Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    i:, l.'.-J.
Tj-Fach inseruou one
5 cents, one month i
1 & pnt9.
Jfl watt Minimum per ad 26
'. h,.rtion only In New Today.
r"', Sn in advance and not tafc-
acoSunt No allowance tor
-LE - HOP.
f Phone r -
and loganberry
; i ci3
f-rrr" k -,.iri -old lur w ood. Call
. i .w imiI far sale. Fhone
UKlrj ritv Tfansfor Co-
--?Tr6 young . J.e.Ksey
vRJ Phone 26F. I. L.HUborn. &
VE Strawberry . r"Rnts. t
-rrilSVS Chevrolet car in
condition. the Cen
fU dear storey : 1S
-rsrr erower areata-
-the Dow
1 tractor for small farms. Way
gWm-Aut. Exchange. 29
j-STrs wrong with your car? Take
it to Epanel the trouble shooter at
the Salem A"e "
It - I95'
' . ., ,.P .,,), la u-rLr hup.
ness. pood farm wagon; also cow.
' n U roni'l. " ' r
n KL,rj ;uae c m wi w
room house and lot at 2280 4th St.
RrVerview Park add. H. E. Peters,
5 Snohomish, Vash.r Rt. 4, box 39.
K : - 9(
lieht housework, 3 room apartment
,d bov of 6 years to care for.
phone nsuai. """
far SALE Baled hay twenty dol
lars per too at barn. L. H. Turner,
Turner. Ore
yOR SALE New 2-ton Diamond T
truck, used about weeks, going
out of business. Phone 1608 J, Bie
Herman Transfer. ; q93
BEAUTIFUL player piano, like new,
but very low price for quick sale.
The Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court
L c93
JINK Chit'kering piano, full size, used
but in good condition, low price.
The Wiley B. Allen Co. 619 Court
street. c3
YE have a beautiful bungalow size
mahogany piano lately taken In
trade on one of our fine player pianos
we are in a position to make a
very low prlre on this one, and
shall do so to the first who call.
Th Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court
street. c93
KOR SALE 7 room house on carllne
and paved street, nice large bath
Tcith toilet, hot nlr furnace, lot 65x
165. Inquire 1027 Oak St. or 464
Ferry St. n96
FOUND KiKht hand leather work
glove. Owner can have same by call
ing at Journal office and paying
fur tnl ad. 91
Iuk HALiti luia Chevrolet car. A-l
condition (780, $350 cash. Phone
19F4. q93
WANTED To borrow $800 and 700
resDectivelv. on 2 good nronerties
eacp worm times me amount;
also $3500 for May 1st. These are
. all gilt edged security. H. E. Holing
er, Oregon bldg. i
FORDS repaired" nt prices that ure
right, with genuine Ford parts.. See
us about your troubles. The Auto
Shop. 187 S, Liberty St. q9fi
FORD BI G New tires, storage bat
tery, Tale lock, shock absorbers,
A-l condition; Ford chassis; bug
bodies. The Auto Shop. 187 S. Lib
ertySt. 9t
FORD I'ltadster, overhauled and re
painted. Will take motorcycle ns
part payment. Adams, 361. q92
FOR SALE Team geldings, weight
3000 lbs., both good workers, 11 and
12 years old, $105. 1810 N. Com-
. mercial. e93
1'OR BALK Mil by chicks. White and
Brown Leghorns, Wyandottes, Reds
ana Rocks, now on sale at 658
. State street. Phone 400, f!l2.
iUK &ALE 20 acres 2 miles of
eaiem, it, acres plow land, balance
In timber and pasture, for $2700.
Would take a good truck or good
car for part payment and give
terms on balance. Call 9F24. 81
A GOOD paying investment in a fine
13 acre apple orchard in full bear
ing. 9 years old. the verv best com
mercial varieties. Delicious. North.
. em Spy and Jonathan. Well located
jn a good county' road, one mile
rem town. Price $5000. Terms,
Write for further particulars of thie
and other ennd tan tn Tic,,-,, a,
bier. Philomath, Benton county, Or.
TLR last opportunity In Central
Alberta and Saskatchomnn or i.i,.h
Park lands open prairie ready for
the plow, interspersed with trees,
nlch afford excellent shelter for
ock. Here grain growing, dalry-
, "ig and live stock raising are be
. tog carried on successfully. The
Wintry is ideal for mixed farming
" Canadian Pacific railway is
ottering a large area of these fer-
. lands in Lloydminster and
ui !f,ld aistrlcts. This fertile
aai will become the home of thou
anas of prosperous farmers. On
Jlraiiar land Seager Wheeler grown
IZ Is prize wheat Near Lloyd
lnster the world's prize oats have
hwt quality is made. A man can
n become Independent on a
n k v tllls aistrict. These lands
ran be bought now at prices aver-
Mm .w r., '"" "
chTL Percent. If land Is pur
cnased under settlement conditions
mlZ he.r Wment of principal un
i end of fourth year, then sixteen
ai payments. Interest is 6 per
"v is",' anadian Pacifi0 rail
Alberta Street' E- CaIl?ary
ftttSale Houses.
bungalow ti 8
room' modern
'gSARGA-, room
J-i. HID
hou r,.7i)JtlE0' barn, chieken
un trses and crarden.
btrl k etc- Po8sss'on goon.
U80 cl ?fcbu?' Prlce ea".
R. t balance like rent. 9.
" uit, garden. Phone 1390"'.
"IH Be. " h0U3' larS lot.
15 Jeff.Wner Ra'ford T. Goode
1,. i''Bon citv
H RAtS-T- --
bfn and t. T room bouse, good
Bht, cfv ouse, electric
Mfin. atpr- drilled well, 1
-SJMrr :, Tnurry am '"ving the
acggjL ..-
fa in -vp ' room bungalow, mod
, fin, IL?1 Pt furn
hn,dry tut! fnt basment with
?' 13000 j 'Jf Iot- A rare bar-
R?8v " nH
?torced toiineighborho04: 0"-
D 8 ,niiBht be trranged.
' mercl b 'h' 301 Bank
0lae- a9l
... , .1 . i.- v-
-vum nous
from state house, for
-"" "l Will-
- -i-iLooa ciow in; must
have good house and some fruit
Phone 1834M after p. ,.
. u i vum rKu.e very clusf i
in. lights, water and all conven-l
lences. with lots of fruit, corner lot '
on car line. $2200. Han and MullerJ
208 Oregon bldg. . i
lutt b.-vi. a neat little bungalow
in West Salem, $500. terms. 3
acre farm, 40 in prunes on good
Coud, fine soil. A. L. Seamster Reil-
FOR SALE By owner one 7 room
strictly modern bungalow, excel
lent view,, block and half from car
mo u. Boutn ssaiem, 140 Superior
FOR SALE New '7 room modern
house except basement, 2 large lots
with abundance of bearing troit
This Is a tyeautlful" home. Prl-e
I320Q;- Hart & Muller. 808 OregcTn
bldg. . .
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, bath
toilet. 8. blocks from post office on
N. Church street. Price $225tt. Hart
ft Mailer. 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow, mod
ern except furnace. Also furniture.
1280 8. 14th street Call after 6:30
J- m- . S4
opvtn at .1
aii.niiu uuuses ior sale, amonc
them a 5 room bungalow. Inquire
492 W. Cottage, ph6ne 11S8. alll
5 ROOM plastered house, good condi
tion and location, north: electric
lights, bath, toilet, half basement.
An extra good buy-for $1209, $500
cash, balance like rent. S. R. Pear
son & Peed. 405 Oregon bldg.
Phone 43. .
1 ROOMhouse, modern except furn
ace, piusierea, electricity, good bath
and toilet city and private water
system, good street, block from pay
Ing and Btreet car, sightly location,
good lot, chicken house, extra good
buy for $2500, cash, balance
terms. 8. R. Pearson & Peed, 405
Oregon bldg. Phone 4S. a
S. Liberty St, a large lot 73x104.
8 rooms, plastered, nice closets,
bath, toilet, full basement, furnace.
1 block to street car, 4 blocks to
school. This is positively one of the
best buyB of today. Has not been
on the market before. Owners are
moving to country and would rath
er Bell than rent Its. a great bar
gain for some one. $4500 $2000
; will handle. John H. Scott Realty
Co.. 228 Oregon bldg. . a
FOR SALE By owner, 7 room mod
ern house, rooms all large and like
new, 2 large lots, 24 fruit trees,
two English walnut .trees, grapes,
berries, garden in, new garage,
paved street, close to school; price
right. 1973 N. Com'l St Phone
806M, . . n
Best buy in Salem, 988 S. Liberty St.
8 room plastered house, bath, toi
let nd electric lights, corner lot
75x164, all kinds of fruit, new barn
and garage. $2250 if sold this
-month. Inquire at 305 S. Church
St., phone 1542. Fred E. Wells. a
A WELL built home to be sold at
once. Central location, consisting of
five rooms, bath, electric lights, hot
and cold water, caan or terms, if
so desired. See J. H. Lauterman,
- Argo hotel. - , - g-
BEAUTlFlTT, modern bungalow close
to capitol building, on Court St.
$7000. Laflar &.Laflar, 407 Ore
gon bldg. ti91
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE 16 acres land, fruit, ber
ries, grain; house furnished, all
stock' and implements; also car. In
quire 3 miles north from fairground
on Pacific highway. John Lephart.
FOR SALE 40 acre farm, cleared, 6
- miles north of Salem, riear high
way. Implements and stock included
Price $12,000. Good buildings. Rt.
9, box 118, Salem, Or., A. Zielin
skl. b95
14 V4 ACRES, best soil, Vi mile from
street car. $2100, terms. 218 N.
Liberty St. Phone 488. b?3
FOR SALE Reasonable, 11 acres
Just north of fair ground, with
house, barn and outhouses. Hart &
Muller, 208 Oregon p;dg. . bOl
65 ACRES 1 mile from Salem, paved
road, 7 room house, good.barn, deep
black soil. If sold soon $325 per
acre will buy it. Laflar & Laflar,
407 Oregon bldg. ' n91
FOR SALE Acreage and lots with
buildings, close In. For particulars
write owner Box 23 Journal. b93
FOR SALE 300 acres 7 miles from
Salem on highway, 150 acres in
crop, some valuable timber, good
buildings. Price $117 per acre, easy
terms. Hart & Mulltr, 208 Oregon
bldg. n'
REAL BARGAIN Sheep ranch, 487
acres, 120 in cultivation, good soil,
plenty of water; house, barn; fenc
ed with wove nwlre. Will take.
. house in Salem part payment. The
price will surprise you.
10 acres of good berry land, 4 room
house, plenty f water, close to
Salem.' Price $3000 cash or will
"trade: Call at 404 Ferry St Phone
1177. nl
FOR SALE 20 acre fruit farm, 5
acres bearing prunes in fine condi
tion, 84 strawberries, 4 acres goose
berrleB; most of balance ready '.o
plant. Fair buildings, 4 miles out
on- good rood. This is a bargain.
Prioe $8500. Hart & Mulltr, 208
Oregon bldg. j
FOR SALE 2214 acres, 8 in logans,
' balance ready to plant; good 7 room
house, new barn; north near high
way. Price $6500, cash. Hart &
Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE 9 2 acres, 45 in clover,
balance seeded to wheat and oats,
V4 mile to Oregon Electric station
and highway. Price with crop $130
per acre, cash. Hart and Muller,
208 Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE Good farm, 148 acres,
located 4 mile south ot Laiiayeii,
14 mile of paved road. 30 acres of
Italian prunes 8 years old, good
family orchard. 40 . acre's good
beaver dam land, fair buildings,
good soil all In cultivation, only 20
In pasture. For Information Phone
1UK21. Write A. J. Mathis, Salem,
Ore., Bon 138, E R 6. 92
CHOICE close in berry land, 10 acr.;B
located Just outside city limits, i
blocks from Center St carline on
asylum road, all cultivated; . pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberta, 205 Oregon bldg.
Phone 1427. b
For Sale Wood.
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw
yeur wood. Phone 1004. m03
FOR SALE 38 cord second growth
fir wood $ per cord. Rt. 7 box
89. Kilverton road. eel
WOOD FOR SALE First class 16
lnch and 4-foot wood, strictly cash.
Office at 805 S. Church St., phone
1542 Fred K. Wells. ee
WOOD for sale, first class 16 inch or
4 foot mill wood. Strictly cash.
Small block wood reasonable. Office
80S S. Church. Phone 154$. Fred
B. Wella, '"'
WOOD FOR SALE: Old fir 16-in.
wood and green slabs. Phone li
FOR SALE Greea slab wood. Phone
1798. H
FOR SALE Wood. Phone 981M. c9J
Ft.,?Ai!iiiotor'L'yeie or tri"le for !
rnr,i. i none evenings 114F3 nti i
UHLu sruKji i'uk SALii iiuud nn !
portunitj- for doctor-druseist, Ne
stock and eood hmi.iinr ...ik .
Itor, Ore. " - .
tuit SALE N
ew lubber liie.l hi.
gy and good driving horse, cheap.
Phone 2030M,
SEVERAL stands M.f bees wanted.
i"-! iros., J10 Oreeon hM.-
Phone 663.
run &AL.C. One good mattress, 359
Center et.- Phone 1363M a
Foh fin , ... r:
- uno ia. r. uowser gaso
line pump and tank, nearly new
, one rallon stroke. 1918 model
Write Box 477 Independence, Or
F(iKi,SALEAl ' rsain 8 ii Stude
"twv' sun ana set or double wa-
u, . C Of a, CH4
F( SALE Jersey cow. fresh. Call
gasoline eneino. rtrair
t?,t,foral61 oarSain. 205 Oregon
bldg. Phone 1427. .,
MAJESTIC combination wood, coal
and gaB range for sale, cheap, urac
tically new. 325 N. 23d. c92
FOR SALE -Willttw iaby carriage,
fine condition. 82$ N. 22d St. c92
For Sale Nursery Stock.
ETTERBERG 121 strawberry plants
$7.60 per 1000; Wilson $6. P. O
box Z14. Salem, Or. d93
LOGANBERRY plants wanted. Wars
munuruson, ZiVi Front St.
i-none 4. , 393
LOGANBERRY. Hiunmoih and Him
. laya blackberry. Fresh garden seeds
Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front
street. di'l
irifii iamous Etterberg 121 straw
berry plants, best canner and ship
per, heavy producer. A very profit
able crop bringing quick returns
Vigorous healthy plants quantity
prices. Order now. Ward K. Rich-
urunun, j3 t ront st. d93
STRAWBERRY plants in any quan
tity Etterburg 121, Gold Dollar,
Progressive Everbearing, Lady
Goshwell, Trebla, WilBon. Thrifty,
. well rooted plants. Low quantity
prices. City delivery. Ward K. Rich
ardson, 2395 Front. Phone 494. a93
For Sale Livestock.
CAN use a few more young alves. C.
J. Kusaeu, phone 3F3.
JERSEY and Hohrtein heifer calf for
sale. Best milk stock. 420 S. 20th
Btreet. ' e90
FOR SALE- Fine five-year old Jer
sey cow, fresh, .test 6.8, very gentle.
644 University. 91
FOR SALE Fine driving horse, rub
ber tired buggy and fine harness,
worth $400, price $175. Phone 29
F3. H. W. Bowden. e
FOR SALE-Two good cows. Claude
tt. Htevenson, Kt. 8, box 175, Sa
lem. Phone 36F16. - e94
For SalePoultry
BABY CHICKS All our leading va
rieties now ready 'for delivery. -C.
N. Needham, 659 State. Phone
400. 93
FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs for
setting. Phone 2F3. ' . f95
HIGH grade Rhode Island Red eggs
ror hatching, $1 per dozen. 1402 N.
16th. f93
OFFICE rooms. for rent, steam het
splendid Janitor .service. 205 Ore
gon bldg.
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, stean
hent, by the month. Phone 1427.
GQOD room and board may be had
private' family. -Phone 1781 J. d
$5 BONUS for information that will
enable us to rent desirable 5 or 6
room house. Address box 844 Jour
nal office.,,. - 91
GOOD room and board may be had
In private family. Phone 1781J.
WANTED To rent a garage near
Ferry and 12th streets. See John
Paulson, Florence hotel after 0 p.
m. 191
OAT Meal Paper, 20-lnch tan, extra
special, 34o double roll. Max O.
Buren, J79 N. Com'l. n
ton truck. Call 133
. c90
FOR SALE Dodge car, A-l couai
tion. Paris Bros, shoe store. q93
FOR SALE 1920 Ford 1-ton, worm
drive, 4-speed truck, cab, wind
shield, 61inch solids In rear, been
run 350 miles. Owner buying larg
er truck; 10 hours free service to
purchaser of this truck. Phone 867
4:30 to 6:30 p. m. Monday, ask for
Mr. Burtlick. q
IS your car hard to start? Does your
motor give trouble? Try Fair
Grounds Garage, phone 808. M. .).
'Jackson, prop. Will tow your car.
Our work guaranteed. qlOQ
FOR SALE One 2 14 -ton truck and
a good transfer business, get in It,
good money maker. Phone 1177,
404 Ferry St. c92
FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring car,
demountable rims, cord tires, stor
age battery, lights and starter,
shock absorbers, speedometer, A-l
- condition, sold reasonable. Rt. 8,
box 100, Salem, Or. Phone 71F12
at noon or evenings. q94
FOR SALE 7 passenger touring car,
has run less than 30,000 miles, Is
in first class condition. Price $460.
Phone 192 or call at 164 S. Com'l
St. 2i
FOR SALE 1916 Chevrolet over
hauled. $300. Ford touring car,
good tires, runs good 1275; Max
well roadster cheap. Also two light
trailers. Cherry City garage. 170 8.
12th St. q94
Wanted Help.
WANTED Lady to do light house
work in the country. Call 64F11.
WANTED A-l open shop carpenter
wants Job day, or figure with you
4fS University street hdl
SEE J. W. Manley for garden plow
ing, cellar digging and heavy team
work. Cherry City barn. Phena 199.
MAN wants work at general farm
work. In reply state nature of
work and salary. MRS care Capi-
fil Journal. h91
WOMEN and men makerllO to $25
weekly addressing envelopes and
advertising matter at home. Book
explaining everything mailed for
25 cents in silver to cover postage,
etc. Alberta Mailing Symtem, Box
S7. Toledo. Ohio. g'2
WANTED Wood choppers to cut 4
ft white fir wood for paper. En
quire of Chas. K. Bpaulding Log.
Co., Front and Ferry St Salem.
Or. g"3
Lost and Found
LOST Present address of Charles
Faulkner, was Dana masrer. ntwi
H. Wyatt Longhranch. Wash. K102
iyiht Krlndie bull nup, female, ans
wers to Patsy. Call 1875J. kll
Safety Razor Bladea.
SAFETY raxor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, $47 Court St
WAXTKH Contract for hauiiiig nv-i
thine, anv olace. at nnv .. iih
,arSe or smaU motor trucks. Ad-
dress box 2tiS Journal.
CONTRACT work with tractor. Ad
dress Frect Hecker, Gervais, Or.
. ' mlOO
U'A VTVll A Vmi,... ,
Box S Capital Journal. "5!;aCreS '"l116"5 orchard, some ber
z : tJL. ! ries and truck garden. Good house
V. ih,A tuts, well driller, one mil?,
east of fairground. Phone 10F5. j
$S0O or $1000 TO LOAN on good farm
security, raone mo or see G. E. I
Vnruh. Gray bldg.
FOR plumbing and general repair
work. Phone 1536W. i5
WANTED To borrow from owner
$3500 on city property. Address box
Loan Journal. 194
"WALLBOARJD" can be used over
lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren. 179 N. Com'l. c
TRANSFER. Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office at People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St
Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hlnea
WALL paper tie double roll and up.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'L . m
room bungalow, bath, electric
lights, plastered, basement, good
condition; worth more money, but
if sold at once will take $2250, hi
cash, balance I percent Socolof
eky, 341 State St n
FOR SALE SO acres, 50 in cultiva
tion. $5500.
160 acres, 115 in cultivation,
9 room house. $12,800.
4.85 acres, this is within 1
miles of city limits of Salem,
112 7-year old prune trees, 6 cher
ries and 6 apple trees, 14 walnuts.
$1600. Ed Loose, phone 64F14. n95
tiring, will sell my grocery store,
and give 5 years lease on build
ings. It's an old established corner,
doing good business. I sell grocer
ies, confectionery, soft drinks, have
a good gasoline station In connec
tion. This proposition will stand
close in vestigation, and is. making
good money at . the . present time.
Nice home in connection. Reason
able rent. If you have $2000, this is
your opportunity. Address Grocer,
Capital Journal. n
You are a buyer you can buy a
neat little bungalow with east front,
electric lights) bath, several nice cher
ry trees, on cap line, $1200. Terms.
Also 1 small cottage at $750. $75
down, balance $10 per month..
Another at $800, $100 . down and
$10 a month.
A 7 room bungalow, modern ' tn
every respect, with fireplace and fur
nace-, on paved street and car line,
$300, 6 miles out at $75 per acre.
This can be subdivided and make two
or three farms if you do not wantall
for yourself.
60 acre farm fl--miles out, 40 acres
of fine prunes, A beautiful 6 room
bungalow on it. Will be on paved road
this summer.
Have some good Investment prop
erty. v - -
A. u. Seamster Kealty Jo.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 853. n
Good Buys.
15 acre tiact located 414 miles
south of Salem on good rock road and
close to Pacific. Highway, 914 acres
bearing Itallon prunes, 6 acres 3f
cherries, H acre of bearing family or
chard. Price $700.
20 acre tract--toasted 4 8-4 miles
south of Salem xiTl Yock road and 8-4
mile from Pacific highway, 8 acr-js
of 3-year old prunes, tips to set three
acres of loganberries, 2000 strawber
ry plants to be set this spring, 5 acres
of peaches; one eanv of horses, wa
gon and harness,' 2 hogs, 1 cow, 36
chrckens; two room house, good barn.
Price $8000.
9 7-10 acre tract' located close to
carllne, store and school, elghtly lo
cation, 8 room modern . bungalow,
good new barn, 80 bearing walnut
trees, 67 bearing cherries, 75 apples,
some plums, peaches, loganberry and
blackberries. This-is an Ideal home.
Price $14,000.
48 14 acre tract located on paved
road, all cultivated and In crop. Price
$300 per acre.
105 acres located on the Garden
road, nearly an cultivated arid In crop
House and two barns, team, wagon
and harness and some machinery
goes. Price $300 per acre. Terms.
63 acre grain and fruit soil, 55
acres cultivated and -plowed, ready to
plant and sow, balance pasture and
timber. This place is located 614 miles
south of Salem on the Prlngle road,
rock road; 6 room house, good barn,
well. Will consider good residence up
to $5000 as part payment Price $10,
500. Fine 14 block located on Fairmount
Hill, 150 by 150 feet, paved streets.
Price $3300.
6 acres of cherries, Just comng In
to bearing, 414 miles out on good
road. This is a snap. Price $1300.
' 25 acres of timber and stump land,
located 614 miles south of Salem
close to station on main line of S. P.
railroad. Price $2000.
20 acre tract, 5 acres of bearing
loganberries, 6 acres of prunes, some
fine timber, rock- road. Price $7500.
7 'room plastered house located at
1245 E street. Price $3200.
6 room modern bungalow located
at 1515 8. Commercial street. Price
8 room house located at 1010 Oak
street. Price $2800.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
276 8tate street n
20 acre ranch near Salerh on good
road, all choice dark loam, now in
crop. Good modern house, fine barn,
water system, fine team, cows, fowls,
machinery, feed, crop, all $10,000.
214 acre suburban home, fine soil,
good buildings, nice location; $3600,
easy terms. '
15 acre tract one mile from car
dine, choice location, nice Improve
ments, orchard, water system; extra
fine suburban home. $12,500. v
6 acres bearing loganberries, near
Salem, ouick sale $4000,
4 room plastered cottage, 2 nice lots
outbuildings. $120
Fine 6 acre tract in Salem on car
line. 8 room plastered house,, barn,
garage, brick store house, 2 acres mix
ed orchard, fine location; can easily
be cut up Into lots; sacrifice price
$6800, terms,
Perrine & Marsters.
211-12 Com, club bldg. n'
Real Investments.
42 acres all cultivated, $0 acres
made land like the Columbia river
dike kind, 27 acres of San t lam bot
tom, no better than this recently sold
for $11,000. One acre of this kind of
, 1 1. ,.. ,1 f ArHlnnpv land
lanu ,vi Li, w" , , . -
Good buildings.' rrice $12,500. About
15 acres beaing set to logans. Will
make terms.
220 acres, 66 cultivated, mostly seed
ed; stock, tools, everything goes, $7,
700. Homestead relinquishment lots of
neighbors, running water, $300.
Estes & Magee.
428 Oregon Bldg. Salem.
Portland office. Chamber of Com
- (
10 acres on Garden road,
3i acres'
best logans in vicinitv, iv acres black
oerries, rooui s acres cnotce appiesi
and Roval Anne cherries, about 12 (jj
16 years old; balance seeded to grain.
House, barn and good well. A money !
making investment Price $6250.
4 acres close in on Garden road
Good house,
ham nnH hn,a tria tAn ,8
go acres, about 45 acres river bot-
torn. 1 acre peaches, 7 years old;
'good t room house and large barn I
(13 stanchions fop t-nn-sV fina ailn i
and milk house, 2 good wells, about
8 or 9 acres oak timber and pasture, i
10 acres growing grain, about 7 acres i
alfalfa, balance ready for planting.
Price $9000. $3000 cash.
i acres close in on paved and grav
eled road, 2 acres bearing family or
chard, 14 acre strawberries, balance
ready for planting. Good new S room
house and barn. A home like subur
ban home. $3800.
Lot 80x150 opposite Bush on Mis
sion street A good lot close In. Price
Good lot 48x148 on best street West
Salem. $300.
List your property with us at reas
onable value and we will investigate
and sell it
Oregon Land Co. "
442 State street. n
Best Bays. .
6 acres river bottom, on paved
street, just outside city limits of Sa
lem, S acres loganberries, only $5000.
S acres near Pacific highway, 8 14
miles out, 4 acres loganberries, 1 acre
prunes with strawberry fillers, for
5 acres, 314 miles out on rock road
all planted to cherries. $2500.
24 acres, 20 in bearing fruit, SH
miles from Salem. 8 room house, hot
and cold water and bath, good barn,
for $9600.
9 acres close in, I room strictly
modern house with hardwood floors
and everything up to date, good barn
and garage; 6 acree bearing prunes,
some apples and cherries; $17,500,
60 acres, 7 miles from Salem, on a
good road, 14 acres prunes, 8 mixed
orchard, 7 logans and 4 ! strawber
ries; 10 room Tiouse, hot and cold wa
ter. 2 good barns, garage and other
buildings; alt in good condition, $24
000; 'terms.
. 7 room modern house on good
street, close in; fruit. $3600. Will
sell with furniture, Including fine pi
ano at. $4000.
' 6 rooms and bath, modern except
furnace; in excellent condition and a
goed buy, $3200.--
7 room strictly modern and close
in on paved street. $7250.t
6 room cottage, hot and cold water,
lights and bath. $1250.
5 rooms and bath. 2 good lots, gar
age, 12 blocks from state Btreet. $3,
200; terms.
7 rooms on paved street, strictly
modern, well furnished, $6500.
6 room bungalow, basement, elec
tric lights, plastered, good condition,
only $2250, 14 cash, balance 6 per
pent .-. , .
. $41 Btr-'jflt
. John H. Scott Realty Co.
Established 1893
.Reliable agents offer U the follow
Ing houses on easy terms:
8 room Btrictly modern home, large
lot, full eement walks, full basement
furnace, fireplace, fruit closet, large
closets, built in kitchen, at only $4,
600. It Is close in on S. Liberty St..
8 rooms right in close, on Improv
ed street, two baths and toilets,
good buy for $5000.
7 rooms plastered, concrete foun
dation, fruit and Walnuts. Electric
lights, and bftth. For $2700. ' - i,
7 rooms, plastered, large lot, some
fruit, large barn $2300.
10 rooms, plastered, full basement,
bath, toilet electric lights, on good
corner, improved streets $4500.
8 rooms, plastered, bath, toilet,
basement, close In. $1650. ' '
X rooms, close In, on Winter street,
2 lots $2700. ..
' 8 room modern bungalow. $3000.
i 5 rooms, garage- and wood shed, 14
acre of "fine fruit ,and garden, cioso
in. It's a fine place $2700.
If your house is for sale,, list your
property with us.
Large living room, dining room.
kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath, toilet, nice
closets, nice deep lot, some fruit, good
location, Improved street. For quick
sale $3000, on good terms, -
In first class fruit, and a 5 room
house, garage and woodshed, close In.
It's the place for someone who wants
a fine garden to work in. It's a bar
gain $2700.
John H. Scott Realty Co.
228 Oregon bldg. n93
214 acres of the best of soil, about
14 mile from electric station. 3-4 acre
loganberries and fine garden spot.
Big 4 room house In good condition.
Good barn and chicken houses. The
buildings could not be built for the
price o the place. A fine .buy at $1,-,
500. -
10 acres of fine land, mostly river
bottom, located 1 mile from main
part of Salem. Close , to school and is
on good highway which is to be pav
ed. Lots of fruit for family use. 8
acres in wheat 6 room house and
fair barn. Price $4000. Terms.
15 acre tract with 6 acres of bear
ing prunes, 1 acre of fine logans, 1
acre family orchard, 2 acres are
plowed and loganberry tips for plant
ing are famished. 0 room house,- barn
and chicken house. This Is a fine buy
at $0500. Terms.
Finest kind of river bottom land.
About 17 acres cultivated; balance
Is Tiastur with wcidcr. Fine woven
wire fences. Fine new 6 room plas
tered house with fireplace. 2 barns
and numerous sheds, chicken house,
granaryv.stnoke house,--etc.. Gas en
gine pumps the water. The farm is too
good for the price of $6000. .$1500 or
less will .handle,,.., . .
30 acres and all- urior cultivation.
A. fine- quality ot lrk oll Located
on good gravel road about 6 miles
from Salem. Practically all the farm
Is iu crop of wheat, .oats and clover.
Good 6 room house and barn 40x30
with shed. Chicken house, etc. Share
in telenhone (roes with - the place,
Price $0500. $2000 wtll handle. Sounds
good, doesn t It? it Is good.
This fine farm is located on good
gravel road about 8 miles from Sa
le mand Is all under cultivation. All
In crop except 6 acres. Fruit and ber
ries for family use. - Good plastered
farm nous eand barn -40x36. Good gar
1 .... - -
age with cement floor and chicken
house. With the farm go 6 goodcows,
2 horses, wagon. 2 cultivators, hack,
plow, feed chopper, 114 h. p. gas en
gine and all the crop. Close to school
and station. Price $12,000.
Kinney & Smith.
Tiank of Commerce bldg.
FOR KALE Old capers for wrap
ping and packing 10c bund). Cap
ital Journal office.
niptr"!' "itv
John II. Scott Realty Co.
""u,,: " j "
following farms, priced rif.'ht on
Sod terms. See these places they
convince you that V can buy
them and make good an same:
2P9 acivs in Marion county, 140 in
cultivation, balance valuable timber
.and pasture. 100 acres in crop, good
room nlnstered housp. Kirn SOxati
good shed for 12 cows and 8 horses,
8110 880. I wells, 4 springs, family
orchard. A bargain at $100 per acre,
$10,000 Cash. "
H acres. SO in cultivation, $0 open
pasture, 30 acres nice fir. uve' stream
inrougn piace. i gooa armea wens.
good 8 room house, barn 40x56, eight
fields fenced with woven wire and
rails, good garage, chicken house and
other buildings. $100 per acre, 2-3
5814 acree ail In cultivation, and
planted, with good family orchard, 7
room house, and barn. 2 wells and
spring. This is one of the f inert piec
es .of dirt in Marion county. $11,000,
one halt cash.
40 acres close in, good improve
ments, fine orchard, all in cultiva
tion and seeded. $12,000 $7000 cash.
SO acres, 8 In cultivation, I acres
strawberries, 14 acre family orchard
raspberries, logans. and evergreens.
Good 4 room plastered house, with
bath, running water, some valuable
timber, 15 acres pasture. $3500 for
quick sale. $1500. cash.
It acres, 414 in oats and vetch, 114
in strawberries, good family orchard.
acres in fine timber. Modern 7 room
plastered house, running water, bath,
toilet, and basement; good bara and
chicken house. $3500 for quick sale.
228 Oregon bldg. See us today. n93'
SOS acres H mile from Jefferson,
good improvements, 150 acres in cul
tivation, 25 acres good timber. This
is a good farm, $125 an acre, 14 cash,
terms on balance.
820 acres on'Pacifle highway, 45
acres in crop, balance ready for the
plow; all fenced; 6 miles from store.
$11 per acre; $2000 cash, terms on
balance, This place Is a money maker.
See us at once.
320 acre relinquishment for $250.
Thia is another bargain.
5 room bungalow, modern except
furnace; 14 basement. This place is
a bargain at $2850. See us about this
at once.
McDonald & Parks
Real Estate Agency
162 R Com'l Ht. room 1. Phone 747
Small farm, fuMy equipped, stocit
crops and everything, $6000 will
handle it. Immediate possession.
Real Estate, Loans
301 Masonic Temple
8alem, Ore. n4
100. RES. PHONE 1608J. HAUL
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at ( per oent Haw
kins & Roberta,. 206 Oregon bldg.
- Salem, Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 614 percent. 803 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem. Or.
Money to Loan.
-Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time,
1 14 and 8 percent interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonlo Temple, Salem, Oregon
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Stf.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 87.
trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses mads and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 841.
Contractors and builders.
Phone 1972.
DRS. WHITE and Marshall,
res, phone 884.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 68F5. 104
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 53
inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works 950 Court street. Phone 124
SALEM SCAVA::3ER Garbage and
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rales. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Male
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you mors cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furnltur
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Ptione 734.
"WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Com'l. '
. 2 1919 MAXWELLS
a '
171 COURT ST. -
Some folk used to believe that
"anything worth saying at all Is worth
aylng well." Substitute the word
"showing", and you have the female
conception, while the substitution of
"seeing" would cover mere man's view
O-r-v CHEMEKETA Udge No. 1
meets every Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. haiL
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, C C; P. J. Kunti.
K. R. A a
bly Nes 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
d re sen. M. A.; A. A. Gueffroy, sec
retary, Salem, Or.
TEAM. Auto Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No. 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, 8 o'clock.
. Oregon Grage camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening In McCor
nack halt Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn. (48 Union St
recorder. Flora Nelson, 73$ North
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o clock In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Ross, C. C; L. a Geer, clerk
PROTECTION lodge No. 2 A. O. U.
W. meets every Monday, evening
at $ p. m. In McCornack hall, cor.
Court and Liberty streets, John H.
Carsoa, M. W; A. L. Brown, finan
eler; A. Eugene Aufrano, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 84
meets every Thursday evening at
o'clock in McCornack building.
Court and Liberty streets, H. Uk
Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner,
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.00; feed
eats 8085o; milling oats 80O86o;
cheat hay $1819; oat hay $21021;
cloyer had $23; mill run $47.
Butterfat: Butterfat (4c; creamery
butter 64 65c
Pork, veal and nruttom: Fork Oa foot
15 3-4c; veal fancy 21c; steers 11c;
lambs IS 14c; cow 79o; awe le;
sheep, yearlings 1214c
Dressed pork llo.
..Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 81c;
light hens, 28 30c; heavy hen 32o
old roosters 15lSc; springs 24a.
Vegetables: Onions per pound to;
celery do. $1.76; potatoes, Yakima
8a Oregon (14c; sweet potatoes 9a
beet per sack $1; turnips per sack
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnip
per sack $3.50; spinach lOo lb.; rad
ishes 40c do.
Fruit: Orange $3.50 (.00; lemon
$5.506; bananas 11c; honey extraot
20c; bunch beets 45o; cabbage 60;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower $2 do.;
red peppers 25o lb; rhubarb So
pea 16o lb.
Retail prices: Egg doxen S7of
creamery butter 7072o; country but
ter 66c; flour hard wheat $3.253.4S
oft wheat $2.90.
Portland, April 15. Cattle steady
receipts none; grain and pulp - fed
steers $ 11.26 19 12.00 ; choice $10.76
11.2? good to choice $9.7510.75;
medium to good $9.00 10; fair to
medium $7.60 8.50; common to fair
$7.008.25; choice cows and heifer
$9.25 10.26; good to choict $8,25 0
5; medium to good $7.0098.25;
fair to medium $8.00 7.00; canner
$6.007.00; bulls $6.OO8.50; prime
light calves $15.0017.OO; medium
light $10.0015.00; heavy $7,000
10.00; stockers and feeder $7,500
Hogs steady; receipts none; prime
mixed $16.7617.25; medium $16.21
19.75; rough heavy $12.25 K.25;
Dies $13 (fi 15.60.
Sheep firm; receipt none; spring;
lambs $17.0018.00; light vaUey
$16.76017.00; heavy $14.26015.76;
common to medium $11014.50; year
lings $15.0016.50; wethers $14.50
16.25; ewes $10 014. . 1
Butter '
Portland, Or., April 15. Cubes ex
tra 6814 59o;parchmeht wrapped box
lots 62c; cartons (3c; half boxes 140
more; less 'than H boxes lo more;
butterfat 6263o f. 0. b. station; (4
65o Portland.
Poultry and Egg.
Portland, Or., April 15. Eggs sell
ing price case count 37 038c; buying
price case count 36c; selling price
candled 39c; selected- candled In car
tons 42c
Poultry; Hons 8438c; broiler 40
45c; roostera 16c; turkeys dressed
68c; geese 22 26c; ducks 40
$65.00 bid; corn No. 8 yellow $74
Wheat and Mill Stuffs,
Wheat: $2.20; barley $70; oat
$28.00; alfalfa $33; grain $30.00;
78 bid.
Hav: Buying price, valley timothy
mixed cars $42 ton; rolled barley $7$
cheat $22; clover $30; oats and vetch
Mlllstuffs: Prioe f.o.b. mill, citj
artage $2 extra. Mill run, car lota Ot
mixed cars $43 ton; rolled barley $78
rolled oat $66.60; ground barley 171
cratch feed $80. ,
Corn whole $66; oraeked $68.
of the Stnln of Oregon in and for
Marlon County
In the matter of the estate of John
Koeneke, deceased. Executrix's no
tice. ,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed exec
utrix of the estate of Jonn itoeneuo,
deceased, and that all persuns having
claims against the estate are hereby
notified to present the same properly
verified, in the manner provided uy
law to McDougal & McDougal, attor
neys for the estate, as- above men
tioned, In the city of Salem, Marlon
county, Oregon, at the county clerk's
office in the court house, witnin six
months froia the date of the firat
publication of this, notice, the firit
publication of this notice being made
on the 26th day of March, 1920.
McDougal & McDougal.
Attorneys for executrix.
" i5"thk county1xi;ht
for the Ktnte of Oregon ; for tho
In the matter of the estate of Sa
rah S. MoHher deceased, notice of
hearing of final account:- .
To all persons Interested In the
estate of Barah 8. Mosher, deceased:
You are hereby notified that on tho
24th day of March 1920, D. H.
Mosher, administrator of the above
entitled estate, filed in this court
his final account as administrator nt
the estate of Sarah 8. Mosher, de
ceased, and that said final account
will be heard by this eourt on Mon
day, April 26, 1920, at the hour of
ten o'clock a. m. .of said day or as
soon thereafter as the court can hear
the same. In the county court room
at the court house In baiem, Marlon
county, Oregon. And you are hereby
cited to appear at such time and
place above designated and show
cause If any exist why said final ac
count should not be allowed and tho
said administrator discharged from
n nam irusi.
This notice Is published pursuant
to an order Issued out of the said
county court for Marlon county, Ore
gon, on the 24th day of March. 1920.
Donald W. Miles. Administrator.
Attorney for administrator.