Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Census Figures
Show Increase
Rate Declining
Washington, Apr. li. A review of
the population fiirurr-s of the 49 cit
ies and towns thus far announced wan
made public today by the cnM bu
reau. Comparative fijruri-R for 428 of
these plact'i in the laat two derates
how a decline of -5 er cent in the
percentage it Increase from 1 91 0 t
1K0. as compared with the 28. 4 Ir
cent gain during the preceding decade.
The remaining 21 pla.-s represent
cities or towns which were not exist
ing S separate communities in 1900.
I'p to and including yesterday's an
nouncement, the review showed an a?
gregale population of 1O.0S8.31 S, an In
crease of 1.789,972 over 1910, or 21.
per cent.
Falling off in the percentage of in
cream for the places announced was
largely due to the "check on Immigra
tion which resulted from the world
war," said Director KoRers of the bu
reau. . Total Immigration to the United
Rtatns for the last ten years showed a
decrease of 1,364,000 compared with
the preceding decade.
The recent Influenza epidemic hud
some Influence . in n'Urdltus the nat
ural Increase in population, Mr. Holers
c ;ni!e tiny juand fr the principle thai
tlie atnl-n.i ithoulU not be run by eun
vieti. VM. KI.M.
Senate Fails To
Approve Names
For Labor Board
Washington. April 14. The- sen
ate today failed to act on the nomina
tions of the members of the railroad
labor board after discussing the nom
inations in executive ssssion for near
ly two hours, the wnale finally d
ferred action until, tomorrow.
ice-pi esidents were h-vl d as fal
lows: J. 1. W.'Nib. Spokane, for Vahin
1 tun; H. II. Nvcland, Vaneouv.r. U. v.".
A. Murphy, J'ortl.-ind. Or., C. L. J.
Itrowne, Oakland, Cat.; li. K. I'aekard,
Seattle, was elected secretary -treasur-er.
Criticism of the uttilnde declared to
have been taken recently by lnterna
iioiial Typographical union off.c ials to
ward a wase disagreement at Tacomu
wa voiced by Thomas II. I'hillips of
that city.
A resolution was adopted condemn
ing the American plan" of open shop.
Finley Honored By
National Society
Douglas County
Pays Big Fee To
Former Governor
Koscburg, Or., Apr. 15. Ex-Govern-
Public Forum
To the Kdltor: You have said Just
three things In your article of Apr. 14,
under head of "Hoard of Control lini-lix
Kleiner 111 Hospital .Strike." These three
things are worthy of attention because
they are measurably untrue.
You say "Happy" (iordon was con
vieted of a "minor offense." lie was
convicted of burlary by an impartial
Jury, and sentenced by an Impartial
Judge to eight years in the penlten
tiary. We don't know what you would
rail the line between a minor and hein
ous offense. .
You have said that these men who
protested agilntt tint employment ot
convicts us attendants are agitators.
This is not true, ami the records of the
asylum will show that a great many of
them have been there for a number of
years; one of them as long a eleven
years, nnd several of them for three m
four years each. If they were agita
tors, what was the doctor doing that
he didn't gi t rid of them before. He
said nt the board meeting that he had
never had any trouble with any of the
nun and that he didn't have an un
kind feeling in his heart for uuyoiie of
them, lie went back to his office and
disc harged several others.
However, In your closing paragraph
you soy that Doctor Hlelner Informed
the attendants that nil who objected to
tile policy were t liberty to call for
their time and leave the Institution,
and that up until last night none had
accepted tills suggestion, with the ex
ception of the seven discharged men.
Here you nre again wrong, except for
your reservation limiting It up to last
night. Not less than fifteen of the
most reliable attendants at I lie asylum,
and on their own million, resigned dur
ing the forenoon of this day, aim u
good many of them were begged by
the officers at the asylum to remain.
Kindly muko the foregoing correc
tions to your article unit consider that
I'ortlnnI i- Ai,r 11 Wllllum
Kinley. eminent bird naturalist and or 8Wa,d ha ,'n P"ted
lecturer, and former state biologist i-f wi,h .ck for the amount or fj.
Oregon, has been granted an honorar s103'17 by,the I,uk1,'s county court or
l..m hv th. MUiini f ieoohici sn. ! service, in connection with the puy-
clety In recognition of Mm remarkable j m,nt by t,,e government of the back
work as a naturalist and motion pic-1 """ '" i-...., ....
ture photographer of wild life. It be- " , ' . " , company
came known here today. laI",s- hlch wortt luk" over b' ,h"
1 11.. I. 1 . M I . .
This will enable hlm, for a period or ",e WK'
years, to devote all his time to the pur-i wa" Ived recently by the county,
suit of his natural history studies. ! Mr- Npst8 clail" wu for ,he "um
01 Mui uh ivw aj ireviou!ny
paid, the bill -ilh out by thut uniount.
He has presented u formal cluiru of
tn ear. f, .M.Mtv u-i,
Of Nebraska Race ceW"'1 vrani,:'iiy 4mo'o
taxes irom tiii-ne lanus. . The com in is
Hoover Keeps Out
Omaha, Neb., Apr. 14. The Hoover
slon was paid for his activity in lobby
II. I.. I. . V7..I l. 1 1
..,-u ,...., . ..cidn.. ..-.wu .... ing in thB Jnterclrt8 ot thc lntasure in
appea to Hoover supporters yesterday COI,Brcw llIld for ,li8 Btnor work
that they not write Homer s name on .connection with the collection of the
the ballots a the Pi-H dent preference ; tM m court
primary April JO. This action, it was;lst ill,rm.,(1 th(. c1lliln nn,, ,.
m tit i-u, IB III II WII II il r. 1 1 l)U
soim" In their own RtiitPH.
Tacoma Printer
Elected Head Of
Trade Conference
Spokane, Wash., April 15. Thomas
H. 1'hllllps, Tacoma, was elected presi
dent of tin1; I'tielfln slope allied
printing trades conference and next
year's meeting was awarded to I'lesno,
ChI at today's session of the confer-
ence her.'.
structed the county clerk to prepare)
the warrant. 1
l'ort Angeles Plans for setting out
a new forest of 485,000 small dough's
fir trees this year on what is known s
I the Sob-duck burn near here have beer.
completed by the forest service.
roil WAsiiiNt; iiaiii
! !C
If you want to keep your
be careful what you
good condition
wash It wilh.
Most soaps and prepared hIiiiii-
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the sealp, makes the hair' brit
tle, and Is very harmful. Muislflcd
cocoanut oil shampoo (which Is pure
and entirely greaseless). Is much
belter than anything else you can
use for Hhampoolng. us this can't
possibly Injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub It In, One or two ten
spoonfuls will make an abundance
of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses
the hair and scalp timroughly. The
lather rinses out easily, and removes
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessive oil. The hair dries
lulckly ami evenly, and it leaves It
fine und silky, bright, fluffy and
easy to mttnage.
(111 ..lilt M ,,!...l
trl t , a.ii I -"- - ll.inu.e.l COCOa llll
;!o."1'',,,M,.tl,l,,l,,.,t,,,'rr' "'..,. at most ,,y ,irug Mon.
It is very cheap, and a few ounces
everyono in the
tntity-nve In number rather tliani
.nt...,-iu, u iney quit not bormise H enough to last
pnm' BUt ",' family for months.
Wonderful Results at 70
From Internal Baths
Mrs. I.. M. Wadlla, 20-13 Nalionalj
live., San Kiego, Cal writes Tyrrell's'
Hygienic Institute of New York as
"Within the last month have had
wonderful results and all Inflamma
tion has nearly subsided. 1 cuuld hard
ly expect a woman over 70 to receive
benefit from a trouble of long stand
ing as uuickly as u younger person
.Money could not buy my M. II. L.
Cascudo' if I could not get another."
It is difficult to believe how many
Internal troubles Internal 'bathing
will relieve until you realize that phy
sicians agree that 85 percent of hu
man ailments are caused by accum
ulated waste in the lower Intestine.
The "J. II. I.. Cascade," the sci
entific method of internal bathing,
removes, in a perfectly natural way
all poisonous waste, and has been so
successful In promoting health' thut
over half a million Intelligent Ameri
cans are now UHing it regularly.
It is the Invention of (.'has. A. Tyr
rell, M. I)., of New York, who for 2D
years was u specialist on Internal
bathing, and it Is now being shown
and explained by Daniel J. Fry whole
sale druggist and manufacturing phar
mactst in Salem, Ore.
They will give you on request a
very interesting booklet on Internal
bathing by Dr. Tyrrell, "Why Man of
Today Is Only 50 percent Kfflcient."
Ask for It today und know more
about yourself und your functions
than you ever have bcfuiu. fadv)
LTERE h the
A first tire that
ever was jafoen a
whole factory to
Firestone Plant
No. 2, with a ra
pacity of 16.0(H)
tiros per day, is
devoted solely to
the production of
lhc3j J inch size.
fetU ill j
It was a problem
made to order for
Firestone big
volume prod uc
tion of a high
grade article.
Firestone met it
with a typical
Firestone answer
a separate
$7,000,000 fac
tory. Buy Firestones.
Most mdesfcr dollar is m Pimlovt Wtv. the
tifi r r as to th, vh hos iiKkter$.
&f tkt new HUiJJrJ Chvrsixe oestSxt Ord.
I f 4) X
are a jConfessiotv
Blackheads are caused by excessive oil
collecting dirt in the pores of the skin.
Their presence is a confession that you are
using the wrong method of cleansing for
j our type of skin.
To cleanse thoroughly skins liable to this
disfiguring trouble, use the following special
treatment. Apply hot cloths to the face
until the skin is reddened. Then with a
rough washcloth work up a heavy lather of
Woodbury's Facial Soap and rub it into the
pores thoroughly, always with an upward
and outward motion. Rinse with clear hot
water, then with cold the colder the bet
ter. If possible, rub your face for thirty
econds with a piece of ice. Dry carefully.
To remove blackheads already formed,
substitute a flesh brush for the washcloth in
the treatment above. Then protect the ,
fingers with a handkerchief and press out ..
the blackheads.
Keep your skin free of blackheads by
the above treatment and gain the clear .
attractive skin that the regular use of
Woodbury's brings.
Get a cake of Woodbury's Facial Soap and begin
tonight the treatment your skin nteds. You will
find Woodbury's on sale at any drug store or toilet
goods counter in the United States or Canada. A
25 cent cake will last a month or six weeks. .
The Andrew Jergens Company, Cincinnati, New
York and Perth, Ontario.
f i
& 'Steffi
and for
34 Years Work.
tflil rf t'nteanoa It 1
minister has received. His living expenses
have risen just as fast and as far as yours.
But he is paid on the average just 52 cents
more per church member than he was paid 34
years ago.
The Minister Never Fails You
. Every officer of the Government with a war message to
deliver appealed to the ministers first of all.
But 80 ! of the ministers receive less income than govern
ment economists figure as a minimum for the support of an
average family. yv
When hospitals need money they enlist the support of the
ministers-and receive it
himn icknTJisits the minister 6r the members of
his family they must be treated in a charity ward. His pav
is less than a day laborer's. p y
We Pay Him Half the Wages of a Mechanic
k8 fUi! l ?uery 10 ministers ceive less than $20 a week
about half the pay of a mechanic. And of these pitifulh in
adequate salaries, how much do you contribute? Nothin- if
you are outside the church; an average of less than 3c a day
if you are a church member. aay
All of us share in thc benefits of Christian ministers to the
community. They marry us; bury us; baptize ou children'
S oftS X 10 th6ir is the spSi
We Are All Profiteers at Their-Expense
th coopention of 30 Senomin
5.'UinB ham The tenth annual wl
Vf ntion of M'asliitiKton atiite
' ut the Nn.tionul Congress uf jiothm
I nnd Parent-Teuoher association will
' held hero May 5-8.
Takes the place ol haJ
lining for less.
Max 0. Burt
179 North Commercial
C.S. Hamilton
840 Court Street
Photif HI
House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore's.
Transfer Co.
PHONB 1400
: Beautiful New Wall Tints and cut
i borders Just receiveu.
i 179 N. Commercial St.
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
Care of
Yick So Tons
Chinese Medicine nl To
Hae medicine which wl c""
any known disease
Open Sunday from 10 -
until S p. m.
153 South High Street
lalera. Oregon. P"on '
I ' Also Junk of All Kin
j Best Pi-toes Guarantee11
; CapitalJiinkCo.
The Square Leai lxv t9t
. DhAfl