lEJi CAPITAL JOURNAL. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL A CALL FOR HELP f California was colonized bv eold-seekers and adventurers,' an independent newspaper Washington by fortune hunters and speculators, Oregon by mis-! Sunday by xha Capita: journal Print- j sionaries and educators. As a consequence Oregon has preserved; tos Co.. is utnommerciw street. ; ner conservative character throughout her nistory ana is xoaay aweidiorirt 'noma. "sYthe most stable and conservative of any of the western common- O. PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher. Entered aa second claim mad mat ter at Salsm. Oregon. Bt order of V. 8. government, all thau subscriptions are payable in advance. wealths. . The history of Oregon really began with the founding of the Willamette University as an institution for christianizing the subscription rates I Indians and for educating youth of the settlers. That the Amer- By carrier 69 cents a month. By , . , , .... . mail 60c a month, f 1.25 tor three ! Scan flag flies over the northwest is due largely to the university, months, IJ.26 for six months, M per j and the rjebt the state owes to the pioneer churchmen is a heavy war in Marion and Polk counties, j Blsewhere IS a year. , One. Uefore there was a Salem, there was a Y illamette university, It was the school that platted the town and brought population and to the vision and foresight of the college founders, Salem is ward. Tribuns Bidg. rew Tor; w . 'indebted for the wide avenues and admirable plan for the city H. etockweil. Peoples Gas bidg.. , , , , r Chicago. that the scraggly village of Chemeketa grew into. Advertising representatives W. D. 5? HE A Y ARTHUR SCOTT .BAILEY Throughout the years, Willamette University has exercised not otherwise credited In this paper and also local news published herein. Portland. The Portland city coun cil has deckled a tentative election plan, whereby the voters will be asked on M:iy il, the (lute of the regular pri mary election. to vote on throe meas ures designed to relieve the local street car situation. The proposed program cals fur a tax levy of 2. mllln for the next Uvo consecutive years. warden s office, who have been pa trolling the waters of the Columbia near its confluence with the Sandy. These officers -announced today that the twaters a few miles below the San-t dy'a mouth were alive with smelt and that tho fish would probably make their UKtial haunts in the Sandy by Hunday. The run this year la later than usual, and Home fitih experts had predicted that it would not materially. Portland. Milk diftrihutors have notified their cutomers that begin ning May 1 a rise In the price of two cents a quart for raw milk would be placed In effect, lirliiKliiff the coat to sixteen oents a quart. Pustureixed milk, It was said, will remain at the pres ant-price .of 14 cents. Portland. Continued Improvement In the switchmen's strike situation was reported by all railroads here to day. Crews In ths yards averaged about SO per cent normal, It was said, and freight was kept moving. A few more strikers returned to Work. Eugene. Two men were killed unci third was perhaps fatally Injured when tho .boiler of a locomotive pull ing a loaning train between the Ftomii Kolly Lumber company's mill at Wendllng and an upper camp explod ed at 8 "o'clock Friday nflernoon. Charles Hlmlt, fireman, and Chnuncny Meacluim, hrakemnn, were killed and Oscar T'urrlsh; engineer, probably will not recover from his Injuries, say at tending physicians. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED ERESS , Ths Associated Press Is exclusively j all news dispatches credited to it or fa beneficent influence for education and morality upon all of the northwest, particularly upon Salem, neutralizing to a great ex tent the pernicious influence and corruption of politics an in- tfllfsflfta 4" Vl of lie d Vt nAc Colnm 4-Via tmAof i ff n nlirn nnrl wnVIn TCgOn residence city of the northwest. hsprUfitinn u' e va'ue '"amette University to the community is not continea to etnical lnlluence. It has been one of the largest single factors in community development. Much of the popula tion was attracted here by the educational institution. Annually it brings in additional residents. Through it more outside money is yearly brought into Salem than by any of our manufacturing enterprises. Hence Willamette University is one of Salem's greatest assets, intellectually, socially, morally and commercially. ; These are hard times for educational institutions. Expen- Portland. The annual run of smelt ' , ' , " ""-" -v... icaioia o-.aiiuiiaj.jr, in the sandy river near here, impends lwruie auemiance nas multiplied, increased tacinties are needed, according to deputies of the state game ! hiffher Salaries for educators must be OTOVided or the inst.riirtnrs seek other fields, and the students must be taken care of. The schools of the nation face a crisis, and many will be forced to close. Every educational institution is functioning under difficulties. From wealthy eastern institutions like Harvard down through the list of heavily endowed state universities, to the small struggling sectarian colleges, and on to the public and district schools, all are appealing for help. Thousands of schools have been closed for lack of teachers, thousands more will be forced to close, and unless the people rally whole-heartedly to the support of the schools, the future welfare of the nation is menaced. ... ( In common with other educational institutions, the flair of uiHiress is nying over wiuamette university. A new srirls' dor mitory must be erected to care for attendance. The main building destroyed iy lire last winter, must be rebuilt. New eauioment must be supplied and increased salaries insured to enable instruct ors to meet the higher cost of living. One hundred thousand dollars must be raised and made avail able for immediate use or Willamette University will sustain ser ious loss and a set-back that it -will take years to recover f ronv Of ithis amount, $20,000 is asked from citjzens of Salem a sum that ought to be voluntarily provided without effort a trifling amount when compared to the wealth of the city. Willamette University has meant so much to Salem in the past, has possibilities of meaning so much more in the future. that it ought to be a pleasure for those who have profited direct ly ana indirectly trom it-and every one in Salem has so profited to assist to preserve in its wide field of usefulness. Salem's best asset. Only those without appreciation of the past or without vision ior tne iujure, win tan to respond to the call for -assistance, ' s Of course' Johnson carried Montana where the I. W? W. are always on strike, fcvery element of national discord, every friend 01 uermany, every opponent ot the League of Nations is for John son. -' . MR. CROW TO THE RESCCE. j Mr. Crow what he thought CHAPTER VI. ) "I d like to hear his song," said As time went on. and the Green. 0ld Mr. Crow, family overslept each morning, Rusty "Come right over to my tree near began to grow very weary of the! the house!" Rusty urged him. monotonous "Cuckoo! cuckoo!' which came every half hour, all day of the farmhouse. "I'd like to know what sort of bird that Is!" he exclaimed at last?. "If he'd only .come out here in the yard I'd ask him his name rand tell him what I think of him, too." But the stranger never stirred out of.the kitchen. And at length Rusty plained. . , -III Cr. Crow hesitated. "Where's Farmer Green?" he in quired. "Oh! He's working in the hay field." "Where's Johnnie Green?" Mr Crow asked. "Oh! He's in the hayfield, too, rid ing on the hayrake," Rusty Wren ex- 'Where's Farmer Green?" he Inquired. decided to make inquiries about him Seeing Jimmy Rabbit passing thru the orchard on his way home from the cabbage patch, Rusty called to him. "If you happen to see old Mr. Crow, I wish you would ask hhn if he won't please come right over to the orchard," Rusty Wren said. "There's something I want- to find out. And Mr. Crow knows so much that perhaps he can help me." Jimmy Rabbit declared that he Would be delighted to deliver the message. And he must have gone out of his way to find Mr. Crow, for the gentleman arrived at the orchard In less than sixteen minutes. Rusty was waiting for him. A.nd, having explained about the strange bird as well as he could, he asked come with you, then," Mr. Crow croaked. So taey flew to the dqoryard. And they hadn't waited there long when the strange bird sang his "Cuckoo! cuckoo!" "There!" said Rusty. "That's his silly song!" And to his surprise MY. Crow haw-hawed right out. "What's the joke?" Rusty Wren wanted to know. "That's not a bird " said old Mr. Crow "or, at least, it's not a real bird. He's made of wood. And he lives inside a cuckoo clock." "Ah!" Rusty cried. "An alarm clock!" But old Mr. Crwo shook his head. "No!" he replied. "It's just an everyday clock. And, instead of strik ing, it lets this little wooden bird come out and sing." Rusty Wren said that he wouldn't care for a clock like that -and that he didn't see why Farmer Green had brought it home, anyhow. cuckoo ciocks amuse the women and children," Mr. Crow remarked wisely. men you think Farmer Green was not dissatisfied with my singing? You think he would like me to wake him every morning, just as I used to?" Rusty waited eagerly for Mr Crow's opinion. Old Mr. Crow pondered for a while before answering. He reflected that since it was long past corn-planting time, It really made no difference to him whether Farmer Green overslept or not. If the corn had just been put in the ground, he would have liked to have Farmer Green stayed in bed all day long. 'I understand that the whole fam ily enjoys your songs," Mr. Crow told Rusty at last "And for the present you may as well sing your dawn song right here in your own tree, Deneatn Farmer Green's window. But if you're living here next spring, I wish you would consult me again." Rusty Wren agreed to that, thank ing Mr. Crow for his kindness, too. And, afterward, instead of being an gry, he laughed whenever he heard that silly "Cuckoo! cuckoo!" Since he knew it was only a wooden bird. Rusty Wren was jealous no longer. The next morning he awakened Farmer Green at the break o" day. And the hired man was so sleepy that he fell downstairs and couldn't work for a whole week. SATURDAY. Amr, 'Bjint!tC7"ttT,s" ic r nes dSoaety.durwC? "ntyyeanBSR vaukht .-.r 77 Cr7filV A I always the uA VS. (3 special.sk A Beautiful Salem Lecture Attends (Continued from pnga one) hardy astor, and the nllcuium. The keynote In lamlscapo garden ing Is to observe nature's laws as near ly as possible. She. seldom treats things In conformity to a glvon line, hut arranges her shrubs, flowers and Ircvs with a charming irregularity. I'lnygi-ouiHlft I'wd TU lucturm- believes reliniotiHly In the erection of well utipervlsed play grounds fur children, A busy child Is a happy child, and generally develops Into a buny nnd uxcful man or voman He felt that It was entirely mince- easury for any ono to be surrounded ly ugliness, when a sum as small ns Hlxly flvo cents for flower seeds, a hack yard may be made to blossom like tho rose, with very llttlK outlay f lime and energy; and there ls,noth Ing Ilka .the cultivation of flowers, In his opinion, to develop the spirit ual, inoraj and physical nature of man "Show mo a luvnr ot floweiV h aaid, "nnd I will show you a real, hlmlly, human being, tor the cultiva tion of flowers brings us clout! to (lod, mnkea us forget ourselves, and lova our fellow men more, which, af ter all, la the real essence ot true re ligion." . ' lu closing Mr. Weed urged flalem llea to cooperate in this matter of beautifying the city. Kvery city as Well As cyery locality of America has H spirit that Is distinctive, and it was Ills hope that Salem In coming to the front commercially, would not forget the not-the-lcHa-welglitier matter of keeping (ibrcnut In civic pride, which jituls expression in a more beauti ful Rilciin The Turkish fortifications along the Eosnhorus anrl Dflrrlnn, ellea are to be destroyed. If the Turk is to stay in Europe, he will vv muuB ttuiiiuss u hoi narmiess. xnoae uregon journalists who are worrying over "Opal's "uuy fiavein imagination enougft to appreciate the imagination oi a cnuu. . Missouri democrats have rejected Reed as a delegate to the naiiomu convention tne most hopelul sign yet of democratic sunny. T.. - 1 t, a .. .. 1'iuiiK uouius wne alleges that he went months without a bath. That wouldn't be cause for divorce in Judtrp D'Aiw-a VUMI lit K - "'viww iiu unc jwiucu me overalls r im snmi h in sist upon uouwe-seatea aeiums. mm T.l J . 1 . . r.ery time tne neet kings are arrested for nrnfitcor-inn- tv, t ..4..s i . .. . . .. . " 1 immiv ia uiiiei iauieu uy a treatise on tne purity of packers. Rippling Rhymes HOUSES ARE SCARCE. The town is short of dwnlli lieu nf small er lavrroi- o,Vn nr,A we hear the yellings of heartsick homeless envs? thov hnotio vi ter-skelter, to try to rent a shelter of some hard-hearted pelter, unmoved by all their cries. It's hard to raise the ant fnr n common gent; for he could build a shanty with what he pays in rent: but there's no builder willincr to tnkfi his hnrrl.Am-r.oH Dr.;n ing and help him make a killing, and hence his loud lament. I see the homeless hiking around me everywhere; their bosoms they are striking, and tearing of their hair; men flaunt their rolls of kroners, and cry, "Rent us a shack, or we are simply gon ers, alas, and eke alack! Our kinds and wives are weeping, for they must do their sleeping in barns where rain is seeping through every beastly crack ! Our uncles and our grannies in eomcribs sit and sigh, while through the open crannies the winds go whizzing by; then rent to us, my master, a house with lath and plaster or tlit-re will be disaster, and fireworks popping high!" In vain there are no houses that they can rent or hire, which grewsome fact arouses my stern patrician ire; that men who have the plun der can't rest, a rooftree under, fills me with wrath and wonder the while I kick my lyre. ' LOVE and MARRIED LIFE By the Noted Author IDAH McGLONE GIBSON touch, his caress, . jet in - taste, in thought and in spirit we Were aa far apart as the" poles; " ' "He set me down In a desperately gay set and gave me absolutely noth ing to do. I found him conventionally true to me, but all the time there was a flirtatious undercurrent with an old sweetheart. Ever since our marriage I have been watching and waiting for the something genuine for the over whelming something that I expected to get out ot it for a love which wouia mane me leel that I was a real, genuine human being a woman whose brain would speak to his brain, whose soul would content his soul. Instead, he has made me feel that I was Just an onlooker of the play and not an actor on the stage of his life. I was not his leading lady only one of the audience to whom he had per haps given the most desirable seat. Dut nothing mors. As to "Other Men" "But other men," Interrupted Char les. un, yes, other men, I answered nis question before he asked It. "You know there tie always other men who would be in the life of a wom an whose husband neglects her. In deed, you will forgive me for re minding you that it was not until after hiy marriage and you thought that you saw that I was not happy that you told me in so many words that you loved me." "Katherlne, you always knew I loved you," said Charles in a hurt voice. "Perhass," I answered rather flip pantly, "but the truth remains, vnn did not' speak." 'I am speaking now." he said thickly. , No, no, do not spoil it all. For such Is the temperamental quirk of my nature that I believe that even now I love and hate John Gordon In the same breath. Today, since I learn ed that I was financially independ ent, I have made a deliberate deeio. Ion. "How long I shall keen It I do not know. It seems to me lately that ever since I married John Gordon I have been making decisions lust to find them futile. However, Chrales, I may as well toll you that I am not going through life empty handed. I am not a big enough woman to do ttiat I am not going to assuage my desire wun subterfuge. I am not trolnn tn find a man in whom I can absorb my- wmi. wun whom I can share mv dreams and make some effort at con structive living. Obviously, the man who Is the most convenient and who would be the most satisfactory Is my husband, and I am going 9 try to work this scheme out with him." Advice from Charles. "Then, my dear," said Charles quietly," "you must turn all this busi ness over to him." "That is just why I can not turn this business over to him," I answer ed decisively. "Don't you see what I am looking for is not to belong to a man body and soul, but to be a part " im. ana ne 01 me." Katherlne, you are looking for sumeming mat can not be found on mis earth," said Charles with n sle-h (Monday The Battle of the Sexes) 'PORTLAND MARKETS Batter Portland, Or., April 24. Cubes ex ira doc; parchment wrapped boi lots 60c; cartons 61c; half boxes He mure, less man ft boxes lc more; butterfat 59 60c f. o. b. station; 61 t-oriiana, - i Poultry and Eggs. Portland, Or., April 24. Eircs eti Ing price case count 6738c; buying price case count 87 Uc; selling m-ice canaieo. ac; selected candled In car tons 42c. Poultry: Hens 25 38c: broilers Bftc luraevs tuc; geese nominal; ducki toe. vi neat JZ.ZO; barley, rolled l7fi o. uais ou.ouraei.as: corn Nn ) yellow $fi769.50. Mill run I4344. nay: Buying price, tlmothv f. n. h roruanti 30; alfalfa 33: grain 128 Poultry: Hens 3438c: broilers id 45c; roosters 16c; turkevs dressed oac; geese 2225c; ducks 40 uu diu; corn wo. 3 yellow 174 Wheat and Mill Staffs. urai: ti.iu oanev I7n- not. -s.uu: airaifa 133: grain an on 76 bid. Hay: Buying price, valley timothy "u" b ion; roiled barlev 173 cheat 122; clover 130; oats and vetoh tU. Mlllstuffs: Prlcea f.o.b. mill, oltj artage 12 extra. Mill run, car lota o mixed cars 143 ton; rolled barley $71 rolled oats 169.60; ground barley 171 scratch feed 180. Corn whole 166; cracked $8. Down in Texas they're buvlmr not. toes still In the ground, which goes to show that some people have more aim in meir gardens than we have in ours, because It has been our Bt,i. ence that what does down doesn't nec- osoiirny always come up. ?" "tun 1 1 1 1 1 n i H.-an's lH-.-l.-c. .Wf8 this Is the thing you should do." Itttt Katherlne," said Charles, "do Attempts to l.xplaln. you know where this Is leading you?" "Charlie, let me explain my po I am afraid If you persist in this Idea'altlon to you. It Is useless for me to of handling this matter yourself you I try and tell vou thai mv iif huh juini win come to tne parting oijjuhn Gordon has been perfectly hap the wa." jpy ince our marriage. You know ai jo not worry annul that, vnar.es well as I said Impulsively. "John Gordon ! a that I married him after whirlwind courtship. In which cur um, uu mum oi money o let mil seemed fused bv a rr,a W rich wife separate from him." i We Immediately the words were out ot I was grieved and surnrlsed i.. L..nr- my mouth 1 was srory I had said i that he only expected me after mar lltem. bciause I knew that what I riage to keen un our miuti.ii i-- hi-d said demanded some explanation, jrrtaaing social duties and behave like Put be for I could explain, Charles charming doll at. all times. Vp to again -remonstrated, "Katherlne, per-1 this time, Charles. I must confess haps this Is the way out of It all. If that 1 knew myself quite as little as j tu would turn everything over to-1 knew John, and the more I learned John., iicrh.tu lit ivmii.i that it to knmv myself th nt- 1 wMti.,.t other f,.-ller -he kin inakj evrr'buddy) was liyt to tell you !ut the bttsl- that 1 wantwd even mar than moat laiitrh but his A if'. Attei;!a!t va ell : liens aiM allow uu t. ha some women do. . - . ..... ... in Vhe niatter. 1 r .! think.; A.tnmign John ,.rdvn hml the de.tr, tiat as long ta yi'tt arc Ji!: power to tiufi! with In? smi'.o, his DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK That the eyes you now have.are the only ones you will ever liave ? Better take care of them in time. DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bidg. . ittttttAttttiitMHtMm V.r. find .Airs, Charley C!;aplln hava 1'ht ! t'arK'' I like a whoiw lot o' .y belli g..o.t. IKtinted it 'f Jim nny SIX IN A ROW ou will enjoy eating this Bake-! Rite bread fresh from our ovens, baked by men who have1 the "know how" of bread bak ing. Try one of our loaves and t?ee the difference. . j Bake-Rite Bakery 437 State St. Phone 268 ' THE exterior appearance of the Special-Six suggests the car it is; a beautifully de signed, light-weight car, a car with agility, speed, quick pickup, ideal power, a car that any member of the family can drive all day long with out fatigue. 50-H. P. detchM.hd motor; iatomodiato tnna. miiion; 1 19-in. whaelbuo, bit ma maximal comfort for fire ptucngcrs. - All Studebokor Con are equip pod with Cord Tirer-onototr Studtbokor nrooodosl "This is a Studebaker Year" j MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. Salem, Ore. ABUSE and neglect will give f any battery the ' 0."in short order, but it takes care and attention to keep it O.K. Charge must be kept up as near as pos sible to 1.280 mark water must be put in to make up for loss by evaporation connections must be kept tight and clean. If you want to keep your battery in the O. K. class all the time be sure to drive in every two weeks for inspection and test. Dcggc & Burrell Auto Electricians 238 North High Street Through Service We Grow Office f Qtevt PjIffAtllS top Nr 679 J- EMPFY tdan;ffd LOCAL AMD LONG DISTANCE HAULING . iu.n. CONTRACT OR HOUR WE STRHTE TO PI.F.ask mm rTT?TnTT.RS' LADD & BUSH1 BANKERS Established 1SG3 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. n. ?s