Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 14, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    APRIL 14, 1920.
m flround-Town
. - nomination f .,....o .v in.,.. . ...
tary of state Mr tiZ , "Z religious deacon, vie with
hia over-
jr.. un-
jRichard Craven.
"la Collie oJ PWt
j " -.'.--"
"..-Council., meeting.
w. ' - v . C. A.
. as ,
""'j, 1 9 Business fiien
Commercial club.
April !I.-WMamette kiw
Ti-Howard E. Weea
..tttr D
. Pacific University.
fBIossom Day In
"JBlk. Scout night.
Jreant. "Awak-
Spring' opera hous..
"Zl l.Benefit Dance. Com-
: VJTi
ui iiuf Trti tna iaa .
Publicaa nomma-.lon for thia nftw series of very worth-whileventertain-j
Mr. Lockley ig widely knowJ ment9" Miss Mary Notson assisted Mr.
;throBghoutthetat. w.ri. i .v-1Thoma supplying the. interpretation
Journal serving as splendid tatroduc 0f hrt St0ry and taking the Part
of th. restrictive sectinso caused po- tion for him. J
lice today to issue a warning that; to Franc, with the I x, I .
uco practice is a violation of citv or. and whit., .h - "n.,, and that arrestl wVlf teC hta the Phfe stories
made of anyone foundmtag tZ iLt lhe icken
vehicles on the walks. i
ving the appearance of thj ISSUC Of $23S00 .
a. great deal, a substantial . 7 V-JyJVV x
ceum course ana gives promise of a whelming Interest in the ' N. TrV
horse race. Miss Notson liver her stnnr ! rv,,i. ,!,.. v.;..
. A 11. 1 1. in I 1 1 1C.
at ithe way through and presented it
to her audience in a most vivid and
pleasing mannec. v " ' : .
DUUdinc a treat deal a .K.t.,.
awning is being erected on the front! Of All Mm OfcnJ
of the W. W. Moore furniture ktn I KJI "-'OTd OCtlOOL
177 North Liberty street. Workmen D J T s .c-noein crowning mr
are busy hanging the frame andhei OOltOS IS A pprOVed ,
awnina- is emeotort ,n h 'V'.Z. Tn.K , F K bnng t(J h8 audience a d,
uiVimtiu mi vuie ui me district ac-
aeveral days. counted for. the Aurora-Clackamas
.... . u " iJlnt dlstrl approved the issue of
. 1 u W. r SOme tlme Tuesday 123.500 worth of bonds for the pur-
Somi'nfK T p' ' ? 8arag the P8e f bUildin,f hiSh 1 Pnt
home , of 2. J. Rigga, druggist, residing, at Aurora. -
at- 1440 State street, didn't net a vl; Of the m
Only a. small flashlight trict. 62 favnr. "
big "haul
aTbe?Pgr4t!ltngPOl,C? Mr" "" aUempred To" baUot On
aa being mining. , ; ba"ot was unmwked. The election.
A cushinn frri7nrM. J... Vh.ich .was he,d AP . the re-
. Kal t iub auto suit or a Cent for nrhnni
Was Stolen Qnmo. ti,. . . " Ior "CnOOl
r F .rv . Vh s" lrom men(s which has been
u.- . iay as the car who m.u i i .
. . . . , ..... vy iu iiire ior some time
front of his residence at 1259 South- Th- ) 7 , , .
Liberty streete. Mr Way rennrteTi TZ' , uridertaking indicates that the
the theft to police ? "Ported the people of districts 23, Marlon, and 303
Mrs. G. A. Brandon of Idahn 'n. Cla,c1kama are UP arid doing, observ-'
arrived in Salem.Tueav 1? M! Smith- ouny school super-
: is the. guest of her sister. M :ri"UenaenW
s , trude Robison. Mrs. Brandon plans to
remain in the Capital city for several
uaj3, aner wnich she will join her
iiifBuuua in tne Idaho city.
Tmrt HOUSe NeWS f, Wiltfc Pemberton has return
jUl"1 . . jed from southern California, wher
. and Mrs. Dunbar and two child-
fhim fUl Uliuu
!he guerts of Mrs'. W. C. Young on
agh street.
Ererybody invited to the Elks jit-
Udmceat armory weanesaay
kU, April 14th. -
"Huckleberry Finn" special 10c
Lfoee for children under 1 Satur
, morning at 10:30, at The Oregon.
Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Nadoti
nr H .it a
oka 1 1 M
prolwte Court. I" "c Iur lnre months as the
CavTosh. etnter OrnVr.aTJ-;-?1 he,-mother. Mrs. Q. E. Whiff.
He!UtrUtu. Petition
i C Cavanaus". - ------
Wu ... t,.to Order to e
nine OOUnrl hnhv rl,.l rnu. .
i.mnWtV. J ... . ' ino ""'e gill
proper.) -.. P-tWon will be named Marirarot mu-
Garcia L. iw' i,
Mrs. N. J. Haas, who underwent a
surgical operation. at a local hnsnitni
10S ..Monday for the relief of annen.liniti-
,is making progress- toward recovery.
Jft order to sell Turner are' the hamiv nn.n. f
oorgeMieu-, ,, . ... -
far letters.
Mrki 558 State. Phone Wft
jbiv y . ;
Jeweler, watchmaker,.
. The monthr?meeting of the bust
ness arAl prefessioiuxl woman's club
was held Tuesday evenine last nl lhe
are T. W. C. A. rooms, with th nai.
dent. Dr. Mary :. Rowland, In the
ohair. A talk f a most practical na
ture was given y R. A... Harris, who
suggested definite lin'ea of service ap
propriate to Xhe organlxation. Supple
mentary remarks were made by W.
A. Marshall, and a discussion follow
ed. The . latter part or the meeting
was social in character, little . Miss
Florence Power delighted the audi
ence with several recitations and a
piano solo, and light refreshments
Receiving a message calling her to were served.
fee bedside of her son, Will Taylor, ,
at Corvallis. Mrs. William Taylor, - Word has been received In Snlem
141 Center street, left this city this that Corporal C. E. Stanton, who has
Boralns tor the college town. Her recently received his discharge in
urn. a former Salem resident and well Washinirton. T C . nfrer thr. .-.
known liere, li suffering a stroke of of ftotive service with the 99th aero
luriljUs and Is reported dangerously squadron, was married on April 5 to
.Miss Rosa G. Whelcn, a 'stenograph-
" ler of the state war and navy building
ti jim, u.i. opiuis the ennitnl Tho
piltn Disiiup B. lull liino liu i:iiuiiuu
ItelMe, ,-90
Trains Caught In
Desert By Strike
Moving Today
Los Angeles, Apr. 14. The Santa
Fe railroad, which had fifteen passen
ger trains tied up at desert point last
night -antk early today as" one result of
"Insurgent" switchmen's.-strike, an
nounced today that If now had' all Of
ten trains s-lowly moving, toward their
destinations. Most 6f them were west
bound. ; .- , ' ;-
It wast announced atrthe Southern
Pacific freight house that some of the
clerks and handlers who went out yes
terday had returned and that-there
were plenty of men to handle all the
freight, the volume of which had been
reduced by exisiting conditions.' -
School for Scandal." , ',
Mc Thomas' recital was pronounced.
qua! to anything put on in the great
schools of expression in Boston.
the arenascene from "Quo Vadis," he
held his audience tense to hia every
movement, bound by his strength of
interpretation. To th dramatic lyrics
selected from the works of Robert and
Elizabeth Browning Mr. Thomas had
was able to
deep apprecia
tion of their beauty. A far different
vein was touched In his Riley selection
"A Home Made Fairy Tale." where
whimsical imagination lent an atmos
phere of rollicking fancy. Local hits.
carefully aimed, brought down the
house in the modern monologue "At
the Glee Club Concert," in which Mr.
Thpmas played the part of a frivolous
toung lady. "America for Me," one of
Van Dyke's poems, received the touch
which sent the words "Home again"
ringing in every heart. Through the
various illustrations, each differing
from the other In form and In feeling,
Mr. Thomas kept up the corresponding
changes in realization.
Miss Notson illustrated the modern
short story for Mr. Thomas by present
ing "Cotton for Cotton" wherein the
conscientious pangs of a true-to-his-
Major, League Scores
Federal Troops
And Insurgents
In Battle Today
Masterful in ever -respect was the
lecture-recital given last 'evening in
tne 'irst Methodist church by Rsikv
I. Thomas. This was the opening num-
Everybody Invited
Good Orchestra
Good Floor
Good Time
Wednesday Night
APRIL 14th
lichard Craven .of Boston, Mass.,
Mresentlnfir the Ampriran Humane
ftrietj, will deliver nn illustrated lec
tin at the city library Friday eve
Maj at eight o'clock. Everybody in-.
pW. Admission free.'. .. 92
couple ' Will reside in Washington,
where they are both employed, until
the fall.
Operating under the name of the
William and David O'Hara has been
called to Newport by the serious Ill
ness of their mother, Mrs. J. P. O'
Hara.A - :,:"' - '"' - -; 1
The Mothers club -of Highland
school will he entertained Thursday
ftrlsian Wiast Shop, Mrs. E. J. Bui-1 afternoon, April 15, from 2 to 5
'tea has opened an establishment at .o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Jarrll,
lw residence, 212 South Cottage 2340 Myrtle avenue. The affair is for
het, where she will design and man-!',no oeneiit or tne c.uo and an pa-
trunn ui me si-nuwi arc uivncu m at
tend the social afternoon.
l blouses. Mrs. Bullock, who is rec
Pted as a competent artist and de
6 will specialize in handpainted
" lancy blouses. .
Auburn Saturday night 93
talon sale high class furniture,
f early. Friday 19 nclock, sharp.
Pomeroy residence, 495 North
Mlowini a
j-namiiton, and a short speech by
A- one-story brick and concrete ad
dition to his garage on lot five, block
34, Oregonlan addition, will be bulltj
by Max O. Burcn, in the near future, i
A permit to erect the building was,
issued'to Mr. Buren Tuesday by the
city recorder. Costs of the strncture
will be J8000. It will be built by L.
C. Dennison.
Ralph Miller, arrested by Traffic
Officer Moffitt on a charge of driving i
past a standing street car while it
-Zadoc Riggs, president of the' was accepting and discharging pas
3iiliatlon. the s-i!m ,,.i, seneers at the corner of Cheniekett
j - . o vmu .
i a resolution,
Smrday endnr.mi. ',, .:.. when -arraiEned before Police Judge
in.., " "ise ia .. A t:a
ZT e voted upon in the May r""'e luesuay evemnB
1 3W"M. ' , $ 5.00. ,
and Cottage streets, pleaded guilty
! tiby
"w"". 558 State,
chicks, all our leading variet-
readv tne n ,
Phone 400. 93
Miss Freda Young returned Tuesday
evening from a brief visit In Portland
with relatives and friends. -
" Si
f :
" ' , ? .
. STARTS SUNDAY . ) ' , ' i
' ' ' . f " 4 '1
otl .. . .
r" ta an offMni v.n, Tuesday after
Portland office t t, Vu" .home of Mr. and Mrs. W,
.SSHC0',;ter', money wnich
. The bill, have a pic
th! t1d .n thera- a" a
-v ucrai reserve hank nf
P. Anderson left for Portland
a short visit at the
C. Toung
on High street.
KnZha" THur8day eve''
it, n'ghti' an Ladies of Se-
ShT SIrln8 "Mkwear at Blsh-90
&vU0n ofticer at Gov
comes word
Gay A. Rowland, who sold out his
second hand furniture store recently,
has leased the rooms formerly occu
pied by the Western Junk company
on Commercial street, and will re
enter tjie same- business In the near
John Burtleson, who- purchased the
Shaver Printing plant In the T. M.
C. A. building recently, has gone to
Minnesota and will return with his
family about May 1.
A building permit was issued Tues-
!"r!!iiit .. ." "rB looKing for j . u n oiss m .trot for
Amr .1.' Lleutenanti the erection of ft one-story frame
u!.?ap ana dwelling. The home will cost 12800,
. "'u"o among hi ffV- dwelling, Tne nome win cosi i.v,
StalUng that his m"?h Z "wording to permit records at the city
icat. .uu I1.8 la "quested to
'Wry re"ry A BooU'
t. uvea -
imr"son, and n I recoraer s omce
M, n... -. K11UW-
nior's Talnn.1
K J, J en membera e tk t ,
Lr" Dahter8 cla of Portland' returned
I ti. Chrtatlan "hurch were! here thls "rn,nL
K of A s ai tne
Mrs. Leland W. Porter, wife of Rev.
Porter, of the First Christian, church,
and Mrs. H. W. Conger, 508 North
lth treet, after a few days' visit to
to their homes
i CARD OF t ttA.VKs.
1 1 1 j We wish to thank eur friends for
J c o i the love and sympathy shown to us
Shawkev and Ruel: Perrv ami Por- in our bereavement and for the beau-
St. Louis .
titul floral offerings, Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Manning and family. 90
H. E.
and O'Neill; j
Winters, Ryan and !
. (
Boston I .
New York 1......
Eayres, McQuillen
Barnes, Hubbel,
Philadelphia 1 I t
Brooklyn S - 9 5
Rixey and Wheat; Cadore and
Chicago .....: S 8 . 0
Cincinnati . 7 it o
Alexander and Killifer; Ruether
and Wlngo. ' a
For a ;
' Shave , -
Use a Twinplex Auto Strop
per. 100 . Shaves from 1'
blade. .-
It Pays For Itself
'A big shipment of leather
razor - strops, shaving
brushes, soap, etc., just re
ceived. We also have the
best makes of razors, safe
ty razors and blades. ;
The. House-of Service. '. .
Starts Tomorrow
He's Different, He's Human, He's Irresistable
From the Saturday Evening Post Story , ,
LIBERTY Thu., Fri., M
Charles Hawley, Jr.
' IN
(1) "To a Wild Rose"
(2) . "Venetian Moon" ..
(3) "Old Black Joe":.:...
(4) "The Storm"
. .. .'.:.;... MacDowall
.... ,. Goldberg-Maguire
- , Foster
..-Arranged by Mr. Hawley
One Concert Only Tonight and Tomorrow Night,
8:30 to 9:00 p. m. No one seated during" concert
numbers. " - I '
i,-,.Vl'.ff.,lJlH,,,. ",1Tinito,,-K
1 wial hour.
S-'"d IrZ that!
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bohrnstedt, from
Arcadia, Wis., arrived here Monday
day and will spend several weeks
here vhdtlne interesting points in the
valley and state. While here Mr. and
Mrs. Bohrtistedt are the guests 01
r., i, (..nther A C Knhrn-
aik m several parts, 8tedt 1775 Fairmbunt rtreet'
While transacting business at the
Ladd and Bush bank, Edward Keyps
aged about 70 years was taken with
a severe paralytic stroke and hurried
to the Salem hospital, where he is
being attended by Ir. W. H. F.vrd
The incident occurred at 3 o'clock
this afternoon. The stnoken man han
rooms at 143 Center street.
' f
Lockley Would Be
State Secretary
Fred Lockley, apwlal writer on the j
Portland Journal, today fl'ed fc's can
r ?
Is there a peak load id your store about 11
A.M. to 2:30 P.M. so that customers refuse to
wait? Is your factory time schedule interrupted
because some department gets clogged up at
certain hours? Does your business flow with that
harmony which comes from having just the right
amount of help at just the right time. If it
doesn't and most businesses don't try part-time
helpers. ,.,-ij-?w-iSjfci"'",,-'-
There is a fine army of them women, boys
and elderly men who want a few hours work daily.
2 Use Want Ads Like These
WANTKU Prt Uh worten Mriet
dilly irm 11 . m. to 1:M p. w.
Llhrrtl MlT. Cl OOM
mn or mm M cltrti to an drj
ttmt. dffpartmMit Eslriniw not
mtmuj. Tj errand
15, wnsHl Bl fouf fcoon
diUr dtrtiia is Horn Df Ooodi
prrfemd. in no expert"
tra wlUliw. w W"
Read and Use the Want Ads in
'HWMff- fri jug VWSfll I
Meet Me at Miller's
We Believe In .
Good Goods ,
' No Sales
Our last two editorials were on "Qood
Goods" and "Service". Let us now
tell you what we mean by
No Sales
We believe in a "NO SALE POL
ICY" feeling that honest business to
day demanclH that everybody gets a
When we see" a garment .advertised
as worth $100.00 reduced to $67.50
we are inclined to think that some
body lied. No merchant can remain
in business unless he sells his goods
at a profit. We maintain that a gar
ment is worth the same at all times
during the season.
To charge Mrs. Jones an exorbitant
price early in the season so that Mrs.
Smith can get hers at a big reduction
later on, and by so (loing make our
average profit, is not our way of do
ing business. To mark our goods
"RIGHT" at the beginning so that
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith will both
get a SQUARE LffSAL Is our pulley.
We feel sure that as the years go
y we shall win a warm, spot In the
hearts" of Salem, people. We are only
human, and will make mistakes, but
ive assure you that they will be mis
takes of the head and not of the
heart. .
We are one of you, we want you
o be one of us. Let's get acquainted!
Tomorrow Starts
the Big Three Days
Selling Event
This event will be for
3 Days Only
The greatest value of
this season's hats, in
all conceivable shapes
and trims
316 U.S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 161
Seven blocks from state house, a new modern 6-room bungalow, lot 60x150, large 1
garage, fireplace, furnace, two woodlifts, sleeping porch, beautiful electric light fixtures, t
white enamel woodwork, full cemented basement, built-in fruit closet. Buyer can move X
in at once. Price $5500. $3000 cah, balance terms. t
NEW MODERN BUNGALOW: New modern, full basement, fireplace, furnace, 6 I
blocks from State street on South Commercial street, corner lot with an east front, f
garage.- Price $6300. $3300 cash, balance 6 per cent. I
NEW MODERN BUNGALOW With garage, cement ' basement, 1-2 block from J
State street. ' t
Let us show you some of tur bargains in Salem business and residence property, or
farms and small tracts.
. we write an kiiku 01 iu.juraiH:. - .i -.-- -r.