Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 22, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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s Are Given j
fSaleni Writerj
1 v...,, from James
in the nav ;
fo still resale'",
interest to his
( m ... 1 ,mh rth
n,et unit!
. ... i months at !
""...inss. signal di-
fmntferred to I". S.
W. ."! ;'. .h :,st few
written to a Salem
Emitted to the Cap
tV ervlce mans
fw left Constantinople
.Lilran'friveyou-a pref
jnptw of the pIfce 83
Constantinople lies .it
, psporus, with the
s,a of Marmora, to
4 The main commercial
tfio'den Horn, which Is
Lsmt ships of 12.000
,nt or le. The city is
..j-Callatta, Staninul and
. Uvdra Pacha. Clallatta is
,' quarter and the pop
mostly GreeK. Armenian
. Scuural and Stambul are
"quarters and few Kuro-
mi.. ...iltnn'a cum -
(here, me
ll(ln "
a as Dolma limine.
i located at Dolma Bak-
j BBe de Pera is the main
mns me iim iw.B."
m, American embassy Is
the Pen ana iiuuum
for they seor.i to he a pretty hard
Itlvnl Spirit Described"
You spoke of having an argument
with au Englishman. Did you know
ih :t it is une of the first instincts of
au American sailor to pick a fight
with a "lemon pelter?" They pr.ib
ubly have something similar to that
in their code of honor concerning the
Yanks, at any rate there seems to be
a mutually accepted form of conver
sation to produce that result. I would
not give you any of the deta'iis of that
vonversation, because it contains
words peculiar to sailor men- probab
ly, not contained in your vocabulary.
Well I hear rain drops so I will
have to close and go wake up the
anchor watcn so ne can cover
Campaigners Of
Normal School ;
And 0. A. C. Meet
I.W.W. And Mine
Guards Clash In
Butte Disorder
Butte, Mont, April 2. Clashes be
tween mine guards and I. W. W. pick
fcters marked the opening of the third
day of the strike called Sunday night
by the I. Y-. w. for higher wages, a six
hour day and the release of political
prisoners. In other respects th lowo
situation is the same as yestexdav. No
ore is hoisted by the mines o the dis
trict, but the various companies are
able to keep their pumps going and to
otherwise protect their properties.
Practically no miners got through the
lines of picketers this morning but en
gineers and pump men reported in suf
ficient numbers to prevent the-mines
from being flooded. No arrests were
made by either county Or 'city officers.
A mnh nf 9nft mnn . l -
Oregon Normal School, Apr. 22.- Utih, ' " '
One of the most enjoyable events of Last night s mob entered the FInlen
he normal scnoo .-year took place and other hotels and half a score o"
last Saturday afternoon and evening buslnes piuccs K.luiUng b
w hen the members of the Better O. X. and other resorts In quest of "moon
S committee, inmed the similar com- shine" wh!cli they proposed to de
mittees from O. A. C. to meet wfth .troy. The movement Was plan, ed at
them and talk over further plans for Finn hall with a view to enforcing the
campaigning in the interest , of the closing of resorts No liquor was
mil.age bill in which the state schools fonndf a card game were
are all so vitally interested. - After the ineri.,,i fi . ? .1.
players dispersed. One policeman fired
ninister of foreign affairs of the south
em government, on arriving here. A
cuiiMiiution and peace program will
!e tiiaf;ed at the meeting, he said,
thus terminating -the Canton govern-
i merit, i. . ,
I Sun Y .t Sen. first president- ef the
Chinese republic and leader of the
oonstUutiunalists, and Tang Ehao Yoi,
former premier of the Pekirig govern
ment, are here and ninety of the 300
members of the Canton parliament
have arrived.
Wung Ting Fang favors the con
sortium in which Japan, the United
States, France and Great Britain
would play a dominent role in the fl
r.ancing of Chinese undertakings, but
opposes loans now pending.
the air but no arrests
Head Democrats
Big Convention
! Street Found
,u runs from Dolma BaU-
the waters' edge to Stam-
ml I believe it is the
In the world,
i tell you much about the
iigion for I only witnessed
i once and ff it is all to
bv that one, I do not care
,at helne 'a Mohammedan
could have a few hundred
was the services held by
,. ai tin Howling Derv-
believe In confessing their
Friday and being punished
I think it is a fake, but
'ir to drive nails through'
Is and cut each other up
k at any rate they make
to keep Up their repu-
Fn li Worn
limmedaM wear the fez In
ii In most cases It .is red
'k tassel. The students and
a white cloth wrapped
i (a uid those who have
iltrimage to Mecca wear a
'..Hi. The more educated peo-
Eiroptai clothes with the
l the fez, and there, are
raien wearirix veils. The
fir of course, wear them,
art tery seldom seen and
carriages with big nlKgers
W them all the time.
flw Owners Lucky
Turks do not wear pecul
l 'act they are not at all
hat they do wear. They
have any at nil. They
whionsand smoke huble
' 'Pipes, however, so thev
Nly like other people.
m Hohamniedan flnb
11 hands go to the mosnnps
Mimes a day. All mos(ties
"iwrs mlnarettrs nrounrl
mn has seven. Early in
'"S about five thirtv. 'tho
hftatipin onP (tf thg ln,
starts yelling. That is
mybiMly to wash his
1Jrt bumping hs head on
,"f Rnnwfull
1 Conntantiriople. Tt is
ftobenhifh K00rt. When
lfr was about elKhle'n
n the ground and
'"Wch now, ' I, .,,-,,
,m ! 1 Jlav fifl' m"re
Ul before I can hit -the
off about two
k from the city llnd
ll't Rllial.,.
k, i. '- ' ""'PS at an-
ilh(vi.. 1 Present. I
t the, I.y,ln a few days
Lr" they will not
afternoon ppent in the conference the
fiucr-ia n vie Miicnaineu in uinncr at two shots
me dormitory. n,very table was filled! were made,
and real O. N. S. .spirit was displiiyed '
in the speeches and clever sjnga ac-
companying the mote substantial;
parts of the dinner. ... ,
A short, program was given in the'
chapel at 7:30 .o'clock by represcnta-j
fives of the Delphian and Vespertine
literary societies. The numbers were:!,
"Group of Songs," Mildred Jones; one-;
act play, "Gretna Green"; whistling'
solo, Augusta Hahn; Spanish dance;
reading, "'The Swan Song," Angela .
Gunning; tx-hool son5s. i d'lengo, Apr. 22. Homer S. Cum-
- ,-" inilngs, chnh'man of the "tlemocTatic
A further number of the program uaUona, commitlee, was today selected
which was greatly appreciated was a lo act M temporary chairman of the
group of songs by a guest JI,ss Chris-, party.8 national conwntlon at San
1, 7, , f , ? "-luhip- Francisco next June. The selection
nied I by Dr. Es ellej ord Warner. . . whg made by tht executive committee
The remainder of the evennig w-w ot the democratic national committee.
S1P.nt 1 S , ?e gvmnaslum There were four other riames-cohsid-
whieh had been transformed into a ered for the honor.
"' ro.'e oower. me necorations, Chicago, ' Apr. 2 O.-The executive
reflected great credit on th.e commit- eommiUee 'of the national committee
tee which had the matter in charge. in gp8sl0n here toda, l8 conslderlng
The day was all in all a most iism five names for the temporary chair
occasion. " manship 'of the democratic nationa
jjurmg last weeK-ena several mem- convention to be held In San Francis'
bers of the faculty were active In tend- co June 28,
ing meetings favoring the millage bill. The five are Bainbridge Colby, secro
President Ackerman spoke at Airlie lary of state: Martin Glynn, former
anu Aloha, J r. Butler at Mountain governor of New York: Arthur Mullin.
of Nebraska; Homer Cunimings, chair
man of the
View and Mr. Gllmore at Dallas.
Miss Grace May, a graduate o '16,
spent last Thursday and Friday re
newing old friendships at the normal.
She also signed up a number of the
students for teaching positions In the
rural schools of Sherman county wiirro
she is county superintendent. One
teacher signed a cbntract for $135 in
a rural school ther.
The Misses ' Cosper, Sterling and
Willotts of Balem public schools visit
ed the normal Friday,
Superintendent R.,,L. Kirk of The
Dallei, visited the normal last week to
secure some teachers to fill vacancies
in his.force fortthe coming school year.
President and Mrs. Askertnrin enter
tained their daughter, Mrs. Carleton,
and her chidlren of Salem over the
Charges of cruelty and neglect of
six young horses-have been filqfl with
Dr. D. D. Keeler as field officer of the
Oregon Humane society from near
Sidney. These horses, three of them in
very bad shape are turned out tnto a
pacture witho'ut sufficient food and no
shelter. The owner of the propert;.
'ives in Portland and the matter haf
een reported to headquarters in that
ilty, where the owner will be called u
account t J
Woman 80
Years 0M
Says she owes her' wonderful
health to Vinol, our Cod
Liver and Iron Tonic
The Klamath State bank at Kla
math FallS has Increased Its capitali
zation from $5Q,000 to $150,000 and
the Bank of Commerce at Oregon
City hag Increased Its capitalization
from $50,000 to $100,000 according to
supplementary articles of incorpora
tion filed this morning.
national committee, and
Carter Glass, former secretary of the
Dissatisfaction with the convention
arrangements were aired In tje meet
ing this morning. Charles Fay, post
master of San Fraricisco and chairman
of the San Franciaco Convention com
mittee, Is here and will meet with the
committee on arrangements. Indica
tions are that the committee will de
cide to "hold ithe convention in- San
Francisco as plarined, if Mr. Fay Suc
ceeds, in ; removing objections. -
The'comr.jitte will adopt resolutions
of respedt nhd sympathy in connection
with the death of Roger Sullivan.
Wooster, O. "The grippe left ma
in a weakened, run-down condition.
Doctors had given me their best tonics
without effect As 1 have depended on
Vinol to build me up every spring for
the past nine years with such good re
suits, I tried it. My appetite improved,
.my strength came back so I am not only
taking care of my household duties, but
direct the management of two large
farms. I tell all my friends to use Vinol
when they need strength." -Mrs.
Martha Sickles. -
Women who are run-down, nervous,
lack energy and working strength should
take Vinol as it contains Beef and Cod
Liver Peptones, Iron and Hypo
phosphites, the very elements needed to
restore a lost appetite, enrich the blood
and create strength.
At Kmil Schaefer's Drug Store.
Dominant Forces
In China Propose
Union Of Strength
Shanghai, Apr. 21. Dothinaht efe
rriehts of the northern and southern
Chinese governments will merge and
organize a united parliament, probably
Inthis city in a short time, said Wu
Ting Fang, administrative leader and'
Hello There! Come to
Tke Dreamland
I Suffer
"fan Pilss
1 t
1 v .
Tigto. ' Slate a$
Otitfittets to Women, Misses and
Quality Popular
.Merchandise Prices
If you 6wn ah Orchard you must have bees if
you would secure the largest crops of the most
perfect fruits, as proper pollination is essential
for best development and 6ees are the only
dependable poltenizing H(ehta. ..
You can keep bee inywhere tht 3iey en forage within
a. mfle they require but little attention and will often
render you tplendid profit. We can start yo right
and lave you unaecestary work tad" expente.
Our Bee Supply. Catalog Est. everything
necessary for the auccearful production of honey;
tolls henr to can tor and handle bet.
Ask for Catalog Number" 263
Write us for
Queen Bees
Children's Day Sat
urday, 25c
Band Music Satur
day And Sunday
Vmtm ApsaiJ.iUW Co.
TV'hy Is it that a market gat1-,
doner always buys his seeds at
a regular seed store? You never
ftee him buying from a second
hand store or a Junk shop or a
drug store, etc.
He knows that a regular seed
store knows where to buy the
best seeds'and can be depended
on to supply the best seeds on
tHe rtiarket. If you Want to be
sure of a good garden, better
follow the market gardener and
buy your seeds from a regular
seed store. We have all the
choice varieties used here, and
the price is right.
' ' Have a limited stock of Rural
New York and Uncle Bam Po
tatoes; very choice stock.. Bet
ter order today as they will soon
be gone. ,
PP . , -i!--' 'i
Itepg i r if tut T
wmmmm i -liib ft i i
V t I I11' I if, r
WV- - I 1 1- - '
A j. . ' -" . ' ! - " j
IT ? vl F s"- "
The Music TeacKer
N Children who study music and have a Cheney
in their home have a real advantage. They gain
a a conception of musical interpretation and learn
to judge tone quality with remarkable ease.
.(For The Cheney reproduces music with all of
; the rich quality which characterised the origi
nal. The touch of the pianist, the bowing of
the violinist, the breathing and phrasing of the
vocalist are faithfully reproduced. .
s an aid to musical appreciation, The Cheney,
f is unsurpassed'among reproducing instruments.
Represented fcy
See Display In Our Window
The Cheney
Is equipped with an. unus
ually sensitive diaphragm.
As a result, delicate Over'
tones heretofore lost, which
constitute the reaf beauty
of a selection, are brought
out, '
Needle scratch and mc
chanical noise are muted.
os Dure ro vi
AkK Avk'x1 Jr rv";y 1
i'l vim MWi
X ;')i' if 11 ilSinm i
) I Atf i ' i m jt.J.i
li I lil il iW """ U .-ma.. I'
'Is IM
i '
lb I
Celebrating the
Day ton Bicycles
r M,, s hAVTOTsI HAY. Frid;iv. Anril atrd.
i, Will I1U1V1 vp-ll jlvvjow v - - - - - - - T I
in celebration of the 25th anniversary of DAYTON BICYULEb.
Twenty-five years ago thtf jfirst Dayton Bicycle was shipped from the Day
ton factory. In the beautiful 1910 Dayton models are reflected this quarter' -century's
effort and experience in building the best bicycles.
Come see these fine bicycles on display, and enjoy, our hospitality. There
will be something of interest for everyone. Be.sure to come. Bring your ,
" friends. We will be expeding you! t J
387 Court St., next to Stcusloff Market