Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 23, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    FlilDAY, APJ
af est
Creamery Adds
New Equipment
To Handle Milk
EUverton, Or Apr. 8J Xew and
modern equipment aggregating a cost
vi fijvvv wu tusuuira in mo onvvr-inail
ton creamery this week. 'With this ad- i
dition the capactly and efficiency of j 0rth-,a Mt" Angel boy on tse urpneuro
the Institution has been mad adequate ! lrc"U' ?OW f Z', 0n aJafali0n
. !,. K.,n- .JrnlBhei vocal scelctiona, which were
cloned by additional dairy herds here
. . ' ... -,.
Kubberness, manager and butter-mak
er, said today that at the rate the dairy
iateresls and creamery business are
arrowing in Sllrerton an addition to
tba building will be inevitable by an
other season. Already plans for the
Improvements are under consideration
by the directors. The dairy Interests
of Silverton are growing as never be
fore, said Mr. Kuberness. Nearly ev
ery day finds some new man starting a
dairy herd. iMunson Brothers, of Min
nesota, who purchased the Jerman
(arm 011 Howell Prairie a few days ago
will move here soon with twenty-she
head of registered stock. They are said
to be expert dairymen and expect to
develop a dairy farm of more than ori
dlnary importance, stocking the farm
with nothing but registered cattle.
Mr. Kubernetis has a dairy farm near
Silverton and the lead cow was pur
chased for 1700 at a sale in Yamhill
county aeevral months ago.
Dairymen In this vicinity are com
ing to realise that the high priced cows
are the cheapest cows for the dairy
larm, and they go the limit in buying.
Silverton Mill
s Faces Car Shortage
Silverton, April 23. About the
time the difficulty between the Silver
Falls Timber Co. end the timber work
era was' settled the company is con
fronted with a difficulty In getting
cars for shipment of lumber, and un
less relief is afforded soon it is be
lieved the mill will be compelled to
hut down. The company had looked
forward to a successful summer's
work, but for one reason and another
progress has been retarded. The in
tention was to put on a night shift
during the summer, but this cannot
. be done Unless oar can be obtained.
Mt. Angel Firemen
' Ceelebrate Close
Of Fund Drive
Mt. Angel, Or., Apr. 23 High Jinks
and home comedy featured the enter
tainment and banqtmt last evening
given by the Mt Angel fire department
in honor of the successful campaign in
augurated for the purpose of raising
money with which to purchase a chem
ical engine for the fire company. A
how was ntaged in the city hall Sun-
it at the bottom of wort
digestive ill.
for Indlgettion afford plea.
ing and prompt reliet frora
the distress of acid-dyspepsia.
m m,, , nimi'V
'And All Manner of Women's
Neckwear at Special Re
duced Prices
Not Antiquated Merchandise, but Good
Usable Goods Neckwear of Lovely Mater
ials and Designs Admired by all anrj Surely
Within the Reach of Every One. -Cuff
and' Collar Sets are Included iri Every
Organdie and Nets, euiboldered and lace trimmed:
S0c line reduced to jj0
site and Sc line reduced to .....60c
li. line rwduoed to ..1(0
Including Georgette Crepes: '
11.25 line reduced to $50
11.60 line reduced to 11.36
Square Yoke Nets, handsomely trimmed:
11.50 line reduced to .....'.! l.'SJ
Round neck, net collara. very popular:
1.5 line reduced to l.4t
12 25 line reduced to
Venice point and Ftl.t Lace Collar and Cuff Seta
very high grade:
) line reduced to . , ij $5
14. HI
Couerlng Centra! IVHtemette Uallsy by
I d.iv and netted L-te fire company 1238,
wiiifh n-as aJjpd to the furnlas ore-!
i vlously obtained from other suurcea.the basement early in the evening. lie!
'The banquet was served at the Marion 'reported the occurrence to the man-j
i fc-.'tcl and 'shout one hundred plates ji'b'T, H. II. Worth, and others went!
I were laid- Casper Teerher, who char
aclerlara "Uioie Kuue. in tue piay,
acted as toastmaster and called upon;came to the conclusion that the noise perf)rmei teB m-et.ks ago, Mrs. Janey
various members of the cast and oth-jniust have been caused by falling Holtj 49j of v q Ho. 1032
em for remarks. Special attention was shelves. Oafc street, died last night at the fam-
Riven to the address of Peter Biermey-I In tho event the thieves were in htdJ l4Jy nc. The f .neral will be held
er on the subject of matrimony. Thejlng there, the bar on the woodpile', the -, . th Rica0n & Son
, entertainment concluded in the city
leaiurea oy snort SJtins ana uiie
populu- songs and dancing. Lawrence ,
PPwetatedfcjr jeryone present
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Welton and
Hal and Fred, arrived here the fore
part of the week from Tacauba, Wis
consin, and are visiting at the home of
R. J. Welton. They expect to make
their future home near here.
8. O. Rice was in Portland yesterday
attendin a meeting of the state dairy
council, of which he is a member.
Thieves Get Silks
Worth $1,500 In -
I A 11 TT I
mvuny nuui
Albany, Or., Apr. 23
amount of S15V0 were taken from
Worth's department store sometimes
Tuesday night by robbers who evident
ly made their escape through a rear
upstairs window. Whether the thieves
were hiding in the store ut closing time
or made entrants' through the window
is a mystery unsolved.
The robbery was discovered at 0
o'clock Wednesday morning by the
two clerks at the silk counter. Search
throughout the store revealed that the
silks were the only articles missing.
A bar, used. It is thought, to pry
open the window, was found on a
woodpile underneath the window. In
vestigators have not yet learned where
the rubbers secured it.
The robbers left no clue to their
Identity but the theory is that they
were hiding In the store at closing
time. Strength is given to this theory
0T0 Collect
Baking Stories
Makers of Ryiori to Pub
lish Book of Baking
f ... Experiences .;
New York, April To give house.
keiers throughout the country a
chance to compare experiences In home
baking, the General Chemical Company
will lxnua a booklet or actusl ex
periences with Hyson Baking Powder.
Bo striking has been tlia success of
women with tills baking powder In the
two million American homes where the
Hyson Baking Book is ubccI, that ths
manufacturers hava decided to pub
lish a number of Hyson experiences as
told by tha women themselves.
Manuscripts should be written on one
slile of tha paper only and sent with
the name and address of tha writer
to tha Food Department. Oeneral
Chemical Company, 26 Broad Street,
New York, N. V before June 1.
This Is not a prlaa contest, but all
secounta published will ba paid for so-,
cording to their merit at rales rang
ing from 5 to i.O each. Kvervona
who sends an account of Hyson experi
ences will receive a copy of rLn new
book when It Is published) 9
Tha accounts should be concise and
st the same time Include all Interest
ing details from the time the recipe
wa mixed according to directions In
the ltyton Baking Book to tha time
the finished dish was served.
, The new Hyson Unking Book (orlg
nl price 11.00), containing 21,0 prnn.
Ileal reolpea, will ha mailed, postpaid,'
urmn receipt of 30 cents In stnnips or
eolnetlr If you will purchase two or
niore pounds of Hvson at once from
your grocer, sanding us his name and
address promptly, ws will mall you a
Ijjsnn Baking Honk free. General
Chemical Co., Food Department, 25
Brond 8t New York, N. Y.
r .ii:innia
1 1".
.by the rt'iiort of the niiht watchman.
who says he heard a stransre noise In
i oi'er to the store about S o'clock in the j
evening, aurr i rareiui mutch, uuiiii
might have been taken by them from
tuc wacm:iii iu uu ui kuiuu iur
their escape,
Silverton Woman
TKl1T ThlirSlnV
uuiicu a iiuftuuy
Silverton, April 23. Mrs. Minnie
Ryan, who died suddenly at her home
In this city Tuesday night, was buried
in the Silverton cemetery yesterday
afternoon. The funeral was held from
the Christian church. Rev. J. A. Ben
nett officiating. Mrs. Ryan had been
in poor health for more than a year,
having had trouble with her' heart,
which ultimately caused her death.
She was sixty eight years old ana had
lived in Silverton for more than thir
ty years.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spaulding of
Cnn r 1 ri v. n ...... .
vi,,itlnK with her .sister, Mrs. Chas.
, The meat market opened a few
weeks ago in the Hosmer building by
Webb and Kaser, was closed this
week, the company going out of bus
iness. Marlon Palmer lias purchased the
Chas. Booth estate adjoining his farm
between here and Mt. Angel, the deal
having been consummated yesterday.
The Booth farm is in a high state ot
cultivation and makes a valuable ad
ditlon to the Palmer farm.
Stanford University, Cal.- Stanford
has abolished those "pipe courses,"
largely tuken by rtudents so busy with
athletic or social affairs they had no
time for study. Requirements iij fine
arts and, other classes, wherein It
used to be easy to "get by" have been
A World Survey Was Made
Our churches know the needs
that must be met. They know
exactly how every dollar every
penny will be used for the great
est good without 'waste.
A world survey wag made by
the churches that astounds business
men in its thoroughness. County
after county was studied; the coun-
tries of the world were visited and
reported in minute detail,
IIow the Interchnrch
World Movement Originated
Our churches said: "The task of
meeting the urgent needs shown by
the world survey is too great for us
to do individually as denomi
nations. We must do this work
together." .'
So thirty great denominations
are cooperating each keeping its
own purpose and identity but all
Working together under the name
of the Interchnrch World Move
ment. ;
' ...
Because' of this cooperation, it
is estimated that oref one million
' dollars will be saved alone in elimi
nating waste and duplication.
Mrs. Janey Holt
Fails To' Rally
From Operation
- rn!ii, , .iiv from in oneratioa
."pLay at3 : 3 0 pm Saturday. Bur
ial will be in City View cemetery.
Mrs. Holt was born In Linden, Kan.,
in 1871, and came to Oregon with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hudelson,
and settled at Jefferson in 1874. After
her marriage to L G. Holt at Jeffer-
Jn lg came t0 gaem ,
1905, and have resided here since. Mr.
Holt is manager of the logging depart
ment of the Chas. K. Spaulding Log
ging company.
During her life here Mrs. Holt was
active In social circles and was a mem
ber of the First Methodist church. Her
wide circle of friends mourn her loss.
Mrs. Holt ia survived by her hus
band, three daughters, Grace, Beryl,
Virginia, and one son, Archie, and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hudelson.
"She also leaves three brothers, C. E.
Hudelson. Hollister, Idaho; J. A. Hud
elson, Cambridge, Idaho; W. A. Hudel
son, North Powder, Or.; Miss Mabel
Hudelson, Salem; Mrs. E. V. Johnson,
(Beanfiiyti.e Complexion
Nadinola CREAM
By rawrfa
Guaranteed to remove
tan, freckles, pimples,
liver-spots, etc. Ex
treme cases 20 days.
Rids pores and titsues of impurities.
Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy . At
hiding toilet counter". M they kvey t
It, by mail, two iias, 60c. and $1.20.
Sold by Daniel J. Fry, wholesale
And retail: Neimeyer Drug Co., and
other toilet counters.
This advertisement made
Cap.iai Journal
Boise. Idaho,
Boise Idaho.
and Mrs. Eila Martin,
Keeber Not After
Hawley's Seat;
4 - , 1
MlStake LMaae
"Mt. AngeL Or.. Apr. 23.-
an error in-a Portland paper which ap
peared the day following his announce
ment 'as a candidate for svpresentatn-e
from Marion county, the impression
has gone out that 3. J. Keber, cashier
of the Bank of -Mt. Angel, is out after
Congressman Hawley's Job in thef
house of representatives. Mr. Keber j
has no such ambition. In fact it was 1
more on account of persuasion on- the
part of friends than self Inclination
that he ionsentedto come- for repre
sentative in the state legislature. How
ever, he is a candidate and if nomi
nated and elected will make an effi
cient servant of the people. He has
no personal Interests to serve; no po
litical debts to pay. His statement on
the ballot is: "No hobbyto ride; con
servative legislation and business ad
Grip, Influenza
Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Reliable, An
tiseptic Preventative
During influenza epidemics spray
the nose and throat several times a
day with one part Wizard Oil and
two parts water, using an atomizer.
If you haven't an atomizer, gargle
the throat and snuff the mixture up
the nose. This treatment sets up an
antiseptic wall of defense against flu
Chest colds and sore throat lead
to grip. Stop them at once with Wiz
ard Oil before they can develop into
a dangerous influenza. ;
-Get It from druggists for 30c. If
not satisfied, return the bottle -and
get your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick head
ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips.
pleasant little pink pills, 0c at drug
gists. Guaranteed. (Adv)
Did you know that 3c is more
than the churches average
from each member per day?
WE Americans may be thoughtless.
Sometimes we may appear selfish. 'But ,
when a great need arises, no one can say that
we have ever shirked.
Ask any son of France. Ask any soldier of
Great Britain. Or ask any Armenian mother
or a girl with a red cross on her sleeve or one
with a tambourine in her hand.
And now the churches come to us for help;
our churches. Not begging. Not asking alms.'
But with heads lifted high facing a task so
worthy that we, as loyal Americans, ought to
feel it a privilege to help.
i Here is the Plain, Unvarnished Truth
Tdo?'t need to be told that the church is the heart
of the Nation. We admit its influence for lasting good in
our cMdren. We see its stabilizing influence on our com- '
munities. We know a Utile of its great hospitals, its homes
for children, its schools and colleges here and abroad.
. But most of us do not realize how pitifully inadequate
SgentTeds. churches is hen compLed to the
Less than 3ft a day!
' In spite of the great tasks which we expect our churches
ZS f tC? feWf?e now &iving aa average of less
than 3f a day for all church purposes. ,
Less than 3 a day. .
Shall our churches go on? It is for you to say
hsSS thewo of your church must be
Give and give from vour'
pocketbook. ,
possible by the.ccoperatioa of 30 denominations
a M
)scow. rrof-
University of Idaho, Moscow. Frof-
iteers in eggs would have their duff
cutties II au hens were as umum.'.wiw
lv prolific as Ida V, a white Orpington
pullet owned by the poultry depart-j
meut of the University of Idaho. Two ;
eggs a aay on six ainereni uajs aim.
it ess itt 4s days M this extraordi-?
narv hen's carefully authenticated rec-j
thA nniversltv aJlOAUnOwd.
v'hy suffer? Rub Turpo, the only
Tumntine ointment, where the pain
jg. Continue till relieved. Try it.
Ask for free sample. Perry's drug
tore, (Adv)
' a in J L iuJ v.... L....,....Tiri t
tsr -
- -vv ou 8 urom your
view it
M a
" J Hi
A. K. (.ironwuld has BieTr-
publican norui:utinn - "'vra
eut of Wasco county .. ,k ' m s
I Murch Worst Month for Thk t
j How to Remove j
body freckles in wVtanT''- :
there ia a:so a remedy f... 1 d
and one n
Simply get an ounce of othi. ,
ble strength, from your i
apply a little of it night n(&J
and in a few day. yo,i should
even the worst freckles hawt
to disappear, while the light 15
have vanished entirely. Noi - "
time to rid yourself nf t.. ...
net yourself of f..u. "
if not removed nnn. ft
they m,,
all Bummer, and
spoil n '
beautiful comnlpyl v ' w
iback if Othine fails.