Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 22, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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I in . j. A. A I
ss.- to- .,
j.era sporting goods store in this cilv,
has accepted a position with the Grif-
! fin-Babb Hardware company of Eu
gene, according to word received bv
,his friends in Salem Thursday.
Aprp n.-
s -
Howara B. Weed
t on "CitT Beautiful,"
T " wcifie UU"i"1.
". -ii is Ball game.
: "Jrt Idaho teams. Of
watchmaker, Ba-
Boya. our shipment ol Benjamin
Air Rifles is here. Shoot as straight
aa a rifle, Hauser Bros. 17
Dr. Ch aimer Lee George, dentist,
114 Masonic bldg. m
league, Com-
ADril H.
,-rifless Mens
--ial club. 8 p. m- -
April 26
Commercial club.
""Era 28.Rotarian lunch-
Hotel Marion, noon.
I ..mnrv. 8 P- n
. Apru
Pageant,' "Awak
T ..... of Soring." opera nou.
n!rvmen's conven-
! Hon. Commercial club, 10 a.m.
, t.npfit Dance. Coui-
H ir"irv.
-' iiav 7 Declamatory
; im! unty schoola- Armory
i I p. m.
The final games of the series be
tween Captain Entrees' and Captain
Gilbert's biffball and volley ball play
ers wil!t be held at the Y. M. C. A.
gyrhnastum Friday evening at 8:30.
With about two points ahead Captain
I Entrees players bid fair to capture
tne nonors mis series, even if they
lose the game Friday evening. Fol
lowing the game the usual banquet
will be held, and new captains and
lieutenants will be chosen.
Hampton and Ernie Todd, Jefferson;
Peter Steffen, Silverton.
Joseph Carver, a graduate of the
1918 class of Salem high school and
who enlisted in the navy in October
of that year, arrived in Salem froTm
Bremerton Thursday. He is visiting
at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lil
lian C. Carver, Cottage and Judsort
One phase of the long-drawn suit
brought by Claude Cole against T. a
Dean in circuit court here will be
heard in Judge Unruh's cour tat 10
a. m". Friday, according to the court
docket today. The case centers around
a dispute over a trade in property.
Loss of a sample case frera his auto
as it was parked on State street yes
terday afternoon was reported to po
lice by J. H. McFleters.
of the E. C. Erickso ncompany, who
Is staying at Hotei Bligh. The samole
l comainea towel and broom I5"8 the rnlil or the Silver Falls
Timber Workers
Tell Of Ending Of
; Silverton Strike
- Details of the settlement of the
holders, and flour sifters.
Fitters told authorities.
Mr. ilc-
The gladiolus is Salem's flower.
Some say if they could have but
one flower it would be gladiolus Mrs.
Frank - Pendleton. A Martha Wash
ington geranium forty times over.
Phone 1188. 97
According to W. S. Fkts, local fish
dealer, the price of fish is on the de
cline. Mr. Fitts, who has Been in the
fish business for 19 years, and claims
Marion Anderson, arrested v Chief
of Police Welsh on a charge of cut
ting corners at High and Court
streets, was fined $5 in Judge Race's
court yesterday evening. -
Timber company. Silverton. are con
tained in a letter received today by
L. J. Simeral, president of the Central
Trades and Labor Council from Clair
Covert, president of tse International
Timber Workers union. He states that
the conference, over which Mr. Harry
presided, was attended by a commit
tee of six men representing the union
The body of Olie Grande. S9. who nd Manager Woodard. of the Silver
died at a local hospital yesterday, was'FalIs Timber company. It was the de
cision of the conference for the com
pany to choose-, one man, the union
another man. and both select a third
.man who would sit as a committee
of arbitration.
The company agreed that there will
be no discrimination against union
men, and Mr. Woodard gave Mr. H;tr-
shlpped to Portland by the Rigdon &
eon company, where funeral and
burial will be held.
M. A. Kapphen of Hoskins was a
Sale m visitor, Thursday.
Joel Davis registered at the Bligh, j"
Wednesday night from Echo, Ore.
W, Cochran of Oswego,
to know all the tricks of the trade. spent Wednesday and Thursday in this"'
I says that the former prices on fish city. inurMiay in this tQ
lourt House News L
Circuit Court
j. B. Seely vs Elsie Ray Sloper et
have been caused by the annual clos
led season, and that since the season
once more open, a better supply, at
more reasonable prices will be obtain
ll Hotin- .
S, B. Seely vs
Elsie Ray Sloper 'et
. Salem's flower, the gladiolus. 97
I Order connn"'"& --.- , ino mjr n uiiiciui uower, tne glad-
Security state uau - iiuius. 97
Mom Lumber company etc ei ai.
jlotion to quash service of summons.
Fred M. Kaymoim a
W.'.J. Llchty returned to Eugene
ivesterdav after a shnrt hn,imu ri,.
Harry J. Raymond and George Cobat in thig city Mr Uchty u cna J
G. H. Courrie of Liona. Or.
acted busfness in Salem Wednesday,
The funeral for Willis E. Vincent, j'
who died at his h nma near Taffaponn !
early Wednesday, will be held at the
chapel of Rigdon & Son at 2 p. m.
Friday, with burial following in City!
View cemetery. The funeral will be!
ry a letter to that, effect, Mr. Covert
advises Mr. Simeral.' It was decided
by the union that the strikers would
return to work, and leave differences
the arbitration committee for set
tlement. 'This, In effect, is simply
OallinO. a , 1 1 O hilt In rn.llltir kv.nnn
trans- " .7 ' " .. . '
At Keizer school house next Friday
evening there will be a recitation c-nn-
a-parhiers In business under the firm with the v J. Berger Realty company j test by PUP'ls of the Keizer school.
in tne iane county town. 1 U""""S mere win oe a basket
social. Everybody is invited to come
and have a good time. .
that the strike is .settled because of
the arbitration feature of the agree
ment," writes Covert.
The company denies that any dis
crimination had been practiced
against union men, but that the five
men whose discharge precipitated
the walkout were ' discharged from
cause, and agreed -to reinstate strik
ers as men- were needed, but will con
tinue to operate the open Bhop.
. .1.1- HnYirit Rind Rav.
Bond. Reply to answer of defendant
i, D. Kelly.
Probate Court
Edmund Dupois, eistate. Undertak
Inj of administratrix.
Daily Statistics.
The softest pink imaginable in
flowers, gladiolus America. Phone
1198. 97
The discharge certificate of Alois
Krepelai filed Wednesday at County
,ciem Boyer's office, shows that he
enlisted in the army June 13, 1917,
and was a member of the emrinnerci
TALTT Mrs, Martha Walty, 66, at corps. He served in France, Novem
the family residence, 707 South, DeP 26, 1917, to September 18, 1919,
!5th street, at 4:15 today. Funer- and was discharged from the service
al at chapel Rigdon & son com- at the pregldi0 of San Francisco, Oc-
pany, 2 p. m. Saturday. Burial in
City View cemetery. '
Baby chicks. 558 State.
Reduced prices on baby chicks. Call
today 558 State street. Phone 400. C.
9. Needham. 99
Willamette Encampment No. 2 I.
0.0. f. Regular meeting 7:30 Friday
nenlng. Royal Purple degree. 97
Overall and apron dance Auburn
kail Saturday night. . 98
Baby chicks, 558 State. Phone 400.
, 108
Designed by an army surgeon for
Allstasand widths. Hauser Bros. 98
tober 30, 1919.
One. of the purest whites in gladioli
Is Lily Lehman. Flowers round the
center like white lilies. Phone 62F
14. 97
A notice received Wednesday at the
county clerk's office establishes reg
istration of the farm name of "Wil
low Glen." The farm is owned by
Watson Bloom of Silverton.
. ..Who 5 Is there witl soul, so dead as
not to Hove a surprise. You have it
in the 'Polk Hills Mixture of gladoli.
Phone 62F14. 97
A meeting of the parent-teacher
circle of Liberty will be held at the
Liberty school on the evening of Fri
dv Anrll 23. The circle will he art-
Mmfort and service, the Herman U. , dressed by J. A. Churchill, state su
8. army shoe Is fit to wear anywhere. , berintendent of schools. In addition
to feature talks, the outlined pro
gram arranges for a community so
cial hour.
Skaters attention, our Wlnslow rink
akatea with fibre rollers have at last
arrived. Hauser Bros. 97
Either phone number for eladlo-
1m bulbs, 1198 and 52F14,. Dibble and
Franklin. - 97
The body of Jas. Treadwell, 44, who
W at a hospital here Tuesday was for
warded to Owosso, Mich, where fun
gal and burial will be held, by the
Webb Clough company. , '
Boyt, our shipment of Benjamin
Rifles is here. Shoot as straight
a ride. Hauser Bros. 97
Watch for the silver sheen on pink
ama. Even more distinctive at
W. Phone 52F14. 97
C. Hickman, a Portland contrac
as in Salem tdoav transacting
m. While here Mr. Hickman
N hU son, L. F. Hickman, of the
"wbanlcal department of the Greaat
mn Garage, 127 North High St.
'"icia. 658 State. Phone
Saturday night the girls of. Willam
ette university will hold a "Co-ed
Carnival," the first of its kind In the
.history of the school. It was to have
been in the nature of an outdoor fete
at Lausanne-hall, but if weather con
ditions dg not improve it will be held
,indoors. It ts planned to make the
carnival an. annual affair.
Sigma Tau fraternity will entertain
the men of Willame::e university at
a smoker at the frat house Saturday
'light. "Slippery Gulch" will open at
7:45 and close at 12 p. m. Faro games,
craps, poker, blackjack and roulette
tables .will opes up, and the men will
be entertained by more bathing beau
ties than Mack Senneet ever saw. . A
full boxing card will be a feature of
the entertainment. Strevey and Jen-
nlson will provide the main bout, and
"5ara la a . ..
lu.j r. ur DUIDS Phone Dlb-
-"u rrank n iiqo
w'i.V"'1, Presi(ent of the Cen
teertZT and Labor Council here.
ntin the electrical workers of
"wider .Went t0 Portand today to
ie pJ!iW,?reement Proposed
JZ mi Railway L1t
a. a y gove!-riing operations
rtda rLi"al wl" "turn to Salem
ft "ftn?T our Wlnslow
awW"h,ibre' rollers have at
Hauser Bros. 97.
S I' A f,ame let, 80c
"hone 52FH. 97. Peasants from
Huch.. ottorr' today by
An order signed by Judge W. M.
Bushey Wednesday in the estate of
Jamea Neil authorizes the appoint
ment of Thomas J. McGrath referee
in taking certain depositions from wit
nesses who reside in Ireland. Mr. mc
Grath's address is 15 Kildare street,
Dublin, Ireland. Another order ap
points a second referee in New fork
for the purpose-of taking statements
from witnesses who reside in that
George M." Duffer, Heppner, spent
Tuesday and Wednesday morning in
this city.
W. D. Wood, candiate for the re
publican nomination for secretary of
state, was registered at the Bligh ho
tel. Tuesday, from Hillsboro.
Stuart Fagin of Portland was a vis
Itor to the county court house Wed
nesday, v. " i !.- . J j
Ralph D. Moores transacted busi
ness at the Marion county courthouse
A Greig recital, for which prepara.
tions have been made for the past
several weeks, wilt be held In St.
Joseph's hall Friday evening, April
23 at 8 o'clock. The recital will be giv
en by the students of Sacred Heart
academy, and will be up to the high
standard which characterizes all per
formances sponsored by them.
Price of fish drops. Fine Chinook
salmon 35c. Fresh Halibut 30c. Fresh
Ling cod, a very fine steak fish, for
only 15c. Fitts Market, 444 Court. 98
Combination hunters and anglers
permits were secured Wednesday by
R. D. Gibson and J, J. Riley, Salem,
F. Rallow of Salem, who served In
company K, 8th Wisconsin Infantry.
and Aranthus E. Thomas, Scotts
Mills, whose old organization was com
pany C First Oregon Infantry, have
applied for the complimentary hunt
ing and fishing permits Issued to civil
war veterans and pioneers.
In anticipation of better weather
during the last days of April, many
fishing licenses have been, issued re
fill o finish The Clients are cently. Salem sportsmen who nave
to come in their old clothes, and wear secured anglers permits lately are R.
The meeting of the Aid Society of
the Presbyterian church which was
scheduled to be held at the home of
Mrs. Charles A. Park, will be held
Instead at the home of Mrs. C. B. Ha
ger. 691 Union street, Friday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock. Assistant host
esses will be Mrs. J. W. Harbison,
Mrs. J. N. Skaife, Mrs. R. E. Down
ing, Mrs. Max O. Buren, Mrs. F. G.
Bowersox and Mrs. Charles A. Park.
Carl M. Shumway, who was form
erly employed In the Hauser Broth-
W. Maulden, J. O. Lelsy, Jim Houch
L. A. Cobb, Ivan Lady, C. H. Clymer,
Saul S. Jans, R. R. Ruggles, L. H.
Roberts, A. N. Becker, W. A. Goldale
R. L. Matthews. E. Slocum, D. X.
Reechler. S. M. Patrick, H. M. Doud
Fmll T.nnhere. G. H. Leavett, J. E.
Mock. R. H. Ruth, C. C. Tucker, C
E Farmer, Henry A Flemmlng, K. H.
Pickens, Ross Damcrell, G. W. Bangs,
Rav E. Marchand, Carl E. Johnson
O. L. Donaldson, Homer nansei.
Duane Gibson, U. L. Gibson, Archie
Collett, M. Bllnston. J. L. Hendricks,
Fred Durbin and Ivan Conner. Li
censes were also Issued to Hiram
Armory Contest To
wiil be made public upon completion Wiliam O'Brien reported early today
r.f irraFtrpmpni I ),v wir!,a 11,... ,h f.,,tnd iVia
OrCLXV OrCitOrS FrOm j committee from the coanty asse- covered with fuel oil . and a name
O L 1 Af r i ,ciUo" is completing an uttructive list ; board of the steamer drifting abo'it
Schools ui Lounty.0' arfl l be 7' '?!. nu, oi York. a ,,-
. , . . . . ' ef the contest. Onlv a small adniis- i
At the Salem armory, Friday, May T, sio wili be charged at the armory for BtT Kftt,t from the William O'Bmn
Salem and Marion county residents
will have an opportunity to witness
spirited inter-county declamatory eon
the puiposeof securing flags which will was picked up Tuesday.
be given to the smaller schools. , . . - .
- A proposition has been made to Coos
KHIP RKLIPIKH I ,ns-V rnuntv cities hv a California firm to
tests to be held on the evening of that . Rrvai, in Aur it Th rui mini hiiil.i n.illc enndenserv which would
date. 1 Autta, imichn V. V. . . : i.,.,i. 1 OAfl p,w rt oil H afrf n.illc
The contests are to be held under searching for the disabled steamer i dally,
the auspices of the Marion Principals' i -
association. Representatives of the
two county divisions ef public schools
will participate in the contest. The
first division includes a! four year
higk schools and ninth grade junior
bigk schoeis in the county. The second
division) is formed of four groups ss
follows and includes the seventh and
eighth grades from schools having two
or more rooms and from high schools
having less than the prescribed four
year course. '
Groups are supervised as . follows:
grades in Salem city schools. Mrs.
Lemoine R. Clark, director; grades in
districts near Salem, D. K. Luthy, di
rector; districts in and near Turner,
John Blough, director; districts In ano.
near Silverton. Clover B. Miller, di
rector; districts 1, 15. 23, 31, 57, 45,
76, 103, Aurora, Bert P. Lovett, di
rector. Contests are being held at the- pres
ent time between these groups and "by
May 1, winners of these preliminary
tryouts will be entered for the big
event at the armory.
Pupils are permitted to select their
own subjects, which muy be humor
ous, dramatic or descriptive. .Select
tion of judges and a lost of contestants
Last Day j
California g
Tax Measures Are .
Favored By Brooks
Community Circle
At an enthusiastic meeting held by
the Leader club, at Brooks. Wednes
day night, club members from the
Clear Lake, Beuna Crest, Keizer, Mis
sion Bottom and Brooks districts were
present, L ' '
Consideration was given to all of
the popular measurw which go, be
fore the voters at the May primaries
and the club went record as being
unanimously in favdr of the two mill
tax for elementary" -schools and road
.bonding measuresi ' Endorsement of
the four mill tax for higher educa
tional Institutions was also given.
The club was addressed by James
S. Stewart, who spoke on various topr
ics of the da? and of special interest
to the gathering. Mr. Stewart, is cam
paigning for Hiram Johnson in this
county and in the course of his re
marks made laudatory mention of the
California ex-governor.
, - f - . . i
Stholarshtpstdr f
All High School
Students Is Plan
Washington, Apr. 2i. -High school
students throughout the country will
be able to compete for a four year
scholarship at any institution the win
ner mav choose, as a prize for tr.e
best essay in connection with the ship
by truck good roads week, May 17-22.
A prominent truck manufacturer will
make the award. State superintend
ents of education have been asked to
conduct the contest within their states.
A Distinguished Service Label
'American Legion
Friday, 9 p.m.
Tickets, $1. W
In Person
In Pictures
A Peppy
-Song And
MUNSINGWEAR stands for "super
service" in underclothing.
The name means to millions of discrim
inating users, men, -women, children,
the utmost in union suit comfort and
Whenever you see the name Munsing
wear always think of Qualitywear.
Quality means unusual service. Ususual
service means true economy. That's
Munsingwear. - -
The perfection of fit, finish, fabric, plus
the Munsingwear habit of outwashing,
outwearing, outlasting e x p ectations
gives both lasting satisfaction and lim
itless service.
This according to satisfied users every
where Is "super-service" in underwear.
Our stocks of fall and winter Munsing
wear show a wide variety for selection.
No matter the size of your person or
purse you can be Union Suited in Mun
singwear at our store with a season full
of comfort, service, satisfaction.
Always ask for Munsingwear Never
1 L
Good Goods.
Plione 510-511 '
' 870 N. Commertrlnl St. .
? eater: .Tna
fN ta u, rm at EBene were
A V. Millon Bottom toflnv h
at 8 e- t0 whom they were
N a.;.,, ,ha"lt our manv frtend.
our recent
h,. -"uura for m,,.
"!M9 to us dur,"
r, Cora r Ur fe a
Zll rt Whorl.,.
- ti. cooper. 97
ad 4f
i !
f s
I ilm .Ww '' ; 2851 Dardanella Fox Trot '.' T i?V 'jftti
r M'ff 'It' 85c W111 Flower waltz IvfXfvr 1
f '-iQjJJtiii f 850 Rose Room Fox Trot
$ t!rry rt-f' i 2841 Burineuse Bells One Step I f MA-v
p. jjfci ' Jf I 85c Kulnbow of My Dreams Fox I rt'
I ivx!r f 2565 -Why do They All Tako the fflf l
S'iL- I N,Kht Boat to Albany? I ; .
i j 1 ' ' j? ': ! 85c How'd You Like to Be My . 1 M 1
' .:Yjr 1'.' 2196 All Blue Medley, saxophone I I
-'- 2J sextette. 0-''--'f'.'M 1
I $" 'f I ' e Policy King March, Saxophone 1 T
' 1 'vfl I 18345 For Your Country and" My J
' t Aril I '' " Country, One Step - I
i -"''" ' 1 JJffy' 8So 8wtle Mine Medley One Step f yV
it" W I mV)(V 1S51 -Out of the East, Fox Trot e l 1$? Ff
'. iv' ' I 1 vCviT 850 Kalny Day Blues, Fox Trot tLK
' r' I rwfj 886 Behind Your Silken Veil, Fox
It t li If h '"C Hoses At Twilight, Waltz Vvil I
LliiOW 1 A1 'A 18850 That Naughty Waltz iCc
WvJ If p,j Uc In Your Arms, Fox Trot f jT.-'
VVi . ijLf 1854 Harem Life, Fox Trot ' ' i7fl
o La Bo. Fox Trot , l
."V MP mi I.LS e M" .' 'ma '.' 4- W1 iTJ M.J MH . 'IT U( d W Mr ml t
til iW
M M Jt .',7
The Gayest Thing You've Seen in Many Moons
- Others Too
"Bungling Bungalows" Comedy
- r And
International Weekly News
y 'Star in ' 1
it t
Ooldun Ptcturet', ;