house. Must be all on one floor and fully mod ern. North or east front; south oi em North or east . rani, - SALE Fine driving horse. rub Marion, north of Ferry and west t "rl . b and fine harness, of fifteenth streets. ThU must be ber ired buggy 2j a bargain for spot cash. Phone 1092 wortn m i . between ( and 8:30 p. m. xvw FOR. PAT p e'O'ii SALS a room .-ail? I,,.-,, ! toilet. S bloeks from mt nY":i -hurch street. Price $2259. Hart i Muller. SOS nm-im FOB SALE Or trade, IS room hotel vuiiipir-.iiy lurnisned. located in good valley town. Price 15500. W.I a. uraoennorst & Co, 275 State street. qci tVH feALE a room house all furn ished, lot 50x170. 325 S. 16th Sa-lem- Or- al03 For Sale Farms.- JOHX H. SCOTT-REALAY CO. Es tablished 189S. -Rejiable sales agents Give- ua a chance to sell your house or farm. 22S Oregon bid?. n FOR SALE Fruit farm consisting of 10 acres more or less, in Morning side addition to Salem, on. South 12th street Two houses on place. The home place is a S room bunga low, -modern except furnace, has hot and cold water, electric lights, . bath, etc. Has a fine view overloog ing the valley and city. All house- - hold goods and farming implements ,tne P'aoe. also horse, cow and chickens. 111 health the reason tor selling; no stents. Address on . mail box in -front of place. Rt. 6, box 40, Salem, Or.; Mode Reedy moo FOR SALE A productive, small hor. . ry farm. -10 acres- new land, beyond ; Liberty-district, rock road, 3 acres heavy bearing leutans. 3-4 acre new-- j H"":u luetvug, nearly two acres bearing strawberries among apple trees just starting bearing. Family orchard, smalt house - and barn." Bargain at $-7000; terms. We have many choice berry, fruit and nut properties. Pearcy Bros., 210 Ore gon bldg. . n99 FOR SALE 5 acres of bearing cher ries, well located. Price $2200 cash W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.; 275 State street. n99 225 ACRE" FARM FOR SALE Nearly all in cultivation and grow ing crop, complete equipment in cluding tractor; on Howell Prairie 9 miles east of Salem, Close to pav ed road and graveled to place. Mrs. L. Bechtel, Rt. 7, box 142A. blOO FOR SALE 6 acres good timber land Bouth of city, 3-4 lhile from carline, 3 room house, good well; a few fruit trees and berry vines. $1, 800 cash if taken at once. Phone 2033M noon or evenings.- blOO FOR SALE 320 acres located ten miles from Salem, 80 acres in cul tivation, old buildings: 15,000 cord of wood, on place. $40 per acre If ..sold soon.. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. n99 FOR SALE By owner 20. acres, 15 In high state of cultivation, 5 acres prunes, 8ft strawberries, 4 acres gooseberries; fair buildings, on good road 4 miles out; one team and 'harness, 1 cow, 1 buggy and har ness, 1 farm and 1 fruit wagon, all farm implements; immediate pos session. Price $8500. Write box 122, Rt. 2, Salem, Or. n 20 ACHE prune orchard at Rosedale, 7 miles south of Salem, some, ap ples, pears and cherries; every In dication of a good crop on entire orchard, located in the best prune district of Oregon; land lays well. Hard surfaced road to place, 5 room house, barn, chicken house, other buildings. This place will pay out. Immediate possession. Price $10, 000, terms 1-3 cash, balance 6 per cent. S. R. Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43 ' n CHOICE close in berry laud, 10 acr.js located just outside city limits, !i blocks from Center St. carline on ' asylum road, all cultivated; pos session at once. Price $3500, good terms.- 8.11 acres : adjoining r tho 'above land, -black loanri, all ready ;'for planting. Price $2800. Haw kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg. Phone 1427. b For Sale Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Canary singer, with or without cage. Inquire 660 Union St. clOO SEVERAL stands of bees wanted. - Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg, Phone 663. " 69" FOR SALE Bird dog. cheap nine months old. 2615 Brooks ave, Sa lem. : 99 FOR SALE No. 10 Victrola,' almost new, $95. 645 Ferry St. apartment 29. ' - clOO PRIVATE SALE -Going out of busi ness, will sell all in a lump, or piece my, new a4 secondhand goods, walnut hall trees, ranges, bicycles, harness, office" desjt and chairs, ., couches, talking machines, sewing machines, Taber organ walnut case, many other things. Come early. 895 S. 12th St. - 102 POTATOES rl have 35 sacks good seed potatoes at to per 11). at farm. C. C. Russell, phone 3F3. ' d ALL kinds of eut flowers, potted - plants and ferns. Greenhouse 1298 H. 13tlt street. Phone 1250W. dll7 FOR SALE Cash and carry, grocery store doing good business In good ' locality; llvtpg rooms In building. S-X Journal. ' do? For Sale Nursery Stock. STRAWBERRY plants In any quan tity. Etterberg 121, Gold Dollar, Progressive Everbearing, Trebla, " Ladv Goshwell. Wilson. Thrifty, well rooted plants. Low quantity prices, also loganberry, Mammoth - and Himalaya blackberry plants, .fresh garden seeds. City delivery. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front. -Phone 494. FOR SALE Loganberry tips. Phone 110F5. - a THE famous Etterbuig 121 straw . berry plants, best canner and ship per. A very heavy producer when not exhausted raising plants. Vlg--orous healthy plants. Quantity prices. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front St ETTERBEKG 121 strawberry plants $7.60 per 1000; Wilson $6. P. - O. box 214. Salem. Or. d FOR BALE Individual lettuce plants cabbage and cauliflower, .Rt, 7, " box 38. Phone 17S6W3. W. II. H. -Dodge." - ' ' d10' POTATOES few sacks American Won ders, excellent to plant ' or eat. Price 8c delivered Salem. L, 6.Ar nnlrt Rt. 4. ohone 65F11. c99 For Sale Livestock. FOR SALE Span of-horses matched blacks; one cow; large Poland Chi na sow to farrow soon, and one waimn. Call 996 Mill St. C99 SMALL house and lot for sale, three blocks of capitol building, corner Mill and S. Capitol St. fruit trees, berries, garden. $500 down, balance of $250 can assume. $800 furnUhed Including piano. 99 ! FOR SALE 2 horses, weight about nan eacn, JX i hrit aouute; " tJ 1 ' " a -" - - single harness. 2865 Brooks ave, .oar fnirerounds. d99 1000 ibt good saddle or driving horse. Phone 2026W. e!02 WANTED Horse that will work In plow, single or double. Call; 36F 24 il 00 I A, n 1 1 vnnnflr ewe with 39 i ,,k- TTanrkina A Roberta. eariy ,,..,-. . 205 Oregon bldg. i1 o i . t", n - J W Oaie rOUltry KuR SALE White r.,.,1, ,,,,I7T: iut.K roos-tei,., also hatching eggs. Phone 9SF5. i,.. A nE.ucvi.ii oo uauy cmi-K. tdil'una rojtu Anne cnernes. aDOUt 12 f-j ; today, 558 State street. Phone 400. IIS C. N. Needham. f?9 j EGGS Rhode Island . Reds. lai-ire 1 - dark red. stock secured from best pens in four states humlred $7.50. Phone A. Ratcliff, Rt. 5. flOl MISCELLANEOUS. " SECONDHAND BOILER wanted, 8 to 10 horse, to hold 20 lbs steam. Sa lem Sewer Pipe Co. Phone 14-. 199 FOR plumbing and general repair work phone 1536W. 1104 WANTED Iron wheel truck wagon and a -grass mower. Phone 84F21. '--- - 199 WANTED Stereopticon. Address; 245 ' D St.. Salem, Or. i '19 WANTED To lease 5 reom furnish , ed house for 1 year. Address P. O.' box 152. " 111 SEE J.. W. Manley. garden -olowiinr. , :' cellar digging, heavy -team work. cnerry City Darns. Phone 199. H07 TRANSFER L. A. " Barrick. Co. Country trips, moving. Wood for' sale.' CSoofl service. StSnd 271 North, Commercial. Phone 734.'- $800 or $1000 TO LOAN on Jtood farm ' security. Phone 815 or see G.' E. Unruh, Gray bldg. FOR RENT. FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms. 355 Bellevue. Phone 636W. 399 FOUR rooms for rent, mostly furn ished. 705 N. High St. J99 FOR RENT Large, pleasant rooms by day. Mrs. L. K. Page, phone 1186, 492 N. Cottage St. jlOl BUSINESS man wants to rent modern house close in. Phone 911 during office hours: 199 WANTED To rent 5 or ' house. Phone 979. room 1100 WANTED Will pay $5 for infor - mation that enables me to rent de , sirable five or six room house. Box House Capital Journal. 1100 OFFICE rooms for rent, steam heat, splendid janitor service. 205 Ore gon bldg. Phone 1427. FOR RENT Furnished downtown sleeping room for gentlemen, steam heatV by the month. Phone 1427. 205 Oregon bldg. FOR RENT Nine room home com pletely and well furnished one block north post office. Mrs. Paul- ' ine Josse, 832 N. Church St. 100 FOR RENT A large suite of rooms on first floor, hot water heat, pri vate bath, fireplace, electric grill for cooking, Use of phone. The Alex andria, 1030 Chemeketa. Phone -1280. J "AUTOMOBILES. WANTED Tractor or caterpillar operator wants position. Call 121 S. Commercial. h99 FOR SALE 7 passenger touring car, has run less than 30,000 miles, is in first Class Condition. Price $450. Phone 192 of call at 164 S. Com'l St.. -. " ylOS FOR SALE Truck bed suitable for a 1-ton truck. Phone 734 or call at 271 N. Commercial. qlOO FOR SALE 2 1-ton Ford trucks, worm drives, 6-inch solids in rear, and mechanically perfect. These trucks go at a sacrifice. For further information phone 867 ask for Mr Burdick. 1 3-4 TON REO truck for sale, bar gain if taken at once. Inquire 355 Chemeketa street, Salem, Or. ql08 FOR SALE Trailer. 688 S. 25th. q!05 IS your car hard to start 7 Does your motor give trouble 1 Try Fair Grounds .Garage, phone 308. M. J. Jackson, jkrop. "Will, tow your car. Our work guaranteed. qlO FORD SEDAN, LATE MODEL. TERMS TO SUIT FORD ROADSTER WIRE WHEELS, LOTS OF PEP 8 1919? MAXWELLS ' GOOD AS NEW. SNAP 1918 MAXWELL A SNAP TERMS TO SUIT 1917 MODEL MAXWELL READY TO RUN OSCAR B. GINGRICH $71 COURT ST.,;" Lost and Found,- SMALL flat boat picked tip on the river at West Salem". W. B. Uerth. klOO LOST Present address or" Charles Faulkner, was band master. Reward H. Wyatt. Longhranch. Wash. k!02 LOST White Angora cat, $5 reward for Its return or information of its whereabouts. Leo N. Chllds, 640 State St. Phone 1727, k9 LOST Child's ring set With one ruby and two pearls. Return to Capital Journal and receive reward. k99 WANTED. Wanted Help.- WANTED Man with family to work on farm, good house, good wages. Address Farmer care Journal. g99 WANTED By two' men job in town with good wages; rjfperleiitte trac tor and truck driver. Call 238 N. High. h99 TEACHER wanted for rural district No. 124 for 1920-21; state salary wanted, experience, references to accompany petition. About . 10 pu pils to teach. Rt. 8, Turner, Or., Harvey Wilson. gl02 WANTED Boy over 16 years old to carry Capital Journal route paying between, $35 and $40 a month. Ap ply circulation "manager. , " WORKING - foreman . 'with family wants work on ranch. Box Fore man, care Journal. blOO WANTED Salem firia wishes goo responsible bookkeeper. Please ad dress C care Capital Journal, giving reference g100 Wanted Miscellaneous. CONTRACT work with tractor. Ad dress Fred Hecker, Gervals, Or. mlOO W. BEAVER well driller, one mils east of fairground. Phone. J0F5. - lit For Sale Wood. WOOD FOR SALE First class 16 inch and 4-foot wood, strictly cash. Office at 305 S: Church St., phone 1542, Fred K. Wells. ee WOOD'for sale, 16-inch and 4 foot old fir. Phone 88iM. 105 Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY rasor blade sharpening ma chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew art Repair Shop, 147 Court Bt REAL ESTATE. KEAL ESTATE 10 acrea on Ostriln r..T".Sii ncr u .. 7 - . best losrana in 1 1 Afres hbipk . " " berries, about zhk acres choice apples i years old; balance seeded to grain, House, barn and good well. A money making investment. Price $t250. 4 acres close in on Garden road. 3 ; settings $1.50.;a.cre8 . bearing orchard, eome ber-iers one 17S8W3, C.j"es t" 8?rden- Good house, barn and chicken houses. Price $5500 80 aces, about 45 acres river bot tom, 1 acre peaches, 1 years old: good S room house and large barn (13 stanchions for cows), fine silo and milk house, 2 good wells, about 8 or 9 acres oak. timber and pasture. 10 acres growing grain, about 7 acrea alfalfa, balance-ready for planting. Price $9000, $3000. cash. 5 acrea close La on paved and grav eled road, 2 .acres bearing family or chard, ft acre strawberries, balance ready for planting, Good new & room house and., barn. A home like subur ban homs.-$3800.- . - Lot 80x150 opposite Bush on Mis sion street. A good "lot close In. Prlee $700.' - " - : . Good let 48x143 on best street West Salem. $300.. . .- List yout property with 11s at. reas onable value-and we will investigate and sell it. - , ; Oregon Land Col - , 443 State street, n : CHOICE BARGAINS 23-"acre fruit tract 1ft miles from tcwrtj 16 -bearing, prunes, 6 bearing cnerries; good . bungaJow, good barn. ood drver. Snan. 110. BOO. 5 acres ft mile from city limits,large house, -barn, orchard; only $4200. 40 acres 7 miles from Salem, rock road, 17 acres bearing prunes, also other fruits, good buildings and dry er. $15,000, .terms. 24 acres 6 miles from Salem, halt in cultivation; bargain. $2400. 640 acre farm southern Oregon, on Pacific highway, 1 set buildings; 200 in cultivation. $40 per acre, will ex change for property near Salem. If you want to buy or sell see us. Perrine & Marstera. 811-13 Com. club bldg. LOOK 'EM. OVER 173 acres, 21 acres in prunes, 6 more being planted; 8 acres peaches; 12 acres loganberries; farm house, barn, dryer, store house, garagb and other buildings. Price $185 per acre. 114 acres on Santiam river, 3a acres under cultivation, 4J acres meadow, balance timber. Good barn and ma chine shed, house not much good. A bargain at $6500, half cash, or will take in city home for, $2000. 120 acres near Albany on O. E., 80 acres in cultivation, some good tim ber. 7 room house, barn and garage. $125 per aore, one third cash. 50 acres within the-city limits of Salem, good soil, only $500 per acre. Very cheap, big house, five acres of land, with lots. of fruit, on carline and paved street. See Ellsworth Pickell Real estate, loans 301 Masonic Temple. ' 99 VGood Buys. 10 acres of good dark bottom soil, some fruit,, small. buildings. Price $2,- 200. 6 acres of good prune and berry soil, all plowed ready to set. Price $850. 66 acre farm located 6 ft lies from Salem, all cultivated and in crop, 6 room house and barn, good dark prai rie soil. Price $175 per acre. 1 acre located close in, small house, well, some fruit. Price $1000. 105 acres located on the Garden road, this side of Swegle school; near ly all In crop. Price $300 per acre. 4.81 acres located south of Salem close to highway. Price $1350. 5 acres bearing cherry orchard, hard road, good lopation. Price $2200. , 6.67 acre tract, .ceres 6-year. eld pruned house amKbarn. Price $3500. 9' 3-4 acre tract, ,g room modern house, barn," bearlngwalnuts, cher ries, apples, pears. Located close to carline, sightly Jocation. Price $14, 000. 10 acres of first class land located east of Salem on main road, all culti vated and in crop. Price $2800. 10 acres of bearing Italian prunes, 7 and 9 years old. Price $6000. 10 acres prunes, cherries and pears located on main Pacific highway, 4ft miles south of Salem. Price $5500. . 108 acre farm,. 100 acres cultivated and mostly In crop, good buildings, good road. Price $12,000. 160 acre farm, 100 acres cultivated, house and barn, stock. Price $16,000 320 acre' farm, 150 acres cultivat ed, located 12 miles from Salem, buildings. Price $60 per acre. 20 acres located close In, 5 acres prunes, 3 acres apples, cherries, 6 room house, electric lights, barn, sightly location, good street. Trice $11,500. ... . HOUSE BUYS , B room bungalow, good location. Price $2600. 8 room - house at .1010 Oak street, Price $2800. 6 room bungalow on paved street east front, large lot. Price $6000. 3-4 acre located close to carline good 7 room plastered house. Price $3250, nui) down, balance terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 276 State street. tl Best Buys. - ' 4 room house, city water, lights. basement, S blocks from car; $1000, $200 cafeh, balance terms to suit. " 6 room house,, water, lights and plastered, less than 1 block from car; $1100, $100 cash. ': 5 rooms, plastered, city water, lights, bath, good garden spot; $1200, easy terms. - 7 rooms, water, lights, furnace. plastered r large lot, fruit, on good street Including furniture, $4000. 6 rooms and bath, modern, on grav el street, small basement. $3200. 60 acres all In cultivation, 22. acres In fruit and berries; 10 room modern house, 2 good barns, garage, all in good condition; 1ft miles from Pa cific highway .and - en gravel. road;. $24,000, terms. -. . " - 95 acres all in cultivation on a good road, close to town; 40 acres in prunes 7 room house and large burn,, well and spring. $12,500, naif cash. 30 acres in prune district, on good road, 20 acres in bearing prunes, 3 in loganberries, some apples, etc; 4 room house, good barn, new dryer with equipment. Priced to sell or will trade for land In Canada. . ', acres adjoining city limits on pavement; 3. in Jogans, best river bpttom; $5500 or will .rent to. right party. . ..'-.' 6 acres all In cultivation, on main road 3 ft miles out, some bearing fruit; $1750; terms.' ' " " ' 80 acres good land. 65 tri -cultivation, 25 timber; ft mile from small town with high school; fenced but no buildings. $9000, terms. 65 acres all cultivated, fair build ings, paved road, close to city. This must be sold at once and Is offered at less than market price. See me at once. , . . Socolofsky. Sfl State street, ' n Real Investments 40 acres, 38 cultivated, 2 in bearing prunes, partly seeded, close to town, good buildings. $5250. Terms. , 160 seres, 30 cultivated, dandy stock ranch, lota of out range. $4800. Terms. Good $4000 buy on State street Estes & Magee. 428 Oregon Bldg. Salem. 2t Oregon Bldr, Baiem. Portland office. Chamber of Com EL2LL REAL ESTATE, ijOHN 11. SCvTT REALTY CO. Ka-! i . ... . ...... w . laonsnea isi. we nave goou uuys . , ... i, in nouses ana larms. cee us iuujj . ,i.,i n,i-. -..,. o-eiron hldsr n fFOR SALE A five room cottage, modern ex cet heat, four blocks from the iley corner, corner lot nil improve- ments in and .paid. $3S00. Large two story and basement house; modern, with two fireplaces. $4200; witn terms. Seven room strictly modern house, with furnace- and fireplace; garage, paved street ;east front, 5 -- blocks from supreme court building. $6000. .W. A. Idston 484 Court street 99' A FEW SPECIALS "Good Portland - residence close in. to, trade for Salem property; income $60 per month. -; - i Nice room Salem residence on paved street and carline. $2500. 65 acres only J mile from saiem. 1 room house, good barn, family orch ard, paved foadr regular bargain at $20,000. . Modern 5 room bungalow. Dig lot. with fruit: house -nearly new, fine shape.. $3000. ' Modern 5 room cottage close In on paved street. $22u0. ' r acres of prunes on paved roau, J miles out. $2100. Modern 6 room bungalow with fire place, garage, close in. $5250. Fine sightly lot on r airmoum Heights to trade for late Ford. Insurance,' Leans, Bonds. Laflar & Laflar 407 Oregon bldg a99 BIG VALUES IN FARM LANDS t! ACRE DAIRY EQUIPPED . This is positively the biggest sac- rlfice near Salem, today. 22 ft acres of good, dark, productive soil locat ed only 4 miles from the state house, on good gravel road. 18 acres in cul tivation and the balance is pasture. Family orchard. Woven wire fenc ing. Fair 4 room house and new barn 36 bl 50 nearing completion. Good hen house, garage and necessary out buildings. 6 fine cows, mostly Jerseys, good team, driving horse, good wa gon, buggy, plow, cultivator, cream separator, about 30 chickens, calf, heater and telephone. Everything is included with this farm at $4500. Ex elusive sale. A change to make some easy money If you act at once. FINE GRAIN FARM 135 acres of excellent soil located on main highway being paved. About 7 miles from Salem and is only mile from station. 55 acres of river bottom with about half In cultiva tion. A total of 105 acres of the farm is cultivated and is mostly in fine crop. Neat 6 room house built about 4 years, and barn -40 by 50. This Is a fine place and you get. 2 norses, good cows, mower, rake, about SO chickens, seed, feed, etc., with the farm at $19,000. Kinney & Smith. 301 Bank of Commerce bldg. n GOOD HOUSE AND FARM BUYS - 5 room modern cottage $1200. 4 room modern bungalow $1800 5 room cottage, 2 good lots $2000 6 room modern close In, $2000 6 room modern bungalow $2500 7 rooms, sightly location, $2600 6 room excellent modern bunga low $3000 7 room modern. Church St. inzou 7 room strictly modern, close $5000 10 acres Improved bearing orchard $4000. Terms given on all these. See us tor orchards, farms, large and small. We are in business to stay and are in a position to show you the right kind for the right price; 2 cars at your service. List it with us. ,S, R. Pearson & Peed 405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43. n CHOICE FARMS 69 acres, 8 room house, large barn; about 30 acres in cultivation; 1 ft acres bearing orchard, mostly Royal Anne cherries; about 26 acres in timber, balance pasture. Watered by trout stream and well. Situated 8 miles trom Salem on good highway. Price $9000, including 6 cows, team, wagon and harness; chickens and farm machin ery.' Terms if deslfed. 17 acres, with four room bungalow, good barn; 14 acres in fruit, 12 acres prunes, of which 10 acres are bear ing; 2 acres loganberries. Price $10, 000, includes farm . machinery and chickens. - " ; 87 acres without buildings, 15 acres In bearing prunes, 6 acres timber; 2 miles from Liberty store. Price $7000; $20M cash. 55 acres, 8 room house, V electric lights, telephone, 3-4 mile from oar, on paved road, 10 acrus loganberries, 30 acres prunes and cherries, 9 acres in cultivation and 8 acres in timber, This place can be bought on terms, at $1000 an acre. 31 acres, 3-4 mile from car line, at $8000. 47 acres near Swegle school house, $325 an aore. Terms If desired. We have buyers for first class 5 and 6 room bungalows, and for well 1m proved suburban property. W. A. Liston 484 Court street. . . 99' (CHEAP) One good lot on pavedstreet, with sldewilk, close to car, paving paid. $250. "Good lots, with terms, $150. Good 4 room house, $900. Good 4 room house $1100. $350 down, $10 per month on balance; garden planted; out buildings. Brown, Room 8, 341 State street 99 HOUSES WANTED . ",. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE LIST WITH US. WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF SELLING CITY PROPERTY AND CAN GUARANTEE QUICK RE SULTS. BRING OR MAIL YOUR LISTING. R. B. DORNEY 329 Oregon bldg. Phone 951. n 6 REAL BARGAIN'S $2100, $500 down, balance Uko rent. A 4 room shingle bungalow 4 years old, east front, paved street,", base ment, near carline, good lot. $1600, $1000 down, will take an other neat newly painted 4 room .bungalow with sleeping porch, paved street; walks in. wood shed, a lew nice young fruit trees, east front, 3 blocks from .street car, east Salem. $3500. $1000 will let you enter this home as your own. You can park your car In front of the house on a paved street or drive it Into the gar age as you like, and have 6 nice rooms to use for your happiness and com fort, not far out. $1500, $500 down and easy1 terms on the balance, will buy a 7 room plastered house and 3 lots in West Salem. Good location. $3500, $1500 down, or a small cheap house valued to $1000 and $500 cash will handle a 6 room modern bunga low, double basement, on paved street, near car line. $5500 will buy one of the nicest room bungalows with several gooi lots on pave dstreet. This has turn ace, fireplace and is thoroughly mod ern. A, L. Seamster Realty Co. Phone 353. n' OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra i .4o d0Ubie roll. Max O. .Buren 179 N. Com'l. n REAL ESTATE. SNAPS IN SMALL ACREAGES , c rtf ... un wuutu twu, ' " ,., ,t. .9,n :iji.t lent muu. suiuc tiuit, ,,,., - hii.. h.,,, isxrt 2 V acres, good 8 room pU;3teml house, new barn and chk-ken house. Some logans and other berries. fa!i ly fruit in good condition. $3250. apple, and cher rie Kood hg house, and well. N i acres all cleared, a acres in other buildings. Price iauu. 5 acres close in, 4 Vi cleared, shack 16x16, small barn: 1 McCormack mower, hay rake, harrow, 1 Oliver plow, wagon, heifer with calf, with crop on. 5 acrea adjoining goes for $2500. This is some snap. $1000 cash. K seres. 85 fruit trees, some berries and lumber enough to build a 4 rqpm house. $2000. 10 acres near Marion. ivuo. Will give good terms on all prop erties listed, John H. Scott Realty Co. !!S Oregon frldg, nlOl DIRECTORY. Osteopathy DRS. WHITE and Marshall, ostee- res, phone 834. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathia physician an surgeon, uj- ure- son bldg. Res. phone 68F5. 10 FARM LOAN'S Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 26-year loans at per cent. Haw kins A Roberts, 206 Oregon bids. Salem, Or. MARION-POLK National Farm Loan Assn. Government money iu iu at 5ft percent SOS Salem Bank o Commerce. W. D. Smith. Money to Loan. Ob good real estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem. Ore. Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial ana iraue 01 Bills payable monthly in advance. "Phone 67. - - Money to Loan. Federal Farm Loans Any amount Long time. 6ft nnd percent interest City building loans. . A. C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonlo Temple. Salem. Oregoa Scavenger. SALEM 8CAVA-T3ER Garbage n& refuse OI ail Kinaa remu, monthly contraots at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani mals removed. Office phone Main 17. Optician. DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optome trist-optician, eyes morouguu -amtned, glasses made and fitted. 610-12 TJ. 8. bank. Phone 841. Why Sell for Less. WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid be for you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com mercial street. Phone 784. J. W. YOUNG & SON Contractors a.nd builders. Phone 1978. " Lodge Directory. XK CHEMEKETA 1-dge No. 1 mti every Wednesday evening at 7:30 at I. O. O- F- hall. . KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet at Mo- Cornack hall on every ij " 8. J. L. Tucker, C. Ci P. J. Kun K. R. & S. LNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets every -xnuimiaj 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. P. An dresen, M. A.; A. A. GueHroy, eo- retary, Balem. Or. TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery Drivers Union No. 110 meet every Wednesday evening at the Labor Temple, 8 o'clock.; ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meets every Thursday evening in McCor nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union Bt. ' recorder. Flora Nelson, 133 Norta 20th. ' . , . W O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 MesU every Friday night at 8 o'clock ia McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lll erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome. C. D. Boss, C. C; L. S. deer, clerk "WALLPASTE" perfect for paper hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur . en. 179 N. Com'l. WALL paper 26o double roll and up. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m "WALLBOARD" can be used over lath and papered or tinted. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Conv Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years experience; Depot National and American fence, sizes 28 to Inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Btove Works. 260 Court street. Phone 1 Market Reports . Grain; Wheat No. 1 $2.00; fee oats 86c; milling oats 85c; cheat hay $2122; oat hay $2425; clover hay $2526; mill run $48. Butterfat: Butterfat 62; creamery butter 6263c. Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on foet 16ftc; veal fancy 21c; steers 11c; spring lambs 16ftc; cows 79o; ewes 8c; sheep, yearling 13c. - Dressed pork 21c Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 33c; light hens, 2830ci heavy hens 12s old roosters 16 018c; springs 240. Vegetables: Onions per pound faj celery do. $1.75; potatoes, Yakima 8c Oregon 6ftc; strawberries $5.00; beets per sacx $2; turnips per sack $3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnips per sack $3.60; spinach 10c ib.j rel ishes 40o dox. Fruit: Oranges $5.00 137.00; lemons $5.60 6; bananas 11c; honey extract 20o; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 6c; head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45o; as paragus 18c; cauliflower $3 dox.; red peppers 25o lb; rhubarb to peas l(c lb. Retail prices: Erss dcxen ITef creamery butter 68 70c; country but ter 60c; flour hard wheat $3.25J.4S soft wheat $2.20. LIVESTOCK Portland, April 24. Cattle steady; receipts 56; grain- and pulp fed steers $12.00 0 13. Ou; cnolce $11,000 12.00; good to choice $10.00 11.09; medium to good $9.0010; fair to good $8.259.00; common to fair $7.008.26; choice cows and heifers $10.60 11; good to choice $9.75 10.60; medium to good $8.2509.76; fair to medium $7.008.25; canners $5.007.00; bulls $6.008.50; prime light calves $15.0017.00; medium light $10.00 15.00; heavy $7,009 10.00; stockers. and feeder $7.10 8.60. Hogs weak; receipts 186; prime d'mixed kl.60 17.10; medium $16.09 16.50; rougn neavy )ii.ifw.v, pigs $12.50 15.60. Sheep steady; receipts 403; spring lambs $17.00 19.00; light valley $15.7517.00; heavy $14.25 0 1S.7 common to medium $1114.6; year lines $15.0016.00; wethers $14.60 16.25; ewes $10 14.