Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 22, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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t at t-'..u. f ar.icles of in
ctii iirutiiii, T-e .aluy. The .ncurpoi
alurM ir ;.ry lir (tract Vun 1.
UiTKe aiitl Kathfrint- Sohnelder.
Prineville Men
Ask Commission
To Utilize Water
Thuniiia V. Luuw.n HnJ Henry Mc
C.itr rip Ttiiivi(1c, fiti-d applications
with Slate Knctnrtr Cupper, Tuesday,
for iriTitiirtsion to aiimfrhite water
frinn Crookd! river for the irrigation
Carranza Ranks
Diminishing, Is
Reports' Claim
Washington, April 12. Official mid'
unofficial reports rcceiv-! here yea-1
terdnr from llcxloo tnl'l of further uV ;
fertioiis from the ranks of Ciirrniiz-'i ;
adherenti. Advicfa to the Mate de-:
partment ahl thai f.enernl f'urtunato
Mayctt hail joined the OhretroniHta
with hiK entire command, which hail
heen operating In the border country
h tvreetf the i,f iw -of MrtrelOK. .Mirhoa i
c.iry 'mil iuerrero, a Mhort distance
west of Mexico City.
Oforeson, d'enerul Jlvtijuinln Will mid
a number of friendly official!: who re-
eeutly fled from Mexico City are with
Maycot's command, which cunHista of
three regiment of cavalry antl two of
Private advice? from the border Haid
that flencral Arnulfn Coinex with 3000
men had occupied Ttixpan and wan
threatening Tainplco. Then advici h nl
no declared that fioneinl Rodolfo (lal
lefroa and 400 nien In Linarea. Ncuvo
Leon, had declared In favor of Sonora
un had General Allnndio (lumca and
Amaru Durano In Chihuahua.
Advice from the name aoiirccp also!
id that OovernoiH Nlcolaa Klorea. of,r valued at 1132.313.000, according
out that ": n American must be an
America, heart and soul, without res
ervation." "For the individual to stip
ulate Ju.-t to w hat desree his iiatriotLsm
extends " always leave? room for doubt
as to his sincerity, declared Judi
Twelve applicants and their witness
es crowded the court room during the
examination, Tuesday. George lialod.
Knicland: Alex r.uwaru Kooenson. . owng oj, amis
Sweden: Augustine Leon Saucier and Bon M0
do not desire to. and will not! Nathaniel Hernhard Travis. Canad ! .-.i.,, md romantic circum-
iaim; Hernhard Kittler, Kred William !iirnett last February eled
Human and William Henry Human, of f an(j WiUt married to a yoiinit white
German nativity, were admitted to, woman, -Mrs. Anna I-aura Lowe, at
' indicate
Preacher Is to
Appear In Court
For Examination
"Th federal evlvernmeilt and thu'i
prTiseVuK' anyone bc-causc of non-constitutional
attitude toward the I'nited
States, yet you must realize that In
imlc;Rudt;nce of
ti t .
lenal supervision of a guardian-at- which
law overall Indian is supposed to ". central Kovcrnmeiit on Ui
dude the latter s ari,"lu' ,av prov.oces,
ture must be decided by the Kansas ,
supreme court in the habeas corpus Al,IMtovl.; OTIlIKE
proceedings brought by tali J. I) -
lornett of Henrietta. Okla., to re- Honolulu, T. H Apr .Tw thou
cover the custodianship of Jackson sand Japanese and Milium, men, wq
liarnett. ", of Henrietta, tikla., a
viie suveis ..f u. ,
-"'kills la'Morer, , 1
-he atr.kln; ,v,raui
demands fP hi. """ft. j
Creek Indian. Harnett, known as
the richest Indian in tne worm.
valued at more than
Hidalgo and Maximo Ilojaa of Tlanr.-t
cap, backed by the leelslnlurea and the
Btate troops, ulso had declared In favor
of Snmira.
Reports at the state department naid
ft Blimp of fifteen deputies had left
Mexico City for Sonora by way of La
dero. It was supposed they were am
onu the forty elulu who recently issued
a manifesto charclm; Carranxa with
havlns precipitated the present situa
tion by his arbitrary civil and military
acta Aitalnxt the various states.
Officials here have noted that the
censorship Is being rlRldlv enforced In
Mexico City. Copl.-s of Mexico City
newspapers received yesterday and to
day contnlncd ninny blank columns es
pecially on the editorial pages.
order to become a citixen of this conn- i citizenship. Albert Clark. Kngland
of 150 acres of land ill Crook county. I trv. the authorities must be convinced was continued until the next term of
Other applications for water riKhtsl'hut your beliefs are not destructive to; court.
America.' With this statement, Wil I The application of Thomas Spencer
fred F. Smith, naturalization examln- Watts. Ka;r!aiid, was dismissed with
er, outlined the situation to Herman , out prejuidce as Mr. Watts" witnesses
II. Kuenzi, native of Switzerland and were uuable to establish that he had
applicant for final citizenship papers. lived continuously in the United States
During the course of his examina-1 for the required five year residence re
tlon Tuesday, the applicant had ad- jqulrenient as he testified to the court
mitted that he was a conscientious ob- that he is very anxious to complete his
Jector against any and nil forms of citizenship in this country.
warerare, and mat his church, said to
be the Apostolic creed, taught Intoler
ance of any militaristic program.
"You application Is continued," or
dered Judge (ieorge 1. KIngham. who
presided In department No. Z, during
the examination, "the court believes
that yoti should become better inform
ed on this question and asks that vou
read along broader lines and give con
sideration to the fact that real Amer
icans are only too willing to defend
to the 1920 assessment figures Just . their country In act and deed. During
have lMen filed as follows:
. H. M. lierrlck, Malheur, covering the
appropriation of water from Porter
(iulch for the Irrigation of land In
Malheur county.
t!eo. Ii. Adams, Myrtle Point, cover-
1 imr the aonroliriation nf water from a
spring on Four Culch In Coos
county for domestic purposes,
Oeu. M. and It. F. Lofland. Provelt.
covering the appropriation of 45 acres
In Josephine county.
William Devaul, Lorella. covering
the appropriation of water from a
spring for the irrigation of ISO acres
in Klamath county. j
Honolulu. T. , 11. Apr. 22. Sugar
plantations in the Hawaiian islands
jCoffeyville, Kan. O Hornett charges :
tnat tne oiu inoian s oi lue in uu o-
venturess of the most pronounced,
tvpe," and that she 'kidnapped" liar--
than Pills
Court Called On
To Decide Indian
Guardian's Power
Toek.i, Kan.. April 21. Whether
because of his wealth.
Peasants Disarm
'And Disperse, 100
Soldiers , Report
Vienna, Apr. 21. One hundred :irm;
ed gendarmes who went into the
keisburg district in Styria to round upi
cattle due the state were disarmed ,
and driven away by peasants who ami ;
ed themselves with rifles when they
learned the mission of the police.
This is but one of frequent instances
fa? I
made public.
The lUlro-riioHphutri Ilea 1 1 1.
System $:t01l fiiiariimm
New York. If you are feeling run
down, weak, nervous, tired in the
morning, and generally ailing, those
are the symptoms that should warn
you to take care of your health.
Four persons In every ten are need
ing more phosphorus in their bodies'..
When you see thin and fretful peo
ple, or those who are anuemic, pale,
,..,ll rtt ,lAU..n...l..r.t ... I..
i o bell stock "rRy', you niay ,i,ok ,or ,h ,,eei1- ,f
I certain elements that mako for a
Permission to Ml ntl,000 of Its ...- constitution.
the next term of court you are t ,,,
pear here accompanied by your pas
I tor. The court desires to ascertain If
this matter is being actually taught by
j any element In this country. If so. It
would seem that such propaganda
would not make good Americans.".
Mr. Ktienzl's neighbors testified that
he was honest and industrious and he
exhibited a fair knowledge of the laws
of this country. "A person can serve
his country without killing other peo
ple." he contended. The examining
officers agreed with h!s but pointed
Perfect Health is Yours
If the Blood is Kept Pure
Rubber Company
Granted Permit
capital slock In Oregon was granted to
the Weslert Rubber cainnanv of Ta
coma, Wnsh., Tucsdav Ivy II. J. Seliuld
erman, state corporation commission
er, Other permits Issued by Scliulder
ni"n Tucsdav Include:
llrowitsvillo Canning company, Cor
VellH, for the sale of J.HI.IUIO of Us
American I'lilveml Impleiuent roiu
lviny, I'oi'tland, for the sale of $5,011
of stock.
Mvi'tlo Point Creamery ennifiahy.
Myrtle Point, for the sale of t1,(!2."i of
Its stock.
Peni'lss'on to tranrut InplneHS In
this itate was granted t) the Pnthe
KjiiliiHige. Inc.. a New York corpor
in Inn, capitalized at Ui OIHI 000. N. II.
Klmon. 709 Hoard of Tnidi' building,
Portland, Is named as altoi ney In fact
for Oregon.
Tho Rcrger Studio, ""rloind, enpi-
Some people, nfter relying upon
preparations coiupid chiefly of
salts, mtinlne, drastic draw, iron, cal
omel, cod liver oil, etc.. wonder why
they find no benefit. That is easily
expluined liy tho fact that niich per
sons need the phosphoric clement,
which Is. a most potent essential to
health, and contained in Bitro-I'hos-
I pliate. tho famous health prepnrrt-
tlon. Now obtainable everywhere.
The right thing for you to do Is
make a tilul of llltro-l'hosplmt be
ginning at once. It is not a patent,
medicine; the formula Is prescribed
by ninny physician 'for tho nilmen'R
and weaknesses mentioned nnnve.
With every box of Bltro-Phosphate,
are a few simple hculth rules nnd a
1300 guarantee, ltuy a box of Ilitro
Phosphate. It-Is sold and recom
mended by nil good druggists every
where. (Adv)
Almost Every Human Ailment
la Dirtctiy Traceable t Im
purities in the Blood.
You should nay particular heed
to any indication that your blood
upply is becoming ilujgish, or
that there is a lessening in ils
strong and vital force.
By keeping your blood purified,
your system wore easily .warda off
diaeaae that is evsr present, wait
ing to attack wherever there is an
opening. A few bottles of o. S. S.,
the great vegetable blood medicine,
will revitalize your blood and giva
you new strength and a healthy,
vigorous vitality. Everyone needs
it just now to keep the system in
perfect condition. Go to your drug
store and git a bottle to-day, and
if you need any medical advice, you
can obtain it without coat by writ
ing to Medical Director, Swift flpe.
cine Co., 112 Swift Laboratory, At
lanta, Ga.
vvntf nmi itrimn
YUU it ILL fltYLK wish to take another fe)
pills after having once" used rWu-j . . )
ico. iacy are easier and more pleasmtto'
more gentle and mild in their action and moJ
able. They leave the bowels in a naturals;
while the use of pills is often followed bl
constipation, requiring a constant increase J
dose. Every bottle guaranteed hv ,.n. t
445 Court St
Saka .
Substitutes Often Worthless
It is a well-known fact that Lydia K. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound ii the most successful remedy
for woman's ills obtainable. . Actually thousands of
women have proved this to be true." Notwith
standing, some women make the mistake of trying'
something else, said to be just as good, simply because
it is new.
Is tt not foolish to risk Hip possible- Imd results of smpH
oxiicrlnicuN- noil Is It not letter to depend upon a med
icine that you know Is reliable-a medicine thut lns luid
no ciiunl lor more Ihiin forty jenrs ? ,
l'.cnil what (heso Women Think About It
ISor'.h Kst, MJ. -" t III ill
lie:iiilt four or live rii sml tlri
iiwhI willi one ilm tor alter aimtlu'r
Iml none lnHpnl mei. I W41 lrri"u
1 11 mi l lnul sui'h toriilib iiilu in my
bai'k. lowor tijrt of hit lly n'
ilim n eai h iil tlisit t lin I to ga to
Imil three or lour dim every imuttli.
1 w,i very inrviiii. iirr.l, cnulj not
lwp ami mmlil not nt wlilmut s't
tiM Mick. A (iiiiil uskel me t
ta!. I.v.lii K. I'iiikliuiii 1 VecnUliU
twiikium n:nl I mil mirry 1 ili l nt
Ink. Ii wKitier fur 11 luu Mij ma
wonilerfullv. 1 ilim't liavu tu ko to
beil with tli aiii, cn eat without
liehiR ii k mill have mora etrenxth.
I reciHiiiiDtuil your unliriiioiml yn
are at lilwttjr to lmtilMi hit trsll
iionul." I luiuhih aiVia, U.
Ii. 3, .North Mil.
liOllt It
I lira, X. V-" IwasallniTKlmn.
anl I1A1I mi eiit'ry or ainlutiou auil
no ireiigth to 1I0 my vrk. I went
to the iltH-ttir 'e ortlre prery other day
and coulil linrilly crawl to get there)
ami liai k. My iiuslntiul wantisl in
tu try I.yilU K. I'lnkliaiu' 1 Vege
table CintiiiiHtnI anil he gut me a
lmttle ami in to werkt thin uietli.
1 inn iliil me imire geml than the Uno
tui's nuxlirli li.i.l done in leu. I
kept on until I liad taken ten hiittlei
Uml felt like a new woman. Now I
ilo all my own wotk twaiilea all kimle
of dreiuuiakliiir aud Rime limes junior
liangimr. 1 will recommend l.yilia
ti. I'mkhanrti Vegetahie t'omiKiund
m luntr a I lire and you may uul
lish my teathiiunial." Mrn. K. 0, tilii t'Uut St., Vuca, K.Y.
He Wbe -Accept Nothing But
;Ji ' '
l" Telnrmenhark totheiple- v ,
llual standard, tomakeCliriit' S
K ' . 1 'J priniiph-a an impelling force
.5r. -2 ii In the reconstruction of j;e- .
t ':.?- l ts. and to tench men to thirk
a . . '4 A V true and liw tree ie the waktr ;
I ta.k to which the church la
J ' rJ called. f;
V XTfl" RonT Llrn. Oialr'n fin. i
,'' i'A Comm. intertJiurt HeWd
ff - t . fV JCeveawiil
s 1 ?s
. 'IMW, :;
i. ill
"111 1
Good Old Fashioned Faith
-That's What The World
Needs Most
WHAT is the cure for the world's present troubles for un
rest and envy and covetousness and fear?
Legislation? Industrial compromises? Political readjustments?
We've tried them all, and they do not satisfy.
We're hungry and thirsty for Faith.
"The world needs a genuine religious revival," cabled the Lon
don financial editor of the New York Evening Post recently.
And he added: "This is the view of hardtheaded business men."
What business men are how proclaiming the churches have
always proclaimed. You must touch the spirits of men if you
are to change their lives : only to the extent of their faith in each
other can they work together. All remedies are makeshifts ex
cept the Golden Rule.
Thirty denominations, knowing the need to be too great for any
one denomination to meet alone, are cooperating in a nation
wide campaign. v
It is a campaign for deepening the spiritual forces of men; for
enlisting their hearts, and their pocket-books too. And every man
and woman who loves America will be glad of a chance to help.
For the hope of America is Democracy and the Founder of
Democracy was the Founder of the Church. It was He who
urst called men sons of God, and so made all men brothers.
Not as employers and employees, not as members of parties or
sects, but as sons of God and brothers all let us work out our
problems together.
To strengthen the Church is our first great task; out of the
Church Hows Faith.
The inly reahnnd per
manrut sol u hint of fli
vexing prohltMnxwhirh
wm more ucule titan
ver since the end of
the World War i the
uppliratiou of the
JtwitFnri Dftvitu,
8 tctlai uf th Aavy
V L ..V
April 25th
Ma; 2n4
f r
The Mritnal elile of man s nature
baa been too much netlected, ana
we need a new birth of rirhteoos.
nees that will reetore the tnie r
la Hon between spiritual aid mate
erial Uiinre.
W. B. Won-.
Secratuiv of L
for our own aakoa, for our chf t
een'l aakea, (er tlie nation alio
let us buaaneas men art betnrul the
charcheeandttieirpreechcrsJ l
n from thia rery daf ie theoa
more tine, money and UMUKhb
tor upon thria the ralue of all
e ultima teljr depredsl
Rocra W. Bjaeoe.
. 4'
INTERCEURCH World Movement
Th, p-MicarJoii vtthi. nertisement U pibk thagh fir,
coopered of O-Jtt, Oomin.tioa, 1