Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 15, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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--'Sj.lY.APHItilS, mn.
Great Building
Program Opens
In West Salem
Salem, Or.. Apr. 15.-A11 West
Jm that Is not talkin about politic
I rood ror.ds Is discussing tho prob
ta of housing the many people who
-eking homes In that suburb of
f capital city situated on the west
of the Willamette river. In years
" , 4lem people imagined that West
jB was too remote from business
'ZZnt of the city to make a desirable
!?, locality and comparatively few
S5i who worked in the city proper
for home there. But with the
OPletion of the new bridge condi
ons have changed. Houses .are scarce
and applications for homes are
laming more and more numerous.
Ituation seemed in some cases un
til few davs ago when it became
inown that a party had purchased one
hundred lots within the corporate lim
iu of the city of West Salem and would
huild as many houses. Three beauti
ful homes are already under course of
construction and others are to built
during the summer. These homes, -It
is understood, are not for rent, but will
be placed on the market when com
peted, and two of the house now being
finished have already been sold.
West Salem is shuring the progress
,nd prosperity that characterize Sa
lem, due, perhaps ,to the fact that high
rentals in Salem have caused the work
in? man to look elsewhere for a home.
But why should they not? Did you ever
stop to think that the distance from
Commercial street to W. B. Gerth's
etort In West Salem is but twelve
Mo-i-,? ople llvo in the east part
of Salem fifteen or sixteen blocks from
tn .'us streets and think nothing
0f walking to and from work. With a
streetcar service over the river, which
will be inevitable soon, West Salem
would be the most popular residence
district of Salem. Here is an incor
porated city with a population of per
haps tlx hundred people. They have
provided their own sewer and water
' systems and both are adequate to ac
commodate a population five times as
large as the present. The burden of
tax Is lighter than In other localities
and civic improvements have already
been provided, a guarante that tarn
on will not hinder the future develop
ment of the Bplk county city.
The residence district is not alone to
find permnnent development. Indus
tries of different kinds are being estab
lished there. Among these Is a broom
factory established a few days ago.
The new company commenced opera
tion this week and with a crew of ten
or twelve workmen they are putting
their product on the marKet M last as
the factory's capacity will permit.
Another enterprise to be established
in West Salem is the sand and gravel
works under course of. construction by
Imlah & Pugh. They are building a
large receptacle for gravel fifty one
feet high and this will be filled by
means of a pump, talcing the grave.1
from tho river bed. Tho approximate
cost of the construction la $20,000. . .
G. M. Douglas, a West Salom con
tractor and builder, has irr.i-
tracted to build six new houses in this
wcinuy during the coming season, and
as many more havi hi.
- - ii.iit IU MIU-
mit plans and specJflcatlons. The sum
mer 01 is. u wai surely be a record
breaker for West Salem.
Wrinkles That Form
Around Eyes and Mouth
This Good Look
ing Young
Woman Advlns
cs old time re
cipe of Butter
milk Cream In
Xcw Way, a
Geuilo a s
sage wltli Fln
ajora Before
Retiring All
' That Is Nec
There Is no secret about It nor Is
there any doubt about the result
It's Just common ordinary liutter
mllk in the form of a wonderful
cream gently massaged , with , the
finger tips around the corners of the
eyes and mouth.
: To prove this to your complete
satisfaction, obtain a small quantity
ot Howard's Buttermilk - Cream at
ny good drug or toilet goods coun
ter on the money back if dissatis
fied plan. The directions are simple
"i4 it costs so little that any girl or
omao can afford .It.. Manufactured,
by Howard Bros, Chemical Co... Buf
felo. N. T. (adv)
Of High Class
Furniture ;
'495N. Winter Si.
" M o'clock Sharp . ..
Yo will have a chance to-.
fcoTow to buy . solid oak
fure at your own
"J time. P0m.
reffence, corner
1Iarin and N. Winter St.
Salem Man Makes
Good Score On
Victoria Course
The Victoria, B. C. Colonial car
ries an article mentioning Homer
Smith, of this city, who competed in
the annual contest between the clubs
of the Pacific northwest international
Rotary district'.
The article follows:
"The competition resulted in an ex
traordinary tie between Homer H.
Smith, of the Salem club and Messrs
Frank Thomas and C. V. Martin of
the Victoria club, each' with a score
of 78. It was played on the r-niwruui
club course, sixty four players par
ticipating in tne handicap. It was de
cided that the Dlavoff of th tip -ni
,take place during the latter part of
mis montn or early in May, to see
which of the three men shall hold the
Portland tronhy this vear. Thi -
won at Portland last year by Taul
Johns of Tacoma, whose score in
Wednesday's tournament was 90. In
the playoff, the local men will play
the Colwood course and it will be ar
ranged to hav Mr, Smith play on the
Waverly club course at Portland, un
der the auspices of the Rotary alub
of that city and under the same con-
Why Druggists Recommend
For many years druggists have
watched with much Interest the re
markable record maintained by Ir.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney, liver and bladder medicine.
It la a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root la a strengthen'ng
medicine. It helps the kidneys, livjr
and bladder do the work nature In
tended they should do.
Swamp-Root nas stood the test of
ears. It Is sold by all druggists on
its merit and it should help you. No
other kidney medicine has so ninny
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and
start treatment at once.
However, If you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N.
Y., for a sample bottle. When writing
be sure and mention the- Saiem Cap
ital Journal. adv)
diUons that appertained here Wed-
'ln Kildtrinn . tViA -i . .
vup, me winner
will be presented with a. special med
al from the Victoria Rotary club, as
the host organiaztlon for this year
northwest conference."
i-ocai goir enthusiasts who are fa
miliAr -t? Vf
. ...... .... . .-unin a pioy are con
fident that he will mcke a good show-
in C 1 . . .....
v fsrai i me tnree way plav
off. F "
Nogalen, Ariz., Apr. 14. Federal
troops under General Carraaco, are In
ba.t!e with a part of the army of Gen
eral I lores at El Fuerte, on the border
of Sinaloa according to advices re
ceived in JCognles, Sonora, this after
noon. El Paso, Texas, Apr. 14 Eicht nnn-
dred Mexican federal troops in com
mand of Colonel Fox left Juarex today
over tho Mexican northwestern rail
road for Casas Crandes, Chihuahua.
The Carrania troops arrived In Juarex
Tuesday from Chihuahua City. More
federal troops irre en route to Juarex,
; aecordlngto Information received there
f In coukins cereal, to prevent orust'
forming ov-t oocked coreji!, while
j standing in the kettle, l.iy a clean cloth j
.or napkin, wrung out of hot water, t
(over the tup tif the kettle. This pre
, vents dry air fror.x entering the kei
i tie.
This is the age of miracles. I once
i met a Pullman conductor who was al
most pleasant.
Dr.CB. O'Neill
ladd&Bush DankBuildii
te625v ioleaOi
44B Court St
, Pkn
Da 998 679 J.
Borders and Special Decorations now ready
179 North Commercial Street
Try Tho BUro-Photrlhate Ilea hi.
S-stcm J30O Guarantee)
New l"orlc. If you are feeling run
down, weak, nervous, tired In the
morning, and generally ailing, these
are the symptoms that should warn
you to take care of your health.
Four persons In every ten are need
ing more phosphorus In their bodies.
When you see thin and fretful peo
ple, or those who are anaemic, pale,
frail, oft despondent or lacking in en
ergy, you may look for the need of
certain elements that make- for o
strong constitution.
Some people, after relying upon
preparations composed chiefly of
salts, quinine, drastic drugs, iron, cal
omel, cod liver oil, etc.. wonder why
they find no benefit. That is easily
explained by the fact that such per
sons need the phoephorle element,
which is a most potont essential to
health, and contained In Bitro-Phos-
jPhate. the famous health prepara-
tisn. .now obtainable everywhere.
The right thing for you to do U
make a trial of Bitro-Phosphate be
ginning at once. It 1 not a patent
medicine; the formula Is prescribed
by many physicians for the ailments
and weaknesses mentioned above.
With every box of Citro-Phosphate,
'are a few simple health rules and a
$300 guarantee. Buy a box of Bltro
Phosphate. It is sold and recom
mended by all good druggists every
where, (Adv)
There's no such thins a a good man j If churches were :-3jipi l with fir
gone wrong Just another bad man bells tltr would little trou" i-
found out. getting folk .out vt v?d on Sunday
E sensible, practical
man seeks shoes that will
give sensible, practical ser
vice, comfort and good
looks.These features must be
built right into good shoes.
And all these features are
combined built into every
part of Buckhecht Shoes,
rmja i
Bvckhecht Shoes for you for active men In all walks of
fife are sold in a variety of styles and leathers from J8 '
to 1 12 by principal shoe dealers in the West.
For Sale in Salem by
Salem Oreson
(The Old WTiite Corner)
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store
Mil Vl
,t : j
. ' T V. -..
Money Saving Sale
Special Offerings in Misses and Women's
Suits y Coats and Dresses
' Misses', young ladies' and women's Coats, in all the preferred
fabrics and colorings for spring wear are here in a selection
so ample as to warrant us in stating that every taste can be
easily satisfied and at such a wide rangeof prices as to meet
the requirements of every expenditure. '
$45.00 to $50.00 Coats Now $37.50
i Every coat in this lot is of superior quality the fabrics are
new and desirable, the styles are uncommonly smart, the work
manship of the best. These garments came to us at an ad-
1 vantageous price and we have marked them to sell at a sub
stantial saving to our customers.
$40.00CoaU iNow Offered at $32.50
Women's and Misses' New Spring Coats and Jackets in a great
variety -of styles. Of Polo Cloth, Bolivia, Checked Velour,
i Velveteen, Tricotine, Gabardine and other materials. Novelty
! sport styles, tailored and dressy, models. Short, and mediurrv
; lengths. Very latest Spring colors. . Large . assortment of
! styles to select from. "
$32.50 Coats Now $25.00
i Greatmany attractive styles from which to choosevery new
i -est Spring Models, some made with narrow belts, all the new
shades including taupe, plum, brown, green, navy and Pekin
frMM$45M Suits $32.50
including; this isea"spnf's smartest models, in Navy Serges,
also TTicotine,.dabardines, Velours, Jersey Goth, etc.- made
principally with "narrow belts, many smartly trimmed with
tucks, folds, ;, braid anti buttons, sizes 16 to 44.
. - ' --:;; - . - -- - .
Suits worth regular v$37.50.-.'....;.-...-
Suits worth regular 40.00...:...-.'....-.:-Suits
worth regular f 42.50...:..-....., -
Suits worth regular, $45.00...:......:-.
; Jersey Dresses
. $21.00
One of the best bargains
offered in Salem this sea-
. son. Good quality Jersey
Dresses, fashionable
straight line models pre
vailing, Pekin .blue, brown,
grey navy and tan. Regular
values up to $32.50, Fri-
i day and AA
Saturday ...... tDiil.UU
$7 and $7.50
Hats $4:75 ,
Sailor Hats in a
variety of styles
neatly -trimmed.
Waists $1.25
Organdie and voile
Waists, all' sizes,
$7.00 Skirts
for $4.75
Poplin Skirts trim
med with pockets
and buttons, navy
bnJwn and Pekin
blue. Special .
$10 Sweaters
; $7.50 '
Shetland Wool
" Sweaters
All ceolors, slipon
style. Special
Ti H
- ?;
r ' M rm 'Tri-T' wmnm- llllliJlllllmlwrTrTrl,'",' inmn i iT"H(jr-ni
These people have just returned from an all
day auto trip and are taking their dinner out of
'their automatic stove.
The pleasure of coming home at the end of a
long trip to piping hot dinner ready to serve, can
only be appreciated by those who have experienc
ed it. ' ' -
Miss Grace Bogue V
, of the
v . Westinghouse Co.
Is Demonstrating how it can be 'done
At our storey 237 North Liberty Street
1:30 to 5 p.m.
Portland Railway, Light
Power Company.