Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    y of Russian
jeis Detected In
Railroad Strike
- - April H Evidence
"Tme department of Justice
1. ,0 show that the Rub-
"lonist Internationale is un
r toomun -.uroad strike as
Tuthe railroad strike a
,aU,oU .... tion of a mass
. I? eJral agent" were
disclosed that the corn
el !!'., financing and oth-
" the striae iiii-s"
& -M industrial Worker, of
I14 hlch the department
f wis Jecle4 to Justify
irei Lt the strike was W
i""1' " - m tha weU known
"ly n,munist group and
" 7 ,d and aim was a mass
It IM (nd a .j k. o revolution.
" m be follow "J
P" -Lrding the communist
file's part in the strike
dWnsonand the cab-
1;. bv Attorney General Pal
It today W Al , ...!., rl in
i,r altnce cablnet session.
icflis Have ,
Mem Features
lit the reuub-
tiiioago.- nnAinB.
.TT Jn be able to conferl
; wrentatives or otner
,.,ui leaving i"' " ,
...:., n large part of the
,i etw.i.'v .
incident. u
, delegates on the floor, C. It
" IrLr of the Coliseum
ised lor the-Installation Of
,ltones connecting all state
...J toi-rifnrtill IK'IfWaiiwiiO'
,,. this will be the first
' g Sdiu ,
.w, ,ti n svstem has neen m
i,,A .i nv national convent ion.
I,.- -m "lie 53 telephones ill ser-
L 'reaching the 48 state, groups
j the representatives or uie
n o( Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, the
jlno. onll Porto Klco.
L. .m,entlnn architects have
f """" .. ..,,
jpleted plans for tne Louseum m
an extra balcony iijac auua up
riniflte V 1.1UU lO.llie MfilllllK
L Wnrlt on the balcony and the
fcrentlon offices, in the Coliseum
lei, will start May 3. The Chicago
vention committee is spenuing
W on changes to the building
iMommodate the delegates and
Ire than 10,000 spectators.
d) Claims That
War Acquisitions
Brine Much Strife
g'rieate. Italian military author-
she say they have inherited from
w t lot of difficulties and prob
ti In controlling the Slav popula
te Irtray and the region Bur
ning Gorilla. This territory con-.
,ates part of the Adriatic question
:h still remains unsettled by 'the
brae Council. It passed under It
m control by the establishment of
armistice line at the end of the
n this territory there are more
in 400,000 Slovenes who resent the
velllance of the Italian military
Revolting Slav elements with
ilim, communism and bolshevlsm
ermlttnitly attack the Italian mil
ty patrols and carabineers of the
to' of occupation.
" tnese districts there have been
N a year 20 assassinations nnrl
f) arrests. Attempts have been
io set up a communistic regime
'mh wnere large stores of am
:"on which belonged to the old
'Ian army had been collected and
imxnm a building used
'Wliers or 11 mirl-n,,,.'.
- tne plot was discovered
lalian nnih.o , , . ,
i . '-" "nu i-uiuea int
Wttfrs and arrested 130 Slavs,
""ugntingwith the commun
nuiwing was wrecked
vlk outbreiiksi ii., . i
tn npi , ""bvv, w nave
"rjanlsed by Slav ,i,m
; Place at Pola, and a large
wrr s ls nmintliied t
2 of th i POrt' "theeast-
,X bl t Itll,!ian Adl'iatlc fleet-
Slavs have been frequent
r Sfafe House
Wall" ShW) Irrigatl
;'Wtal Hfrthe c"cation of
K conri I.6 . . n Donds- The dls-
LTPH half of which Is now ,,n.
onnor, ormerlv i,.f
e """P'tal- Thousands
r'M rfL r,,fatal "i3('ae
ll hhi. u mconne.
Ilmln0W bHfore 't-. too
Ewtany , ,U ln a"V orm.
direct. V take
",J he perni-
"'"ni the 1 Vamshes- Drug
"'t0.'7.n,onpy if thev fail.
la... laree mi i. ..
I "Hfitf b n" "neresiing
1,1 'hi. L:c,onnor Boon t
icou: ::; 11 lelis of the
. In ,uj !.Ws""eand how
bln; you J-,, lmlme try nico-
D- Fry 8urDrised at
der irrigation. Th rt,lnii
will be used In extendi. fZ IJll' 'ne '"volitr of tour vornen.
a n,w mt " ' ln lte Sultan a dec
Th. MnRi, -rli 'h v I P'ns who re been
,"7" rr.T" c"mPa"y at;ry earlier are urited to
commission for -an increase in rat ,h, d ! Performed on
r,w. .... ,n raiea, i that day. Kuesta at o.i.iino ... ...
t414 6TtothetV.-. n. con,"bed , make no gifts, the first children of j0non- rA girl clerk whose arms
I414.7 to the states good roads fund, those who wed m, i,v , V :"d body were wound with red tar
neaneaoay. tn payment of ti. .n ,L ... 'r-lhas i . ,,.,,.,i ernment ha
Miuiriwii sirvpi. me noine of govern- nsnupo vi ore noriiiern railways un
lZnngaEnglish Women Are 'Bolshevik Object
to do so May ist. in tight F or F air ! Io Many Holidays
Flay For Women". of Shop Workers
are to:
1 ration from foreigners but must fightlrvss. It. F. Stone, chairman of the As.
her own Internal troubles in order to toria I'oit commission and Nv;i Hbsi
'"end the ruinous condition of thhiKs. I commit te Hmivunrcl ninrlv ih,,i .
icnmiuer hunger and save the Soviet price wlii-h he ouisi.lered fair hi
republic."' ; tn-en lunde by own- r tif pr.i'rty
which the -ity wunti for the base. -
Astoria Astoria ts buying property! .
to hi' presented to the government for
the gift of a
aasolinA anil rilRriltnt a .L . . .
" me state ; sultan and to r-..iv
aunng Maren. The check for the' bracelet from the Kovernor ,,f th n 1 n,ent "epartmeftts. to draw public at- der martial law to put an end to what
amount was . received by the secretarj-i vince In which the child is born "e demands of women in the -crime" of the workers in.
or states ortice and by them turned! Th ri.- , ' i government emplor for etiual pay and wning time ln holiday-making , ac-'
ov" to the state treasurer to the credit ihroul ani m.8!0" ta named " Enog-! equal opportunities with men. She was cor"nS to a wireless message from
61 the state road fund. I'..." ",8 aaugnters are Roukiel followe.l hv Urr.. n.,,w Moscow. The eovern
employed in the ciril serrice, each of 1,9 working days were thus lost In one
whom carried a poster, while all were month and that "the railway men are
T 1 . t.. . .
me Kussian soviet gov- to Ik- pivsentel to the Government for . Mix m i, with t..n n..
iiireaienea to put the tne establishment uf naval huae nhi-h amanut i.r w,ni,i ..,.
recently was wed this city ty cong disinfectant.
A tntul nf ai9 .i "naativie.
weights were inspected by the state edict Is especially directed to the
sealer of weights and measures and his' provlnce uf Bn'ussa, in Anatolia which
deputies during the quarter ending fUrnr,el1 "Ulch unfavorable comment
March SI, according to a report Just1 ,hc '""a-imedan press because of
prepared by V. A. Ualaiel. rt..,!U8 Kreally reduced birthrate and th
state sealer. The report shows that 532 i len,,enc.v f Its population to violate
linear measures, 1475 liquid measure.
and 428 fasoline and oil pumps were
inspected. (One hundred and flfty-gix
gasoline gravity tests were made, 490
pounds of starch were weighed. 133
pounds of butter were weighed, 15
wagon ' boxes measured. 1!,00 milk
bottles tested and 136.297 nnnnrt- f
"I- .Muein. promotion of the use of
intoxltvui. R im rernwH. Gorrrnnieiit of.
f.clnls allege- that people of Anatolian
villages, men and women alike, Indulge
what they fall 'burning nights" of mu
sic and feasting.
Indulgence In modern dancing has
aniuseo me protest of a member bf the
hops weighed during the quarter. Nme- Chamt,er "f dnu"e from Anatolia
ty-eight towns were visited in making
wirae tests ana inspections.
Saltan Ads To
Curb Decline In
Turk Birthrate
Constantinople. The Sultan, Mo-1
hammed VI, hns issued an imperial de
cree proclaiming May 1 as "'marriage
day" throughout Turkey in an effort
to promote the weddings and to arrest
the declitie in the birthrate, This action
was taken on the request of Hazim Bey
minister of interior, who ascribes the
decreased number nf births in Tm-kev
"nwuuceu a Din autnorizing
officials to prevent women' from "par
ticipating in the antics and capers of
the ball room."
Wyek says that the only reason he
can s o why the average gill is not
eligible t j terr.bership In the-palmer's Is that she w jrks too much overtime.
linked together with red tape. Inscrip- arranging to have two days of idleness !
tions on the posters were "Fair Play ' earh week at a time when millions of
for Women- 'and "No Favoritism in People are hungering and when It is !
the civil service." i Impossible to ttaniaport bread, owing !
.The march organised by the federa-!10 ,ack ot railway engines." It notifies !
Hon of women civil servants and serreu! ,he h,,er that they will either hare to
Its purpose to attract public attention! make up for the time "of which the re-
You Can't Rub It Away;
Rheumatism is in the Blood
Liniments Will Nerer Cure.
to the women's protest.
youth ha, 4
Japs Make Effort
To Change Form
Of Korean Control
Tokio. Baron Saito. governor-general
of Korea, gays he believes the in
dependence movement in Korea i dy
lug out, althouKh he admits that the
Koreans stili are making secret efforts
to -free themselves from the Japanese
rule. The Huron has been in Tokio late
ly to urge the Japanese diet to provide
I funds to enable him to abolish the
flogging of Koreans und substitute 1m-
l pi isonnient as punishment.
i The baron said that he was making j
l effort in Korea to put into effect the i
omperor s rescript that the Koreans be
I advanced politically with the ultimate
! object of establishing local autonomy.
! Koreans, he s iM, were beine ii-niner!
to conduct the public service in Korea.
In udkion the government will estab
lish a railway engineering whuol in
Seoul to tench Koreans to operate heir
own railways.
pubiio has been robbed' 'or receive full I
penalty under the martial law. ;
the message Issued by t;e govern
ment Is headed "Shame comrades" and
declares that Russia cannot await sal-
If yon are afflicted frith Rheu
matism, why want tin with llni
ments, lotions and other loea! ppH
eatloni thkt nvr did ettn Rhsu
tnatiim, nd sever Will T '
Do not try to rub 111 Ptn wy.
Try the sentible plan of nadiftf the
cause of the pain, ind --go - after
that Rem are the eauet, aad yoa
reraore the patn.
You will never be iM af Shes-
iBatism twtil yon ekanga yont
blood of the terms that causa the
disease. S. S. S. has jievaf had aa
equal aa a blood purifier and Korea
of infferert tay that it ku cleansed,
thalr blood of Khettmatim.-and re
moved all trace of the ieae frew
their ayBtem.
Get a bottle of S J. S- and tret
en the ritht treatment tafly. Spe
cial nedleal adriee free. Addresa
Medical Director, 111 Swift Lab
oratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Andrew Balrd, 406'-W,
6th St. fifth hnttto ..
rh.h.i. 1.-0., ,i.. j. . "",t: ""'"Pieie reiier,
,,,,- snowing steep ln comfort
statement: "t coum not sleep On ac- 40 will
count of a burning and Itching ec- ness to
zema wnicn started on my fineers.
spread to my hands, .arms and limbs the
and believe Number
completely cure me." Wit
ness to Signature, Chas. W. Rrnivn
40 acts directly on the skin through
the hlnnri nnit l itm . .. j
h..-ntc arA 1,1 "n" ln eC-
, iiiwo.m-o, uaus- aema, sores, ulcers, glandular swell
ing me to scratch to relieve the pain -.Inge, , chronic rheumatism caUrrh
The skin peeled off, like fish scales, constipation, stomach, liver and k d-'
I tried a number of medicines with- ney troubles and all diseases arising
!L?J t SToi W r00m-frm '""Pure and Impoverished blood
X11J,"'- C- Mendenhal.. BSVanavlll,
""pioveu ina. iv years a druggist. Sold
Hum mo oittii anu am now on my schaeffers drug store.
In Tire
Rre-rrTaker's Erst ptobleta ts io 'decide bow rnucK fig carl
give for ,the money. fThis, and every pthet: question in Jr4
building, depends upon policies
A super-tire, feucH as The ErriaSwiclc, Earl Eg ma'dtf only by 9
concern which knows well and appreciates that there is notlw
ing exclusive jn the. tire industry except high standards
Since' 1845 the House of Brunswick has held first plaice id
every line it entered. Brunswick Tires, as more and mors
motorists come to know; them, will certainly be awarded Jhatj
poveted place held prdy ty the superfinej
Motorists who buy tone Brunswick usually adop? i! fort
complete equipment ,Yet this is not strange, gincs ithe firsi)
one so completely proves its superiority.
If the name of Brunswick certifies to you, as to mosf men,
an extraordinary tire, at no higher price, would i$ not b? goo.4
business .to Jest poe ps two Brunswick Tutsi "
Portland Headquartera: 46-48 Fifth Street
London Monument
Honors Edith Cavell
Liuulon. A monument to IMitli Ca
vell, the Kritish nttrse Who was shot
by tbe(lerrnns-ht Brussels, has been
erected in Charlns fcrosa nad. luat
off Trafalgar sqURi-e. and almost under
the shadow of the Nelson monument
. The unveiling ceremony was conduc
ted before a huge crowd by the Queen
Mother, Alexandra, being the first act
of state she hna performed in London
since the deuth of her husband, Kihg
Edward VII.
' The mounment is of grey granite and
stands 40 feet high. On the four pah
els are the words: Humanity. Sacrifice,
Devotion, and Fortitude. On the back
Is the British lion trampling on a ser
pent, and above It are the words:
"Faithful unto death."
The statue, of white marble,
shows Nurse Cavell standing erect In
her nurses' uniform. On the base La the
Inscription:- , ,
Dawn October IS. 1916.
Another Royal Suggestion
From the New Royal Cook Book
A raw egg,' swollowed, will usually
dislodge a fiHhbtme or any foreign sub
stance in the throat.
the doughboy happy
during the war and no won
der. There is nothing more
wholesome and delightful
than doughnuts or crullers
rightly made. Their rich,
golden color and appetizing
aroma will create an appe
tite quicker than anything
else in the world.
Here are the famous dough
nut and cruller recipes
from the New Royal Cook
S tablespoons shortening
cup sugar
cup milk
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspnon salt
S cups flour
4 teaspoons Royal Baking
Powder i
Cream shortening; sdd sugar
and well-beaten egg; stir ln
milk; add nutmeg, salt, flour and
baking powder which have been
tlfscd t"ether and enough ad
ditional flour to make dough stiff
enough to roll. Roll out on
floured board to about H inch
thick; cut out. Fry In deep fat
hot enough to brown a piece of
bread In 60 seconds. Drain on
unglazed paper and sprinkle
With powdered sugar.
Afternoon Tea Doughnuts
. t oges
tablespoons sugar
teaspoon salt
$ teaspoon grated nutmeg
Absolutely Pure
2 table? poons Wtenlng
fi tablespoon milk .
2 uis tlour
S teayponn Royal Baking
rteat cgpra until very llsht; dd
sugar, fait, nutmeg and melted
shortening; aild milk, and flour
and baking powder which have
been iiftej together; mix well.
.Prop by teaspoons into deep
hot fat end fry until brown.
Ursln Well en uiiKluzed paper
and sprinkle lightly with pow
dered sugar.
. 4 tablespoons shortening
1 cup sugar
2 CKprs
S oups flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
H teaspoon snlt
o teaspoons Koyal Baking
cup milk
Cream shortening; aflil sugar
gradually nd beaten eggs; sift
together flour, cinnamon, salt
and boklr.g powder; add one
half and mix well; add milk and
remainder of dry Ingredients to
make soft dough. Roll out on
floured board to about H Inch
thick and cut Into strips about
4 Inches long and '4 inch wide;
roll In hands and twist ach
strip and bring ends together.
Fry in deep hot fat. . Drain and
roll In powdered sugar.
New Royal Cook Book con
taining these and scores of
other delightful reoips.
Write for it TODAT.
lit Fulton Btmk
Ktw Vtrk Oltr .
"Bake with Royal and be Sure
(& Ik '
hillm TSfi -Sa.V vk
pi . rip H
Ml 4,
f I'iliiistMMiiiiiiiwiininiij.
. 'nil - - ii mi ii ii
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
Cherry City Garage
170 S. 12th Street
Great Western Garage
147 N. High Street
Will take place Friday evening, April 16th; and the public is cordially invited to
drop in and give the place the once over whether patron or not, it makes no differ
ence. We are proud and so is the City of Salem that it has the finest and . best
equipped exclusive meat market on the Pacif ic Coast It has been our aim in re
modeling this market to equip it in the most modern and up-to-date manner
whereby all meats are kept under cover and refrigeration and not exposed in the
. .-.'
old unsanitary manner. 'Also our meats are all .prepared in a U. S, inspected I
plant which alone will insure you nothing but the best and cleanest of meats and
absolutely free of all doubt of any disease or uncleanliness.-
No meats will be on sale but our time will be spent entirely with you explaining the differ
ent cuts of meats'and the manner of refrigeration from our new automatic system which has been
installed at a great expense.
It will be worth your time to call and see how the meat you eat is handled and kept.
From 7:30 to 10.30
Free demonstration of Heinz 57 Varieties by Factory Representative
i.i . s ly'.m M. Km