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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1920)
THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CI. hcphcrd Withdraws But Three Still Seek Oicjuu Voters' Approvai For Nomination For Vice-Presidency Cce.-ge Shepherd of Portland, who . . liiid as a candidate for th n-publlcan ? h lltr fnm fin n i Kominatlon fnr Vice prwldent of the lXUUU' OmpUny tailed Rates yesterday momlnjr. I . Clrl Tlfrf Prmit withdrew his nams lata vrxtorriav af- ''' i Mil, ternuon. At that there ara three vice-, prexidtntuil aspirants on the rtpub-j cn uanoi in uregon, namely Kiwood The Western Eublx-r comnnnv nf To Operate Here : XV m. Grant and Henry Tacoma, Want, capitalized at 15,0(10, named as attorney In fact for this itate. Washington, of Indiana Webster of New York O 'i.,i,wttl has been granted permission to op Oregon republicans will also be re- erate In Oregon. Alfred A. liampsen iu.. . oeiween five presi- 0f Portland is nenuai aspirants: mrara w. Johnson, Herbert C. Hoover. Frank O- Lowden. Leonard Wood and Miles Polndtxter. Articles of Incorporation were filed On the democratic ticket the sclec- Friday as follows: nuns are ereauy sjmpuried inasmuch vtooaiaw investment company, as mere is only one candidate for Tortland, 1200,000; tl. T. Woodlaw, M jre!iiienuai nonors. w Illiara Clibbs Kelly, O. XV. Holcomb. sicauoo of r.t-w lorlc, and but one as- Columbia River Log Scaling & Grnd H ins ninmnj mate. William lag bureau, Portland, no capital stock i. "unn or rortiand who filed dur- J. 8. OGorman. Kuswll Hawkins, H V. "" ruiay. ine c. Clair, Watson Eastman, J. A. i i ,a . V .. Prom-ly. P. J. Uria, E. 8. Collins. Tn,", h7,.,. crtlf1 ffd Albatross iomewhat enlivened yesterday also by urnltre company of Portland the IIm of Albert Abraham p J? I "how n lnereas0 ln WlUU stock burs- as an h hn. - .,7. "om 1100,000 to $150,000. race for the republican nomination Re'1u"on ot dissolution were filed wrainbt Robert N. Stanfleld of Port. b th Sutherlin Light & Power com- ( land. i pany of Sutherlin, Or., and the Coluuv Another closing day surprise was bl!l Rlvr LoR Scaling & Grading bu sprung by William D. Bennett of Port- rtttt of Portland. ;ana, wno rilea as a candidate for public service commissioner from tho western district on. the democratic llcket. Bycr Henry J. Schulderman of Portland, added his name to the list tof repub licans aspiring to the office of sec rotary of state.' Frldav nfi.rann bringing the total lip to seven with no democratic aspirants filing for the po- , Kmery Charles Dyo of Oregon City who regaled the Oregon senate wllh a lengthy dissertation during the innd dosing hours of the special session last January . was the last candidate to enter his name for a place on the. primary ballot. After wrestling with a platform most of the day undecld d as to Just what political plum he ivould most enjoy plucking he deeld- "i upon mat of delegate from into at inrge Jos. J. Blcwart of Curvallls, bent the closing time y fifteen minutes In filing as a candidate for delegate from the state at large to the republican notional convention. Country Club To Entertain With Feast On Sunday Although It had been planned as a i Blossom day event, and club mem bcrs had been Invited to bring out of town visitors ns guests, the Johnnie Jones dinner arranged for next Sunday at the Illlhec country club, will be held, notwithstanding the fact that Blosfom day lias been postponed a week because of the weather. The event Is udvertlsed as "a big day at the golf links" and preparations are being made with the high hand tnst characterises tilings sponsored by the the Pnlllltrv clnh A phfil-im r.9 1R nan. to the democrat!. nu., m i. . tlonnl ninv.nii..n . . " ",uue "" " presi.ient. Just as the clock HZtT' T,"' ' night, marking the official close of-m'l,l "U"y the plB; f ""or at filing time oniciai close of thn ncn,, ,)f Ul0 tltHt UMe K possible. . members ur urged to ihone their Intentions to attend to any member of tint house committee, com-! posed of W, M. Plimpton, M. Mey ers and John J, Roberta. ' ' '' l'ho ineim for the dinner, one' of .lohnnlp Jones' best, follows: Johnnie Join's Celebrated linked Hum ( Brown Potatoes Juicy Huin Gravy 'llend l-ettuce with 100 Island Pressing lui) Cream and Caku Coffee Sour-Dough From Alaska Here; Is To Speak Tonight 'top was d-mo:i.hei Tbe accident occurred when Mr. dimming turned west on State street Tiuiu 1-..U and .Mr. Sohusterwitz was goini; west on State street. He did not see Mr. Camming; enter State with his auto and he made a sharp turn to ihe right to avoid striking him, turn ing the car completely over. Jlr. !?huslerwiu escaped without injury. - ' btocKings Come Down, newspaper. We know it. safety pins? '" headlines a Why not try JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT GRAND So Mon., Apr. 19: COHAN s HARRIS , H prescnl THE MOST FASCINATING W5TERy PLAY EVER WRITTEN. mar mum ONE SOLID TEAR I.N NEW TORK SIX MONTHS IN CHICAGO FOUR MONTHS IN BOSTON Main Floor 12.00 SEATS lialcony $1.50, $1.09 ON SALE Gallery, 60c TOUAT mack-lock Lewis, the rnm Alaska, arrived In nuiiy. He showed nuordough Salem on bis Alnub Idiles and his by hlmeelf and delivered his Interest lng talk on Alaska to a packed house t the Liberty school on Friday even. Avoids Smash; Auto Overturns lng. thn was broken and the In an attempt to avUd 'collision with an auto driven by W. A. Cummlng, IftRll (Ink ulnml Inut !..!., .... ....... This evening, under the auspices nf driven by H. Bchu'sterwlta, overturned. Ail. A. OF Nlilim ku 11... n.l...lul.l..i.i 1iU on the same program for tho boys training school, lie ,.. v...... WMaBa thargo of Ihs service at that lnstltu lion on Humbiy morning. Hun.lay evening, the people of 8)llcm ll have an opportunity of seeing the Picture and hearing the address at th. Leslie M. E. church t 7: so p ,,, I , ??. " v,ee"", al 7:30 will be buddies" night at the V. M c A J0 Invitations have bee,, sent' out to the boys members to be pesent Mon lay evening and each boy will have a held In tho "y Rym wher, 11 uoeommodaUons will b9 arranged for 1,1 CrWU' will show (..9 llltf.fT.HI I1IDT fftllr 1 Axmlnstcr rug, lGxlg, like new 1 Axmlnster rug, 12x12, like new 2 Axmlnster rugs, 9x9, like, new 1 Mahogany lounge, like n?v - 1 large Hrnlge Iieoch heater, block aud aipe 1 small, L'ock a td pipe. 1 oak sowing rocker 1 oak arm jht'r. 1 oak arm chair, leather uphol stered 1 combination oak book case and writing desk 1 spring rocker 1 oak side board 1 oak extension table 1 oak hall glass 1 oak stand table 1 comode 1 oil heater 1 Globe kitchen cabinet 1 croconole board 2 book racks 1 Organ stool v 1 large oak dresser, large mirror 1 single bed spring and mat tress 1 4-hnle gas range, like new 1 4-hole gasoline stove. 3 odd diners, hoes, pruners,' gar den cultivators, axe, buck saw, child's rocker 1 , small heater, pump head new, curtain stretch ers, trunks, chicken wire, lady's bicycle, 11 volumns "Presiden tial Works'' . and ether books and many other things. Be ON Time-Thursday Apr 22, 1:30 p.nt Geo. Martin, Owner F.N.WOODRY. 1032 N. ICth Street THE AUCTIONEER, ... . Phone 510 or 511 "WoodryBuys and Sells Everything1' Petitions To Be ' Heard At Court- : House, April 20 ., " Piesentnnve class of prom,.,., "nolad in .he lis, ,7,: t n. a. llojrer Sa.urday morning Ma Hon county residents of U,n ?e """-X more Iritrllat . Citizenship 8hlC0 8tnt0 : ci ol law. wk. t ImposHlble for any lerso ,0 vote ,, , , hip paper l addition to this J,!u"e Jln-ro are also many VWnm who have Z V?" s,'niya sho. line and are complying wl'h be laws a. tnHHy a, ,h HtlutPi Naturalisation petitions of the f - &Bfrm. U h"H,,l! A,,,,"' c" "K l hillp Carston Htrange. Thomas Spen- r Watts, an of whom were b .r, In KB and; Anders Peter Pe.erson , ark: George lialod. Russia: Alex Kdwurd Robertson, Hwedcu; Herman H. Kuensi. flwltrlnnd: August J-on Haucier, Nathan,,., Wernard Tru' Canada. Consideration will ,,' U given to the com,, petl.i n" f Mernhard lllt.Ier. Fred William Ho- mn and Wl.llan, Henry Homn.'ll of whom were born In Oermr - v I These petitions will be hen '4 ounty court houxe Tuesday, April Si 1 durlnn Ihn A....II .... . ' "'r" , American Legion To Give A Dance Plans are under way fr the largest,Hn legion dance of the sea.,, nerordlug tu announeemei.l. ,lm,U, today. The affair wi M p,oe , the armory next Friday night. April As usual there will be special mus. le ftml a commercial dworato win probably be eug:iged to take charge of the dei-oratlons. Committees have been appointed to take care of the various phases of entertainment, and vry effort ls being put for "n make the dan.-e a phenomenal suc mi-TD i I til sn.Hi . .! .'' I II I I a :.! - l : -t .a-'' " AX At this time when. is ' i SHOE PRICES Are so high, and are such a great factor in evpry one's expense account. It is indeed fortunate for Salem that one" of the 297 J. C. Penney Co., stores is located here. We have SHOES les:ma- For every member of the family in a great range ofstyl tcnals and prices. You should not fail to come and look over our new stock if interested in making Your Money Go the Farthest Possible As in everything else our NOTION DEPARTMENT Offers unusual values for you. We here call your attention to The railroad block sysiem does not to remove, blockheads from tne milioa.l service, Talm Olive soap, 3 for Palm Olive Talcum Palm Olive Shaving Cream Palm Olive Cold Cream Shoe Polish Cream just a few items GEO. MARTIN'S Public Auction Household Furniture Thursday, April 221:30 p. m.1032 N. 16th St. corner D Having sold my home, I will sell the following to the highest bidder: American Planes Will Be Pirf Of Chinese Sirviceil Hong Kong. Sixteen aviitoa .aivd mechanicians, mostly Americans haf: arrived here and 11 American -air planes are on th;lr way from New York to the .Orient to establish the first commercial aviation enterprise In ! China. It is announced that this aerial 'service will connect Hong Kong. Can j ton and the Portuguese colony of Ma j cao. Lter, it is stated, the company has ! plans to extend its activities to Manila and Tokio, touching at centers on the Chinese coast. The airplanes to be used in this sor vice are understood to have been built j originally for the United States navy nd equipped with Liberty motors but have been remodeled and are said here to be capable of making continuous flights of 650 miles carrying 11 pass engers. Walter Bonner, a veteran of the United States Naval Klying corps, is to be general superintendent of the new company which has been financed through the efforts of C. B. W. Ricau. a Macao capitalist. .fti):er. 'ourr.eye-1 to Mt. day to attend to business matters J that college town. Lloyd T. Rigdon of the firm of Rigdon & Son, undertakers here, and Incidentally candidate . for county SKINNER & WHITE nn YOU LABOR AGENCY W I N T 33 N. 2a St, Portlaad U f , pa Wt fan tsh snopth Pan Hda, (" ' Mllko. Wos Cotter Mia, ae Htcb Help. Phone Broadway 3205 Baseball Headquarters Phone 1704 ar- Ve have completed rangements whereby we will be able to give you all baseball dope from inning to inning. come up. If you can't Phone up. CLUB BOWLING ALLEYS 122 N. Com'l. Street SATUauY, APRIL 17 tTrJs1 Special Spring prt'( ex NEW STOCKFACTORV: 30x3 non-SkiJ 30x3 S Non-Skid 32x3 i Non-Skid 31x4 : 32x4 ! Won Skid , Non-Skid 33x4 Non-Skid 34x4 . Non-Skid ..... -5U.J; SHs; H.S; '-"i.:; Jius PULL GUARANTEE Cord Tires 30x3 m Non-Sid.. 32x34 Non-Skid 32x4 Non-Skid.. 33x4 Non-Skid 34x4 Non-Skid , Our Price .426.40 -. 33.G0 .. 41.75 .. 43.00 . .". 44.50 Price 'tii.U 50.1 62.5i 4,6-) SS.S9 JOURNAL WANT AD3 PAT 8169-MILE GUARANTEE MALCOM JIRE CO. C-J'mmerclal and Court Sts. Salem, Ore. Be sura and see 'us before you huy CEMENT Shoe Laces .....tZ to Puis 25c 21c 35c 35c, 45c 21c 13c WOODRY BUYS and SflLS EVERYTHING I'lti.iw 510-JII 279 S. Oiiumorclal St. p 11 I H tfJ ksF 1 iPimii i ii n Jap Rose Soap ..; rure white laundry soap ... 2-in-l shoe polish Colgate's Tooth Taste Colgate's Bath Soap Colgate's Shaving Cream .... .Vasaline, large size 10c 5c 10c 8c -5c 29c -8c As '.to-Market Conditions . We have saved our customers thousands of dollars by anticipating the market and buying ahead of the gradual increasing prices. During this time we have advised our customers to buy shoes ahead to avoid paying a higher price and they have done so making large savings in each instance. Now we feel that the peak of the market has been reached and we are going tq suggest that our customers and friends only buy for their immediate needs, wearing the shoes they have and having them repaired. There will be no immediate reduction of any great importance, but will be a grad ual decline for the next four or five years. We are also going to warn our customers against worthless shoes that are being placed on the market at this time at slightly reduced prices. All buyers of shoes shouli. demand a positive guarantee on every pair they buy to protect themselves against the e WILD CAT makes. - We are only buying shoes from factories that absolutely stand behind every pair of shoes thy make and that we have proved through years of selling experience. WHEPRKLS H!aV (tjnjt Slue S?ttYSboo Foiroop ficr&ttiifoij RwlAffluaBJ 3Z6 8tW&-fal(DtM.MM 1 w Y-f jau. It t 34-fia. as staa. JT-ts' T . r 55' 7". ." ..-O. U.r , A V sa ' Meet tier Bistoo's . 9m f i Ah 1V 11 muri-ivme institutioit And choose from our large stock, your Spring Stetson or Mallory Hat. You can depend upon us to fit you with the most becom ing shape and shade. We know how to do it and w& have the assortment to do it with. You can depend upon either a Mallory and Stetson Hat To 'give you the best service obtainable in ha ts YOU DO NOT TAKE A CHANCE TO LOSE IF YOU PURCHASE HERE Salem Woolen Mills Store C P. BISHOP. PROP. - x EVERY FAMILY IN MARION AND POLK COUNTIES A PATRON i.xp