TiTSPAYAraiL 13, 1920., THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. PAGE TEEEB JCST OSE OF SALEM'S Sunday Sermons (By Edwin Sherwood, Kimball School of Theology, r.iblical Interpretation.) l-BMr,,V-'?Trinl Department of Text: overcom'th -T him that WL'Lh U in the midst ot the paradise w,h',-Revlation S.T. " ... f tho first These woros rvnui " This is a call to every one of us to enlist In this age-lone battle with the seed of the serpent Which shall we be volunteers or slackers? There will be no draft, for Ood will have ,n9 none but volunteers in his army. He traceay - ... v, . . p human historv. Man, crcat- ''. "u " w ,iawn of num" oiaced in a world Pct the victory. We are to overcome VlToitoA'm to J on the field of our own soula f,Ued ail Booj a Ed ' waa We are to bruise the serpents head. ,iu,e . mone the trees of Eden- er"'' .i ir snil the word said. f every tree Shrine Club To . Meet Tonight The regular meeting of the Salem I Cherrians. In which the Shrine club submission to the federal employment : bureau at San Francisco. "There s Program Gives Bright Numbers The 'following program will be J nf Life, and the wora said. -i-i-- ... v the Tree ,hau We are to put down our own self-will. "f Threat" The tree of life r 'hnees. our pride of heart. Biaert free yf . . AMtanit our love of pleasure for its own sake. hU 11C1UUBU. ,, 1,. I n'te'&ucaT'or'the m-" th Torld Lecture Recital ' 1 iieart fellowship with" God "", - "' heart to eart re o i luteiv submissive to the will of our.. which was i"" -that . commander. Having thus overcome their ai8 '""Xthe ood 0Ur8e,ves' wa can then' overcome the r " U owhich e" maintenince of e can overcome Us solioita- the spirit on tions to evil, its persecutions and its tne spu..- r . sneers, we can right the evil in the: rendered in Ralph Thomas' lecture But the Joys of paradise " world for the sake of making the 'recital in the First M. B. church to be permanently possessed until char-. world a better JWOrlJ u ,g part of nlght at g p. m,. acter is acquired In the school of the duty of the Chri!,tlan Mmw to . "Cotton for Cotton" moral trial, and so to the liberties of put dawn thoge agencjeg ,n thlg worM; Mls3 Mary NotBOn "" " Eden one and only one restriction was wnich are debauching and demoral- i "A Home Made Fairy Tale placed. Of one tree they were com- Mng hls fcUow men Ha must con.; JamM ,"1 nmnded not to eat, and were warned quer the orgam!!ed selfishness which "America, for Me"... Henry Van Dike of death as the consequence of die- te resonslbie tor tho confusion, the "At the Glee Club Concert" obedience. u .. unrest, tne enmities, tne crimes, the . . land brought death, with separation oppressions with which this world ia "A Letter' from Goa, tor ww " run, He must contribute his share, death means, and exclusion hence- toward leaving- this world abetter forth from access to tne iree oi me. i worid than he found it. And above which is the essence ot eternal Hfe."1L OYrin tl C Art A The depths of its significance can bel7le- lUllO fillU faintly apprehended here in the pure Joys of the heart which the child of God experiences when he conquers self and surrenders hU life's all to God's service. But the fuilness of its meaning will hp mh vHun wa shall know i,- ta th. "n"r"" "l.,:;"T nT.., . Plenty of work; and there U no short - - - c- .ncre will j' ii in-ij'un, nm .tt uriu ai hereafter. Thank Ood I already knowi.h(J Commercial club this evening at aS ot labor," the report stitts. something ot the tree ot life. I have-eight o'clock. The entire entertain-J Last week, according to the report, tasted of Its fruit when the life of.ment program for the season, when IS men and women were placed '.a the eternal has thrilled through myjthe Elks and SUriners from all parts Jobs, as follows: one watchman, two soul in the uplifting Joys of God's 0f the country will visit this city dur- Lin sawmills, one woman cook, four service.- But I shall know more of ithng convention time, will be arranged in shipyards, and eight in Jobs around , wr a cArv: lay &uui so Kwi'at tnig meeting. iu us ior pariicip-! on growing. And when earth s bat-jtion by the Cherrians In the Portland uca nave oeen rougnt. ana us victories Rose festival, this year also will be won. and "I shall awake in his like- mada rtf'Imlirj'h'u1 tUUy k?.W ln M, Preceeding the meeting the Com l t?thS. uat v tat. ,f merclal club the Council of Nobles of a .h. :TJa, Ji ?..n S """"'.the Cherrians will meet at The Spu ot the paradise of God." . JB thl MUCU9 tentlltlve plans tot the future will be made: Entertainment jaiid refreshments will be features of the meeting tonight All members ot the organizations are urged to attend. just about balancing the number of j recover amounts alleged to be due for Jobs open in the city and surroun I-1 ing coumi', the Uibor situation he-M j ' is declared good, in the weekly re- j port made by City Recorder Race for : FORD TRUCK WITH TWO TOX ATTACHMENT. RCNS LISLE A TOP OSCAR a GINGRICH BIOTOR & TIRE CO. Ill Court ttre Phona HI Draperies v MADE TO ORDER TO FIT TOUR WINDOWS CS. Hamilton 140 Court Street :the city. ... Five suits ha-e been filed in the cir cuit Court at Astoria by the state in dustrial acoidt-nt commission aguinst Clatsop county firms and individuals to But amid tne garnering snanows an tne din ot the conflict be still of that tragedy there appears a gleam heors the voice of his great command of hope. It was declared that eternal er: ;-t0 him that overcometh will I enmity should be put between the give to eat of the tree of life, which wed of the woman and the seed of u in the midst of the paradise of the serpent. "He shall bruise . thy God." head, and thou shall bruise his heel," Thu th t th , g , Thus the race of men started on their' , , ... .. viic 1,1, l historv. a career blackened moral battle ho have "fought hv countless tragedies, filled with sor- r8.?00?, "iht'" anJ have-"overcome rows and disappointments, with "the JLhe "V Lttml?.a? b? the trail of the serpent"' over all their W , 6 testimony,'! who have endeavors. But amid all the gloom neId thirt Part ' th "e. and have 'here was still the gleam of hope; the n bruised the seed'of the ser victory of the serpent was only for a Pent' theae "ha" bf admitted to the time. Eventually the,sced of the wo- Poges of paradise, from which . .. . - - . . the race of men bv nin vn hini.h.j man enouiu Druise nis neao. neerea y Thnmnmn . .. , , ...j Of course we dO not now mnnn n mn. lnomPson' Oy mis nope ine ihuiui iaut9rn ok .tt;o. ,. -.,...- mankind strove to lead men upward. o ure not in tms under God's guidance, to higher and f0""?"0" lnierBt the geograph- better things. '"" WL lne Primitive Kaen. ... But w mean the spiritual realities Thus we all begun the world-wide which the story 0f Eden presents In and aPe-long contact between the seed figura and syJbo, And Pamog tne of the woman and the seed of the privileges there Included Is "to eat of serpent, between the kingdom of God the tree of life." We would not be and the power of the devil between bold as to Imagine that we can the forces of right and the forces of see to the depth of the meaning of wrong between those agenc es which thls 9ymbo,.. Bye hath not seen, nor make for the highest interests of ear heard, neither have entered tato ruin, and wherever on the moral bat-1 the heart of man the 'thin. which mankind and those that make for his, God hath prepared for them that love tie fields of life a son or a daughter him i oii ' .,ove of Eve resists temptation, chooses for!,m0nr other things 'the restoration t" Ood and righteousness and self- tha f0iwhi oj IO Lyndsay Bisbae Robert Browning "My Star" Robert Browning "A Sonnet".:..Ellzabeth B. Browning "Arena Scene from Quo Vdis".... .-v Henry Sienclwlci ' Ralpr Thomas . "Offertntro frnm w i roriiin" Babtiste . Evelyn DoLong "By the Waters of Minnetonka".... .......Lieurance Margarette Cook Scenes from "A Schooi for. Scandal" " Richard Sheridan Lord Teazle, Ralph Thomas ' Lady Teazle, Mary Notson. Fails To Report Smash; Arrested Charged with failing to report an accident. Glen W. Porter, 22, of Aums vllle, was arrested Monday by Con stable Walter DeLong. When arraign ed ln Judge Unruh's court he plead ed guilty, and upon the recommenda tion of pistrict Attorney Gehlhur sen tence was continued. Porter. It is alleged, on March 5 drove his auto into Kelly Mattison wh'le he was riding a bicycle on State street. Yung Mattison sustain ed Injuries, and the bicycle was wrecked. Ft'LTO-V MATCHED AGAIN San Francisco, April 13. Fred Ful on has been matched to box Jack negro, in Mllwaukie, Or. terial paradise. We are not in this on April 21' " wa" Ieal"nel today. iiiuinjjaun comes irom xuiaa, uma. , denied and self-Bacrifice against the heart fellowship with the living God call to sin. there the sernenfo hood . ' la being bruised. The climax of this conflict occurred in the wilderness of Juduea, when, after his baptism, the Son of God met the devil In single combat, not with carnal weapons, but with the spirit sword of the word of God met him and vanquished him "was in all points tempted like as we are,- yet without sin." And in the light of that victory he challenges every son of Adam to follow him to follow him In the conflict with the seed of the serpent, and to share with him, in the thrill of the victory that is to be won. And from his Father's throne above he sends down the message, "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life." mm B The Joy Of A Perfect Skin Ay Know- the joy nd happiness that comes ito one thru possessing ,a skin of purity and "beauty. The soft, disV tinguished appearance it fenders brines out your natural beauty to its full, est In use over 70 years. m'tmvGtmrrv TOW By Using STE AnilS' PASTE I lnmloBlratln tor Et. Wee. I Cortrokcbct ana wrww. - I deeiie tn t he iwt to ran Irom ttw bulM lnf lor M od frfsh lr, JTinf or.tt Mm ln k Un uoicv.u. Two flu. d i -i hould lietuouga W kill tram S to . iijjiT foi ira esER mt kjui W.W.COORE House Furnisher ROME OF THE VICTROLA You get more for your Money at Moore's. "WaUeir Takes the place of houue lining for less. ' rL Max 0. Bur en 17 North Commroial I Cff-e Pi 9?S (FETpTjfl -th too EMPEY TRANSFER'S LOCAL AMD LOfo DISTANCE HAULING . TON, CONTRACT OR HOUR "WE STRIVE TO PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS" Labor Situation Here Held Good With unemployed mon and women N EURALGIA Or Headache) rub the forehead ' nd temples with vicks vaporu; ."YOUR BO0Y5OARD" - 30M50MI SO. FOR LOKO DISTAKCB AUTO TRUCKING) WillametteV alley Transfer Co. PHOJCB 140 WE ALSO DO LOCAL . V HAULIXQ , - 1920 HW1 . - Borders and Special Decorations now ready MAX 0. BUREN 179 North Commercial Street 'We're always meeting friends" Chesterfield ,VER three million smokers over three million friends know the "satisfying" goodness of Chester field's expert blend of fine Turicish and Do mestic tobaccos. They know "they satisfy." M ... i m hi lt! For lunch! A.JLJL X JAM. V ........ S..V: IVMH AmericasModPppul& In ordering speci: PostToasties by name. Made ijrPostum Cereal CoIncDattle Creei,Mich. Roai , (hated Cocked DeforeCbokina. llectrically , ihOmyVay Gibs. ,H - 51bs.4o2. 41Bf.8o2.- MEALS COOKED AUTOMATICALLY? SURE! Thousands of women have already learned the secret- Why Dont You? Miss Grace Bogue . of the i- . ... .." Westinghouse Co. Will Demonstrate How it is Done 1 r 1 'At Our Store, 237 North Liberty Street ' Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1:30 ioS p. m. ; Portland Railway, Light & Power Company.