Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 14, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    tnAY, APRIL 14, 1920.
J 0 Control
is Steiner In
knita! Strike
f back Of Super-
affairs of the
E. Le
. U -v
the insane. ui
of control give little -,
to the malcontents
who had gone
Id of t'h' institution head
mo we f -
, ,ha reimUtement of
0ve. who have 'V
umrer Hoff IB eomment-
action ol in
(using to worn -
L off on the wrong foot'
f 1 ... it a fftt. a man
jroulU you - ;
Ledloos? on the world on
trustworthy to be In the
vmi at-
the state nu v..
o secure erapiuj
itutlons." . .
Olcott in .summing up
, dismissed the hearing
r that the board would
rely back oi ouiir""""
hih w th reierence w
ont of paroled men and.
ssal of the seven employes
Kulty at the state hospital
a petition signed
mnloves and declaring
r .
tO WOl'K Willi imiuioi.
to Superintend
ent dissatisfaction -centers
employment of one John
v) Cordon wno wus v-
lay from the state prison
been serving a sentence
, nffi'iise. Gordon has at
en a model prisoner and
frful disposition wniin ti
lted him for the patience-
; involved in the care oi
the state hospital. Oor
lyment wns in line with a
ii'ie policy of the institu-
;ich tins been followed out
throughout his twelve
,,1 of the hospital, of lend-
I) nff nana to wumij un-
thelr narole from the
when there was need for
Ices. Heretofore no uujct-
leen voiced by the other
f the hospital to this pol
uployment of Gordon, how
iised as an excuse by sev-
es, some of whom at least
ized as "agitators'
this policy.
le ultimatum was present-
informed the attendants
ho objected to the policy
ilierty to call for their
ft leave the institution. Up
nlgnt none una accepieu
fetion and with the excep-
even discharged men all
were at work today altho
lraated at the hearing that
n seventy would quit their
all paroled men were dis-
totalling more than JS000 and the dis
appearance of one woman who had
been corresponding with Huirt and
who waa living at a beach hotel when
the news of his arrest became public
The case has now developed, the of
ficers said, to a question of sifting the
numerous facta at hand In an effort to
tell Just how many women Huirt had
married. If he had married, and how
many of them were alive. They said
a revised list Indicate that he had mar
ried about twenty women In fifteen
years, and that five or possibly six of
the twenty had mysteriously disappear
ed. .
Three of the alleged wives are in
Los Angeles or suburban towns, and
the officers said they would confront
Huirt with the women as soon as his
condition permits.
SperiaUfted In Widows. '
Huirt, they said, specialized In wid
ows; he was alleged to have married
only two or three women who had not
ba previous; matrimonial experience,
they said bis preference waa probably
due to the fact that widows usuany
bad a title property whereas single wo
men were npt always so provided. :
' Police were today endeavoring to
establish ownership of a fur collar and
silk tskirt found in a room in a Santa
Monica, hotel occupied by Huli't
Dark stains on the garmatita were
said by the police to have caused them,
to attach particular importance to tha
discovery. Photographs of several
women were found in the room, which
Huirt is declared to have occupied as
"James Lawrence of Oakland, Cal."'
An effort was also being made to lo
cate Mrs. Florence Adelaide Long, who
formerly lived in Venice, near Santa
teered to be on hand to do their part
on that day.
Lincoln Community
Circle Adopts New
Progress Measures
Exceptional attendance and special:
Royalty Claims
of Warren Bros.
Total $135,000
republican, featU(.M marked the meeting of the! "The right of th Warren Brothers
fourth district
Lee M. Travis, Eugene, democrat,
for delegate to the democratic national
convention from the first congressiona.
L. D. BrOWn. Amnrt
state representative from Polk caunty. !(
E. C. . iic Far land, Portland, for ,
state representative from Multnomah'
L. II. Lepper, Portland,
for state wmtnr fn,m
county. iLincoln Parent-Teachers Clrcleat the company to collect royalties on patent
4- U- Batchelder, Lakeview, republl-'Llncoln school, TuesdHj- night. Vigor-j paving used by Qskar Huber In atato
can, for circuit judge of the fourteenth ous approval was given the movement highwav construction ' Interests the
jdiclat district, comprising Lake coun- to nut the. school grounds and build-8tate highwa deiartment to tlle .
ty. , jing in first-class condition. J. . Ma-.
W. H, Waterbury. Kewport. repub-' runy. chairman of the School Beau-;1" of than J1J5.000, accord-,
lican, for district-attorney for Lincoln ' tHul" committee, volunteered his ser-( ing to Roy A. Klein, secretary of the
county. ' Vices In planning and executing need- gtate highway commission here. This
George J. Cameron, Portland, rep.,- 3"'- iiathUanLhoobe! ls minimum price of
lican, for delegate to the depublican assisted by the pupils Of the school. I -national
convention trnm th. ...f o- Advocatig that, an ungraded class ten cents per suar yard op which basis
Irish Joyous
Of Big Strike
Belfast, Ireland, Apr. 1J The Even- school.
lng Telegraph's Dublin correspondent
w ire9, under reserve, a statement that
the cabinet is about to grant the de
munds of the Irish hunger strikers.
Dublin, Apr. 14. The general strike
declared in Ireland in protest over the
treatment of the political prisoners on
a hunerer strike in Mount .Tm- nHnn
Monica. Huirt is declared to hav& Bs.t int .,,, tp.,i;,v .,i t.
.. ,
made a will in favor of Mrs. Long and
this document, found In his possession,
led to location of the Santa Monica
A list of names alleged to have been
used by Huirt in his matrimonial ad
ventures included, to date, Walter An
drew Watson. Charles Newton Harvey,
Harry Lewis, T, )u!s A. Hilton, Andrew
Huirt, James Wood and H. L. Gordon.
Eight Seeking to
Represent Marion
In Lower House
l Woman
bought to Be
nued from page one)
for Investigation of circum
icating that he has married
twenty women without di
V of them, was reported to
y ill at the comity hospital
.lit was taken to the hospital
held under guard, after he
his throat and wrist in two
It suicide.
developments included
fry of a room occupied at In-
the suspected man, ana
landlord of tho hotel said
continuously retained for
discovery of bank deposits
With eight candidates already filed
and more to come the race for Marlon
county's five seats In the lower house
of the state legislature promises to be
a most interesting contest, although,
based on present indications victory in
the primaries will be equivalent to elec-
in j tion Inasmuch as not a single democra
tic aspirant ror legislative nonors nas
as yet appeared in this county. r-
Consltlerable zest was added to the
contest In this district Tuesday morn
ing when Thomas B. Kay, former state
treasurer, file as a candidate for the
republican nomination for state repre
sentative. Kay who has had several
year's experience in the legislature, Is
regarded as a" sate bet although he
must count on sharing his support with
five other Balem men whose names are
on the list. ' .
Ivan G. Martin and George W.
Weeks, both of Salem and both mem
bcrs of the last legislative session, for
mally entered their names in the lists
for re-election Tueday. Both are re
publicans. The other five candidates In the
race to date are T. L. Davidson, Zodac
J. Riggs and J. G. Perry of Salem,
Henry Zorn of Donald and David H.
Looney of Jefferson.
Other candidates filing with the sec
retary of state's office, Tuesday, for a
place on the primary ballot were:
Charles L. Brown, Portland, republi
can, for public service commissioner,
western district.
t it r-uno Ardenwald Station, re
publican, for state representative from
the seventeenth district.
C J Edwards, Tillamook, republi
can,' for state senator fron the twenty-
f, mti
IVIiaril Oil a
j influenza epidemics spray
p'iu mroat several times a
lone part Wizard Oil and
ir, using an atomizer,
iven't an atomizer, gargle
and snuff the mixture up
This treatment sets up an
wall of defense against flu
L,,. ...
F" ana sore throat lead
t'v mem at once with Wiz-
. we tney c.ln devel()p ,nt0
i- "uiuenza.
from druggists for 80c.
r4 mum the bottle
pupated or have sick head
W , ,'2ard Llver Whip,
fce'ed Pi"3'
multous shouting in the vicinity 'of the
The crowd comprised 20,000 persons
among whom threatening demonstra
tions occurred. Three tunks and several
armored cars, with a large force of
police and , military, were stationed
about the prison. -
it was announced that the strike,
originally intended as a one day cele
bration, would continue until the pris
oners were released.
I room with teacher In charge, be es- the Warren Brothers company at one
jlablished, the Circle ' decided to" put time offered to compromise their roy
!the matter up to the school board, 'alty claim against the state.
' Mrs. Lemoine R. Clark, principal of The actual figure, however, in the
the school spoke in favor of the plan; event the courts should find the com
, the purpose of which is to aid back- pany entitled to a royalty would de
jward pupils in special way. pen(J upon tha pr, wt b the u
't . , T l . TT I k y. s explamen. . nih as ii,.iiu.
j presented to the assemblage, well
' founded suggestions for the improve
ment and development of the build-
- Inira un4 irimiinita nf lha f .iniutln
Miss Fetlows' address, which "i"""0 1-
sparkled with original humor, was """"" "ivo.veu.
well received and frequently applaud- hKas bn,,f,d on state highways since j
ed the legislature of 1919 instructed thej
Several- other Important subjects department to reject all claim for roy ,
were diseased by able speakers and aI'y of the patent waa definitely estab-'
a hearty social hour was enjoyed be- "shea by the courts.
fore adjournment 1 In order to protect the State the'
nignway aepartment has reserved the
right in all contracts for the attorney
generalto intervene in any suit brought
against a contractor on state work.
! cents per square yard has been crillect
led on patented paving laid in some
towns in this state.
A total of approximately l,350.uu
Volk Explains
Traffic Detail
j Councilman A'olk, chairman of the
! police committee, requested The Cupi
! tal Journal today to publish the fol
lowing extract from the traffic ordi
nance, for the information of the pu'o
j "c:
I "Motor vehicles meeting and pass
ing along the side of a streetcar and
: going in the opposite direction from
j that of the streetcar, shall, after coni-
The strike is not in effect In Belfast ' t0 a full-stop on or before reach
and the north of Ireland. In Dublin
and throughout the west and south of
Ireland, however, business is at a stand
lng a point at right angles with the
center of such streetcar, proceed nt
once with due regard for the safety ot
pedestrians stepping out from the rear
of said streetcar."
Tills refers to streetcars standing
still receiving and dicharge passengers.
Date of Blossom
Day Is Changed to
Sunday, April 25
Finding that very few blossoms will
be out by next Sunday the Commer
cial club has changed the date of
Ttlnganmn Tlnv Vipro from Anril IS to
April 25, it was announced at the 0f-,morni''S from E. C. Morse, director of
War Department
To Aid In Making
Food Available
The co-operation of the war depart
ment in relieving any food shortage
which might result from the present
railroad strike is offered in a'teleeram
I received by Governor Olcott this
Men and women at forty
.iand at the portal of a crucial
period. Strength must be kept
up, the body well nourished.
is ihi tonic of wonderful helpful
ness to those in middle life.
SCOTT'S nourishes and in
vigorate and helps th
body keep up with th
daily wear and tear on
strength. Let Scott'f
help keep von robust!
Scott k Bowut. BleonUiild, N.J,'-
Those Wew Pumps
-Are arriving quite regularly now. The
expressman makes lis a visit nearly
every day aid the styles you have been
wanting; are coming rapidly. Yester
day the new I eyelet tie came and fs a
beauty. Worth nore? Yes but we will
sellr them for $8J5X
The "Pandora" Pump with its high front in dQ A A
Black Kid, we priced at ..I........;.....?.......'. PtUl
A Black Kid Colonial with Black Buckle and
Baby Louis heels, are only '. '..
Black Kid Plain Pump,
Military heels
Black Patent Pump, with
military heels '.
Fine Brown Kid Pump, very light welt soles
and the popular Cuban heels at
An elegant Dark Brown Kid Pump with turn
soles and full Louis XV heels
As High Quality at as Low Prices Only at
Littler & Upmeyer
fices of the club today. Hanager T. i
E. McCroskey, of the club, and Luth-
er J. Chapln, chairman of the agricul
ture bureau, after a tour in the coun
ty Tuesday afternoon, found that con
ditions would not be satisfactory for
the Blossom Day until laterl
It was first believed that with two
or three days sunshine this week the
blossoms would be out enough to en
able the club to stage the blossom
tour iffext Sunday.
Every person in Salem wtlh an
automobile, and a grain of civic pride
is urged to be on hand at the depots
Sunday, April 25, to drive thejhous-
ands of visitors, who are expected to
the various scenic parts of the coun
ty. At the meeting of the Cherrians
last night about 30 members volun-
sales In charge of army supplies.
Morse calls attention to the ' fact
tha large' stocks of canned roast
beef are in storage in Portland for dis
tribution through any gales agency
which tlie governor might designate in
the event the situation demanded the
use of these stocks. It is suggested
that in the event any section or the
state should desire to make use of
this offer the stocks could be trans
ported by motor truck.
Lethbridge, Alia.; Apr. 14. June 29
has been get as the tentative date for
a referendum on the Importation of
liquor into Alberta.
if Hire Soldiers II
They are trained men,
they are vigorous men,
they are smart men.
Their energy will make
your business hum
YouTl reach the finett kind
Of workers tl U klndt
. . t - rMulAA AH.
Li i wrouga our
Im4 m Um the Wsrt Ms Ui
Mary MacLareh
in a perfect Gem of a Photoplay
"The Weaker Vessel"
Here's a picture that's too good to
be true fun 0f types you know, city
a"d country dramatic to The last
notch yet packed with humor amus
Ing but" full of thrills. See it and
lou'll have the most delightful hour
you've tpent this year. Now Playing.
cial Vaudeville Friday,' Saturday
Essential Things
For Woman and Child
Purchase of whichf at these prices, is
I made possible only by our Retiring from
Business Sale
Underwear 4fW-
This is two-piece Underwear for women
' and children of a quality, that can't
. mean anything but just plain Good
ness thru and thru. Some are medium
light, some fleece lined; six months
from now you'll be tickled in more
ways than one because you bought
plenty pants and vests, Children's
Garments 10c, 15c 25c, 35c, 50c Wom
en's Garments 45c, 75c, 85c, 95c,
$1.25 and .:....$1.4S
"Union Alls"
Lee's Blue Chambray for girls from 7
to 16 years. A well-made garment that
will save many a dress. They'll be much
liked in the berry yards this summer.
For girls 7 to 11 years $1.65
For girls 12 to 16 years ...$1.85
! f
We have taken, from our regular stock,
' a lot of plain Taffetas and Satins and
inarked them down for a quick clean up.
The widths are many and there are num
erous colors and shades, also white and . . .
black and a few novelties. We have divid
ed them into six groups, at per yard .
5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c," 35c
&j and the electrically- L
H sealed package brings
I WRIGLEYS ta yoa -0'
with all its goodness
perfectly preserved. I p
I Sealed Tight- I
j . t Kept Right