1 r he Girl I J J ttornanu irttisf- ' ,nusHK sit- hlth rtudent botfr I , is to be the loading Wir8.r..,v,.n ami dis- irirtM.npPsm. and fi&"r-w..uch. ti!" .,ti-hine I v of e " n.tZ sn lady like I 1" . .-. ,o.l him ,.;r(tcar. ana ., uitins nlace assembled h ef BoHemia . c a ' ..,.1, nd eirrurette ,Rfr rolling a cigarette doxterltr " of f--m rar- . tw "she" brings "dat.-s ;;rwi!ifP home as a part of I'ti. !,.. M m would have r;tlK.tsjleiH.rs-.nknotr eititv n.'ia a b'l".ls KlW'h '''"'(-'' r ;rv.:':r.::..'1 a M vhn s;;n?or wi'.h the Idond hair was. Iteen foreman of the Doerfler farm for sometime, vacated his position this wek and will go to Albany where he has been engaged as foreman of the Burkhart farm. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Orientals Do Not Control Hawaiian Land Is Finding Honolulu. T. H. So far as the land office is aware, Orinetals in Hawaii never have obtained -public lands through being appointed guardians of their minor children, who are citltens of the I'nited States, according to Land Commissioner C. T. Bailey, who made the statement in answer to re peated inquiries on the subject. The land commissioner s records 'show that Japanese todav are boldinsr i tit-l hnit-,n.i.. . . . .,ut, comprising 4513.34 j acres, valued at $114,294. Chinese hold iu nomesteads, comprising 1877 04 acres, valued at $65.59. The largest number of homesteads is held by Ma waiians, their total being 1112, or Jl C73.65 acres valued at. $513,59$, 'v PAGE FIVE Man Saves Fife in Nick of Time "My wife was unable to eat even the lightest food, and had fallen nway to a living skeleton. She could not even keep doctor's medicine on her stomach and was tortured with pain. On the recommendation of a friend 1 bought a bottle of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and she is all risht now and has gained forty pounds." It is a sim ple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflam mation which caus's practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. J. C. I'erry, 1. J. Fry and druggists every where, (adv) was not room for a new bank at The Dalles with two the First National bank and French & company, bankers, a state bank already in operation and a third, a new state bank niching to ope its doors early in Xlay, A public hearing on the appeal will be held by the state baniU.; board ii. the executive chambers here Tuesday Mar 4. tinder the British flag. Then a Ger-' man submarine crossed her train and torpedoed her. She was towed ta port in an almost sinking condition and repaired. KEBER XOT AFTER Bennett's Refusal To Charter Bank appealed To Board V. J. Staoeiman. H. L. Kuck and others interested in the organization of a new state bank at The Dalles have appealed to the state banking board over the refusal of. Will H. Bennett, state superintendent of banks, to grant a charter for the proposed institution Application for the charter was filed I a g with Bennett several weeks ago. After I B " O LD dUe invest Inl inn Uor.no. t A .t ffl . T " - 1 ii uriuru me application on the ground that there YESSF.L HAS HISTORY Honolulu. T. H. Steamer Walruna, which recently arrived from Newcas tle, N. S. AY., with coal, according to her officers, was built in Germany, a x sister ship to the Germen blockade : runner. Sea Wolf, and had a thrilling war history. J Originally christened the Schnee felles, she was captured on her first voyage by the British and was placed SPAIX TO MX RF-XT Madrid, Apr. M. A bill fixing rent al rates for houses and f!aU in t!-s city has ben passed by the. lower hnis of parliament and has been sent to the senate, where an early report is forecast. Donald Or.. Apr. .-M:-. Mid Mrs. entertained th follow tt their home on S.iin'ay: Xorwoed nd Pin. .laiiit'S. Mrs. R. U- -:,'':l "f ,'a'ltoraml Hilly F;-i-fr;:.tii of ! visitors, during the week Janifs Rran. E. 0. il i.v. J. IX A. K. Fellers and .Mrs. ::1 Mrs. H. N. G"'i" and Loa and Kileen visited rela leav.ovJr the week end. I Sljs. Dayton Walker, for nu of Donald huve gone to : They may flecidi'd to locate mnently. ,i Mrs. Thurston Terser, and Ruth spent the week-end at of W. H. Pennehnker In ,ii',s of the Dontild school are May festival to he given on al Deafness and Head Noises , Simple Vj'ity U Treat and llrllevc lit Home ht eatarrh. catarrhal deaf- Md noises caused by catarrh hi Jrops In your throat and Ipjalarrh of the stomach or li lill be glad to know that Rising symptoms may be Lwoome In many instances Wwrlnj treatment which you y prepare In your own home wt. Secure from your drusr- luiee of Parmint t double Take this home and add pint of hot wuter and a nt- pted sugar; stir until dis fake one tablespoonful four l'y. An improvement is some ?i after the first day's treat 'ithing should become misv. IWressIng head noises. r dullness, cloudy thinking. in gradually disappear un- Me action of the treatment. HltMte. detective hearing Jropuing in the back of ft re other symptoms whicn !st presence of catarrh and ps often be overcome by this treatment. It is said that percent of all ear trnu by catarrh and there I Mure, be many people whose H be restored by this slm- - ! W. . . .... - ..v.,,,. tit-aiiiieiu. lauvi ii 'H Cows Of tiler Herd To $M At Auction Artier. nrnnrUt... ... . H A ' """" i me Li? 'arm a 'ew nille8 Z """" "i "e Waldo Hills ..,! 7 uluon h lay t1 J held a, the state - ,hw,. "" Ul registered Jer- "ilCIl pnt V , Inn n. "n lmmense UrK.li0WPUrchased,OT NCC,evBI,eaatot a..0"" average ner '"el ! tohave bpen HfcrttTi. ha Uli c!lllm ?H.rl .enor,hw' nd tu.!. ai rd west of ( Cw ,7 "oerfJer exoects p who haa 1 dood ISS XSnK 1 'm 0 KILL THE RATS TO-DAY By Using , STEARNS' PASTE I Intetnatlonaloxtermlnstor for Rati, Mica, I Cockroaches "d Waterbngs. It creates a 1 ilesiie in tiieaeiwws to run irom uie Dima ina for wawr and frosh air, dying outsidu in a few moments. Two sizes. &c and should be euougk to kill from 50 to 409 rati, t i BtJDY FOR USE BOEH FROM DEALEI 'Head of chest- Uvurses & plujsicians recommend, esinol F or years they have relied upon it in the treatment of skin and scalptrotibles., because they know that Kesinol Oint ment so quickly stops itching and gen-erally-crears away the disorder. From baby's slight rash to severe cases of eczemahundredsof letters bearwitness to its healing power! It's easy to obtain easy to use. Why don't you try it? At all druggists. f OurWindowThisek j Jl yu 'tnow ',ow ,ney ' ' i-'told time in Rome? Where f ' f the first watch was made f . I Q y That leven watches a day was H'i ' Vil ,n un'le''CT,D'e output for t t, 1 watch factory in 1850? How it Ji min'' ?"l,cn, re tu"1 out h. 'J , f in the Iogettoll factories today ( ) V,l-"'l LtimtheStoryoffimtkyiet- ' 'Fill ll' A ing the exhibit in our window. BtlwA ) i MaIdnf5aDafe in the Stone u TYLER'S DRUG STORE 157 S. Commercial St. ALL SORTS OF HARDWARE for BUILDERS and BUILDING. HEW THINGS TOO. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? IF YOU ARE, YOU WANT TO COME IN AND LET US FIGURE ON YOUR BILL OF BUILDERS HARDWARE; THERE ARE DIFFERENT QUALITIES OF BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BUT WE HAVE JUST ONE KIND THE BEST. IT COSTS LESS IN THE LONG .- RUN, - . ' OUR PRICES ARE FAIR AND SQUARE. art best externally" with. chest1 ' treated) K'S VAPOSUBSi 8&rM Milk NoCookin A Nutritfoos Diet for AS Ages Quick Lun;h at Home or Office Anii Imitations eed Sutstitntet CORNISH SCHOOL OF MUSIC NELLIE C. ClUiNlH. Hireetor. EOYD WELLS, Associate 1'irector and LKan of the Faculty. . SUMMER SCHOOL JULY 17 TO SE1TEMBBER 4 FREE VOICE SCHOLARSHIP U'tYred hv SERGEI KLIBANSKY of Nevr Yurk, the most iwted master i f voice in .America SEROKI KL1KANSKT. Master CMasas In Vcice. CALVIN BKAIXEK1 CAl'Y, Director ul Xuimal Schwl , Harmon aurt Theory. BOY I) WKLIA Piano. . , JOHN HLACKMOKW, of iu.sh. Temiilc Conscivatoiy, Chkuso; Hano. FRANCIS J. ARMSTRONG. Violin. MARY ANN WKLLS. PaiiclnK. il ARtiARET PHKNtRGAST XlcLEAN, lrini.tlc. Art And the entire faculty o forty tecUers of the Cornish School of Mutsiv. SPECIAL CLASSES FOR TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS For conditions governing Klihansky Scholarship,, ctlot!U.e and full iu furniatUui address the secretary. CORNISH SCHOOL OF MUSIC Broudway at Win? Street. Stnttk Wulduuvwa I THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL "WANT ADS PAY That have proved days of economy. Saturday and Monday you will do well by taking advantage of these choice specials, selected to arouse the interest ot ' 1 Thrifty Shoppers . ; GR OCERIES HIGH IN QUALITY LOW IN PRICE Raisins, per lb. 23c Cookies, per lb 23c Lard, per lb 25c Carnation Milk, per can ..: 13c Laundry Soap : 5c Crisco, No. 6 $2.05 Borden's, Libby's and Armour Milk, per can, special 13c Bacon 12 lb. can, special per lb....... 28c Clani3, flat 13c Sugar Peas 15c Karo Syrup, No. 10, special $1,00 Lima Beans, three pounds, special....40c , FWUR Olympic $3.20 Fisher's $8.25 Hard Wheat i. $2.95 Valley Flour $2.80 CEREALS Rice, 2 pounds 25c Rolled Oats, per sack". : 69c Corn Meal, per Wk : - 60c White Beans, No. 1 California beans 4 pounds 35c COFFEE 3 lbs. Coffee for $1.00 3 lbs. Cocoa for $1.00 Lipton's Tea, 1 lb 85c Reliance Coffee, 57c value for 43c SHOES For the whole family, new Spring Foot wear at April specials Ladies' tan Oxfords, military ?$ KA heels, special VOV Ladies' Pumps, black kid, flr QC button, special 3.ua Men's Shoes, dress, also work j?K AA Shoes, special w,wu Boys, Girls and Children's Shoes, well made to stand hard wear, $1.00 T0 $450 HOSIERY and CORSETS AT APRIL SPECIALS Ladies' Silk Hose, regular M QQ $3.00, special DJ-..70 Ladies' Corsets, perfect fitting, new models, April CO 75 special DRESS GOODS Ginghams, Percales, ' Voiles, etc., in Spring colors and patterns, at April Special Prices Percales and Ginghams, in light QC and colors, special, yard v PopUn, mercerized, figured' -45c and striped, the yd Voiles in white and colors, 38 flf 1 inches, special, the yd v--' Pongettes in light colors, Special, yard 65c UNDERWEAR All styles and sizes, for Spring wear at April Special Prices- Ladies vests, good quality all sizes, special Oul Ladies' union suits, all sizes special , $1,00 APRIL SPECIALS IN THE ECONOMY BASE MENT ARE REAL MONEY-SAVERS $1.35 5c Cups and Saucers, Bet of six, at Laces, new designs, at, yard : Other Specials too numerous to mention OVERALLS ALL STYLES FOR MEN AND BOYS Coveralls for Ladies special $1.93 MEN'S WE A R AND NEW SPRING SUITS Men's Spring suits, new pat- $01 terns, reg. $40.00 special.... PA.UO 25c $1.64 Men's Hose, good lisle hose all colors, special Union Suits, regular $2.25 special Last Two Days V FREE Premiums By Saving your Premium Tickets with - : every ONE-DOLLAR purchase RAY L FARMER ML CO. OUR HARDWARE WEARS