Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 14, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ULL.UiV, AFiULl-f
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afest News Covering Central Willamette uaiiev dv capital Journal opsum yumMuijgncs
VccdBurn Bank
Will Move Into
Larger Quarters
Woodburn, Or., Apr, 14. Believing
la Woodburn and its future, the offi
cers of the Bank of Woodburn have
parchased the association building,
now occupied by the Bluebird Ptl
roam and Goettel'a Variety Store and
will remodel it, making first clan
banking quarters. The building new
occupied by the hank ia becoming too
mail fur the amount of businea trans
acted and it also not ia the center of
tiie business district like the new place
will be. Work cannot be tariea lor
while yet a th present tenants have
lease not expiring fur several months
Acocrding to present plans the pro
greato men directing the affairs of the
bank will make It one of the moat up-to-date
institutions in the valley, and a
credit to Woodbam and vicinity.
Perry Seely had a slight operation
performed on his now at Salem Friday,
Fourteen signers have been seemed
a petition to pave South Front
street, which Is a disgrace to the city.
In winter tt Is almost Impassable and
when summer dwntea those residing on
it are almost smothered by the dust
Sunday a machine drove all the way
from Cornelius to this city without the
ngine stopping, but on trying to nav
igate South Front street the machine
topped stuck in the mud.
Sergeant George Adams, son of Mr.
and Mrs C. A. Adams of tills city, re
turned last week from Texas where he
was discharged from the 11th balloon
company. Sergeant Adams was In the
4th balloon squadron In France.
ine i nuea Arirsans Will give a
dance at the armory Saturday evening.
April 17.
The member of the Kaffee Klatsch
and their husbands were entertained at
cards Thursday evening last by Sirs.
Bugene Courtney. Mrs. J. F. Steel
Hammer and Henry D. Miller carried
off first prises and Mr. Steelhammer
Ji consolation. The hostess was assist
ed In eervlng refrenhmeni by Mrs.
Keith Vow. II. Mrs. T. K. Sanderson
and Mr. Courtney.
. Miss Lillian Con na way, until lntely
manager of the CC store In this city,
was married In Portland. April 7th to
Frank Herman ofthat city. The bride
anade many friends during her real
ence here who wlh her much Joy
n nappiness.
Res Coleman Is moving his plumb
tng shop from Bouth Front street to
the room opposite the 8. P. depot, for
merly orupled by the Oregon cafe.
Dallas l'lttenger of Kerry, Ofi, visit
d his mother, Mrs. Laura l'lttenger,
Sunday. -'
The Willamette university glee club
gave a concert In W. H.-fl. auditorium
Saturday evening. The roa mwas com
fortably filled and nil seemed to enjoy
he affair. Quite a number attended
rrom out of town.
hole which om'e 11
fore lees tot, and the was un
able to extricate hiiiifelf from the
place. iur could the number of men
which gathered get him out. A large
truck wjj bruoi-ht tar use aal th
animal pulled out, not much worse
for his exrerk-nce.
. - -
! Mrs. E. B. Waiters of Idanha. spent
I Sunday at the Capu Yratters home.
I T. C. Crabtree Is now employed by
the Liily Hardware Co.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kramer visited
Salem Tuesday.
J. B. Miller, who has been quite
sick the past weeks from the flu, is
now much improved and will soon be
able to ba out.
Geo. H. Bell has moved Into the
Mrs. Korinek house, which he recent
ly purchased.
Stayton Bank To
. Become National
Institution Soon
8tay(on, April H.Ths Farmers
Uerchants bank of Stayton will soon
few converted into the First National
feank of Stayton, permission for the
change having been granted by the
controller of the currency. Since con
solidation with the Stayton Btata bank
the business of this bank has grown
constantly, and aa there seemed to be
a. need for a national bank hers, per
mission for its atulillshment was auk
ad. Work will begin soon on the build
fng to be occupied by the new bank,
Which when completed will be mod
win and convenient, Th Farmers ft
Merchants recently took over the
dock of D. B. Hill In the bank at
Will City. Mr. Hill having moved to
i'ortland to reside, ,
. Mrs, Wm, Nende.i Is home , from
rwuana, wners she went to nmtit
iMrs, Hoy Rondel, who is hers for a
' Frank Li.L.y of the Stayton hotel,
fa now driving a nw Liberty iJU.
MM Mabel Montgomery, who tu
been sick for several months, but was
nnhlerably better, hud a slight re
lapse last week, but Is now reported
Jtu proving.
Frank Kerber hits purchased and
pow occupies he house recently own
pd by Paul Felilon, on Water street.
, Mrs, Geo, lloediglielmsr and ha by
(re now living In town, her husband
till being employed on the Toelle
'. The Snntiaiii Woolen Mills com
pany has leased the double ator
ginned by the odd Fellowa, In which
hey wlil store the manufactured
ytoods from Hi mill as (hey are turn -wi
out. The mill company is adding
plmost daily to Its force of employes,
kind expect soon to have the mill run
iliilig to capacity.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. I Wilbur, who
Jiavs been in Portland the past two
fnonths, are home for a fi weeks
v The pustoffice ill Mehuma, which
was discontinued ubout a year ago,
Viil be reeslabllxhed sunn, with Mr
liouirh, a merchant there, as post
pnnster. The post office at Kingston
rill be discontinued after April 15.
Mail tor that - place will be handled
' a rural rtmte from Stayton.
p Coimideiuble excitement was cre
nted Sunday when a horse which w:w
picking grnxs In the yard of its own--a.
Xloatd ioiusomery, broke thru,
into an old boarded up cess pool The
jhlnd legs of th animal were In the
Revival Services
At Marion To Be
Held Entire Week
Marion, Or., Apr. 14. Starting Sun
day. April 18, and continuing for a
week, revival services will be held In
the Friends church here, under the di
rection of Beverend Lee, of the High
land Friends church of Salem. Special
services will be held and a good mu
sical program ia promised for each
Miss Marian Ramage has returned
home to Portland after a week's visit
with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cotgan and
Kev. Blaln Bronner was a Portland
visitor the first of the week.
Mrs. Cummins and son, John, who
have been assisting with the work on
the Pickard Bros', dairy ranch, have
gone to Portland In response to a mes-
age telling of the Illness of Mrs. Cum
min's daughter. They will make their
home there for the present.
Mr. Gray and family have moved on
Mr. Hubb's place. They came from
near Jefferson.
Miss Harriett Colgan attended the
Sunday school convention held in So.
lem last Friday and Saturday. She was
a delegate from the Presbyterian Sun
day school from here.
Mrs. Beckman. who has been 111 In
a Salem hospital, is better and will
soon be home,
Kev. Ogden will arrive soon to be
come the resident pastor of the Pres
byterian church at this place.
Mrs. Hunt of Albany Is visiting her
sister. Miss Sophronla Farnham,
Lee Doerfler returned home last
Saturday for a short visit with his
family here. He has finished substi
tuting as telegraph operator at Banks
and will soon fill some other place foi
the company. He Is much pleased with
the work.
The many friends of J. V, Hencer
will be glad to know that he was able
to leave the hospital last Thursday,
and Is getting along nicely.
Gladys Barber, Mary Barker and
Guy Boise all from Salem were visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Barber last Sunday.
Mildred Kaylor of Salem was the
guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Conklin last Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Gantry of Jefferson
"Pent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. B.
v. Enslsy.
v. M. Mavis and fumllv einert to
move soon to his place near West Stay
tan. , !
John. and Rqy Winn began working
with the 8. P. seotlon men last Satur
day. Thelma Ilengs spent lust Saturday
and Sunday visiting her grand parents
In Salem.
Work on Dallas
Salem Road To
Be Started Soon
Third Quarter
Attendance At
Normal Is Good !-
f th-, committees for furthering the
I campaign for the nulUite bill. Tlie
visitors will be entertained with a
I student body program in the chapel
in the evening asm later c
party & the gymnasium.
Monmouth. April 1,4. The new
quarter at the Normal opened auspi
ciously .Monday with registraiton.
: Several new students havr entered, a
Dallas, Or., Apr. 14. With the Dal sufficient number to C.l ail the va-
las-Saieni road nearly impassable as cant places left by those who grad
Excelsior Mill
At Stayton Closes
stayton, . April U. After another
week, the excelsior mill of Stayton will
be a thing of the past. Several months
ago Gardner Stayton sold the ma
chlneny of the plant to Kugene parties,
reserving the use of It until the supply
of timber on hand was manufactured,
in a few days this will bs completed
and the machinery moved.
This Institution has been a rreit
d al of benefit to Stayton, giving em
ployment to a number of men in the
plant aa well as to a number In the
timber cutting wood, and Stayton pen
pie are sorry to see It go, but the sup
ply of balm timber Is practically ex
hausted and other kinds fit for excel
slar are not available, so the owners
decided to close till) plant.
Beautiful New Wall Tints and cut out
borders Just received.
.MAX O. Ill 11KX
178 N. Commercial
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
Hi North Commercial
'Pa says if '
I stood on a
mountain of
to the
Car of
Yick So Tong
Jhlness Medlclns and Tt Co.
Has medlclns which will eurw
any known dlssas.
Open Sundays from Is a. m.
until I p. m.
Ill South High Street
lalem, Oregon. Pbon Itl
Also Junk of All Kind
Best Prices Guaranteed
Capital Junk Co.
Ths Square Deal House
IT1 Cbeiusketsi St Prions lit
a result of the rains of the past ten
days, traff.e between the two cities and
many intermediate points has bees at
the lowest ebb in several years and the
only ray of sunshine, for those who
have to travel the stretch is that ft
improvement awaits only the arrival of
settled weather.
Everything is In readiness for the
resumption of the paving operations
that were called off when the rains of
last fail made the raying of pavement
Impossible. The big "hot stuff plant
of the Oscar Huber company, near
Eola, Is ready to start Its wheels in mo
tion as soon as the weather man hangs
out the "spring is here" sign and a
camp with accommodation for arotma
109 men has been established at this
The grading for the road is practi
cally all done and small crews are put
ting some of the grades which were appreciated.
badly cut up and otherwise damaged
during the winter into condition to re
ceive the crushed rock and surfacing.
At Rickreall the gravel dredged from
Rlckreall creek is piled mountain high
awaiting the time when the trucks can I thusiastic
move It.
It is probable that the paving opera
tions will be resumed where the work
was abandoned last year and that a
few weeks of work will see the hard
surface laid as far west from Salem
as Brunk's corner. The entire distance
between liallas and Salem will be
paved before the summer is over.
uated last Friday.
Announcements hare been received
of the marriage of Miss Buna McCoy,
an alumnus of the Normal, to Leslie
O. Hunter on Sunday, March 14, at
An entertaining program was given
in the normal chapel last Thursday
evening by the pupils of the seventh
and eighth grades of the Monmouth
(.training school.
President Ackerman was a guest
of the Civic elub of Portland last
Saturday at luncheon, and gave a
talk there. The members of the club
were enthusiastic In their endorse
ment of the millage bill.
J. O. Andrus, who has been the ef
ficient firemen at the heating plant
for several years, has resigned his
place. He will be greatly missed as
his excellent service has been much
m.rce last weeK which mas uu""-
ed by Frank A. Yanderhp of New
Woodburn will have a
danc- this summer. May oil-June .
The Bank of Woodburn has in
stalled a 3200 pound Mosler safe,
i Mr. and Mis. Ralph 11. Maupin of
Portland were guests of relatives and
friends in this city from rnuay to
Dr. T. K. Sanderson has purchased
the L. Lawrence home on Young
Ballas, April 14. With two pack- street and will move his family there
i. it a cannerv to be :n. as soon as -Mr. ana -virs.
operation here in time for the berry, leave for Portland, their future home
and fruit season local growers are ex- ( '
little concern as to wn.:t
Dallas Plants To
Care For Entire
Yield Of Fruits
SchGol Delayed Bv
Bad Weather
Mt. Angel. April H.-n,,ns fw
immediate construction of the nT
St, Mary's school are being carrJ!
forward rapidly. With. vie tuajjj
beginning operations at once, Fraj.
uiniung, ine contractor for
and wiH begin work as soon
s th
Just to keep it in circulation. hvt
a want ad from a Philadelphia paper:
"Wanted Experienced girl to do box
ing In men's underwear. Must he
"Jazz" Is a pimpled impurity in the
musical system. The Hammer.
Group two of the social divisions
of the student body enjoyed a party
at Mr. Butler's residence Tuesday
evening of this week. The members
of the entire student body are en-
in their praise of Mr.
Butler's generosity in lending his
home to them as a place of entertain
ment. The Vespertines gave a good program-
in the chapel last Friday eve
ning. The farce "Too Much Bobbie."
was especially well staged and acted.
they are going to do with their crops
this year.
Besides the California Packing cor
poration's plant, which has been :n
operation for the past five years and
which has been enlarged and Improv
ed during the winter, Mason-Ehrman
company is now putting the finishing
touches on a tSv.000 packing plant
and local men are backing the con
struction of a cannery to handle this
year's crop of the Dallas section.
Indications of good .yields from the
orchards and berry patches are driv
ing even the most pessimistic "freeze
up" howlers to cover and the grow
ers are highly optimistic concerning
crops. Careful surveys have shown
the rumored frost damage to lie
trifling and confined entirely to the
Community Club
At Woodburn To
Meet Thursdayl
Woodburn, April 14. A communi
ty club was organized here, or steps
taken toward its organization, last
The registrar reports many inquir- i Thursday evening. E. P. Marcom call
ies and a most favorable outlook for : ed the meeting to order. Speeches
a successful summer session, begin-! were made by Walter Denton, Luther
ning June 2i. j J. Chapin and T. E. McCroskey ot Sa-
The Greater O. N. S. committee has I lem. Salem musicians helped enter
Invited the similar committees from I tain. Committees were appointed and
the University and Agricultural col- j will report at the next meeting, Thurs
lege to meet with them on Saturday, j day evening? April 15.
April 17. The purpose of the meeting j Keith Powell attended the meeting
is to consider further the Joint plans ; at the Portland chamber of com-
Yahmill County
Road Bond Bill
To Pass, Claim
Dallas, Or., Apr. 14 Prediction that!
the $300,000 road bond issue proposed
for Tarrihill county, which is to be
voted on at the time ot the May pri
mary election, w ill pass is made by j
Otto H. Heider of Sheridan, who was)
in Dallas Tuesday attending court and '
looking after other legal business.
The money from the bond issue, if
voted, ia to be used principally in im-
j proving the highway between Newberg
and W mamma, according to Mr. fiel
der, and the remainder will go into the
construction of lateral roads.
Mr. Heier has announced his candi-
acy for nomination for the office of !
district attorney of Yamhill county.
(Continued on page three)
Grand Opera-House
I Friday, April 16.
J Prices 50c, 75c, and $1.00
aeai saie opens roaay opera Ho
Bids on the grading of 5.3 miles of
the Corvallis-Newport highway be-1
tween Toledo and Newport will be
received by the state highway com
mission for consideration at its next
meeting in Portland, April 27. Bids
are also being received by the de
partment for the surfacing of 1.82
miles on the Barlow-Aurora section
of the Pacific highway.
It is not wise to name an Insipid
scion of wealth after a noted man. j
Think of the Insult to Grover Cleve-:
land, when slacker Bergdoll was given
that name.
fc iai,
in pints, quarts, full gallons, half gallons.
Now Selling at all grocers
Now is the time to buy. Buy in Quantities
Once You Try Mazola You Will Never Co
Back to Lard or Butter for Cooking
or Olive Oil for Dressings
OF interest to every wide-awake housewife are
these important facts about the general use,
the quality and the unusual economy of Mazola.
No fat excels Mazola for
deeo Irvine. It is far hettor
and a great deal more economical than lard or com
pounds. Mazola is 100 pure vegetable fat It
contains no ' moisture. Butter and Lard contain
rnfiisture. The same lot of Mazola can be used over
end over again even after frying fish and onions.
Merely straining makes it perfectly fresh for use as a
shortening. It carries no odors or flavors from the
foods cooked in it and does not smoke up your kitchen.
sg 7!! llMl
ton.? h
l Ik J ?M
Hl I iY n h i ft'..!:'''
, : best demonstrates itself in the fact '
that to J3 less Mazola is required than that of butter
or lard. Thii means that your cakes and pie crust will
not only be light, rich and easily digested but will cost
you less to prepare. Being aa oil, the tiresome " cream-mg-in
process 7 is eliminated. Mazola ia always readv
for mstant use. -
' W - ians, who certainly
Jcnow ohve 3, use Mazola. Not only because it costs
about half that of the best olive col, but because of its
richness, quality and purity. . .
For French. Dressing, Mazola blends readily and
mayonnaise made with Mazola will keep for weeks
? muiyui separating. , .
Smiling Rtpnavttatw
, Portland. Ore.
Important to Housewives
. One of the most severe comparative tests ever ued
on a cooking fat gives unqualified FIRST HONORS
to Mazola. .
n,,UVHer "niarkable econoiny 'and high
quality of Mazola by these figured. T .
2 lbs. of Mazola fcied . 261b3. Potatoes
2 Lard u g . .
2 lbs. of Compound ll'A u u -
Note: Mazola goes over thte riiUs aa
tar as lard; ia twico aa economical
aa compound. ; '
IS " "
2 lb, of Mazola fried1
2 lbs. of Lard '
2 lbs. of Compound " " .
"l9: Zmpar Seorai yourself.
VY'ith tr?irg 6sh Mazola doea
not Smoke up your kitchen.
. 3. lbs. of Compound ' 163 -Not:
Mldouehnut wer the same aiza.
Mazola - made doughnut ara
more easily di6estt-ri