Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 23, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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'KIDAY, APRIL 2.1 , .
MUTT AND JEFF Oh look whose hat is. in the ring noivlBy Bud Fisher.
'lx mottV But TMi
.... . . .
r rxr- i u.aaji To nee i i
- - i - - i z-- V 1
(Copyright, 1920. by H. C. Fisher. Trade Mark Reg. v s -.
J.l. r--'cbH, i- ' L jfiriSBr.: " ' r
Bishop's Men to
Meet Idaho April
25 at Local Park
"Sun's a shinin' ", says Rlddie Blsh
up, who has bwn waiting anxiously
for MI Hoi's verdict on the tiitlem
Jtupert game, Sunday,
The Ituperl club la rated an one of
the best Inter-moiintuln aggregations.
In 11 they secured the southern
Idaho, Utah pennant and are report
ed to have an even better team thin
The lineup for Sunday's game Ik
given. Hupert:' Shiingllng, catcher;
Hluhcnhardt, 1st base; Franklin,
short atop; Nelson 2d base; 11 town
3d base; Klystinger, left field; Har
ris, center, Hteushoff, right; Slohler,
Ktause, Oravelle, pitchera.
Balem; llaya or Krueke, ratehe'r;
lllxhop, 1at bane; Cohen, 2d bun;
Proctor, lid baae; Miller, abort stop;
O'Malley, left field; IlohneH, center;
Hall or Knickerbocker, riant field;
twirling timber, Cole, CrnlR, flrown.
'ThliiKa look good for tt real rltih
anil a real park," aaya IIIhIiop, "and
1 am sure that the funs will stay with
Nick William left Halem Thursday
for Hpokane, where they will play a
two gmno nerlea. The llooxejaw tnun-
umer had 21 men while In thlN city
and beeaUHe of the bad Weather wan
tumble to work out bis latent remillH.
At Hpokane, the Canadian expecta to
Bee nil of hln men In action and to use
the meat ax la Older to trim the
crew down to 15 ImiuU for the de
parture for MooBeJaw.
.Several of the Mooxejnw boy have
Npuken to Kiddle llltiliop for a berth
Iteie, but Ihe hiiHtliiiK manaKer aaya
In will nut uxa any of 'Yyillhim'a dlx
I'mi'iIh, bi'Hide he believes that'll Ut
ile practice will prove that the pres
ent formation t almoMtely or aood
timber, tlalie Ail. hub, who played In
Null-in liiNt year will anon be with the
local boya.
Hinliu repotiH that several Kood
Kamea are In prospect, Woodbuin,
. Alieritcen, WiihIi,, Kmkciip and Cor
vullia havo written for dates.
All Saturday sanies have been post
pimed until better weather prevails.
Din lug the season, lllxliop Is nri aiiK
lnK a three Kama weekly' scliedu'e,
Nalurdiiy aftei miiiiiib and Hunday dou
ble header. These double Barnes will
be for oao admission,
Milling Comvanv
Asks Additional
Rights To WaterInrease In Booze
ese and all-Russian forces as a result
of a battle fought at VVerkneinskojs on
April 12. according to a report Issued
irom the war office here today.
Waconda Colts And
Hoivell Prairieites
To Play, April 25
. i. misseii, milliliter oi Ills Hll
cmula Colls, renorts that he bus been
following the baseball news In the
c apital journal for some time and
prophesies ft very good buseball sea
son In Marlon county, during the sum
mer of 1920.
VVacoiida opens the season at that
place In a game with the Howell
Prairie 'fivers, Sunday April SG, and
the VS'aeomla manager says that his
club will stir up something during
every minute of play.
The appropriation of 90 second feet
of water from the Wallowa river In
addition to the amount granted under
a recent adjudication of h
right on this stream, Is sought by the
"HIM prise mercantile & Milling com
pany of Enterprise. In an rniliatin
filed with State Engineer Cupper here
Thursday. The appropriation Is de
sired for the development of 163 addi
tional horsepower, the project involv
ing an outluy of approximately $4500.
me water commission of Bt. Helens
has also filed an application with th
state engineer's office for the right to
uppropriuie water from Milton creek
ror muulclpnl purposes. This applica
tion, it Is understood, Is In addition to
water rights heretofore - acquired by
the city of St. Helens for municipal
purposes and Involves new develop
ment to cost approximately 112,000,
Including tho construction of a pipe
line 154 miles long on Milton creek
above the present Intake.
Other -applications filed with the
stale etiKlneer's-oftlce Thursday were:
My H. C. Muller, Orants Pass, cov
ering the appropriation of water from
Koguo rive,, for the irrigation of SO
acres In Josephine county.
Hy Minnie Brown, -Ontario, covering
the appropriation of water from Snake
river for (he irrigation of 87 acres near
My W. J. Hlsswn of Fields, covering
the appropriation of wnter from Horse
creek for tho Irrigation of 125 acres In
Harney county.
I'.y W. (I. Himulnnd of Reedsport
covering tho iipiioprlatli)n of water
from an nniiaineil stream tributary o
the t'iiiniia river for a domestio water
Toklo, April 2.1 llolshevik attempt!)
t" " atcn China by advancing from
the Iiiguda valley, northwest of Chlln.
have been entirely friistrned by Japan-
. Exports Amounts
10 Million, Report
Washington. America's last year of
export trade In alcoholic beverages,
before the advent of prohibition to
suited in an Increase of nearlv $10
000 000 in the value of spirits,' wines
and liquors shipped out of the coun
try in 19l compared with! 918 ac
cording to foreign trade reports Issued
by the department of commerce
During 1919 .. ,,, , . '
. - vi- -io.iuo.ODI
gallons of soirlts. nlnna n.,1 tl
valued at $19,449,484 were exportea
against 21,242.220 gallons at $9.9eo,
600 In 1918. Whiskey was the heav
iest item of alcoholic exports for the
year, 842,936 gallons of bourbon val
ued at $1,560,664 and 247,553 gallons
of rye at $179,769 bcyig exported.
Elko, New Sheep shearing in east
ern Nevada Is underway and growers
declare shearers are making big earn
ings this year. Seventeen cents a head
Is the price paid and some expert
shearers can clip one hundred animals
a day .thus earning $17 in addition to
board and lodging which is Included
with the job.
Jackson county will be largely rep
resented In the newly organized State
Automobile Dealers' association.
-'. MM ;
I Now Is Your Chance to Buy a First
I Class Used Car
I We are compelled to sell the used cars we have on the
I floor. These cars have been overhauled, and are guaran-
t teed to run
P 1918 Velie Six, looks like new , '. ,'.$1450
1918 Maxwell first class condition : $5.50
; 1916 Maxwell new top, new paint, new upholstering,
I good tires for quick sale, only $475
1918 Maxwell truck, fine condition A $650
1918 Overland, fine shape ."..... $000
Will give liberal terms on all used cars '
I 162 North Commercial
"Nothing wrong with our balance"
' Chesterfield
THE right balance of costly Turkish
and Domestic tobaccos, propor
tioned by experts that's why ' . -
Chesterfields "satisfy." 4
Every puff brings you the full, rich
flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco :'
and the lively relish of choice Domes
tic leaf. 4
f And the blend the manufacturer's
private formula can
not be copied.
Every package enclosed
in glassine, moisture
proof paper that seals in
the flavor.
' CO
ffl) Spring Blouses I
Si yvral of ' ffl
aik;kntine 1 nop mo.
Huenoa Aires, April 2J. Argentina's
corn crop for the present year will bo
6.671.000 Spanish tons, equivalent of
t68.ll9l.000 American bushels accord
ing to official figures made public to
day. Reports to the government show
8. 184, 000 acres planted to corn this
Rare Charm
It is always our pleasure to show the very newest along
the lines of fashion. You will find them here the latest
in blouses, smocks and novelty blouses. There are many
new shades this season. Do you know them? If not,
drop in and let us show them to 'you. We think our
blouses are prettier this year than ever before and will
deem it a pleasure to show them for your appreciation.
j not be copied. -tZ .
r Every package enclosed W!y4 sfdill
in glassine, moisture- I Sfyi
J proof paper that seals in VJ V 5
es j v4ag&
SS 1 . , HSMMW in - . III..III.IIII- lis
$ 41 it
vtr vast imrsii 011
It A yk ';V ft If- IV A ad
The only sure wv to ret rid of.ilnn
druff Is to dlwulve It, then you destroy
It entirely To do this, get about foiu
ounces of ordinary liquid arvou
Ply it t niuht when retlrlna:
enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it tn gently with the finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning
most If not all, of your dandruff: will
. ! gone, and three or four more np
pllcatlons will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy every single sign and
trace of It. no matter how much dim
druff you may have.
You will find, too, that nil Itching
anil digging of Ule scalp will stop at
once and yuur hulr will be fluffy, lus
1 1" us, gliHy, silky and soft, and look
Hint feel a hundred times better.
Vuu can get liquid nrvoa at any
drug store. It Is Inexpensive and nev
er fulls to du the wot K. (udv)
A Special Purchase
Enables Us to Offer You
200 Blouses at
implest Tractor
Simplicity of design and operation is the keynote of FORD
SON TRACTORS. Little to get out of order. Every part easy
to get at and adjust
. Dreamland Rink
Pacific Coast Champion
Northwest Champion
. . FKIDAV nrtci SATt liDAY ...
APRIL 23, 21
( hs in iwa tiami S;iltinf:ir. Xi.u;M
Of Georgette And Crepe
de Chine
There is extraordinary value in this
1 blouse special for the features of these
blouses are new and attractive; the
prettily cut long sleeves; the touches of
fluted ruffles; bright notes of bead em
broidery; all these add to the charm of
these blouses. The price, you will agree
is unusual. Come and see the blouses.
g Where Shopping Is a Pleasure
1 - ri
m '--got m m j
1 - 3
rti3 m om
Stmphcity in the construction of a tractor is of great import
T,tlt f 7 ComVlicated machinery and untried con
struction freaks mean break-downs that cost money in -time
lost and for repairs
F0RSLRT0 meei M Powr-farmint requirements
gmng added profit and independence to the farmer
145 Liberty St.
1 -Ltm-.-vr i.nt c . ..