I' AGE THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem League of Artists Changes Name at Session The regular monthly meeting for April, of the Salem Arts league keld in the public library lust night. It aa decided to chance the name of the league, from Salem Art league to fjiem Art league, the latter name being more suggestive of the scope of me organization. The object of the hague remains me same as before: to help Salein be come a community with an intelli gent appreciation of the beautiful, that beauty which manifests Itself In many ways, as In architecture, pictor ial and plastic art, music, literature, photography and landscape garden ing. : The league Is so constituted that . starting with a few branches or sec tions, dealing with certain manifesta tions of beauty, it is posxlble for oth ere to be added as Interent and op portunity increases. " , ' The league looks for Individual de velopment;, but individual develop, ment Is not the ultimate object. It is the unwritten law of the organization that the individual shall forget him self In his desire for the attaining of broader purpose; and in the very act of forgetting the personal desire, in furthering the desire of the many. It is hoped to attain Individual develop Siient. , : - : Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, president of the league, said in jiart last night: '8a!em is recognized us a -leadji' In commercial activities in the west, and the real object of the league Is to De velop that love for beauty, that will find a practical expression, sufficient xor it to be said of us that we are also pre-eminent in the arts, ns well" 1 A number of amendments were made to the constitution. It whs de cided tentatively to change the sched Ulo of meeting dates. Hereafter there will be two meetings each month, one pertaining to butdnexs. with a pro gram, representative of some one sec tion following; the second meeting to feature some outsldu lecturer of mus ical talent, which will bo open to the public. The first meeting of the lat ter description will be May 4th, when Miss Kthel Sawyer of the exten sion department of the 1'ortlaiid pub lid library, will (.peak upon the sub ject ot "Fiction, nnd the . creative reader." . Following the session, the R. Mon roe Gilberts entertained the Arts lea gue members and several additional guents at a delightfully Informal tea In their new studio over the Commer cial book store, It was in the nature of an opening for the charming place which Mr. Gilbert hi s Just finished decorating. The combination of yel low and blac. is developed In a bl arr and artistic manner, a relieving foolur noto being introduced In the Extra Tails for China's Cab Horses - - Peddled, Like Balloons, in Streets j Wsss-. llNfrifllfl .si . b a u i iiaisiBsii ai a as - a ; - w 1 pi m f . 'V.'. i t ' r i , t I is Rainy Weather Forces Sea-Plane to Abandon Trip Pue to unfavorable weather condi tions at Portland, the good seaplane "Sea Gull" scheduled to fly from Port land to Salem, Wednesday with ChtS- Iter G. Murphy and Hoover petitions, I was held in Portland after making fu tile efforts to breast the uncertain winds- More than three thousands persons gathered at the designated landing place at the foot of Court street, Wed nesday noon, were forced to forego reception planned for the plane and its oecurfants uiwn arrival here. The large crowd was fathered along the river bank near the proposed land ing place and on the Marion-Polk bridge. Several ambitious youths had climbed to the superstructure of the bridge or secured prominent vantage point elsewhere. . Mesu'.' received from Portland at the noon hour stated that the flyers would make efforts t be in Salem at 12:45 o'clock. Although previous an nouncement had set the time of the event at 12:30, the assemblage watted patintly until final word was received that the flight was abandoned for the time. Paul B. Wallace, president of the Salem Hoover Republican club reports that petition circulation in Salem has met with good results and that the Sa lem petitions will be filed at the secre tary of sate' ore yrr, peti tions from all other parts of the elate arrive. Anxious to have a "good view" of the hrdroplane a dozen small boys ven tared out on the undergirdors of the imer-coiinrv brldre. The youngsters j'faced the heavy gale that swept up mid river with apparent unconcern Dut spectators notified the police and Traf fic Officer Moffitt appeared on the scene and caused the youngsters to hurrv back to safety. Several women ; who witnessed the perilous venture of iihe lads were thrown on the verge oi hvsterla and all wuuessea of the stunt expressed the opinion that the foolish venture might nave lernuuuieu in a tragedy. EDXESDAY, APRIL 14, : . chased fc, theeTcTTT district and was one n( -ja-uittBta owned by rur;u Z i" " I this sontjr. " ' v 'sb he v whites ar used, may ktp', ' i ! days, if covered with cold wat'-.T1 ! a co !,;ilirk place. " - - ' t "" i 1 MASQUERADE Mean Thief Takes School Phonograph Reports that someone had stolen the phonograph which was the prop erty of the pupils of the White school, district Xo. 33, indicates that the Dis honorable Order of Meaiest Thieves has annexed at least one recruit." Patrons of the school district have appealed to Sheriff v.". I. '.Xeednani, asking that he aid in tracing the per petrators of the theft. JJtie to the fact that no description of the ma chine was given ther than that it was valued a $75, the Marion county sheriff was obliged to ask for more definite information concerning the incident which occurred on the night of April 9. The masieal instrument was pur- DANCE " Armory Saturday Night -' Cash Prizes, - '".," "The Human Canary?'".1 The megaphone finger quality orchestra entertains. . Ladies 'Free . Admission If these long rows of horse-hair fly-swatters suggest . that there are many flies in China, the sutrKCStion is ' incorrect. There may he a few flies in the ftrcels,. ! and every mafoo (horse-man) carries a swalter fi,r the protection of his charge while he is waiting for hit ' are. But in the houses, says the report of China of tht Tnterchtirch World Movement, there are practically bone i f t!:c gtrm-lnkn pests. This is due largely to the fact that garbage of all kinds is carried into the fields and turned at once into the ground for fcrtilii ing pifrpores. Is it possible that we could take a few tips on -anitation from the heathen Chinese? 0 window draperies of Japanese crepe In yellow and black stripe, with a floral motif of conventionalized morn ing glories, In tones of rose and law. endcr. A group of orlirlnul .nnlntino- for the most part in or around Sa lem, attracted much Interest. The attractive tea table centered with a great cluster of yellow daffodllls in a black laquercd bowl, was presided over by Mrs. Alfred Schramm. Mr. Alan A. Hull assiHtlnir her In Ing. Willamette And 0. A. C. To Clash Willamette university and the Ore. Ron Agricultural college will play a two game baseball serlen thlu n-..v ,, " vr triuuvtu iroiu ine pennon end, it was announced this afternoon, and these are being reinstated in the The first game will be played here Fri day afternoon and will be followed by one at Corvallis the following day. Strike' At State " Hospital Ends In Firing Strikers Twenty-two emaloyes ' of the stato tn. I - l l .. ,...... . ,"niiui it.Huiucu uy eiipermicnaeni Htelnor aslie moving spirits in "near rebellion" stated nt that Instlm. tlon yesterday around the employment or jonn tMannvl r.ordon. a narnlod man, have been discharged. A number of those who signed the put it Unit de claring their refusal to work w ith a pa roled convict have requested tlnit their names be removed from the petition ffi 1 1 employ of the Institution, the superin tendent stated this morning. Except for a thortage of help the institution is functioning ns usual this morning and it is believed thnt th trouble which pended has been nipped in tne bud. You Will Find Unusually L Prices On All Our ow Automobile Races To Meet Sea-Plane Bearing Petitions Racing from-Portland for the pur pose of meeting the hydroulnne "Hen Clull," OcorgeikKgamery, representa tive of the Oregon-Wasnington-ldnho Airplane company, arrived in Salem a few moments heforo the vhii arrival of the flying boat, which was to have borne Hoover mtmn . the state capitoU "A heavy, miserable squall has held us tip ull day," naid Mr. Emery, fol lowing receipt of word thnt tho fiiri, had been abandoned for Wednesday. "However, Vernon states that he will bring the 'Sea Oul up the valley, to- -mw or drop in ..e attempt, rain or no rain." Leaving Tortlilnd shortly before 11 o'clock, the nirplane representative with II. p. Rice of Salem, traversed the muddy roads in less than two hourn time. Word has not yet been received as to rtirther attempts of the petition bearers to make tho trip Thursday. A telegram received from Chester Murphy, at 2:30 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, stated that the hydroplane flight will be made Thursday noon, If the weather is at all favorable. fi IT .8 (brinsiiams - Are Here Just in time for National Gingham Week, April 12th to '11th. A large and varied assortment for your choosing all the new and staple patterns, Amoskeag Ginghams guaranteed fast colors. 29c, 35c, 39c f The Yard Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & CO. Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store ILAOIES HATS Your Choice of Any of Our Best Ladies Hats at in.,,.,-,,.- -ul WANT A.1S PAT 90 w rw!fS : 82.49 to $8.90 GIRLS HATS .. $129 TO 3 93 You wdl certainly be surprised at the good values you will get in this important line of apparel. Call and see them. You can not afford to miss this chance. Boys! ' h ! Miii iiraf Up1 f$ : Hi XJM I jWiiit1 S i I J ' ' -4 1 ''' ' S -l I ' I ' BRING YOUR MOTHER WITH YOU AND SEE OUR NEW LINE OF OREGON CASSIMERE SUITS; . . They come in many new shades aand mixtures of colors, single and double breasted with and without belts. See them. Boys don't forget to ask for the Six months' subscription to the American Boy. Its Free. Just received a new line of Oxfords for Boys brown colors, English last :f ;' YOU DO NOT TAKE A CIIAXCE TO LOSE IF YOU PURCHASE HERE em Woolen Mills Price $8.00. They -come in cocoa Store