Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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f ace Eight.
Lockiey's Filing cn Republican Ticket
For State Secretary Cause of Surprise
The most n.:..vabV ripnl on the
wirf'Hce of th- polilkal malt-r about
thr- -criary v( Utah's office wnrr.
the tUHniriHtiun j.H-u;uns arv now run
ning at flood Ktage. aprx-ai-ed shortly
mVr nnon 'inn!ay when r re-i
LsH'klvv. srvinl writer on the Oregon
Journal, made hi formal entry into
the rHtf? fur nomination us M-ci-rtary
of Mate mi the repuMk'iin ticket.
LtM'kW-y's entry Into the race for the
neerrtarvalilp bring the Hat of avow
ed candidate for this punltton up to
never) all republicans.
M. Vernon faron of EugetM filed
earlier In the day for the name poai
tion. Otheni ho have filed for the
n puhtican primary ballot as candi
date for the 'cretarjhlp are Sam A.
K"er, present deputy aecretary of
state; K. L. Coburn of (irantg Puss. K. I
F. June of Newport, and W. D. Wood
of llillaboro. A. J, Shuelilernisn, ...
trouich an avowed candidate has not
not filed but 1 expected to do so before
cli;iii(f time Friday night.
A veritable flood of petitions were
received Wednesday from political a
lilt-ant as follows:
(1. Y. Harry, Portland, democrat
candidate for delegate to national con
vi nti n from the state at large.
. Witxon Beneflel, Portland, republi
can, for representative from Multno
inah county.
K. W. Harlett, FNtacada, republican,
for representative from Clackamas
A. 8. Kolierts. The Dalles republi
can, for representative from the Iwen
ty-nlnlh district.
Herbert Kgbeit, The Dalles, republi
can, for representative from the twen
ty ninth district.
John M. Crawford. Dundee, republi
can, for representative from Yamhill
J, M. Watson Kr., Turner, republi
can, for representative from Marion
Waller I Tooze Jr., McMlnnvllle,
for delegate to national convention
from third congressional district.
A. K. Westcott, Ranks, republican,
for representative from Washington
county. I
James West, Portland, republican
for representative from Multnomah
county. .
Ieslle W. Murray, Portland, demo
oral, for representative from Multno
mah county,
r'ran Kriotberirer, Mackslnirg, r-
iHihllcan, for representative fretn
Clackamas county. I
C. S. lieiiKou, llend, republican, for
district attorney for Deschutes county.
di-oiK" T. (lerlliiner, Dallas, repub
lican, for representative from the
twelfth district.
Hurt W. Bleeman, Portland, repub
lican, for representative- from Multno
man county. '
C. M. Hynerson, Portland, republi
can, for reprearnl.-ttlve from Mullno
iii. ih couuly, ,
Han Kll"her, Portlajid, republican,
fnt- delegate to national convention
from third cnngresfllnnul district. :
Walter H. F.vans, Portland, republi
can, fur dbttrlct attorney for MuHno
mah county,
L. Htiiip, tiri'iton City, republican,
for district attorney for Clackamas
Hubert 1'. Lytic, Vole, republican,
for district allurney for Malheur coun
ty. I
Kathleen W. K,vett, Huntington, re
pubtlonl, for representative from Ma
ker county.
A I ii m D, Kati, Portland, republican,
fur 'representative from Multnomah
John U, Bmlth, New berg, republican,
for slate senator from the twenty
fourth dlstr' t.
a spot on the team that was considered
weak in 1919. He has had an accident
to his hand and may not be able to
start the season.
Jim Scott, former pitcher for the
Chicago White Sox. made a better
showing in p re-season training than he
scheduled for April 3 here and May' did last year. Seaton. one of the best
11 at Forest Grove. The Bearcats will
oppose Mu!tnoanih club here May
and In Portland .May 15.
The inter-class track meet occurs
a week from today. Chemawa comes
to Sweetland field for a dual meet
May 7. In connection with the May
Day festival. May n there will be a
meet of the smaller colleges of the
state here; and a team will be sent
to the conference meet at Pullman
May 2.
Coast League Scores
At l4s Angeles R H. B.
Los Angeles ISO
Vernon (1) t
Aldridge, Schulto. Pertlca. Brown
and IUisler; W. Mitchell and Sullivan.
All other Coast league games post
!Hned. f
San Francisco
San Francisco. With a stronger
pitching and catching staff, the San
Francisco club of the Pacific Coast
liasehalt league Is expected by Its
friends to stay out In front in thin sea
son's race for the pennant.
Bam Agnew, catcher for Vernon last
year and formerly of Washington, is
In the league lajit year, apparently is
as good as ever. Much is expected of
Ran Jordon. who was. with Buffalo
last year. Casey Smith and Johnny
Couch, Just out ofthe army last year
and consequently not too good, are ex
pected to pitch better ball this year.
The club needs a left hander. baseball
experts here say.
Last year's infield Is preserved In
tact. Koerner Is at. first. Caveney Is
at second and Willie Kamm, now a
year out of the bushes, is at third.
Corhan is shortstop.
In the outfield, it Is said, Fitzgerald,
rightfield. Is the only man sure of his
Job. Herb Hunter and Maurie Schick
are holdover from last year. Joe Con
nolly and Jim O'Connell are a couple
of young ones who look good enough
to have a chance to crowd in.
, f
Influenza Attack
Abates In Japan
. Tokio. The Influeiua epidemic
which has been widespread In Japan
since last September Is abating but no
lice authorities still urge the people to
oe inoculated with serum and have
provided for free Inoculation for the
All told there have been 1,724,362 ca
.- ,, iiiiiuniK m me country since
September and 65.852 persons have
aied of that disease.
Inheritance Tax Is
Fixed In Estate Of
Late Justice Moore
Arthur H. Moare as executor of the
Frank A. llooje estate applied to
County Judge W- M. Buslu-y, Monday,
asking the inheritance tax in the state
be fixed at $2a.:.
Bequests were as follows: Celesta
Moore, daughter, $7073.14: Nellie
Miles, daughter, $1073.17; A. H. Moore
son, 1073.1. Four grandsons. Ken
neth. Wilbur. Harold and Donald
Moore each received J268.2S.
All of the inheritances were within
the 15000 exemption, except In the Ce
lesta Moore bequest, there being 12,
073.15 In this item subject ta the one
per cent tux and interest.
County Judge W. M. Bushey issued
in order, Wednesday, fixing the tax
amount in the sums named.
A. little left-over Jelly or canned fruit
can be used in mincemeat and always
adds to the flavor. Oranges that are
too sour to eat. also improve mlnce
neat. If a little extra sugar is added.
Aged .
THE BANE of old age is constipation. The bow-
si , eis become weak and .unable to perform their
functions without aid. For this purpose only
the mildest and gentlest laxative should be used.
The use of harsh cathartics aggravates the trouble
and makes the constipation worse. Chamberlain's
Tablets are a favorite with peoplo'of middle age
and older on account of their gentle action.
Why Children
Catch Disease
Bear cat-Aggie
Games Postponed
Until Next Week
Willamette's baseball games with
O. A. C, which were to have been
played tomorrow and Saturday, have
been postponed one week, O. A. C.
Will play here April 23, Coach Math
ews team going to CorvallU Saturduy
the 24th. Postponement was found
necessary on account pr the continued
Kusebull practice t the university
U being confined to workout for the
pitching- staff Indoors, slthouah tho
track men ace working out as usual.
Willamette a bull game schedul
ed with Chemnwa here for next
Thursday, but as the O. A. C. game
la the following day, this date wfl '
piotwbly be changed. The other game
to be played at Chemawa April f
Orunes with Pacific university are
OB. p.vnKm
, i
CHILDREN whose teeth are. looked
v-' ttfter by a good dentist are less
likely to catch the niensles, mumps,
diphtheria, whooping cough and scar
let fever. Good teeth stand for good
health, and good health is the best
insurance in the world against the
diseases of childhood. Weakly chil
dren arc the first to got a disease
wlien it appears in a neighborhood.
' It depends upon parents whether
their children shall have good teeth
when they grow up. A little care and
attention In i!i. i,ii, ;..
----- ... .win in ciiny me
jjieans better looks and better health in later life. Also
it means more success in whatever pursuit I bov ir uiv
Registered Dentists-using the E. R. Parker Svstem in
v.te parents to bring i ,,4 children ffiee Tiniin
una. from experienced dentists, if followed "
have a good influence all through life. ,0U0Wl11'
Registered Dentists Using the
Registered Dentists using E, R. Parker
Dr. F. V. Greif Ml,Ier
Old People
Gain Strength and Vigor rapidly
on Vinol, our Cod Liver
. and Iron Tonic
frr-'' r? Pennsylvania . ' - - ;
i A rill ih irti?',i m-
i At
Vinol contains the very elements
nulJ - t 1 ...
trench, just at it did for this
ew i ore man.
''I am veara rif am. A I.
- . t j isw miu kui into a
weak, run-down condition as a result of
VinolTOiM d.
..,v K una i iiuuceu an
improvement soon after taking it, and
it has restored my strength so I can now
UO a Dnm rinv'a xunAr Rf.. .:r- i
also taken Vinol for a run-down condi
tion with splendid results."
NOTE: Yone 1a.,U.,J v.. .
many years specially recomaiended Vinol
becHuse he known there is nothing better
tliaQ tlllll imnm fA I ii... I I..' X, .
.... i.ui MIU AlUU i UII 10
to create strength and build one op. Xa
formula ot Vinol ii on every label.
rour money back if it fails.
At Kmll Schaefer'g Drug Store.
EALERS tell us that many people infer
Vacuum Cup Tires and Ton Tested"
Tubes are high priced, assuming that
quality and high prices naturally go
To the contrary, they are very moderately
priced, due to a perfected factory or
ganization operating in a plant utilizing
every modern improvement and prac
tical labor saving device, and marketing
under an independent zone selling sys
tem which makes possible highest
quality at economy prices.
Compare these prices standardized net
and uniform throughout the United
States with those of ordinary makes.
Pay no more for Pennsylvania products
do not expect them for less.
Adjustment basis per warranty tag at
tached to each casing:
Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires, 6,000 Miles
Vacuum Cup Cord Tires, 9,000 Miles
Channel Tread Cord Tires, 9,000 Miles
Jeannette, Pa.
IiIIIIIIIHi I llli III nTTa ii'i i il sad ir eUiiiiU'UMI l.lihll i
VieauE Vacuum Chanul Ton Ld"
s:.. C"" c,", fi T.a" "
31 Cutnn Cuinn Caastl Tiibw fItr-
Fabric Card Card Rasuiar
30x3 18.43 3.00 3.75
30i3H 23.70 38.S31 33.851 3.50 4.40
32x3 27.S0 42.95 1"1" 39.951 3.80 4.75
31x4 37.30 5.20 6.30
32x4 37.95 54.45 49.05 5.25 6.55
33x4 40.05 56.00 50.45 5.50 6.90
34x4 40.83 57.40 51.65 "5.65 7.03
32x4!; 52.75 61.35 53.75 6.80 8.50
33x4!'2 54.90 63.00 55.20 6.95 8.70
34x4'.: 55.35 64.65 58.20 7.00 8.75
35x4 57.60 66.15 59.60 7.10 8.90
36x4!;: 58.20 67.80 61.00 7.30 9.15
33x5 67.40 76.60 68.95 8.05 10.05
35x5 70.95 60.33 72.35 8.50 10.65
37x5 74.60 84.05 75.70 8.85 11.05
3 3X2
The Capital Journal Want Ads Bring Results
Salem's Paper Mill
Offer's Stock to
Salem People'
ililinfnnmiii.. "tYttuu
. 9
i i M . .
Hie ftill. Hch
nourishm&ii cf edeci
ed wheat and malted
barley, baked 20 hours
for easy digestion.
requires just enough '
chewing to develop
its rich nut-like flavor
Awonderful building
food for young and old
Small Amount of 8 per cent Cumulative
Preferred Stock to Be Sold at Par
100 A
a Luxury
Improves New
Blades 100 Per
100 shaves from one blade!
, Get one today at our
store. Take it home
and try it 80 days. Re
turn it if not satisfied.
Just Received
A big consignment of leath
er razor utrops, shaving
brushes, soap.
Always a complete line of
razors, safety razors and
"The House of Service"
' Our mill will start operations within a few months. H will turn out
classes of high grade paper not now made west of Chicago, It offers
every prospect of being a very profitable enterprise. W:
Theputting of this stock
portunUyi participating in j--Sfaa&&i
conveniently see prosper and develop. " w - ' ;
hnfnri'f -i . minci: r that the amount we
GrapcNuts needs no suar