Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Attornpr General Brown, acthur as attorney for the state,'
gLgggXPKXT WSPPER ; w;n intervene in the action filed in the Portland courts by the War-j
8uLTbyThrc.J7onua. rStilren Bros, company to recover from Oskar Huber, highway con-1
tractor, royalties ior tne use 01 uiinuuinic pavement, upun wuu.ii.
i the Warrens claim patent. I he decision in tnis case wiu aneci au .
log Co., Ui South Commercial street.
Telephone circulation na Durn
ess Of fire. SI: Editorial rooms. 8i.
publisher. ' patent pavement laid in Oregon since March 1, 1919, upon which
r. PiTViVf V. il i t rr an d
"K. ' ..d cimiu mat-i the Warrens claim a royalty of $130,000,
(or at Salem. Oregon. j
It is currently rumored that Mr. Huber is closely affiliated
n-ifJi tho Worrons nnrl tho suit thprpfnr ft friendlv one and Per-
5? BfT mon'iusTthri haps not likely to be vigorously contested. If so, the suit would
months, IJ.2S tor tlx month, M per
rear In Marion and folk counties.
Elsewhere $5 a year.
order of U. 8. government, all
than aubacrlptloni are payable In advance.
Advertising rpraentlive-W. D.
Ward. Tribune Bldg., New York; W.
H. Stockwell, People Gaa bldg..
Ch lea go.
The Associated Press il exclusively
entitled to the use (or publication of
all news dUratchee credited to It or
not otherwise credited in this paper
Md also local news published herein.
Kl Ik
FAST RIDE I At last, when Mrs. Robin gave up
be aloner lines by which the Warrens secured previous decisions; For once iin. Robin had reason to in despair, Joiiy began to feel some-
sustaining their patents, either by waving contested royalties in JX'sharVof'th" husttnd;d nl d0what uncomfortable. And he tried
exchange for decision by default or by compromise. would Ypnd moVothis time at'hej1?, et Major Monkey to go and ask
It has always been a mystery why the state highway com-; further end of the orchard, talking,-;- -"'Zi
stack, dripping wet. His fine coat a good one; but It was too tiuZ 7
was torn. And be had lost his red, started to travel south on old
cap. j Spot s back I d reach my
he ; end before you had n. v...
When Jolly Robin saw him
..i. i .I,. i -, ui. . r nA k.h nan m mnni "iiaav mai" . . j .
jUACU IUC MOJUI ...... ...... " 0wwi u.. WUU JOllV C
Jhen w. can't trave. tog.
said Major Monkey, "It was all."
The Cold. That
Hangs On
tlnnlAM A I J Matt -fllrtw f Via PAtiicA Taiii-aiiasl in manv it)lAr KtfltfVQ wth
and by slightly changing the specifications for paving, escape allj . '
that good-for-nothing Major
to use Mrs. Robin's own
Oregon City Julius Wilbur, under
sentence to serve a six months term
for violation of the prohibition laws,
is-as conditionally paroled Wednes
day. Portland Salary lr.cre.isen, suthor
Iwd by the Multnomah county com
niissUmera, March 3V, which would
affect nhout 100 county employes and
amount to more than 1 3,0(11) during
the present year, were held Ui by an
opinion of District Attorney Walter
II. Evans, in which ho held ns
approved, the schedule is Invalid.
Portland City officials have de
clared war on locul rent profiteers.
Information has been gathered they
announced, and full plans quietly
laid preparatory to the public an
nouncement of the campaign, which
came In the form of a resolution In
troduced and paused by the council
Wednesday. Anti-rent profiteer head
quarters will be opened In Portland
immediately under the directum of
the mayor und a full corps of opera
tives will he detailed, to the work, un
der the terms of the council's ieso-lutlon.
Portland -A boycott on potatoes
"until the price becomes reasonable"
was placed In effect Wednesday by
diet of the Portland housewives conn
ell, whose officers said It would be
Observed In several hundred house
holds. A similar move among some
restnurnnt men hud not as yet borne
fruit, owing, the promoters said, to
(he fact that they had keen unable
to obtain unanimous action.
" Astoria The hnlreut price was
boosted to 75 cents and shave with
neck shave went to 35 cents in Astor
ia yesterday, all union shops in the
city agreeing to the schedule, In
Crvased living costs, higher rents and
hlKhor wages for employes are given
as reasons, for the boost.
Portland California bag dealers
w no sum gruin nags neve at tne suin
of the season are now trying to liny
lhem back and are Indicating 21
cents, but there are few sellers In the
local trade us they have no more that)
their requirements and some ot tnem
riot enough, local dealers said today.
Farmers Who refused to buy early
when Hie quotation was around 18 or
10 cents, now find the market price
tt interior points to bo 22 penis In
carload lots.
Pendleton A representative meet-!
lug of large eastern Oregon tvool
Krowerg held hero went tin record as
favoring auction sales of wool at
Portland this spring and Summer.
A committee, cunslslltig of Jay tl.
Dobbin, Joseph; H. W. Mct'lure, pilot
Hock; K. CI. Warner, Pendleton;
Jack Hindu, lleppner; Hmythe,
Pendleton, ami ,luc Cuhna will so to
Portland to look Into the feasibility
of handling such sales.
lie stepped on the throttle lo see If
lie could beat, the train lo the croiflnft.
lie couldn't,
. He struck a match to see If hl Kasn-.
line tank was empty.
It wasn't, I
lie patted a strunae bulldog on the
liead to jee If the crlter was nffectlon
U. J fo't,
lie looked down the barrel of a gun
lo see If II was loaded. ,
It was. '
lie touched an electric wire to set If
It was alive, I
It. was. . - j
Itg said ho would not bond lilt clerk :
tieeauso he was honest,
lie wasn't. ; .
claims for royalty. In June, 1919, Attorney General Brown, in an
opinion renuerea tne nignway commission, aavisea as iouows;
"In our opinion, the safest and most satisfactory way to
determine this question is by action in court which should be
prosecuted to the tribunaal of last resort, so that a final and com
plete determination of the issues may be had, and in this connec
tion, it occurs to us that it would be advisable, in the construction
of pavements for the state highway commission to employ specifi
cations which will give the practical benefits of the Warren
pavement and yet differ to such an extent, that it could be con
tended that the Warren pavement was not infringed, which
defense could be combined with the defense of the invalidity of
the patent."
However, the state highway commission ignored the advice
of its legal adviser, and will now have the alternative Qf a costly
legal battle to contest the validity of the patent or an equally ex
pensive compromise with the Warrens, who will thereby gain ad
ditional prestige to force payment of royalties from counties and
communities all of which could have been avoided without affect
ing the quality of pavement.
for days and days.
Rut Majro' Monkey would not con
sent tn such jt move. He wa nnite
Whenever she flew over to speak f;rm. j
"I don't want to ask old Spot to
give tne a ride," he explained.
"Then how do' you ever expect to'
get one?" Jolly asked him anxiously.
"Oh, there's a way'" was the Ma
jor's mysterious reply. And that was
all he would say.
P r mJM
This is No. 5 of series of advertisements, prepared by t
competent physician, explaining bow certain diseases which
attack the air passages each as Pneumonia, Influenza, Whoop,
ing Couch, Measles or even a long continued Cold often lave
these organs in an inflamed, congested state, thus affording a
favorable foothold for invading germs. And bow Vkk'a Vap.
Rub may be of value in this condition.
a convicted swindler victimizes the good people of ' rj'Xte' XT,
like Salem to the extent of $50,000 or so by an old; Mrs. Robm had uttie to say to him. "J" ?' hf was dm,n?
She had however, a great deal toapple whpre
say to Jolly Robin. But no matter
never once did he glance up into the
Major Monkey
land Jolly Robin were watching him.
small city 1
fraud that has been repeatedly practiced in other sections of Ore
gon, it becomes a matter of legitimate news and a newspaper that
fails to chronicle the event is protecting the swindler and failing
!in its duty to warn the public against similar operations in the
There was no intention to injure anyone least of all those
victimized. If misinformation led to the wrongful inclusion of
any names among the Victims as it did to three that have report- Although I was much concerned of Monkey loosened his hold on the limb
ed the Capital Journal will cheerfully make the correction, as it has he ou'cm of it an, i was quite as ana dropped squarely upon old Spot'a
, . . . :i ii,..(, determined that John should haVe back. -
A cold is simply an inflamma-
The longer Jolly Robirf waited to ticu of Some part of the air pas-
see the fun, the more excited he be-l sacw throat, larynx or bronchial
tubes just nke a sore is an in
flammation of the skin. A long
continued cold means constant
inflammation and this constant
inflammation frequently weakens
the air passages so that they
become an easy point of attack
for invading germs of more serious
diseases. A "cold that hangs on,"
therefore, is simply nature's "red
flag" indicating that there is
"trouble below," and this warning
should never be neglected.
Nightly applications of Vick's
VapoRub will aid nature to clear
up that inflammation. Because
Vicks acts locally by stimulation
thru the skin to draw out the
inflammation, attract the blood
away from the congested spots
came, and the more Major Monkey
seemed to enjoy himself.
"Old dog Spot ought to be here
soon," th Major kept saying. "I can
see him now. No! I'm mistaken."
Jolly Robin had so many disap
pointments that one morning when
the Major cried out that a last old
Spot was actually crawling through
tho fence, and would be in the or
chard In about a minute and a half,
Jolly couldn't believe him.
It was true, nevertheless. To Jol
ly's delight, old dog Soot came dart-
And .Major Monkey's fingers closed, ing in and out among the apple trees.
UMii it greedily. .. w ith his nose close to the ground.
tn w knTrTT.,,. n,n.r!f:Ie ,vas '""owing a trail made by
- ' . . ... ...iTommy Fox, who had visited the hen
i ,,, j c j t , i Major Monkey dropped quickly
look sfter .heir hi- ,;Mv .Tniiv . Q0 to a low hanging limb. And as
itd .ht h h .. "uctc nad T""my Fox's trail led
ui" wiJWL ugui uuuer xne xree
where the Major waited, hanging
graceruiiy by his tail and one hand.
As old Spot passed below, Major
slated that he and the Major
business to attend to,
but because he thought he was mak
ing a good business deal.
no object save to print the facts.
from Alice.
(Tomorrow Settling Mother's
We have become used to the excuse of increased wages and
increased cost of materials as a source of profiteering, but we are
now forced to pay exhorbitant prices a "lessons to consumers" to
cut consumption. , i
The oil trust recently tacked on a couple of cents to the cost
of gasoline and other petroleum products and announces further
increases, in the immediate future in order to force a reduction in
consumption and prevent exhaustion of oil supplies and this de
spite enormous profits piled up under the old schedule of prices
and huge stock dividends to escape payment of excess profits
Now come sthe sugar trust, admitting that 10 cents a pound
for sugar provides a reasonable profit, raising prices so that con
sumers must pay 20 cents a pound, giving refiners excess profits
of over, a billion a year, out of the people's pockets for the priv-
;i a l.. , .. ' in iiuuuuR Wiuuiinuii, , . ( , will apepar in several of the public
We find the coal trust and miners conspiring to increase aehoois of tho city ad Friday evening
the cost of coal bv curtai hnir outout to maintain hiu-h nriVrs. We n wl" BPeah ln" P'iio library for
find shoe manufacturers increasing the price of shoes as the price
of hides drop. We find many industries curtailing output to main
tain the high level of prices as export demands fall off. In fact,
universal profiteering and the failure of congress to curb it, is the
chief menace of reconstruction.
Almost any excuse goes to increase swollen fortunes and the
government seems powerless to cure the economic ills of the
nothing to do with any property that The moment he landed, the Major
came to me from my mother's will. 'dug his fingers Into Spot's long fur
And I was quite as decided that I and hung on grimly. And at the
never would buy back the diamond same instant old dog Spot leaped high
into ine air and let out a frenzied
and relieve tho cough. In add!-'
tion, the medicinal ingredientt
of Vkks are vaporized by the
body heat, These vapors are
breathed in all night long, thus
bringing the medication to bear
directly upon the infamed areas.
Vicks should be rubbed in over
the throat and chest until the
skin is red then spread on
thickly and. covered with hot
flannel cloths. Leave the cloth
ing loose around the neck and the
bed clothes arranged in the form
of a funnel so the vapors arisin?
may be freely inhaled. If the
cough is- annoying, swallow a
small bit ci Vicks the size of a pea.
Samples to new users will be
sent free on request to The Vick
Chemical Company, 233 Broad
Street, Greensboro, N. C.
Against Colds
Jolly Robin was glad that his wife
was not present, for he knew that the
sight, and the sound too, could not
have failed to terrify her.
- Old Spot seemed almost out of his
mind. For a few moments the poor
fellow tore about the orchard n wide
circles, hoping in vain that he might
shake that strange load off his back-
But he soon saw that his ride clung
to him like a burr. And wheeling
suddenly, Spot shot like a streak out
of the orchard and flew across tho
Just before he disappeared behind
Humane Society
Official To Reach
Salem Tomorrow
Complete plans for the visit of Rich
ard Craven, representing the National
Humane society, have been made and
everything is In readiness for his arri
val Friday.
His first address will he l,of, tu
student body of Willamette university a hlgh kno11 Major Monkey turned his
rrinuy morning. Friday afternoon hei auuumer ana looicea De-
imiu. xnen, noiaing on with one
More Thau 17 Million Jars Used Yenrly
Rippling Rhymes
T VtJlVn ft Pnlli If ullnllhl llO ko'l in ln n ill it fi il dUMoViI.m 1,nt.rl
.ti i v- V.U1U, b fiiwuni tv; nit! n iv mx; ct turn uu ouiioiiuic Utll u.
I'd like to croak about despair, and rear on mv hind limbs and
I..., i , j i , , . , .
swear; mu nanii is n wonnrous ining, ana so i dance around and
sing. My head is clogged, my eyes are sore, and every breath
sounds like a snore; I'm full of fever, and my brow feels like an
old Dutch oven now, and men would say I had excuse, if I should
mm iiiu uunr; mr ucui iv ma iuiuii nas me in us grip, and so 1
tmnvwl riwr i-tif i ,1 T?... .......... Ti... xu:,. ..1 ,
"'J vnvtiiiu jiH, i "i yriu.i i vr jineu tills KUIlSIline stunt,
ami kept a smiling face in front, and now, when I would make
lament, I cannot do it worth a cent. I'm feeling punk and tough
as sin, but every gronn ends in a grin. And this, my friends, me
thinks should teach that wholesome habit is a peach. I'm glad
T llnrl It'll, 11, T ll'OQ trllllwv 4rt lni'A 4U j:
iviuiivu iinvii ,iu, juuim iu imvc me uuiuiui uuge unsung,
anil chant glad ditties, span and spick, till some one hit me with a
brick, lo push gay ballads through my beard, until the peelers interfered.
the general public. Governor Ben W
Olcott will introduce the speaker.
baturday mornlnf
be In charge of tho
hour at the library nt 10 o'clock
Yakima Secretaries of commercial
organizations of Washington will hoiu
their annual fall meeting here in Sep
tember. L.
with the other he waved his
red cap at Jolly Robin.
The next moment Jolly saw the
Major and his strange steed no more.
Hill....... 1 . , . ...
Saturday morning Mr. Craven will Lt... t T,'.!, . T8t,T tlle
children's story ' ,.!;., V'.-. ?n" "e.
..v..u nic .lltlJUl
that though he went home at once,
his wife complained that his mind
wasn't on his work and that he was
more bother than help to her.
Bomo time later Major Monkey
unipeu oacK to nis nome in the hay
- OVKHAMj t l,l I'OltMI II
Must St. Louis, III., April If..-An
overall club has been formed here by
150 persons. Th rules of the rluii
requires lis members to wear denim
on all days except Fundus.
Aberdeen Veterans of the three
have completed pluns for the unveiling
Memorlul Ray In the court bonne nt
Moiitesann, the county seat, of a tablet
By the Noted Author
T", Vm X
7" " l
t IMP! 5,s1 "ilrY Z
ten "M rr m
1 1 1 1 ! i ife
'"'nfl mS till i i 1 & tMSil iTJ
If r
;.,i i,u.uiv y .
The Choice Prizes of Life Are Won
By the Healthy and Strong
I felt a little scorful smile curling
my fever dried lips as I beard John
ask Alice how much she had given
me for the diamond pin I sold her.
I never will be able to
tounty men who lost their live In the
worm war.
' 1 i -I".
purchase the brooch with $1,600 that
I shall give her, It will take her a
long while to repay this money."
"Pay you back, pay you back, what
, (IH Villi lllltflllT KIIPU U I'llt 1...', l.tlAH.I
, .. t " . J ..M 1,.M, , lllll-DU
Understand ti.... i.-,..i i ... i i .. ......
.i.inns muume toward money. To him; diamond pin which she despises out
t Is the greatest thing lit the world. j,,t her utile income. John Gordon. 1
Kvery enjoyment must be of the most npvp. thought you were a regular
expensive kind, nnd he seems to be'miMer."
afraid to allow any money that he! v.., ti. r
. -n't a a m t imiiirti
hn to in (hroiioh avy tlnewu but 'u it...
olliu it Ii'm lti( r.- mhnxwr I.'niK.l...
expecting an outburst of rage when that I am not a miser. That she does
he learned hat Alice had paid me, not know anything about the use of,
for the flamboyant brooch John had ,ni,,v .i.i
tearing the names of all Crays Harbor 7 ,h1ro"h, "' but
tounty men who lost their Meet In the M ,nv."' J"1'" -" wnsjd
If V.1,1 f,l ,1... .... .
,,,n. Jvv mrv mil.
cleil. Itrhing- the stamina to
Unit up and claim your own,
don't delay another day in com
nanciiuz to uka
have full
Tlier's only one thing that'll mlr
nil iruamem an' tnf printers ink. ; Mmu
' ber .!,! i-day l.mrai-i la n b.nh. f m
... t ... j happier to allow me to
, I gave her It, 600 for II." she nld.l(.hl,rge of It In this family
uni you ran give tt nne to me' wi,., i.,v. i ,. ,
now," he answered, 'and 1 will write -I notice that Mrs. Gordon Is slightly
Villi 11 fill fin lr t.m 1 1, , a . ( -(- j
' " ' WiinilHH. i rOMtlt'HH. If Vftll niltl VOlr BlMti.t stav
'f nt,., II ..... .. ' -aw. -..,.1
m pimiii niiv uu iii.ii. iv.i nrr iwu-. t,.ii ... 1
l iii.. . niivi linn, m mill nn.invii iut.
, . V . 1 um J""1 K"iuk, nurse." sum auo,
mono Ami timlrd it binUy. vu rnultrnna thou, although I did nnt nnn
jU8t an easily have tlvtn her a chV r t. - . .!., . .
fflf fl KHIi , I " ,'vt a WHV WlS IMUKillK lOWRrQ ,
J tt a V u lu vtn ld. "Come on, John," she KiitL
h uZ t t 7 , :r,n',bUl',Wp wlU fU,'Hh thi8 interesting
she liiianled that I shun ,1 Imv a t.i,. ... ... ..
, , , , , ' , ciinicrsuuon in Knottier room ir you
of her Jewelry Instead. Kho suggested wish"
till aS-4.. . t a n 1
. nan always an- ..oht j aon ish ta n,k f0
......... ..,u.,,h u. ! further." was his surly remark
. nii.ii i I'am ior mat i,.ft tho room,
brooch, Alice r thundered John. 1 luring their conversation I had he
Io I ilon t and avhnt la r -
don't enrn" ' i ' " rvous, ns two tnmgs liud
f..r f h, J 'l 'r ,P'! It 1 ,,,U, Th tlr n;" ,hat J,,hn fu"-
i"r It. he said. "I nmd tj.noit. u,i ,u ,.i .... . .
t'lat was tt.VOO I.ima 1 Hi, it. .,., u ....... ...
,.: ,. .,, , , - ... " coiim-cicii nun my meaner s es-
v i.e. Lot 1 caught Simms, the tew- t;lt0 ad we piobablv would have a mis tnornini? w hen tm noe.i.,.1 ........ , ......
c , , i.ii.i-i in i n.i,i quarrel over It, Ior 1
$., U9 before noon, nnd that Is the could make him understand that I
casolt 1 bought it. Ynu'M a a.nn.1 i. ...... .1,. . . v. ....... . ...
,,h,.)i i,, i . i i ... 1. 1. .ii.ieii hi .ui us 4 pieast-u witn my
OUgtl JUtlKO Of lewi'l. A e. til knnir
I bat the pin was won), a good deal ' ,;,Ki nnlm- l veol.
mole ih-.ti JUiOS nn.l K-,,ih-. m.. , ... . ... . .. .
,.,.,- : : "-" wri! even mat ex
... . ....- ,,, ,uin ;,i r.isE ne.iia ,im ..,.,.i,.A ..i. , .
. ...... l', ItlrilUiOIUIS
re.' i ,-ll j..e.ll .11:11 Mll lllliM'tt li.ill.l.,.. l 1. . 1 . ... . . .
ay W" SSVMa,
LYKO la otd la Hi.J p4vk
" only. Ilk piciur bIm
Khae ma nvtmutwvm.
! r.ys 1
The Greal General Tonic
It will rmtore that confidence you need to casihut the anm.
Wpoains for. of and bu.inw. Ufa: u w liv.
th. hirt and spirit to do and th counwe to "halUnA ,Z
world to you, risht to a elac. in th. SunTbVSua. t ."ai !l
bmld your physical .trenKth and menial now?"" a .totet
"l '''' "ou""mnt bc.u of lu great d todwaaST
tome in thoaa ubnornial conditwna of the DhvkT,l and ni.
oua wriU-ma. auch aa muacular and nwntal fatipiJ ZZZZ
nhauaUin. ir.Dral weak,,. or deHlity folWm.TEJi!
tri ld lllna or th. of wa.ting di .
Mature a hr.taa..tant aa a r.torative a.n?- a aJl,?2
mark., ,!, fwamtnirnv.. All druaviak, LYKOT Uat
btU. today and baginat onca to t at ai.J kwk botti.
Sola Maaufanturcni ,
5rf' " 'EEw ten, L M-if ii id iff
1 9 I'M" '.'.1lt,ai.Ma-yyPM.y.
EXTRA long rear springs, the
absence of unsprung weight,
the use of the Hotchkiss drive
and the way in which the power
application has been smoothed
out, alt contribute, in the BlG
SiX, ta give wonderful ease of
60-H. P. detachable-head motor; inter
mediate transmission; 126-inch wheel
base, providing ample room for Severn
All Studebalcer can mrm aquipped with
Cord Tires another Studebaker precedent
"This is a Studebaker Year"
iiiiiai m . m
I Marion Automobile Co.
Salem, Oregon 1
Fresh From the Oven
We bake tremendous quantities
of Bake-Rite Bread daily. Pay
us a visit and learn for yourself
that our methods are most mod
ern and all baking done under
strict sanitary conditions.
457 State St; Phone 268,
. ! Fot Sale by Druggista' Alwyi in Stock at Perry's SjsSk
,tlv - ....
i ii GRAND Souse Mori., Apr. 19
bUMttg or selling or !ie
j'i 1 shall inM that sh
care bl.ujnj. cf ti ij;f ts w
re- ed lcc:ii!se he wanted
m inh
ot l'liivhas
1 ;. n-v me.
l w tl H H ri
THE NEW YORK trmr&m P'sr
coumvy with wimklmm
flVP 5HT m Vrr n tx
rRICLS-0O, $1.50, ?1, 60c. S,ts on salSat., Apr.
Overmire Steef Construction Company
We have In stock for Immediate Shipment
TJ. si. PLtfs HtJ, V, , Jl? toches, up to 60 foot lengths.
Manufacturer, of Tauks, BoUer,, gutck,, Fipe, Fabricated Mater-
lal for JtuUdlngs and Bridges
East Water Street and Hawthorne Avenue, POBXTAXD OREGOX
PhflTIA Tact fi?4l
Established 1863
General Banking Buaines
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.