Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 14, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    14, i:::-.
rt cent one month
-wt. """ i ? rents, one yn.
;fgSu Per.d H
j. only tn New Today.
A "I not
fc&t" ITo allowance or
l-rSTTiiFs room ull"!"!J
ViM6 WSli. li
1 iHTSi" Minorca, eggs, for
'i.iK SA1-" -i,"t If
ii". .... Phone
1111(1 ETTIIV . . - - .
f ... Phone
-TTroom furnished apart
.uRK... ,i cold water, 36a N.
,rW and cold
work ut
general farm
Scare Capita! Journ-
......v, t.i LOAN" on good farm
iH n" a, 5 or gee G. E.
,j board may be had
family. Phone lisu.
in priv
-"-THICKS All our lesding va-
V00k nd 4-foot wood, strictly cash.
in.., . i 105 S. Church St., phone
J V u-ells. ee
Reasonable, 11H
rth of ground.
l anu ou
Oregon p:dg.
E6 room house very close
in lights, water and an conven
?JJt with lots of fruit, corner lot
" j l7ne 2:!00. Hart and Muller.
on ear " nai
tie Oreeon bid?.
' . bungalow, bath.
Mastered, basement,
. . , i
llgllt .
worth more money, but
f sold at once win iae ts
rash. balance 6 percent,
.i... S41 State St.
nvf"received at Wsiiops. boy's Co
1 brown Oxfords, sizes 'I hi to 6.
u. 18. Be the tirst to get
ker. Rood style and
, nwllent ideas for remodeling
ladies own goods. Prices reasonable.
oot Fnirm-nunri road. 90
uTIXED Man ot all worK wiio can
Ha firing for steam heating plant.
a-hnnl for the blind. g'
TTl4 ACRKS. liest soil, hi "'ile from
-Lt riir. J2100. terms. 218 N.
i.wv Rt Phone 488. 1)92
OKU car, good mechanical condi
tion $300. 337 Court St. Phone. 488
FOR SALE Fine driving horse, rub
jr tired bugsy and fine harness,
worth $400, price $175. Phone 29
FS H. W. Bowden. c
MODERN 6 room house, 2 blocks
from state house, for sale or will
trade for acreage close in; must
have good house and some fruit.
Phone 1834M after 6 p.'l. a95
& ACRES 1 mile from Salem, paved
road. 7 room house, good barn, deep
black soil. If sold soon $325 per
acre will buy it. Laflar & Laflar,
407 Oreeon bldg. n91
FOR SALE Willow baby carriage,
tint condition. 828 N. 22d St. C92
BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow close
to capitol building, on Court St.
$7000. Laflar. & Laflar, ,407 'Ore
Eon bldg. r,91
FOR SALE 40 acre farm, cleared. 6
miles north of Salem, near high
way. Implements and stock included
Price $12,000. Good buildings. Rt.
I, box 118, Salem, Or., A. Zielin
W. b95
FOR SALE A six room cottage, fur
nace, fireplace, gas and electric
less than three blocks of capitol
building. $2500. $500 will handle
It. A. J. Basey.owner. 90
MAJESTIC combination wood, coal
and gas range for sale, cheap, prac
tically new, 325 N. 23d. c92
A WELL built home to be sold at
once. Central location, consisting of
five rooms, bath, electric lights, hot
and cold water, casn or terms, if
so aesirea. See J. H. Lautermnn,
.. Argo hotel, - a
fc'OR SALE Fine five-year old Jer
sey cow, fresh, test 5.8, very gentle.
644 University. 91
0R SALE 80 acres, 60 in cultiva
tion. (5500.
. 160 acres, 115 in cultivation, new
room house. $12,800.
acres, this is within 1 1.1 n
miles of city limits of Salem. Has
12 i-year old prune trees. 6 cher
riei and 6 apple trees, 14 walnuts.
jwio, Ed Loose, phone 64F14. n95
nu.Hfc,. and men nuke llo'm ? Fi
weekly addressing envelopes . and
advertising matter at home. Book
. jsplalning everything mailed for
' cents in silver to cover postage,
to.. Aiuerta Mailing Symtem. Box
'oio. Ohio. K92
"1"'U Dlls will br received by the
nty court of Marion" county,
Oregon, up to 1 o ctock p. m. on
u'u!!y' Anr 2i- 1920, for haul
'ng .00 cords of fir and 20 cords
n oak wood from the county farm
Hopmere to Salem; delivery In
to be at such point ps the
county court shall designate. 4laul
aL 0. completed not later than
y cWk 1920 u- Boyer, coun-
$L'n,8aIem' 91ts s- Liue'''y
let P'as'ored house, bath, tol
SvKi f.'e,ctrlc eht- corner lot
an .' aU kim,a of 'ruit, new barn
mom?"? ,225 if oM this
8, 'k Inqulr" at 305 S. Church
i-gi!!0.1542. Fred E. Wells, n
"r By owner, 7 room mod-
m i '
nouse, rooms all large' and like
'' lwo'p n5e lnt8' 24 ft'"'1 trees.
Cies 8"8ph, Walnut trpe.' MP
Paved , t . ' '"' new garage,
"ft? m! l- T ?, school: Prlce
0sl. 973 N- Coi 1 St. Phone
tirinj -"'"nmTT-Ara re-
n4 lv e my g''ocry store.
It', yfj lcns' on buil1
doing LL'h Y11, established corner.
2 ' drinks, have
"on TfcL station- in connec
.' , m Proposition, will tonrt
ninn?- and t -making
Nice . .' "l Present time
Merent V cnnetion. Reason
ur onLi.yo,u have 200. this is
l"e Uhst., ,. ,r lK ri,ncU ver ill
Or i . alley in Lincoln coun
ation' 15 Rcr(,s
in cultl-
"ore cin L uom ,ano- 10 acres
"ob: m. . ly DUt in cultiva
Pring Vv "F orchard;- fine
tan- A Kooii i? "ed to hous? and
CT0 from, k """"' or room
'utile barn. n!m
KT 1Wvy team
2 ; ," ""gon and har-
""ine tnni. an me
""'or tiim cream sep-
lmn'Miate ?; P.rico '400. with
r" 'r sllir, Ion- in only rea
"nit trw. L"e owner a ecet-
" eT0-'."? the nch. This
Tjn " j "'Bnaornooa. mostly
!J? 15 f!!00 .raising. Locat-
age ore.
T count . V1'8 ranch; it Is
. "r. n -v. Vma- 4 miles from
"we. Wri"" store and post-
IV other uPrtlcuIar of this
ob. math- lnton county.
one KICE modern room bungalow, mud.
ern in every respect except fnrn-
iiuw t-viueni basement
laundry tubs, big lot. A rare
kuim. utiur &, 40
Oregon blilg. ngj
For Sale Houses.
house, lot 75x150
f. mt 7SrlSft ho n .Vll
was ii. vim-Ken
notise. rruit trea and garden,
choice location, on block from a
Commercial 8L, full basement, city
water, toilet, etc. Possession soon.
Extra good buy.. Price $1600 cash
or $800 cash, balance like rent. S.
K. Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon
bidg. Phone 3.
FOR SALE Rent or trade, house
garage, Iruit, garden. Phone 1390".
FOR SALE 5 room house, large lot.
iiu. csee owner Kaytord T. Goode
1136 Jefferson city. . a93
FOR SALE Nine room house, rood
bam ami poultry tiouse, electric
lights, city water, drilled we)L. Hi
acres fine ground, all kinds of fruit.
Tou'It have to hurry am leaving the
country. 788 Lee St.. Salem. a3
five room bungalow, located on pav
ed street, .good neighborhood; own
er forced to sell at ;nce. Cash price
$1899.. Terms might be arranged.
See W. D. Smith, 303 Salem Bank
t Commerce bldg. al
FOR SALE A neat little bungalow
in West Salem. $800, terms. 63
cr farm, 40 in prunes -on- good
road, fine soil. Am L. Seameter Reil
ty Co.. 416 Masonic Temple. a
FOR SALE By owner one 7 room
strictly modern bungalow. : excel
lent view, block and half from car
line in south Salem, 140 Superior
. 8L ' 94
FOR SALE G room cozy bungalow
and a 6 room bungalow, modern
except heat, some fruit Inquire
1242 N.Front. a93
FOR SALE New- 7 room modern
house except basement, 2 large lots
with abundance of bearing fruit.
This is a beautiful home. Price
$3200. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. tt
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, bath.
toilet, 3 blocks from post office on
' N. Church street. Price $2250. Hart
& Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow, mod
ern except furnace. Also furniture.
1290 S. 14th street. Call after 6:30
p. m. a94
SEVERAL houses for sale, amoiu;
them a 5 room bungalow. Inquire
492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. alll
5 ROOM plastered house, good condi
tion and location, north: electric
lights, bath, .toilet, half basement.
An extra good buy for $1200, $500
cash, balance like rent. S. R. Pear
son & Peed, 405 . Oregon bldg.
Phone 43: a
ROOM house, modern except furn
ace, plastered, electricity, good bath
and toilet, city and private water
system, good street, block from pav
lng and street car, sightly location,
good lot, chicken house, extra good
buy for $2500, cash, balance
terms, S. R. Pearson & Peed, 405
Oregon bldg. Phone 43. a
S. Liberty St., a large lot 73x164.
8 rooms, plastered, nice closets,
bath, toilet, full basement, furnace.
1 block to street car, 4 blocks to
school. This is positively one of the
best buys of today. Has not been
on the market before. Owners are
moving to country and would rath
er sell than rent. Its a great bar
gain for some one. $4500 $2000
will handle. John H. Scott Realty
Co., 228 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE Good 6 room house on
car line, lights, .bath and toilet tn
house; before you buy see it at 454
Hood St. a90
FOR SALE By owner, house and 2
lots, 1690 N. 5th street. Louis F.
Kobow, Salem, Rt. 9, phone 104F
12. ' n90
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE 15 acres land, fruit, ber
ries, grain; house turnished, all
stock and implements; also car. In
quire 3 miles north from fairground
on Pacific highway. John Lephart.
FOR SALE Acreage and lots with
buildings, close in. For particulars
write owner Box 23 Journal. b93
FOR SALE 300 acres 7 miles from
Salem on highway, 160 acres iii
crop, some valuable timber, good
buildings. Price $117 per acre, easy
terms. Hart & Mulltr, 208 Oregon
bldg. n
LOOK 38 -acres, 16 bearing Italian
.prunes, second crop this year; 6
acres timber, balance under culti
vation. No buildings, 6 miles
out Liberty district, rock road. $200
per acroi terms from owner. H. M.
Baker, 690 Union street, or 160 S.
High. Private reasons for selling.
Phone 1853. 0
REAL BARGAIN Sheep ranch, 487
acres. 120 In cultivation, good soil,
plenty of water; house, barn; fenc
ed with wove nwire. Will take
house in Salem part payment. The
price will surprise you.
10 acres of good berry land, 4 room
house, plenty ,kf water, close to
Salem., Price $3000 cash . or will
trade. Call at 404 Ferry St. Phone
1177. - n91
FOR SALE 20 acre fruit farm, ' 5
acres Jjearing prunes in fine condi
tion, 3 hi strawberries, 4 acres goose
berries; most of balance ready o
plant, Fair buildings, 4 miles out
on good road. This is a bargam.
Price $8600. Hart & Mulltr, 203
Oregon bldg n
FOR SALE 22 ft acres. 8 in logans,
balance ready to plant; good 7 room
house, new barn; north near high
way. Price $6500, Vt cash. Hart &
Muller 208 Oreeon bldg. n
FOR SAIJE 92 acres, 45 in clover.
balance seeded to wneai anu u,
mile to Oregon Electric station
and highway. Price with crop $130
per acre, cash. Hart and Muller,
208 Orogon bid
FOR SALE Good farm, 148 acres,
located hi mile soutn or ijaiiayen,
hi mile of paved road. 30 acres of
Italian prunes 3 years old, good
family orchard, -40 acres good
V,nn tin .. A; rvt lanri . tn IP htlHdingS.
good soil all in cultivation, only 20.
in pasture. For information rnone
1UF21. Write A. J. Mathis, Salem,
n iin, 15a R R 6. '92
CHOICE- close in berry land, 10 acros
located Just outside cuy iimus,
blocks from Center St carline on
asylum -road, all cultivated: pos
session at ones. Price $3600, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining tho
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $3800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg
Phone 1427.
For Sale Wood.
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will saw
your Wood. ' Phone 1004. m93
KYiR Salr 38 cord second growth
fir wnnrl 1(1 Der cord. Rt. 7 box
89, ftilverton road f1
WOOD for sale, first class 16 inch or
4 t mill wood. ' Strictly casn.
Small block wood reasonable. Office
ICS 8. Church. Phone 1542. Fred
E. Wells.
WOOD FOR SALE Old fir 16-in.
wood and green slabs. Phone 17
FOR SALE Green sias wood. Phone
For Sfiie
ton!, vhone fronini.. iun
" f K SALE rGood op
portunity for doctor-drugsrist. New
stock and good building. $2000 win
handle it. Write A. W. Gillis, Mon
itor, Ore. ,
'OR SALw rubber tirrt h J
trv nn.l - J , . . .
ruuu unvmc horjw rhn
SMhHAL suinds ot bees wanted.
rearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg.
rnnne t3.
FOR SALE One good mattress, 359
runtai. Hi. ........
FOR SALP On u r r :
. . . rimiw JdDaAl. 93
u uini, nearly new,
one gallon stroke. ,191 8 model.
Write Box 477 Independence, Or.
' C91
VK. oALfa At a bargain 3 hi Stude-
oaker wagon and set of double w a
gon harness. Phone .8FS2. c94
ti?ALE Jersey cow. fresh. Call
70F31. ' .... ai
NEW gasolineengin-. drag saw out
fit for sale, a bargain. 2 OS Oregon
bldg. Phone 1427.
For Sale Nursery Stock.
FOR SALE Jerusalem . arUchoke
ei. t-none- 5IK5. aw
ETTERBERG ,121 strawberry plant
$7.50 per 1000: Wilanr. I
P. O
box 814, Salem. Or.
LOGANBERRY "plants wanted. Ward
-.. mviiaruBon, ijaa front St
Phone 494. a
FOR SALE Etterberg No. J21 straw
berry plants, $2 per 1000 or $3 If
dug. Phone 9BF21. d0
LOGANBERRY, Mammo;h and Hima
laya blackberry and ' aBnaranm
plants. Fresh garden seeds. Ward
K. Richardson, 2395 Front St. d93
inr, iumous Etterberg 121 straw-
oerry plants, best canner and ship
per, heavy producer. A very profit
able crop bringing quick returns
Vigorous healthy plants, quantity
prices. Order now. Ward K. Rich
ardson, 2395 Front St. 093
STRAWBERRY plants in any quan
tity r,iierourg uold Dollar,
Progressive Everbearing, Lady
Goshwell, Trebla, Wilson. Thrifty,
well rooted plants. Low quantify
prices, City delivery. Ward K. Rich
ardson. 2395 Front. Phone 494. a93
'OR SALE Carnations, al kinds of
CUt flowers and nntted nlanls Ar
thur Plant find Pn PrMnhmiu, 190.11
S. 13th. Phone 1250W. d90
For "Sale Livestock.
CAN use a few more young alves. C.
C. Russell, phone 3F3. 1
JERSEY and Holstein heifer calf for
sale. Best milk stock. 420 S. 20th
street. eo
FOR SALE Two good cows. Claude
H. Stevenson, Rt. 3, box 175, Sa
lem. Phone 36F16. e94
FOR SALE Two young fresh cows,
Jersey and Durham mixed, heavy
milkers, health certificate with
..them; trial allowed'. 2015 N. Com
mercial. e90
FOR SALE Belgian and Gray Giant
rabbits. 720 N. Church St. 90
For Sale Poultry
OAT Meal Paper. 20-inch tan, extra
special, 84o double roll. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. a
HIGH grade Rhode Island Red eggs
for hatching, $1 per dozen. 1402 N.
16th. f93
BEST strain of Black Minorca egfrs
for hatching, $1.50 setting. Call 454
Hood St. any day but Saturday. f90
BABY CHICKS For sale- April 18
100 or less, bred to lay; White Wy-
ndottes and Plymouth Rocks. Ad
dress Mrs. Boatwrlght, Turner, Or.
Rt. 1, box 4B. f90
FOR SALE Cheap, nice "young hen
, canary for breeding purposes. 1158
N. Commercial. 90
OFFICE rooms for rent, steam heat.
splendid janitor, service. 205 Ore
gon bldg.
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427,
ROOMS for rent by day. Inquire 492
N. Cottage, phone 1186. J90
$5 BONUS for information that will
enable us to rent desirable 5 or 6
room house. Address box 844 Jour
nal office. - 91
GOOD room and board may be had
In private family. Phone 1781 J.
' . 388
WANTED To rent a garage . near
Ferry and 12th streets. See John
Paulson, Florence hotel after e p.
m. 191
FOR SALE 3-4 ton truuk.
Call 133
FOR SALE Dodge car, A-l condi
tion. Paris Bros, shoe store. q93
FORD Best buy in town, 1920 body
never used. Can be seen at 660 N.
Com'l St. for next two days if It
lasts that long. ' q90
1917 MAXWELL, new paint, new up
holstering, new top, good shape,
selling at $475. Salem Velle com
pany, 162 N, Commercial. q90
KEEP your boy and girl on the farm
to make their fortune with -in
Avery tractor for heavy work' and
a Downie for handy service. Salem
Auto Exchange, 229 State. n90
FOR SALE 1920 Ford 1-ton, worm
drive, 4-speed truck, cab, wind
shield, Blinch solids In rear, been
run 350 miles. Owner buying larg
er truck; IS hours free service to
purchaser of this tructa Phone 867
4:30 to 5:30 p. m. Monday, ask for
Mr. Burdick. - q
IS your car hard to start? Does your
motor give trouble? Try Fair
' Grounds Garage, phone 308. M. J.
Jackson, prop. Will tow your car.
Our work guaranteed qlO"
1918 MAXWELL, good tires, fine con
dition, $55(L for cash. Salem Velie
K3 N. Commercial St.
FOR SALE Buick 4 cylinder car,
admirably suited for either bug
or light truck, at price little more
than cost of nearly new Micheiin
- tires on car.' Phone quick- 262 or
894. 0
FOR SALJO One 214-ton truck and
a good transfer business, get In it,
good money maker. Phone 1177,
404 Ferry St. c92
USED cars bought, sold, traded. We
treat you right. Salem Auto Ex-
' change, 229 State. q90
-FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring car,
demountable rims, cora tires, stor
age battery, lights and starter,
shock absorbers, speedometer, A-l
condition, sold reasonable. Rt. 8.
box 100, Salem, Or. Phone 71F12
at noon or evenings. q94
FOR SALE 7 passenger touring car,
has run less than 30,000 miles, to
In first class condition. Price $450.
Phone 192 or call at 164 S. Com'l
St. in
FOR SALE 1916 Chevrolet, over-
hauled, $300. Ford touring car,
good tires, runs good $275; Max
" well roadster cheap. Also two light
'trailers. Cherry City garage. 170 8.
ifth Rt O-04
1918 MODEL Dodge
in fine condi
, for cash. 8a-
tion celling at $850.
lem Velle company,
Commercial street.
162 North
FOB SALE 2Vi-ton truck, -ton
trailer, all in good repair 404 Fer
ry St. Phone 1177. . 90
Wanted Help.
FUfT PhoSf tea,aler Wi"lta :
city. Fhone 8. h90,
WANTED Lady to do light house
work in the country. Call 64K11.
WANTED A-l open shop carpenter
wants job day, or figure with you I
460 University street hl t
SEE J. W. ilanley for garden plow- I
ing, cellar . digKing. and heavy teamicnp" v . - ,
work. Cherry City barn. Phone 199. Good, "9 ,cr stoc.k " fa"
, t '"'cifie highway near town, good ira-
i nrovempnt. well Atered ffnnil feno-
GIRL wanted for liouseworx, must be jes,
good cook; no-washing nor ironing j
Apply forenoons
WANTED Man to care for grounds
at Illahee Country elub. $75 per
month, house furnished,, married
man preferred, permanent position
to right man. See Mr. Lock at Sa-
lem Woolen mill store. ' g91
WANTED Wood choppers to cut 4
ft. white fir "wood for paper, En
quire of Chas. K. Spauldlng Log.
. Co, Front and Ferry St. Salem,
Or. g9S
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Contract for hauling any
thing, any place, at any time with
large or small motor trucks. A6
dress box 268 Journal. c
CONTRACT workwith tractor. Ad-
' dress Fred Hecker, Gervais, Or.
" ir.100
WANTED-rPasture for
once. Phone 745W.
. horses at
WANTED A house full of furniture
Box 8 Capital Journal. 190
W. BEAVER well driller, one mila
east .of fairground. Phone 10F5. -
Lost and Found
LOST Present address of Charles
Faulkner, was band master. Reward
H. Wyatt. Longbranch, Wash. kl02
LOST Brindle bull pup. female, ans
wers to Patsy. Call 1875J. k91
WANTED To borrow from owner
$3500 on city property. Address box
Loan Journal. 194
'WALLBOARD" can be used over
lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren. 179 N. Com'l. c
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Office at People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St.
Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hines
WALL paper 25o double roll and up,
Max O. Buren, 17 N. Com'l. m
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing lOo bundle. Cap
ital Journal office.
You are a buyer you can buy a
neat little bungalow with east front.
electric lights, bath, several nice cher
ry trees, on car line; $1200. Terms.
Also 1 small cottage at $760, $75
down, balance $10 per month.
Another at $800, . $100 down and
$10 a month.
A 1. room bungalow, modern tn
every respect, with fireplace and fur
nace, on paved street and car line,
$300, 8 miles out at $70 per acre.
This can be subdivided and make two
or three farms if you do. not want all
for yourself.
60-acre farm T miles out, 40 acres
of fine prunes, a beautiful 6 room
bungalow on it. Will be on paved road
this summer.
Have some good investment prop
A. L. Seamster Realty Co.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 353.- n
Good Buys. ,
acre tiact located 44 miles
south of Salem on-golTock road and
close to Pacifio Hlrfjiway, 9 hi acres
bearing Itallon prunes, 6 acres 3t
cherries, hi acre of bearing family or
chard. Price $7300.
20 acre tract located 4 8-4 miles
south of Salem on rock road and $-4
mile from Pacific highway, 8 acris
of S-year old prunes, tips to set three
acres of loganberries, 2000 strawber
ry plants to be set this spring, 5 acres
of peaches; one team or norses, wa
gon and harness, i nogs, l cow,
chickens; two room House, good barn,
Price $8000.
7-10 acre tract located close to
carline, store and school, sightly lo
cation. 8 room modern bungalow,
good new barn, 80 bearing walnut
trees. 67 bearing cherries, 75 apples,
some plums, peaches, loganberry and
blackberries, This Is. .an ideal nome,
Price $14,000. ? ,''.
48W acre tract located on paved
road, all cultivated and in crop. Prioe
$300 Der acre. .
105 acres located on the Garden
road, nearly all cultivated and Jn crop
House and two- barns, team, wagon
and harness and some machinery
goes. Price $300 per acre. Terms.
63 acre grain and fruit soil, B5
acres cultivated and plowed, ready to
plant and sow, balance pasture and
timber. This place Is located 6 hi miles
south of Salem on the Pringie roau,
rock road; 6 room house, good barn,
well. "Will consider good residence up
to $5000 as part payment. Price $10,
500. Fine hi block located on Fairmount
Hill, 150 by 150 feet, paved streets.
Price $3300.
6 acres of cherries. Just coming In
to - bearing. 4 hi miles out on good
road. This Is a snap. Price $1300.
25 acres of timber and stump land,
located 614 miles south of Salem
close to station on main line of S. P.
railroad. Price $2000.
20 acre tract, 6 acres of bearing
loganberries, 5 acres' of prunes, some
fine timber, rock road. Price $7500.
7 room plastered house located at
1245 E street. Price $3200.
6 room jnodern bungalow located
at 1515 S. Commercial street. Price
$6000. .'--'
8 room house located at 101Q Oak
street. Price $2800. -
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
276 State street n
This is the best paying big dairy
proposition we have heard of, 86
acres of -fine land adjoining good lit
tle city not far from Salem. 80 acres
cultivated, 40 acres In fine hay crop
and balance Is ready for corn to fill
the silos. 'Good 9 room nouse and fine
dairy barn with 2 silos. Also good
steam bottle washing plant, good
granary, hen house, and other neces
sary outbuildings. With the place BO
16 fine Jersey cows, thoroughbred
bull, 5 horses, 2 ponies, brood sow.
6 shoats, 2 wagons, hay baler, corn
planter, fanning mill, harrows, plows,
cultivators, rake, new cream separa
tor, blacksmith shop and equipment
and all kinds or implements, aiso
mm murine that pumps water which
is piped into house and barn. This
farm raises all the feed for the dairy
except a small amount or mill reeD.
Income for March was more than
1511. All stock, equipment, implf-
ments. feed,, crop, and everything
goes for $17,500. You can't beat it.
Investigate at ence. City advantages.
but no city taxes. '
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
Small farm, fully equipped, stoc
nvn and everything. $6000 will
handle it. Immediate possession.
Real Estate, Loans
Sot Masonic Temple
Balem, Ore. n4
A ro,im kniiea llt-O'i 1. nn nan tin
for quick sale, $900"
s, a(, , , r
buildings, nice orchard, choice loca
tion, fine home on good terms.
Choice 10 acre tract half fine bear
ing prunes, half strawberries, 3 miles'
from Salem. $6000.
Choice i hi acres close In on Garden
ai- l.T??m house' barn' orchard.
jn southern Oregon. $8000. WouIJ
exchange for Salem property.
5 room bungalow, good lot. on car
line. $1000 will handle.
Perrine & Slarsters.
m- Com, club bldg.
1 mile front Corvallis and in easy
reach of. the Oregon Agricultural
college which has an enrollment of
1410 students. 30 acres ot choice riv
er bottom land in cultivation. Good 6
room farm house, good barn and out
buildings; also good silo. 6 acres of
big bearing prune trees which are
returning $1000 par year. Soil is Ideal
for loganberries. On good gravel road
on mail route and has phone, etc.
With the place go 1 good cows, 3
horses, 30 chickens and complete set
of farm machinery. Everything goes
at $10,500. Terms.
- "Kinney & Smith.-
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
200 acres H mile from Jefferson,
good improvements, 150 acres In cul
tivation. 25 acres good timber. This
Is a good farm, $125 an acre, cash,
terms on balance.
320 acres on Pacific highway, 45
acres in crop, balance ready for the
plow; all fenced; 6 miles from store,
$16 per acre; $2000 cash, terms on
balance. This place is a money maker.
See us at once.
320 acre relinquishment for $250,
This is another bargain.
6 room bungalow, modern except
furnace; Vt basement. This place Is
a bargain at $2850. See us about this
at Once.
. MctJonald & Parks
Real Estate Agency
162 S Com'l St. room. 1. Phnnft 347 .
Real. Investments.
42 acres all cultivated, 30 acres
made land like the " Columbia river
dike kind, 27 acres of Santiam bot
torn, no' better than this recently sold
for $11,000. One acre of this kind of
land worth four of ordinary land.
Good buildings. Price $12,500. About
15 acres beaihg set, to. logans.. Will
make term. -
220 acres, 60 cultivated, mostly seed
ed; stock, tools; everything goes, $7
Homestead relinquishment, lots of
neighbors, running water, $300. .
Estes & Magee. .
iii Oregon Bldg. Salem.
Portland office, Chamber of . Com
10 acres on Garden road, 3V4 acrjs
best logans in vicinity, .lhi acres black
berries, about 2hi acres choice apples
and Royal Anne cherries, about 12 to
16 years old; balance seeded to grain.
House, barn and good well. A money
making investment. Price $6260.
4 acres close in on Garden road, z
acres full bearing orchard, some ber
ries' and truck garden. Good house,
barn and chicken houses. Price $5500.
80 acres, about 45 acres river bot
tom, 1 acre peaches, 7 years old;
good 6 room house and large barn
(12 stanchions for cows), fine silo
and milk house, S good wells, about
8 or 9 acres oak timber and pasture,
10 acres growing grain, about 7 acres
alfalfa, balance ready, for planting.
Price $9000, $3000 cash.
5 acres close in on paved and grav
eled road, 2 acres bearing family or
chard, hi acre strawberriesi balance
ready for planting. Good new 5 room
house and barn. A home like subur
ban home. $3800.
Lot 80x160 opposite. Bush on Mis
sion street. A good lot close, in. Price
Good lot 48x148 on best street West
Salem. $300. ,4
List your property with us at reas
onable value and we will investigate
and sell It. .
Oregon Land Co.
442 State street.. ' ' '' n
' Best Buys. -
6 acres river bottom, on paved
street, Just outside city limits of Sa
lem. 3 acres loganberries, only $5000.
5 acres near Pacific highway, 314
miles out, 4 acres loganberries, 1 acre
prunes with strawberry fillers, for
5 acres, 3H miles out on rook road
all planted to cherries. $200.
24 acres. 20 in bearing fruit, 5H
miles from Salem. 8 room house, hot
and cold water and bath, good barn,
for $9600.
9 acres' close In, -6 room strictly
modern house with hardwood floors
and everything up to date, good barn
and garage; 6 acres bearing prunes,
some apples and cherries; $17, sou.
60 acres, 7 miles from Salem, on a
good road, 14 acres prunes, 8 mixed
orchard, 7 logans and ihi strawber
rles: 10 room house, hot.and cold wa
ter. 2 good barns, garage, and other
buildings; all in good condition, $24,
000: terms.
7 room modern nouse on gooa
otoot Mnao In' fruit. S3B00. Will
sell with furniture, including fine pi
ano at $4000.
6 rooms andtbath, modern except
furnace; in excellent condition and a
crnnd buv. $3200.
7 room strictly modern anu ciose
In on naved street. $7250.
5 room cottage, hot and cold water.
llehts and bath. 11260.'
6 rooms and batn, z gooa lots, gar
age, 12 blocks from state' street. $3,-
200: terms.
7 rooms on paved street, strictly
modern, well furnished, $8500.
6 room bungalow, basement, elec
trie lights, plawtered, good condition,
only $2250, hi cash, balance 6 per
cent. ...
641 Btr' Pt
100. RES. PHONE 1608J. HAUL
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-vear loans at per cent, naw
kins 4 Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg
Salem, Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at thi percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce, w. D. Hmitn.
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security v
, . THOa K. FORD -Over
tadd Bush Bank. Salem. Ore
rv. Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time,
m and percent Interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonle Temple. Salem. Oregos
Water Company.
comer Commercial and Trade Sts
Bills payable monthly In advance.
Phone 57. -
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-1$ XI. a bank. Phone $41.
Contractors and builders.
Phone. 1972.
rea phone 834.
Marshall, osteo-
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res. phone 6SF5. 104
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired.. 50
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sites 16 to 68
Inches high. Paints, oil and Tarn
ishes, etc, loganberry and hop
books, Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 85a Court street. Phone Ut
SALEM 8CAVA:"3EK Garbage and
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Of ties phone Main
Lodge Directory.
Gtv CHEMEKETA Kdge No, 1
meets every Wednesday
evenlngat 7:30 at L O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
t. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kunts,
K. R. & 8.
bly No, 14 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in. I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
drogen, M. A. ; A. A. Gueffroy, seo
retary, Salem. Or.
TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No, 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple, 8 o clock.
Oregon Grage camp No, 1360 meets
every Thursday evening In Mocor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle,
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union BL
recorder. Flora Nelson, 733 North
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every. Friday night at I o'clock In
McCornack haU, cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C D. Ross, C C. ; L. 8. Geer, clerk
PROTECTION lodge No. 8 A. O. O.
W. meets "every Monday evening
at 8 p. m. in McCornack hall, cor.
' Court and Liberty streets. John H.
Carson, M. W; A. L. Brown, flnan-
- cler; A. Eugene Aufrano, recorder.
-' Oregon Cedar Camp No. C144
meets every Thursday evening at $
o'clock In McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. - H. G.
Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner,
Why Sell for Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture,
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone TS4.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 847 Court St
..... " .'. r-
-: . 1918 MAXWELL A BNAP
,,. ..
' '' j ,5
$71 COURT ST. ' - ' ' '
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat No. . 1 $2.00; feed
oats 8085o; milling oats 800850:
cheat hay $18 019; oat hay $21022;
clover had $23; mill run $47.
Butteriat: Butterfat 64c; creamery
butter 64 65c.
Pork, veal and mattoa: Pork on torn
15 3-4c; veal fancy 21c; steers 11c;
( 1
I . j , - liilTsMlMMSagW II I I i
"'p Girls! Girls! Girls! C'l
This it a girW world. Nearly everybody
wants one as stenographer, bookkeeper, clerk or
housemaid. Don't wait till the smart ones are all
snapped up put your Want Ad in this paper
today. '' ' ' ' .
And you, Mademoiselle, should know that if
you're looking for a particular kind of position,
the best firms in this city watch our Help Wanted
columns constantly for capable employees.
Dress Up Your Want Ad Like This
ftmlljr, food wiftfc mo wtMhlnf.
flli'foooi how. Crt of four fu
old boy pari of tfimuitm. tLrttttaem
PtwBt CafUfta fftTf.
Good help is as important as good merchan
dise. You must have both to be successful.
Read and Use t he Want Ads in
sheep, yearlings 12 Ho. i
Dressed pork 21c
Eggs and poultry: Egss cash 31c;"
light hens, 23 b 30c; heavy hens SJo
old roosters 15 16c; springs 24c.
Vegetables: Onions per pound 6o:
celery do. $1.75; potatoes, Yakima
8e Oregon 6 He; sweet potatoes 90
beets per -sack $2; turnips per sack
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.25; parsnips
per sack $3.50; spinach 10a lb,; rid
tahes 40a dos. -
Fruit: Oranges $3.506.S0; lemons
$5.60 6; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 5e;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45c; as
paragus 18c; cauliflower $2 dos
red peppers 25o lb; rhubarb so
peas 15e lb.
Retail prices: Ers dozen $7e;
creamery butter 7072e; country bat
ter 5c; flour hard wheat $3.25 Ml
soft wheat $3
Portland, April 14. Cattle steady:
receipts none; grain and pulp rea
steers $11.25 912.00; choice $10,769
11.2 good to choice $9.75 10.75;
medium to good $9.06910; fair t
medium $7.60 8.50; common to fah?
$7.008.25; choice cows and heifers
$9.25610.25; good to choict $8,250
9.25; medium to good $7.00 8.25;
fair to medium $6.07.90; canners
$4.2566.00; bulls $8.00118.50: prima
light calves $15,000.17.60; medium
light $10.0015.00; neavr
16.00; stockers and reeaers it.hw.
Hogs firmer; receipts 65; prime
mixed $16.7517.25; medium $
016.75. rough heavy $12.25 0 16. ;
pigs $13 15.50."
Sheep firm; receipts none; spnna
lambs $17.00018.00; light vaUey
$15.75017.00; heavy $14.25015.71:
common to medium $11014.50; ysaw
lings $15.00016.50; wethers $14,500
15.26; ewes $1014.
Portland, Or. April 14. Cubes ex
tra 58c; parchment wrapped box
lots 62c; cartons 63c; half boxes Ha
more; less than hi boxes lo more:
butterfat 6263o f, o. b. station; 64.
0650 Portland.
Poultry nd Egg
Portland. Or. April 14. Eggs sell
ing price case count 37 038c; buying
price case count S6c; selling price
candled 39c; selected candled in car
tons 42c.
Poultry: Hens S4S8c; brouers tv
46o; roosters 16o; turkeys aresseu
58c; geese 22025c; ducks 400
$65.00 bid; corn No. 3 yellow $74 W
. Wheat and miu ehuhs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley $70; oats
$28.00; alfalfa $33;, grain' $30.80;
76 bid. ; '
Hay: Buying price, valley timoiny
mixed cars $48 ton; rolled barley 6.
cheat $22; clover $30; oaU and vetch
" ' . '"' UM
MUlstutfst prices i.o.d. nuu, ww
artage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots
mixed cars $43 ton; rolled barley $71
rolled oats $66.69; ground barley $78
scratch feed $80.
Corn whole $66; craeked $6s.
WALLPASTE" perfect for. paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Com'l. '' .
Sailor Killed By
Fall Into Hold
, Portland. Or., April 14. Albert An
derson, $5, a sailor on the steamer
The Angelus ot the Columbia Pacific
Steamship company, was fatally in
jured yesterday as a result of a fall
into the hold of the vessel. The man
suffered a fracture ot theskutl and
died 45 minutes later, Anderson's
hbme was at San Pedro, Cal.
lt'ljr wiUi ejw-iAioo.l miltr n-i
mptrUmf Im offiuo wofk. Trwrowfhl;
Hp m fluliettiotii, loani and claimi.
Tactful tn hwnfJini ol!ff$, Would
Its) invaluable to n irutlft oUr
Hum ot (Mall. nftferineM fJdly
(VvWhurn. V . mM
tail Nprvi.. eapT Iwl
- rooj' . (rUrion.
90 FOR SALE Wood. Phone 981M. c93