Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 13, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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iiiE CAl ilAL Jol'ilSiAL.
" rl jQvinrTF.n BATES. -: ;
TTwW EichlnSSrUOH one
Rate P- TL'una 6 cents, one month
nt?n ,j cenWl 0nefar, prr t
iontli. tea! a'mulu "
m.ertlon only in New Today.
V. is cash in advance and not U-
PtJ -I ,.nless advertiser nas
J I""" ,7. No allowance tor
iontUly accounL
TJJlE Jerusalem
77T, til-nidi bull pup. female, aiw
' e ' Patsv. Call' '"J- k91'
rrTSTLK Kelglan ana i.ray uiam
IVi.iVi!.. 729 N. Church St, 90
-rjTT'iLE Motorcycle Or trade for
lyy Phone evenings 114FS. q91
r - ,
7 ,ui ulanting
onions l per. Dusnei.
197 S. Com'l St.
TIiR sLE One good mattress. So 9
renter st. Phone 136SM. 92
rrTvi-El A-l open shop carpenter
wants Job day,, or figure with you
. i-niversity street. - hl
T. ivTEU Lady - to- do light house
work in the country. Call 64FU. :
WANTED Contract for hauling any
thing, any place, at any time with
large or small motor trucks. Ad
dress niy. zt jouniiii.
TvvTRicT work with tractor. Ad-
dres Kred Hecker, Gervais, Or.
FOR SALE New rubber tired bug
gv and good driving horse, cheap,
lihnno 2030M. c94
yoR SALE Cheap, nice young hen
canary for breeding purposes. 1158
If. Commercial. 00
WANTED To borrow from owner
$3500 on city property. Address box
Titian Journal. 194
FOR SALE By owner, house and 2
lots. 1690 N. 6th street. Louis V.
Koliott', Salem, Rt. 9, phone V104F
lo a90
FOR SALE Two good cows. Claude
'H. Stevenson, Rt. 3, box 175, Sa
lem. Phone 36F16. e94
FOR SALE Carnations, -all kinds of
cut flowers and potted plants. Ar-
thur Plant and Co. greenhouse 1298
S 13th. Phone 1250W.-! ' d90
KKEP your boy and girl-on the farm
to make their fortune"-with -in
Avery .tractor for heavy work and
r a l)ovnie fo-r handy service. Salem
Auto Exchange. 229 State, q90
111(111 grade Rhode island "Red eggs
for hatching, $1 per dozen. 1402 .N.
"' ;if!th. ' W3
l-HKU t'ars bought, sold, traded. We
treat vou right. Salem Auto Ex
change. 229 State: q90
BEST strain of Black Minorca egr?s
for hatching, $1.60 setting. Call 454
Hood St. any day but Saturday. f9()
FOR SALE 5 . room cottage, city
water, plastered. Price $1400, For
terms call at 1505 Broadway. S9
FOR SALE Good 5 room house 911
car line, lights, bath and toilet in
house; before you buy see it at 454
Hood St. a90
portunity for doctor-druggist. New
stock and good building. $2000 will
handle it. Write A. W. Gillis, Mon
itor. Ore. C9J
LOOK 38 acres,. 16 bearing Italian
prunes, second crop this year; 6
acres timber, balunce under culti
vation. No buildings, 6(4 miles
out Liberty district, rock jroad. $200
per acre; terms from owner. H. M.
Baker, 590 Union street, or 160 S.
High. Private reasons for selling.
Phone 1S53. ' 90
FOR SALE 38 cord second growth
fir wood $6 per cord. Rt. s7 box
89, Silverton rond. ee91
FOR SALE Buick 4 cylinder car,
admirably, suited for either bug
or light truck, ut price Uttle more
than cost ofTnesrrly new Mlchelin
tires on car.' Phone quick 262 or
894. 90
FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring car,
demountable rims, cord tires, stor
age battery, lights and starter,
shock absorbers, speedometer, A-l
condition, sold reasonable. Rt. ,8,
box 100, Salem, Or. Phone 71F12
at noon or evenings. q94
4.72 ACRES on paved road 1 mile
from Salem to trade for unimprov
ed hill land south of Salem. Tele
phone 34F12. 89
BABY CHICKS For sale April 18,
100 or less, bred to lay; White Wy
anclottes and Plymouth Rocks. Ad
dress Mrs. Boatwright, Turner, Or.
. Rt, 1, box 4B. ". . f90
1918 MAXWELL, good tires, fine con
dition, $550. for cash. Salem Velie
company, 162 N. Commercial St.
hhK J. W. Manley for garden plow
lug. cellar digging and heavy team
ui'K. unerry (jity barn. Phone 19.
, 194
1IH7 .MAXWELL, new paint, new. up
holstering, new top, good shape,
selling at $475. Salem Velie com-
.. l'""V. 162 N. Commercial. o90
vrtiN,ir.i An elderly man to do
chores and light work on small
. 'arm. C. O. Bates. Turner, Or. 89
1918 Model Dodge in fine condi
:Jion celling at $850, for cash. Ha
. Ifm Velie company,, 162 North
Commercial street. qOfl"
$5 BONUS for information that will
enable us to rent desirable 6 or 6
room house. Address box 844 Jour
n.'tl office. 91
8KVERAL stands of bees wanted.
l ea i cy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg.
Phone H63. ,
- V. i At a 1"'guin 3i Stude-
naker wagon and set of-double wa-
.f"n harness. Phone 8F32.. c94
XVJT ALE Jersey cow, fresh. Call
'OEM. eOt
Small farm, fully equipped,' stocr
"ops and everything. $6000 will
miune it. Immediate possession.
Real Estate. Loans
- , 301 Masonic Temple
gjlftn, Ore. - , n.,4
AN'TK1 Man to-care for grounds
at Illahee Country club, $45 per
n'onth, house furnished, married
ian preferred, permanent position
jo right man. See Mr. Lock at m-
ig"jWoolen mill store. - g91
ATl?'EJ, Loca' representative for
t he largest and best Masonlo mag
azine published in tJ, S. This posi
"" ia 'D'S" enough" for the "big"
man. Must be a Mason.. E. P. Ram-
, ""'r 7 " m. Hotel Rlf.h
yAI.I.''. l (i m r-i. ,
l. , ' " " vucviuiri, over-
hauled $300. Ford- touring car,
good tires, runs good $215; Max
wen roadster cheap. Also two light
4ue'2: Cnerry City garage. 170 S.
ranch, 48T
acres, 120 in cultivation, good soil
Plenty of water; house, barn; fenc
en with
wove nwire. Will - tnk-'e
se in Salem r.-i ... . . ..
in V surprise you.
honlrS f good BtrY land. 4 room
s,i t,'enl iwater, close to
r rrlc $3000 cash or will
117? ' Ca" at W-Fftry St- Phone
XTTiTTiTTTTr-TrTT- i-i 521
8 T iv "kalDENCS Close, in on
8 tl Xty 8t" a lurBe " 73xlt4.
ba.h ? n P,a?ra. nice closets.
1 m , ruu -basement, furnace
ww. "t1 cr- blocks to
i " '' 1 n is is positively one of the
on th. ' 01 t0(I'. "as not been
movin- market before- Owners are
er in?.v country ni wo'd th
' t Lthan r"t- Its a great bar
wi n hs?0me one- 500 $2000
Co , .n?le- John Scott Realty
'' 228 Oregon bldg.
NEW Tnn y.
A.n;u To rent a garage
Kerry and 12ih streets. See
I'aulbon, Florence hotel afte
191 .
KOo.Vt house, modern except furn
ace, plastered, electricity, good bath
and toilet, city and private water
system, good street. Mock from pav
ng and street car. sightly location,
good lot, chicken house, extra good
buy lor $2500. to cash, balance
terms. S. R. Pearson & Peed, 405
Oregon bldg, Phone 41 a
5 RoOM plastered house, good condi-!,d.(dOCf.!?n: r,rih ' el"-T
lights, bath, toilet, half basement.
An extra good buy for $1200, $509
cash, balance like rent. S, Ri Pear
son & Peed, 405 Oregon bldg.
Phone 43. a
For Sale Houses.
FOR SALE By owner, new 8 room
house, strictly modern, fireplace,
furnace, large sleeping porch, gar
age, about 1 H acres land, 20 fruit
trees, paved street near carline. 530
- N. 24th. a8?
$1600 HOUSE BARGAIN 6 room
house, lot 75x150, barn, chicken
house, fruit traes and garden,
choice location, one block from 9.
Commercial St., full basement, city
water, toilet, etc. Possession soon.
: Extra good buy. Price $1600 cash,
or 1800 cash, balance like rent 9.
R. Pearson & Peed, 405 Oregon
bldg. Phone 43. n
100. RES. PHONE 160SJ. HAUL-
FOR SALE Rent or trade, house,
garage, fruit, garden. Phone 1390.
FOR SALE i room house, large lot,
$1100. See owner Rayford T. Goode
1136 Jefferson city. a93
FOR SALE 5 room plastered house,
full basement. 365 N. 20th St. 89
FOR SALE Nine room house, good
barn a,nd- poultry 'house, electric
lights, city water, drilled well, J'4
acres fine ground, all kinds of fruit.
You'll have to hurry am leaving the
country. 2786 Lee St.. Salem. a 9 3
five room hungalow, located on pav
ed street, good neighborhood; own
er forced to sell at ;nce. Cash price
$1800. Terms might be arranged.
See W. D. Smith, 303 Salem Bank
f Commerce bldg.'
FOR SALE A neat little bungalow
in-West- Salem, $500, .terms.. 63
; acre farm, 40 in prunes on good
road, fine soil. A. L. Seamster Reil
ty Co., 416 Masonic Temple. a
FOR SALE By owner one 7 roqm
strictly modern bungalow,- excel
lent view, block and halt from car
line in south Salem, 140 Superior
St. a94
bldg. Phone 43. n
FOR SALE 5 room cozy bungalow
and a 6 room bungalow, modern
except heat, some fruit. Inquire
1242 N.Front. a93
FOR SALE New. 7 room modern
house except basement, 2 large lots
with abundance of bearing fruit
This is a beautiful home. Prlno
$3200. Hart A Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. , n
FOR SALE 6 room cottage, bath
toilet, 3 blocks from post office on
N. Church street. Price $2250. Hart
& Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, mod
ern except furnace: Also furniture.
1290 S. 14th street. Call after 6:30
p. m. a94
SEVERAL houses for stile, amont;
them a 5 room bungalow. Inquire
493 N. Cottage, phone 1186. alll
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE-r-15 acres land, fruit, ber-
riea, grain) housa, furnished, all
stock and implements; also car. In
quire 3 miles north from fairground
on Pacific highway. John Lepliart.
I b9J
FOR SALE Acreage and lots with
buildings, close In. For particulars
write owner Box 23 Journal. b93
TEN acres to lease in strawberries;
all plowed and ready to set. Throe
miles west. S. O. Edwards, Kt. ?.
FOR SALE Cheap by the owner, 50
acres stump land. Two and one half
miles from Salem. Phone 2052. 37
FOR SALE 300 acres 7 miles from
Salem on highway, 150 acres In
crop, some valuable timber, good
buildings. Price $117 per acre, easy
terms. Hart & Mulltr, 208 Oregon
bldg. n
FOR SALE Farm, by owner, 2 DO
acres black soil, 220 in cultivation,
200 In growing crop. Close to Sal
em and paved road. Good buildings
and complete equipment. Address
P B X, Journal. f89
FOR SALE 20 acre fruit farm, 6
acres .bearing pi'unes in fine cpndl
Hon, 34 strawberries, 4 acres goose
berries; most of balance ready '.o
plant. Fair buildings, 4 miles -out
on good road. This is a bargaim.
Price $8500. Hart & Mulltr, 208
Oregon bldg. , n
FOR SALE 22 ft acres, 8 in logans,
balance ready to plant; good 7 room
house; new barn; north near high-
. way. Price $6500,' to cast). Hart &
Muller. 208 Oregon bldg, ' n
FOR SALE 92 acres, 45 in clover,
balance seeded to wheat and oats,
to mile to Oregon Electric stat.onf
and highway. Price with crop $ 1 3 0
per acre. . cash. Hart and Muller,
208 Oregon ttlrtg.
FOR SALE Good arm, 148 acres,
located mile south of Laffayeit,
to mile of paved road.' 30 acres of
Italian ,' prunes 3 years old, good
family orchard. 40 acres good
beaver1 dam land, fair buildings,
good soil ts in cultivation, only 20
irr1 pasture. For Information Phone
111F21. Write A. J. aiainis, oaiem.
Ore., Box 138. E R 6. ve
CHOICE close in berry land, 10 acr.;s
located Just outside ctty limits, 4
blocks from Center St. carlins ou
asylum road, all cultivated; pos
session at once. Price $3500, good
terms. 8.11 acres adjoining the
above land, black loam, all ready
for planting. Price $2800. Haw
kins and Roberts, 205 Oregon bldff.
Phone 1427. ljl
For Sale Miscellaneous.
CAN make a very attractive price on
fine new player piano wun e
terms. This is a very fine piano and
beautiful enough for any home. The
Wiley B. Allen Co., 619 Court St.
FOR SALE One S. F. Bowser gaso
line pump and tans, nearly 11.
one gallon stroke, 1918 model.
Write Box 477 Independence, Or.
CHICKER1NG. piano, large size up
right in wninut case ior nio
bargain price. The Wiley B. "Allen
" ca fnnrt St. c9'
A VERY fine used piano for sale.
cheap for cash. Call at oi tou"
o. c89"
t...D she iu. inch wagon w
good double box spring seai. i
kt r ,.r.i 1 C89
mpu,' maniine engine, drag saw out
fit for sale, a bargain. 205 Oregon
bid. Phone 1427. ;
FOR SALE Old papers for wrap
ping and packing in "" --,
Ital Journal office.
Lost and Found
t act D,.uni address ot Chart
r.ii, woa hand mastej". Reward
H Wyati Longbranch, Wash. kl02
r ale-Nursery Stock. j
.t : " lzl strawoerry plains : per 1000; Wilson
box 214. Salem, Or.
P. O
LOGAN BERRY plants wanted. Ward
K. Richardson, 2395 Front St.
Phone 494. d93
FOR SALE Etterberg No. 121 straw
berry plants, $2 per 1000 or $3 if
dug. Phone 95F21. d99
FOR SALE 200 pear trees. RL 9.
box IRS. H. C. Finster, Salem. d89
LOGANBERRY, Mammoth and Hima
lava blackberry and asparagus
plants. Fresh garden set da. Ward
K. Richardson. 2395 Front St. d9S
itita iamoua Etterberg 121 straw-'
oerry plants, best canner and ship
per, heavy producer. A very profit
able crop bringing quick return
Vigorous healthy plants, quantity
prices. Order now. Ward K. Rich
ardson. 2395 Front St. d93
STRAWBERRY plants in any quan
tity Ktterburg 181, Gold Dollar,
Progressive Everbearing, Lady
Goshwell, Trebla, Wilson. Thrifty,
well rooted plants. Low tiuantity
prices. City delivery.' Ward K. Rich
ardson, jj395 Front. Phone 494. a93
"WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Com'l.
For Sale Poultry
OAT Meal, Paper, 20:ineh tan, extra
- special, 34c double roil. Max O.
Buren, 17 J N. Com'l. . n
WANT To buy 2 dozen Rhode Island
or Plymouth Rock hens. Phone
2F22. -
For Sale Livestock.
CAN use it few more young alves. C.
C. Russell, phone 3F3. ' 1
FOR SALE Pigs, six weeks old, $1
ana up.. L. Bechtel & Son, Phone
39F4. - ' .9
JERSEY end Holstein heifer calf for
sale. Best milk stock. 420 S. 20th
street. .90
FOR SALE Two horses; also 2 sows.
will farrow soon. Phone 284R. c89
FOR SALE TWO VOlmsr fresh fnvua
jersey ana purnam mixed, heavy
milkers, health certificate with
them; (Hal allowed. 2015 N. Com
meroial. e90
For Sale Wood.
WOOD SAW Fisher boys will
your wood. Phone 1004. m9D
WOOD for sale, first class 16 Inch or
-4 -foot mill wood. Strictly . cash.
Smr.ll blbcX'Wdod reasonable. Office
305 a.- ChurcH, Phone 1542, Fred
E. Wells. ' ee
WOOD FOR SALE-irOld fir 16-in.
wood and green slabs. Phone 1796
FOR SALE Green slab wood. Phone
1796. ee94
FOR SALE Wood. Phone 981M. c98
OFFICE rooms for rent, steam hent,
splendid janltpr service. 205 Ore
gon bldg. "
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
Bleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427.
ROOMS for rent by dav: Inquire 492
N. Cottage, phone 1186. j 9 0
GOOD room and board may bo had
in private family. Phone 1781J.
FOR SALE 3-4 ton truck. Call 133
M. ' c90
FOR SALE Dodge car, A-l conai
tlon, Paris Bros, shoe store. q93
1917 FORD touring, tires all good,
shock absorbers, spot light, speed
ometer, has 4 new fenders, and been
completely overhauled. See this ona
at once. Wilt.; sell, for $386, WiiLJ
give very easy terms. Adams, 159
S. Commercial St. Phone 361. q89
FORD Best buy in town, 1920 body
never used. Can be seen at 680 N.
Com'l St. for next two days if it
lasts that long., q90
FOR SALE 1920 Ford 1-ton, worm
drive, 4-speed ' truck, cab, wind
shield, Sllnch solids in rear, been
run 350 miles. Owner buying larg
er truck; 10 hours free service to
purchaser of this truck. Phone 867
4:30 to 5:30 p. m. Monday, ask for
Mr. Burdlck. q
IS your car hard to start? Does your
motor give trouble? Try Fair
Grounds Garage, phone 308. M.
Jackson, prop. Will tow your car.
Our work guaranteed. qlOo
FOR SALE One 2 -ton truck and
a good transfer business, get in it,
good money maker. Phone 1177,
404 Ferry St. c92
FOR SALE 7 passenger touring car,
has run less than 30,000 miles, Is
In first class condition. Price $450.
. Phone 192 or call at 164 S. Com'l
St. q92
FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell, touring
;-'run 9000 miles, used as family car
r 6 tires, 4 50 per cent new, top and
curtains Just like' new.-car is lrt
tip-top shape mechanically, the best;
v engine in Salem. If taken by Mon
rday evening $600. Reason for sale:
car tfl i small for my purpose. Cal
115.1. If yon want a real buy hurry!
FOR SALE Ford touring car. Good
' condition, 1340 Shipping St. q8 S
FOR SALE Ford touring car, good
condition. 260 N.
FOR SALE -2 to-
13th. q89
-ton truck, 3 -ton
: trailer,, all In good repa4r 404 Fer
ry St. Phone 1177. q90
'WALLBOARD" can be used, over
lath and papered or tinted. Max O.
Buren. 179 N. Com'l. e
TRANSFER, Moving, Storage Wood
for sale. Offlcet at People's Furni
ture Store, 271 N. Commercial St.
Phone 734. Residence 1359 Hines
WALL paper 25c double roll and up.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l; m
Wanted Help.
FIRST class teamster Want job in
city. Phone 8. no
WANTED Farm work by girl, exper
.lenced. Can do either outside or in
side work. Address 1562 Mission Sti
Salem. h89
GIRL wnnted for houseworkv, must be
good cook; no wasning nor ironing.
Apply forenoons 975 Chemeketa
WANTED Wood choppers to' cut 4
t. white fir wood for paper. En
quine of Chas. K. Spaulding Log.
Coi Frbnt and Ferry St. Salem,
Or, ' ' g93
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Pasture for
horses at
once. Phone 745W.
WANTED A house full of furniture
Box S Caoltal Journal. 190
iir cpil'irn well driller, on mil-4
east of fairground. Phone 10F5. -.
Why Sell for Leas.
WE will pay you mors cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furnlturs
and Hardware Store. 271 N. Com
mercial street Phons 734.
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY raaor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A- B. Stew
art Repair Shop, $47 Court St
are , h you can buy ,
neat little bungalow with east front.
electric lights, bath, several nice cher
ry trees, on car line, $1200. Terms.
Also -1 small cottage at $750, $75
down, balance $10 per month.
Another at $500, $100 down and
$ 1 0 a month. . .
A. 7 room - bungalow, modern In
every respect, with fireplace and fur
nace, on paved street and car line,
$300, miles eut-at x,a per acre.
This can be subdivided and make two
or three farms if you do not want all
for yourself. -
60 acre farm 7 miles out, 40 acres
of fine prunes, a beautiful 6 room
bungalow on it. Will be on paved road
this summer.
Have some good investment prop
erty. .
A. L. Seamster Realty Cu
416 Masonic Temple. Phone S5S. n
Good Buys.
IS acre ttact located 4H miles
south of Salem on good rock road and
close to Pacific Highway, V acres
bearing Italion prunes, 5 acres 3f
cherries, acre of bearing family or
chard. Price $7300. . .
20 acre- tract located 4 $-4 miles
south of 8alen1 on rock road and t4
mil from Pacific highway,. $ acr;s
of S-year old prunes, tips to set three
acres of loganberries. 2000 strawber
ry plants to be set this spring, 5 acres
of peaches; one team of horses, wa
gon and harness, 2 hogs, 1 cow, 36
chfckens; two room house, good barn.
Price $8000. .
9 7-10 acre tract located elose to
carline, store and school, sightly lo
cation, 8 room modern bungalow.
good new barn, 80 bearing walnut
trees, 57 bearing cherries, 75 apples. ,
some plums, peaches, loganberry and 1
blackberries. This is an ideal home
Price $14,000.
48 H acre tract located on paved
road, all cultivated and in crop. Price
$300. per acre.
105 acres located on the Garden
road, nearly all cultivated and tn crop
House and two barns, team, wagon
and harness and some machinery
goes. Price $300 per acre. Terms. .
63 acre grain and fruit soil, 55
acres cultivated and plowed, ready to
plant and sow, balance pasture and
timber. This place Is located H miles
south of Salem on the Prlngle road,
rock road; 6 room house, good barn,
well'. Will consider good residence up
i&AftA u nni-t mi vm on I Ti'i n 110.
Fine - block located on Falrmount
Hill, 150 by 160 feet, paved streets.
Price $3300.
5 acres of cherries, just coming In
to bearing, 414 miles out on good
road. This Is a snap. Price $1300.
25 acres of timber and stump land,
located 8 miles south of Salem
close to station on main line of S. ?.
railroad. Price $2000. .. .
20 acre tract, 5 acres of bearing
loganberries, 5 acres of prunes, some
fine timber, rock rond. Price $7500.
7 room plastered house located at
1245 E street. Price $3200.
6 room modern bungalow located
at 1515 S. Commercial street. Prlco
8 room house- located at 1010 Oak
street. Price 12800.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State street n
320 acres on Paclfio highway, 45
acres in crop, Balance ready for the
plow; all fenced; 6 miles from store.
$16 per acre; $2000 cash, terms on
balance. This place is a money maker.
See us at once.
320 acre relinquishment for .$250.
This is another bargain,
8 room bungalow, modern except
furnace; basement. This place Is
a bargain Kt $2850. See us about this
at once.
Here Is a dandy place located at
461 N. High St., lot 63x155 contain
ing two houses; the house on the front
has 14 rooms, would make a fine
apartment house, used at present as
a rooming house; 6 room house on
the rear; both houses are Btrlctly
modern. A suitable payment down
takes this with good terms on the
balance. See us about this place at
McDonald & Parks
Real Estate Agency
162 S Com'l St. room 1. Phone 747
Best Buys.
5 acres good fruit land, 5 miles
from Salem, 2 acres cleared, 3 timber
$800, terms.
5 acres near Pacific highway, 4 lo
ganberries, bearing; 1 prunes with
strawberries set- between. $3200,
6 acres cherries, bearing, market
varieties T only 3 to miles out on good
road. $2500, terms.
9 acres on Garden road close In, 6
acres bearing prunes; 6 room strict
ly modern new house, garage and fine
barn, the finest suburban home near
Salem. $17,500, terms.
5 acres near paved road close to
city limits; 5 room house,, barn and
family orchard, fine berry' land. $3.-
000. Easy terms.
20 8-4 acres 8 miles out, smal
i ouge ghed; acreg chelea n
years old, 1 acre walnuts, some loganr
and strawberries, all bearing; 5 to
acres oak timber. $11,000.
acres lto miles from bridge In
Polk county, on good road, 10 acros
iare cleared, balance brush and tlm
ber. $7000. Easy terms.
24 acres 6 to miles south, 20 in fruit
bearing; 8 roo mhouse, hot and cold
water and bath, good barn. $9600.
85 acres all cleared, 4U in prunes, 7
years old; 7 room house, large barn:
2 to miles from good town. $12,500.
7 room modern house, good loca
tion, close In, furnished. $4000.
7 room strictly modern house, z
Mocks from capital building, best-lo
cation In city $7500, terms.
10 room strictly modern house; ore.
of the best corners in city; $6600 cash
room modern bungalow, garage,
. wood shed, best of garden land,
only $3250, terms.
'. 5 room bungalow, lot 100x159 feet,
basement, built in features; for quick
sale priced $1700, $850 cash balance;
easy terms.
Want a $500 loan on 80 acres tim
ber land.
, Socolofsky.
1 $41 Btste mt
- This Is the best paying big dairy1
proposition we have heard of, 80
acres ot fine land adjoining good lit
tle city not far from Salem. 80 acres
cultivated, 40 acres In fine hay crop
and balance Is ready for corn to fill
the silos. Good 9 room nouse and fine
dairy; barn with 1 silos. Also good
steam bottle washing plant, good
granary, hen house, and other necef
sary outbuildings. With th place go
16 fine Jersey cows, thoroughbred
bull, ( horses, 2 ponies, brood sow.
( shoats, 2 wagons, hay baler, corn
planter, fanning mill, harrows, plows,
cultivators, rake, new cream separa
tor, blacksmith shop and equipment
and all kinds of Implements. Also a
gas engine that pumps water which
is piped Into house and barn. This
farm raises all the feed for the dairy
except a small amount of mill feel
Income for March was more than
$611. All stock, equipment, lmpl
ments, feed, crop and everything
goes for $17,500. You can't beat It.
Investigate at once. City advantages,
but no city taxes.
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
FOR SALE One of the most desir-l
ahlo coiintrv hAnma In the Nmiitv I
only 3-4 mile from city limits, ami i
on paved road. 26 H acres, good i
house, barn, warehouse, silo, small !
sreenhouse. wind mill, hot and cnhi ' -
water in house, fruit dryer; 12 i J
acres prunes, 2 acres cherries, 2 j
acres ssples. S acres English wal-1
nuts, i acre si raw perries;- only 9 ;
minutes ride to center of the citv. I
first time offered for sale and will
only be on the market a short time,
H. E. Bolinger, S28 Oregon bldg.
C room house, large lot on car line,
for quick sale, $900.
23 acre tract near Salem, fine set
buildings, nice orchard, choice loca
tion, fine home on good terms.
Choice 10 acre tract half fine bearing-
prunes, half strawberries, 3 miles
from Salem $6000.
Choice- 2Vi acres close In on Garden
road. 7 room house, barn, orchard.
Snap. $3600. ,
Good 160 acre stock ranch on Pa
cific highway near town, good Im
provements, well watered, good fene
eg, In southern Oregon. $8000. Wou:J
exchange, for Salem property.
5 room bungalow, good lot, on car
line. $1000 will handle.
v Perrine & M&rsters.
- 211-12 Com, club bldg.
1 mile from Corvallls and In easy
reach, of. the Oregon Agricultural
college which has an enrollment of
3410 students. 30 acres of choice riv
er bottom land in cultivation. Good-
room farm house, good barn and out
buildings also good silo. 6 acres of
bier bearing nrune tree which am
returning $1000 per year. Soli is ideal
for loganberries, On good gravel' road
on mail route and has phone, etc.
With the place go 2 good cows, 3
horses, 30- chickens and complete set
of farm , machinery. Everything goes
at $10,500. Terms. .
Kinney & Smith.
201 Bank of Commerce bldg. n
. Real Investments.
. 42 acres all cnltivnted, 30 acrs
made land like the Columbia river
dike kind, 27 acres of Santiam bot
tom, no better than this recently sold
for $11,000. One acre of this kind of
land worth four of ordinary land.
Good buildings. Price $12,500. About
15 acres beaing set to loguns. Will
make terms. .
220 acres, 60 cultivated, mostly seed
ed; stock, tools, everything goes, $7,.
700. . . ,
Homestead relinquishment, lots of
neighbors, running water, $300,
Estes & Magee.
428 Oregon Bldg. Salem.
Portland office, Chamber of Com
10 acres on Garden road, 3. acrj
best logans In vicinity, 1 acres black
berries, about 2 acres choice apples
and Royal Anne cherries, about 12 t J
16 years old; balance seeded to grain,
House, barn and good well. A money
making . investment. Price $8250.
4 acres close in on Garden road, 2
aeres full bearing orchard, some ber
ries and truck garden. -Good house,
barn and chicken houses. Price $5500.
80 acres, about 45 acres river bot
tom, 1 acre peaches, 7 years' old;
good 6 room house and large barn'
(12 stanchions for oows), fine silo
and milk house, 2 good wells, about
8 or 9 acres oak timber and pasture,
10 acres growing grain, about 7 acres
alfalfa, balance ready for planting.
Price $9000, $3000 cash.
5 acres close in on paved and grav
eled road, 2 acres bearing family or
chard, Yt acre strawberries, balance
ready for planting. Good new 5 room
house and barn. A home like subur
ban home. $3800 ..'
Lot 80x150 opposite Bush on Mis
sion street. A good lot close in. Pricor
Good lot 48x148 on best street West
Salem. $300.
List your property with us at reas
onable value and we will Investigate
and Bell it.
Oregon Land Co.
442 State street. n
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about our
' 20-year loans at 6 per cent Haw
kins & Roberts, 206 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or.
MARION-POLK National Farm Loan
Ass'n. Government money to loan
at 5 to percent 303 Salem Bank of
Commerce. W. D. Smith.
Money to Loan. '-
On good real estate security
Over Ladd St Bush Bank. Salem. Or.
Money to Loan
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time.
5 to and ( percent interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon
DRS. WHITE and Marshall, osteo
res, phone 884.
DR.. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathle
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Or
gon bldg. Res, phone 58F5. 104
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. SO
years experience; Depot NaUonal
and American fence, sizes 26 to 58
. Inches high.- Paints, oil and Tarn
ishes, etc;, loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 260 Court street. Phone 124
Water. Company.
corner Commercial and Trade 8t.
Bills payable monthly In advance
Phons $7.
Lodge Directory.
ftieeln' 'every- WdnftndaV
evening at 7r30 at I.
O. O. F. hall.
Comack hall on every Tuesday al
8. i. L. Tucker, C C.;-P., J. Kunta,
K. R. Sc B.
bly No,. 84 meets event Thursday al
.8 it. m. In I. O. O. F. halL P An
' dresen, M. A.; A. A. GueUroy, see-
re fury, Balem, Or. y '
TEAM, Auto- Truck - and Delivery
Drivers Union No. 110 meet every
Wednesday evening- at the Labor
Temple, 8 o'clock.
Oregon Graga camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle.
. Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St
' recorder. Flora Nelson, 731 North
20th. - .-
W, O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meet
every Friday night at t o'clock In
McComack hall, cor. Court and Lit
erty St Visiting Woodmen welcome.
C. D. Ross, C. C; L. 6, Peer, clerk
PROTECTION lodge No.- 3 A. O. U
W. meets every Monday evening
at 1 p. m. in McCornack hall, cor.
Court and Liberty streets. John Ii.
Carson, M. W; A. L. Brown, finan
cier; A. Eugene Aofranc, recorder.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. $241
meets every Thursday evening at I
o'clock in McCornack building
Court and Liberty streets. H. O
Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner,
clerk. ,i.8 m. t
trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
$10-12 TJ. S. bank. Phone J41.
Contractors and builders.
Phone 1972. 96'
SALEM SCAVA?T3ER Garbage and
refuse of an kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office, phone Mala
- 1 1919 MAXWELLS
371 COURT ST. '
Market Reports
Grain: 'Wheat -No. I $2.09; feed
oats 80 85c; milling; oats 39 6150,
cheat hay $18019; oat har $21021,
clover had $23; mill run $47.
Butterfat: Butterfat 64c; creamery
butter 64 66c. (
Pork, veal and tnnttom: Pork oa fow
15 3-4c;. veal fancy 21c; steers 11c;
lambs 13 He; oows 7 09c; : ewes to.
sheep, yearlings 12 Ho.
Drestted pork 11a
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cish Sic;
light hens, 28 30c; heavy hens 82o
old roosters 1516o; springs 24c
, Vegetables: Onions per pound 6o;
eelerv doa. $1.75: potatoes. Yakima
8c Oregon toe; sweet potatoes 9c
beets par sack $2; turnips par nek
$3.75; carrots per sack $1.35; parsnlpt
per sack $3.50; spinach lOo lb,; rad
lahes 40o doa,
Fruit: Oranges $3.506.00; lemon
$5.506; bananas 11c; honey extract
20c; bunch beets 45o; cabbage So;
head lettuce $1.25; carrots 45o; as
.. lUfl, nr. 1 , 1 1 1 ...,... 1 1 Anm
red peppers' 250 lb: rhubarb 8o:?f the 8tate to be manufactured into
peas 15c lb.
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 37c
creamery butter 7072c; country but
ter 65c; flour hard wheat $3.25 3.45
soft wheat $2.90.
Portland, April 12 Cattle firmer; j
receipts 1538; grain and pulp - fed
steers f 11.25 12.00; choice $10.75
11.2: good to choice $9.75 10.75;
medium to good $9.00 10; fair to
medium $7.508.50; common to fair
$0.507. 50; choice cows and heifers
$9.25 10.25; good to cholct $8.25
9.25"; medium to good $6.757.75;
fair to medium $5.756.75; canners
$3.255.76; bulla $6.008.00; prime
light calves $15.O017.O0; medium
light $10.0014.00; heavy $7,009
10.00; blockers and feeders $7,600
Hogs steady; receipts 738; prime
mixed $16.5017.00; medium $16.00
16.50; rough heavy $12.00 16.00;
pigs $13 15.50."
Sheep firm; receipts 1031; spring
lambs $17.00 18.00; light valley
$16.75 17.00; heavy $14.25 15.75;
common to medium $1114.E0; year
lings $15.00 15.60; wethers $14.50
15.26; ewes $10014. ,
Portland, Or. April 12,-ubes tx-
tra 68to 59c!parchment wrapped box
lots 63c; cartons 64c; half boxes toe
more; Jess thtfn 4 boxes, 'lo more;
tiutterjat ez wise ,1. o.. D, station; m
65c' Portland. "
Poultry and Eggs.
Portland, Or. April 12.- EgB sell
ing price case count 37 38c; buying
price case count 86c; selling price
candled 89c; selected candled. in car
tons 42c.
Poultry: Hens 8438c; broilers 40
46c; roosters 16c; turkeys dressed
53c; geese 2225c; ducks 40
$65.00 bid; corn No. 8 yellow $74
Wheat and Mill Stuffs.
Wheat: $2.20; barley ' $70; oats
$28.00; alfulfa $33: grain $30.00
76 bid.
Hay: Buying price, valley timothy
mixed cars $42 ton; rolled barley J.3
cheat $22; clover $30; oats and vetcb
Mlllstuffs: Prices f.o.b. mill, elt)
artage $2 estra. Mill run, ca; lota
mixed cars $43 ton; rolled barley $73
rolled oats $66.60; ground barley $71
cratch feed $80.
Corn whole $66; cracked $68.
Joseph and EltaOieth . Koenlg
to Walter J Lulay -prt It
bl 2 Sublimity
E P and Mary Schott to Wal
ter J Lulay prt It It bl 2
Sublimity :
Jessie and Joseph H Dalrym
nle to Wrllturrr P Ha-rdis prt
It 1 bl 14 University add ....$3325
Nettle and W L Williamson to
Joe H Glgger It 3 bl 11 Che
meketa G O Amdahl to N Dlggernees
prt Its 3 and 12 Bllverton
George 8 "and Mae Inez 'Kalb
to Fred P Schlfferer, 40 A In
7S 2W
John and Clara Sumner to
Thomas and Jessie Faught It
4 bl' 48 University add , 2000
O G and Amy Elizabeth Atwood
to Kugene and Anna Urann
bols 9050 sq feet rec 30 9S 3E
Lydla Goulet to Anton and Fran
ces Van Laanan, us I -a 01
17 N Salem .- 2000
E L and Argyl Harris to Wil
liam Hill It 1 bl 11 Par
ish's add B Salem . 1600
Charles D and Elisa Saucy to
Jennie M Lytle, 49.92 A In
78 2W 40,000
Maud M and 8 T Weil to -R T
and Kale Dearlnger prt bl -27
Salem .... 2000
Anton and Frances Van Laanan
to James and Ha ran . w ,
Maun prt J B McClane D L
C In 73 3W 1800
Ward K and "Vera A Richard
son to J B Fisher and the
i Oregon Realty Exchange In
vestment Co. all Its 1-2-3 bl
12 Rlvervlew Park add 6000
JC and Elizabeth Whitely to
Luclle and Henry Baker It
1 bl 2 Salem . 6000
E K Spyker to Edyths and Mlio
Matthews Its 19-20 bl 7 sub
bis 3 to 7 Nob Hill annex
Thomas F and Jessie B Faught
to Cvrus and Frances E Bur-l-r
prt It 9 Ewaid fruit far 1703
Louis and Myrtle Beck'.el to
Nicholas J Svhiidgen pns
Its 1-2 bl 65 N Salem
Sophia A Lamb to Frank B
Lamb prt sec 2S in if. .
Arthur B and Laura G Stillman
-to Herman Rautenkranx it
S bl 13 Capital Park add
Esther Doland to Robert Whit--seH
79.99 A In gee 7 10S 2-W
Albert J and Stella- R Evans to
Lester R Evans 10 A in John
3 Keizer D I. C in 7S.SW
Good Fruit Held
First Essential
To Industry Here
(By J. F. Languor In Oregon Journal)'
The, first essential for the future
success of the Oregon Fruit Growers'
assoclatalon, which has been organ
ised, fo marketing purposes, is that
the grower members produce good,
Np matter how efficient Is the pack
ing or selling end of the association:
It can accomplish little unless quality
as well as quantity production Is a
part of th program.
The grower has a real duty tot his
association. Natura has given
to the Oregon horticulturist s conw
bination of soil and climate for the
production of fruit which is second to
none. It is the duty of the grower to
spray,, till. Irrigate and prune In such
a way as to encourage the production
of the highest grade and qualaity.
Professor Lewis, chtef of organiza
tion of the Oregon Growers" associa
tion, In pointing out some of the fore
going facts, cites as an example tnat
'Sunklst" advertises "uniformly good
The Oregon Growers association IS
to" advertise Oregon fruit It is to
adopt a trade mark and a brand. No
amount of advertising or branding;
will have value- unless a uniform
quality is maintained.
There are many growers who nave
not Joined the Oregon Growers' asso
ciation. In many cases they are sell
ing their fruit outside of their prim
ary market, the local canneries oc
manufacturers ot fruit products.
It should be the. first thought ot the
grower to set: that his closest local
merchant is maintained. Many berry
growers have failed to realize that the
Phes company, King's Food products
company' and the Eugene Fruit Grow
ers' association are potent and im
portant factors in the upbuilding of
the fruit industry ot Oregon.
At this time interests Inimical to the
best welfare of the fruit growers
themselves are buying up huge quan
tities of Willamette valley fruits and
are shipping them in some cases out
Jams, syrups and other fruit products
which are then advertised as a prod
uct of California or Washington.
The effect of short sighted policies
on the part of the growers In break
ing down their local market may svett
result in big local buyers being forced
out of business because of lack ot
sufficient raw material to continue
manufacturing on a profitable basis.
The duty of the grower seems clear.
Hs must support his local manufac
Rival foreign concerns want to seo
the local buyers go out ot business.
They are forced to pay high prices
because they are In competition with
the local buyer, but once the fruit
growers put their market solely In the
hands of foreign purchasers without
a local market to maintain fair prices
then they will quickly find that It has
been the local manufacturer of fruit
products who has been the real factor
to whom they may attribute to a great
extent their present prosperity. The
foreign buyer without local competi
tion will quickly reduce prices to far
below cost of production because he
has -no local Interest in keeping the
grower prosperous. .
The Oregon growers' association
will be perhaps the most potent fac
tor In the building up of Oregon horti
cultural Industry In the future. It Is
this organization which Is taking the
Oregon Jbanner forward, whose policy
It will be to make the word "Oregon"
a household word in every home,
It Is the Oregon growers' association
which will develop the horticultural
industry of this state as nothing else
can develop it.
From present Indications there will
he no contest In the May primaries for
office In Hood River county. No aspir
ant for nomination has so far any op
Oregon postmasters soon to be ap
pointed are: Mary L. Folger, Buell,
Polk county; Charles J. Bush, Harper,
Malheur county; Clement E. Gough,
Mehuinu, Marlon county.
A conference of leading timber own
ers will be held at Roseburg April 22 to
adjust Umber valuations of Douglas
county, A cruise of the county Is prac
tically complete.
No. 2067
of the State of Oregon for Marion
In the matter of the estate of Au
gustln Kufner, deceased. Notice of
hearing on final account.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the estate ot
Augustln Kufner, deceased, has fil
ed his final account and report 14
the county court ot the state of Ore
gon, for Marlon county, and that
Monday the 26th day of April, 1920,
at the hour ot 10 o'clock a., m. ot
said day at the county court room for
said county and state, has been ap
pointed as the time and place for
hearing at 7 objections to said final
account and report and the final set
tlement of said estate. The date ot
the first publication ot this notice la
March 23, 1920, and the last AprU
20, 1920.
Executor ot the estate ot Augustln
Kufner, deceased.
Page & Page, Balem, Oregon, .
Attorneys for the estate.
Yrr' Jr-ftW Xq
? (Vvboaw V, . iKri
k Vsrvai GuTtonlWl