Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    -,v 4PRTL 15, 1920,
j JB"
pjOTupo & own
i i jh jW. M. Bushey. Louisa M. Small is ex-
jJj I ecutrix of the estate.
the city where street or roads art Dorothy Paine, of Monmouth was ton. was a visitor to the Capital Citv
impassible; but that a motorcycle ! a Salem visitor. .Wednesday. imrtav
"ui o operatea on a sidewalk
at any time.
., u Inter-church aon
Apr First CongregaUon-
7TX Craven
tfDebate, Willani-
Ray Simeral, councilman, today re
ceived a permit from the city record
'er to erect a one story garage on his
j property at lot 8 block two. Reeds ad
dition. The garage will cost 350.
Thomas Bedard, a real estate deal
er of Woodburn. as a business visit
or in Salem today.
Sou"4;. , .vmncil meeting.
Apr Uka. T. M- C. A.
tu ,.. 19 Business
"iprU il.-WMamette Gle"
d"" 7,1 -Howard E. Weed
Jg "n " City Beauti"
t-at.. WUlatn-
i Pacific University.
'"IprS 25 -Elossom Day In
llT- Scout night
of Spring,'' opera house.
wing o nance. Corn-
Hay 1
J Reserve your seats for the Willam-
jette Glee club concert at Will's music
store and Grand opera house phar
,macy. ji
i '
j Richard Craven of Boston, Mass.,
representing the American Humane
society, will deliver an Illustrated lec-
ture at the city library Friday eve-
nlng'at eight o'clock. Everybody In
j)t:vited. Admission free. ' 2
$ ) Walter L. Pepiberton, administra
tor in the estate of Clarkson Pember- letters sent out 6y the Germans. The
!- a a r Filial a i-tnmm n W 4- W ' ..
-" ! I letter to Mr. Race was postmarked
county court, Heirs and nearest of kin Salenli but . bore no name. The story
in tn. completed estate are Mary S. in theEvangeUcal Messenger points
Pemberton widow. Phoenix. AHs.;!out ,lke tne hM , B
t Mai Buell. formerly Mae Dll ey, !,, , Kai , , .
Mr sMn; wu.r s romh,' ! n?ed for he,P ln Germany, claiming
4iton, son, Salem; W. J,ee Pemberton,
Klamath Falls had a representative I Arthur E. Laflar. who has leased
visitor to Salem ln the person of E. ' the Grand Opera House, was in Port
ia Jefferson, who registered at the 'land today making arrangements for
Bligh hotel. Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields, of
Hoskins. Oregon, spent Wednesday
and Thursday In Salem, while visit
ing friends here.
improving the show house.
Tending to show that propaganda i tront No
sent out all over the United States talld"
letters asking for aid by the Germans I
is jutifiable an anonymous person to7
day sent City Recorder Race a clip
ping from the Evangelical Messen
ger, along with the clipping from a
local newspaper bearing one of the
I The case fo Helen Southwick
! against The Fraternal Aid Union was
heard by Judge PePrcy R. Kelly In
Z, ot circuit court.
ignated Iay 24, as time for final
Baby chicks, all our leading variet
ies now ready for delivery. C. N.
Needham, 558 State. Phone 400. 93
louti House News
Ciimii Court.
Humphrey vs. William L.
Summons and proof of
L. H. McMahon.
Bill of ex-
Oscar Folln, Sum-
Frank C. Sibley.
Marie F.
Tftoraas Barrett vs.
eepuons. .
,Edla Flin vs-
Tb. Kennedy vs. Frank C. Sibley.
i B. Kennedy vs.
Amended complaint. "
VP. U Carnell vs. Louis L. Leadbet
ler Complaint.
W. L. Carnell vs. Louis L. Leadbet
ter. Orders tor delivery.
y. L. Ca:nell vs. Louis L. Leadbet
Hr. Undertaking.
Probate Court.
Emma J. Potter estate. Order ap
pointing administrator. .
Guardianship of W. C. Shofner. In
vcntnrv and appraisement. . .
W. C. Shofner, an insane person.
Petition and order.
Emma J. Potter estate. Petition for
tppointment o administrator.
Guardianship of George W. Patter
nn, insane. Order appointing guardian.
Dance, Hurst hall Thursday eve,
given by Knights and Ladies of Se
curity. 91
A. O. Brownley, of Hoskins, secur
ed an anglers license in this city, Wed
nesday. . . 1
Ir. Chalmer Lee George,
314 Masonic bids.
.We are the firm that handle classy
Ford bugs. The Auto Shop, 187 S.
Liberty St. 91
that through conquest France has de
pleted the sources of supply for the
Huns, compelling them to turn to
other nations for help.
Clark Leiter, president of the Port
land Press Club, and ardent Hoover
booster, was in Salem today with
Chester G. Murphy, state campaign
manager for Hoover, and Pilot V.
flier of the sea plane to Salem.
The will of John Taylor, Woodburn
resident who died April 6, was admit
ted to probate Wednesday. Mr. Tay
lor had made bequests of 80 acres of
Marlon county land to each of the
following: Jessie M. Wyland, daush
ter; Eisle J. Van Cleave, daushter; I
Austin C. Taylor, son? Alexanderl
Taylor, son; Mary E. Ridings, daugh
ter. Two lots In Molalla are also be
queathed to Mrs. Ridings. The re
mainder of the estate is given tb
Mrs. Van Cleave, who is also appoint
ed executrix. A. M. Van Cleave, A. L.
Yoder and J. A. Ridings are named
by the county court as appraisers.
Claiming that Oregon is, one of the
most beautiful states in the Union,
and expressing a particular admira
tion for the .Willamette valley in gen
enar and Salem in particular, Dr. and
Mis. J. J. Moore of Concordia Kansas,
arrived in the capital city today for
a visit at the home of the doctor's
brother and sister ln law. Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Moore. The visitors plan
to remain in the city for about a
fortnight. They have been wintering
in California and are at present on
their way to their home in the east
A hunter's license was secured
Thursday by Roy Todd, of Jefferson.
Bicycles recovered during the night
b ypolice today were claimed bv Ed
ward-Seymour, 1425 North Winter
The regular meeting of the Iliihee
country club will be held at 7:30 this
evening in the Commercial club, ac
cording to a nannouncement made at
the club offices today. All members
of the organization, are urged to be
on hand.
Charles Kreft, formerly proprietor
of the Asylum avenue grocery store
near 17th street, has accepted a posi
tion as salesman with the Peoples
eash store.'
Charles Farmenter, Mrs. O. Head
rick Mr And AIr TV II llnwnlntf
and Austin Fraxer, residing oni-,,,, nv, r.,
North Summer street. The bicycles MinnviIle Thurgday to atiend the fun
were left standing on the street all', ,,,
4 i fci
TliA UuHn.0. ,
j i i Aiuiiiim u iutitui emirs vuiupauj
i ."m!has established offices hi the Bank of
Klamath Falls Box
Factory Is Closed
"Klamath Fallsi Or., Apr. 15. One
Krtv faftnrv has sVint HnitfTl hocA tn A r-
Gordon R. Watt, druggist tfrom ' ' x" " 'ua, , f'? mPny " " ' " , "
Aurora, was a visitor In Salem todav i esiaoiisnea onices m tne sanK oi; count oi car snonage resuiung irom
Mr. Watt recently bought a largeri ce t,ulllinP- . X.Johnson is the freight embargo consequent to tne
business building and is now lntlinlBale8,nana8e nd J, E. Scott of the j railroad strike, and others have report
a new soda fountain and lunch ac- i Scitt Realty company is general man I e dthey must close down within two or '
n C' i Thn nmnanv htta thu ot ti t thnu Aiva nnlDoa th nm tn 1-on in liftn '
Prof. Holman To
Address Lodges
Professor J. H; Holman of the Ore
Son Agricultural college will address
the joint assemblies of Pacific Lodge
No. 50 and Salem Lodge No. 4. A. F. &
A. M., at the Masonic temple Friday
night on "A Visit to Masonic Lands in
History." Professor Holmas who is a
member of the extension department
ot the college is a most interesting lec
turer, speaking from his own experi
ences and observations and Illustrat
ing his lecture with stereopticon views
taken in the Holy Land. This will be
the second of a series of Joint lectures
under the auspices of Salem Masons.
All visiting Masons, member, of the
Eastern Star are welcome to attend.
a general shut duwn would throw hun
dreds out of employment.
Sawmills will not be affected imme
ilteiy as they can haul theii- product
in the open, but deliveries are slopped.
Major League Scores
National '
New York
Oeschger and O'Neill
Philadelphia L 8
Brooklyn 7
Smith, Mamnmux,' Weinert,
i 0
.. 0 1
Toney and
13 0
15 4
and Withrow; Marquard, MuhHrt,
Miljus and Krueger, Kiliott.
ager. The company has the
agency for Oregon and Idaho.
state, three days unless the embargo is lifted.
The busy season U just starting and
1'luHlC 510-31 1
270 N. tVnimervuil Kl.-
Mrs. Ella Watt, 392 South High
street, who has been in California in
specting various lodges as supreme
instructor for the Artisans, will re
turn here in about a month, friends ! I
were informed by mail. Mrs. Watt
probably iwll, motor to Oregon with
Mr. and Mrs..; Fred Norcross, her
nephew and niece, of Ceres, Cal. Mr.
Norcross is a banker there, and has
friends in this city.
F. N. Woodry, the local autcloneer
who has been ill for several weeks,
has fully recovered and is once more
at his place of business on . North
Commercial street. - ' ;
The trial of Bernard Brown, alleg
ed to have forged numerous checks
here, will be held in Judge Unruh's
court at 10 a. m. Friday, according
to the court's docket today.
Baby chicks, 558 State.
Phone 400.
Love, jeweler,
watchmaker, 8i-
E. J. Roth, L. H. Barnett, and A.
,Eoelhart,havei( filed appraisers'
wport In the gimrdiunship of Freda
Krueger, personal property. Valued at
J66M0 bjing itemized.
C. T. Pomeroy having sold his
.ouse, will sell his high grade furni
ture Friday, auction sale begins at 10
t'clock, 495 N. Winter St. SI
"Huckleberry Finn" special 10c
matinee for children under 14 Satur
day morning at 10:30, at The Oregon.
Percy C. Robins, of Turner and Dr.
Tred Ellis, Salem, were issued com
bination hunting and fishing licenses
Get tickets for the Willamette Glee
club concert to lie given Wednesday
Wit April 21st at Will's music
tore and the Grand opera house
fharmacy. 91
In the estate of Pally Milly, I. H
mall, Henry Ouhurn and Brazier
Small have been named as appraisers
an order signed by County Judge
Mrs. B. C. Brewster has returned to
Centralia after a ten day visit with
her- husband, Reverend B. C. Brew
ster, who preaches at the Keizer
school. While here Mrs. Brewster was
the guest of Mrs. Christie Ackley, 844
Mill street.
Milk prices take effect April 16th.
.Retail price 7c per pt. 14o per quart.
Wholesale per gallon in battles, 44c,
in cans, 2 gallons or less, 40c; in cans
3 gallons or more 37c Rates for
April per month as follows: One pint
per day $2.26; one quart per day
$4.25; 3 pints per day ? 0 . 2 5 ; 2 quurtit
per day $8.25; 6 pints per day $10;
3. quarts per day $11.60; 4 quarts per
day $14.50. No changes -In prices of
cream until May '1st. Regular reduc
tion rates will be listed May 1st on
both milk and cream. Salem Sani
tary Dairy, Fairmount Dairy, Meadow
iawn Dairy.
Lee L. Gilbert, state distributor for
the Elgin Six auto, after about a
month's serious illness with pneumo
nia, was downtown today for the first
time greeting friends. Lee says he ex
pects to be "back in the harness' In
about ten days.
A reward of $25 is offered for the
recovery of an auto, stolen last night
in Portland fronV E. L. Wright, ac
cording to word received early this
morning by police. The auto bore a
Washington license. No. 41824, and is
believed to be headed this" way.
Adam Henrich of Portland, father
of George ITenrlsh, 13, placed in Jail
here Wednesday night after ho broke
into the home. of Jumes Rudolph and
stole soma blankets, came to this city
Joday from Portland Slid returned his
son to his home.
Mrs. W. D, Allbright received word
yesterday from her former home in
Arnold, Nebraska, announcing the
death of her mother, Mrs. Martha
lams, on Tuesday, April 13. Mrs.
lams was well known here and in
Philomath, where she resided for ten
or twelve years. She returned to the
east about two years ago.
Fred Ireland, driver for the eress
market, pleaded guilty to a charge of
driving an auto across a street cor
ner, and was fined $5 by police Judge
Race this afternoon. Ireland is said
to have cut the corner at the inter.
section of Capitol and Market streets.
The following named Marion coun
ty sportsmen, obtained anglers' per
mits, Wednesday and Thursday: Fred
H. Kaiser, Macleay, Rene Simpson,
Aumsville; E. Williams, A. T. Cline,
Joseph Smith Smith, C. E; Gibson, -B.
E. Edwards, Frank Ev Simon " and
Soo Foo, of, Salem. Combination
hunters' and anglers' licenses, .were
made.ynitFto Curtis B. Cross. Vernon
R. M. Moore, J. P. Brown and F. M.
Derby of Salem, Gaius Fuson, Aums
ville. '
Pioneers' and civil war veterans'
combination licenses were issued by
County Clerk Boyer, Wednesday to
S. T. Northcutt, Turner; G. W. Thorn
as npd Joseph Dunnels, Silverton.
Lew J. Adams, mayor of Silver-
Grand Opera House
Friday, April 16.
Prices 50c, 75c, and $1.00
sale at Opera
Have Joined the Sfaff of the Capital Journal
Reserved seats
House Pharmacy.
Jay Porter, 13, returning to her
home at Woodburn from an orphan
age in Montana, was Drought on into
Salem on a late train last night when
the conductor forgot to put her off.
She was taken to the Y. M. C. A. for
the night, and this morning was ta:;
en to the train to return to Woodburn
by Police Matron Shanks
; Elucidating a statement made Wed
nesday that it is unlawful to ride mo
torcycles or bicycles on sidewalks In
the city, Chief of Police Welsh today
explained that bicycles may be rid
den on sidewalke in those parts of
Mary '
fit 1 I
- l, :: ...
----- .
-I-' , '
! " -
It's from the famous Saturday Eve
ning Post story of the same name.
A home-spun romanee of plain peo
ple and rich hearts. Laughs and
chuckles mixed with the tears In the ?
most delightfully human photoplay
you've seen in a long timev
Smiling Bill Parsons Comedy
, - 9
'And will appear regularly to amuse and delight you, be-
- ginning Monday, April 19.
mgm$m&mm : Meet Me at Miller's SSBSBSB
uction Sale
Saturday, 1:30 p. m. at
Horses, Harness, Buggies and Plows,
Furniture, Tables, Chairstoves, Lawn
'Mowers, Gas Engine, Crockery
Ering in what you have for sale, and be on time. We sell
thP larth We buy anvthing worth the money or will sell
S cS3'ioa Call and see us. Phone 1177. 404 Ferry St.
Sa!em, Or.
The Auctioneer.
It is our aim to so establish our
reputation in Salem that the re
mark will often be heard upon
the streets, and over the tea
We are here in Salem to make
it our home, to establish our
selves permanently; to put our
shoulder to the wheel in all Civic
Enterprises that will make "Our
Own Home Town" a bigger and
better one; to give Salem as fine
a store as any in the country,
not only in merchandise, but in
TION. We shall do our part to meas
ure up, and ask your help that
we might do so. Our slogan
"Meet Me At Miller's" is not an
empty phrase we mean that
we wish to be regarded as a cen
tral meeting point for any and
all people. So don't hesitate to
- make your appointments with
' yuor friends and tell them "I'll
meet you at Miller's",
Spring sewing will be in full blast within the week.
The cold, still, rainy days of winter are almost over
and bright,' warm sunshine will prevail. '
"Be Prepared", and get your Spring Sewing over
before "Blossom Day,"
... .-. "Wl.
1 iMimk&i
We have received a
direct importation of
heavy weight pongee. It
is 29 inches wjde, and
most especially adapted
for making
Skirts and Suits
Through a fortunate purchase we are able to sell this
silk at a price that cannot be matched AA
and we feel positive will not be dupli- vieUU
cated for a long time to come. Per Yard
J it