FACE SIX. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Candidates Few For Linn County Public Offices Albany. April 13. Only two contests in the coming primaries for county offices In Linn county had developed when the time tor imng nominating petitions and notice of candidacy ex- Mired Wednesday night. These are for the republican nominations for coun ty commissioner and coroner. All of the present county officem whom terms expire are candidates for reelection except Miss Velum C. Davis, county recorder, who refused to run again. Moat of them have no opposition either for the primaries or general election. Only 11 candidates altogether filed for county offices here. Ten of the candidates are republicans and three are democrats. " The complete list of those who had filed when tho time expired follows: County clerk. It. II. Russell, Incum bent, republican, and Henry 8. Nolan of La com I), democrat; sheriff, C. M. Kendall, Incumbent, republican; coun ty commissioner, T. J. Uutler, Incum bent, and It. C. l'cpperling of Selo, republicans; J. 1. lsom of Albany, democrat; aassessor, J. S. Van Winkle incumbent, republican; county re corder, Charles C. Curry of Albany, republican, county treasurer, Miss Le nore Powell, incumnrnt, democrat; county school superintendent, Mrs. Ida M. Cummlngs, Incumbent, repub lican; surveyor, Charles II. Leonurd, Incumbent. n publican; coroner, Kv erett C. richer. Incumbent, and Kd win F. Kortmiller of Albany, repub lican. There Is but one contest for slate offices In which Iiinn county forms h whole district. That Is for the re publican nomination for represent!! live. Three representatives are to be nominated and four candidates have filed. The four candidates are Charles Child of llrownsvllle, now dean of the house In point of continuous ser vice; llobert H. Acbeson of 8hcdd, W. C. Teniplelon of llalsey and H. J. Alclnnl of AllrfMty.- I,. (1. Lewclllng of Allium', republican, Is unopposed tor district attorney of Linn county. of contract. Harry L. Hart, who has Just re turned from a five weeks visit to California, reports the hop m.-trket a very strong affair in this state. A lot of 150 bale of 1919s was sold at II. Growers are going in for hop plant ing more extensively. About J00J acres of new California hop yards ere being set out this year. Exports from the United States for February, 1910, were 2,f 5,234 pounds of which !. 443. 305 pounds were to England. For the six months Sep tember to February last, both inclus ive, 1. 738,563 pounds were export ed, of which 14,61 1.290 pounds were to England. Second Debate Of CoEds Is Tonight The second of the Intercollegiate de bates for girls will be held In the first M. E. church tonight between Willam ette university co-eds and Pacific unl verstiy of Forest Grove. Negative I At TO PAHK KKADY teams will debate away from home. J Craig Colo. Municipal camping Ina Moore and Helen Hoover. ho; um,s hm ufQ uini. ,., de rea(iy tor won t Tacoma from CT. P. S. last week . r..i Af.,DA autoinobii and Loriel lilatchford will debate on I ' ' " ' th" 'T the home rostrum. Tbe subject is the same as that used in the former de bate, "Resolved, that the princial cause of the present wave of anarchy Is found In unjust labor conditions In this country." travelers. The ground is a ' W. 11. lii.se, a pioneer of the north- j western part of Colorado. j The gasoline shortage at The Dalles has been relieved by motor truck ship ments from Portland. till DrXROTteill OPTOnETRlSf-COTIAN lririAnh Bar BuMmI 1 S nZT"'"" '. TO - II fsi62Sx ; JTATtg STREET SseiO I JOKM'II A. YOKK. well tno'wn bu-inest. man of PorlljmT. Mr-, who nv l- f.vls twenty years yomigcr and lias ruined sixteen ismirds on four bottles of Tanluc". Ikvlnn- lie ui now eat 1 1 lire riiiaru meals day. Thirty New Yards Planted To Hops Around Mt. Angel Mt. Angel, April 23. No luss than thirty new hop yards have been plant ed In this vicinity during the spring, containing from ten to forty acres. It Is said that not a single bale of hops Is left 111 Mt. Angel. The lust was taken up when Win. Schmidt sold thirty eight bales of 1917 hops re cently for DO cents per pound. Mt. Angel growers, many of them, have contracted their hops for the "next three or four years and the, price Is said to have been as high as flfly cents in some cases, People are very much encouraged over the situation at present and IW'i'f will be a greater acreage planted next season. Portland Market For Hops Highest Seen In 38 Years The Oregon hop market bus reach ed the dollar point, the highest price known here for 3H years, says the Oregon Journal. Ait offer of 11 wus made for a carlond of Oregon hops of the 1919 crop. The offer wus no! liccepted as the holder has the op )rlcc. This is said to be the only lot portunlty of placing the hops In small lots at several cents belter than this of hops oh Inst year's growth left in Oregon. Washington Is eleuneit up. but California still has 17(10 bales of 111 19s. All the recent buying of siml hops on the roast has been for ac count of American near beer manu facturers, while the contract demand lias collie largely from Knglaml Iniy eri. The contract market lias been ipilel Of late, This year's Oregon crop is quoted at 65 cents and the last con tract was made at that price. There was a report of a 75 cent contract In, California, but it has not been eon firmed. Three year term contracts are' tiuoted at ij cents average. There Is' but liltle limniiy now for this kind Higher Standards in Farming Like business, farming has progressed much in the past decade. Comfortable homes, modern ap pliances, specialization of production are all seen today on the up-to-date farm. And too, the farmer realizes the aadvantages of having a banking connection where cooperation is available morally, physically and financially. UiUtetlSta1 Salem lS If. WOO lliWnbiuiiBa.nkl! insfeS Oregon. lb I jn r wiirri . v . svmhi i mmimmmmmmmwmm SSfstsV.:. Vi R0S7EIN S GREENBAUM Dry Goods, Millinery and Shoes v. - Nice Dress Hats $5 to $12.50 Splendid showing, wonderful values. Big line of Children's Hats, moderate prices. Flowers, nice assortment and rea sonable, nice up-to-date millinery department Shoes That are guaranteed. Mayer Shoes for ladies and children. The real Martha Washington shoe. Children's scuffers, tan, black or smoke, ashington guaranteed shoes for men and boys, New nobby line of outing shoes. Nice assortment of canvas shoes. 240 246 Commercial Street "I am now able to eat three square meals a day for the first time In two years," was the emphatic statement made recently by Joseph A. York, we!l known business man and highly respected citizen of Portland, Maine. "I am now h.A.y nine years of age and in all my t.j I have .ic .er run across a medicine unit c.nsiiler m a claKS with Ti .ilnc. I have Just f Lushed my fourth bo...e and Hits medicine has benefited i,.e even beyond my grtatest hope.-;, r'.esid H gaining sixteen pounds in we.gnt, 1 have been built up and Ktreng. honed until I feel al of twi nty years younger. 1 For the past two years 1 have been in u miserably run down condition, and was compelled a short time ago to give up all idea of business as 1 wus to$r)veak to look after anything, i was nervous, worn out, had no appt ,tltc, and suffered most all the tjme with Indigestion. Some days I would eat scarcely unything; In fact 1 was afraid to eat because I knew 1 would suffer afterward. Sometimes I had suc h severe crumping pains after eat ing that 1 would almost die. .My nerves were all unstrung and the least thing would worry me and 1 never could get n good night's sound sleep. In fuoj I just lost Interest in every thing' and was greatly discouraged over my. condition. "The' ordinary treatment failed to do me any good, and as 1 hud read so many statements from people 1 know here ill Portland who hud been bene fited by Tanluc, I decided to give it a trial. And now 1 know toy myseif what I It will do, for I have s.-miiiy taken a new lease on life. I am now able to look utter my work as usual, and never felt better In my life. I am uble to eat three hearty meals a day and everything agrees with me perfectly. I eat anything I want and never feel a touch of indigestion. 1 never thought there was a medicine that could dn me so much good, and I am only too glad to have the facts about my case given to the public." ToiiIhc Is sold In Sulem by Tyler's drug store and leudlng druggists in other towns. . tAdvi POS 25 Cents will Buy a big package of TUM CEREAL weighing over a pound, net. What are you paying for Coffee? NO NEED NOW TO BE GRAY And tell the world of your troubles and years for Co-Lo will restore the natural color, life and lus ter to your hair in a man ner nature approves. Co-Lo a scientific process perfected by Trot. John H. Austin, over 40 years a bacter iologist, hair and scalp specialist. , ' J m M r i ri I v am s. fcT . i sx v. rw Hair Fr 7il Rflstorsr til TV VO- ' cvrs. 'j.j. at-i THE TKM IO I.O MttKirTS Co-Lo Is a wonderful liquid. Clear, odorless, greaseless. Without lead or sulphur. Hasn't particle of sedimei.t Will not wash or rub off. Will not injure hair or scalp. Pleasing and simple to an. ply. Cannot be detected like tho ordinary hair tints and dyes. Will not cause the hair tj spin or break off. Co-Lo can be hd for every natural shude of hair. ft ttlut-k a ud Balk Similes of ttrown. A.7 KMrst Strong, for Jet IthM'k Hair only. AS for all .Mctlfum Urown Mlnib's. for nil Very I.lclit Itmnn. lrwb soil An burn Sluiilcs. ... Oo-Lo Hnir Restorer at Pei ry's drug store. tadvt What I found out about oveialls I USED to think that it didn't matter much what sort of overalls I bought. They all seemed the same to me. "Sometimes they wore well and sometimes they didn't. Likely as not they would pull and bind. I thought that it was-alMuck that you couldn't help some overalls being good and others bad. "Then one day I got a pair that was big and roomy and comfortable. I noticed that they locked right, too. They fitted easy all the time I had them and they wore like iron. Next time I bought a pair like them and they were just as good. "The name of those overalls is Blue Buckles. I always buy them now, because I know they'll give me good service." ' 'I'm tried a lot of overalls, hut if all I've worn, givg mt Blue Buckles every time. They always fivt hug wear. " Frttiitnt tf Ih hut Cm aJ Small drain O'rovfri AsiHiatita The toughest denim made broad double, stitched seams roomy patterns, and extra wife suspenders. Free swing raglan sleeves on the coats reinforced, convenient pockets strong brass buttons, loops and buckles and a strong, solid back-band you get all these, and the ex perience of the biggest overall makers in the world behind every pair of Blue Buckles. Ask your dealer for Blue Buckles. Blue Buckle Over Alls Biggest selling overall in the world rrrw,,,,,, Mt... t EXPERIENCE HAS TAUGHT US JUST HOW TO Ml T! yUI0.MA.TICMLY REGULA TED ELECTm urcjvi uake It to a TURN BAKE-RITE SANITARY BAKERY JS7 STATE STREET. PHONE A The Capital Journal Want Ads Bring M