Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 14, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    jrAGB Six.
, lives. A low birthrate, dursYig the
Iwar years, cost Krance 1,772.735 lose
'of imputation. These slaturtics, madei
linto striking pictues to illustrate their'
j effect on the nation. Industry andj
war-danger are being used In a vie-,
jorous campaign hy the National Al-j
nance, lor me increase 01 ne rrencn
. population, i inw vMni,MiiM la wx-iiiis
'conducted by letters to members of
! parliament, posters, a mag-.isine. 'The
The Ford Motor company of liela ! Woman and the Child", and through
ware, apparently the Michigan coriwr- 'he many socially and politically pow.
Ktion re-incorpoiaud under the laws
Ford Company is
Given Permit To
Operate in State
Chinese Troops
Used by Soviet
As Excutioners
j t)ahu was called it was
I that approximately 8.t)09
iwork. , .
large to. the democratic national
...i .-:.. ftit-", iin.l ill.' rrvtil tl IS- r :t t
men nuit trie, Mi. In 1S11. the male and eoun ,; - . ' - j . ..J .
ity levy wan .H6S. in 112 .0105. lnj .--(
!... .in anv in i si 5. constructive platform built upon the,
il7J4, .Villi " - .. ... . . .1...
: mv I.. 191 .0153: in 1S17. .0157: in lunuamcnmi principle
r,...' i.. the : accentuating our
PllbilC bOriim "el-oV of limitation, which (against special privilege and fin-
!will probably be refunded, 0.21S.
Kditor Journal: In your editorial !
its strength or
of the eastern states, h.ia been granted
ni nt.
plainest sorts of truths are
cial domination; and
. . i. . tail .... Hni 1 H nuuuiuw " ii.T-.. , uu
of April 1 you are making quite a Iu' digtrict lhe; nations with Interpretive
about the .Marion county taxpayers . ... , .. ,. which will not impair its
Amsterdam. The corresHndcnt of and the teachers salaries. hii.triet having increased from .003 Place America In the humiliutinsr po-
1 am Eoms to give you some I.gures; ln ,M)th voted sition of forcing prcrerence ngni.
l..f,,l i.rn, Inl.rMinl In lh move.' . - ... n !- i ' ui I'rom u jnu ilia, lur ui.mis i ,. . ,1. ,ii j.i.l J i,n( kf V" I "" - -
-- rrom a inn in noviei jvusu b . .. . L . , ..... oy me iieupie ui uuimh.. u.,u v .....j.,,,,.,., .
the Handlesblad who recently return-
'the fallowing account of his invcstl- olM,,i.. P r..s n ri.-.rn for them.
gallons or tne activities 01 me inincra, AVe arc jn ,he 0airv allJ hog Dusi
ne.xs, two girls and myxelf are milking
?A w.n-a T nm tilV-illf nf All
ily should have three or more child-! "Such horrible stories were being hogj. V(u notice that ouf busJ.
rt'n. To encourage such famlUos pov
crnmont uUuwitnccs of SO to 209
years.- The Alliance also auks for.",,k'd on0
leirielallun to
structlon of cheap
available only to large families, es
tablishment of "super-salaries" In in
dustries te heads of such families,
preference in government employ
ment, the plural vote, giving the
father as. many votes as there are
persons in the family, and real war,
on "birth control", known here as
told in Europe about these Chinese,
that I thoucht It worth my while. to
learn more about them. As a Joke, I
r without the loganberry you men-
provide for the con-; "'lalon
attractive homes - ' j tlun in vnt edlmriul.
toiu tnat iney couiun t prouuee anyi ----- -
Just now because they had all gone Now tor ,he f'Sures:
to the Denikine front. I919
"I was told the Chinese, If com-. Butter tut .33 t .60
manded by their own officers were Hoks .10 .15
cxcel'ent soldiers,' but they ran like' Teachers salaiies in the
hares if their officers were killed.l country 45.00 80.00
Kxeeutlons are now very rare in Now please notice the taxes on the
Direct Routes To
South America For
Mail Are Sought
i.Mom'ow, but, in August, when thoua-'same farm:
janJH of counter-revolulonarios' j 1910
wore slaughtered, it was carried out 1320
i .
rschulderman. cr-rutlon commis . The NaUona, AUnce a Uhe, Iki as
st- 1100,000,000 with Kdwl Kord as
president and Henry 'ord as a direc
tor. 8. A. Ktclwaon. 4M Kiist Klev
enth street, Portland, is named as nt-torney-in-fact
for Oregon.
Organised for the purpose of con
ducting a general laundry business and
dealing In laundry supplies, the Home
Service company of I'ortland, .capital.
Ised at 11,000.000 riled articles or In
corporation here Monday. The incor
porators are I K. Crouch, i:ila. M.
Crouch and Lillian Miller.
Other corporations filing article
Mondny were:
Iutho Rubber company of Oregon,
Portland, T. R. I'hillips, J. W.
Murray and Harry Wuldron.
Enterprise ldge No. 4, K. of !.,
Enterprise. 13000; Ben Weathers, C. T.
Hockett and li. M. Gaily, trustees.
Baker Sales & Manufacturing com
pany, Tortland, $20,000; F. C. Kuker,
W. H. Baker and C. 1. Chrlstenseh.
Roberta Tire fc Rubber company,
Portland, 110,000; J. H. Roberts, K. J.
Munnell and Rnlph II. Cake.
Lenta Junction Mercantile company,
Portland, $10,000; ). A. Cruliuiii, J.
Brocks and W. K, Kurrell,
MeUougull Vnlve & I'lnnp company,
Portlund, $10,000; (ieorye MclHiugiill,
Robert II. Lord and V. K. Carson.
Certificates of lucrease in oapllni
stork were filed ua follows:
IrwlnllodFoii comixiny, I'.nlhuwl,
$100,000 to $200,000.
Condon Hotel company, Condon,
$45,000 to $100,000.
ness Is aluiwt us important as the
schools. What would become of our
' didn't have milk, meat
the state-or county.
! Mr. Juquet's communication is real
ly an argument for the iuasage of the
milluge tax bill for common schools, as
It would relieve small districts of high;
school taxation, like Mr. Jaejuet has toi
pay, by equalizing the support of tne joCRXAk
schools and taxing all the property of
the welfare of the democratic party
of Oregon for twenty years mid . 1
ask no higher distinction or creator
honor limn to represent it us delegate
fisl Ma
who asked my opinion of i ' ', j ,L . ', . , the state, instead ot only the district
llil In hnnr mo nmo 'rei.I "'V " i
affected. With the proposed state .002
mill levy for schools, the district would
have to niake a very small additional
levy, if any, to sustain Its schools.
uurum Tire Co. (
ALLOWANCE madeoti jo5j"2
Harry Files For
Delegate To Big
'Frisco Convention
$ 41.98
.... 229.95 O. Y. Hurry of I'ortland, conmns-
by the Chinese because the authorities Also siieeiai levy about 9.37 mini- sioner of conciliation in the national
fearcVl the Russian soldiers would re- mum 3 per cent rebate. 'department of labor, has filed his
fuse to do the work. i Taxes increase very near 600 uer declaration of candidacy as delcxnte
"The Chinese do this work Indif- cent. 'at larire for the state of Oregon to
rently like they Jo all other work, hrn'ry.Jaot'ET ithe democratic national convention at
they are ordered to perform. They1 silver..,,. i-.. 1,,n vv.-ineiseo this June.
San Francisco. Revision of the are blind, conscienceless tools iu the, mi,,s, A.,.iin .,J imrlns th. 191 rauirimlirn Mr. liar-
lZX ,U.hCC,r'.ra,l, Arlca " h;in'of "pn''n them andicounty rccJrds, 'Henry Jaquet owns ry visited this section in his travels
;;r.i, " " . r,: ' ' 1 " , j 20 cres of land near anvenon. Thi
" iiici Ttrni. 1 vuni ui cinv iui iuv , i u 'WJ 1 1. ill u. imiiiiu n Vlllicu iney.
the most direct lines on the east roast 'came to Russia to the rank of soldier,
Is being sought by trade development of the guards.
bodies of Han Francisco. At present! "If the 'lloltsjiik' his name for Eol-
was assessed at $5000 in 1910, but iu
1914 the assessor's valuation was reduced-
to $4S00, and the land is still
ussesed at that figure. In giving his
France A waken ing
To Danger Of Slow
Death; Births Low,
the only method of utilizim? the shevik. orders something, the Chines
speediest route Is to specify the name does it. and he does it in his! tnx Payments, Mr. Jaquet Included his
of the ship on which the letter Is de- ly practical way. He first makes th-,1 Pcrsontl1 taxts 111 lul9- but omitted i
sired to travel. Otherwise mail goes victim dig his own grave and thenjtlu'm rom his 1910 'ot11'"-
through New Orleans and may go as shoots lilm with his revolver. He Is! The records show taxes paid on the
far as Panama and then back to not cruel nbout it. Just practical. j Jaquet farm as follows:
Nicaragua. Instead of entering the'' "When P.oltsjak say kill, then ho 1910
latter republic by a shorter and more kills with on unperturbed face. AndU911 90.31
direct liiie, according to those Inter"! when Roltsjak says 'you may stop 1912 69.38
ested In the move. now," with the same cool face he lets 1913 ss.50
The experience of one San Fran- his victim go." 11914 8B.40
cisco business nian, who had to send The 'corresponded after some 1915 : X2.X0
a package from Montevideo, I'ruguay,' weeks In Russia, left when he was 1916 lis as
Porlchnts, Inralidt nd GrowJnfCtndMn I Rich milk, malted gain extnctfeJ
The Original Pood-Drink fot All A gee No Cooliaf NewMua,.
io i aniima via t ranee, instead of refused permission to make investl
dlrectly up the west coast of South gallons freely as he pleased.
America via Valparaiso, is cited. I
Tills was merely heenuse of an old Ci l
lliostnl Hgieeineent. and resulted In the JUPaftcSe StriKe
Tltiflu tV.nn. Iu ill. tiiul tmillulilw lid ,U 11 no 1,.I...- .1..II.. .1 l 1 '
,., n .r, ,.,v ..,.FUn.,.M) iii'iivercu just a year
llsell to the danger of dying out. The later, because French steamship lines
privately conducted, iipniu ngnt i-aniima hud been withdrawn dur-
a higher birth rutu has been taken
over hy the government through the
creation of a Higher Council of Na
tality. This council of thirty, Appoint
ed by J. L. Breton, minister of hy
giene, was Hsked to net immediately.
Miv Breton, father of five children, is
known ns a strong friend of large
families,- Three others of the now
cabinet nre ndvocates of measures to
Increase the French birthrate.
War cost France roughly 1.600,000
Ing the war.
Southern Russia
Refugees Awaiting
Lhance To Escape (,,),;num'
Leaders Fail To
Tie Up Plantation
1917 103.88
1918 137.28
1919 175.20
Every other year is the "peak" yenr,
when taxes are higher than the alter
nate year. Mr. Jatiiet took. the record
low year, 1910, to compare with the
record high year, 1919. Ill 1910 the
state and county levy was .0087, thi
m ItS. Jt. T. Bins, of lioi.s
, City, who says bcr llfii wuh
mlHcritbh) for two long yen in be
fore sin begun lulling Tnliliic. She
now uYclaroM she Is enjoying the
best of liculih ami Hint she lint
gnlned twcmy miiiiiiIh,
Honolulu. T. H. Despite the fact "
that the Japanese Federation of Labor
stands firmly by its walkout order,!
issued late In January in an attempt
to force up plantation labor waires. -
ugar mills on the six Island of 1
itlniiintinna nffu,lail tit-a I.,.1
...imirussum, itiiHsia, Apr. 13. Fifty creasing their grinding time,
thousand refugees from all parts of Kahuku mill recently was reported
southern Russia have been camping in on full time, twenty-four hours dally,
the streets of Novorosslsk for several while the others are running from
weeks waiting for transportation to twelve to fifteen hours. The planters
take them across the Black sen. to a May '"''J' ,,llve '"ore than 2,000 strike
place of safety. Most of them are ""eukers In the fields, exclusive of
llles of offlc-rs and leaders of the army inoth,'r 2'000 l'IHpinos who have rc-
or Henlklne. All the resources of the ,ur,U!a ,0 wo,k "n,l tl,e hands who
American Red Cross mission to South I1''''""0'1 J Wll,k out wh,n "e J"P-
Russla have lieen employed In extend-11115"8 roderntlon iind the Filipino
My Tj
Ing relief to the refugees.
Kvery shelter of any description has
been crowded with humanity, idle
factory bull. Mints, grain elevators and
rooms used as offices during the day
have been filled with refugees at night.
Thousands hnve spent their duys
wiilklng the streets and at nightfall
have spread their blankets and scant
coverings upon the pavement to sleep.
' -l ..1f
For Dyspepsia. Indigestion
l nlon declared a strike.
At the time the general strike on
PEARL OIL (kerosene)
ii clean burning. For
tie in oil heaters, cook,
tovei and lampi. Atk your
dealer for Pearl Oil.
I 4 1 i
' r-. I
; . 4 4 I, ,r
!. Y. Hurry.
when covering the slate for the
Woodrow Wilson league of which he
was general organizer and manager.
He has asked that the following 12
words be printed on the official bal
lot after his name:
"There is no greater honor than
delegate to,, the democratic national
ln his 100 word statement that ac
companied his declaration of candi
dacy to the secretary of state, Air.
KXI mxDRll K
There Is one sure way that has nev-
jer failed to remove dandruff at ones.
.unit mat Is to dissolve it, then you
I destroy It entirely. To do this, jmt
'net about four ounces of plain coni
jnion liquid nrvon from any drug store
Mthis Is nil you will need), apply It at
'night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the sculp and rub it In gently
with the finger tips.
I Ity morning, most If not all, if
I your dandruff will be gone, and
Heartburn, belching, sour acid, three or four more applications will
stomach, gusjn stomach, elc, take a completely dissolve and entirely d"
teiispoonful of Disunited Magnesia '.n stroy every single sign and trace of it,
n half gloss of hot wilier after eating. no matter how much dandruff you
Is safe, pleasant und harmless In use, may have,
and given almost Instant relief. It i You will find nil Renins and dlu-
neutrrtlltt.i stomach acidity and sweat! Ring, of the scalp will stop instantly,
ens the food contents so that digestion and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous.
Is easy ami painless. Sold by druggists glossy, silky and soft, and look and
everywhere. (ndv)'feel a hundred times better. tadv)
"If It had not been for Tiinliic 1
Would still 1 n sick w.iimin, ho 1 feel
like 1 ought to tell evelyone what th s
wonderful tneillcnie lias done for me"
Was lhe sincere KlnleineiK made r.
eently by M u. T. Hulls, lll.M
Troost avenue, Kansas fity, Mo.
"Hy the help of Tanlac I have go'.
ten rid of u severe ease of nci'voim In
digestion that had made my lite nils
erable for the past two yems. I colli I
not eat anything without suffering
afterward. The gas on my sinmuch
would rise up Into my i hesl mid press
on my heart und at '-.nes would ut
most cut oif my breath. My nerves I
were u upset dial the least uncxpect j
d noise would almost instruct me. 1
seldom slept well and was so nervous
I would often roll und toss until after .
Inidnlght an, I what little sleep 1 did i
get seemed to do me no Kood. 1 was 1
ulso a great sufferer from heada. h. s '
snd Would often get dir.) 1 until I !
hsve to hold on to mum tlnnn t, keep:
fioiu (ailing. I
"One day I happened to see u tesil-
mSZ TtLTZL'Zi, J.,ur? fal,by urf worn furniture i dianled each year
Lefore 1 had finished It 1 began to '"V drS,,'".ViHl h I-"-
feel just uku a different person. Thoo j 011 'nsil,'e your furniture njrairist fire. It iiQtnsuretl ajraiiiKt
trribi lieadache. disappeared ,t wear? A rowl piwe of furniture will last a lifetime if its surface
my appetite returned. When my 'hat lis properly protected
botlle wiiH tr,ii .,. . . I 11 "
" ....... . uuiuner Ullll 1 fltir, n .1....1. ..1...:- 1 ?i .1 , 1 1
hi i vv " vuiiii ui laoic itwes lis nr; uc!s uegms iu
Miatioyn travels a fast road to the junk heap. Renew it sur
face with Acme Quality Varno-Lac and vou renew its life. You've
Hurry said:
"I have been actively Interested
A good brush is a delight to use, whether you use
on your hair, your teeth, for shaving or for paintin)
We have been fortunate in getting a very complete lii
of brushes and we are selling them at what we know aj
very reasonable prices.
Buy our reliable brushes.
157 South Commercial St.
l-i i-n improving Ulllll now 1 en II
eat Just anything 1 want and I never
suffer any more from Indigestion. I
Tt !,",",,,,lt ,"'n1'l,u" " savl the price of a desk, chair or table, and enhanced the appear-
Z "o LT. 'adaennrieM ATf f hm' BY SAV1NG THE SUKFACK YU SAVE
"Tanlac ha not only relieved met . .. ,
01 my suffering, but have aeiuaiK m.nie vjuaiiiv v aino-Lac stains and varnishes at one oner-
gaiued 2o pounds in weight mi have s "turn producing handsome imitations of exiiensive hardwootK
mi enji.ycd u.h good heiih for , Good for floors, furniture and woodwork.
m medicmeCmTwmurt;;L- , "T8 .bUHinMS' W Ca" We
iiia nuuill I'illlllinjf,
Salem Hardware Co.
grateful for what It has done for mv
want to recommend this inedieine t
all my friends because I believe ,t
will benefit anyone who Is suffering
as I did."
Tallin) Is suld In Salem by Tyler'
drug store and leading druggists- in
other town. (Advi
120 North Commercial St.
Closed Cars Are
the Coming Car
In sunshine or rain.the CLOSED
CARS have proven their super
iority. The occupants are free from dust in sum
mer, and yet have ample ventilation. In winter
the cold and rain are shut out making riding a
comfortable pleasure.
Call on us at any time, rain or shine, and let
us prove to you the superiority of the
Closed Car over the open car.
No obligaitons incurred, we are pleased to
respond to your call.