Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 23, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920.
i own
armory. !."
BusnU Men', league Com-
"April 28. Rotrian lunch
? Hotel Marion, noon.
f April 2S.-Elks Scout night.
; -April SO.-Pageant. "Awifc
i Ming of Spring." opera house.
I May 1 Dairymen', conven
i tlon. Commercial club. 10 a. m.
yay 5Benefit Dance. Com-
i Mnv M, Armory.
May 7 Declamatory con-
tt8t, county schools. Armory
Court House News
Circuit Court.
Grace M. Southwick vs. Holland S.
Southwick. Orde r striking out part u.
defendant's answer.
Carol Jenings vs. David F. Jennings.
Jnswerto petition to modify decree.
Grace M. Southwick vs. Rolland S.
Southwick. Reply-
Probate Court. ,
Lucinda Chrisman esate. Insane.
Inventory and appraisement.
Guardianship of George W. Patter
ion, insane. Order.
Guardianship of George W, Patter
ion, insane. Findings of fact and cot
tlusion of law.
John A. Darr estate. Semi-annual
Daily Statistics.
tEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Lewis,
it the Deaconess hospital, April 22,
a daughter.
PERKINS To Mr. and Mrs. Tony T.
Perkins of Aumsvllle, at the resi
dence, Turner road and 22nd strets,
Salem, a daughter, weight 4 pounds,
April 15, 1920. The little, girl will
,be named Violet Vivian.
Overall and apron danca Auburn
hall Saturday night $g
. "Revelation; music and singing
Saturday nights. Moose halt, for danc
ing. Ladles free. Har;ey C. Pugh. 8
See "Hodad and Nockey" high
school vaudeville tonight. Curtain
rises 8 slrarp. Admission 25c B8
Lamonf Bullock, riding a bicycle,
narrowly, escaped injured yesterday
afternoon when- he cut In ahead of a
machine driven .fay John Caughhill,
140 North Cottage street, and was
knocked from the bicycle. Mr. Caugh
hill reported the accident to police.
It occurred on. East State street, near
the Union Oil company's plant
Mr. Wilbur, the "whistling canary"
entertains Saturday night at armory
dance. Ladies free. ' $g
Baby chicks, 658 State. Phone 400.
Hear that zelophone Saturday night
at the armory dance. ' 98
Mrs. A. Childs, from Lebanon, came
to this city today to get her son, Don
Childs, age 15, who ran away from
I his home several nights ago and was
taken into custody here yesterday by
police. Don was acught when he ap
peared at police headquarters and
asked for work. Only a few minutes
before Chief of Police Welsh hade.
ceived a call from Albany authorities
asking that he aid in the search for
the boy. , -
Coming to the Liberty
SJ f ' -r.r " ' iTlv,
;" '.a v - - - -
t 1 ; t
T i 1
1 , A . v i ' '
1 V ' " ',-4 - ; V
... i
JONES To Mr. and Mrs. Clayton W.
Jones, at their home three miles
south of Salem, a girl, weight 7
pounds, April 14 ,1920. To be named
, Vivian Charlotte. ,
Ivan G. Martin, Salens attorney and
incidentally a candidate for represent
ative from Marlon county iii the state
legislature,,, has returned from Port
land where he was admitted to prac
tice In the federal court. Mr. Martin
drove back to Salom via Woodburn
and Newberg and reports that the
roads in the vicinity of Newberg are
In a bad condition.
1 killed and another officer and twelve ftt' Ti r
men wounded. AJttlCe KetltS Ull
viucuiJB nere assumea mis ciasnj
; was separate from that previouslyre-1
i ponea irom Haiiar where Japanese
troops who were moving bolshevists
to the town of Manchuria when at
tacked "by crowds of Caech and
Chinese soldiers.
jthat only three buildings in the Pacific
i northwest, the Alaska building: in Se-
dOGSt TO flCr'T C !'a,lU'' the Northwestern Bank building
Russian Masses
Will Rise Against
Soviet, Is Claim
Victoria, B. C, April' 23. "In my
opinion, the time is coming when the
Russian masses will take things into
their own hands and another bloody
evolution, equalling the French rev
olution in ferocity, will follow," said
Dr. J. C. Cahlil f Topeka, Kan.,
member of the Artepiean xRed Cross
mission,- on his arrival here today
Xrom Vladivostok via Manila.
'Eight members of the American
Red Cross mission, in charge of Dr.
J. G. Bouvler came over on the Ca
.nadian Pacific liner Monteagle.
M-'ha-.demobilization' of the Amerl-
l.ean "Red Cross in Siberia Is now com
plete, members of the mission stated.
Only a few details of the organization
,-eniain behind to arrange for the dis
posal of supplies and wind up mat
ters incidental to mobilisation.
Clara. Kimball Toung, in her firn Equity production, "Eves of Youth"
who comes to Liberty theatre next. Sunday, has in her support six, prom
inent film stars, including Pauline Starke, Milton Sills, Edmund LOwe,
Vincent Serano, Gareth Hughes and Ralph Lewis.". ,
Salem trip, Friday morning report a
badly damaged Ford left on the road
east of the Pudding river bridge. The
ear was accidentally injured late
Thursday evening, when a front
wheel was wrecked by a bad "chuck
hole" on this travel route.
Teomen don't overlook the basket
social and dance Saturday night at
the lodg ehall. Bring your basket and
Invite your friends. 98
668 Stat.
Baby chicks.
400. .
Can a woman cheat . the devil?
Come and see. High school tonight, 8
p. m. No reserved stats. 98
Miss "Flora "Case, librarian, will
have charge of the childrens hour at
the public library Saturday morning.
Love, Jeweler,
watchmaker, 8a-
Dance by the big 7 piece orchestra
at armory Saturday nighh 98(
JIGGER To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.
Jisger, Hopmere, a boy, April 19,
1520. Named Henry Adolph. '
1ALACK To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Lalack. Friday April 23, a daugh
ter. She has been named Louise.
Oh boy1 Hear that Snxo Sextette
at the high school tonight.. It's one
of twelve good acts for 25c. 98
"" Karl Onthank, secretary of Presi
dent P. L. Campbell of the University
of Oregon, was in Salem from Eugene
Thursday attending to business.
: Died. ' :
KIRCHNER John "Jack" KIrchner,
14, at the family residence five miles
eaat of Salem early today. Funeral
, Saturday at 10 a. m. at the , St.
; Joseph's church, under direction of
Terwilllger Funeral company. Burial
. Catholic cemetery.
v Born
HOLT Mrs. .Taney N. Holt, 46, at the
family residence, 1032 Oak strtet,
tost nlpht. Funeral at chapel of
HIgdon & Son Saturday at 3:80 p.
av Burial City View cemetery.
Different" "the music for dancing
ttit the "Revelation" orchestra plays
St Moose hall on Saturday nights,
. ls singing. Ladles free. Harley " C.
ft5- - 98
'Paul S, Schmidt of 678 North Cot
tage street will dispose of his high
class furniture and furnishings at
public auction on Wed. April 28, at
1 p. m. See advertisement for partic
ulars in Saturday issue. ' . : 98
' Baby chicks. 538 State. . Phone
. 99,
w- W. Johnson, a taxi driver, re
ported to police that he has a woman's
tandbag that was left In his machine,
"I that it he given to its, owner
Hon identification.
"Ye Salem Doll Shop" at the
- Zf h001 vaudeville tonight. No re
""M aeats. Admission 26c. " 98
' i?';.Chalmer Lee George! dentist
; i Masonic bldg. : . . . - t i5
L?' ?cnroeder. I" charge of an In
; .r"8' "on of the Portland Tele-
-, .a, ,n haiem today visiting lo-i
hrbSlurie:.sathfrln data tor
Attorneys Fred. E. Smith and C.
A. Hardy of Eugene, were in Salem
Thursday on professional business.
They argued a case before the su
preme court, which had been appealed
from Lane county. ,. :
, EnsebalJ opening pame at Waconda
Sunday April 25th; fine new ground.
What was the prlrnatlve jazz? See
the high school vaudeville tonight.
All seats 25c. , 98
The series of -meetings Inaugurated
last Sunday at the South Salem
FrlendH church and starting at 7:45
each evening are reported to be recelv
inrr annA Intpraat Sllllprintendent G.
o w""" ... .
L. Henshaw is conducting the series.
'Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Burton of Eu
gtne visited friends in this city Thurs
day. '
v Twelve vaudeville acts for 25c. high
school tonight. No reserved seats. 98
Mrs. H, T. Hedires of Falls City was
a Salem visitor Thursday and Friday.
1 ' L '.
iw ftsiio ' White Leghorn chicks,
400 2-days old; 600 8-days old; prices
reasonable. C. N. Meeanam, o isiaie
St. Phone 400. 98'
' ibout
"i win
' of Salem's industries.T
' W " ully B00d" that "Revela-
' H4ta a M Moose hal1 Saturday
I ! t hrt C'ng and ginln8- Harlty
m- : ' 98
I 1sr.0Prlw on baby chlck- Call
11 StfcanT - Phne.',00"1)9;
ihitK i . '""airatea iree lec
b l JL. .nter""t 01 Americanization
Dr T7 air W T . SlimtlPf. Ti. D..
H-aiini, ha i n rt fto i un An it irinn nr rnn i;jiuiv;ih
Telegram will be off the press the diocese of Oregon, wtli make his
V until . f . . .. l. . . u
weeks. Mr. HnhmoiW annual visitation 10 si. rauia tiiuit..
considerable next Sunday, morning, ceiore vuuumb
to Oregon five years ago, ur. ouniuei
was dtan of the cathedral in unicago,
and while there as member of the
rhnni knur A 'and chairman of the
vice commission achieved a nation
wid limitation as a constructive so
cial reformer. The bishop is a promi
nent leader along these lines particu
lar! v in nnr state. He will administer
confirmation to a class of candidates
and preach the. sermon at the morn
Ing service. . - .
While R. T. Pickett, a driver on
the Silverton-Saltm stage line was in
flating one of the big tires on one, of
the stages, the tire rim tore away and
the pneumatic tube exploded, hurling
Pickett fully ten feet, according to
witnesses. Aside from sundry minor
bruises, the stage driver was uninjured.
- Two citizenship declarations were
filed with County Clerk U. G. Boyer
Thursday, Anna Flubacher, 40, by oc
cupation a housekeeper, was the first
petitioner during the day. She was
born In Ihringern-Baden, Germany,
and immigrated to the United States
In May 1892. Bloz Eros. 29. a native
of Mostar, Jugo-Slavia, but now a res
ident of Salem also took first action
for citizenship. He arrived In the
United States from Trieste, Italy In
September 1910.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Foreman of Si
letz, Ore., registertd at the Bligh ho
tel, Thursday night.
Thursday visitors to Salem from
Hosklns, Ore., were Mr. and Mrs. Lan
ty Parrlsh.
Japanese Troops
Fire Oh American
Barracks, Report
Washington, Apr. 23. Official re
ports received today by the war de
partment said that during the recent
fighting between the Japanese and
Czechs at Hailar, Siberia, the Japan
ese fired on the barracks of the Am
erican Railway Commission. He was
not injured.
It was said the Czechs were fired
upon while upon a train bound for
Vladivostok and that one officer was
A meeting, of the Daughters of the
American Revolution will be held
Saturday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. O. P. Hoff at 298 North 14th
street. ' . . .
Highest market price paid.
Bring in today
Cross Market
' 370 Sfate St. '
Seattle, Wash., Apr. 23. In Imme
"diate advance in office rents through-
;in Tortland and the National building
in Spokane,, were paying their ownrrs
out the Pacific coast was forecast in!
S per rnt on investment plus 2 . r
cent for depreciation. This declara-
A dinpilsimi nn liiuHin mac. .. .1 . t
ais at today s session of tha Pacific jUon was made Uurin lh discussion of
Coast Conference of Building Owners j paper bv Robert G. Walker of T.i
and Managers. coma on "Present Building Costs and
St was declared by their 'managers Corresponding Rentals."
Bligh Theatre
Dr. Henry J. Talbot, of Kimttall
theological seminary, made a business
journey to Portland, Friday.
The case of W. L. Purdy against 1
the Patton Plumbing Co., which was
continued from department No. 2
Monday, was being heard by Judge i
George G. Bingham Friday morning, j
Phone 50-511
270 N, Commercial St.
S68SSB83&83SBSeS6SK86B Meet Me at Miller's 38a393SB8388eKBSeBe
Spring Coats
We maintain and can prove that
we are showing a most complete
and beautiful line of the most
practical and classy SPRING
CO A TS ever shown in Salem.
j They include the new fabrics in
....... s .- ' . ' '
Not only are these garments the PICK-OF-THE-BEST, but
you will find ihen priced no higher than Coats of inferior
make and quality.
Just Received
a ' ,
- Samples of
The coat that is in
, demand
GbodGoocfa. (C
Sale 1:30 p. m., 404 Ferry St.
, One well-matched team of blacks, weight 2000 pounds, good workers,
. age 6 and 8 years! . One set of good work harness. One 3 1-4 wagon
" and hay or wood rack. One good milk cow, 3 years old. I have sold
my farm and must sell this stock.
Plow, buggies, some furniture and other articles to be sold.
We buy or sell on conmission. Bring in what you have.
4 Phone 11771211 O. SAI'TISKLWv, -Auctioneer.
Come to the furniture sale at 1242 Front street today.
9x12 Congolcum rug .........; ...........$17.50
9x12 Merrimack rug - r- --- $17.50
40 pound cotton mattress : $11.00
2-burner New Perfection or Bon Ami oil stove $16.50
We Buy and Sell Everything! , , ;
r Col. W.F, Wright, auctioneer ,
271 N. Commercial St. :
Phone 734
Extra Saturday Specials at
loaf. T 01 Americanization For Sale White Leghorn cmcKs,
feT bJ Di,trtct Superintendent 0 2-oay. old; 600 8-days old; prices
ft, "" L'nd Sundav evening at reasonable. C. N. Needham, aos wa
ttuTT. navian Methodist church. St. Phone 400. ' 8
TJ treot- The English! , ,
will be nuefl. .. w a Hateiel. state sealer of
ti -a . ' V weights and measures, went to Port-
tVS. Stated , . t,j ..,.. , will anend two
panu iuuy v ii' ' v ' "
days transacting business connm
iwith his office.
ftavr -Cnclaye T)
( m H ,J. -""""""aery mo. S, 7:30
P4 renlne' Important bus
tom mix
J2?f rrxn
kMHl' nnr
'vi. Hi7.i Haeeerty 'and Kath
leen E. Baldwin were Initiated into
ronti naapnihlv 84. United Arusans,
.at the meeting of tht lodge last night
tuv"ra! ither candidates wej gched-
lUled to S inducted im in.
'JaHed to come Inst night. Much of the
i evening was devoted to drilling of the
drill girls team, preparatory to going
! to. Eugene on May day to stage ini
tiatory exercises there.
I -
' Hearing of the action of the inter
national correspondence schools vs
Bf-nj. Perkins was slated for depart
ment No. 2 of Marion county circuit
court. Friday af-rm-ir.n.
We know that you are looking
for high grade merchandise.
That is just what we haveat
the right price.
Salem Variety Store
. 152 North Commercial St.
Children's Waists Children's Aprons Table Damask
Childrens cotton under waists Children's Gingham Aprons Table lengths, 1 1-2 to 2 1-2
regular 35c values . ages 2 to 6 years, regular yards, all grades
lie value to $1.00 Less 20 Percent
M,'c WntiJor Qov : Ladies' Waists
m en s w onaer zox c d Saucers c Waists in greVi flesh
Sold the world over at 50c, unu, uu,uio
sale price 39c Blue Bird pattern, set of 6, . - nJ.
r 3 pairs for . regular $1.75 LeSS 20 ferCent
SLOP A $1.29 huds Overalls
rw r t 'i i n Ages 2 to 8 years, regular
Dress Goods Toilet Paper $1.50 and $1.75
40-inch White Voile, regular Large size 8-oz. rolls, toilet 1 1 Q
89c value . Paper. Two rolls iJX-L
55C 15C Middy Blouses
, , . i t- Ladies', Misses and Children's
Lace Curtains Child s Rompers Middy Blouses
Short curtains, mill ends, reg- . Ages 2 to 8 years; regular LeSS 20 Percent
ular 50c and 75c 98c to $2.95
29C Less 20 Percent Men's Neckwear
" " '. Entire line of men's neck-
Table Squares Bungalow Aprons wear.
One lot Stable scares Join G gjj Be. valal .
19C Less 20 Percent
- - - - Novelty Goods
Outing Hats Outing Gowns I Pocket books, fancy purses
Job lot Outing Hats, values Ladies' and Children's Outing novelty neckwear, camisoles,
up tot 98c Gowns etc.
" 19c Less 20 Percent Less 20 Percent
?Q 254 North
Commercial St.
ii r 'in iiiiwiwirwiTimMiirt-T"TWimTTr"rirTrrirr wrxxraamnmrmmmamimtmm