Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 22, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    rl a sMi
"fJrtion 5 cents, one nwmh
"5. 1 J cents, one year, per
inwrt' lliniinum per ad J
so ..,fnn only in New Today.
r-'f.h in "dvanc and not Uk
W if? Thon" unless advertiser has
"tSy ww- No allowance for
11 A- I " "
rTTrl Unite Leghorn chicks
fB nteeO e $14 per .hun
F'?hfev laU will hatch May
, Lie" Laurel Hill Poultry
. i nnntiT-
i-year out m.,,. .,-...
Ibs;-; - gl)od saddle or driving
"JO . r 1
rrrrnTbUiek team strayed to my
K lbs. each. Owner can have sanle
M H, 1'ier.
rTvTKDl-irst class man, must be
hlte to act as janitor and steward.
M ibltt. Inquire Elks chib after
TTiVTKL) I ion wheel -truck wagon
,nd a grass mower. Phone 89F2L
)R gLB cipan of horses matched
blacks-line cowj large Poland Chi-
sow to farrow soon, and one
"".on ThII 996 Mill St. c99
HAVE house to rent at once, on cor
ner of Judson and S. High. Some
furniture goes with it. A. E. Loueks
For SALE Loganberry tips. Phone
1MF5. d99
tTaNTEL) io' over J years old to
carry Capital Journal" route paying
.between J35 and $40 a month. Ap
plv ffrculntion mnnager.
Good house, 3 lots. West Salem,
$1600; one acre bearing- cherries on
oar line, $851): 8 room house plas
tered, corner lot. paved street, east
Salem, $2300; 2 room bungalow,
$400. F. L. Wood. 341 State. n99
SEVERAL stands of bees wanted.
Pearey Bros., 210 Oregon bldgr.
Phone 663. 99
KOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms.
355 Eellevue. Phone 636W. j99
PRIVATE SALE tioing out of busi
ness, will sell all in a lump, or piece
my new and secondhand goods,
walnut hall trees, ranges, bicycles,
harness, office desk and chairs,
couches, talking machines, sewing
niaejiines, Taher organ walnut case,
, many other things. Come early. 395
8. l-'th St. 102
FOR SALE Baled hay twenty dol
lars per ton at barn. L. H. Turner,
Turner Or. C98
WJACHEK wanted for rural district
No. 124 for 1920-21; state salary
wanted, experience, references to
accompany petition. About 10 pu
pils to teach. Rt. 3, Turner, Or.,
Harvey Wilson. gl02
FOR SALE W hite Rock roosters;
also hatching eggs. Phone 93F5. f99
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, mod
ern conveniences. Inquire M. H.
Edwards, Cherry City hotel. a98
POTATOES I have 35 sacks good
need potatoes at 6c per lb. at farm.
C. C. Russell, phone 3F3..
WANTED By two men job in town
with good wages; experience trac
tor and truck driver. Call 238 N
. High. h99
WOOD for sale, 16-inch and
old fir. Phone 9STXT.
4 loot
eggs from Shepherd's fam
ous heavy winter laying strain.
150 per setting, jiimes Fry, Rt.
3. Phone evenings 7CF13. 97
$0 ACRE prune orchard at l!i.oU,iou
7 miles south of Salem, some ap
ples, pears and cherries; every In
dication of a ,good crop on. entire
orchard, located In. the' best prune
otstilct of Oregon; land lays well.
Hard sui-faeed roan to place. S room
house, barn, chicken house, other
yunuHigs. mis place will pay out.
immediate nnsscsHlnn i,,iQ m
00, teiniR 1-3- cash, balance 6 per
o. n. rearson & Peed, 405
- """" nuig. Phone 43. n
havb . . -
,uu jl M,ll,l ft,, Mutt Ihu, ......
will sell at a reasonable nrice? We
nave a great demand for houses
ranging from $1000 to $3500. If
juu uive sucn a house, phone 161.
Beeke & Hendricks, 316 U, S.- Nft-
. "mini uanK iiiiinr,
.a , 10use "ml 1,1 'W lot O" Pav
w reet, lots of fruit and garden
loaiis or wood and some lurn-
im, , " w"." n,ilce' Pced for
t iiii0. see Fred W
...... cii. Tin
. n'"'ley J-"lvutson nioior
Inm?;,. ln,,9..n,0,,,'I at lhe right price
T-'""" ""- street. n98
vow, UM1 ftlv Late model in
. s.u condition; has demount
ani iml 1,11,1 hnH 1)een repainted
aa. wm take terms.
7T- ni- Q38
DuV ' Sale,,, 9S8 a. T,il,rtv sT
rooill 1 ..... .
lot ,i , inpime, oatn, toi-
TT-wifil1 ? e.ctnc "Khts, corner lot
ana K'""R ot fl'u't. new barn
,rt- ."f' 't -sold this
s ln"i"'e nt. 305 S. Church
On firm ,W'th f"mil' tO WOlk
aSlEalarnier care Journal, e-99
D crrMcre"1,ticon- Address 24
i t,7v . By owner 20 acres,
- "su siate of
PIllfUfOTUn e A
Prune. o.
. rawberries, 4 acres
road i fa'r bu"H"Es, on good
h7l mlles 0,,t; on team and
harness l cow, j bugsy and har
tl , a"n aiul 1 fruit wagon, all
'itqiiements; immediate pos-
Rt J o I '850- Wrlte b0
. ".iiein. ur n
Mrk ki&L wuew,n are ricn
th. n!,70p('n Dralr'e ready for
Which ln'ersPer8fl with trees,
ock b t0ti exce''ent shelter for
Inland it grain mowing, dairy-
wS t l n, ;ucc-"fully. The
Th. c.nJ?eal for mixed farming
MJerin, an Pacltlc ranway is
l .L 'f ge area of th6e
lands n i.i,ji.... ... ,
mi wm k dlstricts- This fertile
ndi ri, Tome the hom f thou
"liar iL5rQ!,peroa" farmert. ."-On
Worhi.nA.S.eager Wheeler grow
5W the wwi fl-J Hoyd
he&l, "d ; of the
n becom. i , ane- A tnan CaD
farm S?.1 Independent .on . a
U w"v.al8,riot-v hee. lands
"S about ti? w at pricPS ttver
4on in 1 lt a nacr- roa pa3
a.".1 Percent. If .,.
further T "ettlement conditions
'"I of fn.ii- " "''Pat un
Wnt- M. E TV, lnlrest is 6 per
nt2atin ". oupi. or Co
87 pian,ai'an rail
JllWrt, ' Pirat Street, E. Calrarr
We Salem. W. B. Gerth.
a.. n 1,1,,. -.1,1. , ,
--"te. cnn,.,,..': " wruitpn
r-iiwta! nffV '"S money. Leave
RgTr-T1-J?'-ward. k97
WatT"1 With m-
M tolled; iInV ibson. Kim-w-
Reward $2. k97
"'r! tit' ot Ch""
rSjL't k ma5tpr- Reward
For Sale Houses.
Be NUALOW Modern ex- i
ept basement good conditio," both '
iside and out, fine larce l,,t .i I
Inside and out, tine large lot. good
soil, near Center street. A very good :
' home for $2500, terms f 1900 cnsh, I
balance time. S. R. Pearson & Pted it
n ureynn bltg. Phone 43
FOR SALE 6 room modern bunua
low located two blocks from state
capitol. Has fireplace, furnace and
garage. Price $5800. Mrs. Winnie
Pettyjohn, .275 State street Tel.
515. . Rtig.
k i "ti , nouse' rooms
each side. Ha fnrnn on , i I
', plumbing, in good condition; large i
lot with abut.danc nf fl tm,L i
on state street. Price $400. Mrs.
Winnie Pettyjohn,
Tel. 615.
273 .
Stats St.
GOOD 7 room plastered house, also
4 room house with 4ft acres land,
on paved street, terms. Calf 931M.
FOR SALE House "on" N. Cottage;
one" on State street; one on 8. Com
mercial; one on N. 21st St. Inquire
493 N. Cottage. Phone 1186". a98
SEVERAL houses for sale, anion?
them a 6 room bungalow. Inquire
492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. all!
FOR SALE i room plastered house,
run -basement. 365 N. 20th St. 7
fine shade trees, Dutch kitchen,
etc., good bath and toilet, pantry,
fruit room, cement walks and park
ing, good street, good appearance,
both inside and out; no basement.
A cozy home. See photo at our of
fice. Price $1800, $100-0 cash, bal
ance like rent S. R. Pearson &
Peed, 405 Oregon blflg. Phone 43.
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, base
ment, nam, toilet, plastered, cement
walks, garage, lot 60x105 feet, lo
cated In south Salem. Price $2600,
V, cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co..
175 State street. a97
FOR SALE 6 room house, large lot.
large barn, paved street, cement
walk, located 780 N. Cottage St.
Price $2500, terms. W. H.-Grabenhorst
ft Co., 275 State St. a97
MODERN 6 room house, 2 blocks
from state house, for gale or will
trade for acreage close in ; must,
have good house and. some fruit.
Phone 1824M after 6 p. m. a97
FOR. SALE A neat little bungalow
in West Salem, $500, terms. 63
acre farm, 40 in prunes on good
road, fine soil, A. L, Seamster Real
ty Co., 41GMasonic Temple, a
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, bath.
toilet, g blocks from post office on
N. Church street. Price $2250. Hart
& Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE In Kingwood Park. W.
Salem, larga 8 room bungalow,
modern except furnace, has fire
place. Call on owner at place. T. E.
Nunnemaker. Rt. 2, Salem. 98
For Sale Farms.
BARGAIN 20 acres all clear, good
buildings, orchard, on good road,
close in. $7000.-Box 67 Salem. n7-
tablished 1893. Reliable sales agents
Give us ft chance to sell- your house
or farm. 228 Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE Fruit farm consisting of
10 acres more or less, in Morningr
side addition to Salem, on South
12th street. Two houses on place.
The home place is a 5 room bunga
low, : modern except furnace, has
hot and cold water, electric lights
bath, etc. Has a fine view overloog
ing the valley and city. All house
hold goods and farming implements
go with the place, also horse, cow
and chickens. Hi health the reason
for selling;. no agents. Address on
mail box in front of place. Rt. 5,
box 40, Salem, Or., Mode Reedy
. i ' ; : moo
FO'R SALE A' productive, small ber
ry farm. 10 acres new land, beyona
Xlberty district, rock road, t acres
heavy' hearing logans, S-4 acre new
ly planted logans, nearly two acres
bearing strawberries among appie
trees Just starting bearing. Family
orchard, small house and .barn.
Bargain at $7000; terms. We have
many choice berry,' fruit and hut
properties. Pearcy Bros., .210 Ore
gon bldg. ' n99.
FOR SALE 60 acre farm with 6
room house and fair barn, good
spring, family orchard, 30 acres cul
tivated, 18 acres in pasture and 2
acres in timber, 6 4 miles southeast
of Salem. Price $8500, cash. W. H.
Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St.
CHOICE close in berry land, 10 acros
located Just outside city limits,
blocks from Center St. carline on
asylum' road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $284)0. Haw
klns and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. ' b
OAT Meal Paper. 20-lnch tan, extra
special, 84o double roll. Max O.
Buren, 179" N. Com'l. n
For Sale Miscellaneous.
MERCHANTS attention. I have a
dandy cash register for sale ur to
trade for a. light-car. Phone,488.
ALL kinds of cut flowers, potted
plants and ferns. Greenhouse lias
S. 13th street. Phone 1250W. d!17
FOR SALE Onions at $1 per sack.
197 R. Commercial. 19
FOR SALE Good range and furni-
ture at 690 TJjiion St. Phone 18od.
FOR SALE Cash and carry grocery
store doing good business in good
locality; living -rooms in -building.
8-X Journal. e
FOR SALE Second hand tent. Phone
For Sale Livestock.
WANTED Pasture for 7 young cat-
.. tie. Phone 26F5, I. L. HUborn at
Anna. 117
FOR SALE 2 young fresh cows.
Durham and Jersey, 2015 N. Com
mercial. e9S
FOR SALE Bay mare years old,
true to work, city broke. 1121 Fir
Birppr. ' . 1
FOR SALE 33 yearlong ewes. Ad
dress or call K I B, 1280 Chemeke.
tr. " ' " '
FRESH Jersey cow for sale, 2 Vi rs---old;
- gentle and -good milker. Ad
dress P. W. Push, Rt. 8 or phone
BF2. ...
CAN use a few more young alves. C.
C. RiisxRll. nhorm 3FJ. r
FOR SALE Seven-weeks old
Phone 71F22. '"
e97 FOR SALE A cheap work team, wt.
about 8000 !bs. Call at Rt. 4, box
non e97
WANTED Horse that will work In
Dlow. single or double. Call 38F
TAKEN UP 7 head of sheep, no
marks of ownership On the sheep.
Enquire of Ed Beller near Smth s
saw mills about 10 miles South of
VOUNQ Jersey cow for sale. Phone
l?t 1 R. S. Grettie. e97
FOR SALE 31 young ewes with 39
early lambs. Hawkins Roberts,
9AR 0.DI,nn hlrffT e
FOR SALE; Fine driving horse, rub
ber tired buggy and fine harness,
worth $400. price $175. Phone 29
r-i it -ur C
"WALLBOARD" can be used over
lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren. 179 N. Com'L
For Sale Nursery Stock.
STli 4 wppu p v , r-
thy Euerberg TT' r
ii.- . ,er. .?
y quan-
Progressive Everbearine. Treblal
Lady Goshwell, Wilson. Thrifty,
Weil rooted plants. Low quantity
prices, also loganberry, Mammoth
and Himalaya blackberry plants,
fresh garden seeds. City delivery.
Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front
Phone 494. h
--ii-c- .. vMiaon strawberry
Plants, lert at Pohle & Sons. First
comers will get them, bunched. d97
FOR SALE Loganberry tips. Rt 4
. "(uwin .ui zu. ,
ettfrbfbii ii
tl'1f HBER 121
StrawWrv nlunin
ii. .;.r ..r "-.
! per luuu; Wilson S. P. O.
box 214, Salem, Or. n"
FOR SALE Individual lettuce -plants
cabbage and cauliflower, Kt 7
box 38. Phong 1J86WJ. W. H. H.
Iodge. - . . ... dlol
POTATOES few sacks American-Won
ders, excellent to plant or eat.
Pric 8c. delivered .Salem. L. a. Ar
nold, Rt. 4, phone 65F11. --c9
For Sale Wood.
OK SALE 2d fir, cut last fall.
$9.50. Call 195. ' . T
WOOD FOR &ALE First 'class 14
inch and 4-foot wood, strictly cash.
Office at 305 S. Church SC phone
1542. Fred E. Wells. ee
For SalePoultry
FOR SALE 5 black Leghorns, Cat!
tti . i.apuoi. . f 9g
REDUCED prices on baby chicks. Call
today, 558 Stte street, Phone 400.
C. N. Needham. f99
FOR SALE Hens, pure bred Rhode
- Island Reds, while they last, your
choice $3 each. Grote, box 55, Rt.
, 2. Just over the hill past West Sa
. lem. i7
FOR SALE Baby chicks, 60 8-weeks
old White Leghorns; 27S S-weeks
old, 700 White Leghorn and Anco
nas coming off Thursday. Call
Thursday, L. A. Geier, 1497 N. 6th.
BLACK Minorca eggs for hatching.
454 Hood St. (9T-
RHODE Island Red eggs for hatch
inn, fine winter layers. Phone 93
FOR SALE Thoroughbred White
Oregon egirs for hatching, $1 per
setting. Phone 642M. f97
EGGS Rhode Island Reds. large
dark red, stock secured from best
pens in four states; settings $1.50,
hundred $7.60. Phone 1788W2, C.
A. Ratcliff, Rt. 5. flOl
CHOICE Buff Orpington hatching
eggs. 154 Columbia St. Phone 1393.
WANTED To lease 5 room furnish
ed house for 1 year. Address P. O.
box 152. 1101
WANTEDrr-To borrow,. $400 on real
estate. Address box 2467 Journal.
- 197
SEE J, ,W. Manley, garden plowing,
cellar digging, heavy team work.
Cherry City barns. Phone 199. 1107
TRANSFER L. A. Barriok Co.
Country trips, moving. Wood tor
, sale. Good service. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 734. - . . . .
WANTED To borrow $800 and $700
respectively, on 2 good properties
each worth 4 timeB the amount;
also $3500 for May 1st. These are
all gilt edged security. H. E. Boling
er. Oregon bldg. i
$800 or $1000 TO LOAN on good farm
security. Phone 815 or see G. E.
Unruh, Gray bldg. ; 1
WANTED To rent 6 or 6 room mod
'tern house at i once, if satisfied
'might buy. Phona, 1060M or 826
:" . e98
FOR RENT Large,, pleasant rooms
by day. Mrs. L. K. Page, phone
1186, 492 N. Cottage St. J101
FOR RENT Nice apartment at The
Miller. J98
BUSINESS man wants to rent modern
house close . in. Phone 911 during
office hours. 199
WANTED To rent 5 or
house. Phone 979.
WANTED House to rent beginning
May 1, 1920. Phone' 1085W eve
nings. J97
WANTED Will pay $5 for infor
mation that enables me to rent de
sirable five or Bix room house. Box
House Capital Journal. 1100
FOR RENT Close in sleeping room
for gentlemen. Phone 1525. J98
OFFICE rooms for rent, steam heat,
splendid Janitor ser.vlce. 205 Ore
gon bldg.
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room, for gentlemen, stean
heat, by the month. Phone 1427.
FOR RENT A large suite of rooms
on first floor, hot water heat, pri
vate bath, fireplace, electric grill
for cooking, use of phone. The Alex
andrla, 1030 Chemeketa. Phone
1280. - J
FOR SALE Truck bed suitable for
, a 1-ton truck. Phone 734 or call at
271 N. Commercial, qlOO
FOR SALE 2 1-ton Ford trucks,
worm drives, 5-lnch solids in rear,
and mechanically perfect. These
trucks go at a sacrifice. For further
Information phone 887 ask for Mr
1 3-4 TON REO truck for sale, bar
gain if taken at once. Inquire 356
Chemeketa street. Salem. Or. ql08
FOR SALE Trailer. 688 S. 25th. q!05
FOR SALE Five passenger touring
car, in good condition, osu union
St. Phone 1853. 0.97
WANTED Automobiles of all kinds
for wrecking. Will pay good price.
Call or write G. Genser, 271 Che-
rf iH stAT.E J 1918 Chevrolet in A-l
condition. 171 Hldh St. q97
DO you want to sell your automobile
for cash? Call Aaams, hpi. qi
LS your car hard to start7 Does your
motor give trouble? Try Fair
Grounds Garage, phone 808. M. J.
Jackson, prop. Will tow your car.
Otir work guaranteed. ql""
Wanted Help.
WANTED Immediately man with a
family for hop yard work. Phone
8F21. " e97
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Roll top desk. Address H.
J. Tracy. 644 Ferry. 198
WANTED To buy power hay baler
in good condition. H. A. Kuenzi.
Or, KL 2. Phone Blue
CONTRACT work with tractor. Ad
dress Fred Htcker, Gervais, Or.
W. BEAVER well driller, one mile
. east of fairground. Phone 10F5.
tablished 1893. We have 'good buys
- in houses and farms.. See us today
for reliable properties, prices right
228 Oregon bldg. - n
We have a gootL 7 room plastered
house with- good lots in West Sa
lem, the coming little" city across the
river. Don't ail to see thts. You can
buy this for . $1500, and . on easy
tents......; . J-V'-.y.- -
.,-$3000 buys i Wes near . the eity
with a good 1 room plastered house.
fireplace and water system, electric
tights,- barn and lots of fruit An ideal
suburban home. '-..
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
416 Masonic Temple.-Phone 35S. n
10 acres on Garden road. S acrss
best logans in vicinity, 1 acres black
berries, about 2H acres choice apples
ana Koyal Anne cherries, about 12 to
16 years old; balance seeded to grain.
House, barn and good well. A money
making investment. Price $6250.
- 4 acres "close in on Garden road, 2
acres full bearing orchard, some ber
ries and truck garden. Good house,
barn and chicken houses. Price $5500.
80 acres, about 45 acres river bot
tom, 1 acre peaches, 7 years, old;
good 6 room house and large barn
(12 stanchions for cows),- fine silo
and milk house, 2 good wells, about
S ftM Ik anwAa naif . i ... i. J . . ' .
o o van imuuc! ai.u yoaiuru,
10 acres growing grain, about 7 acres
alfalfa, balance ready for planting:
price $9000, (3000 cash.
S acres close in on paved and grav
eled road, 2 acres bearing family or
chard, Vi aero strawberries, balance
ready for planting. Good new 5 room
no ana unrn. a nome iixe subur
ban home. $3800.
Lot 80x160 opposite Bush on Mis
sion street. A good lot close in. Price
Good lot 48x148 on best street West
Salem. $300.
List your property with us at reas
onable value and we will Investigate
and sell it. . .
Oregon Land Co.
442 State street. i
Five room house 1542 Bellevue St.
' good plumbing, $1200. Five room
house south Salem, $850. Three
room house south Salem, $500. 10
acres black soil, small house and
barn close to station, $2600. F. L.
Wood, 841 Stftte St. n97
Nice modern 7 room house, good
barn and garage, fruit, flowers, shrub
bery, paved street, 2 blocks from car
line, 1 Vt acres choice garden land;
low price, easy terms.
IVt acres halt mile from carline, 7
room house, barn, orchard, berries,
crop, choice location; bargain price.
5 acres close in, 8 room house,
large barn, all kinds 6f fruit, water
system, best soil. $4200.
12 acres neas carline all ehotee soil,
good set buildinfes, good orchard and
small fruits, machinery, stock, tools,
teed crop; sacrifice, price $6200. .
Good modern 10 room house close
in on best street! large lot, renting for
$50 per month. Choice investment.
$4000. ' - -,'
One of the choicest 5 acre tracts
near Salem, near carline, family or
chard, best location; stock and tools;
sacrifice price if sold soon.
9 room house., large lot, fruit, pav
ed street on carline, 6 blocks from
center of Salem.; $3500. ,
If you want to buy or sell see us.
Perrinei, & Marsters.
. . 111-12 Oom. dub bldg. n
Best Buys.
4 room house, city water,- lights,
basement, 6 blocks from car; $1000,
$200 cash, balance terms to suit.
.. S room housei water, lights and
plastered, less than 1 block from car;
$1100, $100 cash. .. .
5 rooms, plastered, city water,
lights, bath, good lai'den spot; $1200,
easy terms.
7 rooms, water, . lights, furnace,
plastered; largei," lot, fruit, on good
street, including furniture, J400U.
rooms and bath, modern, on grav
el street, small basement. $3200.
60 acres all in cultivation, 22 acres
In fruit and berries; 10 room modern
house, 2 good barns, garage, all In
good condition; 1 miles from Pa
cific highway and on gravel road;
$24,00, terms.
95 acres all In ciiltivatlon on a good
road, close to town; 40 acres In prunes
7 room house and large barn, well
and spring. $12,600, half cash.
30 acres In prune district, on good
road, 20 acres in bearing prunes, 8
in loganberries, some apples, etc; 4
room house, good barn, new dryer
with equipment.-Priced to sell or will
trade for land tn Canada. ..
6 acres adjoining city limits ' on
pavement: 3 in logans, best river
bottom; $5500 or will rent to right
nartv. -
6 acres all in cultivation, on main
road tVt miles "out, some bearing
fruit; $1750;. terms. .
. 80 acres good land, 55 In cultiva
Hon. 25 timber; 4 mile from small
town with high school; fenced but iio
buildings. $9000, terms.
65 acres all .cultivated, fair build
lngs, paved road, close to city. This
must be sold at once and is offered
at less than market. price. See me at
once, .' .
socoioisky. '
841 State street.
Real investments.
An 98 cultivated. S In bearing
,.,.. narilv seeded, close to town.
good buildings. $5250. Terms. .' ,
' 160 acres, 38 "cultivated, ' dandy
stock ranch, lots of out range. $4800,
Good $4800 buy on Btwte street.
Estes & Magee
428 Oregon Bldg. Salem.
Portland office. Chamber of Com
'. Good Portland residence closs In,
to trade for Salem property; income
$60 per month, - '
Ulce t room Salem residence on
paved street and carline.: $2500.
65 acres only 1 mile from Salem. 7
room house, good barn, family orch
ard, paved road; a regular bargain at
Modern 5 room bungalow, big tot
with fruit; house nearly new, fine
shape. $3009.
Modern 5 room cottage close In on
paved street. $2200.
acres of prunes on paved road, 3
inllpa nut $210. ' "
Modern room bungarow with fire
pl3ce, garage, close Jn. $o260.
Fine sightly lot on Fairmount
Heights to trade for late Ford.
Innurance. Loans, Bonds.
Laflar & Laflar .
407 Oregon bldg. a99
FOR iALE Two to lots, corner
Shipping and North Capitol Sis.
Must be sold and will sacrifice on
price. W. - H, Grabenhorst & Co.,
275 State street. n98
This, is positively the biggest sac
rifice near Salem, today. 22 acres
of good, dark, productive soil locat
ed ohl.v 4 miles from the state house,
on good gravel road. 18 acres in cul- f
!ta,i, ,k. hi i, I
tivatjpn and the balance is pasture.
Family -orchard. Woven wire fenc
ing. Fair 4 room house and new barn
it bl 50 Hearing completion. Good
hen house, garage and necessary out
buildings. 6 fine cows, mostly Jerseys,
good team, driving horse, good wa
gon, buggy,- plow, -cultivator, cream
separator, about SO chickens, calf,
heater : and telephone.. Everything is
included with this farm at $4500. Ex
clusive, sale. A ehanjee to make some
easy money it yon act at once.
tSS acres bf' excellent soil located
on main highway being paved. About
T miles from' Salem and is only 1
mile from station. 55 acres of' river
bottom with about half in cultiva
tion. A total OiMOS.acres of the farmJ
is cultivated and Is mostly in fine
crop. Neat room house- built' about;
4 years, and-barn 49 by 60. This is a
fine ptnee and you get I horses, 4
good cows, mower, rake, about SO
chickens, -seed, teed, etc., with the
farm at $19,000. ,
Kinney & Smith.
$01 'Bank of Commerce blderl
Good Buys. ,
' S20 acre ranch, 80 acres plow land,
balance mostly fine Umber, house and
barn. Price $40 per acre.
60 acres of good timber land lo
cated NE, of Salem. Price $100 per
160 acres of first class land, 120
acres cultivated, balance pasture and
timber; house and barn, well; dark
soil, located 4H miles northwest of
Silverton, about 12 miles from Ba-
io acres of. first class prune, straw-
. , I .
perry or loganberry sou, an piowea
ready to set. Price $1500.
1 3.-4 acre tract close to canine,
some fruit, house and barn, - well.
Price $2500. i
200 acre farm," 100 acres cultivat
ed, balance, fine timber and pasture.
located not far from Salem on good
hard road. Price $100 per acre.
48 U acre tract of first class soil
located close to Salem on paved road,
crop goes. Price for a Bhort lime $300
per acre.
3-4 acre tract located close to car
line, good 7 room plastered house,
some fruit, good street. Price $3250,
$750 down, balance $25 per month, 6
percent interest,
20 acre tract, 6 acres full bearing
loran8. 5 acres prunes, some fine tim
ber, small buildings, rocit road. Price
108 acre farm, lOO acres cultivated,
good buildings, good road. Price $12,
flftfl. .. . ,
62 acre farm, 85 acres cultivated,
balance timber, house and barn;
stock and machinery goes. Prlca $10,
800. ' .
10 acre tract, 1 acre logans, 1 aore
nrunes. good plastered bungalow,
barn, family fruit, good road. Price
$7000. '
30 acre tract, nearly all cultivated,
6 room house, barn, well( some tim
ber, 6H miles out on rock road.
Price .$6000.
house uuy a
rinnd 6 room modern home at 1516
fi. Commercial street: Price 18000.
Fine 14 block on Fairmount nut,
150x150 feet. Price $3300.
, fi room house located Just outsiae
city limits, south, price 2tigu.
W. a. uraDennorst a vo.
275 State street. ' "
DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo-
res. phone 834, .
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403- Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 68F6. 104
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about out
20-year loans at per cent. Haw
kins A Roberts, 105 Oregon bldg
Salem, Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 5Vi percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem. Or
Water Company.
corner Commercial ana i raae bis
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 6T.
Safety Razor Elades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
rt Repair Shoo. 847 Court St. '
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans ' , '
Any amount Long tints,
6tt and ( percent interest
City building loan. , ,
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonlo Temple, Salem, Oregon
t Scavenger. -
SALEM SCAVA::3EB Garbage and
refuse of all kind removed on
" monthly contracts : at reasonabl
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead anl-
1 mats removed. Office phone Mais
167. - '
' . -. - Optician.
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optome-trlst-opUclan,
eye thoroughly ex
amined, glasses mad and fitted
il 0-1 2 U. 8. bank. Phone 641.
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
- household good. Get our bid be
fore you sell. People Furniture
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
W ALL paper 25o double roll and up.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m"
Contractors and builders.
Phone 1972. . j
- Lodge Directory.
,OCs: CHEMEKETA 1-dge No. I
-J meet every. Wednesday
rening at 7:80 at I. Q. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
- 8. J. L. Tucker, C. (:.; P. J. Kunts.
K. R. -
tNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem-
bly No. 84 meet every -rnursaay
8 p. m. In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, e
retary, Balem, Or.
TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery
, Drivers Union No. 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, 8 o'clock. '
Oregon Grage camp No. 1869 most
every Thursday evening In McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mr. Carrie E. Bunn, 448 Union 8t
recorder. Flora Nelson, 731 Norti
20th. .
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 11$ Met
every Friday night at t o'clock le
McComack hall, cor. Court and Lit
. erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D. Boss, C. C; L. S. Peer, elers
"WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
- hanging, no cooking. Max O, Bur
en, 17 N. Com'l
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.90; feed
oats S5c; milling oats 85c; cheat hay
$21022; oat hay $24 25; clover hay
$25f; mill run $47.
Eutterfat: Butterfat 62; creamery
butter 263c.
Pork, tmI and motto: Perk fort
ISHc; veal fancy 21c; steers 11c;
spring lambs lc; cows ewes
sheep, yearling 13c
r- ,,, ,, ,
Dressed pork lie.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash JJo;
light hens. 28 030c; heavy hens $30
old roosters 15 16c; springe 34a
Vegetables: Oniona per pound to;
eelery dos. $1.76; potatoes, Yakima
8o Oregon 6Hc; strawberries $5.00;
beets per sack $2; turnips per seek
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.26; parsnips
per sack $1.60; spinach 10o lb.; rad
ishes 40o dot. ... -
Fruit: Oranges $5.00 7.00; lemons
$5.50 9 6; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage to;
head. lettuce $1.25; carrot 45c; as
paragus' 18c; cauliflower $2 dot.;
red peppers 25o lb; rhubarb S i
peas 15c IX . !
Retail prices: Ers dcten 178'
creamery' butter ,68 70c; country but-i
ter 60c;. flour hard wheat $3.25 J. 45
soft Wheat $2.90.
UTESTOCK -Portland,
April 22. Cattle steady;
receipts 33 ; grain and pulp . fed
steers $11.00 13.00; choice $11,000
12.00; good to choice $10.00 11.00;
medium to good $9.0010; fair te
good $8.25 9.00; common to fair
$7.00 8.25; choice cows and heifer
$10.60 11; good to choice $9.75
10.56; medium to good $8.25l.f5;
fair to medium $7.6098.25; canners
$5.007.00; bulls $6.0008.60; prime
light calves $15.00 17.00; medium
light $10.00 1S.0O; heavy $7,000
10.00; stockers and feeder $7.(0 O
Hogs weak; receipts none; prime
mixed $17.00 17.35; medium $16.26
17.00; rough heavy $12.25 16.25;
pigs $1315.60. '
Sheep steady; receipts none; spring
lambs $17.0019.00; Jight valley
$15.7617.00; heavy $14.25016.71
common to medium $11014.50; year
lings $15.0016.00; wethers $14.50
15.25; ewes $1014..
Portland, Or., April 22. Cubes ex
tra 65o; parchment wrapped box
lots 60c; cartons 61o; halt boxes t
more, less than H boxes lo more;
butterfat 69 60c t. o. b. station; 61
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or., Airll 22. Eggs sell
ing price case count 8738c; buying
price case count 87c; selling price
candled 89c; selected candled in car
tons 42c.
Poultry: Hens 2538c; broilers BOo;
turkeys 60c; geese nominal; ducki
Wheat $2.20; barley, rolled $70
71; oats $80.50 61.25; corn No. $
yellow $67 69.50. Mill run $43 44.
Hay: Buying price, timothy f. o. b.
Portland $30; alfalfa $33; grain $28
Stove Repairing.
STOVES ' rebuilt and repaired. SI
years experience; Depot National
and American tence, sizes to to bo
inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooka Salem Fence and Stove
Works 260 Court street. Phone t$4
ot the Stuto of Oregon in and for
Marion County
-In the matter of the estate of John
Koeneke, deceased. Executrix's no
tioe, ,
Notice Is hereby given that the nn
derslgned has been appointed exeo.
utrlx of the estate ot John Koeneke,
deceased, and that all persons having
claims against the estate are . hereby
notified to present the same properly
verified in the manner provided bv
law to McDougal & McDougal, attor
neys for' the estate, as above men
tioned, In the city of Salem, Marlon
county. Oregon, at the county clerk'
office in the court house, within six
months from the date of the first
publication of this notice, the find
publication of this notice being made
on the 26th day of March, 19H0.
McDougal A. McDougal,
Attorneys for executrix.
for the Slate of Oregon for the
County of Marlon
In the matter of the estate of 8a
rah S. Mosher deceased, notice of
hearing of final account:
To all persons Interested in . the
estate of Sarah S. Mosher, deceased
You are hereby notified that on the
24th day of March 1920, D. H
Mosher, administrator of the above
entitled estate, filed In this court
his final account as administrator f
the estate of Sarah S. Mosher, de
ceased, and that said final account
will be heard by this court on Mon
day, April 26, 1920, at the hour of
ten o'clock a. m. of said day or as
soon thereafter as the court can hear
the same, In the county court room
at the court house in Haiem, Manor.
county, Oregon.. And you are hereby
cited to appear at such time and
place above designated " and show
cause if any exist why said final ac
count should not be allowed and the
said administrator discharged from
his said trust. . .
This notice is published pursuant
to an order Issued out of the said
county court for Marlon county, Ore
gon, on the 24th day of March, mat.
Donald Vt. Miles, Administrator
Attorney for administrator.
of Stockholders of Sal em Fruit Union
Notice Is' hereby given that, pur
suant to a resolution of the board of
directors of the Salem Fruit Union,
a special meeting of the stockholders
of the Union will be held In the prin
cipal office ot the Union tn the Sa
lem Fruit Union building at the cor
ner of High and Trade streets In Sa
lem, Oregon, on the first day of May,
1920, at the hour of ten o'clock in the
forenoon for the purpose of electing
two members of the board of directors,-
and for the purpose of consider
ing and acting upon a proposition
to sell or transfer the entire assets
of the union, and for the transaction
of any and all business necessary or
desirable in connection therewith.
April 21. 1920.
FRANK GIBSON, President.
I. Btnley, Secretary.
Wi I ""12 IPI
Measures; hu. '
D'Arcy Has Say
If the prevailing sentiment of Pa
mono grange, which convened in an
all-day session, Jn Salem yesterday, U
a criterion by which to base predic
tion regarding the coming election,
the mtllage tax measure and school
measures will stand about as much,
chance to exist as the proverbial snow
ball. The meeting was attended by dele
gates from all parts of the county and
nearly the entire afternoon was spent
In discussing the tax question, and the
'"wholesale method ot spending the
'farmers' money to build good roads
and educate the children." Postmas
ter Whitehead, of Turner, acted as
chairman of the meeting and the
prominent speakers were Mr, Kent ot
Oregon City, state grange master,
Peter D'Arcy, ofthto city; Senator La
Folette, County Fruit. Inspector S. H.
Van Trump and Representative Sey
mour' Jones,
Mr. D'Arcy, In hie forty minutes'
talk, expressed a sentiment opposed to
evevything tending to increase taxation
and from the manner in which he was
applauded it seemed hat the sympa
thy of the meeting wa unanimously in
favor of his expression. Mr. D'Arcy
said, as he hae many time before,
"the whole - educational system is
wrong. We do not need to educate
the boys and girls, they can educate
themselves if they are made of the
right kind of stuff." To substantiate
his claim the speaker referred to his
early life in Salem and how he worked
his Way through the Willamette uni
versity to his present capacity, start
ing from a printer's devil. That the
grange might fully comprehend how
well he had succeeded he informed
that body f men and women that they
were assembled in his own building.
It Is wrong," he said, "to tax you
and to educate the children of the
well-to-do," referring to the Oregon
Agricultural college system ot educa
tion. "They make lawyers, they make
doctors, they make dentists and all
classes of business men and profession
al men, but not a farmer comes from
the college to develop the resources ot
our entire commonwealth. If we feel
that we cannot afford to pay the ln
creased taxations we ought not to be
compelled to do so."
The old gossip about the Oregon
Agricultural college and its president
was rehashed and discussed pro and
con. One granger, who had not de
veloped as much speed In oratory a
Mr. D'Arcy, told of the extravagance
of the highway commission In employ
ing high priced men and trucks and
the time spent in needless trips and ,
needless repairs while constructing
roads near his place south of town.
Following an open meeting a busi
ness session was held and none but
members of the grange were permitted
to remain.
The grange meeting held yesterday
Is said to have been the most inter
esting meeting of the present year and
the attendance was far above the aver
Women Slayer Of
Step-Daughter Is
Sentenced To Hang
Quebec, Apr. 22. Mrs. Marie Anne
Houdo Gagnon was found guilty yes
terday of torturing and murdering her
16 year old stepdaughter, Aurore Gag
non, and was sentenced to be hanged
October 1. The girl ttfter being beat
en, burned With a red hot poker and
made to walk barefoot In the snow,
was forced to drink poison, the evi
dence disclosed. The postmortem ex
amination of the body revealed 64
wounds. The defense pleaded insan
- "Walfelt"
Takes the place ot house
lining for less.
Max 0. Buren
17$ North Commercial
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
2S4 North Commercial
" Care of :.
3hlnese Medicine and Tea Co.
Ha medicine which will our
any known disease.
Open Sunday from 10 a. m,
, until $ p. m,
163 South High Street
talem. Oregon. Phon ISI
Alio Junk of All Kind
Best Prices Guaranteed
CALL $1$
Capital Junk Co.
' The Square Deal Hons
171 Chemeketa St Phone ttl
C. Hamilton
tit Court Street