Y APRIL 16, 1920. Poultry Farm at Monmouth Takes Form of Industry .,.-n,outh. Or., Apr. 1 I years and was a graduate at the state normal In 1515. Drinff the few I years sne "as been employed In Port- m " T: Mrttry "d Emn' Kl" will go to Ashland tomorr, .fc., they will visit their brother. George ageni ior me Southern Pacific cow- -The Nor-j Mr. and Mrs. John Riddle have re- ,.r, owned by McCaleb lrum iama. Wash mjrouiuj - " lny "Pent a few nuion is as DUy '"'" ""(Uvea. where weeka visiting re!a- r. - f1layiUS at o' Wednesday Bert Miller met with the misfortune of A pie social to nl&w a, farmers' Mid . jomipiies and oretty teach- xreln, McCaleb & Slaaon. pro-! !'n"BW ' carryinB tho era.. Messrs- j ..... member In a slin m nru.i - .itora of me i"" Cine in the poultry line that Is of than ordinary Importance. "2, can be seen 950 two months' ' ia chick picking up food in one yard, J in another over two hundred hens Zt busy supplying eggs. AU.of.the !hicken are of the single combs Lcg JJ!U -itv and they show signs of ' loot cart and keeping. Some of the liUle chicks are aristocrats in chlcken dom having been hatched from eggs 12 each. There are seventy ilim v ' here "t lie s of union. The sal v nnanclal success, the p.v,cea !ng to $130. W. J. Stockholm acted as auctioneer and that is perhaps a rea son for the success of the function. Public Forum To the Editor: Referring to your is sue of even date, wherein vm, .,. of these, the hatching of one hundred me as being connected with a eertain ttg, bought of a Hollywood, Califor-j Umber deal, which you state is fraud nla, chicken breeder and they are from ulenf, I beg leave to remind -you that his that have estaousmeu jruurus uijas a comparative stranger in kindly omit my came from any such senat:onnJ " .i"e aim seems to be merely the misleading of the pro- UKn. or j,our eUy If vou trying ,o tnjure y0nr eis. your uuisiuer, vou taUty and courtesy of the west. Respectfully yours. E3TH2K C. WHEELEH. Salem, Or, April If. Cincinnati Papers mt io tight Pa pes Cincinnati. A i . . . " "V1" Cincinnati .?n.t"e,?Pafwr8 ""ounce that fcta tia choruM ot news Pr.nt pa er. ediUoM wui be Umited to e.t,... ue situation U relieved. With three feet of new snow In the mountains prospects are good for suf ficient water for Irrigation in the Jor dan valley. ( fTTfyYnrvYWVYVYVYv PAGE TUBES. .. thftn 300 eggs per year. McCaleb ' 4 Mason have sold over 7000 yonng chicks this year. They claim that their feed bill at present amounts to more than Jo da- During the early part of May the National Jersey Breeders' association hold a meutlng In Portland and ' vui tour tho valley. They will be in Monmouth May 5. The grange and other local organization are making plans to give the association a cordial welcome. Tho visitors will number roore than one hundred and the loco. people propose .to furnish a dinner up on this occasion. A big time Is antici pated when tho Jersey men reach Monmouth. -Word was received here yesterday of the marriage of Miss Daphlne Os tiora to Fred M. VIgles, which oc curred at Portland last Saturday. The bride resided in Monmouth for ten vnup WW ii, i consider that any personal in vestments which I may, or may not mane, are my own business, and I will appreciate It In the future If you will IT'S UNWISE to put off to-day'a duty until to morrow, if your itomach U add-diiturbed Uk ilMlOID the new aid to digestion comfort today m A pleasant relief from tho discomfort of acid-dyspepsia, - MADB BY SCOTT BOWNB MAKERS OP SCOTTS EMULSION Man's Trouble Arrested "The past 4 years I have been go ,mg down. down, down with catarrh of the stomach and had to give up work a vear am - O- VI Hi J W Villi- ened condition. I suffered terribly uuwing ana colic attacks. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy was rec ommended to roe. I took a course of it and am nnw f . r. ... ""fS kiw. 11 (S .u simple, harmless preparation that re- ....... to w.o -tjtiajriiiii mucuer rrom the intestinal tract and allays the inflam mation which canses practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. J. C. Perry, D. J. Fry and Jruggists every where. (adv, "Huckleberry Finn" Meals Gookd Automatically A ii if. BIG BEN'S BROTHER WILLING WESTINGHOUSE i DOES THE TRICK In the morning before yoa go shopping set tomatic time . switii:Ji '? clock i(orr w the an- whatever timeyoU want the heat turned on) and your meal J:7-be cooked-.to-.aJurrt at noon - Why bed slave - to your Cook Stove? Why not cause it id be a silent reliable slave to :' " '-T; -T:"'"i i-:-KOt:::-V.:-: '-- Miss Grace Bpgtie of the V estinghouse -i Com pany - : is: Demonstrating how it can be done " .1 ;. AT OUR STORE : 231 ' North Uberty Street ; : ' - Today and Tomorrow Only! 1:30 to 5p. m. Portlan d Railway, Light & Power Company. A ftmmoflmawik. IP Buy for cashy you don't pay the other fellows' bills; besides the great saving you make for yourself. S'WK?(H IT iv For Saturday shoppers we have selected some very interesting specials in the neivest of Spring and Summer Goods A ------ rv.wvv. wuimjj.ui yvui UllCllLlVlly right at the beginning of the - ' SPECIALS Most everyone knows when we say specials it means great savings 49c S1.9S S7.90 81.88 S1.74 59c 98c VESTS Ladies' Vests, all sizes CORSETS all sizes - Special SHOES Ladies' gray Shoes Special SHIRTS Men's Dress Shirts Speciaal HOSE Brown silk Special APRONS Good quality, , April Special BLOOMERS All sizes Special .... CREPE Kimona Crepe, pretty colors 17a and dseigns, April Special ; v DRESSGOODS Just what you desire at the most wanted timeW e will be pleased to show you. $1.49 S3.25 38c VOILES, in white and colors, 38-inch, April Special, the yard A. , SILK, Georgette and Crepe de Chine, April Special the yard PERCALES, in light and dark colors, April Special, "the yard ... POPLIN, mercerized, figured and striped, April Special i r the yard 4DC PONGETTES, in light colors, April Special ' the yard 65c flrench Zypher and Tissue Ginghams in the . newest plaids and checks , at April Special Prices. v VOLIES, white, flowered and striped Voiles and Summer Goods, just what you desire for sheer Summer Waists and Blouses. GROCERY PRICES Which mi'Me This a Busy Saturday RAISINS Sunshine Raisins RICE Two pounds : .. OATMEAL One Sack UMECO Nut Butter nound pound ' ' . ("22c 25c 70c 36c . MILK All Kinds, 2 cans COCOA Three pounds COFFEE Reliance, regular ARMOUR'S BACON bv the nn 56c,pound can,pound' 25c S1.00 45c 28c SAUERKRAUT No. 2 1-2 LARD pound PEANUT BUTTER, 5 pounds COFFEE In bulk, 3 .pounds 10c I 25c 75c $1.00 FLOUR Fisher's Very Best (RO OK Hard Whett Olympic Flour Special Valley Flour Hard Wheat ...... S3.19 $2.80 $2.95 per pound ........ Van' Camps Pork and Beans 14c Pierce's Pork and Beans, No. 2 1-2 24c l 1 1 GINGER, CINNAMON, in Of mustard, perud::.:.:;;;;;;:;..;;;;;.. Swift's Washing Soap 19c Laundry Soap 21 Bars V $1.00 SHOES We have your size, style, that's where we lead. Note these April Specials: $5.78 Ladies' black and brown Oxfords, Special Men's Dres Shoes Special ..I.:... $4.98 Ladies' brown and gray Kid W7 CIA J,..: J3.98 $2.74 Shoes; Special Boys' School Shoes Special ........ ........ Girls' Shoes ; . Special ................ . CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES AT APRIL SPECIALS $2.89, $2.25, $3.38 HOUSE DRESSES ALL STYLES 'AT APRIL SPECIALS MEN'S HATS SPECIAL $2.78 SUITS Men's, Voung Men's, Dad's Boys' Suits for Spring and Summer Wear- Boys' Suits . Special Young Men's Suits . Special Men's Suits' ; :. Special Men's Blue Serge Suits Special .; Men's Pants, good work pants, Special . $9.85 $22.65 $28.65 $27.50 $2.79 Hosiery Speciasl :20c 34c 24c Children's Hose -. Special ... Ladies Hose , . Special i.............. Men's Hose Special VISIT OUR ECONOMY BASEMENT Shop where the Crowds Go FREE PRE M I U M S, BY- SAVING YOCR TICKETS WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE Overall Specials Men's Stripe Overalls CI CQ Special Boys' Overalls on Special 8 I APRIL SPECIAL DAYS phone r" 453 I SALEM i J ORE, ; I 'APRIL SPECIAL DA YS